[08:32] micahg: yeah, the git-snapshot is stable, that's what i've been packaging/using/testing for my ppa over the last weeks and months [13:49] Good morning [15:57] micahg: the thing with what happened since 1.1.6 is that it's bugfix and ui-improvements [15:58] ochosi: right, is there a specific version I should pull until? [15:59] micahg: no real features were added apart from soundmenu-support [15:59] and soundmenu support is really important for natty [15:59] it's almost a bugfix imo ;) [16:00] ochosi: the sound menu integration won't break Debian, right? [16:00] micahg: no, it's a plugin [16:00] micahg: do you want to build again for debian as well? [16:00] ochosi: yeah, I'd like to maintain this in Debian if we can [16:00] hm okay [16:01] micahg: well i thought that the easiest thing might be to just use my patched version for ubuntu [16:01] because it's so easy (you can just pull it from my ppa) [16:01] and then build 1.1.7 for debian when it's ready [16:01] and supersede ubuntu's middle-version or something [16:01] still getting that icon error from the ppa [16:02] charlie-tca: did you try to reinstall or reload the sources? [16:02] charlie-tca: and hi btw :) [16:02] yes [16:02] very strange, i can't reproduce that problem (yet) [16:02] I reload sources couple times a day [16:02] usually the buildbot would complain with an issue like this [16:03] charlie-tca: i'll take an in-depth look at your issue today [16:03] charlie-tca: could you please repost the whole output? [16:03] please do. I would not want to pull from a ppa for the users to use it, just to have them getting errors [16:03] sure [16:04] Processing triggers for menu ... [16:04] In file "/usr/share/menu/gmusicbrowser", at (or in the definition that ends at) line 7: [16:04] icon="gmusicbrowser.png" [16:04] ^ [16:04] Unexpected end of line. [16:04] Skipping file because of errors... [16:04] Is that the .desktop file or a different menu file? [16:05] guess that's the desktop-file, i'll quickly see whether changing that fixes the issue [16:11] charlie-tca: i'm uploading the supposed fix now to a different ppa, i'll send you a link for testing as soon as it's built [16:11] okay [16:16] "/usr/share/menu/gmusicbrowser" [16:16] that's not a desktop file [16:16] that's a debian menu file [16:16] (\o) [16:24] mr_pouit: heyo [16:24] mr_pouit: yeah, it's in debian/gmusicbrowser.menu [16:24] but i still don't quite get the error [16:25] ochosi: there's an empty line, try to remove it [16:25] or either add a \ at the end [16:29] yep that's what i did and hoped that it'd fix the issue [16:29] strange thing is that in maverick there's no problem [16:34] heh, I test because I have the ability to make things break good [16:44] charlie-tca: https://launchpad.net/~simon-steinbeiss/+archive/gmb-git [16:44] put it where? [16:45] add that ppa instead of the shimmer-ppa [16:45] and then update the package [16:45] okay [16:47] charlie-tca: and then let me know whether it works :) [16:54] installing [16:54] same error [16:55] now got gmusicbrowser (1.1.6ppa12) [16:56] ochosi: I show a space in the file after line 5 [16:56] command="/usr/bin/gmusicbrowser" \ [16:56] and then a blank line [16:57] then the icon= line [17:00] should I delete the file and then install again? [17:01] ochosi: should I do a remove and reinstall, maybe? Could that be a leftover from the earlier file? [17:06] charlie-tca: hm, you can try to purge and re-install, not sure it'll make a diff though... [17:06] i'll try to install that version in natty myself now [17:13] purged and reinstalled; made sure /usr/share/menu/gmusicbrowser went away [17:13] reinstalled but still show a blank line 6 in the file [17:16] and the install-error persisted? [17:16] I don't know yet, I am running updates again now [17:16] ah ok [17:17] right, line 6 is empty :( [17:18] sry, i'll quickly fix that [17:18] removing the empty line fixes it here [17:18] yeah, i don't know how that ended up there [17:18] there was a day when commits crossed each other with another contributor, so maybe it wasn't even me, who knows [17:19] anyhow, i'll fix this now and build new packages for the shimmer-ppa as well [17:19] could be, but at least we got it now [17:19] thanks charlie-tca, good catch [17:20] You are welcome [18:11] micahg: i'm talking to the gmusicbrowser dev again atm and he said: "in case 1.1.7 is not released in time for xubuntu, yes the best thing is to take the current git, it's the most stable version [18:11] cherry-picking commits at this point would be stupid, it would result in an largely untested new version" [18:36] micahg_: hmm, you're connection seems to have dropped before, did you get what i sent you? [18:36] or: read what i said [18:39] ochosi, there are some risks/cons to taking git snapshot too; is there anything that can be done to help gmusicbrowser get the release out in time? [18:41] cody-somerville: i'm doing pretty much all i can to help the release. what risks/cons are there wrt using a git-snapshot? [18:44] ochosi, besides the technical things like might not get the normal QAing upstream would do for a release and that we'd have to create the snapshot and put it into tarball (there might be complicated/undocumented release procedures or something), appearing like version 1.1.7 but not actually being 1.1.7 can be confusing - especially for someone say for example in the gmusicbrowser IRC channel trying to provide support to someo [18:44] ne using the git snapshot shipped with Xubuntu, lol. [18:45] cody-somerville: well, as the dev said himself (there's only one) this is in fact the most tested version, since 1.1.6 it's been bugfix only, also: he knows that we'd do that so he can still give support [18:46] cody-somerville: in fact i'm hanging out there too (#gmusicbrowser) giving support, so i think that side should be ok [18:46] cody-somerville: also: it shouldn't appear as 1.1.7 but as 1.1.6git$date (or whatever) [18:46] ochosi, we've shipped unreleased code for xfce4 before and upstream xfce4 was not happy about it - users would report bugs already fixed or ask for help in #xfce for things already fixed or things that were later changed. [18:46] * cody-somerville nods. [18:47] yeah, sure, it *can* be annyoing for upstream, but in this case he's completely with us [18:47] and i told him before that if gmb would be the default player in xubuntu people might start rants in his chan, so i guess he's in the picture ;) [18:47] * cody-somerville grins. [18:48] btw, i've been maintaining a fork of that player myself for at least a year now, it's really rock-solid [18:48] quentin (the dev) has a debian mentality wrt release-policy [18:49] and since ubuntu is based on debian's "unstable" i guess we can use gmusicbrowser "unstable" [18:49] (hopefully including a few of the UI improvements i made over the years) [18:50] cody-somerville: guess that was all a bit verbose now, but i really thought a lot about all this beforehands ;) [18:51] ochosi, much appreciated then :) [18:53] cody-somerville: alrighty :) [18:54] When unreleased xfce code was shipped in xubuntu, upstream wasn't asked nor notified [18:54] so that's a bit different here [18:55] Absolutely. [18:55] ochosi, we aim to provide stable versions (unstable just means less testing) [18:56] ochosi, so, I should pull the latest git snapshot or do you have a specific revision that I should pull up to [18:56] mr_pouit, are you ok with me uploading a snapshot straight to Ubuntu? [18:57] * micahg doesn't think Debian multimedia will go for it [18:57] * micahg will ask them first though [18:59] micahg: yep, no problem [19:02] We need a pretty solid release this cycle. I hear a lot of unhappiness with unity, and just as much about gnome3 [19:04] * micahg just replaced pidgin with Empathy(AIM+xmpp) and Xchat (IRC) due to freenode failing with E_TOOMANYCHANNELS, even with 2 apps now, I have a smaller memory footprint [19:05] * micahg wishes pidgin could be fixed [19:05] isn't empathy a pidgin fork? [19:06] well, they're using the telepathy libs from fd.o [19:06] * micahg just needs gwibber now for identi,ca and then it'll be all right :) [19:07] empathy sucks for most stuff, for those services I just need to be logged in case someone pings me [19:07] I use the browser for identi.ca [19:13] sry, was afk [19:14] micahg: i don't think it's worth it to package the git-version for debian, debian can wait for 1.1.7 [19:14] micahg: we can always supersede the snapshot that we'll get for ubuntu now with 1.1.7 [19:14] ochosi, when do you estimate 1.1.7 happening? [19:15] * micahg joins gmusicbrowser [19:15] micahg: i talked to squentin (quentin sculo) a couple of times lately, he's not sure... :/ that's why i talked about the git-snapshot today [19:15] micahg: so that we at least have *something* for xubuntu [19:16] micahg: a more stable version than 1.1.6 at least [19:16] ochosi, if we're talking 2 weeks, then I agree with you, if it's 2 months, I'd rather have a broader testing base and include Debian [19:16] * charlie-tca likes things that work for the final release :-) [19:17] micahg: he was considering releasing it last week, so it's around the corner [19:17] micahg: but each day makes it a bit more difficult to get the ack from ubuntu as mr_pouit told me, so i guess i was getting nervous [19:18] ochosi, well, depending on what's changed, we might not need an ACK, I'll have to look through the changelog later tonight [19:18] micahg: ok :) as i said, it's only bugfix and ui-fixes/improvements (apart from the mpris2 plugin) [19:19] yeah, mpris2 will need an ACK if it's new, you can file the request if you like, once we get the ACK, I'll package it [19:20] it's part of the core as a plugin, so it would make things easier for you to get the ack first [19:20] hm, never filed a request for ack before, how does it work? [19:20] ochosi, so, file a bug against gmusicbrowser requesting an update, explain why the snapshot is stable and what the new features are that need to be ACKd, I'm already subscribed to gmusicbrowsr bugs, then subscribe ubuntu-release to the bug [19:21] ochosi, inlcude the piece of the upstream changelog if it exists as well that's newer and a link to the upstream repo [19:21] i'm not part of the bugsquad, so i can't assign bugs to anyone [19:21] ochosi, I didn't say assign :) [19:21] oh, ok :) [19:21] micahg: so i can subscribe other people but not assign then :) [19:21] ochosi, right [19:21] i assumed i could either do both or neither [19:22] and a separate request for mpris? [19:22] or can that go in the same bugreport? [19:22] mpris2.pm is already in 1.1.6 afaik [19:22] ah ok, wasn't sure anymore [19:22] then this makes things a lot easier [19:22] oh, hmm, I remember ochosi saying 1.1.6 didn't have it [19:23] ochosi, one request, mention all the new features [19:23] let me check again [19:23] or rather my 1.1.6 doesn't ;) [19:24] I think I said it after I checked the current verion [19:24] version [19:24] no, 1.1.6 doesn't have it [19:24] mpris2 was released 24th of feb while 1.1.6 is from last year [19:24] mr_pouit, BTW, I still had the gmusicbrowser launcher even if I removed gmusicbrowser from the system [19:25] micahg: you mean in the panel or in the soundmenu? [19:26] ochosi, panel [19:26] ah, indeed, I've download the plugin manually [19:26] micahg: yep, because the panel does a copy of the desktop file and put it in ~/.config/xfcfe4/panel/launcher-XXXX [19:26] *xfce4 [19:31] micahg: ok, i'll do the request later tonight after i talked with squentin again [19:33] k, bbl [22:26] charlie-tca: the shimmer-ppa is updated and hopefully that version works now as expected [22:26] charlie-tca: if you could give it a try that would be great [22:27] okay [22:27] it has the same version number as the one from the other ppa i gave you today [22:27] so you might have to remove it before you re-install it [22:31] installing [22:33] ochosi: fixed! Yay! [22:34] charlie-tca: :) [22:34] yes, that's what i needed to hear tonight [22:34] Thanks [22:34] micahg: you might have read it in #gmusicbrowser today anyway, but squentin said he'll release 1.1.7 tomorrow night [22:34] it's all good news today it seems [23:28] ochosi, great, but you might as well file the paperwork anyways :) [23:28] micahg: yes, but i only want to do it once :) [23:29] micahg: or do you think i should file it even though 1.1.7 hasn't been released yet? [23:30] well, maybe we should wait so I can just request the sync with the FFe [23:30] FFe? [23:31] micahg: one more thing: i really need to apply a few UI-only patches to gmusicbrowser for xubuntu, can you help me with that? [23:34] ochosi, Feature freeze exception [23:34] ochosi, why can't they be merged upstream? [23:39] micahg: too little time [23:39] micahg: *most* of my changes are upstream now, but the review process really takes some time [23:40] micahg: it's mostly not about whether it works or is a clean implementation but about what layouts to include etc. [23:40] ochosi, are they Ubuntu specific? [23:40] micahg: what do you mean? [23:41] micahg: the UI changes would affect every distro using that version [23:41] ochosi, could they go in Debian and are they submittted in a bugtracker upstream? [23:41] micahg: there is no bugtracker upstream [23:41] micahg: they could go in debian, but i would want to discuss that first with upstream [23:42] micahg: and that would bring us back to square1 about the inclusion of my patches upstream [23:42] heh [23:43] would you mind me showing you the difference between the non-patched version and the patched version? [23:43] maybe you can then understand what this is about [23:43] ochosi, no, but I'm about to run out again [23:43] ok, just one sec [23:43] micahg: approx current default layout in gmb: http://gmusicbrowser.org/screenshots/QueueLibraryContext.png [23:44] micahg: my layout: http://imagebin.org/143448 [23:45] feel free also to compare the icons and other stuff [23:46] I'm confused, the first one is what 1.1.7 will look like? [23:46] no, well... [23:47] UI-wise gmusicbrowser hasn't changed much since ages [23:47] at least not the default [23:47] that's why it has never been adopted by any distro as default player [23:47] that's why i worked so hard in my fork to improve the UI, because the underlying functions and framework are unique [23:48] i did a few layouts, the "desktop"-version you see in the screener, a netbook-layout, a party-mode and a traytip (in case someone uses the trayicon in natty) [23:49] micahg: have you ever tried gmusicbrowser [23:49] ? [23:49] I launched it to make sure it runs before committed to the VCS for Debian [23:49] :) [23:49] ok, please give the original 1.1.6 version a quick spin and then try the version from my ppa: https://launchpad.net/~shimmerproject/+archive/ppa [23:50] the changes are trivial on the code-level but the looks and usability are a lot better (imho) [23:51] when deciding about gmb becoming the default player using the layout of the fork was an essential point [23:54] micahg: ok, g2g now, good night and talk to you in friday (will be off tomorrow the whole day) [23:54] micahg: let's keep our fingers crossed that everything will work out in time... [23:55] ochosi, ok, we can get this sorted out over the weekend if you're available [23:57] micahg: hopefully, i have a few friends visiting, so we'll see [23:57] ok, monday's fine, beta freeze is next thursday, so we need to get it in before then