
Axlinsorry histo, bip signs me in as Axlin|AFK automatically until i fire up a client00:00
esing123Histo if you send me those links you must explain me what of this is useful to me00:00
mafVirtualBox said I'm in 16 and need to set Ubuntu to 32 bit color.00:00
histogiiker: perhaps use a lighter desktop environment00:00
esing123Histo you dont even know what I want to do00:00
histoesing123: the second link00:00
mafI don't see it under System/Preferences.00:00
damianWhy does the livecd have gparted, but the actual install doesn't?00:00
giikerthankx guys for the replies, I will install and run midory and dillo and see how it goes...00:00
histoesing123: maybe if you asked people would know what help you need.00:00
damianIts rather inconvenient00:00
histo!ask > esing12300:00
ubottuesing123, please see my private message00:00
wechatesing123: maybe you don't mentioned 'guest or winuser password in config file?00:00
lathan_deversubottu, test00:01
ubottuYou're testing my patience!00:01
wechatesing123: anyway try swat -- somethink like http://localhost:<someportnumber>00:01
mafcan someone tell me where I can set color to 32 bit ? in ubuntu ?00:01
iiicygspikey_, what about dpkg?00:01
giikerhisto: I have Lubuntu installed in my 600 Mhz and 256 MB laptop and it works nice, but, really I need to uild another box RIGHT NOW!00:01
wechatubottu: you have a patiance?00:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:01
spikey_iiicyg: nothing00:01
giikerthanx again! will be back  in a few!00:02
cchildressso i have tried the usual instructions for installing a legacy broadcom wireless adapter...and still no luck. anyone have an idea what might be wrong? besides me :p00:02
headsetany use maplayer bout ?00:02
jepeuxhow long should gcc44 take to build?00:02
histoesing123: what is your problem with samba specifically?00:02
Prinler^LinCan i delete the stuff in /var/cache/apt ???00:03
esing123how do I know which workgroup I have https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/samba-fileserver.html00:03
iiicygspikey_, try apt-install00:03
bastidrazorPrinler^Lin: yes with sudo apt-get clean00:03
flohuelshi all00:03
wechatPrinler^Lin: sudo apt-get clean00:03
flohuelshave 1 question about screen and screenrc...00:03
jepeuxflohuels: just ask.. ;)00:03
flohuelshow do i specify a shell with options e.g. "bash --rcfile.."00:03
=== blackswan is now known as CignoNero
histoesing123: on the samba server or on windows computers?00:04
Prinler^Linok ty00:04
giikerby the way anybody using chromiun with GPU acceleration?00:04
flohuelsalready asked in #LFD but they couldn't help me...00:04
histogiiker: I have version 10 installed00:04
semitonesWhat is the difference in xset dpms between the modes "standby," "suspend," and "off"?00:04
semitonesi can't find em on the googles00:04
esing123histo let me exaplin what I want to do00:05
exutuxflohuels: --rcfile file Execute commands from file instead of the system wide initialization file /etc/bash.bashrc and the  standard personal initialization file ~/.bashrc if the shell is interactive (see INVOCATION below).00:05
headsetso ubuntu 10.10 cant play movies00:05
mafdoes anyone know how to set default color to 32 bit in ubuntu ?00:05
esing123histo I want to down and upload files to my linux computer from my windows 700:05
headsetgetting lines in screen00:05
giikerhisto: is acceleration worth only for video? o does the gpu really help run it faster?00:06
esing123histo I have added this into smb.conf so far : http://pastebin.com/h4V8Wmww00:06
histoesing123: well you have several options. You could create a samba share on the ubuntu computer and windows 7 would be able to browse to it with proper settings.00:06
wechatesing123: what is the connection type beetween two machines?00:06
histogiiker: i don't see any gpu settings00:06
histogiiker: but i'd ask in #ubuntu-offtopic00:07
esing123wechat wlan ofc00:07
semitoneswhere do I put my bash script so that it's in the $path?00:07
esing123wechat and ethernet00:07
giikerok, thanx!00:07
esing123histo what is the other option than ?00:07
flohuels@exutux: bash doesn't use one of the standard rc files, it's not a problem in ubuntu but in one other linux system...00:07
bastidrazorsemitones: you can add it like the example in ~/.profile00:07
histoesing123: okay does the windows computer see the ubuntu computer in the Network sectioin?00:07
wechatsemitones: echo $PATH00:07
mafanyone ?00:07
esing123histo no unfornatutly not00:07
histoesing123: try clicking on start and going to run and type //ipofubuntucomputer00:08
exutuxflohuels: so this is worng channel00:08
bastidrazorsemitones: err..i misread.. you can have a ~/bin that will be included in your PATH so that you can add your scripts there.00:08
histoesing123: substituting ip with the actual ip ofcourse00:08
esing123histo does it matter if I use lubuntu for the //opfubuntucomputer command?00:08
semitonesbastidrazor, ok. too bad there isn't one automatically made for you00:08
esing123ihsto ah okay00:08
flohuelshmm ok sorry for that i thought there would be many people with general screen/bash knowledge00:08
histoesing123: no the actuall internal ip address00:08
flohuels:-) but thanks00:09
bastidrazorsemitones: just create it mkdir ~/bin then add files to it. ~/.profile will automatically add it for you00:09
semitonesoh sweet! thanks00:09
exutuxflohuels: but bash is bash in all linux systems.... and --rcfile works too00:09
histoesing123: you could also open a cmd prompt in windows from the run dialog and try to ping the ip of the lubuntu computer00:09
semitonesbastidrazor, what extension should a bash script use?00:09
mafif you can read this line press .00:09
histosemitones: doesn't need one00:09
mafI get the feeling my posts aren't even posting.00:09
histosemitones: linux doesn't use extensions00:09
bastidrazorsemitones: extensions are pointles in linux. as long as its executable00:09
histomaf: we can see you00:09
mafoh, phew. ok00:10
wechatsemitones: *.sh or not any . But make it chmod +x00:10
flohuelsexutux: yeah, and I will have to use --rcfile option for bash in screenrc...00:10
bastidrazorsemitones: after you've added it, either start a new terminal session or type source ~/.profile00:10
semitonesok i'll leave it as no extension00:10
semitones"source ~/.profile" ?00:10
esing123no it does not work histo00:11
bastidrazorsemitones: that will rerun .profile so that ~/bin is included in your PATH.00:11
flohuelsexutux: i also could write a script or alias that includes that option but i thought there must be the possibility to do that in screenrc itself...00:11
esing123/ does not work either00:11
histoesing123: forget about the port its //
histoesing123: if that is the ip of the lubuntu machine00:12
cchildresshmm...by manually extracting the firmware i seem to have it going...for now00:12
esing123yes in my router it says lubunts ip is 10000:12
esing123and in ifconfig too00:12
mafso, I'm running XP and installed Ubuntu via VirtualBox... So I could run Ubuntu inside of VB - and then install VB on ubuntu and install another instance of XP and run IT from ubuntu ?00:12
ccvvccI got a file alot of lines formatted like this a,b how can i change positions? so it will be b,a?00:12
mafI wonder how many layers you could go00:12
histoesing123: okay then // two /  not one00:12
mafXP inside of ubuntu inside of XP inside of ubuntu etc.00:12
wechatesing123: maybe you need some GUI prorgram to configure share like in GNOME00:12
AlexanderCan somebody help me? I just installed flash player with ubuntu on my lappy and youtube videos will not play00:12
histoesing123: or it's \\ I can never remember what windows uses00:13
histoor \00:13
ccvvccI got a file alot of lines formatted like this a,b how can i change positions? so it will be b,a?00:13
histo /00:13
Evan1Alexander: Did you restart your web browser?00:13
flohuelsAlexander: install flashplugin-installer00:13
mafI have another question, although I still haven't found where to set color to 32 bit.   How can I increase my screen size from 800x 600  ?  Using VirtualBox from XP to run ubuntu00:13
AlexanderI already have flash. :X00:14
bastidrazorccvvcc: if you were using vim you could :s/a,b/b,a/g00:14
mafseems 800x600 is largest it allows.00:14
wechatccvvcc: search some commands working with columns00:14
histomaf: install guest additions00:14
esing123histo no it doesnt work either00:14
mafis that from ubuntu ?00:14
mafok -I'll look into that. thanks00:14
esing123but I can ping tho00:14
mafoh, I see00:14
mafin VB00:14
ccvvccbastidrazor, but not all the file is a,b00:14
histoesing123: do you get an error when you try what I told you. doens't help me when you say it doesn't work.00:14
SpooK^laptopshould work00:14
ccvvccb,c n,w00:15
wechatesing123: chmod 777 your_share_folder00:15
AlexanderI already have it flohuels.00:15
jepeuxjepeux: self00:15
histowechat: that won't do anything00:15
semitonesAlexander, how did you install flash?00:15
AlexanderVia Software center00:15
esing123yes histo. it says // could not be found00:15
histowechat: he can't even see the machine in network browsing doesn't matter if the shares are working at this point.00:15
histoesing123: can you pastebin your full smb.conf please00:16
histoesing123: any firewall ont he windows 7 box?00:16
bastidrazorccvvcc: then run another with the matching argument00:16
semitonesAlexander, "adobe flash plugin"?00:16
=== jh is now known as Guest92775
wechathisto: ok, install Look@LAN, Zenmap and scan your network from win*00:16
exutuxhisto: but shared folder is in windows or in Ubuntu?00:16
histoesing123: i've seen issues with filesharing and some firewalls like norton etc...00:17
semitonesAlexander, what version of ubuntu? 32 bit, 64 bit?00:17
histoexutux: he's trying to get samba going so  windows 7 box can see a share00:17
wechatAlexander: go get.adobe.com/**** and download *.deb -- it always works  for me00:17
Alexander64 bit00:17
Alexanderthe latest version00:17
AlexanderI think so.00:17
exutuxhisto: windows use \\ipaddr00:17
histoexutux: ahh00:18
histoesing123: \\  would be the right slash not /00:18
semitoneshmm it should be working then -- might want to visit this page to see if it's just youtube messing up http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/00:18
stiltzkinGreetings...hoping someone can help me with a frustrating display issue00:18
semitonesAlexander, that should tell you what version of flash you have installed00:18
randomuserjust popped in - if the guy working on samba is still trying to figure it out, i have some tips00:19
wechatAlexander: dpkg -l | grep flash00:19
histosemitones: 10.2 has issues right now00:19
stiltzkinI have a Dell panel, an E153FPF I believe00:19
histoAlexander: there is a 64bit version of flash prerelease availible from adobe fyi00:19
stiltzkinThere is a bug out for my issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/51499700:19
exutuxhisto: and on Ubuntu him must create sambauser by smbpasswd00:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 514997 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "Dell E153Fpf 15" monitor not supported for native resolution" [Undecided,New]00:19
stiltzkinubottu, yeah I see that00:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:19
histoexutux: not to browse to a computer only when trying to access the shares00:20
exutuxhisto: oh sure00:20
histoexutux: he can't even get the first part working so he hasn't made it that far.00:20
semitoneshisto, my version is 10.2, on 64 bit and it seems to be working. what is the bug?00:20
SpooK^laptopubottu, allright divide 2 with 000:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:20
Alexanderhisto where can i get it?00:20
exutuxhisto: oh ok, step by step setup :p00:20
stiltzkinOK, so basically I can't get X to start at all with this monitor. I think it's a refresh rate problem. I've tried setting it myself manually in xorg.conf but to no avail00:21
stiltzkinAnyone have any ideas?00:21
histoAlexander: i'm trying to find you a link hold up they keep hiding it on adobe00:21
AlexanderLol, thanks.00:21
=== Sammy is now known as Guest41402
esing123histo it was a lot of work copying all infos from nano ^^ here you go : http://pastebin.com/r9Rfvqzd00:21
stiltzkinI've been working at this on and off over the past 3 days and I can't make any headway with it00:21
histoAlexander: http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10_square.html00:22
Guest41402i got 50gb for the root system, how much space it used by ubuntu maverick by default?00:22
stiltzkinI'm beginning to think Ubuntu just can't support my monitor00:22
histo!pastebinit > esing12300:22
ubottuesing123, please see my private message00:22
Alexanderso histo, how do i install that?00:22
AlexanderAnd is it safe?00:22
esing123oh yes00:22
esing123\\IP works00:23
FloodBot3esing123: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:23
stiltzkinAnyone here an expert with xorg.conf maybe?00:23
wechatAlexander: get.adobe.com/flashplayer00:23
histoAlexander: remove whatever flash you have now. and dowload that. Then you put it in ~/.mozilla/plugins for just your user or /lib/mozilla/plugins where ever the system wide folder is if you want it system wide00:23
histoAlexander: after extracting it ofcourse00:23
wechatesing123: congratulations00:23
randomuseresing123, lol, that was going to be my tip00:23
Guest41402is there anything like silverlight for linux?00:24
wechatGuest41402: moonlight00:24
Guest41402i'll take a look, thx00:24
esing123histo but is my smb.conf correct th o?00:24
histoesing123: okay the network browsing is just a stupid problem with netbios naming. Or the workgroups are different.00:24
=== Guest41402 is now known as Samuel2
histoesing123: I would suggest putting your shares at the bottom of the file not at the top but it looks okay to me.00:24
Samuel2i got 50gb for the root system, how much space it used by ubuntu maverick by default?00:24
wechatGuest41402: Guest41402 : install it then click on video - accept the message - and it will download codecs - enjoy00:25
stiltzkinI'm gonna try one more refresh rate setting and if it doesn't work I'm installing a different OS, this is kinda nuts00:25
damianUnfortunately moonlight doesn't work with netflix because of drm00:25
esing123i set chmod now to 75500:25
Alexanderwait histo00:25
esing123i will test it00:25
AlexanderI can't find my firefox folder.00:25
wechatSamuel2: my / is allways 10GB - really enogh00:25
Samuel2seems fine then00:25
semitonesHow come my script "screenoff" runs in terminal, but when I set a keyboard shortcut to run it, I get00:26
Samuel2thx wechat00:26
histoesing123: there is also this for creating samba users if you want user pass access http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/create-a-samba-user-on-ubuntu/ .  If you want guest access you ahve to edit your smb.conf accordingly and change security = user to security = share00:26
wechatSamuel2: absolutely fine, and my home is always 8 GB - ok00:26
histostiltzkin: what's wrong?00:26
semitones"error while trying to run (screenoff) which is linked to the key <foo><bar><bob>00:26
damianAs long as you keep all your big stuff on a separate partition 10GB is definitely enough00:26
=== ubuntu is now known as SuBmUnDo
* rootpt is away: Estou ocupado00:26
stiltzkinhisto, display isn't supported by Ubuntu I suppose. Not sure00:26
Samuel2now how can I get rid of the old kernal in grub?00:27
histostiltzkin: nvm I see the problem.00:27
randomuserwechat, i don't believe you. You said 'always 10GB' then 'always 8GB' and i dont think either is enough00:27
histostiltzkin: what type of video card?00:27
iiicygCan you advise me extremely lightweight browser (not console)?00:27
Samuel2iiicyg, \ chromium00:28
stiltzkinhisto, Radeon RV200 QW00:28
histostiltzkin: did you see post #5 it has a solution00:28
semitonesHow come my script "screenoff" runs in terminal, but when I set a keyboard shortcut to run it, I get "error while trying to run (screenoff) which is linked to the key <foo><bar><bob>"00:28
=== ExplodingPiglets is now known as Zeku
stiltzkinhisto, yes, the solution is only for the nvidia-xconfig though00:28
wechatrandomuser: 10GB - /, 2GB - swap, 8GB - /home00:28
itaylor57i have 10.10 64bit and my flash works fine00:28
stiltzkinhisto, I can't even get X to run at all. The monitor just says "Cannot display this video mode."00:28
histostiltzkin: there is also the xrandr solution.00:29
stiltzkinhisto, xrandr does nothing. Just prints "Can't open display."00:29
Alexanderhisto please help me?00:29
headsetseen ubuntu dont like ati cards00:29
AlexanderI can't find my firefox folder00:29
histostiltzkin: most likely you are going to have to setup a custom xorg.conf to set the max display00:29
semitonesi thought ubuntu didn't use xorg.conf no mores00:29
stiltzkinhisto, already done that. Multiple times with various settings00:29
aeon-ltdheadset: linux in general doesn't like ati cards, though its getting better00:30
damianI made the mistake of giving Ubuntu 40GB when after year (I upgraded over the internet to 10.10 from 10.04), I have only used 10.25GiB, I use a games partition for wine and storage for big downloads00:30
stiltzkinhisto, including the ones on that bug page, straight from Dell specs00:30
histoAlexander: well for your user its in /home/Alexander/.mozilla/plugins the system wide one. I have to check on hold up00:30
wechatsemitones: maybe `gnome-terminal <keyforcommand> script_name`00:30
headsetis that why mplayer dont movies that well00:30
semitoneswechat, cool will try00:30
alecbenzerI just got a fresh 10.10 install, intalled chrome (not chromium) and tried to go to youtube. I didn't get anything about the flash plugin not working but the video just won't load. (flash is also listed in about:plugins). anyone know what might be up?00:30
histoAlexander: /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins00:31
semitonesalecbenzer, tell us what version of flash you have http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/00:31
histoAlexander: you need to install flash00:31
damianI wish I could give Vista 20GB, but winsxs and several other folders fill up within a few hours of use00:31
Alexanderwhere is /usr under?00:31
AlexanderFile system00:31
histoAlexander: yes00:32
esing123hehe it even works entering my downloads folder :D00:32
alecbenzersemitones: 10,2,152,2700:32
esing123Thanks !!!!!!!00:32
AlexanderWhat do you mean install flash?00:32
histoAlexander: extract the downloaded file tar -xvzf nameofflash.tgz   then cp the .so somehting like sudo cp thenameofthe.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins   then restart firefox00:32
stiltzkinWhere can I check to see what refresh rate Ubuntu is trying to use for my monitor? I set the correct values in xorg.conf00:33
histoAlexander: or you cna just copy it in your /home/username/.mozilla/plugins folder without sudo but it won't be system wide.  I don't know if there are other users on this box etc...00:33
alecbenzerhm, actually hulu's player seems to be working00:33
alecbenzermaybe just a problem with youtube00:33
esing123Will samba be started every start automatically or do I have to add it to startup settings?00:33
nimbioticsHelllo evry1. I've got a  568Mb zip file and I need to split it into 25Mb files. When I try the command "zipsplit -n 25000 MyCompressedFile.zip" I get error message "zipsplit error: Interrupted (aborting)". Why? TIA!00:33
histoalecbenzer: if you are running 10.2 there are many bugs00:33
semitonesalecbenzer, i think it might me -- try enabling html5 on youtube00:34
Samuel2is there some usefullnes for the mentest thing in the grub?00:34
semitoneshisto, what bugs?00:34
Alexandernope histo00:34
histosemitones: try opening two flash videos at once watch it crash00:34
Alexanderjust me00:34
histoAlexander: nope what?00:34
AlexanderSo which is the easiest way?00:34
histoAlexander: ohh00:34
AlexanderI am the only user on my lappy00:34
xjhow to uninstall my QQ00:34
semitoneshisto, sure that happens, but it shouldn't prevent them from opening any videos00:35
histoAlexander: then just put it in /home/username/.mozilla/plugins   remember .mozilla is a hidden directory in your /home/username so if you are looking at it with a GUI filemanager. You have to hit ctrl+h to show the hidden folders00:35
histosemitones: it derps up sometimes00:35
Alexanderthanks histo!!00:35
histosemitones: also practly none of there videos or html5 or don't work00:35
wechatesing123: install chkconfig (it turns on the deamon like this: sudo chkconfig <deamon> on)00:35
xjhello , help~ how can i uninstall my QQ00:35
semitonesAlexander, remember when you need to upgrade flash, uninstall this plugin before using software center00:36
headsetonly get mplayer in x1100:36
exutuxesing123: it will start alone at the boot00:36
itaylor57histo: I juat ran 3 youtube vids and no crash00:36
Alexanderwait what semitones?00:36
=== Guest76210 is now known as DarkDevil
esing123exutux ah k00:36
APwhats going on00:36
Alexanderhisto there is no plugins folder just an extensions folder00:36
histoitaylor57: it will derp at some point00:36
=== DarkDevil is now known as Guest83508
APwHAt isgoing oooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn00:37
exutuxesing123: you don't need install00:37
esing123How do I start teamviewer automatically on startup?00:37
histoAlexander: then put it in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins   use sudo00:37
rwwAP: Ubuntu technical support.00:37
esing123ok thx exutux :)00:37
histoesing123: at it to your session00:37
histoesing123: s/at/add00:37
Alexanderso what command do i put in the terminal?00:37
exutuxesing123: you don't need to install other things00:37
xjhello , help~ how can i uninstall my QQ?00:37
APhi i am new not in your company00:37
histoAlexander: sudo cp nameoffile.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins00:37
damianmemtest is probably the best way to test your memory, as for why its included in grub, convenience?00:37
stephthegeekso i plugged in a secondary monitor and enabled it, and after applying/closing changes, my taskbars have become unclickable and partially hidden00:38
esing123histo s/at/add teamviewer ?00:38
semitonesAlexander, if you manually install the pre-release plugin, you'll have to remove it before attempting the "normal" install through software center00:38
semitonesAlexander, like if you wanted to get updates00:38
stephthegeeki can alt-tab to a terminal window though, so how would i open display settings from the command line?00:38
exutuxxj: what about your QQ is?00:38
Alexanderbut semitones, the normal plugin is not working for me00:38
stephthegeek(or fix this some alternate way)00:38
histoesing123: add teamviwer to your session startup.  Look under system > preferences > session or startup applications can't remember what it's called uner the menu now.00:38
Alexanderi mean it is but youtube is not working00:38
histoAlexander: you need to restart your browser after putting the .so in that folder00:39
histoAlexander: and check the about:plugins page00:39
giikerguys, I think Iḿ stickting to w3m, midori uses webkit and runs a little faster than firefox but less ram, links, lynx does not format webpages that well... love my new browser :-)00:39
semitonesAlexander, i'm not saying not to do the manual install, i'm just telling you ahead of time how to update it in the future00:39
xjextutux , a software.00:39
damiannimbiotics, if you can't use zip's built in splitter you could always use split in conjunction with it00:40
=== Zeku is now known as ExplodingPiglets
histogiiker: links or links2 has graphics support fyi00:40
esing123histo yes I have the session manager in preferences but I cant add anything to it. there is a list with checkboxes no more00:40
exutuxxj: software called QQ? i don't know it, but how you have installed it? from repos or??00:40
wechatexutux: it is some kind of icq - qq00:41
headsetbetter use swap or ram ?00:41
histoesing123: what version of ubuntu are you running?00:41
esing123histo i run lubuntu 101000:41
wechatesing123: make .xinit file?00:42
giikerhisto: just read the man page about the -g option thanks, will try it now with g option00:42
histoesing123: ask in #lubuntu i'm not sure what "their way" is00:42
aeon-ltdheadset: ram, its faster but you need both anyway00:42
stephthegeekhmm, ok i figured out how to disable the second monitor, except the problem still exists going back to just my laptop screen -- taskbars missing text labels and unclickable00:42
headsetgot it set to 0 ?00:42
xjexutux , i am new , can you tell me how to uninstall  a software ?00:42
histoxj: sudo apt-get remove packagename00:42
alex__why is x-windows xlib xorg or x anything sooooooooooooooooooooo bad?00:43
alex__gtk included00:43
xji think it is just as other00:43
bullgard4dist-upgrade Ubuntu 10.04.1 to 10.10 only partially succeeded. '~$ sudo service gdm restart' obtains: "restart: Unknown instance:". What is the correct syntax?00:43
alex__it's like the x system is just one big steaming pile00:43
=== root_ is now known as con_soul
histoalex__: what areyou trying to do?00:43
wechatbullgard4: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm00:43
MagicJIf I connect to a remote machine using PLACES/NETWORK etc I can use what I need from the GUI - how do I see that remote machine once I am connected from the command line, etc?00:43
=== andrew_ is now known as Guest75903
bullgard4wechat: I will follow your suggestion.00:44
alex__histo, i'm trying to do the windows equivalent of taking a screenshot (IN MEMORY ONLY. no jpegs, pngs or whatevers to create), and then reading the colors of pixels00:44
alex__soudns sooo easy doesn't it?00:44
exutuxesing123: you must edit /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart and put your command there00:44
wechatbullgard4: sudo /etc/init.d/<service> restart00:44
giikerhisto: i just run links -g website, and got error: nod isplay driver, haha forgot i'm sshing to a remote box :-)00:44
alex__and i got lost for 7 hours in this x crap and some other sdl crap that hasn't had dcoumentation updated since 200900:44
exutuxxj: you can use synaptic too00:44
stephthegeekah, this link worked, in case anyone's following along at home... http://netgator.blogspot.com/2010/06/taskbar-missing-in-ubuntu-1004.html00:44
histogiiker: ahh yeah you need a worker frame buffer to do graphics with links2 unless you use X forwarding and launch it.  It may work that way with the -g option.00:45
alex__gtk is documented just as well as sdl.. piss poor00:45
exutuxesing123: or in ~/.config/autostart00:45
alex__gtk gdk gtkmm whatever it is00:45
alex__it's a big huge mess.00:45
esing123perfect thx00:45
xjexutux , yes , synaptic is well00:45
esing123thx exutux I added it00:45
giikerhisto: thanx again00:46
esing123I reboot now00:46
esing123and hpfully it works00:46
alex__linux is only good for wgetting apache servers and configuring nat and connecting a shitty website to the internet.00:46
xjextux ,thanks00:46
alex__not for anything else you might do on a regular desktop00:46
exutuxnot at all00:46
histo!language | alex__00:46
ubottualex__: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:46
bullgard4wechat: '~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm' did not produce any output. (The command was accepted.)00:46
alex__anything video, forget it00:46
histoalex__: what you are trying to do is not something that is normally done. If you have a question about ubuntu please feel free to ask.00:46
alex__it's like linux is for blind people only00:47
histo!ot | alex__00:47
ubottualex__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:47
alex__expected as much. "not supported"00:47
exutuxit's only your wrong opinion00:47
wechatbullgard4: restarting gdm will kill your graphics - it's like ctrl+alt+del00:47
alex__o well back to windows00:47
wechatalex__: Niasilil?00:47
wechatalex__: fixed: "into win*"00:48
nimbioticsdamian, How do u do that, and will I be able to unzip in windows?00:48
bullgard4wechat: What should I substitute for <service> in the command: 'sudo /etc/init.d/<service> restart'?00:48
stiltzkinI plugged in a Compaq monitor with the same resolution - works fine. So it's just that particular Dell monitor that doesn't work? Hope someone can help me understand this.00:48
h00kbullgard4: sudo [servicenamehere] restart, for instance: sudo service ssh restart00:48
wechatbullgard4: sorry, i can't remember is a gdm a service00:48
h00kwechat, bullgard4: yes, gdm is a service00:49
randomuseralex__, don't you have a print screen button?00:49
wechath00k: :)00:49
histostiltzkin: probably an issue with the refresh rate or hz00:49
alex__randomuser, i'm trying to apply the concepts of artificial intelligence to a game.00:49
giikerhisto: had to enable graphics when compiling, aaahhhhhhh!00:49
alex__which invovles screen scraping.00:49
stiltzkinhisto, but they both seem to use the same refresh rate - 60Hz00:49
alex__not print screen and me manually doing things00:49
wechatbullgard4: the *best* way to restart gdm is `kill gdm` ^)00:49
h00kwechat, bullgard4: sudo service gdm restart <- this works very nicely00:49
alex__but yea.. the whole x windows system is completely broken00:50
alex__there has even been a book written about how broken it is00:50
histo!troll > alex__00:50
randomuseralex__, so you have one entity that needs to react to another, and it's "input" comes from color recognition and screen scraping?00:50
histostiltzkin: odd00:50
alex__yes randomuser00:50
wechathook: ok, :) i'm usually restart apache and openvpn not gdm :)00:50
stiltzkinhisto, I'd much rather use the Dell panel if possible - the Compaq is a hulking beast00:50
alex__specifically, i'm doing a neural network ocr thing.00:51
bullgard4h00k: It does not work nicely. It obtains with me: "restart: Unknown instance:".00:51
wechatalex__: "Niasilil" == give up00:51
alex__it's easy in windows..  getdesktopwindow(), get the device context, getpixel() job done.00:51
randomuseralex__, is there somethigng that led you to believe this is sound methodology for programming a game?00:51
wechatbullgard4: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm --help00:51
alex__i'm not programming a game, please read00:51
histostiltzkin: there may be some X experts that can get you going around here. But i'd bet you'll find the same issue with any distro that is running bullet proof X and that monitor00:51
randomuser<alex__> randomuser, i'm trying to apply the concepts of artificial intelligence to a game.00:51
wechatalex__: Delphi?00:52
alex__yes. Never hear of deep blue? but this is OCR instead00:52
alex__i'm not programming a game.00:52
stiltzkinhisto, indeed, this is not an ubuntu-specific problem. I tried Arch and I have Lenny running at the moment. Same issue00:52
alex__i'm programming soemthing that recognizes objects on the screen00:52
syrinx_I would think the scope of this argument is beyond this channel alex__00:52
alex__based on images.00:52
stiltzkinhisto, it just baffles me that this one monitor could be completely misconfigured every time00:52
alex__and i can't getpixel because xwindows is broken00:52
histostiltzkin: yeah it's the way Xorg is detecting the display modes. if you specify a working mode in your xorg.conf you should be fine00:52
wechatalex__: It is *very* easy in windows: firfox, far, soffice ^)^)^)^)^00:52
histo!ot > alex__00:53
ubottualex__, please see my private message00:53
stiltzkinhisto, how would I go about doing that? All I have in there now is a "Monitor" section that specifies the HorizSync and VertRefresh rates00:53
randomuseralex__, i would have to agree with syrinx_ : if you need help with X, you should talk to X, not the people that package it for you00:53
alex__xwindows is very on topic00:53
bullgard4wechat: This obtains: "The script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an Upstart job, but --help is not supported for Upstart jobs."00:53
syrinx_xwindows is idependent of ubuntu, thus not fit for this channel00:54
histoalex__: your problem has nothing to do with ubuntu. and you are just continously whinning about X windows nto asking questions00:54
wechatbullgard4: sooooooo, only restart X?00:54
alex__gnome is built on x windows right?00:54
exutuxbullgard4: sudo service gdm restart00:54
randomuseralex__, i don't want to be discouraging, we need game developers00:54
nsd_Anyone know how to make Ubuntu accept bad ram addresses (as indicated by memtest)?00:54
nsd_That is, ignore those addresses00:54
histostiltzkin: I'd check that bug report you had did that guy have working modes posted?  I'm sure there is working xorg.conf somewhere on line.00:54
histoalex__: i would try in #linuxhelp or #xorg00:55
alex__for the last time, i'm not developing a game :/ i'm developing something to play one.  I would never develop a game in any flavor of linux. there's just no drivers for video cards that work.00:55
randomuseralex__, you should realize that one can't simply find a one-to-one conversion for every method used in windows and expect it to work. You need to learn your tools00:55
exutuxbullgard4: or better is sudo service gdm stop && sudo service gdm start00:55
lluacould someone help me with this mpc volume + problem? http://pastebin.com/R1Ugqyc800:55
stiltzkinhisto, no, he didn't post his .conf file, just a list of setting specified by Dell, which I tried my best to implement into a .conf file. I've tried sample configurations but can't find anything that works00:55
giikeranyone using irssi here? how do I go to my terminal from inside irssi?00:56
wechatalex__: while you're a gaming people are building the internrt00:56
histo!attitude | alex__00:56
ubottualex__: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines00:56
bullgard4exutux: As I mentioned earlier, this fails.00:56
syrinx_giiker: /exit00:56
histostiltzkin: what is the model of monitor again?00:56
exutuxbullgard4: so but do you have gdm? or kdm?? or other?00:56
giikersyrinx_: that will logme out, right?00:56
syrinx_giiker: yes00:56
stiltzkinhisto, I believe it is a Dell E153FPF, but I can't find a model number on it anywhere00:56
stiltzkinhisto, that's only from googling the serial number00:57
giikersyrinx_: don't want to logout of irssi00:57
datakidmorning. yesterday afternoon I logged into a clients server, used /usr/bin/at to schedule a 5am reboot then logged out. The reboot didn't happen.00:57
wechatexutux: dpkg-reconfigure says he only has gdm00:57
syrinx_giiker: open a new terminal?00:57
tsimpsongiiker: then you need to use another terminal, or screen00:57
EvilPhoenixhow can i remove a package that has a failed prerm and postinst script?00:57
bullgard4exutux: In the past (Ubuntu 10.04-1) I had gdm.00:57
histogiiker: you could do something likie /exec commandname     or use screen00:57
datakidWhat have I done wrong? Should the at commend have been run in screen?00:57
alex__well. i'm perfectly fine with the answer "you can't do that in ubuntu because it's broken".  Now I can stop spinning my wheels in the mud.00:57
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syrinx_alex__: you probably CAN do that, you just don't know how00:57
stiltzkinWhy is everyone being trolled so hard by this alex guy?00:58
syrinx_and i've told you this is the wrong place to try to find out how00:58
exutuxbullgard4: pidof gdm00:58
nsd_alex__: what are you trying to find out?00:58
h00kalex__: perhaps you can check the forums, but if this isn't an Ubuntu specific issue, you're better to ask in ##linux or elsewhere00:58
InsaneModzcan anyone help me connect to a lan network? i seem to be having some trouble?00:58
alex__it is very distribution dependent.. GTK c++ programming isn't something that's every distro workable.00:58
giikertsimpson: funny thing is I'm running my irssi inside screen and I logged in into a remote shell using ssh, ahha, complicated, I know, I know I can just dettach, but I thought there was another way instead of pressing Ctrl -a -d00:58
wechatalex__: learn to use gOOgle00:58
histogiiker: i use irssi inside of screen over an ssh connection so I can C-a c and create a new terminal etc....00:59
bullgard4exutux: '~pidof gdm' does not produce any output.00:59
exutuxbullgard4: uhm ps ax | grep gdm00:59
wechatbullgard4: ps aux | grep gdm00:59
histogiiker: here ssh > box  then screen irssi    then inside screen you can have as many windows as you want. C-a c for a new one00:59
exutuxi think that it was gdm-binary00:59
stiltzkinhisto, nevermind, found the model number in teensy font on the bottom side, it is indeed an E153FPF00:59
giikerhisto: I'm connected to this channel just like you, so the only way to get out of irssi without login out is dettaching?01:00
exutuxgiiker: yes01:00
alex__wechat i've been googling for 8 hours.  Most things say:  Xwindows broken. Xorg broken and no new releases.  Use SDL (no documentation update since 2009).  Use some GDk, gtk, gtkmm gtwhatever. use xlib. install xorg-dev.  install xlib-dev. install some other stuff. it's a big mess.01:00
tsimpsongiiker: no, just open another window, you don't need to detach from screen to do that01:00
histogiiker: no opena  new window in screen01:00
wechatalex__: So?01:00
giikerhisto: you are right, forgot one can create other screens, with C-a c, thanx one again...01:01
histogiiker: ctrl+a  then hit c to create a new window will put you at a terminal.01:01
histogiiker: ctrl+a + backspace to go back to the previous screen etc...01:01
bullgard4wechat: '~$ ps aux | grep gdm; 25841 0.0 0.0 5112  764 tty1    S+  01:59   0:00 grep gdm'. I infer that gdm is not installed.01:01
wechatalex__: not only googling but REading bro01:01
giikerhisto: let try it...01:01
wechatbullgard4: ps aux | grep xdm01:02
alex__most of what i read doesn't help.. would u like the 20 or so links that end with a question?01:02
wechatbullgard4: lxdm?01:02
exutuxbullgard4: why tty1??01:02
alex__they are actually ubuntu forum links01:02
histogiiker: or ctrl+a+"  to get a window list then you can ctrl+a+# to go to a specific window01:02
wechatbullgard4: fedora?01:02
giikerhisto: awesomeeeeee, it worked...01:02
alex__but yes, i know this is not possible in c++.. i have to use some python junk to do this01:02
exutuxbullgard4: are you on tty console?01:02
alex__even though i want maximum performance01:02
wechatbullgard4: Why are you hunting on gdm? :)01:03
bullgard4wechat: I am Using Ubuntu 10.10 but it is not fully configured yet.01:03
syrinx_your still trolling?01:03
histogiiker: that's the whole point of screen. you can also split windows horizontally so irssi uptop and terminal below or vertically if you have hte vertical patch. (ubuntu default).01:03
bl4ckcombwhen installing ubby from the live cd, after partitioning the disks and clicking install, is it normal that the wait cursor is turning around for like 10 minutes without any new window popping up?01:03
giikerctrl+a+" did not work,01:03
wechatbullgard4: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a ?01:03
rwwalex__: As the rather noticible lack of help you're getting from #ubuntu is showing, this channel really isn't suited to the level of support you need. You might want to look elsewhere rather than continuing to butt heads with people :\01:03
alex__1% desktop adoption rate. good job linux.01:03
histogiiker: remember you have to shift ' to get a "01:03
bullgard4exutux: I am on  virtual console number 1 at present.01:03
rwwthat works too.01:03
giikerhisto: split horizontally, how?01:04
wechatbl4ckcomb: `dmesg | tail -20` what says?01:04
giikerhisto: yeah forgot to Shift01:04
histogiiker: ctrl+a+s  then ctrl+a+TAB to switch between them i believe01:04
exutuxbullgard4: and sudo service gdm start   doesn't works too?01:04
histogiiker: after switching to the lower screen then you have to ctrl+a+backspace or open a new screen in it with c01:05
bl4ckcombwechat, VFS: busy inodes on changed media or resized disk sr01:05
wechatbullgard4: you havo n0 X?01:05
bl4ckcombwechat, and then: eth1: no IPv6 routers present01:05
wechatbl4ckcomb: ipv6 it's ok01:05
wechatbl4ckcomb: have no X?01:05
bullgard4exutux, wechat I have started '~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a'. This will take a while to finish.01:06
bl4ckcombwechat, Xes in the dmesg log? no (or did you mean X server?)01:06
exutuxbullgard4: so do it01:06
wechatbsmith093: Xserver, graphics, desktop.01:07
giikerhisto: does that horizontal split work only in my shell or it is supposed to work only with screen?01:07
histo!ics > InsaneModz01:07
ubottuInsaneModz, please see my private message01:07
syrinx_giiker: screen01:07
giikerok let try it again....01:08
giikerok let me try it again....01:08
histogiiker: it's a screen feature01:08
giikerhisto: syrinx_ thanx01:08
histogiiker: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OXHH31yCs001:08
histogiiker: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqysa6oq80o01:09
ubottupong is an old atari game. It's fun!01:09
histogiiker: second video has audio and goes into splits01:09
stiltzkinSolved my problem - all I had to do was unplug the Compaq monitor and immediately plug in the Dell one. Hope this still works after a reboot :)01:09
giikerhisto: will watch it right now01:09
IatagoreQuestion? Why are games not popular in Linux?01:10
histogiiker: in ubuntu they have hte vertical split patch so you cat ctrl+a+|  to vertically split01:10
histoIatagore: they are popular01:10
LUcaseIantagore: They are :)01:10
nsd_histo: I think he means, why aren't there more of them01:10
wechatIatagore: <they are working>01:10
bl4ckcombwechat, any other suggestions?01:10
histoIatagore: devs don't write games natively for nix because it doesn't have a big enough market share01:10
Iatagorensd_: Naw, it's as they answered01:11
nathyubuntu is the best01:11
wechatbl4ckcomb: what is with you system?01:11
wechatbl4ckcomb: sudo apt-get -f install01:11
Iatagorehisto: But there are indie games, and you don't see a lot of people playing those for windows01:11
=== philipp__ is now known as esing123
chibihogoshinoi need a way to install ubuntu in text mode01:11
bl4ckcombwechat, I just configured the installation and pressed install (live cd)01:11
Iatagorehisto: At least for some01:11
chibihogoshinonot the alternate cd..01:11
chibihogoshinoa cli version of ubiquity01:12
histochibihogoshino: mini.iso or net install then01:12
wechatbl4ckcomb: server, desktop?01:12
esing123hm :/ It is still not working 100% :(( . Well I can upload and download files on the Samba Server but I cant replace files ?!01:12
bl4ckcombwechat, desktop01:12
histo!install | chibihogoshino01:12
ubottuchibihogoshino: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate01:12
chibihogoshinohisto: thats not going to work unless i can ssh into the iso01:12
wechatbl4ckcomb: you will see a slideshow :) - 15 minutes to make a coffee01:12
histochibihogoshino: what are you trying to do install on a headless box?01:12
nathyi'm waity for the 11.04 :))))))01:12
chibihogoshinohisto: yes01:12
esing123I made chmod 777 Downloads/01:13
bl4ckcombwechat, I know I'm supposed to see that, but I don't see it...01:13
LUcaseGoing to a launch party in my city for it too :)01:13
damianI'm waiting for Mint 11 :P01:13
chibihogoshinohi i would use ubiquity but i get a python error when i start it01:13
chibihogoshinohisto: ^^01:13
histochibihogoshino: let me find you a howto01:13
wechatdamian: mint is ugly01:13
wechat:P i'm waiting to be the boss01:14
bl4ckcombwechat, is it formatting my disks before the slideshow window appears or does it do that while it's on the screen?01:14
wechatbl4ckcomb: while01:14
esing123exutus you still here? :)01:14
bl4ckcombk, I guess I'll force a reboot then01:14
nathychmod -R 777 ...01:14
esing123nathy mean me ? ^01:15
wechatbl4ckcomb: o, I don't know exactly. But thereis a checkbox - show much more info in the bottom of the window01:15
nathyheu.... yes :)01:15
bl4ckcombwechat, I told you twice: there is no window showing up01:15
nathyfor directories .... recursive switch or wath you wanna do...01:15
NotTeddyhas any one else complained about samba being broken? this is for lucid and the 3.4.7-3.501:16
histochibihogoshino: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/OverSSH01:16
bullgard4exutux, wechat  '~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a' did about 20 steps successfully and finished with the message: "dpkg-mainscript-helper: error: couldn't identify the package."01:16
NotTeddythere isn't a bug against it yet and the ubuntu package page doesn't even list the update yet01:16
StepNjumpGuys, what is the best way to install wine? From the wine hq website or via synaptic?01:17
NotTeddyStepNjump: via winehq01:17
wechatbullgard4: nothing???01:17
damianI prefer PPA of their beta01:17
chibihogoshinohisto: how about with raid ?01:17
LUcaseWinehq, but also synaptic is going good.01:17
NotTeddyStepNjump: they are maintaed by the same guy, just the ubuntu repo is older01:17
francesco_ya get the newer one from winehq01:18
histochibihogoshino: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#Server and network installations01:18
damianthe ubuntu repo isn't older it is the stable version01:18
bullgard4wechat: What does your question "nothing???" mean? I do not understand. Say it in other words, please.01:18
NotTeddydamian: if you want to be painful, yes01:18
wechatbullgard4: is it a graphic or text= alternate install ? j_J01:18
bullgard4wechat: A text = alternate install now.01:19
wechatbullgard4: heh, never use it01:19
histogiiker: crap yeah ctrl+a+S to split not little s. small s will suspend screen you have it hit it again to unsuspend01:19
StepNjumpk tnx NotTeddy. Anything special I need to know before I install?01:19
wechatbullgard4: so it uses ncurces - blue graphic-like interface?01:19
bullgard4wechat: Yes.01:20
_jesse_I'm familiar with umask, but how can I change the default group name given to new files?01:20
esing123finally all is working :)01:20
esing123thx nathy01:21
wechatbullgard4: so answer all the questions and wait. But i think it will install minimal linux - so you have then to 'sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop'01:21
nathychmod -R 777 /01:21
nathylol, be carry of....01:21
giikerhisto:  so far I can't get to ctrl+a+", weird...01:21
bullgard4wechat: I have ansered all the questions. Now there is a prompt again and no more questions.01:21
exutuxalternate doesn't install a minimal Ubuntu...but it is a full installation01:22
Flannelexutux: It does give you the option to do a minimal install though01:22
wechatexutux: i compared with centos :) and Anaconda01:22
wechatand mageia01:22
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exutuxFlannel: yes but i speaking about a default installation....if you don't choose any option, it is a full desktop installation01:23
linux_is_my_herowhats this about social network sites allowing people to track the location of people when they take pictures using smartphones?01:23
Logan_!ot | linux_is_my_hero01:23
ubottulinux_is_my_hero: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:23
bullgard4wechat: '~$ sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop' obtains: "E: Package gnome-desktop cannot be found."01:23
wechatHeh, i'm crazy. Can I go to tty2, chroot and install some packages on my enother linux disrto on a HD? >_<01:24
Flannelexutux: Sure, but there's an option on it to not do that.  I don't see how that's different.01:24
exutuxbullgard4: ubuntu-desktop instead gnome-desktop01:24
wechatbullgard4: apt-cache search desktop . But wait01:24
wechat* another01:25
exutuxpackage is ubuntu-desktop01:25
bullgard4exutux: It responds: "ubuntu-desktop is the newest version already."01:25
trirnoth1Anyone know of a truecrypt IRC or familiar enough to answer a question regarding Hidden Volumes? When creating, it states it will take up the max size avail. I am looking to actually set the size.01:25
exutuxbullgard4: ans sudo apt-get install gdm  ?01:26
wechatbullgard4: finished installation?01:26
damianwow, I've spent a lot of time on here... time to go >.>01:26
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tonnezhow can i make it so when i log in to my ubuntu server box via ssh disable bash but allow login01:27
bullgard4wechat: I doubt that the installation is finished.01:27
exutuxbullgard4: sorry but it is a new installation?01:27
BitBasherlol i had problems doing that a few times trirnoth1  and i just let it do what it wanted01:27
exutuxbullgard4: or better it was... a new installation?01:27
rwwHi. Any Lubuntu users around that could pastebin the output of "apt-cache policy" for me, please? (Yes, I know about #lubuntu. No, they aren't responsive :\ )01:27
bullgard4exutux: No, it is a distant-upgrade from Ubuntu 10.04.1 to 10.10.01:28
wechatbullgard4: what is your IRC client?01:28
trirnoth1BitBasher: Did it end up using all of the space? My Outer Container is an 80GB partition, I was hoping the Inner Container would only be a few GB but can handle up to maybe 40.01:28
LUcasetrinoth1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TruecryptHiddenVolume01:28
giikerhisto:  I can do ctrl+a+w and see the names of my windows, but somehow can't change to any window using this method, I can change windows with ctrl+aBackspace though01:28
bullgard4wechat: Chatzilla (on another computer)01:28
exutuxrww: i have lubuntu-desktop01:28
wechatbullgard4: %01:28
trirnoth1LUCase: Thanks. Reading now.01:28
=== ExplodingPiglets is now known as Zeku
bullgard4wechat: 'What does this mean?01:28
wechatbullgard4: do-release upgrade?01:28
histogiiker: you have to ctrl+a+"  if you want to use arros and slect windows01:29
wechatbullgard4: I imaging you in your situation01:29
histogiiker: or when you ahve a list like that you can hit ctrl+a+window_number like ctrl+a+0  or ctrl+a+101:29
BitBasheryea after i screwed up my configuration a few times... i would use caution if you have important non replacable files but what i remember of the process prob. isnt any help to you....01:29
BitBashersince the inner is the one they expect you to use im assumign thats why it wants to use the rest of the space01:30
trirnoth1BitBasher: Using a blank drive but thanks for the warning.01:30
apporcHello ,everyone. I was just thinking about the security of ubuntu's update source server .Is it possible that some unofficial01:31
apporcsource server ,who changes some packages for their own aim?01:31
bullgard4wechat: I used the command ' ~$ update-manager -d'.01:31
trirnoth1LUCase: Okay, I was limiting myself to the GUI but nice to know there are commands.01:31
BitBasherit happened with debians servers apporc  but im sure ubuntu learned01:31
wechatbullgard4: so update-manager -d works in graphics mode?01:31
LUcasetrinoth1: sure thing01:31
BitBasheralong with others01:31
giikerhisto: i trieed ctrl+a+n for next window, i'll try ctrl+a+201:31
InsaneModzcan someone help me connect to the internet in ubuntu? i'm having a bit of a problem01:32
lonnyedrivers 1545 dell inspiron01:32
lonnyedrivers 1545 dell inspiron01:32
InsaneModzplease pm me if yhou can01:32
lonnyedrivers 1545 dell inspiron01:32
FloodBot3lonnye: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:32
wechatInsaneModz: ifconfig -a01:32
LUcaseinsanemodz: what is it ?01:32
StepNjumpxmarks bookmarks don't seem to synchronize on ubuntu.. anybody familiar with that01:32
chibihogoshinohisto: ubiquity needs wget01:32
wechatInsaneModz: sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces01:32
trirnoth1BitBasher: I thought about creating a bunch of empty files to take up some of the space before creating the Hidden Container then deleting when completed, but seemed like a lot of time to do this.01:32
bullgard4wechat: No, it worked in graphics mode only at the beginning. Upgrading did not finish completely. I could only continue in the virtual console #1.01:32
apporcBitBasher: when i use source servers from my own country , i always feel it is unsafe.but the official ubuntu source server is too slow for me.01:32
nathywget is anywhere anyway :)01:32
wechatbullgard4: ou01:33
giikerhisto: it worked now, I thought ctrl+a+w was giving me the option to choose, but it was just information so I can select later on, thanx!01:33
BitBasheryea..... took me about a week after it was all said and done if i would have screwed up maybe just 2-3 days01:33
wechatbullgard4: sudo apt-get -f install01:33
lonnyedrivers 1545 dell inspiron01:33
xanguaStepNjump: firefox 4 include sync built in01:33
wechatxangua: aga01:33
wechatIs Firefox Sync secure?01:34
BitBasherapporc  if it happened you would see it plastered all over the interweb a few days later01:34
bl4ckcombwechat, it seems like the installation was frozen last time. after the reboot everything went fine.01:34
InsaneModzwell i hawell, here's my problem: i created a bridge between my wireless connection and my lan port, and i have an ethernet cable running from my laptop (win 7, toshiba), to my pc which is running ubuntu. it recognizes the connection, but i can't connect to the internet01:34
wechatbl4ckcomb: good01:34
BitBasheris it a crossover cable InsaneModz ?01:35
bullgard4wechat: 'sudo apt-get -f install' obtains: "package lists are being read. 0 updated. 0 newly installed. 0 to remove. And 0 not updated."01:35
LUcaseInsaneModz: you have to activate network share trough win701:35
wechatbullgard4: that's good -- no broken ones01:35
InsaneModzwait, bit. it is01:35
trirnoth1Thanks all. Going the command line route.01:36
InsaneModzand lucase, i can connect to xbox live when doing this01:36
BitBasherwhats the ip of the ubuntu box?01:36
LUcaseIt doesn't modify options about xbox live network sharing.01:36
InsaneModzit doesn't have an ip, not that i know of01:36
InsaneModzit recognizes the connection01:37
InsaneModzbut it doesn't connect to the router01:37
=== Guest83508 is now known as DarkDevil
InsaneModzso no local ip01:37
LUcasereset everything ?01:37
=== jh is now known as Guest73848
InsaneModzalready tried it01:37
=== DarkDevil is now known as Guest345
InsaneModzmanual reset on router01:37
BitBasherit will have to have an ip wether its assigned from the host machine or the router01:37
bullgard4exutux:What does your question "bullgard4: ans sudo apt-get install gdm ?" mean? Say it in other words, please.01:37
InsaneModzand restarted my computer01:37
BitBasherbut i wouldnt know how to fix that as i havent screwed with that portion of win701:38
InsaneModzassigned by the host machine would be
LUcaseInsaneModz: See my PM please01:38
francesco_no is a loop back01:38
BitBasherlocal toast01:38
bl4ckcombInsaneModz, assigned by the host = static IP01:38
Braber01Hey is there a command line Word gen if so how do I get it?01:39
bl4ckcombInsaneModz, assigned by the router or server = dynamic IP via DHCP01:39
Braber01*What do I apt-get?01:39
accelhow do I install hbase on ubuntu? apt-cache search hbase brings up nothing01:39
bl4ckcombBraber01, word gen?01:40
Braber01bl4ckcomb yeah like anagrams for Scrabble and stuff. (yes I cheat)01:40
bl4ckcombaccel, http://ria101.wordpress.com/2010/01/28/setup-hbase-in-pseudo-distributed-mode-and-connect-java-client/01:41
LUcaseBraber01: QR Code ?01:41
InsaneModzhow can i find a dynamic ip, if i even have one,in ubuntu?01:41
wechatBraber01: use random words from file in usr/share/<>words01:41
InsaneModzi only know how to do it in cmd01:41
accelbl4ckcomb: ya; reading taht now01:41
accelbl4ckcomb: this seems like it's more than apt-get sql01:41
Braber01LUCase what is QR Code?01:42
bl4ckcombits a 2D barcode01:42
gundasHi all, I'm able to connect to an FTP site using Filezilla (FTP Proxy setting USER@HOST) does anyone have input on how to do this at the terminal01:42
LUcaseI am asking if you are talking about that01:42
kriumeplease!! how do i stop record with RecordMyDesktop???01:42
Braber01Lucase I don't know what QR code is01:43
rww!crosspost | kriume01:43
ubottukriume: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.01:43
syrinx_!ftp | gundas01:43
ubottugundas: FTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd01:43
rww(and #ubuntu-offtopic is not a support channel.)01:43
wechatkrups: crtl+d in terminal01:43
LUcasekriume: ctrl+c01:43
wechatctrl+c :)01:44
gundassyrinx_: the thing is i need to run the ftp script as a cron, therefore it needs to support specific settings, im using lftp but struggling01:44
wechatgundas MC can connect?01:44
gundaswechat: MC? I can connect fine using Filezilla01:44
wechatgundas: so why console then?01:45
bullgard4wechat: '~$ startx' was successful: I have now a grpahical interface.01:45
wechatbullgard4: goood01:45
gundaswechat: I need to schedule the process i.e. connect, upload a file, close01:45
gundaswechat: it needs to be done at a specific time of the day01:45
wechatgundas: ssh name@host or like this01:45
gundaswechat: ssh is not possible only ftp01:45
wechatgundas : wget ? to download something?01:46
Braber01LUCase QR Code is way way way far away form what I was asking for.01:46
gundaswechat: download the file? the server im uploading to is not under my control , I can only ftp to the server01:46
linuxman410anyone ever heard of eset nod32 antivirus 4 for linux01:47
pbearieyou don01:47
BitBasherive heard of it for android linuxman410  thats abotu it (i think it was android)01:48
Braber01I'm looking for a Tool where I can input a set of 7 letters and get words of those 7 letters back to me.01:48
pbearie't need an antivirus on linux01:48
BitBasheri dont think you need anything that good for linux although a virus scanner isnt bad to have01:48
pbeariethe only reason why you would need an antivirus on linux is if you share stuff with windows users01:49
pbeariealthough they should have their own antivirus software01:49
aeon-ltdbetter safe01:50
BitBasheryou know how a cat cant contract a dogs sickness?01:51
BitBashersame thing01:51
BitBasherwindows/ linux cant get each other sick01:51
francesco_lol great analogy BitBasher01:51
trismBraber01: apt-cache search anagram, there are several, although the an package seems to do what you want, something like: an -w -m 7 asdxidk;01:51
wechatgundas: tftpd?01:51
IdleOneBitBasher: that isn't exactly true, linux can transfer viruses to windows01:51
BitBasherif its on windows code01:52
BitBasherbut if its native to linux then it cant happen01:52
IdleOneBitBasher: why would you transfer a file that you can't use on windows from linux?01:53
LUcaseTo use with wine01:53
wechatit's better to use cheese with wine01:54
IdleOneBitBasher: ok, so having antivirus is a good idea all the same01:54
gundaswechat: will have a look01:55
StepNjump+++ I installed language support for french and english... This installation, I cannot see the language bar at the top in the tray like I used to before. What should I do in order to switch language keyboard layout when I don't see the keyboard selector?01:55
wechatgundas: 33 programs about ftp01:57
syrinx_gundas: see pm01:57
guest0551running ubuntu 10.04, ac97 audio controller but no sound at all01:57
wechatguest0551: ls pci01:58
wechatguest0551: lspci01:58
gundassyrinx_: you didn't reply?01:59
guest0551wechat: http://pastebin.com/DNzAYXgV01:59
syrinx_gundas: no response02:00
BitBasheri was wondering02:00
BitBasherwhy is there no hostmask appened here?02:00
=== pwnsauce is now known as Shudder
ShudderHow goes it people02:00
freezwayso i mounted something twice to the same directory with mount, how do i unmount both?02:00
Shudderfreezway: umount it?02:01
rafetaps3 cfw 3.60!02:01
rafetagon on ps302:01
freezway"umount: it seems /mnt/oldboot is mounted multiple times"02:01
Shudderfreezway: hm02:01
IdleOneBitBasher: what do you mean?02:02
Shudderfreezway: you could probably force it off with -f02:02
wechatguest0551: can't see without X02:02
Shudderfreezway: not sure if that's a good thing though02:02
guest0551running ubuntu 10.04, ac97 audio controller but no sound at all, lspci http://pastebin.com/DNzAYXgV02:02
freezwayShudder: im hesitant to do anything that could risk my boot files... those are important02:02
Shudderfreezway: ahaha yeah02:03
guest0551wechat: what?02:03
Shudderfreezway: I feel you02:03
BitBasheri mean the part after the @ when someone joins it shows their ip rather than a hostmask02:03
Shudderfreezway: gonna do a quick google search02:03
IdleOneBitBasher: some show ip some show hostmask02:03
freezwayShudder: you mean I feel for you, I feel you is just plain creepy....02:03
BitBasherlike * ShadowManQ (~shadowman@P2PNET-4BD61C2B.socal.res.rr.com) has joined02:03
gundassyrinx_ thats what im trying to do02:04
StepNjump+++ I installed language support for french and english... This installation, I cannot see the language bar at the top in the tray like I used to before. What should I do in order to switch language keyboard layout when I don't see the keyboard selector?02:04
gundas<gundas> syrinx_ but the problem is that im behind a proxy02:04
gundassyrinx_ i have to use a FTP Proxy setting of USER@HOST02:04
Shudderfreezway: either one is fine :P02:05
syrinx_gundas: im sure ftp supports proxy02:05
guest0551running ubuntu 10.04, ac97 audio controller but no sound at all, lspci http://pastebin.com/DNzAYXgV02:05
wechatguest0551: can't see in console02:05
Shudderfreezway: so it won't let you umount it straight up right.. umount /mnt/oldboot02:05
guest0551wechat: what do you want me to do?02:05
Chipper351I have Ubuntu Live installed on my USB drive and am trying to remove the Live User account but am unable to, can anyone help?02:06
wechatguest0551: What `dmesg` says, do you unmute sound, do you look at Administration - Setting -Sound ...02:07
guest0551wechat: sound isn't muted02:07
Shudderfreezway: the only thing I can think of is to force it off02:07
pbearie"yum update" is the equivalent to "apt-get  update"?02:07
Shudderfreezway: I don't think it will break anything - but I can't be sure, so I don't want to advocate it :P02:08
wechatChipper351: make another  user02:08
resnomy machine is restarting without me restarting it, any help on finding whats going on?02:08
greg__Envy24 and M-audio delta 1010 sound card....anybody able to help me get this working?02:08
esing123someone here?02:08
syrinx_lotta people here02:08
Shudderfreezway: is it your windows machines boot files?02:08
Logan_!ask | esing12302:09
ubottuesing123: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:09
freezwayoh nvm... forgot the sudo02:09
wechatpbearie: "yum check-update" is also exists02:09
Chipper351I made another user but it does not see the Ubuntu Live User02:09
rwwpbearie: No. apt-get update checks the update server for an updated list of packages. yum update downloads and installs available updates on RedHat-based systems.02:09
Shudderfreezway: lol ok02:09
esing123Well I want to start teamviewer as administrator on startup. Adding @sudo teamviewer does not work. only @teamviewer works but without admin02:10
pbearierww:how is that different?02:10
greg__can anybody help with envy24control and m-audio delta 1010 sound card issues?02:10
resnomy machine is restarting without me restarting it, any help on finding whats going on?02:10
rwwpbearie: checking the update server does not involve downloading or installing available updates themselves.02:10
guest0551running ubuntu 10.04, ac97 audio controller but no sound at all, lspci http://pastebin.com/DNzAYXgV02:11
kothaguy_ubuntuhi friends,i want to download natty alpha3 image with the help of zsync, url is:http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/natty/alpha-3/ i am unable to download it,can anybody help me what command should i use in the terminal to download it,as using zsync is first time for me02:11
rwwpbearie: as an analogy, apt-get update is "Waiter, fetch me an up-to-date menu!", apt-get upgrade is ordering some stuff off the menu and eating it, and yum upgrade is probably all of the above, I dunno, I don't use RedHat.02:11
rwwkothaguy_ubuntu: Natty support and discussion in #ubuntu+1, please02:11
pbearierww: then how do you download and install. would that be "apt-get upgrade"?02:11
rwwpbearie: correct02:11
Shudderpbearie: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade02:11
kothaguy_ubunturww, :the issue is with zsync,i dont knw how to use it02:12
resnoyea, yum upgrade does it all in one fail swoop02:12
rwwkothaguy_ubuntu: just run "zsync some_url_here" in the terminal.02:12
guest0551running ubuntu 10.04, ac97 audio controller but no sound at all, lspci http://pastebin.com/DNzAYXgV02:12
bl4ckcombI'm trying to set up a mirror raid with an array of 2 identical disks: one with data on it and an empty one. Using disk utility only allows me to create an array of empty disks. is there another way to do this?02:12
rwwkothaguy_ubuntu: though "How do I download Natty?" also counts as #ubuntu+1 topic, really ;P02:13
Shudderkothaguy_ubuntu: also I believe that isn't the url02:13
Shudderkothaguy_ubuntu: that's just the page02:13
pbearierww: oh..so yum update includes both the "update" and "upgrade"?02:13
skullboyok so were is the grub.lst for ubuntu02:13
Shudderkothaguy_ubuntu: you gotta pick one of the links on it I think02:13
greg__anybody handy with ice1712 sound card issues?02:13
rwwpbearie: Google appears to think so. I'd recommend asking the support channel for a distribution that uses yum ;)02:13
econdudeawesomeHey all. I'm curious of opinions/preferences people have here for tools compatible with Ubuntu for analyzing large datasets02:13
econdudeawesome(open source, of course! :-) )02:14
Shudderkothaguy_ubuntu: e.g. http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/natty/alpha-3/natty-desktop-i386.iso02:14
econdudeawesomeHave I netsplit? I'm not getting any input02:15
tonnezim running ubuntu karmic, how can i install a package from the lucid repo? it is just something simple, tinyproxy02:16
histoecondudeawesome: what kind of dataset?02:16
histoecondudeawesome: and more importantly what kind of analysis?02:16
greg__ubuntu 10.10 seeing my sound card....but no sound.  using m-audio delta 1010 (ice1712)02:16
kothaguy_ubuntuShudder, :Thank you,its working now,some one in this chat only said me about zsync,is it really worthone,i am in aplace where the net speed is too slow,by using this,how much it may take time to download the image ,speed will be max upto 15 kbps02:16
econdudeawesomehisto: would you like a link? I'm not sure exactly how to answer that. I am eventually going to use the data for econometric analysis. But at this point I want to see the data (im exporting it to csv, but way to large for excel and probably gnumeric/openofficecalc to open)02:17
econdudeawesomehisto: http://www.prosper.com/tools/DataExport.aspx02:17
fastbearanyone knows proxy software to bypass the http proxy and firewall?02:18
Shudderkothaguy_ubuntu: I have never used zsync02:19
Shudderkothaguy_ubuntu: I typically used wget or just clicked on the link :P02:19
guest0551running ubuntu 10.04, ac97 audio controller but no sound at all, lspci http://pastebin.com/DNzAYXgV02:19
greeniekinI've been pulling my hair out trying to get my tv tunner to work on ubuntu. though it seems no simple tutorials exist02:19
Shudderkothaguy_ubuntu: I don't know if it necessary makes a difference... maybe it just works it easier to put in the background?02:19
starlocksomething better than xchat?02:19
econdudeawesomestarlock: whats your question? I use irssi (a command line utility) and prefer it to xchat.02:19
rwwShudder: zsync downloads less data than wget if you point it at a file that you already have that's at least partially the same as the one you're downloading. Otherwise, they're pretty much the same.02:20
kothaguy_ubuntusudder :Thanks for the info02:20
histoecondudeawesome: google desktop has some nice searching features etc...02:20
GaryDstarlock: i use pidgin for im and irc.02:20
tonnezim running ubuntu karmic, how can i install a package from the lucid repo? it is just something simple, tinyproxy02:20
starlockecondudeawesome: irssi is good but i use it on remote boxes only, need something with GUI, right now im on smuxi, switched to it from xchat02:20
rwwtonnez: Mixing packages from different versions of Ubuntu is not supported by this channel.02:21
econdudeawesomestarlock: ah. I am out of ammo then. My irssi nade was the best I had. Best of luck :-)02:21
xanguatonnez: to install a package from lucid, upgrade to lucid02:21
tonnezhow can i just upgrade to lucid?02:21
Shudderrww: well whatdoyouknow02:21
Shudderrww: learn something knew everyday02:21
greeniekinit's absolutly driving me nuts the lack of a simple step by step instructions02:21
xangua!upgrade | tonnez02:21
ubottutonnez: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade02:21
econdudeawesomehisto: Google desktop can parse?02:22
histoecondudeawesome: disregard the google desktop. Not sure of a solution for you.02:22
econdudeawesomehisto: all good :-D02:22
histostarlock: any reason you need a gui?02:22
Shudderirssi may work02:22
histoecondudeawesome: sounds like you may need statistical software or scientific software02:23
Shudderno gui though02:23
histoecondudeawesome: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/archive/index.php/t-106930.html02:23
starlockhisto: preference02:23
LUcaseNeed help with setting up Dial-up connection trough pppconfig, everything is ok, not when i write in : pon , nothing happens and i cannot see any connections available02:23
histoecondudeawesome: what are you trying to do this for? stock tips?02:23
bl4ckcombI'm trying to set up a mirror raid with an array of 2 identical disks: one with data on it and an empty one. Using disk utility only allows me to create an array of empty disks. is there another way to do this?02:23
subcoolhey- im having an issue googleing my webcam02:23
sponzorwhat is a good vmvvare?02:23
histo!raid > bl4ckcomb02:24
ubottubl4ckcomb, please see my private message02:24
econdudeawesomehisto: no :-) I'm an economist in training02:24
lathan_deverssponzor, virtualbox maybe?02:24
histoecondudeawesome: ahh02:24
starlockbl4ckcomb: you cant just introduce another drive then RAID it and expect the RAID to copy over, it only happens AFTER the intial RAID volumes have been formatted and marked as a set02:24
econdudeawesomehisto: I try hard to use only open source software02:24
histoecondudeawesome: yeah check out statistical software or scientific stuff.02:24
esing123something what I have setup with samba now makes my lubuntu system start very long02:25
bl4ckcombthx histo, I'll check it out02:25
econdudeawesomehisto: I'll give gretl a shot. I just worry about running out of memory with soemthing so large02:25
histoecondudeawesome: r-project.org looks promissing from that link02:25
=== dcolebatch_ is now known as phelon
esing123it searches 30 seconds something with DHCP and then boots lubuntuu02:25
econdudeawesomehisto: I've used R, again a memory issue02:25
=== phelon is now known as dcolebatch2
histoecondudeawesome: that's what computers are for. Processing large amounts of data02:25
bl4ckcombstarcoder, I could expect it when I used geomirror (freebsd)02:25
esing123before GRUB is loaded DHCP is searched02:25
econdudeawesomehisto: yes! :-) But I want to see what I have in the data too, get my hands dirty if you will02:26
econdudeawesomehisto: but anyway, thanks for the tips.02:26
fastbearany proxy software under linux to bypass the fireall and http proxy?02:26
histoecondudeawesome: np that's how'd i'd approach it. I'm sure there is some scientific/statistical software package that will handle it.02:26
histofastbear: you could ssh tunnel02:27
pbeariehas anyone installed web100?02:27
subcoolI have a hp dv5 with a built in cam. ALl the feeds im finding are for older models, or lead to old broken links02:27
LUcasepbearie: what is wrong with it  ?02:27
amh345has anyone here been able to get netflix to work in ubuntu?02:27
fastbearbut that seems need a ssh server, where can find it?02:27
pbearieLUcase: nothing, is it supposed to make eg surfing the web faster?02:28
h3r0hi all02:28
greg__any help with envy24control and m-audio sound card issues?02:28
histoamh345: netflix streaming is not possible on linux at the moment. The only way is to run it through a windows guest on top of linux.02:28
=== h3r0 is now known as Guest10528
Guest10528i just only want to ask...02:28
Guest10528what is the relation between redhat and datacell.com?02:29
greeniekinthis is reallly really annoying me. so much frustration02:29
rwwreminds me, I need to mail netflix and say "Thanks for the offer to resubscribe, but no, and here's why..."02:29
=== Guest10528 is now known as hensem
amh345histo: like windows on a vm?02:29
rww!ot | hensem02:29
ubottuhensem: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:29
hensemim an ubuntu's user02:29
histoamh345: yes02:29
LUcasepbearie:Web100 project was created to produce a complete host-software environment that will run common TCP applications at 100% of the available bandwidth, regardless of the magnitude of a network's capability.02:29
esing123histo i have still one problem :)02:29
histoamh345: http://how-to.wikia.com/wiki/How_to_watch_Netflix_(Watch_Instantly)_in_Linux02:29
histoesing123: what's that?02:29
amh345damn.  i guess ill just use my other mac laptop. so much for having ubuntu as my meida machine. :(02:29
rwwhensem: That doesn't make a question about a website and another distribution on-topic for #ubuntu...02:30
histoamh345: yeah it's them being sticky with their drm stuff is the reason02:30
pbearieLUcase: so yes? i haven't noticed a significant difference..mm..02:30
hensemsori rww... i just found out they connected to that linux in port 2202:30
scottjanyone recommend a color grabber that can grab color anywhere on the screen (without taking a screenshot)?02:30
starlockanyone try natty yet?02:30
hensemim just suspicious02:30
esing123histo I want to run teamviewer as root on start up, but with adding @teamviewer to etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart it starts without root. @sudo teamviewer does not work02:30
amh345histo: ok, thanks for the confirmation.02:30
astoryis there a guide to making a custom .iso?  I'd like to make one for my school with all the programs needed for our various cs classes already installed02:30
LUcasepbearie: see everything here : http://linux.softpedia.com/get/System/Operating-Systems/Kernels/Web100-7559.shtml02:31
histoesing123: why would you want to run it as root?02:31
esing123histo because it was suggested in an error which I received after teamviewer broke down. teamviewer breaks down only on linux02:31
=== Eddie is now known as Guest53703
histoesing123: teamviewer does not need root access02:32
rwwstarlock: try #ubuntu+1 for natty discussion02:32
esing123histo unfortunatly the program crashes and I need to ctrl+del02:32
histoastory: there are many on the forums and online02:32
esing123histo i thought i should try it with root because it was recommended02:32
histoesing123: what version are you trying?02:32
greeniekinwhy does something that should be so simple be so bloody hard02:32
esing123histo newest version teamviewer 602:32
Suit_Of_Sablesis lame not in the standard repos?02:33
whitewolfcan someone help me out?02:33
LUcase!ask | whitewolf02:33
ubottuwhitewolf: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:33
histoesing123: maybe contact there support?  I've never had a problem with it crashing.02:33
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esing123histo yes mb i contact them tho I'd like to try it one time with root . is it actually possible to run it on startup as root?02:33
histoesing123: not sure how you would handle that.02:34
esing123histo would I need to add something like this " sudo teamviewer password?"02:34
econdudeawesomehisto: for future folks, the best way to do this really looks like implementing R and the additional Rpy package. Best of luck!02:34
esing123histo how do I write sudo with pass?02:34
greeniekinhas anyone here ever used a tv tuner card on ubuntu?02:34
whitewolfi just installed Ubuntu onto my dell laptop, and removed windows xp from it.  now it won't recognize the internal wifi card, and i can't turn wifi on with the function + f2 command.  how do i turn on my wifi card with ubuntu?02:34
LUcase!wifi | whitewolf02:35
ubottuwhitewolf: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:35
histoesing123: not sure that would be the best way to do it. why not jsut try and launch it from a terminal sudo teamviewer3 or whatever and see if it crashes. Then try putting it in the startup later on if it doesn.t02:35
LUcasewhitewolf, see my pm too :)02:35
esing123histo ye i should try it first02:36
greeniekinthe ubuntuforums search is slow as it's been like 3 min of twirling. yet browsing other sites are instant02:36
subcoolanyone- webcam.02:36
esing123histo tho, how could someone write the password within sudo ?02:36
amh345i've got a sample.txt file another a test.asc file. how the heck to i use the asc file to encrypt the sample.txt?   i cant figure it out.02:36
esing123sudo password xchat ?02:36
esing123or sudo xchat password?02:36
amh345does anyone know?02:36
nullp0interi am trying to do sftp to my server however it says "Recieved message too long" probably because i have the user set to /sbin/nologin shell. Isnt it less secure to enable shell access? and is there a different solution to this that is still secure?02:36
amh345i've checked the gpg man but i dont understand it.02:36
esing123or sudo password "password" xchat ?02:37
kriumelol i paid 10 euro for a 11 hours bus ride02:37
histoesing123: you wouldn't you'd use visudo and edit the config. something like esing123 ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/teamviewer3     in there then your user could run teamviewer with sudo and not be prompted for password02:37
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Evanescence能否wine win7 ?02:38
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Logan_!zh | Evanescence02:38
ubottuEvanescence: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk02:38
J697In the places part of the above panel how can I add a folder there?02:38
guest0551ubunt 10.04, intel ac97 audio, sound doesn't work, lspci http://pastebin.com/DNzAYXgV, need some help02:38
xanguaJ697: add a bookmark in nautilus02:39
Evanescencesorry, I have not switch channel correctly02:39
esing123histo --> root ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/teamviewer3 ?02:39
esing123histo or :       Username ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/teamviewer3 ?02:39
histoesing123: no your username ALL=NOPASSWD: /path/to/executable02:39
esing123ah k02:40
bob__how do you switch channels with smuxi?02:40
Suit_Of_Sablesdoes anyone know what repo LAME is in? 'apt-get install lame' doesn't find it :(02:40
esing123histo is it enough when I write username ALL=NOPASSWD: teamviewer ? because i can run teamviewer like this in terimnal02:40
J697xangua, ok, but I want my emblem to stay on it and it does not for some reason02:41
nullp0interanyone know about my sftp problem?02:41
shawnboyIs there a CLI command for getting info about media currently in an optical drive (using wodim or something)?02:41
amh345any ideas on my gpg question above?   there's no active chan that i can find--  you guys are my only hope :)02:41
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.02:41
histoesing123: I would specify the full path02:41
histoesing123: type which teamviewer to find out where it is02:42
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub202:42
leg3ndshawnboy, what kind information? have you tried 'file'?02:42
guest0551ubunt 10.04, intel ac97 audio, sound doesn't work, lspci http://pastebin.com/DNzAYXgV, need some help02:43
greeniekinwho would have thought there would be so much confusing useless info on tv tuners in ubuntu02:43
J697I added a folder to the places part of the top panel but it is a project folder and I put a Developer emblem on it, however it did not stay on when I put it in the places folder, I mean it is still on the folder but in the places there is no emblem on it... how can I add the emblem to it for the places menu?02:43
histonullp0inter: I don't think they will be able to sftp without shell access but I could be wrong.02:43
histogreeniekin: not something that is popular02:43
esing123histo I found only this: core@core-ThinkPad-T43:/$ sudo find . -name teamviewer602:44
leg3ndnullp0inter, you should create a ftp user and give him limited privilages and groups.02:44
histoesing123: you can just use "which teamviewer6"02:44
esing123so I must write " core ALL=NOPASSWD: usr/bin/teamviewer602:44
subcoolCan anyone help me google webcams? please?02:44
shawnboyleg3nd: just tried file. no go. In GUI software I've seen info button (ie Nero) that will tell you if a blank is in drive, if it's full, whether it's -R or RW or +R, etc.02:45
histoesing123: but it's in /usr/bin/teamviewer6 aparently02:45
shawnboyamh345: sorry, I'm not up on CLI gpg02:45
subcooli have done a few angels... i cant find anything that works02:45
esing123ah okay02:45
histoesing123: core ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/teamviewer602:45
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esing123thx !02:45
J697I added a folder to the places part of the top panel but it is a project folder and I put a Developer emblem on it, however it did not stay on when I put it in the places folder, I mean it is still on the folder but in the places there is no emblem on it... how can I add the emblem to it for the places menu?02:45
histoesing123: you may have to log out and back in for the changes but try it at a terminal sudo teamviewer6 should not ask for password now02:45
leg3ndshawnboy, theres a CLI disc burning application called 'cdrecord', i have no expierence with it but its probably as good as it will get besides fdisk and size commands.02:47
kothaguy_ubuntuhow to join ubuntu natty chat server in xchat02:48
rwwkothaguy_ubuntu: type /join #ubuntu+102:48
shawnboyleg3nd: ok. thanks.02:48
esing123hist i think you were right. Although Ive read a hint to run it as root now it says: TeamViewer must not be executed as root!02:48
amh345shawnboy: no worries. i figured it out with help from #gnupg02:48
esing123so I cant run it as root02:49
shawnboyamh345: glad to hear. simple solution?02:49
leg3ndyea you probably dont want to run RDP software as root..02:49
guest0551ubunt 10.04, intel ac97 audio, sound doesn't work, lspci http://pastebin.com/DNzAYXgV, need some help02:49
researcher1how can I learn fundamentals of CLI and file systems? Any online class by our community?02:50
giikerhisto: I've jsut spent the last 40 minutes learning scren in deep, thanx for your help!, but I ha another question, I can't do yet vertical split,how do I check If I have the split patch?02:50
leg3ndpractice and online reference02:50
shawnboyleg3nd: just FYI I found my answer at http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-631728.html02:50
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shawnboyleg3nd: solution is cdrecord -atip02:50
histogiiker: if you have ubuntu it's there02:50
amh345shawnboy: very :)    incase you need it..   gpg --import your.asc    and then gpg -r YOUR_KEY_NAME  -e test.txt02:51
leg3ndshawnboy, cool good to know02:51
esing123it is 03:49 here ^^02:51
histogiiker: it's ctrl+a+|   <----- the pipe symbol02:51
esing123thanks again histo02:51
histoesing123: did it work?02:51
shawnboyamh345: great. thanks. I'll make a note of it for my own use.02:51
histogiiker: screen rocks btw when you really learn it.02:51
J697Where are all the folder icon pictures?02:52
rcmaehlIs it rhetorically possible to rm the rm file?02:52
J697I need a developer folder icon, is there a specific folder in which they are located?02:52
rcmaehlAlso is it bad if kubuntu-netbook uses less ram then gnome-desktop?02:54
J697I need a developer folder icon, is there a specific folder in which they are located?02:54
rcmaehlJ697: /usr/share/icons probably02:55
giikerhisto: Iǘe just checked my man page of screen and can find the kill key binding, I tried already C+a+k but it won't kill the screen I'm on...02:56
giikerhisto: C+a+k works on my local machine, but not the remote one...02:56
subcoolCome on. someone... help me out here02:56
subcooli cant find a howto for this.02:57
rcmaehlsubcool: what's your problem?02:57
syrinx_!ask | subcool02:57
ubottusubcool: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:57
subcoolrcmaehl, tring to find a working howto for a builtin webcam02:57
ajwillhi all, i have a quick question, I know you can change the transparency of your panels... but how do you change the transparency of the applet backgrounds and window toolbar backgrounds?02:57
rcmaehlsubcool: sudo apt-get install cheese should allow you to see through your webcam02:58
subcoolrcmaehl, i have an HP Dv5 - but i cant find anything..02:58
subcoolsob- really!?02:58
subcooli have ben googling this all day, not a single forum pointed to that.02:58
rcmaehlsubcool: no problem02:59
extra11where can I see list of upcoming features?03:01
kontagioushey i am trying to edit my fstab. anyone familiar?03:03
rcmaehlkontagious: yes03:03
kontagiousid like to mount this: /dev/sda3 on /media/Storage type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096,default_permissions)03:04
kontagiousautomount on startup03:04
kontagiousthats output from mount command03:04
rcmaehlvery specific03:04
Aurigaajwill, As no one replied to you... Maybe you could try Emerald, I haven't played with it, but it might do it...03:04
ajwillkontagious: okay, that's easy, open up a terminal, cd /etc03:04
rcmaehlokay you got fstab alread opened03:04
kontagiousi mean business03:04
ajwillAuriga: I'm trying compiz, I havent used ubuntu in quite a while03:05
psusikontagious, what is the actual type of the filesystem?  ntfs?03:05
kontagiousim in /etc03:05
ajwillokay then make a new line anywhere in fstab03:05
ajwilland put03:05
Aurigaajwill, Yeah it might, not something I use in compiz personally, I keep my compiz usage down to a cube & some other small things.03:05
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J697I can't find the Developer icon folder picture anywhere, I really need it. Can anyone help out?03:06
ajwill/dev/sda3 /media/Storage ntfs rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096,default_permissions 0 003:06
Aurigaajwill, Yeah it might, not something I use in compiz personally, I keep my compiz usage down to a cube & some other small things.03:06
ajwillAuriga: ahh, yeah... I'm waiting for my new computer, my old one didnt have enough ram or a good enough video card to hardly even use compiz :P03:06
kontagiousajwill, thanks will try restarting. ill be back03:06
rcmaehlput /dev/sda3      /media/Storage      auto         defaults       0      103:06
rcmaehlmake that 1 a 2 actually03:06
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Aurigaajwill, For your old machine, maybe try elive, something which I came across today for the first time. Or a mini distro like Slitaz.03:07
rcmaehlthose options are defailt03:07
kontagiousrcmaehl, i will try that if ajwill's doesnt work. thanks :D03:07
rcmaehlkontagious: ok03:08
ajwillAuriga: once I get my new one I'll turn the old one into a server :)03:08
Aurigaajwill, An even better idea.03:08
ajwillAuriga: and I found elive too, but I couldnt be bothered to create a paypal or write an article...03:08
skullboyhow do i access the grub2 menu03:08
ajwillskullboy: could you be more specific? like, do you just want it to show at boot? or change basic settings?03:09
skullboyajwill: i want it to show at boot03:09
kontagiousworked :D03:10
ajwillskullboy: if I recall properly, try holding shift while booting03:10
ajwillkontagious: great! glad to hear it! :)03:10
subcoolis it normal for kubuntu to be running like 2gb ram?03:10
kontagiousdo you mind helping me with another fs mount?03:10
ajwillyeah sure!03:10
skullboysubcool: how much ram do you have03:10
subcoolit appears to use swap at 303:11
ajwillskullboy: and if that doesnt work then let me know and we'll take a look at your grub file :P03:11
kontagiousok now when i installed i didnt put swap.. the tutorial i used said add it in after. so i have a swap file in /media/Storage/1024Mb.swap03:11
skullboysubcool: then it should uese all 4gb what kernel are you useing03:11
ajwillokay, first things first, are you ever going to be suspending your system?03:11
subcooluname -r right?03:11
kontagiousi might accidentily though03:12
ajwillthen dont worry about it03:12
ajwillthat's all swap is for03:12
ajwillI dont use it03:12
ajwillits just a waste of a few GB in my opinion03:12
kontagiousi am going to be running virtual machines (up to 3 at a time)03:12
rcmaehlajwill: LIES! swap is also for when you run out of ram03:12
kontagiousi need to run 3 windows servers in vmware for college03:12
kontagiousi need swap :(03:12
ajwillrcmaehl: really? I thought it was just for SWAPing? and suspending03:12
kontagiousi never used it before tho03:13
subcoolskullboy, 2.6.32-28-generic03:13
rcmaehlajwill: yeah it's like windows pagefile03:13
ajwillkontagious: okay, do you have a partition set aside for swap or no?03:13
AurigaIf you had 16GB of ram though... how often would you run out of ram...?03:13
ajwillrcmaehl: hm, I didnt know that, thanks for informing me :)03:13
kontagiousno, i did mkswap on a file then swapon03:14
kontagiousits showing up in system monitor perfect03:14
GaryDIf i had 16GB of RAM, i would just run more programs. i'm sure i could use it all.03:14
skullboysubcool: no thats not the problem are they mismatch03:14
rcmaehlAuriga: if you're running a netbook with only 1gb of ram running Kubuntu-desktop who often whould you run out of ram?\03:14
Aurigarcmaehl, ....?03:15
* rcmaehl facepalms03:15
kontagiousshould i just append /media/Storage/1024Mb.swap  none  swap  sw  0 003:15
kontagioussince my storage is already auto mounted03:16
subcoolskullboy, mismatched with... what?03:16
skullboysubcool: mismatch types03:17
skullboysubcool: did all 4 ever work03:18
kontagiousi stumped the irc rats hahaha03:18
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subcoolskullboy, havent really noticed honestly-03:18
subcooli just installed vmare and decided to keep an eye on it- then noticed its usage03:18
skullboysubcool: use hwinfo to see if they are present03:19
ajwillAuriga: which was it you suggest for applet/window transparency? compiz isnt doin it for me :P03:19
skullboysubcool: or take it apart03:19
skullboysubcool: that just voids ur warenty03:19
kontagiousrcmaehl or ajwill any ideas03:20
skullboyajwill | !compix03:20
skullboyajwill | !compiz03:20
kontagiousi should have set it as a partitian but i didnt want to resize my ntfs in fear of losing my data03:20
kontagious!compiz | ajwill03:21
ubottuajwill: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz03:21
Aurigaajwill, I was saying to take a look at Emerald, I don't know if you will get it with that or not. But was sugesting that it might.03:21
edbiankontagious, I've re-sized my NTFS a dozen times.  Never once lost data03:21
kontagioususing the installer?03:21
Aurigaajwill, You'll maybe want to look at
edbiankontagious, Using gparted on a live CD03:22
AurigaNot that...03:22
Aurigaajwill, gnome look .org or something so...03:22
Aurigaajwill, I have it up in a vm right now hence not pasting.03:22
kontagiousi have hours of work saved i couldnt risk losing it. maybe i could run the swapon command at startup as an easy quick fix?03:23
ajwillAuriga, ahh, why dont you use virtualbox? it can transfer copy.pastes ;)03:23
elektroidI have a dual-core amd, my current distro when using top or looking at /proc/cpuinfo reveals only a single core but I remember using ubuntu amd64, it showed 2, is it just because I am runnig a 32bit distro or how can I find out?03:23
Aurigaajwill, I do use Vbox, but that is the first time ever I have needed to copy paste from a vm. So it's not something I have looked at how to do lol.03:23
subcoolskullboy, what am i looking for- memory?03:23
subcooli just skimmed through it twice03:24
midas007Hello, I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 "Lucid" and one particular video file (flv) I play has delayed audio. I'd like to play this file and have the audio properly synchronized. I'm not trying to convert the file, just to play it. Does anyone know of an application that would allow me to adjust the sound delay?03:24
skullboysubcool: RAM03:24
kontagiousmidas007, have you tried using VLC player03:25
iretchis there any simple way to have a script run instead of a screensaver? I wish to have the screen just immediately go to DPMS off mode when screensaver is run. This would be useful because I'd like the screen to immediately go back to sleep if there is an unsucessful login attempt at the lock screen03:25
elektroidmidas007: which audio driver are you using?03:25
pbeariehow do i upgrade a 2.6.18 kernel to 2.6.35?03:25
subcoolskullboy, -- lol .. nothing came up. i just ran hwinfo | grep RAM03:25
midas007i've tried VLC but I don't see how to resynchronize the audio03:25
elektroidI had significant audio lag when I used OSS03:26
elektroidmidas007: VLC is your best bet for determining if its a software or audio driver issue03:26
elektroidmidas007: which driver are you using?03:26
midas007how do I check which driver?03:26
skullboysubcool: hwinfo --ram03:26
edbianmidas007, That is a common problem with flash.  I am pretty sure that it is actually that the data itself is not syncronized.  You'd have to use a video editor to actually fix it.  Not sure if such a thing exists03:26
jrmcmI need help "uncapturing" my keyboard and or mouse from a vbox.03:27
elektroidmidas007: just open the sound under preferences should indicate if its oSS, alsa, pulse or whatever03:27
subcoolskullboy, nada- usage errored03:27
elektroidjrmcm: right-Ctrl doesnt work?03:27
elektroidjrmcm: right-ctrl should be your default home key unless you altered it03:28
midas007Sound Preferences ... Applications ... says ALSA03:28
skullboysubcool: sorry hwinfo --memory03:28
elektroidmidas007: ah ok, also in VLC you can pick in preferences which driver to use, try forcing it to use alsa03:29
_antant_Hi guys.03:29
elektroidsee if that doesnt make a difference for a start, otherwise, some videos themselves have bad encoding03:29
_antant_What can I do to solve a 'java.awt.headlessexception' error?03:29
midas007OK, tried it with VLC. Video plays the same. Same delay.03:29
_antant_Trying to run RemoteDroidServer.jar03:29
subcoolskullboy, Memory Size: 3 GB + 512 MB03:29
midas007Delay about .3 secs, sound behind.03:29
subcooli guess it uses some for the Video03:29
elektroidmidas007: delays only appears with this video or always?03:30
midas007Only this video03:30
elektroidmidas007: in VLC you can alter the sync itself03:30
midas007elektroid, u r onto the path I'm looking for, altering the sync, preferably during playback03:31
elektroidTools -> Track Synchronization03:31
skullboysubcool: so you have about 4gbs of ram03:31
skullboysubcool: use the names of the people03:32
zee313how to open .rar and .bok files?03:33
xanguainstall unrar like csf111 said03:33
midas007elektroid, thank you, looks promising, will give it a try03:33
rcarcamomidas007: Cinelerra can do both03:33
skullboysubcool: if your talking to someone pacific put NAME: MESSAGE03:34
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free03:34
midas007thank you too rcarcamo03:35
Alix_Hello, i'm on a fresh install of Ubuntu and I have a problem with gksu.. http://pastie.org/168122203:35
subcoolskullboy, sorry- i get lazy03:35
rcarcamomidas007: welcome03:35
skullboysubcool: no problem just imageion 1mill people and one person saying something without identifying the person03:35
Alix_Can log in trought gksu.. auth failed but sudo is fine03:35
elektroidAlix_: can you use su or sudo?03:35
csf111zee313: Did that help? Or do you need more?03:35
Alix_elektroid, sudo yes but su, no03:36
syrinx_root password Alix_03:36
Alix_I never defined a root password while the installation of ubuntu, just my user03:37
elektroidAlix_: ah yeah set the root password then suduo passwd root03:37
subcoolskullboy, i know- so- what is the common use of kubuntu? why am i running on 2gb?03:37
elektroidcant use su without a password03:37
Alix_sudo passwd <my_user> ?03:37
Alix_i try that :)03:37
klabezohi there any one know how to config conky ?03:38
subcoolskullboy, i guess that came out wrong- but i thinku got what im saying03:38
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Alix_it's working ! thank you elektroid and syrinx_ :S03:38
syrinx_no problem Alix_03:38
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skullboysubcool: wait i just looked it up it that is how much its useing at the time if it needs more it will use more03:39
elektroidno where are the bigboys for my question and answer LOL03:39
klabezoany thing about conky please ?03:40
_antant_elektroid (or anyone): I'm trying to run RemoteDroidServer.jar and I'm being told there's a 'java.awt.headlessexception' error. Works fine under windows. Any idea why not here?03:40
edbianelektroid, What is your question?03:40
subcoolskullboy, ya, i get that. but i thought ubuntu was supposed to use like 1gb.03:40
xanguaklabezo: an easy way to configure conky is: conky colors03:40
=== SpitfireWP_ is now known as SpitfireWP
elektroidedbian: with my current distro, top and /proc/cpuinfo only give show 1 core, previously, I used Ubuntu 10.04 amd64 and it showed 2 cores, is it just a product of using a 32bit distro?03:41
klabezoapt-get install what to install conky colors Xangua ?03:41
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skullboysubcool: yes but ur running kubuntu correct03:41
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xanguaklabezo: no, google it... is not in repository03:41
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subcoolskullboy, yes- but its just KDE.03:42
edbianelektroid, 32 vs. 64 bit OS should not make a difference. That is mostly about memory mapping and performance (for apps that take advantage of it)03:42
elektroid_antant_: I am not specifically familiar, sorry03:42
klabezothank you Xangua i will try03:42
edbianelektroid, You should def see 2 cores in 32 bit Ubuntu of 64 bit Ubuntu if you have 2 cores03:42
skullboysubcool: kde is more demanding than gnome03:42
audiotraxi'm not getting sound from my m-audio delta 1010 (ice1712).  I've been through every forum post/troubleshoot i could find and i still have no sound.  any ideas?03:42
needlezHi, quick question I'm having an issue with using unlock when I lock my screen through ubuntu. I have pam_tally configured to lock out user at 3 login attempts.  not sure if there is something that i need to modify in pam.d to get the gnome-screensaver to let me use unlock03:42
elektroidedbian: thats what I am worried about, is it because a 32bit distro isnt setup to use SMP in the kernel?03:43
subcoolskullboy, ya- i know. but not 1gb...03:43
DoonzI just got a VPS box with ubuntu 10.04 installed. I created 2 new users. How do i get them to have the same terminal feel as the original user (sorry i dont know what to call it)03:44
edbianelektroid, 32 vs 64 bit has no bearing on SMP.  They can both use it.03:44
skullboysubcool: well there is the apps ur running to03:44
subcoolskullboy, once again- not 1gb.03:45
StepNjumpGuys, how come the real player doesn't have the save video option in Ubuntu. It has the option in windows03:45
elektroidedbian: I looked at the kernel config, it does have SMP, I guess I am just trying to figure out why I only have a single core available, worried I am only getting half performance03:45
edbianelektroid, Yes it is very strange...03:45
audiotrax i'm not getting sound from my m-audio delta 1010 (ice1712).  I've been through every forum post/troubleshoot i could find and i still have no sound.  any ideas?03:45
Chr|sI asked this earlier, but I forgot, how do I switch to command line only mode and switch back03:45
edbianelektroid, Do you have an nvidia card?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=163896303:46
skullboysubcool: that depends what r u running03:46
elektroidedbian: nope, ati-amd radeon03:46
edbianChr|s, ctrl + alt + F1  and ctrl + alt + F703:46
Chr|sedbian, thanks03:46
tripelbbSymmetric multiprocessing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia03:46
tripelbbIn computing, symmetric multiprocessing or SMP involves a multiprocessor computer hardware architecture where two or more identical processors are connected ...03:46
elektroidaudiotrax: I would be interested to find out too because I am planning on getting a setup like that03:46
StepNjumpIs there anything easy to install I could use to save streaming video or streaming video in Ubuntu?03:46
edbianelektroid, What is the output of cat /proc/cpuinfo   ?03:47
needlezany ideas??03:47
audiotraxelektroid:  i've seriously tried everything03:47
subcoolskullboy, - k- thanks.. ttyl03:47
elektroidedbian: http://pastie.org/168125403:47
audiotraxelektroid:  I even did a completely fresh instsall of ubuntu and started from scratch....still no results03:48
edbianelektroid, one core is missing.  I don't know why though.03:48
wenbertfrom the commandline, how do I add fileA.png  to myarchive.zip?03:49
elektroidaudiotrax: do you get the drivers to load at least?03:49
elektroidaudiotrax: as in can you get alsamixer up and what not03:49
KomotiveCan anyone give me some pointers on identifying unexpected shutdowns in ubuntu03:49
Prinler^Linhow do i log in as root? I think i killed sudo... i looked it uponline and it says log in as root and change permissions. How do i do that03:50
audiotraxelektroid:  you bet.  the sound card is set to the default.  the alsamixer comes up no problem, the system sees the card and sees the inputs.  but it only gives me the option of digital outputs (which i'm assuming is the S/PDIF) and i'm not using that...i'm using analog outs 1/203:50
Prinler^LinChanging the file rights from 644 to 440 "fixed" it.03:50
needlezPrinler^Lin:  I was gonna say cant you use sudo su to drop to root?03:51
Abhijit!tar | wenbert03:51
ubottuwenbert: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression03:51
elektroidaudiotrax: do 'lsmod | grep snd-ice' for me03:52
audiotraxelektroid:  I got back "Usage:  lsmod"03:52
KomotiveCan anyone give me some pointers on identifying unexpected shutdowns in ubuntu03:52
wenbertAbhijit I just want to add a single to a zip file. I have uploaded that 90mb file to the server but forgot to add one file to the zip. i was hoping to add it via command line...03:52
cardamonAnyone know why empathy's stopped logging into facebook?03:52
kontagioushey im having a problem installing flash player on firefox 4, ubuntu 64 bit03:53
kontagiouscardamon, mine is down too03:53
elektroidaudiotrax: ok lets try 'lsmod | grep snd'03:53
elektroidaudiotrax: you should see snd_ice, if not you arent using the right module for that card03:53
Prinler^Linsudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0644, should be 044003:53
Prinler^Linsudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting03:53
Prinler^Linneedlez my sudo has died03:54
audiotraxelektroid:  got back a whole list of stuff.  at the top of the list i see "snd_ice1712"03:54
Abhijitwenbert, no idea03:54
delinquentmewhats the ubuntu panel icon .. in the top right .. that gives me a menu with shut down at the bottom?03:54
Loshkiwenbert: you answer is buried somewhere in the depths of 'man zip'03:55
crazyharryI was wondering if this PCMCIA usb card will work for my T40 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16839101111&cm_re=pcmcia_card-_-39-101-111-_-Product03:55
Loshkiwenbert: you -> your03:55
crazyharryboth my USB doesnt work, I bought it like that from ebay03:55
Prinler^LinAnyone know how to log myself inro root so i can fix a file permission with sudo?03:56
banker247anyone savvy in autoconf?>03:56
KomotiveCan anyone give me some pointers on identifying unexpected shutdowns in ubuntu please?03:56
trismdelinquentme: indicator-applet-session03:56
elektroidPrinler^Lin: if sudo works then 'sudo -s' will drop you into a root shell03:57
delinquentmetrism, thanks!03:57
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Prinler^Linelektroid,  did you not even reasd my issue? sudo is BROKEN!!!!!!03:58
LoshkiKomotive: start in /var/log and see if there's anything interesting logged around the shutdowns. Also, please describe exactly what happens at one of these 'shutdowns'03:58
elektroidPrinler^Lin: I didnt understand what you meant, if you cant use sudo then use su, what else can you do?03:59
LoshkiPrinler^Lin: can't you just boot single-user and fix the file?03:59
KomotiveI've had a good few of them now and been through the logs that I'm aware of. I can see any particular issue yet03:59
KomotiveKern log doesn't show anything faulting04:00
audiotraxelektroid:  message me again04:00
LoshkiKomotive: ok, please describe the 'shutdown'? e.g. dead with keyboard leds flashing...04:00
KomotiveIt's almost like the power just cuts out momentarily ....04:01
elektroidaudiotrax: are my msgs not going through?04:01
Prinler^LinLoshki,  no04:01
elektroidaudiotrax: I asked if you are using Ubuntu studio and if you had installed any modules for the card04:01
tripelbbok, please tell me what I did when I hit  control-alt-F1   ---  and how to recover after doing it.  (says the dumbo)04:01
LoshkiPrinler^Lin: er, why can't you boot single user?04:02
rwwtripelbb: switched to a text terminal. ctrl-alt-F7. or sometimes F8.04:02
ericytripelbb: Recover via ctrl-alt-F704:03
KomotiveLoshki: Is there any way to log the power info?04:03
LoshkiKomotive: It sounds hardware/power supply related. Do you have a UPS, btw?04:03
tripelbbthanks ericy quit exit didnt work.04:03
Prinler^Linno root password04:03
elektroidPrinler^Lin: root password isnt necessary for single user04:04
KomotiveLoshki: No - but I may have to get one to rule it out ....04:04
LoshkiPrinler^Lin: what elektroid said...04:04
elektroidPrinler^Lin: run level 1 = single user mode04:04
Prinler^Linyou need root to do the command to change permissions on sudoers.d04:05
LoshkiPrinler^Lin: when you boot single user you are automatically root...04:05
audiotraxhow do you unignore someone?04:06
Prinler^Lin*raises eyebrow*04:06
audiotraxclicked the wrong button04:06
* nick laughs at audiotrax None of that!04:06
Prinler^Linhow do i boot into run lvl 104:06
rwwaudiotrax: try #freenode for IRC help04:06
spiralnihi.. new here04:06
elektroidPrinler^Lin: this should help you with single user mode and other problems http://www.debuntu.org/recover-root-password-single-user-mode-and-grub04:07
needlezPrinler^Lin: you could hold shift down on reboot and go to recv mode and then drop to root shell and modify sudoers file from there04:07
elektroidcan someone tell audiotrax that he cant get my msgs04:08
needlezHi, quick question I'm having an issue with using unlock when I lock my screen through ubuntu. I have pam_tally configured to lock out user at 3 login attempts.  not sure if there is something that i need to modify in pam.d to get the gnome-screensaver to let me use unlock??04:08
Echo9erhi all04:10
elektroidneedlez: you tried 'passwd -u [user]'04:10
Echo9erwould anyone be up to help me pick a new laptop?04:11
Echo9eri wanna run ubuntu on it04:11
Echo9erit will be for school mostly.04:11
needlezelektroid: its not at a terminal, its the screensaver login it wont allow unlock, since I modified pam.d/auth-common04:11
Echo9erand this dell rep is an idiot who i am talking to via chat.04:12
Echo9er 11:11:18 PM    Agent  Vishnu V 04:12
Echo9erYou can install Ubuntu on your own but you need to uninstall the existing software04:12
elektroidI thought Dell came with pre-installed Linux distros these days?04:12
Echo9erevidently not anymore.04:12
Loshkiaudiotrax: /ignore -r <user> to unignore. See http://www.ircbeginner.com/ircinfo/ircc-commands.html04:13
elektroidneedlez: cant reboot or what exactly?04:13
needlezEcho9er: you should look into the different hardware that is in the laptop and see if the laptop's hardware is supported by ubuntu04:13
elektroidif you are account is locked out, you cant do much of anything besides rebooting04:13
needlezelektroid: its not that im locked out, its that when I go to use unlock on screensaver its like unlock has been disabled, says password is incorrect even though its the correct password.04:14
Echo9erhow much hardware isn't supported?04:14
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needlezelektroid: I can go to switch user and login as me but just wanted to know if I can turn back on unlock somehow04:15
elektroidneedlez: I think I misunderstood the context, basically, you can login and want to reactivate unlock for screensaver?04:15
needlezEcho9er: depends, some wifi cards, some graphics cards, some processors if your kernel is before 2.6.35-xx04:15
needlezelektroid: correct, i have to use switch user instead of unlock to login, its kinda annoying04:16
Prinler^LinHmm how do i reboot into run lvl 1 from my usb drive?04:16
Prinler^Linit doesnt have grub04:16
elektroidEcho9er: yeah wifi cards are the biggest pain especially if you only have one computer around, check on the supported list04:16
hiexpo!air rack-ng04:17
trismPrinler^Lin: if it is a usb drive, just plug it in somewhere else and edit the file04:17
Echo9eris 2 gb enough to run ubunto?04:17
Echo9eris 2 gb enough to run ubuntu?04:17
needlezPrinler^Lin:  what do you want to drop to run lv  1 for??04:17
elektroidEcho9er: for a desktop, with the majority of common software, no04:18
Prinler^Linto alter the permission on sudo.... sudo is broken04:18
elektroidoh wait, Ram?04:18
Prinler^Lini need root access to change it all04:18
Echo9eryeah ram04:18
elektroid1 gb is fine but I would go 2gb if you can04:18
elektroid512 mb would even be fine but it wouldnt be the best choice if you intend to use desktop programs normally04:19
needlezPrinler^Lin: if you want to get to root, you could just hold shift on reboot which should give you grub selection , choose recv mode and then start in root or rootshell, you'll have root permission to alter any file you need04:19
Echo9erits going to be for coding in c++04:19
Echo9erand java04:19
elektroidI added another 1 gig ram because I tend to have firefox, openoffice and various audio programs open at the same time04:19
Echo9erand online test.04:19
jigynetIs there any software for xubuntu that wiy systwmll assit in clearin ALL cache, tmp and cookies on m04:19
jigynetmy system04:19
elektroidEcho9er: if you arent doing anything intensive, you can get away with 512 but again its about comfort, I wouldnt in modern times use anything less than 2 gb04:20
W43372I was installing Samba and I got these weird messages in my terminal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/581453/04:20
jigynethow do i assign more swap space on a wubi install, last timme i tried i messed up the grub booter somehow04:20
mrdebdo you recommend ubuntu 10.04 or 10.1004:20
Echo9erwell most of these laptops are 2gbs that i am looking at... thats why im asking04:20
jigynetmost os's use 400mb of ram minimum04:21
Echo9eri got windows 7 down to like 100 by disabling tons of stuff.04:21
needlezmrdeb: depends, for more over all long lasting support 10.04 its LTS but for  bleeding edge 10.10  or if your computer runs an i7 you maybe forced to run 10.10, cuz 10.04 won't recognize some i7 systems04:22
jigynetso to keep costs down, buy it as is with minimum specs..but make sure it supports upgrades and that they can be done easily04:22
mrdebneedlez: why not04:22
Echo9erwhat do you think of that one?04:22
elektroidEcho9er: are you buying each person that helps you one too? :)04:23
jigynetfor maximum options and performance steer clear of hp,compaq,dell,alien or any other proprietay vendors...they severely limit upgrades and performance in most models04:24
elektroidthat one is more than enough04:24
Echo9erlol suuuuuure...04:24
needlezmrdeb: different kernels on 10.04 and 10.10 , 10.04's kernel isn't 2.6.35-xx which my i7 will only run with that kernel or newer, older kernel doesn't allow correct acpi configuration for my system04:24
Echo9erdont get that hp?04:24
Echo9erwhich should i get then?04:24
Echo9eryou just listed everyone.04:24
jigynetthe i3 and other integrated 3d gfx is mighty weak04:24
Echo9eri5 is a 200 dollar jump04:25
jigyneti'm not syaing that i'm looking this one over now04:25
eamonWhat's a good lightweight web browser that supports images?04:25
raidoeamon: Midori04:26
jigynetnice 3mb lvl 3 cahce04:26
jigynetddr3 is a plus04:27
extra11http://www.gotomidori.com/ that is insanely slow04:27
jigynetthe hd gfx has no shaders or physix..not for gameing04:27
mrdebneedlez: that's a major issue04:27
Echo9eri can get away with dx7 games though04:27
jigynetlets see if i can find something on newegg to demonstrate my point tho04:28
needlezmrdeb: kinda, just an issue with older kernels not having the right acpi configuration for newer laptop computers04:28
Echo9erif you can find something on newegg please show me04:28
W43372I was installing Samba and I got these weird messages in my terminal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/581453/04:28
W43372Anybody know what all this means? http://paste.ubuntu.com/581453/04:30
Prinler^Linholding shift down does nothing04:32
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Prinler^LinGuess its time to redo this thumb drive i guess.04:33
Prinler^Linthanks for the help04:33
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Guest1542hello all I just installed ubuntu 10.10, does anyone know a good link to install and use slingplayer04:34
gabo1323I want to install gift daemon, how can I do it?04:35
=== Dank420 is now known as Dankbuntu
ruangabo1323: ubuntu software center or synaptic. search "gift"04:37
jigynetecho http://www.newegg.com/Product/Productcompare.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100006740%204020&IsNodeId=1&page=2&bop=And&CompareItemList=32|34-220-866^34-220-866-TS%2C34-157-535^34-157-535-02%23%2C34-152-249^34-152-249-TS%2C34-152-222^34-152-222-TS%2C34-115-982^34-115-982-TS04:37
gabo1323tanks so much ruan04:37
Echo9eri didnt know newegg could do that04:38
Echo9eris a n830 better than an i3?04:38
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elektroidjigynet: for big links, use tinyurl, just a suggestion for us using console irc clients04:39
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ruany they all have windows 704:39
jigynetyea i didnt know it was that long04:40
Echo9erthat's the one i am looking at04:40
Echo9erbut pentium?04:40
Echo9erthats... sooooooo old.04:40
elektroidjust curious, are most of you using amd64 distros?04:40
pbeariehow do i upgrade a 2.6.18 kernel to a 2.6.35?04:41
jigynetalso note echo that 64bit will perform much much better then 3204:41
ruanpbearie: why would you want to do that?04:41
needlezhi can someone go look at there /etc/pam.d/gnome-screensaver  file and post its configuration for me?? I think mines broken, unlock doesnt work04:41
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Echo9eryou know you could go as high as 600 dollars yeah?04:41
pbearieruan: i have a web100 deb that can run on 2.6.35, and i want to install that04:42
jigynetyea i'm trying to save you dough too xD04:42
jigynetbut yea that ill probably get more of what you need for audio04:42
elektroidneedlez: http://pastebin.com/pEdLJ82V04:42
AurigaVirtualBox issue... Under windows I was able to edit the xml file to get more than 128mb of vram... It's not happening in Linux... Any thoughts?04:42
Echo9eryou going to hook me up with another link?04:42
giikerhisto: if u r still there, I finally sply my window vertically!04:42
giikerhisto: if u r still there, I finally splited my window vertically!04:43
jigynetthe one you originally selected need to be met or better..3mb lvl3 cache, 7200rpm HD 2gb or more ddr3 and atleast 3 cores04:43
Echo9erthe i3 is a quad core bro04:43
jigynet7200rpm hd would be best for audio and media04:43
jigynetno the i3 is a 3 core04:43
jigynethence I"3"04:44
Echo9erwell its got 4 threads04:44
elektroidAMd64 X2 dual-core, how many cores in that?04:44
mrdebi dont understand why i3 would not be supported in 10.04, when an older os like xp alreayd supports it04:44
jigynetyup, the more threads the better04:44
Echo9erok so what should i buy jigynet04:45
elektroidwhat do you mean i3 isnt supported?04:45
rwwCore i3 has two physical core, and works fine on Ubuntu as far as I know.04:46
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elektroidits really down to the kernel you use04:46
needlezelektroid: are you on ubuntu or what distro is this from, cuz its way different from mine. guessing its fedora since it shows fedora04:46
elektroidyeah, fedora, you spotted me out04:47
* elektroid hides04:47
Echo9eris a dual core pentium ok to use?04:47
elektroidneedlez: but the version of pam should be the determinant as far as syntax04:47
needlezyea, im using it to try to figure out how to configure mine, thank you very much was jw04:48
needlezgonna test it after configuring it04:49
Echo9erhow about this one04:49
needlezstill no luck, shows auth failed04:50
needlezeven tho password is correct04:50
elektroidneedlez: have you altered anything specfic to /etc/passwd or /etc/group?04:51
ruanEcho9er: sold out04:51
needlezelektroid: no04:51
Echo9erjust saw it04:51
ruanwhy not a laptop without windows 7.. if there are any04:51
elektroidneedlez: has this issue occured since first install or when did it specifically start?04:51
Echo9erlol find me one and i will get it04:52
elektroidor do you want vendors that preconfigure with Linux?04:53
elektroidI can think of a few04:53
Echo9eri wanna install it04:53
elektroidand Dell claims to online04:53
Echo9era laptop that has nothing would be even better04:53
needlezelektroid: occured after I added this to common-auth auth required pam_tally.so onerr=fail deny=5 unlock_time=21600 no_reset04:53
elektroidEcho9er: cant you just format the partition? whats the difference?04:54
ruanelektroid: windows 7 adds on to the price04:54
Echo9eryou pay for the key is all04:54
elektroidany partition program will wipe a windows install in seconds04:54
elektroidthe price04:54
stewartlittleGreetings from Madison WI... Just getting the word out about Operation Moon-Walker in Madison WI.  Sat the 19th at Noon.  People are meeting at the state street statue to gather... then we are going to Moon Scott Walker.  Cheers.  I hear there may be a wave... Epic04:54
W43372I was installing Samba and I got these weird messages in my terminal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/581453/04:55
needlezelektroid: any idea??04:56
stiltzkinalright gentlemen, I've got another quick question for ya04:57
stiltzkinThe only wireless adapter I have for this PowerMac G4 is a Netgear WG111 usb dongle04:58
elektroidneedlez: sorry, I am reading pam.d configuration to find out what each part means, I am suspect to the onerr part04:58
stiltzkinThe installation of which requires ndiswrapper04:58
elektroidneedlez: if it was that line that changed everything perhaps something is missing or incorrect and I am trying to find out04:58
stiltzkinUnfortunately ndiswrapper can't really be used on PPC, since there are no PPC Windows drivers.04:58
needlezelektroid: kk take your time04:58
stiltzkinSo my question is, does anyone know of any other drivers or methods one might go about using to get this working on a PPC machine? Or am I SOL04:59
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pbearieif i want to upgrade a kernel version, i download the new kernel source, compile and install?05:01
stiltzkinThere is an ancient thread here with my question but no real answer: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17785005:02
jigynetecho well i'm stumped, i can't seem to find a non-proprietary laptop matching or beating your first choice05:03
overcluckerstiltzkin: does the usb dongle have windows drivers available?05:03
stiltzkinoverclucker, yes, but since I'm on PowerPC, it doesn't matter.05:04
overcluckerndiswrapper works on ppc, but only if you have windows drivers for the device.05:04
giikeranyone know what gvfsd-http does ?05:04
stiltzkinoverclucker, sure ndiswrapper will work, but the drivers themselves can't work...they're written for x86 processors since no version of Windows runs on PPC05:05
jigynetanyone know how i can remove tmp,cache,cookies completely? is there any helpful software?05:05
ruanjigynet: bleachbit05:07
ruanthe linux equivalent of ccleaner05:08
stiltzkinoverclucker, It's even on the ndiswrapper FAQ...the software runs on PPC but the drivers do not. That's my problem05:08
subcoolHey- i recently got some help, and it didnt work out- I am trying to install my Built-in web cam.. and installing Cheese didnt work.05:09
subcoolgoogling it is getting me no where..05:09
giikersubcool: you just want to use your webcam right!?05:11
subcool...? ya-05:11
stiltzkinlsusb returns "NetGear, Inc. WG111(v1) rev 2 54Mbps Wireless [Intersil Prism54 Intersil 3886]05:11
giikerhave you used Gimp?05:11
stiltzkinSo it's a prism54 card. Are there open source drivers for that that I might compile on PPC?05:12
subcoolwhat else would i be trying to do?? - u got me curious on that one..05:12
dannyLopez68http://pastebin.com/YXehS5vR alguien any idea?05:12
subcoolgimp? -- nah05:12
subcoolinstalling gimp now05:12
giikersubcool: if you can import an image from your webcam in gimp, you mostly sure can get any image off the webcam05:13
dannyLopez68http://pastebin.com/YXehS5vR any idea?05:13
giikersubcool: through anything else05:13
giikerwell ifgimp recognizes the webcam and gets iamges, it means drivers are ok05:14
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subcoolgiiker, how does gimp import live webcam feeds?05:16
giikerdannyLopez68: what are you trying to do?05:17
dannyLopez68giiker: I have no idea05:17
giikerlive webcam, hmm only pics mate05:17
subcoollol - hahhaha05:18
subcoolim trying to install any drivers to make my webcam work05:18
giikerdannyLopez68: ok05:19
needlezElektroid: well with it changed to succeed it still gave auth failed, then when tried to use switch user it stalled the login and forced me to reboot, think could be the gnome-screensaver set up also05:19
needlezanyone  in ubuntu please post your etc/pam.d/gnome-screensaver file, wanna check to see what the default is for ubuntu compaired to what I have05:20
giikersubcool: what's your model?05:20
subcoolHP DV5- 203505:21
Echo9erXT989UT#ABA < can someone confirm that this model is ubuntu compliant?05:21
giikersubcool: run lsusb05:22
giikersubcool: HP DV5- 2035, that's just your laptop model, run lsusb05:23
subcooli see my usb05:24
hiexpohola all05:24
elektroidneedlez: what was it?05:25
needlezElektroid:  it was the gnome-screensaver file,... needed to add @include common-account; @include common-password; @include common-auth05:25
subcoolgiiker, all i see is my usb hub,05:25
needlezlol, looked at login unix section and it explained what happend05:26
elektroidah so you only had that line in the config altogether05:26
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needlezno each seperated, but yea, it was missing the password and account and the way fedora sets it up is much different, so thats why it wasnt working with the other config05:27
needlezthank you very much05:27
giikersubcool: what about: dmesg | grep webcam05:27
needlezwell now, im happy :D05:28
needlezsubcool: sup?? you trying to find your webcam??05:28
stiltzkinCan anyone explain what this error means? "*** KERNELPATH:/lib/modules/2.6.35-22-powerpc/build does not exist. Stop."05:28
hiexponeedlez, soyour running fedora05:28
giikerEcho9er: you might want to try a live CD first!05:28
elektroidhiexpo: no its me with fedora05:29
hiexpooh ok elektroid05:29
[deXter]Hi all05:29
ubottuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.05:29
Echo9eri dont wanna buy it and not have it working05:30
[deXter]I've got a gnome panel on the left side that's sort of hidden, except for a 1 pixel coloumn which is visible05:30
[deXter]how do I unhide or get rid of it?05:30
[thor]Echo9er: it's free, and always has been05:30
subcoolneedlez, ya-05:30
[thor]Echo9er: www.ubuntu.com05:30
Echo9erthe computer isnt....05:30
subcoolneedlez, and install it05:30
Echo9eri need to know before hand05:30
stiltzkinNo seriously guys, what does that error mean...it's the only thing keeping me from solving my problem05:30
[thor]oh that05:30
elektroidsubcool: which webcam are you using and do you already have v4l installed? most cams work without needing more than that05:31
giikerEcho9er: you might want to burn a Live CD, burn it, and ask people @ the store if you can try you CD05:31
sheenamsi have a question about ssh05:31
needlezsubcool: internel webcam?? or external through usb??05:31
Goomehow would i make it so /usr/bin/ping can only be executed by root?05:31
Echo9erim ordering it online05:31
subcoolelektroid, i have a builtin webcam on my laptop05:32
giikerEcho9er: some stores will say, Ok!05:32
subcoolneedlez, see above05:32
elektroidsubcool: you know the brand-mode?05:32
subcoolelektroid, no- its builtin- i would say HP. lol05:32
giikerEcho9er: you might want to try to look for a similar one on a local store and go there!05:32
[thor]Echo9er: http://www.ubuntu.com/certification05:32
subcoolhiexpo, installed already05:32
Echo9erlocal stores have crap05:32
[thor]Echo9er: has all the hardware by manufacturer/etc05:32
elektroidsubcool: if you gave us the HP laptop model perhaps we could then know what cam you are actually using if you dont know05:33
giikerEcho9er: ok then, then don buy it!05:33
Goomehow would i make it so /usr/bin/ping can only be executed by root?05:33
hiexposhould work with cheese especially hp05:33
elektroidbecause its down to specific webcam to know which drivers are needed05:33
subcoolelektroid, HP DV5 2035 -05:33
sheenamsquick question about ssh, ls lists nothing but cd /.ssh finds ssh directory. Help?05:33
subcooldont be snippy- i have restated this 5 times already, just ask.05:33
giikersorry, OPs, but it's always like this @ this time, too many trolls05:34
rwwsheenams: dotfiles aren't shown in ls by default. use "ls -a" (All) instead05:34
rwwgiiker: then ignore them. feeding them makes things worse.05:34
sheenamsrww: that gives .  ..05:34
subcoolwhat command can i give to give a more specific desciption?05:34
rwwsheenams: presumably because you changed directory to ~/.ssh ;)05:34
Goomehow would i make it so /usr/bin/ping can only be executed by root?05:34
hiexpogreat batteries dieing in mouse05:35
elektroidsubcool: you have a HP TrueVision cam05:35
[thor]!permissions | Goome05:35
ubottuGoome: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions05:35
subcoolelektroid, thank u-05:36
stiltzkinI'm almost there...fixed my previous error message by installing kernel headers. Now I get "fatal error: linux/config.h: No such file or directory." How can I fix that?05:36
giikerrww: I know, sometimes I just doubt my judgment on trolls, anyway...05:36
sheenamsrww: im following directions at github. it says to cd ~/.ssh then ls to find the kepair.05:36
uberbobhi, i am having a problem where a ubuntu box refuses to change hostname, the names in /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname are fine yet hostname and hostname -f are wrong (and yet many reboots have been done)05:36
rwwsheenams: if you did ls inside ~/.ssh and you only see . and .., then you have no keypair.05:36
Goome[thor]: 700 would do fine?05:36
rwwor none in there, anyway05:37
sheenamsrww: Thanks!05:37
elektroidsubcool: can you not get it to load in cheese?05:38
elektroidI believe the v4l drivers are already on there, so it should just work05:38
giikersheenams: u need to generate them first...05:39
ejvuberbob: you know you could just restart the hostname service in /etc/init.d/ lol05:39
[thor]Goome: you need to chown the file to root as well05:39
ejvrebooting is overkill ;)05:39
subcoolelektroid, no i cant..05:39
Jon--I am unable to add anyone to my MSN on Ubuntu 10.04 using Pidgin 2.7.9 (libpurple 2.7.9). I always get the message "Unable to add the buddy EMAIL_HERE@hotmail.com because the username is invalid.  Usernames must be valid email addresses.  Any ideas?  I hve05:39
Jon--Shit. Sorry. Bad enter key.05:39
FloodBot2Jon--: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:39
=== Guest24504 is now known as DarkDevil
uberbobyour not helping05:39
sheenamsgiiker: i know that now. the tutorial i'm following said it would give me an error if there wasn't one, but it didn't give me the error so I assumed there was one05:39
Jon--I am unable to add anyone to my MSN on Ubuntu 10.04 using Pidgin 2.7.9 (libpurple 2.7.9). I always get the message "Unable to add the buddy EMAIL_HERE@hotmail.com because the username is invalid.  Usernames must be valid email addresses.  Any ideas?  I have asked in #pidgin already, but it's much less active, figured I'd ask here.05:40
ejvuberbob: did you try restarting via the init script?05:40
=== DarkDevil is now known as Guest85253
ejv(im referring to the hostname service)05:40
subcoolelektroid, or.. it hasnt...05:40
[deXter]So, any ideas folks?05:40
subcoolelektroid, cheese didnt make it work05:41
Chr|sis there a channel for team speak here?05:41
hiexpojon_relax ok with pidgin and hotmail nothing special is needed when you opened pidgin you should have  got a welcome right05:41
giikersheenams: ok, good luck setting up your keypair, and please don't skip the part where it asks for passphrase...05:41
needlezsubcool: can you generate the lspci for that device so I can get the exact info for it?05:41
Chr|sI am having issues with my headset working for Team Speak05:41
Jon--hiexpo: I have used Pidgin for a while as my MSN client. It's just that lately it stopped allowing me to add buddies.05:42
uberbobjust did sudo service hostname start and it didnt help05:42
elektroidneedlez: you need lsmod05:42
ejvi'd check the ubuntuforums Chr|s05:42
Jon--hiexpo: Always telling me that their email is invalid, even if I know for a fact it isn't.05:42
hiexpoJon--, oh so you can log in but not add buddies05:42
needlezahh my bad, i see,05:42
Jon--hiexpo: Correct. returns error message, I pasted into my message above ^05:43
giikerJon--: I have been able to add contactsin amsn, if you want to try other client05:43
subcoolneedlez, nothing in the output mentioned webcam. all the output contained CPU and ATI05:43
Chr|sejv, thanks05:43
Jon--giiker: Pidgin interfaces nicely with alerts. I'm also used to the interface. I've considered changing clients, but I'd rather stick with them if I can for now, so I'd like to try and fix this.05:43
hanasakiwhat is a good tool for administrating users / groups in LDAP for id/password/group/samba05:43
needlezsubcool: lsmod sorry got mixed up05:43
hiexpojon_i just added one to my hotmail last night and no problem so maybe it is a invalid email05:44
subcoolits ok- im relearning the command05:44
Jon--hanasaki: Windows.  Not trolling, but it's very hard to do in Ubuntu I find.05:44
subcoolcan i lsmod | webcam or something?05:44
needlezjust pastbin the output05:44
giikerJon--: have you been able to use the webcam with pidgin and msn, i've had no succes at all05:44
hanasakiJon--:  you mean active dir?05:44
Jon--giiker: MSN changed protocol no FOSS client can use webcams anymore05:44
Matissetheres a directory /home/a/.mozilla/firefox-3.5.abandoned   ... what's that all about?05:44
Jon--hiexpo: It's done it to any email I try.. The last 5-10 from 5-10 different people. I doubt that that is the issue.05:45
hanasakiJon--:  and giiker what about gmail and pidgin05:45
Jon--To be honest, Meebo does a better job than Pidgin and aMSN at features/webcam/etc. -_-'05:45
=== Matisse is now known as a
Jon--But I don't want a web based client05:45
Jon--I am unable to add anyone to my MSN on Ubuntu 10.04 using Pidgin 2.7.9 (libpurple 2.7.9). I always get the message "Unable to add the buddy EMAIL_HERE@hotmail.com because the username is invalid.  Usernames must be valid email addresses. " Any ideas?  I hve05:45
=== a is now known as Guest10778
Jon--Sorry, wrong message. -_-'05:46
xanguaupdate pidgin Jon--05:46
=== Guest10778 is now known as Matisse
Jon--xangua: I have the latest version from http://pidgin.im/download/ubuntu/05:46
xangua2.7.9 is not 'latest'05:46
Jon--It's the latest repository supported..05:46
Jon--Are you suggesting I compile from source?05:47
ejvprobably a ppa via launchpad05:47
Jon--Any resource on Pidgin site for installing onto Ubuntu links to http://pidgin.im/download/ubuntu/ on their site. They don't support any packages beyond 2.7.9 it seems.05:47
xanguaso the pidgin ppa has no latest05:47
DwoodI need help fixing a problem with my sounds on Ubuntu. Anyone care to help?05:48
Jon--Dwood: !ask05:48
xanguatry getdeb.net repository, i got 2.7.11 from there i believe Jon--05:48
Jon--Shit, wrong bot macro, sorry.05:48
Jon--Just ask.05:48
ejv!language | Jon--05:48
ubottuJon--: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.05:48
elektroidsubcool: you can also ls /dev/video and then try vlc v4l2:///dev/video*05:49
giikerhanasaki: gtalk works fine, but last time i tried to chat with webcam with my wife @ home it did not work05:49
elektroidsorry ls /dev/video*05:49
Dwoodfirst: need to get my buntu version...05:49
hanasakigiiker:  did you need to use the google plugins to the apt sources? BRB05:49
Jon--I am unable to add anyone to my MSN on Ubuntu 10.04 using Pidgin 2.7.9 (libpurple 2.7.9). I always get the message "Unable to add the buddy EMAIL_HERE@hotmail.com because the username is invalid.  Usernames must be valid email addresses."  Any ideas?  I have asked in #pidgin already, but it's much less active, figured I'd ask here.05:50
ejvcan you stop repeating, for the love of god05:50
Jon--xangua: Will getdeb replace my other package for pidgin  or will it be named differently in aptitude?05:50
xanguawill update/replace Jon--05:51
elektroidsubcool: you still there?05:51
Jon--xangua: apt-get update did not find an update for pidgin05:51
giikerharisund: i have the plugins installed, maybe it was because we were on the same LAN, i don't know I could chat but not webcam conversation, weird....05:51
Jon--After installing the getdeb repo05:51
subcool_bah - got disconnected05:51
Jon--Yes it did.05:51
Jon--I apologise.05:51
elektroidah subcool, do lsmod | grep video05:51
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DwoodUpon starting Ubuntu every time, the sound manager uses the previously set volume level as the MAX volume level05:51
DwoodThis is not okay.05:52
Jon--How bleeding edge are these packages, quite safe and stable?05:52
giikerJon--: i'm going to try to add someone on pidgin right now05:52
Jon--giiker: Alright.05:52
subcool_video                  20623  005:52
subcool_output                  2503  1 video05:52
=== Kasjopaja23 is now known as Kasjopaja
Jon--giiker: I wasn't getting any problems for the longest time, then 3-4 days ago, out of the blue, I cannot add anyone.05:52
DwoodCan someone help me with my sound issue?05:52
_jesse_hey all having some issues with ssh and public key authentication; same private key works on one system, but not on another. Gives the follwing output: http://pastebin.com/4YWBzaD805:52
hanasakigiiker:  did you need to use the google plugins to the apt sources? BRB05:52
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest28908
Jon--From #pidgin "bug fixed in 2.7.1105:52
elektroidsubcool_:  and ls /dev/video* please05:53
elektroidif you get video0 and have vlc we can try testing it on there05:53
needlezelektroid: i looked over his lsmod and it shows no uvc or v4l area, however shows video005:54
DwoodEvery time I start ubuntu it uses the previously set sound level as the maximum sound level05:54
subcool_ls: cannot access /dev/video: No such file or directory05:54
giikerJon--: ha ha, just got the same error like you05:54
Jon--giiker: From #pidgin they said the bug is fixed in 2.7.11  Are you running 2.7.9?05:54
DwoodLike if I set it to half sound, then the next time I start it up half is now as if the sound was turned up all the way05:54
elektroidneedlez: yeah its just video using raw output module05:54
giikerJon--: let me see05:55
elektroidI am trying to find out if truevision is v4l compatible05:55
giikerJon--: mine is 2.6.605:55
elektroidif so, then loading that driver should fix it05:55
lolsieshey guys please can i ask you to rate OSKit compared to other tools05:55
subcool_im glad u guys know about this- cause im soo puzzled05:55
Jon--giiker: Damn. well, to fix, compile from source or install the getdeb repositories. #pidgin says "Jon--: package builds are done by different people, unfortunately"05:56
giikerJon--: let me try05:57
jblpxhwhen is ubuntu 10.10 server going to upgrade to apache 2.2.17 in apt?05:57
jblpxhit came out december 201005:57
Jon--giiker: I'm confident this will fix it. Pidgin is aware of the bug, it's just that their PPA is not up to date.05:57
DwoodCan someone help me with a sound issue?????05:58
=== Squarism is now known as Blobbo
elektroidsubcool_: which Ubuntu are you using?05:58
rww!latest | jblpxh05:59
ubottujblpxh: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.05:59
DwoodI'm using 10.04 and have an issue with the sound, can someone help me set it up?05:59
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DwoodI hate to continue repeating my question05:59
DwoodJust only 1 support channel is kind of...06:00
Tohuw!enter | Dwood06:00
ubottuDwood: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:00
elektroidDwood: this time of day is hard to get good live support06:00
Chr|sDwood, copy and paste is a great feature06:00
subcool_elektroid, idk about that- i get better help now then during the day06:01
rwwwhen used appropriately, in 15 minute intervals06:01
TohuwDwood: There are 1k+ users in this channel at any given time. This is much more useful than a few users in many channels. There are in fact multiple Ubuntu support channels, though this is the one for Ubuntu desktop. Your best bet is to repeat your question every 15-ish minutes. If someone has an answer, they'll answer.06:02
giikerJon--: have you tried to build it yourself yet?06:02
DwoodTohuw: all right. I'll try every now and then.06:02
elektroidsubcool_: if you have ekiga installed(most likely) give that a run see if your cam works, otherwise all I can find is sites mentioning to install the uvc drivers from source06:02
needlezDwood: sound issue??06:03
TohuwDwood: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting06:03
subcool_elektroid, installing now-06:03
subcool_i found a couple helps that include installing from source, but when i went to follow the guide- the links were no good06:03
DwoodTohuw, already tried that. needlez: when starting Ubuntu every time, the sound manager uses the previously set volume level as the max volume level06:03
elektroidsubcool_: http://www.ideasonboard.org/uvc/06:04
giikerJon--: source is heavy06:04
Jon--giiker: lol. Yes, it's no fun.06:04
TohuwDwood: meaning when you restart, the highest you can set your sound is whatever it was set to before restarting?06:05
Jon--giiker: Are you having trouble?06:06
subcool_elektroid, nothing was found06:06
elektroidwhat do you mean?06:06
Jon--giiker: I can help you if you like. Ironic, you tried to help me fix problem, and in doing so, you realized you also have problem, and now I can help you fix it. Hahaha.06:06
elektroidthe site is there, I am on it now06:06
_jesse_having some issues with ssh and public key authentication; same private key works on one system, but not on another. Gives the follwing output: http://pastebin.com/4YWBzaD806:06
giikerJon--: man, building it will take 35 mins total, by that time I will be asleep06:06
subcool_elektroid, well, after installing ekiga... nothing was found when trying to test the video06:06
elektroidgot ya06:07
giikerJon--: sorry, it is 02:07 am here06:07
Jon--giiker: no worries.06:07
AurigaHello, Any one able to tell me how to stop opening applications from following me across desktops?06:07
nishantmy synaptic is not working06:07
Jon--giiker: I just installed the getdeb repository, it has a later verison of pidgin06:07
giikerJon--: I do think I'll make it06:07
elektroidsubcool_: looks like you are just going to need to install from source, I ve been looking in my usual spots and thats all I ve seen06:08
giikerJon--: I don't think I'll make it06:08
damien\server irc.recycled_irc.net06:08
damien\server irc.recycled-irc.net06:08
subcool_elektroid, thanks- all i got is google, and i get bs...06:08
subcool_what kinda cam do i have again?06:09
elektroidyeah HP TrueVision06:09
Chr|sif I were to creat a launcher to open a program how would I add this command "padsp teamspeak"?06:09
dr0idhello friends06:09
dr0idhowz it goin06:09
giikerJon--: I was going to do evrything in virtual box, but then I said naaah, too long, i like pidgin too for their alerts, reminds me of Irc alerts somehow!06:10
giikerJon--: will give it a try in the ffuture though06:10
subcool_according to ur website, my cam isnt supported06:10
giikerJon--: it's a shame how Big Corporations shut us out though!06:10
meani have two kernel ,but i always start with 2.6.32-24,how to change to 2.6.32-27?06:11
Jon--giiker: Not really.06:11
giikerJon--: I meant MS...06:11
GaduI'm choosing between 2 nearly identical graphics cards. Option 1 supports OpenGL 4.1 whereas Option 2 only supports 3.2 but it is slightly faster. (both are Radeon HD 6850 from same brand)06:12
GaduWhat are the advantages of going up to 4.1 from 3.2?06:12
Jon--giiker: Microsoft has a closed source product that is designed to allow people to chat with other people who, most often, have their email account and choose to use their product. Should they be more open? Sure. Should we get mad or require it of them? I'm not sure you really can. It's within their rights to be competitive and keep their source closed, even if it makes us mad.06:12
sacarlson mean: I use the gui startup-manager to change grub2 settings06:12
TohuwGadu: http://www.opengl.org/documentation/current_version/06:12
TohuwGoogle is your friend, Gadu06:13
Bing0Hi.  Ubuntu 10.10 -- I have a flash issue(not speed, and full-screen works fine) on different computers with different browsers.  If I load a flash video(youtube for ex) and scroll down the flash video follows the page...also if I have other tabs open the flash overlays the other tabs.  Any ideas or anyone else having this issue?  Thanks.06:13
GaduTohuw: should have thought of it that way, kept searching OpenGL 3.2 vs 4.1 soft of thing which is pretty dead06:13
giikerJon--: wau, by the speed of your typing I might venture to say you had that in a file and copied it, but who  knows right, haha!06:13
Jon--giiker: Nope, just a software developer who also chatted on MSN too much as a child.06:14
Jon--giiker: My keyboard and me are good friends ;)06:14
nishanthello , why my touchpad not workng06:14
GaduTohuw: thanks for the correct direction XD06:14
sacarlsonmean: take a look at http://www.techienote.com/2010/10/changing-default-boot-option-in-ubuntu-10-10.html06:14
Bing0Gadu, have you googled your make/model with ubuntu 10.10 and tablet as keywords?06:14
Bing0err.. nish06:14
Bing0nishant,  have you googled your make/model with ubuntu 10.10 and tablet as keywords?06:14
giikerJon--: you are my keyboard master, then! no joking eh!!06:15
nishantit was working fine ...stopped suddenly06:15
TohuwYou're welcome, Gadu06:15
Bing0nishant, does it work in another user account? have you tried a live cd to ensure the touchpad itself is functional?06:15
nishantno I can check in windows wait will be back06:15
Bing0Hi.  Ubuntu 10.10 -- I have a flash issue(not speed, and full-screen works fine) on different computers with different browsers.  If I load a flash video(youtube for ex) and scroll down the flash video follows the page...also if I have other tabs open the flash overlays the other tabs.  Any ideas or anyone else having this issue?  Thanks.06:15
giikerJon--: I know all of your argument, and heard it many times, but I have seen many like MS do this and it has always been just to shut us out!06:16
GaduBing0: Tablet?06:16
Bing0Gadu, it was a tab completion typo..plz ignore06:16
GaduBing0: ah ok, i did find the necessary information to setup the graphics card properly with Ubuntu 10.1006:17
giikerJon--: we'd better stop, before ubottu sends us to the cafe channel06:17
Jon--giiker: There's always PM.06:18
jsoftHow to take screenshot?06:18
sacarlsonjsoft <alt> printscreen06:19
Tohuwjsoft: The print screen button, by default. Configurabe in Keyboard Shortcuts06:20
Jon--jsoft: Press alt+ printscreen for current window, printscreen for entire display06:20
Guest26494can someone say a bad word i need to test something06:20
rwwGuest26494: no.06:20
subcool_y is this always soo difficult06:20
Guest26494ok sorry then06:20
Jon--subcool_: With great power comes great responsibility.06:20
GaduGuest26494: I will in a PM if that is suitable for your test06:20
ihack4funThats a four letter word06:20
subcool_Jon--, its a laptop---06:20
Guest26494gadu that would be great06:20
Jon--subcool_: What's your problem?06:21
Guest26494i made an xchat profanity filter06:21
subcool_Jon--, this isnt DieHard 406:21
subcool_couple the guys were helping me..06:21
giikerJon--: don't even go there, this afternoon, i learned how to use almost all screen keybindings, and I haven used irc commands in a long time, less dcc06:21
Jon--subcool_: You either need to get out (stay in?) more, or that was just a terrible troll.06:21
subcool_just trying to install my webcam06:21
elektroidsubcool_: your laptop is too new, you will have to try installing the drivers as I mentioned06:21
elektroidor try the newest version of Ubuntu06:22
Jon--giiker:   /msg Jon-- yo06:22
subcool_elektroid, working on it06:22
giikersubcool_: you have been trying to install your Webcam for the last 2 hours! come on, get some sleep!06:22
subcool_giiker, no- my gf has been giving me shit for 2 days06:23
elektroidsubcool_: your webcam may very well not be supported by Linux06:23
subcool_elektroid, like everything else i purchase06:23
DwoodI have issues with brightness buttons on my laptop, someone want to help me out?06:23
elektroidI cant find anything except a few instances which is why I mentioned those drivers06:23
hiexpowow u guys still messing with thatWB CAM06:24
elektroidotherwise, try getting another cam that is supported06:24
DwoodUbuntu recognizes the buttons that they should change the brightness but nothing happens!06:24
Jon--Someone could have written him a driver by now.06:24
elektroidJon--: by all means06:24
DwoodWell the brightness dialog comes up but it doesn't actually do anything!06:24
Jon--elektroid: D: Maybe. I have limited driver writing experience however ;P06:25
subcool_elektroid, i have two- but they suck06:25
elektroidsubcool_: well, you may be in better luck if you have an older cam06:25
_jesse_having some issues with ssh and public key authentication; same private key works on one system, but not on another. Gives the follwing output: http://pastebin.com/4YWBzaD806:25
subcool_im noticing06:25
elektroidunfortunately, anything cutting edge is unsupported or extremely buggy in Linux06:26
Jon--_jesse_: Unknown Paste ID!06:26
elektroidunless you buy things specifically oriented for the unix world06:26
giikersubcool_: you should go to the same store where you bought your laptop and tell them it doesn't work in DOS and get a refund, then when you get a replacement come back here and then we can help you06:26
subcool_im use to it-06:26
Jon--Except things that actually matter, like solid state drives06:26
DwoodKinect was supported within 3 hours of its release...06:26
Jon--Where the Linux kernel actually had better support than Win7 for a while.06:26
subcool_my gf is just mad she bought me a new laptop- and i refuse to install windows on it06:26
_jesse_Jon--: hrm it must have expired06:26
_jesse_one moment06:26
elektroidJon--: as I said, if it isnt already something the unix world supports06:26
subcool_giiker, lol- i wish. but this thing is 6 months old06:27
nishantanyone can tell me why snyaptics touchpad not coming up http://pastebin.com/mejjFSVK06:27
subcool_nishant, its better than a buggy one. My touchpad f's up all my typeing06:27
_jesse_having some issues with ssh and public key authentication; same private key works on one system, but not on another. Gives the follwing output: http://pastebin.com/dTkpEXtu06:27
_jesse_Jon--: ^06:27
_jesse_seems like ssh-agent is borked06:28
elektroidwhats funny, I ve noticed a lot of people come to this channel and are like damn,my car doesnt run, whats wrong with it as if everyone knows06:28
Bing0Hi.  Ubuntu 10.10 -- I have a flash issue(not speed, and full-screen works fine) on different computers with different browsers.  If I load a flash video(youtube for ex) and scroll down the flash video follows the page...also if I have other tabs open the flash overlays the other tabs.  Any ideas or anyone else having this issue?  Thanks.06:28
nishantlol the problem is when u travel06:28
jekinhey need a help ... I have some problem with Ubuntu ..... I have a Nvidia FX5500 card which causes the booting from hard disk or live CD to fail ......  when i try the text mode this following message is comming up06:28
jekinNo init found try parsing init=bootarg06:28
Jon--_jesse_: And you did ssh-add on your client PC correct?06:29
MTecknologywhat app is there for ripping cd's?06:29
elektroidto iso?06:29
Dannydhi i have a ubuntu installed on a computer at home. But no internet connection. How can I update that computer, (can I get a list of packages from the update manager and go to an internet cafe and download them in some sort of automatic way)?06:29
elektroidyou can use dd06:29
jigynet!deep scan06:29
_jesse_Jon--: yeah, and I tried it with ssh -i too06:29
jekinany idea on how i can atleast boot to text mode06:29
giikerJon--: weird it did not work06:29
MTecknologyelektroid: to any audio format that I can toss onto my phone06:29
elektroidah ok CD to mp3 then?06:30
giikerdamn, my neighboors are fighting again!06:30
MTecknologyi remember sound juicer from way way back.. i'm guessing there's a lot better now06:30
elektroidDannyd: use apt-rdepends [name of package] and download those06:30
DwoodI have an issue with the brightness controls for my laptop. Someone willing to help?06:30
tmandryI'm stuck in lucid and I need to install ant 1.8 which isn't in the tree - how can I do this?06:31
Jon--_jesse_: Sorry I have to go to bed shortly  please find someone else to assist you.06:31
JetBoyJetGirlhint Dwood: just ask your question06:31
sacarlsonjekin: can you try holding shift at boot and select recover boot or single user boot?06:32
elektroidMTecknology: sound juicer is still the main but you can look at everything here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping06:32
JetBoyJetGirlnot sure if anyone in here would be able to help though tbh06:32
* rww uses k3b for CD ripping <306:32
DwoodI press the buttons on my laptop to control brightness, ubuntu recognizes them but the brightness does not change!06:32
elektroidthat site has a ton, kaudiocreator, k3b, and soundjuicer so I figured the site was better06:32
MTecknologyelektroid: thanks06:33
andrew_46MTecknology: This is an old guide of mine that might help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=53595006:33
jekinsacarlson ....... i tried the recover mode but it also gives init not found error06:33
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elektroidI am glad someone else likes k3b, I ve always liked it over Brasero06:34
giiker_jesse_: what are you trying to do again06:34
Dannyd elektroid: once i do that the update manager will detect that they were installed right?06:34
sacarlsonjekin: I guess your boot media must have mest up.  try boot a livecd and try mount the root partition to see if it's intact06:34
Dannydif i install the packages using dpkg -i06:34
hiexpoya but k3b is kde06:34
elektroidDannyd: hopefully, I ve been in a similar situation06:34
elektroidno internet and needing to grab packages from another pc06:35
Chr|show do I make a bash script run from launcher?06:35
* rww uses KDE <306:35
Dannydok will try06:35
elektroidhiexpo: well, something wrong with using KDE apps?06:35
Dannydthanks  elektroid:06:35
elektroidk3b works fine with the right libs in gnome06:35
_jesse_giiker: use ssh with pka; I think I might be onto something though06:35
hiexpoto each is own06:35
ihack4funK3b good for DVD movie backups06:36
giiker_jesse_: what's your error?06:36
jekinsacarlson .. the boot CD also fails actually .......  it kind of freezes midway ... also tried the safe graphics mode while booting from CD still fails ......... as long as i am using the GFX card none of linux distro (tried fedora Kubuntu ubuntu)  fail to boot06:36
elektroidihack4fun: as in to make .iso?06:36
_jesse_giiker: http://pastebin.com/dTkpEXtu06:37
=== melik is now known as Conquistador
_jesse_giiker: it looks like I didn't actually ssh-add this most recent key pair gen though06:37
giiker_jesse_: wait, can you delete known_hosts?06:37
ihack4funI want to make bacup copies of my purchased movie DVDs06:37
_jesse_I think it's ok now06:37
caffeinegumhey all06:37
giiker_jesse_: ok06:37
elektroidihack4fun: so why not just make a disk dump per and simple dd if=/dev/cdrom of=~/cdrom_image.iso06:38
_jesse_giiker: though I'm surprised ssh-agent refused to use the key even with the -i flag on ssh06:38
realsifohi. how to install nvidia driver on ubuntu?06:38
jekineasy way is hardware>drives06:38
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:38
realsifothanks :)06:38
ihack4funBecause I didn't know how06:39
elektroidI bet a lot of people dont even look at the forums06:39
_jesse_giiker: thanks anyway06:39
jekinelektriod ... lol ....... or not ever do google search06:39
MTecknologygah... i need to use this system more often... >250 updates every time i turn it on is ridiculous06:40
andrew_46ihack4fun: There is the hard way documented here: http://www.andrews-corner.org/fist.html06:40
giiker_jesse_: shouldn't you be using 5.8 though?06:40
MTecknologymaybe if i stop using +1 ..06:40
cryptodiratotem is complaining about needing a 'dvd subpicture decoder' in order to play a dvd..... vlc does not play this  either...it just opens and closes.... suggestions??06:40
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elektroidMTecknology: are they security updates only?06:40
DwoodI press the buttons on my laptop to control brightness, ubuntu recognizes them but the brightness does not change!06:40
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MTecknologyelektroid: nah; most aren't06:40
=== Sauvin is now known as Bocaneri
van7huhi,I just getting started with python under ubuntu,yes,I could call 'python' from terminal,but how could I know the version of it?06:40
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MTecknologypyrofallout: python -v06:41
elektroidMTecknology: you dont need to update everytime a new release comes out and I personally advise against it, if you feel the need just update at every release06:41
elektroidubuntu release06:41
hitmoon-v give you it's version06:41
MTecknologypyrofallout: python -V **06:41
giiker_jesse_: read thi just in case: http://openssh.com/security.html06:41
MTecknologyelektroid: I've been using natty for a few months now :P06:41
van7huI used -v but does not work :)06:42
MTecknologypyrofallout: python -V <-- capital06:42
MTecknologyvan7hu: -v verbose && -V version06:42
cryptodiratotem is complaining about needing a 'dvd subpicture decoder' in order to play a dvd..... vlc does not play this  either...it just opens and closes.... suggestions??  10.04.2  amd/6406:43
MTecknology!repeat > cryptodira06:43
ubottucryptodira, please see my private message06:43
airtonixtotem: qqmoar06:43
elektroidMTecknology: what I mean is that, you expose yourself to a lot of bugs by staying bleeding edge, if you have a version of something and its solid, stay with it unless you need new features06:43
giikergood night everyone, thanx for those who helped me tonight with screen, i really enjoyed it!! see you in the afterlife, if there is any!, I hope! :-)06:43
MTecknologyelektroid: I'm just a bleeding edge person :P   I actually roll my own kernel too :)06:43
DwoodI press the buttons on my laptop to control brightness, ubuntu recognizes them but the brightness does not change!06:43
MTecknology!repeat > Dwood06:43
ubottuDwood, please see my private message06:43
elektroidMTecknology: well, I guess its your computer, so do as you like06:44
MTecknologyelektroid: i'm jobless for another week; spare time to do stuff like that :P06:44
jigynetwhat is "deep scan"06:44
elektroidthat seems to be Ubuntu's trend anyway, constant updating06:44
elektroidI think Ubuntu was originally based off of Debian SID so that make sense06:45
elektroiddifferent Linux philosophy06:45
jigynetMTecknology, roll your own kernal?06:45
elektroidand his own cigarettes06:46
hiexpoihack4fun, dvdbackup works great06:46
MTecknologyelektroid: every version does imports from debian unstable; until a few months prior the auto sync is stopped06:46
needlezDwood: you still there??06:46
MTecknologyjigynet: setup and compile and install by hand; very very fun once you know what you're doing06:46
hiexpoihack4fun, but gotta use terminal06:46
elektroidMTecknology: thats why I stopped using Ubuntu for a desktop, since 10.04 everything was overly buggy to me06:47
ihack4funUse Dvdbackup in term?06:47
jigynetMTecknology,  meaning there is code that is tweakable for certain desireable things? and then re-compiled?06:47
Bing0Hi.  Ubuntu 10.10 -- I have a flash issue(not speed, and full-screen works fine) on different computers with different browsers.  If I load a flash video(youtube for ex) and scroll down the flash video follows the page...also if I have other tabs open the flash overlays the other tabs.  Any ideas or anyone else having this issue?  Thanks.06:47
jigynetMTecknology, what would you change for instance?06:48
ihack4funSyntax pretty easy?06:48
jigynetand why06:48
elektroidhell, I am using kernel 2.6.33 because of the realtime patch, I prefer that then the latest kernel just because06:48
=== Conquistador is now known as melik
hiexpodvdbackup is a terminal app06:48
elektroidjigynet: there are a lot of modules that the normal kernel loads and processor functions that are unneeded06:49
hiexpoand works perfect06:49
elektroida lot06:49
elektroidbut I think the majority of Ubuntu users dont notice06:49
nishantmy touchpad problem was because of the laptop key combination that disables touch pad , it remains intact even after boot06:50
jigynetlol processor functions? you would wnat as much cpu functions as possible..optimizations..06:50
jigynetcouldn't these modules be uninstalled later without having to edit the code?06:50
ihack4funGot it on Sourceforge thx06:50
elektroidjigynet: not optimizations, things like profiling and accounting which are extra overhead06:50
MTecknologyjigynet: it all can be changed; the kernel you're using is about 4.3MB with about 132MB in modules  --  mine is 2.2MB total; no modules06:51
MTecknologyno overhead of added jun06:51
MTecknologythat's an m, not a g06:51
elektroida 4.3 gb kernel LOL06:51
MTecknologyi don't think that's even possible06:51
elektroidimagine that thing loading up at start06:51
jigynetwell when you say kernal i think of it as the entire os06:52
MTecknologyneed 8GB ram06:52
jigynetnot just one module06:52
ihack4funIs there a terminal app for IRC06:52
hiexpo4.3 gig kernal wow06:52
Flannelihack4fun: irssi06:52
andrew_46ihack4fun: irssi06:52
elektroidyou arent going to have 4.3 gb in modules either06:52
MTecknologythe kernel isn't just a module; it's what the whole os runs on06:52
hiexpoihack4fun, yes06:52
MTecknologyihack4fun: irssi and weechat06:52
ihack4funCool one more torrents?06:53
knewubuntu is NOT recognising the monitor I just plugged in06:53
jigynetkernal = similar to registry? contains code that allows the os to run etc?06:53
knewi'm on a laptop06:53
elektroidMTecknology: do you use a particular kernel version based on kernel.org or ubuntu stream release?06:53
andrew_46ihack4fun: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=101078006:53
Chr|sihack4fun, you have a name like that and don't know about irssi o.006:53
nishanthow do I reduce the brightness of my LCD , the graphic properties option of Intel graphics is not there in Ubuntu only windows see it or installed in it06:53
HyperHoRsehi, what version of ubuntu is the best version06:53
elektroidjigynet: the kernel is the vmlinuz and your /lib/modules06:53
MTecknologyelektroid: latest from kernel.org06:53
nishant10.10 is the latest06:53
HyperHoRsewhat version does mark shuttworth use on his personal06:54
jigynetchrobi, he's probably learning how to hack06:54
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com06:54
HyperHoRseI have 10.1006:54
MTecknologynishant: it's the latest 'release' but 11.04 is available; i think it hit beta06:54
knewhelp me06:54
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)06:54
HyperHoRseWhat is better in 11.04?06:54
knewubuntu is NOT recognising the monitor I just plugged in06:54
[thor]HyperHoRse: shuttleworth uses 12:1206:54
elektroidHyperHoRse: the best is the latest release that works best for your particular hardware06:54
nishantyes 11.04 will be released in april06:54
knewi'm on a laptop06:54
HyperHoRsethor: what is 12:1206:54
icerootHyperHoRse: its not a stable release yet so forget about 11.0406:54
jigynetelektroid, so yes06:54
iceroot[thor]: please dont make fun of people here06:55
HyperHoRseiceroot: But what is better and more improved?06:55
hiexpodon't feed the trolls06:55
nishanthow do i install driver for intel based graphics card inbuilt06:55
knewwhy won't ubuntu recognise my external monitor I plugged in?!06:55
elektroidjigynet: look at /boot/vmlinuz, it wont be 4.3 gb06:55
icerootHyperHoRse: 11.04 is using a very important kernel-patch which should bring better desktop performance06:55
ihack4funChris got me on that one06:55
jigynetMTecknology, so what would i change to optimize a 64bit xubuntu for my atom netbook?06:55
HyperHoRseiceroot: I have only 512mb of ram06:56
oven_i mounted a network drive through nautilus..how do I figure out info about it through the terminal, using smb://harddrive/share/ won't work, and i don't know of a /dev name and uuid is what i want to figure out..06:56
HyperHoRseiceroot: Will the latest ubuntu always run with my low amount of memory.06:56
icerootHyperHoRse: i think with 512mb ram, lubuntu is worth  look06:56
jigynetelektroid, i didnt say my kernal was 4.3gb i was thinking the numbers mt said were from the entire install06:56
icerootHyperHoRse: not very good06:56
HyperHoRseiceroot: I also have a 512mb graphics card06:56
icerootHyperHoRse: not if you are using ubuntu (with gnome)06:56
HyperHoRseiceroot: Yeah but my 512mb geforce takes care of opengl06:56
HyperHoRseicroot: I actually get ok peformance and can still play games.06:57
icerootHyperHoRse: doesnt matter, applications are not using the ram of your vga06:57
jigynethyper it will run06:57
MTecknologyjigynet: depends; you first need to know what you're doing; then you deeply need to understand the inside of your system and how it all fits together; it's not as simple as just a change here and there and done06:57
HyperHoRseiceroot: is that actually true because I thought opengl takes care of all that06:57
MTecknologyelektroid: so... m4a, flac, mp3 ??06:57
jigynethyper only reason it runs in low gfx mode is because your drivers ar not installed properly06:57
icerootHyperHoRse: its as i said06:57
nishantFolks , I think Ubuntu should allow by default http://www.downloadatoz.com/driver/articles/how-to-enable-intel-graphics-driver-for-ubuntu-10-10.html06:58
HyperHoRsejigynet: my peformance is not bad I can play games pretty good06:58
elektroidMTecknology: dont understand your question? which do I prefer? mp3 because of portability06:58
jigynethyper what is your question about opengl specifically?06:58
iceroot!tab | jigynet06:58
ubottujigynet: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.06:58
HyperHoRseiceroot: Will ubuntu always support 512mb of ram06:58
jigyneta gefore 5500 for example support opengl 2.0 and previous versions06:58
MTecknologyelektroid: if what your putting it on could understand anything; which would you use?06:58
HyperHoRsejigynet: What do you m ean06:58
icerootHyperHoRse: its not a question of support, its a question about performance06:59
HyperHoRsejigynet: I mean open gl shouldn't it use all the graphics ram06:59
hiexpoi am just running a lappy and using ubuntu gnome and it runs fine06:59
MTecknologyHyperHoRse: probably not 20yr from now where people can't believe we used to use DIMM's06:59
elektroidMTecknology: or if I want to give it to another person, I dont have to worry about it working or not06:59
jigynetmost new games and hardcore cad and DCC uses opengl 3.0+06:59
HyperHoRseiceroot: more like a support question06:59
nishantubuntu doest instal intel graphics driver default - why ?06:59
Pete_hello i need to no how to delete from comand line06:59
hiexporun it till it breaks07:00
HyperHoRseMTecknology: 20years? Nah it would be sooner than that. Solid State drives are already here so its all gonna change horribly soon07:00
MTecknologyelektroid: it was looking like m4a gives you some of the best compression without being too lossy - my phone will play anything07:00
icerootnishant: maybe they are not free so they cant be on the cd07:00
=== eddyarif is now known as VADEH
jigynetHyperHoRse, no opengl wont use all the ram..textures and code fill ram..07:00
HyperHoRsejigynet: that sucks.07:00
hiexpoPete_, google rm command07:00
HyperHoRseHow come ubuntu dont write their own drivers. Is it not possible07:00
jigynetHyperHoRse,  nop thats good actually07:00
HyperHoRsejigynet: why07:00
elektroidMTecknology: unless you are doing serious recording as a musician or working with audio tracks from video, m4a isnt going to be that much of an advantage07:00
hiexpoand ytour on your own Pete_07:00
MTecknologyHyperHoRse: i have an ssd and when i boot up and run basic stuff for a day I don't end up using >1GB of the 4GB I have available until I start compiling stuff; firefox being most of that07:01
jigynetHyperHoRse, cause you dont want to fill; up ram at all07:01
iceroothiexpo: if you dont want to help instead of just posting google please stop support here07:01
HyperHoRsejigynet: oh07:01
=== jhford_ is now known as jhford
HyperHoRse10.10 is pretty good.07:01
jigynetmost directx 7-9 games uuse like 200-1gig at most07:01
elektroidFirefox appears to have a memory hole too, will eat up the majority of memory out of a common users processes07:01
HyperHoRseI have a problem with 10.10 though.07:02
HyperHoRseI real bad problem.07:02
hiexpoiceroot, so you want me to tell tell people how to use the rm command   . ok    I am a linux guy07:02
HyperHoRseThe real bad problem is I cant run unity.07:02
elektroidLOL hiexpo07:02
iceroothiexpo: i want that you give people good support if not we dont need you here07:02
HyperHoRseI think it is the problem to do with the fact unity doesn't use my graphics card drivers.07:02
MTecknologyelektroid: abcde is pretty neat :)07:02
HyperHoRseI have a fairly new graphics card.07:02
meani have 2 kernel but always start with 2.6.32-24,how to change to  2.6.32-27?07:02
iceroothiexpo: its fine if you are a linux guy a know a lot but that doesnt make a good support here07:02
HyperHoRseum the desktop thing07:03
jigynetyou mean the unity3d players for battlestar gallactica?07:03
HyperHoRsethe new one that came out07:03
elektroidmean: what do you mean at start up?07:03
elektroidmean: if you are using grub its a simple selection at boot07:03
elektroidprovided you have mention of the other kernel in grub07:03
hiexpoiceroot, i always give good support and always have i help in aircrack-ng backtrack-linux and pentoo07:03
HyperHoRseyou know07:04
HyperHoRsewhen you login and stuff07:04
HyperHoRseand its like choose this one07:04
hiexpoand here in ubuntu07:04
HyperHoRseand you go into that one07:04
HyperHoRseand it has very simple control down the side07:04
HyperHoRseon the left07:04
FloodBot2HyperHoRse: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:04
HyperHoRseand its like always freezing the computer07:04
HyperHoRsealso why doesn't it use the nvidia graphics card drivers07:04
elektroidnow we know why you are called HyperHoRse07:04
jigynetwhat version of unity would i get for the amd64 install?07:04
HyperHoRseim from www.atomicmpc.com.au07:05
elektroidyou were created by a website?07:05
[thor]HyperHoRse: help with unity can probably be had in #ubuntu+107:05
jigynethyper it is using the gfx card, what makes you think its not?07:05
HyperHoRsecos when i go into appearance07:05
HyperHoRseit says it cant do extra.07:05
jigynetwhat is that?07:06
Chr|show can I make a bash file linkable through a launcher?07:06
meanelektroid, i installed startupmanage but the grub menu didnt show up.07:06
Chr|sfor some reason its not opening up the file07:06
HyperHoRsego into appearance07:06
HyperHoRsethen select extra07:06
HyperHoRsefor extra desktop effects07:06
jigynetyou need to download them?07:06
HyperHoRsei mean07:06
FloodBot2HyperHoRse: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:06
elektroidmean: update /boot/grub/grub.conf and then do grub install07:06
HyperHoRsewhy doesn't unity work with them07:06
HyperHoRsei already have them07:06
jigynetoh k07:07
HyperHoRseim using them now07:07
rwwHyperHoRse: Please stop abusing your enter key.07:07
jigynethe's not flooding....07:07
MTecknologyyes he is07:07
jigynethe's talking to like 4 people lol07:07
elektroidmean: if when you compiled the new kernel and did make bzImage, it should have updated the grub.conf and should only need to do 'grub install'07:07
HyperHoRsewhat is ubuntu+107:07
rwwjigynet: Then they should probably start listening to the floodbots and not using their Enter key as punctuation.07:07
lancelits horSePower!07:07
MTecknologyHyperHoRse: the next version of ubuntu07:07
hiexpoPete_, google rm -rf  iceroot says ok to giveyou goodhelp on how to delete a folder so there ya go07:08
HyperHoRseso why am i supposed to tell them about my problem07:08
elektroidI can tell HyperHoRse uses text msging a lot07:08
rww!google > hiexpo07:08
ubottuhiexpo, please see my private message07:08
lancelwe need hp:s for ubuntu07:08
HyperHoRsemy problem with unity not working with my graphics card drivers07:08
jigynetxD its not abuse of the enter key its adding additional details he left out of the previous lines07:08
lancelso far it is going with diesel07:08
elektroidjigynet: well, the idea is to type lines out longer07:08
iceroothiexpo: are you a troll?07:08
jigynetso what shoulld be said is..please try to put everything you want to say in as little space as possible and on one line07:08
MTecknologyjigynet: if you have an issue, it doesn't belong here07:08
iceroothiexpo: i said we dont need google here07:09
rwwjigynet: If you have an issue with the way the floodbots and channel operators are coded, please visit #ubuntu-ops.07:09
jigynetit's just a suggestion...07:09
jigyneti'm not picking a fight07:09
HyperHoRseso why doesn't unity work with my graphics card drivers.07:09
rwwjigynet: As was that. Now, back to Ubuntu technical support.07:09
jigynetk xD07:09
bsdnuxi'm trying to recreate a raid1. both disks have 3 partitions. 2 of them where joined fine on md0 and md1, but when trying to add sdb3 to md2 i get mdadm: /dev/sdb3 not large enough to join array07:10
bsdnuxthe disks are the same size. mdadm is v2.6.7.107:10
nishanthello , does ubuntu use the latest Linux Kernel07:10
HyperHoRseI thought unity was what ubuntu is changing to. But I dont understand because extra desktop effects no longer works in 10.10 due to it not using the graphics card drivers not provided by ubuntu07:10
HyperHoRseor canocal07:10
HyperHoRseor whatever,07:10
rwwnishant: No, the current stable version of Ubuntu uses
jigynethyper what?07:10
jigynetso your using nvidia drivers instead of what was provided by ubuntu07:11
theclassycorsairwhat's that website, where you can submit and VOTE on commands? like with switches and combined to do useful and neat things?07:11
HyperHoRsejigynet: in unity. I can't use unity because of the graphics card drivers. Extra Desktop Effects does not work.07:11
nishantso in general is there a lag wrt to latest kernel , is compiling the kernel on own own advised?07:11
elektroidnishant: you can generally go to www.distrowatch.com and see which version of the kernel and main software a distro uses and no maverick 10.10 uses 2.6.3507:11
rwwnishant: No, we advise that you use the version that comes with Ubuntu, as that's the one we support ;)07:11
jigynethmm i have a nvidia 5500 with 512 let me see if i can replicate the issue07:11
HyperHoRsejigynet: What is up with Unity? also when I try to use unity for a limited amount of time it freeze the computer and i have to ctrl alt f7 ctrl alt del07:12
hiexpoiceroot, thats fine if we don't need google here > but you know when i need to find out something i use google to find out what itmeans     > so if that is the case why does google post anything about ubuntu   >     don't hack an google it is our engine07:12
jigynetone second pls xD07:12
HyperHoRseso does that mean that unity will be for basic computers that dont have graphics hardware?07:12
nigelbnishant: you dont get the bug fixes or security fixes if you compile your own kernel, neither can you log bugs.  They will be closed since we don't support mainline.07:12
nishantright thats fine07:13
rwwhiexpo: You are welcome to use Google to find things out. You are also welcome to post those things in #ubuntu if answer someone's question. Please don't, however, tell people to Google things.07:13
HyperHoRseso basically07:13
HyperHoRseim not sure.07:13
HyperHoRsewhats going on here.07:13
rwws/answer/they answer/07:13
hiexpoand i do work for google07:13
MTecknologynishant: if you miss one kernel module everything else could work fine but firefox might break; leading you to think it's a firefox issue, when it's not07:13
jigynetcrap.. nvm forgot i had to format that pc07:13
nishantI see , I understand07:14
MTecknologynishant: it's also a huge undertaking; best done by really smart people that have minds of steel and glasses of whiskey07:15
nishantthanks so I guess I have better things to do :)07:15
jokersmileHow do I make a startup thumb drive using puppy linux but putting ubuntu 10.10 on the thumb drive? And will it work?07:16
airtonixjokersmile: investigate the use of grub207:16
MTecknologyjokersmile: i 'think' you can just download the ubuntu iso and use dd to copy over the iso to the drive07:16
rwwMTecknology: nope :(07:17
MTecknologyoh.. :(07:17
jokersmilei think that i have tryied reading about how grub works and it's confussing07:17
jokersmilei already downloaded the iso file and copied it to the thumb drive07:17
airtonixjokersmile: then you need to get over that quick, because it's going to be the only way07:18
pooz millions of people must use ubuntu.07:19
jokersmileok then any one know of any user friendly tutorials for that. I prefer pictures. I'm a visual person.07:19
airtonixjokersmile: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/03/how-to-create-multiboot-liveusb-using.html07:19
airtonixjokersmile: i had to sacrifice my child to get that link07:20
zodiac207jokersmile: about what?07:20
jokersmilezodiac207: I was talking about grub07:20
airtonixgrub2 you mean07:20
mwiegandJust got a quick add-apt-repository question: Would add-apt-repository on 10.10 add deb-src lines to the sources.list, even when given a repository starting with "deb "?07:21
zodiac207jokersmile: grub2?07:21
jokersmileif that's the latest and updated and recommeded one from the community, then yeah07:21
MTecknologyelektroid: looks like mp3 defaults add an extra 20-25% over the m4a defauls; i'll assume it's just compression :)07:22
airtonixmwiegand: add-apt-repository does not add lines to /etc/source.list07:22
airtonixjokersmile: grub2 is the one that will let you do multiboot from usb07:22
airtonixjokersmile: it lets you boot straight from iso files on a partition07:22
mwiegandairtonix: It sure does on 10.04.07:23
airtonixmwiegand: no. it adds files to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/07:23
mwiegandairtonix: It even says so on its man page.07:23
jokersmilewill it work on 10.1007:23
xZwhiteif i does apt-get source on a package how can i know how the deb package is compiled?07:24
mwiegandairtonix: But aside from that, it should not add deb-src lines if not requested, right?07:24
airtonixmwiegand: every single add-apt-repository action i've executed for the last year has only created a relevant file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/07:24
dpetrekso i have ubuntu server with shortage of disk space. command line access only. tried checking whats using the space with df -k. says 96% use on /dev/sda1 which is mounted on /07:24
dpetrekhow can i see in detail where are top consumers07:25
eckirchncmd line top07:25
meanhow to load the new kernel?07:25
airtonixmwiegand: yes, it will create a file of the name related to the ppa you requested in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ and fill that file with the relevant deb & deb-src lines07:26
overcluckerdpetrek: du -h --max-depth=1 / works for finding bloat.07:26
MTecknologyDoonz: du -hs /*07:26
MTecknologydpetrek: *07:26
dpetreklet me try07:26
* hiexpo reads up and only sees one thing about recommending Google and it was about the rm command > so is gonna make recommendations to Google about posting Ubuntu topics any longer in Google 07:27
mwiegandairtonix: So it will add deb-src entries, even when the repository starts only with "deb http..."?07:27
meani have kernel 2.6.32-27 but it always start with 2.6.32-24,how to load the new kernel?07:27
dpetrekthis does not make sense guys, although i can see disk usage by folders now, the sum of usage by fodlers is not what df -k reports for /07:28
blackshirtmean: i think you need update your grub menu, and then reboot with latest kernel07:28
meani tried it,but it didnt work07:29
MTecknologydpetrek: pastebin both07:29
blackshirtnot show on your grub menu ?07:29
meaneven no grub menu  show up...07:29
MTecknologycrap... i can't make the power cord stick in07:30
dpetrekMTecknology: http://pastebin.com/M19TahFj07:31
xZwhiteif i does apt-get source on a package how can i know how the deb package is compiled?07:32
jigynetok i installed unity where is it?07:33
Dr_Willisrun it from a command line.. theres no icon.07:33
Dr_Willissince its a window manager type thing.07:33
MTecknologydpetrek: where's the last line?07:33
Fuchsit should be listed as a session in your display manager (where you log in)07:33
overcluckerdpetrek: problem is you are using different units of measurement for each command.(-k, -h)07:33
jrawsHey guys, anyone want to help me with a charitable volunteer project? :) --> http://www.reddit.com/g5q7z/ | If you're interested, would you mind responding on the reddit thread, if possible? it literally takes 5 seconds to sign up for an account and requires 0 personal information.07:34
jrawsThanks! :)07:34
dpetrekoverclucker: still it dos not sum well07:34
FloodBot2jraws: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:34
dpetrekMTecknology: everything is pasted07:34
meanblackshirt, yes,there is no grub menu when booting07:34
MTecknologydpetrek: look again07:34
dpetrekoverclucker: /dev/sda1 should have about 10 gigs07:34
jigynetso unity will replace my current gui? or does it run overtop of it and use up more cpu/ram07:34
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dpetrekoverclucker: i can't find those 10 gigs07:34
mwiegandairtonix: Ping?07:35
MTecknologydpetrek: also.... look at /var/07:35
Devicehello, short of pushing reset... what to do in the event of ubuntu locking up?07:35
hiexpohola Dr_Willis07:35
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MTecknologyDevice: ^07:36
arandDevice: ctrl+alt+F2 login and kill things, or if that doesn't work, reisub.07:36
Dr_Willishowdy hiexpo07:36
Devicearand, i cant get any keyboard access at all, i tried that already. i even lost the mouse now too.07:37
hiexpohow you doing this evening Dr_Willis07:37
Dr_Willisgetting ready to take a long drive on vacation. wife wanted to leave early.. so i came hopme early.. they are all sleeping still..07:37
poozso how come unity doesn't work with a graphics card in 10.1007:37
Dr_WillisAint faily fun. :)07:38
poozoi i thought ubuntu was supposed to support that07:38
Devicearand, i almost want to cry lol. the ever faithful ubuntu has crashed on me for the first time ever...07:38
Dr_Willisit would depend on the driver support for that card pooz07:38
poozyeah it works fine in desktop07:38
poozbut as far as support goes' why did they release unity to 10.10 when it has such bad issues with graphics card07:38
hiexpoDr_Willis, so being patient <07:39
jigynetcause its meant to use opengl as an accelerater07:39
cdbspooz: as for that question, you need to really wait for 11.04 next month. You'll like it. No graphic issues now.07:39
jigynetpooz gotta start somewhere right?07:39
Dr_Willisperhaps because they knew it was getting a total work over for 11.0407:39
poozcdbs will 11.04 have a more improved unity interface?07:39
poozunity is cool but some of the interface sucked07:40
Dr_Willispooz:  thats its MAIN feature.07:40
cdbspooz: a completely rewritten one, using compiz/QT instead of mutter, much faster, and quite many changes07:40
Dr_WillisIve rarely seen mentioned any other improvements/changes in 11.0407:40
poozcdbs: good work ubuntu07:40
poozgood work mark shuttle worth07:40
cdbspooz: yes, no more gnome-panel in 11.04. Unity for both desktop and netbool07:40
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poozwill 11.04 have more games?07:41
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cdbspooz: http://ubuntuone.com/p/hx4/ is a screenshot of the applications place, and http://ubuntuone.com/p/hx5/ is dash07:41
hiexpoDr_Willis, where you guys going   . hopefully a nice place07:41
knewsomebody help me!07:42
cdbspooz: okay, since this is a support channel, further discussion on 11.04 should be on #ubuntu+1 or (if not a support question) on #ubuntu-offtopic07:42
knewubuntu is not recognising my external monitor07:42
cdbsknew: Which version of Ubuntu?07:42
* cdbs knows of some multi-monitor issues on 10.0407:43
knewcdbs: 10.0407:43
Dr_Willisknew:  depends on yoru video chipset and drivers also.07:43
knew8600m GT up to date nvidia drivers07:43
Dr_Willisknew:  desktop/laptop?07:43
MTecknologycdbs: i think MOST issues happen to be video...07:43
knewalso, it recognises up until ubuntu starts07:43
cdbsknew: What happens when you open up Monitors in the system/preferences menu?07:43
Dr_Willisupto-date as in from the nvidia web site? or latest in the repos?07:44
Dr_Willisknew:  you did run the nvidia-setttings tool?07:44
knewcdbs: It tells me it doesn't work with my driver, and it'll open my nvidia control center thing07:44
knewcdbs: the nvidia control center thing does not see any other monitor07:44
* cdbs doesn't know much about the nVidia world :(07:44
knewDr_Willis: yes, it does not see any other monitpr07:44
Dr_Willisknew:  you might need to hit the special laptop keys to toggle the monitor. OR ive seen some cases where teh monitor must be plugged in when the system boots.07:44
RaptorsDoes anyone know how to fix that?07:45
knewDr_Willis: yes, i do that, and it switches to my external monitor07:45
xxmmaannhi can you help me i have an error when try play youtube video in totem media player_GStreamer encountered a general supporting library error07:45
knewDr_Willis: but then when ubuntu login screens comes up it goes back to my monitor screen07:45
Raptors(I'm on Debian so I can't use ubuntu emerald package)07:45
RaptorsI tried asking in #compiz and #debian but those channels are deal07:45
knewDr_Willis: any ideas?07:45
Dr_WillisRaptors:  emerald is basically a dead project.07:46
Dr_Willisknew:  not really. My nvidia laptops all work good.07:46
MTecknologyRaptors: try #debian on irc.oftc.net07:46
RaptorsDr_Willis, what replaced it?07:46
Dr_WillisRaptors:  nothing.. it died..07:46
knewDr_Willis: whatever, fuck ubuntu07:46
RaptorsI want to use the emerald themes though :(07:46
Dr_Willisknew:   whatever.. have a nice day.07:46
jigynethttp://pastebin.com/LsBSN6Ud my first attempt at running unity in 1010 is this bug or error knonw?07:46
Dr_WillisRaptors:  emerald is so problematic. and proberly will never get fixed.. so use it if you want i guess.. good luck with getting any sypport on it.07:47
RaptorsWhy was it killed?07:47
MTecknologyis emerald even worked on anymore?07:47
Dr_Willisdevelopers all moved on...07:47
MTecknologyi thought that was tossed out years ago07:47
* Raptors sobs07:47
Dr_Willisthats how  GPL stuff often dies. :)07:47
Dr_WillisThe emerald theme servers all shut down about 2 yr ago? 1 yr ago?  i forget...07:48
RaptorsThere is nothing better available though07:48
Dr_Willisi dont find emerald that impressive.. sorry..07:48
MTecknologyRaptors: compiz07:48
jigynetlol@knew he'll be back xD07:48
RaptorsEmerald is the theme manager for Compiz07:48
Dr_Willisemerald is a window decorator that runs along side compiz...07:48
MTecknologyjigynet: unfortunately; probably true07:49
overcluckerdpetrek: it does look like there are files hidden somewhere. you could try looking under your mount points.07:49
Dr_Williscompiz has 3 differnt window decorators it can use. a GTK one, a KDE one . and emerald.07:49
hiexpo^ yep07:49
RaptorsDr_Willis, can you at least look at the paste07:49
Raptorsit looks like a GTK prob07:49
Dr_WillisIm suprised more window deforators have not came out.07:49
dpetrekoverclucker: how to do that?07:49
Dr_Willisbut with the  changes in 11.04 - in 3 yrs.. compiz may  be dead. :) or at least very sick.07:49
jigynethttp://pastebin.com/LsBSN6Ud does this look familiar to anyone, should i submit it?07:50
MTecknologyi like openbox; everything i need and all the extra transparency and shadow stuff i want07:50
overcluckerdpetrek: unmount em07:50
Dr_WillisMTecknology:  i read where TWM even has compositing options now.07:50
RaptorsDr_Willis, what did they add in 11.0407:50
Raptorsthat makes compiz sick07:50
jigynetwell why can't compiz use directx or gpu acceleration/optimizations?07:50
Dr_WillisRaptors:  the new interface Unity revisted..07:50
Raptorsugh, unity07:51
dpetrekoverclucker: how07:51
Dr_Willisjigynet:  directx on linux?  Compiz does use acell here.07:51
Devicefifteen minutes of distrsction and the ever faithful ubuntu has given meancontrol again.07:51
jigynetlol xD well something like directx to give apps or gui the benefits of use of the gpu with cpu07:51
Dr_Willisthat would be 'opengl' i think jigynet.07:52
MTecknologyopengl is scary land07:52
jigynetyea opengl07:52
jigynetmy bad07:52
RaptorsLOL DirectX07:52
tsimpsonjigynet: compiz does use gpu acceleration, where available07:52
RaptorsCan someone please at least look at my paste :(07:53
jigynetso what would be diffrent? why use unity?07:53
RaptorsI think it's more secure07:53
Dr_WillisIf you want fancy effects with out the hardware requirements.. check out  the latest Enlightment, or if you want to go to 'way out there land' theres metisse. :)07:53
Raptorsand adds some more features07:53
RaptorsDr_Willis, are they as good as compiz?07:54
Dr_Willis11.04 is just moveing ubuntu to a new directon07:54
Dr_WillisRaptors:  they can do  effects.. they are not the big hogs that compiz is... they have some features lacking in compiz.07:54
tsimpsonjigynet: unity is supposed to be a unified UI, compiz is just a window manager07:54
RaptorsI like it how it is right now07:54
overcluckerdpetrek: type mount. it should show you what is mounted, and where. you can run umount on the mount point, or the mounted device.07:55
Dr_WillisEnlightment - is slowly growing into a 'desktop' :) metisse is a window manager that can do fancy effects  without needing 3d acell.07:55
RaptorsI don't want this unity crap. :|07:55
tsimpsonRaptors: the code is teh broken, unless you know C and GDK/GTK, you're stuck07:55
jigynetis unity more widely  supported and adaptable then compiz? tsimpson..so compiz has dependancies and unity is self contained and streamedlined because of this?07:55
Dr_WillisUnity is the next generation. :) i guess youi can say.07:55
RaptorsI guess I'll use the ubuntu package on debian and hope that it was brick my system07:56
Dr_WillisI recall when compiz was in version like .0001 :) and was a total disaster.  Unity is proberly at  .01 level.07:56
tsimpsonjigynet: compiz doesn't do anything other than make your windows wobble etc, unity is something completely different07:56
Raptorstsimpson, it does more then just make your windows wobble07:56
Dr_Willisit can also make the cube!07:56
tsimpsonRaptors: ^ 'etc'07:56
Dr_WillisCubewiz -07:57
RaptorsCompiz > *07:57
Dr_WillisI can think of like 4 Compiz features that actually add functionality to my systems/work flow.07:57
RaptorsI'm probably going to stick with x11/compize for a while07:57
RaptorsMaybe mess around with unity in a VM or something07:58
dpetrekoverclucker: http://pastebin.com/G5A8CbyK07:59
dpetrekoverclucker: maybe it could be that fsck should be run on the filesystem07:59
jigynetwhy would having terminal open, cause all windows to assume terminal window's size is fullscreen and not allow larger or drag them outside of it??07:59
endafyhey how do I enable the Nvidia drivers if they don't show up in hardware drivers list?07:59
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jigynetendafy, is it onboard or integrated?08:00
wincenthow to install Chinese spelling tool?08:00
endafyjigynet, its a card, but nvm I am just going to install it with the .run file I just wanted a gui way of doing it08:00
jigynetum no?08:01
overcluckerdpetrek: are any of the mounts in /storage currently in use?08:01
jigynetuse synaptic or find the drivers using the provided software08:01
piojunbabiahi, is there a channel for vb.net progammers?08:01
dpetrekoverclucker: yes there are08:01
endafythe "provided software" is a disk with Windows only drivers on it08:01
piojunbabiawhat is it?08:01
dpetrekoverclucker: vmware1 points to one hard disk, vmware2 points to another one08:02
jigynetendafy, the provided ubuntu software add/remove in the applictions menu...08:02
endafySparkle 8400GS with 1G DDR308:02
RaptorsWhat do you guys think of gnome shell?08:02
hiexpo!compiz \ hiexpo08:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:02
RaptorsI think it looks stupid08:02
sackboxreminds me of my mobile phone08:02
jigynetendafy, that should have been detected and installed and probably is??08:03
hiexpo!compiz | hiexpo08:03
ubottuhiexpo, please see my private message08:03
RaptorsDr_Willis, IDK what you find so great about Unity3d. It looks pretty weak. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoUTBsL7M1s08:03
Dr_WillisRaptors:  ive not even tried it. so have no oponion on it.. it is going to be what gets pushed.. so thats the bottom line.08:03
jigynetendafy,  using the add/remove software in the apps pull down menu will list installed drivers with a gren check mark08:03
endafyjigynet, its all good the add/remove doesnt have any drivers and I really dislike synaptic08:04
overcluckerdpetrek: probably not a good idea to just unmount them. you might want to reboot into a recovery console if you can. then check for files in the unmounted mount points.08:04
RaptorsDr_Willis, maybe by ubuntu. I don't think everyone will be pushing it08:04
endafysudo su then .sh NV*.run should do the trick08:04
Dr_Willisive used everything from GeOS on my C64 to twm, to you name whatever windowmanager/desktop out..08:04
jigynetendafy,  so you went to nvida and download their drivers and expect them to work with ubuntu?08:04
RaptorsI don't like the look of the side launcher.]08:04
endafyno but we'll see in a moment08:04
Dr_WillisRaptors:  dosent really matter.. Im in #ubuntu support. :) and i imagine other disrtos will follow. or go gnome-3 wich is also going similer routes.08:04
RaptorsLooks pretty horrible to me :/08:04
endafyif it is proprietary they are going to be the same driver08:05
RaptorsI'll probably have to switch back to windows or something before I use Gnome3 or Unity08:05
Dr_WillisI feel most docks are Horriable.. but that dosent stop people from using them08:05
RaptorsThey both look really horrible08:05
Dr_WillisRaptors:  thats the beuaty of gpl/linux. do what you want. I perfer function over looks.08:05
endafyRaptors, I am on Gnome 3 on my other Desktop and it is amazing08:05
jigynetendafy,  it DOES list your driver look for nvidia08:05
RaptorsHopefully there will be an option to disable gnome shell08:06
endafybrb says I have to reboot08:06
jigynetendy no proprietary drivers are completely diffrent from ubuntu supported and compiled drivers08:06
RaptorsDr_Willis, it doesn't look that functional. My Gnome 2.3.2 looks far more function then that08:06
sackboxill use gnome3 if i get to decide what apps shows up where08:06
Dr_WillisRaptors:  the operative word is 'looks' you havent tried it..08:06
RaptorsDr_Willis, the whole design looks whack like the lack of minimize08:07
Dr_Williskde4 has Much more 'functions' then anything out.. so much.. its majorly confuseing.08:07
Raptorsand no panels08:07
Dr_WillisRaptors:   differnt workflow/paradigm.  no need for them.08:07
Raptorsand having to go into a giant menu to find an application08:07
endafygroovy it worked08:07
sackboxkde need to optimization and stability08:08
jigynetthe .run file works??08:08
Dr_WillisI will wait for 11.04 to come out - then decide..08:08
endafyjigynet, lol yes08:08
endafysame driver08:08
jigynetyou have nvidia control panel and can adjust resolution etc?08:08
endafyand sackbox try KDE 4.6 then talk08:08
RaptorsI can't stand KDE's design either. I'm kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place. I'd probably have to switch to Windows/XFCE08:08
dpetrekoverclucker: i think i don't understand what you want me to do.08:09
RaptorsOr not upgrade to gnome308:09
cdbs!ot | Raptors08:09
ubottuRaptors: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:09
endafyKDE's "design" in KDE 4 can be made to look and mimic Gnome 2 Interface08:09
jigynetendafy, test it by running software then requires a 3d card08:09
endafy3D effects enabled08:09
hiexpo<     please use windoz08:09
dpetrekoverclucker: there is alot of consumption in backup, vmware1 and vmware2 but these point to another storage08:09
endafyyou know what, please go use Windows we wont miss you much08:09
jigynet3d effects are already enabled and use cpu??08:10
endafyjigynet, yes I just dislike using the .run as it has no interface to speak of08:10
hiexpobye bye Raptors08:10
RaptorsI could??08:10
* Dr_Willis goes back to BeOS.08:10
Raptorshiexpo ??08:10
madsHi: The ISO images on http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/, what time zone are the "time modified" set at. or what i really what to know is at what time are the daily iso updated for download?08:10
cbfmorning chaps08:11
jigynetendafy, pls test it08:11
overcluckerdpetrek: what i'm thinking, is that there may be files underneath one or more of your mount points. it would explain missing missing disk space.08:11
endafyI just dont see if you dont like KDE, how you could say you want to use Windows 7 with a straight face08:11
hiexpoRaptors, yu said you couldgo back to windoz   ?08:11
cbfgot two ubuntu 8.04 LTS boxes, both using identical resolv.conf for two AD DNS servers08:11
Dr_Willismads:  i doubt if its at a set time.   given the server load and  other things.08:11
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cbfone will resolve hostnames08:11
jigynetlinux is not windows...therefore kde can not be compared with windows08:11
cbfand the other needs the domain suffix before it will resolve... any ideas?08:11
Dr_Willisjigynet:  theres kde ported to windows. :)08:11
Dr_Willisor at least parts of it.08:12
madsDr_Willis: they are updated every morning.08:12
Raptorshiexpo, ya when gnome 3 comes out.. or just stay with current Gnome08:12
endafyjigynet, I know but Windows 7 and KDE look so similar08:12
cdbs!ot | jigynet, endafy, Dr_Willis08:12
ubottujigynet, endafy, Dr_Willis: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:12
sackboxjigynet: right. windoz doesn't compare. ubuntu/gnome is rock solid and thats what matters08:12
Dr_Willismads:  proberly an automated script. so server load/downtime  could delay them.08:12
jigynetporting to windows.. how redundant and pointless08:12
Dr_Willisjigynet:  im using kvirc righjt now on windows.. so its not pointless. :)08:12
madsDr_Willis: Thansk08:12
jigynetcdavis, o.008:13
endafyjigynet, please join me in #ubuntu-offtopic08:13
cdbsjigynet: PLEASE stop that. This is a support channel08:13
Dr_Willisim so used to weechat.. using  a GUI irc client seems.. weird.08:13
hiexpoRaptors, be careful don't threaten the linux community   lol   we don't wanna lose any business to microsoft08:13
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RaptorsWhat business?08:14
Raptorslinux is free08:14
jigynetuh cdbs pls dont just assume we are not talking about or supporting something..everything we are talking about is in relation to a support question08:14
Dr_WillisLinux is used by a lot of businesses..  and other comercial ventures.08:14
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Dr_Willisthe licensing dosent really figure into it for them much. Other then its a very open license.08:15
cdbsjigynet: In relation, right? But the discussion moved offtopic, so it isn't valid here. The support question has been answered already08:15
Dr_WillisIm still waiting for a ubuntu branded tablet to come out.08:15
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ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »08:16
jigynetwell we are going oftopic talking about this and so i will stop talking about your actions as they are offtopic08:16
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dpetrekoverclucker: unmounted 3 mount points08:17
dpetrekoverclucker: still same consumption08:17
cbfdns client... any ideas or what? :)08:17
cbfwhy does one server need a suffix resolve and t'other does not08:18
cbfusing the SAME dns servers08:18
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ParadoxEternalIs the compiler on Natty slower than Lucid?08:19
dpetrekoverclucker: you were right08:19
dpetrekoverclucker: i figured it out08:19
overcluckerdpetrek: heh, there were files in a mount point?08:19
dpetrekoverclucker: there is backup script that puts files on SMB share08:19
dpetrekbut fo some reason it was not mounted08:20
dpetrekand it kept filling local disk08:20
Tm_TParadoxEternal: why would it be? (#ubuntu+1 is better channel for that)08:20
ParadoxEternalI'm just noticing the same stuff taking more cpu.08:20
ParadoxEternalOn Maverick aswell. I'm quite sure, I tested several times.08:20
cdbsParadoxEternal: Natty has GCC 4.5, a major improvement, so maybe because of that08:21
ParadoxEternalWhat about maverick?08:21
ParadoxEternalCoz it's maverick and natty that's slower apparently, than karmic and lucid.08:21
ParadoxEternalSo whatever it is, they share it!08:21
overcluckerdpetrek: whare are the permissions of the mount points? you might want to remove write for the mount points, so files don't end up there when it's unmounted08:22
kauhukI need to move a file to /etc/usb_modeswitch.d/ folder. How can I do it?08:22
dpetrekoverclucker: yeah that would be good idea08:23
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beer_brouwerkauhuk: sudo mv <filename> /etc/.../08:23
overcluckerdpetrek: that won't affect a root user putting files there though08:23
jigynethttp://pastebin.com/LsBSN6Ud is this a known bug with unity? should i submit it?08:23
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dpetrekoverclucker: yeah the script runs under root08:25
dpetrekoverclucker: i wont complicate anymore08:25
kauhukhow do i tell where the file is?08:26
cdbsjigynet: Debug messages such as those are common. Is there some problem because of that?08:27
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beer_brouwerkauhuk: you don't know where the file is that you want to move or what?08:30
nishanti have toreload my browser few tiimes to see the java applet , ahy so?08:30
nishantreload the page08:30
dpetrekoverclucker: thanks08:31
hiexpohttp://www.msn.com/      >      on my way 2 Georgia08:31
Dr_Willisdpetrek:  thers also an autofs service that can auto mount things like that on access.08:31
Dannydim using hamachi08:31
Dannydon winw08:31
kauhuki just cant get this nokia cs-17 stick working08:31
Dannydi am using trying to use hamachi on wine...but im not able to? Need Help please!!08:32
lonejackCan you help me understand something? In the audio preferences / hardware I have a number of options:08:32
lonejackanalog / sorroud 4.1/5.1/7.1 ... There are at least a dozen. But among all the possibilities I have, only if I choose "stereo analog duplex" the microphone is working.08:32
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hiexponice guys finish last08:32
Dr_Willis!appdb | Dannyd08:33
ubottuDannyd: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help08:33
nishantJava applets are not unloading untill sometimes I reload the page , Why so ?08:34
cvmostertQuestion: How can I tell a program that it is today last week? i e change the date that it is fed?08:35
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DannydJoin #winehq08:35
kauhuki couldnt get office working properly and the nokia internet stick aint working at all08:35
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dr0idso vim is basically an improved version of vi ?08:36
cvmostertyes vim is just another version of vi08:37
cvmostertnot so hardcore08:37
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Dr_Willis!info vim08:44
ubottuvim (source: vim): Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor. In component main, is optional. Version 2:7.2.330-1ubuntu4 (maverick), package size 836 kB, installed size 1656 kB08:44
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Dr_WillisNote the default vim - is actually vim 'light' and is missing some features in the full vim package.08:44
Komok_Nervovтрям все08:44
Komok_Nervovпомогите пожалуйста в поиске пакета08:45
DJones!ru | Komok_Nervov08:45
ubottuKomok_Nervov: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke08:45
hiexpogood night all hiexpo needs 2 sleep got a flight to Georgia this am08:46
gnewbCan I put two Ubuntu flavors on one HDD, i.e. Lubuntu and Ubuntu both 10.04?08:46
DJonesgnewb: Yes you can as long as you've got enough enough partitions08:46
gnewbDJones: Thank you.08:46
elFidelgnewb: you can even install debian,gentoo,ubuntu etc on the same hd -> its a partition issue08:46
gnewbelFidel: Yes, Thank you, I am still in that learning curve.08:47
gnewbI tried to get a BSD and Debian based to dual boot, still working on that.08:48
RubenAlonzodoes anyone if there is a solution yet to hide the Unity side dock?08:50
arejayHow can i fix this08:50
arejay-(~:$)-> screen08:50
arejayCannot open your terminal '/dev/pts/0' - please check.08:50
arejayAdding user `ircd' to group `tty' ...08:50
arejaystill didnt fix it08:50
FloodBot2arejay: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:50
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gnewbRubenAlonzo: I saw that as fixed on the Launchpad and Forums, which version are you running?08:51
TheTinyToonHi everyone, any hints on a out-of-the-box working webcam?08:52
RubenAlonzo2 Gigs of Crucial DDR2 200 pin, laptop memory should be sufficient for uubuntu?08:54
Dr_WillisRubenAlonzo:  yes.08:54
RubenAlonzoDr_Willis: Thank you.08:54
Dr_WillisRubenAlonzo:  i dont think unity is gouing to let you hide the side dock. not seen that mentioned in the 11.04 previews yet.08:54
gnewboh whoops08:55
dr0idhello Dr_Willis :)08:55
Dr_WillisJello dr0id.08:55
MagicJI love the PLACES/NETWORK ability to conneft to a remote machine . It works great with the GUI - how do I use it with file names and the command line etc08:55
RubenAlonzoDr_Willis: I am hoping it will, i played around with 10.10 netbook remix on my little netbook and loved it but my real estate for screen is at a premium, its only10.1 inches08:55
Dr_WillisMagicJ:  depends on what sort of remote box you are connecting to.08:55
gnewbRubenAlanozo, Dr_Willis: Would Lubuntu be an option there?08:55
Dr_Willisgnewb:  lubuntu works very well for me.08:56
Dr_Willisgnewb:  it depends on your needs.08:56
MagicJDR_WIllis - it is my own remote box also running ubunto and  I am connecting via ssh08:56
Dr_WillisYou can install the lubuntu-desktop pacakge on a gnome box and try lubuntu.08:56
Dr_WillisMagicJ:  ssh, scp, sshfs.  - are the tools to check out. It depends on your needs. :)08:57
RubenAlonzoDr_Willis: havent seen that one yet, i should read into it for the time being, reason i went with netbook remix is i read it was very stable. and indeed it was a flawless installation with everything working right out of the box.08:57
gnewbI am using Lubuntu now, on a 512mb desktop box, is skippy and neat.08:57
MagicJDr Willis: I am using ssh to connect - and under the gui it is great - so what is the file path so that I can use it without the gui oce connected08:57
RubenAlonzognewb: what your browse of choice if you dont mind?08:58
ekahi all08:58
RubenAlonzohi eka08:58
gnewbRubenAlonzo:> Chrome08:58
ekahow can I farce so all the files creatd under a directory get the same permissions as the directory?08:59
RubenAlonzoAlso, are the terminal commands about the same for Lubuntu as Maverick Meerkat? I.E., sudo apt-get install nameofprogramhere?08:59
gnewbRuenAlonzo: On #! I am using IceWeasel or Icecat.08:59
RubenAlonzognewb: on a desktop or laptop?09:00
gmcdonaldeka: chmod -R xxx09:00
gnewbRubenAlonzo:> Yes, it is called LXTerminal, that is about the only difference.09:00
RubenAlonzobrb will go check it out09:01
ekagmcdonald: yea but the files/dir inside are created by a  daemon09:01
ekagmcdonald: so I want that next time it creates things... they will be in same perms as the dir holding it09:01
gmcdonaldwhat daemon is it?09:02
ekagmcdonald: dropbox09:02
gnewbRubenAlonzo: I am currently on a homebuilt desktop.09:03
TheTinyToonHi everyone, any hints on a out-of-the-box working webcam?09:03
gnewb!hardware | TheTinyToon09:04
ubottuTheTinyToon: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection09:04
Ja23Hello, does anyone have some advice, I just got ubuntu a little while ago, and would like to change the way it looks, besides the options in appearance, what do people do?09:04
AdvoWorkim trying to install an old version of postgresql(8.2) on ubuntu as a test, its not available doing sudo apt-get install postgresql-8.2 as there is no candidate, any idea what source I would have to add to the sources list to be able to add that version?09:04
gnewbTheTinyToon:> That link should show you the working and not yet known Hardware dongles.09:04
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DJonesTheTinyToon: This should help you looking for a webcam https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam09:06
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TheTinyToonDJones: Thanks, that's the page I was looking for09:07
gnewbDJones:Thank you, I posted the FULL site, that one looks cleaner.09:07
TheTinyToonGnewb: Yeah, I just found all the computers there but not for peripherials.09:08
gnewbTheTinyToon:> That is why I gave DJones a thumbs up, by working together we find solutions. eventually.09:10
cvmostertcan i tell one of my programs last weeks date?09:10
cvmosterti want my program to be in trial-mode forever...09:11
llutzcvmostert:  thats illegal and not supported here. use free stuff, buy stuff or don't use it all09:12
gmcdonaldeka: sorry dont know how that operates, either make sure it runs on umask 002, or create yourself a cronjob that fixes the permissions after ir runs09:12
ekagmcdonald: I set chmod 2770 <- that did it09:12
=== Axlin|AFK is now known as Axlin
gnewbcvmostert: Yeah, what llutz said, and also look for the FSF/GNU equivalent,is Free and Open Source .09:13
ekagmcdonald: so the group permissions are enforced inside that dir09:13
cvmostertthanks peeps09:13
cvmostertif you dont know, just say so... joking.. cheers09:14
gnewbcvsmostert: I do not know.09:15
gnewbhad to go there.09:15
ileapeople 1 question09:16
gnewb!ask | ilea09:16
ubottuilea: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:16
PSiLO23Hi all, i booted Ubuntu from USB, it works, but when i boot it and choose to install, nothing happens... anyone knows what to do now ?09:17
ileai instaled the video driver but i still can't select the extra option so that i can play with compiz09:17
ileawhat to do ?09:17
AdvoWorkcan i add the sources from hardy so i can add a package that was from that version?09:17
ileai still stays on none09:18
Frazerhi ! what is the smallest Ubuntu dist that can runs? Because Mini Ubuntu need to download all the packages ; I would like to know if a base-Ubuntu dist exists with only minimal packages(shell...) ?09:18
bazhangAdvoWork, what version are you on now09:18
gnome-terminalI am trying to change gnome terminal color but it doesnt change. how can I fix this09:18
gnewbilea: Have you added Restricted to the sources list?09:18
ileai dont understand09:18
AdvoWorkbazhang, 10.0409:19
bazhangAdvoWork, no09:19
gnewbPSiL023: Did you want a Persistent USB or a Live Stick?09:19
ileai am new and someone from here e-mailed me a step by step instruction on how to install it09:19
AdvoWorkbazhang, why? cant i just add deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy-backports main universe multiverse restricted to the sources list, install my package from there and so on?09:19
bazhanggnewb, you mean ubuntu-restricted-extras not restricted repo09:19
bazhangAdvoWork, what package09:20
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.09:20
silveryHi. got a question about grub.d. Should it be a problem if 2 files there got same numbers: 20_linux_xen, 20_memtest86+ ? (I'm asking because it is default U*10.10 grub configuration)09:20
AdvoWorkbazhang, i just want postgresql version 8.209:21
gnewbbazhang: Thank you, I learned something new today so it is a good day.09:21
bazhangAdvoWork, why that version in particular09:21
gnome-terminalWhere are the gnome terminal settings saved?09:21
SoftdroidAnyone who can an easy way to replace pulse audio with alsa or make alsa the default driver?09:21
AdvoWorkbazhang, it has a feature available i need to use to do a fix, later versions have this feature also, but 8.2 is the only one i can restore to without fixing said issue lol09:21
Dr_Willisilea:  tell the channel what your Video chipset is.09:22
ileavia chrome 909:22
red2kicsilvery: "The order the files are run determines the menu order in grub.cfg.09:22
bazhangAdvoWork, regressing repos and packages will only bring grief and breakage.09:22
Dr_WillisSoftdroid:  pulse audio uses alsa. so its allready there.   I dont reccomend trying to remove pulse.09:22
Dr_Willisilea:  thats one of the worst supported video chipsets out there for linux.09:22
bazhangilea, that may not support compiz, ask in #compiz to be sure09:23
Dr_Willisilea:  I dont know if  you even had the drivers working right - if compiz would work.09:23
Frazerhi ! what is the smallest Ubuntu dist that can runs? Because Mini Ubuntu need to download all the packages ; I would like to know if a base-Ubuntu dist exists with only minimal packages(shell...) ?09:23
SoftdroidDr_Willis: Thanks for your reply. but I use Audigy2 and I can't use all the futures with it09:23
AdvoWorkbazhang, oh, any suggestions how can i get that package then? ive got the tar.gz but cant seem to install09:23
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Dr_WillisSoftdroid:  check the forums for tips/tricks.  I cant even recall any features of my AUdigy2 that i missed. :)09:23
=== Guest63566 is now known as lance--_--
gnewb!backup | all the hackers and people that are messing with the kernel09:24
ubottuall the hackers and people that are messing with the kernel: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning09:24
aminwho could I use virtual mouse?09:24
aminwho could I use virtual mouse?09:24
Dr_WillisFrankLv:  you want just a console install?   or a light desktop?09:24
ileai noticed it dosnt suport because it dosnt have good video acceleration and things but at least i have the 1600 resolution and now my desktop looks grea09:24
bazhangamin, dont repeat09:24
Dr_Willisilea:  in the future i would avoid stuff from that company. :)09:24
Dr_Willisilea:  you are lucky you got the proper res.09:24
gnewbvery lucky09:25
red2kicLucky? It's a miracle!09:25
silveryred2kic : gonna see it then, thanks09:25
aminExcuse me again I do not have mouse I need to use virtual mouse does ubuntu have something like that?09:25
Huckdragging a wave file from a cd to a folder results in a larger file than ripping to wave via sound juicer, does     juicer add compression to a wave file ?09:25
red2kicsilvery: It's normal for files to have numbers in the beginning of the filenames.09:25
Dr_Willisamin:  thers somthing like that using the numpad. but ive never used it.09:26
red2kicsilvery: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119527509:26
Dr_Willisbye all.09:26
aminDr_Willis: nice to have you here hi   how could I active it?09:26
ileai bought the Pc with windows on it and had that display driver09:27
ileai cant even play prince ow persia 1 and 2 properly09:27
silveryred2kic : yeah, but I wondered what happens when files got SAME numbers...09:27
red2kicsilvery: That's still fine.09:27
ileawhen i instaled linux i had the resolution some times 800x... and other times 1024x....09:28
Tito0096Does anyone know how to run plop from grub2? I cant get it to work09:28
red2kicsilvery: However, I see 20_memtest86+ -- Not sure about that other file, but if it got 20_... It'll be executed.09:28
IZI-Johanamin: Go to System > Preferences > Keyboard > Mouse Keys09:28
red2kicsilvery: It's mostly a script calling bunch of scripts as they appear -- then all output went to grub.cfg09:28
silveryred2kic : at the same time? (sorry it's a joke)09:29
Tito0096I keep getting a file not found error even though i have this correct and the file is in /boot - http://www.plop.at/en/bootmanager.html#rungrub209:29
red2kicsilvery: No. One file after one. As they appear in the /etc/grub.d/09:30
red2kicsilvery: "ls -al /etc/grub.d/"09:31
red2kicsilvery: That's how the scripts will be run, one after one. One after one.09:31
gnome-terminalthanks for ignoring09:31
PSiLO23I try to install ubuntu from usb but it doesnt work, it keeps loading after the first screen i click next09:31
PSiLO23and nothing happens09:31
verywisemanwhen i boot my system , it is required to make file system repair, but when i make fsck ,this message appear "this program can't start until you start the dbus " "system service aborting", where is problem?09:31
Huckdoes sound juicer add compression to wave files it extracts ? Files dragged from the disc are always larger.09:31
Tito0096red2kic do you know what i can do with my issue?09:31
gnome-terminalhow do I reset gnome-terminal preferences09:32
Tito0096red2kic - http://www.plop.at/en/bootmanager.html#rungrub2 ,I keep getting a file not found error even though i have this correct and the file is in /boot09:32
silveryred2kic : do you mean in ascending order?09:32
red2kicsilvery: It's in the grub link I gave you earlier.09:33
red2kicsilvery: "The order of the entries in the grub menu is based on the order of the file names. File named with a starting numeral are run before those beginning with a letter. The order the files are run determines the menu order in grub.cfg.09:33
red2kicCustom entries can be added to the "40_custom" file or in a newly created file. "09:33
FloodBot2red2kic: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:33
red2kicTito0096: Paste the grub.cfg + "ls -al /boot"09:34
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silveryred2kic : ok, sorry for my stupidness, but I found out that grub.cfg contains only comments for 20_linux_xen (and the file is not empty for sure)09:35
Tito0096red2kic - http://paste.ubuntu.com/581513/09:35
silvery20_linux_xen got 149 lines of code none of wich is in grub.cfg09:36
Tito0096Grub config - http://paste.ubuntu.com/581514/09:36
red2kicTito0096: Why is there /boot/boot?09:36
Frazerhi ! what is the smallest Ubuntu dist that can runs? Because Mini Ubuntu need to download all the packages ; I would like to know if a base-Ubuntu dist exists with only minimal packages(shell...) ?09:36
Tito0096i am on linux mint09:36
Tito0096grub/grub has a splash screen i think09:37
red2kicTito0096: This is Ubuntu channel. FYI.09:37
gnewb!minimal | Frazer09:37
ubottuFrazer: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD09:37
bazhang!mintsupport | Tito009609:37
ubottuTito0096: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org09:37
Frazeryep gnewb but it downloads from web09:37
Tito0096Yes I know that09:37
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Tito0096but since they are similar09:37
bazhangTito0096, so mint is not supported here09:37
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gnewbFrazer: Oh, offline install?09:38
Tito0096ive had many problems solved by not mentioning i had linux mint -_-09:38
red2kicTito0096: Mac OSX are based on FreeBSD -- Does not make it the same thing. :P09:38
FrazerOnly the kernel and the shell and I would be ok !09:38
bazhangTito0096, bad luck then. install Ubuntu and come back09:38
FrazerAnd I would like to know if such an iso exists09:38
Tito0096So you are just going to stop. . .and not even try to help?09:38
Tito0096since this is a grub problem09:38
bazhangFrazer, you'd not need an iso for that09:39
gnewbFrazer: Yes they do.09:39
red2kicTito0096: I really would like to suggest you to try #grub channel.09:39
bazhangTito0096, correct. go to mintsupport09:39
Tito0096mint support is deserted09:39
Tito0096no one is online09:39
Tito0096thus my presence here09:39
bazhangTito0096, all the more reason to never use it09:39
Frazergnewb: ?09:39
Frazerbazhang: u mean LFS i suppose?09:39
Tito0096bazhang, its pretty nice, this is the only quirk i have run into so far. .09:40
gnewbFrazer: Looking it up now....09:40
bazhangFrazer, no, but why not just remaster the mini or similar to what you want?09:40
red2kicFrazer: Use Mini.iso -- Don't go naive and install ubuntu-desktop. Install what you explicity want.09:41
bazhangFrazer, additionally you could choose one the base install packages and go that way09:41
Tito0096grub is empty. . .09:41
gnewbFrazer:> http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/minimal09:41
Tito0096most are afk09:41
FrazerMy actual idea is to remaster actual ubuntu-desktop, remove what I want and repack the iso09:41
=== silvery is now known as stupid
llutz!remaster | Frazer09:42
ubottuFrazer: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility09:42
bazhangFrazer, thats more work than a base install, but sure its doable09:42
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Tito0096red2kic please can you help?09:42
=== Guest45301 is now known as DarkDevil
silveryI got 2 files with same numbers in grub.d: 20_memtest86+ and 20_linux_xen. Figured out that grub.cfg contains code only from 20_memtest86+ and nothing from 20_linux_xen, could this be because they have same numbers?09:42
=== DarkDevil is now known as Guest46812
Tito0096mint and ubuntu are really similar. and not in the sense of what they are based off of, like your argument with OSX being based off of FreeBSD09:43
gnewbFrazer:> That link I posted is what is called a Barebones install.09:43
Corkflash plays super fast in browsers for em (chrome, firefox and opera), tried to reinstall flash, totem, the browsers but can't find a solution09:43
Frazerhm Ok I take a look09:43
Corkanyone have an idea?09:43
red2kicTito0096: Okay. What is in  /boot/grub/grub.cfg?09:43
Tito0096Grub config - http://paste.ubuntu.com/581514/09:44
red2kicTito0096: Because we don't really know what Linux Mint did.09:44
Tito0096well i modified the grub.cfg to add the file09:44
Tito0096and the option in grub209:44
Tito0096as where the instructions on the plop website09:44
Dr_WillisYou normally DONT edit grub.cfg by hand. You edit the /etc/default/grub or /etc/grub.d/* files.09:44
Tito0096that makes much much more sense. .09:45
Dr_WillisSee the grub2 docs/wiki/forums for details09:45
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub209:45
Tito0096time to restore the old grub backup09:45
red2kicHeh. Tito0096 ignored the message header in the file.09:45
gnewbDr_Willis: Is that like conky.rc?09:45
Dr_Willisif you rerun update-grub - the grub.cfg gets regeernated.09:45
ethanolI keep getting Mar 17 10:44:56 ubuntu kernel: [ 7491.479367] multiqueue0:src[7128]: segfault at 0 ip 00007f5be737de4c sp 00007f5bde2885e0 error 6 in liborc-0.4.so.0.0.0[7f5be7367000+56000] whenever I try to play a .m4a podcast in rhythmbox09:45
Dr_Willisgnewb:  what does conky have to do wth grub? :)09:45
Tito0096I saw the header and i was like opps lol09:45
ethanolis there any coded/library I need to install to enable .m4a playback?09:46
Tito0096red2kic Dr_Willis - http://www.plop.at/en/bootmanager.html#rungrub2 -this is what I am trying to do09:46
gnewbDr_Willis: I just asked because I did not know, on some systems dmenu,conky and such can edit that stuff.09:46
johan^iziamin: Go to System > Preferences > Keyboard > Mouse Keys09:47
vparkwhich is the best antivirus for Ubuntu?09:47
aminTHANKS WORKED  :)09:47
red2kic!antivirus | vpark09:47
ubottuvpark: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus09:47
gnewb!best | vpark09:48
ubottuvpark: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.09:48
red2kicTito0096: set root='(hd0,1)'09:48
Tito0096yeah i am looking over the wiki now09:48
Tito0096and i saw that entry before09:49
red2kicTito0096: I was pointing out the quotes.09:49
Tito0096yep i did that09:49
Tito0096oh wait09:49
Tito0096i remember i took it off because i was trying to see if that made a difference lol09:49
vpark ubottu:there may be document virus! aren't they?09:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:49
ethanolis there any coded/library I need to install to enable .m4a playback?09:49
davzieBollocks. If I accidently hit enter when installing Ubuntu Server on the screen that lets me select services to install, is there any way I can get back to that screen?09:50
red2kicdavzie: sudo tasksel, I think.09:50
gnewbethanol: Is that a restricted package or format?09:50
davziered2kic, champion, thanks :)09:50
ethanolgnewb: it's a podcast. rhythmbox keeps crashing when I try to play it.09:51
vparkthere may be document viruses! aren't they? Shouldn't I be careful about them?09:51
johan^iziethanol: You need to enable Multiverse and install gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse.09:51
gnewbethanol: Ok, have you apt-get update and upgrade?09:51
ethanolgnewb: basically what I did is, added this podcast url to rhythmbox: http://picklemonkey.net/flipper/convert.php?feed=http://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/drum-bassarena-podcast/id11062332409:51
ethanolgnewb: yes, every day.09:52
ethanoljohan^izi: I have it09:52
fisixhey, does anybody know how to rearrange the icons between and within the indicator applet and notification area?09:52
Tito0096red2kic - so i change the 40_custom file by adding that entry?09:52
ethanoljohan^izi: actually I think I have 0.1009:52
red2kicvpark: If you're behind a router (firewall), you should be fine. However, I believe the viruses are mostly targetting for the servers.09:52
maxillusionisthi ilea09:53
zvacetvpark:  I don't thing there is linux virus in wild09:53
red2kicTito0096: What is Plop? Do you need it? Paste the latest grub.cfg + "ls -al /boot"09:54
Tito0096red2kic - edit it like this correct? http://paste.ubuntu.com/581520/09:54
zvacetvpark:  you can read http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51081209:54
maxillusionistzvacet it is wrong dude there are virus so fatal that you can't even imagine09:55
Tito0096red2kic - plop is a boot manager that lets you boot from usb on legacy devices09:55
Tito0096it can run along side everything which is good09:55
zvacetmaxillusionist: can you point me to that09:55
Tito0096red2kic - atm i have a pc that cant boot from usb09:55
Tito0096so i need this lol09:55
johan^iziethanol: hmm, do you have faad?09:55
ethanoljohan^izi: http://pastebin.com/Pb7i47Ck09:55
ethanoljohan^izi: faad?09:56
ethanolwill search for that09:56
Killswhy is ubuntu doesnt let me to play any of my audio players until a tab with a video  is no turned off?09:56
red2kicTito0096: "file /boot/plpbt.bin"09:56
gnewbethanol: There is also the Songbird thing:> http://getsatisfaction.com/songbird/topics/playing_m4a_files_on_ubuntu09:56
red2kicTito0096: See if it's there. :)09:56
ethanoljohan^izi: I have libfaad2 ?09:56
Tito0096file /boot/plpbt.bin09:57
Tito0096/boot/plpbt.bin: Linux kernel x86 boot executable zImage, version \353HdrS\006, RW-rootFS,09:57
Tito0096It is there09:57
Tito0096i made sure of it since the beginning09:57
johan^iziethanol: faad - freeware Advanced Audio Decoder player :)09:57
red2kicTito0096: Did you select Plop when it's booting up or it's simply not there? What was the response?09:57
johan^iziethanol: and libfaad209:57
Tito0096it always said "file not found"09:57
ethanoljohan^izi: have both the shared and mp4 one09:57
Tito0096even though it was there and selectable09:57
ethanoljohan^izi: don't have the command line tool though. would rhythmbox need it?09:58
red2kicTito0096: Dunno. If everything worked, I don't know what to look for.09:58
red2kicTito0096: (If everything are in places)09:58
johan^iziethanol: no, i don't think so09:58
cosmo_I cant figure out what I have set wrong, the windows machines on my home network can see me and the folders I shared but when they try to access them they get the message "Not accessible Might not have permission"09:58
Killsthis is just retarded why would some1 think that it would be good to shut down all media players till your on  a tab with video???09:58
gnewbI am going sailing now, y'all have fun and I thank you kindly.09:59
Tito0096red2kic - http://paste.ubuntu.com/581522/ - Grub.cfg, http://paste.ubuntu.com/581523/ - ls -al /boot09:59
johan^iziethanol: try starting rythmbox from the command line and see what errors it prints when you try to play the m4a09:59
red2kicTito0096: Seem fine -- What is in /boot/boot/10:00
Tito0096a folder with grub10:00
Tito0096and in that folder is a splash image10:00
KillsAny1 knows how make my media players play whenever I push play???10:00
ethanol(rhythmbox:7519): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed \ Segmentation fault10:01
Tito0096and thats it, i think that was from when i was fixing grub10:01
ethanolMar 17 11:00:39 ubuntu kernel: [ 8432.214431] multiqueue0:src[7529]: segfault at 0 ip 00007fdaccf15e4c sp 00007fdac99a55e0 error 6 in liborc-0.4.so.0.0.0[7fdacceff000+56000]10:01
Tito0096when windows took over10:01
Tito0096yeah i am going to delete it10:01
red2kicTito0096: I'm out of ideas. "ls -al /boot/boot/"10:01
johan^iziethanol: have a look at this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159227010:02
Tito0096red2kic - that folder was made when i was reinstalling grub when windows took over10:02
Tito0096red2kic - i made a couple mistakes but now it works10:02
ethanoljohan^izi: it's not installed10:02
Tito0096red2kic - so i am going to delete it to avoid confusion since the proper location has everything in there10:02
johan^iziethanol: damn..10:03
red2kicTito0096: Okay. I have no more solutions. Sorry.10:03
Tito0096red2kic -10:03
Tito0096ls -al '/boot/boot'10:03
Tito0096total 310:03
Tito0096drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 1024 2010-10-10 07:25 .10:03
Tito0096drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 1024 2011-03-16 20:20 ..10:03
Tito0096drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 1024 2010-10-15 01:37 grub10:03
FloodBot2Tito0096: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:03
cosmo_I cant figure out what I have set wrong, the windows machines on my home network can see me and the folders I shared but when they try to access them they get the message "Not accessible Might not have permission"10:04
johan^iziethanol: i think thats it for me :) You could try xmms or converting your files. but thats not really a solution imo. Maybe someone else here can help you?10:04
ethanoljohan^izi: what player do you use?10:06
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HackeMatehello, someone experienced with kerrighed?10:07
khaardanyone using ubuntu 10.04 server edition on ps3 console?10:07
ethanoljohan^izi: if possible, could you try and check if you can play one of their files? (url: http://hwcdn.net/u5b4u5u8/cds/153.m4a )10:07
ethanolit plays fine for me in totem I just noticed10:08
ethanol(which it opens in by default if I download a .m4a directly)10:08
HackeMatei were following this manual http://www.kerrighed.org/docs/releases/3.0/INSTALL10:08
ethanolso rhythmbox just doesn't like podcasts I guess. maybe cause it has a video stream? (even if it is just a static image)10:08
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=== plustwo_ is now known as plustwo
ethanolcould anyone recommend a good podcast player?10:12
=== plustwo is now known as deegee
jpdsethanol: banshee.10:14
Dr_Willis!info miro10:14
ubottumiro (source: miro): GTK+ based RSS video aggregator. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.3-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 462 kB, installed size 2760 kB10:14
Tito0096red2kic - http://www.plop.at/en/bootmanager.html#rungrub2 I am so stumped :(, just read the tutorial and tell me how you would start this10:14
ethanoljpds: will have a look, thanks10:14
newbie101hi all; What's the best way of connecting to the internet on ubuntu 10.04 through my nokia N9510:14
loltoadhey, any tips on profiling my boot up or system in general to speed things up?10:15
elFidelloltoad: bootchart might help understanding the boot-part10:15
BoothkIs this chat for support questions, or Ubuntu chat in general?10:15
elFidelBoothk: thats afaik a user2user help channel10:16
ethanoljpds: nope, banshee also crashes on these .m4a podcast files :<10:16
Boothkawesome. I'm somewhat new to bourne scripting and it hates me :V10:16
elFidelBoothk: so support -> see topic10:16
loltoadelFidel, ive ran bootchart before, but i wasn't sure what to do with the information, it was such a big file10:16
zvacetBoothk: support10:16
newbie101hi all; What's the best way of connecting to the internet on ubuntu 10.04 through my nokia N95?10:16
elFidelloltoad: i was talking about the image bootchart can generate10:16
elFideland in case that part is not helpful - you should most likely not mess around with the idea of optimizing your boot-time10:17
loltoadelFidel, yea, even on that it was a massive image, i couldn't even visually pick out anythin gof value... though to be fair i don't quite know what to look for10:17
Killswhy when i try to make a video fullscreen it ussually doesnt work?10:19
elFidelKills: tried different players & video formats?10:19
KillsIm talking about videos from websites10:20
elFidelsomehow your question right now isnt THAT DETAILED10:20
elFidelah great10:20
newbie101What's the best way of connecting to the internet on ubuntu 10.04 through a mobile phone?10:20
newbie101i.e. nokia N9510:21
Boothkgot this odd problem going on with iwconfig. I can set up wireless settings for a machine via .sh script, and configure the proxy so it'll go through. But no matter how hard i try, the machine refuses to pick up an IP address from DHCP server unless I use network-manager10:21
jattit works with the n90010:21
KillsIt very easy you play a youtube video froma website dif then youtube or someother flash video and whenyou try to go fullscreen the video keeps playing but you dont see nothing10:21
jattyou need to have the usb networking module in your kernel or as module I think ubuntu kernels already have it10:21
jattthen you need some iptables rules on the phone10:21
jattit works fine10:22
newbie101is there a tutorial some here10:22
juknewbie101: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/creating-an-adhoc-host-with-ubuntu.html10:23
KillsI get the feeling that ubuntu has a lot more bugs now at 10.10 than it had with 9.1010:24
BoothkDoes anyone know why terminal might fail to pick up DHCP?10:25
elFidelKills: video & flash is working great here - 10.10 too10:26
Killswell flash , audio quality and some other stuff aint exactly working great here10:26
elFidelKills: checked if you got latest flash?10:27
elFidelsome users tend to use flash ppa to get specific versions (afaik)10:27
Killsand srsly what the hell is with not letting media players play whenyou have a website tab with video opened10:27
madsHI all: How do i check what version and RC number of the kernel i have installed. "cat /proc/version" Returns: Linux version 2.6.38-6-generic (buildd@rothera) (gcc version 4.5.2 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.5.2-5ubuntu1) ) #34-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 8 14:09:10 UTC 201110:27
madsrelated to a bug test i need RC-810:28
ethanolsomeone explain to me why totem can play my downloaded podcast files just fine (.m4a), but banshee _and_ rhythmbox both crash instantly when attempting playback? also, how coul I debug the cause of the crash?10:28
ethanolI take it back, they crash on everything now. even .mp3 :<10:30
johan^iziethanol: Sure, one sec10:30
ethanolmaybe I should remove some gstream packages10:30
Killsand i doesnt allow me to execute nothing and does not allow to change that in options10:30
Killshow to change my permissions so i could execute files with wine?10:31
overcluckerchmod +x file10:32
=== hwnd is now known as perl
overcluckerbut then, if you execute them directly with wine, you don't need to do that10:32
zvacet1hi| java_10:32
jokersmilewhen i tried downloading 10.10 netbook edition it gave me desktop edition. why?10:32
perljust run them with wine10:32
zvacet!hi | java_10:32
Boothkisn't UNR 10.10 broken atm?10:33
elFideljokersmile: netbook edition is dead afaik10:33
* Boothk is using UNR 9.1010:33
perlthere are other places to download unr 10.1010:33
Killshow to get permissions to execute files with wine is and easy question right?10:33
jokersmilewhat dose afaik mean10:33
johan^iziethanol: I can play your link in Rythmbox, Banshee, VLC and Totem..10:33
java_Kills: chmod +x file10:33
Boothkakaik = as far as i know10:33
java_Kills: or right-click the file and mark as executable10:34
KillsI have no idea what that means10:34
almoxarifeKills: you use what to look at files?10:34
ethanoljohan^izi: it must be some conflict in my installed libraries. I can also play it fine in totem. but all other apps crash10:34
Killsyeah trying to do that aint workin10:34
Killsdoesnt let me10:34
BoothkKills, "chmod +x <file>" is a terminal command. Change "mode", add execute permission, to file10:34
Boothkif you need to, use sudo chmod +x <file>. sudo gives you root power (use responsibly)10:35
overclucker+x doesn't matter if he's trying to run them off an ntfs partition10:35
ArabusGood morning10:35
monaDeveloperI have dell xps m1530 but after a while using ubuntu I noticed that the machine is overheated10:36
ethanoljohan^izi: I have no idea how to figure out which gstreamer libs I should install and which not (and which non-gstreamer ones)10:36
BoothkSo.. nobody really knows about DHCP via terminal?10:36
ethanoljohan^izi: but I can't even play mp3 files anymore in banshee and rhythmbox now :\10:36
almoxarifenautilus can change permissions, assuming the plugin is installed, unless you just love terminal10:36
KillsBoothk,  didint work10:36
HackeMatehello, i want to create a cluster with my old computers at home, kerrighed is a good project but just support 64bits10:36
HackeMateis there another project?10:36
ethanoljohan^izi: totem still works fine though.. must use something else10:36
java_I'm having an issue with java... I can run a .jar using GUI but if I try to run it from terminal using "java -jar file.jar" it does not open. Help!10:37
monaDeveloperwhen I try to run a flash thing or try to use something like virtualbox I find my machines so overheated10:37
johan^iziethanol: here is my config: http://pastebin.com/vzSrhxBy10:37
monaDevelopersometimes reaches over 9010:37
overcluckerKills: just run: wine program.exe10:37
monaDeveloperand simply the machine turns off10:37
jokersmilewhat netbook version do people in here recomend. I already head a 9.10 but is I want to shoot for more recent because I figure that it is better.10:37
Boothk9.10 is the most recent stable release as far as i know10:38
almoxarifejava_: you are not in the directory where the jar is located?10:38
monaDeveloperthat didn't happen before10:38
java_almoxarife: I am10:38
almoxarifejava_: odd10:38
java_almoxarife: I will paste the output10:38
almoxarifejava_: ok10:38
jokersmileok i'll go for that.10:38
Tito0096Can someone help me out with this? - http://www.plop.at/en/bootmanager.html#rungrub2 - I need help going about with that section of the wiki10:38
ArabusI have a small problem regarding Ubuntu 10.04 - Some of our users are not able to log in successfully. When they type in username and password in the login prompt of gdm it turns black as if to load the desktop and then returns to the login prompt. Weird thing is, this only happens to some users not all of them.10:38
ArabusI have already tried looking into the logfiles but found no error message I could connect to this. also removing .gnome and .gnome2 folders from the home directory did not help either. Someone has a clue why this happens or where I could read more on that? I'd even be grateful about a pointer where I can increase the debug output of gdm.10:38
monaDeveloperany idea what should I do10:38
java_aloril: Exception in thread "main" java.awt.HeadlessException10:39
java_almoxarife: Exception in thread "main" java.awt.HeadlessException10:39
Killsdoesnt let me10:39
zvacetBoothk: 10.10 is last see http://www.ubuntu.com/netbook/get-ubuntu/download10:39
jukmonaDeveloper: using cooler pad doesnt help?10:39
=== perl is now known as hwnd
elFidelArabus: does that behaviour change if those users select another window-manager in gdm?10:40
Boothkzvacet: yes, but is it stable? I tried using it before and it didn't want to install10:40
elFideli had that in 11.04 as well10:40
Killsthis ubuntu aint anywhere even close to what you call a smooth expierence10:40
hwndis there a patch or fix for xchat for unr 10.10, some reason i cant send or receive dcc10:40
monaDeveloperjuk: I didn't try but this is a new thing10:40
ArabuselFidel: they are able to log in with openbox, but not with kde or gnome10:40
Tito0096Can someone help me out with this? - http://www.plop.at/en/bootmanager.html#rungrub2 - I need help going about with that section of the wiki10:40
cosmo_I cant figure out what I have set wrong, the windows machines on my home network can see me and the folders I shared but when they try to access them they get the message "Not accessible Might not have permission"10:40
elFidelArabus: hehe - sounds somehow known10:41
ethanoljohan^izi: mp3 playback is working again. gonne check out podcasts now :x10:41
fisixcan somebody go over to stackoverflow and tell them to unban me >___>, i've been trying to configure my auto-login favourites and signed in/out a bunch of times10:41
ArabuselFidel: I also have tried compelte reinstalls on different systems - to no avail10:41
ethanoljohan^izi: meh still crashes. but loading the podcast rss feed in totem works, so I'll use that10:41
almoxarifejava_: the command is exact in terminal as it is in gui?10:41
zvacetBoothk:  soon you wil have to upgrade to 10.4 see if that version is stable10:42
johan^iziethanol: meh, too bad, but at least you can listen to your dnb pods now ;)10:42
elFidelArabus: always using the same install-source?10:42
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ethanoljohan^izi: yarrr :)10:42
ArabuselFidel: well I have been using the same repositories, installation of the machines is only a very basic ubuntu and then everything else gets installed via apt-get10:43
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elFidelArabus: k10:43
=== DarkDevil is now known as Guest31447
juk!grub2 | Tito009610:44
ubottuTito0096: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub210:44
Tito0096juk I have looked but my problem is specific10:44
ethanolis there a ubuntu dev channel for players like banshee/rhythmbox where I could go to perhaps debug the crashes these .m4a files are causing?10:45
samueldaniel7hello guys10:45
BoothkAny takers for figuring out why DHCP won't pick up in terminal?10:45
samueldaniel7this is fucking cool10:45
samueldaniel7any hardcore hackers here10:45
DJones!hacking | samueldaniel710:46
ubottusamueldaniel7: A hacker is a person who delights in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system, computers and computer networks in particular, as defined by Request for Comments (RFC) 1392 - i.e. a good programmer  -- crackers on the other hand break systems, see also !piracy10:46
jukTito0096: mention it, may be you get lucky and someone helps10:46
ArabuselFidel: If I could increase the debug output of gdm maybe I could figure out what is wrong - currently I only get an omnious error message that also appears when a successful login happens. So this seems unrelated10:46
legoelandhello ! Is there a possibility to join my wifi printer HP (WPS button) with my wifi USB key Trendnet ?10:47
sacarlsonBoothk: won't pick up in terminal like with dhclient eth0 ?10:47
Corkflash plays super fast in browsers for me (chrome, firefox and opera), tried to reinstall flash, totem, the browsers but can't find a solution10:47
Corkanyone have an idea?10:47
h2o_hello everyone...i've got a problem here with some *beep* wireless card... when i want to turn it on with "ifconfig wlan0 up" i get this error in return: SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory .... any ideas anyone?10:48
Boothksacarlson: No, I've tried using dhclient wlan0 -r, dhclient wlan0 (release/renew) and /etc/init.d/networking force-reload, both usually fail10:48
samueldaniel7ok guys10:48
zvacetCork: did you tried to reinstasll them in synaptic10:48
samueldaniel7any hard core hackers here10:48
Boothksacarlson: The only exception seems to be after I've logged into the gui and gotten an ip via network-manger before release/renew works properly10:48
erUSULh2o_: what wifi chip ?10:49
h2o_erUSUL: ISL388610:49
erUSULhuh? are you sure?10:49
h2o_:) pretty sure yes10:49
erUSULh2o_: is pci or usb?10:49
samueldaniel7forget it man10:49
samueldaniel7just burn it10:49
legoelandis someone can help me ?10:50
Boothksacarlson: Also noticed that entering the name of the wireless network I'm trying to connect to doesn't add it to the iwconfig properties, but any other name DOES add =/10:50
h2o_erUSUL: it's not a good card, but at the moment this is all i've got ... the official name is: Siemens gigaset usb stick 5410:50
SimonPHOENIX_add  information to invoice - it is correct in english?10:50
erUSULh2o_: looking10:50
h2o_erUSUL: tnx10:51
ultravioletWhat is the fastest way to get a live usb so I can use it?10:51
samueldaniel7issara adi kalae10:51
samueldaniel7mala mala10:51
FloodBot3samueldaniel7: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:51
Boothkh2o_: If I'm correct, you us ifup wlan0 to turn on the wireless?10:51
h2o_Boothk: ifconfig up yes10:51
DJonessamueldaniel7: Do you have an Ubuntu support question?10:51
samueldaniel7im just a looser10:52
Killsso how do i change permissions on these stupid ubuntu?10:52
DJonessamueldaniel7: This channel is just for support questions10:52
h2o_Kills: chmod10:52
erUSULh2o_: it looks like it uses zd1211rw10:52
High_PriestKills, the same way as in all other distros: chmod10:52
erUSULh2o_: do you have the linux-firmware package installed ?¿10:53
other_rightclick file, properties, file access modality10:53
BoothkKills: Normally, you would do something like "sudo chmod o+x <full filepathname>10:53
Killsdidint work tryed to do chmod +x to the file10:53
h2o_erUSUL: yes, i've read that somewhere...i have the zd1211rw installed10:53
Killsit didint do anything10:53
h2o_by default10:53
java_I solved my java problem by installing openjdk..10:53
hydraDanybody can help me with one tutorial for ubuntu server to make one  server for lan with Bandwidth rulles?10:53
Killsyeah gave the thing the full pathname10:53
overcluckerultraviolet: unetbootin is good way10:53
erUSULh2o_: you installed some third party driver?10:54
hydraDanybody can help me with one tutorial for ubuntu server to make one  server for lan with Bandwidth rulles?10:54
hydraDanybody can help me with one tutorial for ubuntu server to make one  server for lan with Bandwidth rulles?10:54
h2o_erUSUL: no, i didn't install any driver10:54
High_PriesthydraD, no need to repeat/flood10:54
erUSULh2o_: sudo apt-get install linux-firmware10:54
ArabusI have a small problem regarding Ubuntu 10.04 - Some of our users are not able to log in successfully. When they type in username and password in the login prompt of gdm it turns black as if to load the desktop and then returns to the login prompt. Weird thing is, this only happens to some users not all of them.10:54
ArabusI have already tried looking into the logfiles but found no error message I could connect to this. also removing .gnome and .gnome2 folders from the home directory did not help either. Someone has a clue why this happens or where I could read more on that? I'd even be grateful about a pointer where I can increase the debug output of gdm.10:54
ultravioletoverclucker: Thank you kindly.10:55
erUSULhydraD: make specific questions...10:55
h2o_erUSUL: E: Unable to locate package linux-firmware .... lol? :)10:55
Killsthis is just stupid i set my account as admin it still doesnt let me execute it10:55
BoothkKills: can you tell me what permissions are set and who the owner/groups are on the file?10:55
erUSUL!find linux-firmware10:55
ubottuFound: linux-firmware-nonfree, linux-firmware10:55
High_PriesthydraD, so you want to do traffic shaping for internal lan users via linux router?10:55
erUSUL!info linux-firmware10:55
ubottulinux-firmware (source: linux-firmware): Firmware for Linux kernel drivers. In component main, is optional. Version 1.38.4 (maverick), package size 12350 kB, installed size 25636 kB10:55
overcluckerultraviolet: yup, works for some other distros to10:55
hydraDthis is10:55
erUSULh2o_: !? what version of ubuntu?10:56
hydraDubuntu server10:56
Killsit is my group and it says read a write10:56
ultravioletoverclucker: I see so, but, ubuntu seems easiest to install in a hurry ;-)10:56
* ultraviolet favours gentoo usually.10:56
High_PriesthydraD, there's a plenty of documents online which describe the complete procedure how to do it.. just google for linux router traffic shaping10:56
Boothkso, if you use ls -l in the folder10:56
sacarlsonBoothk: I've had share of problems with network-manager maybe part of your problem in this case maybe try disable it.  I guess you setup wlan0 in /etc/network/interfaces ?10:56
hydraDok thanks verry much10:56
h2o_erUSUL: i use crunchbang...which is equal to ubuntu lucid i think or koala10:56
h2o_erUSUL: w8 i'll check10:57
Boothksacarlson: Yeah, my script configures that file. I can PM you what I put in there10:57
sacarlsonBoothk: ok10:57
perseguidorhello, I tried to install aircrack-ng svn but I got an error and somebody told me that I might need to install subversion, do you know how can I do that?10:57
erUSULh2o_: "ls /lib/firmware/zd1211*" gives any result?10:57
samueldaniel7ok guys tell me how can i remote desktop from a linux machine10:58
jukArabus: are some of those users use nvidia drivers?10:58
lesshaste hi I just installed apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.38-7-generic linux-headers-2.6.38-7 on lucid10:58
h2o_erUSUL: :) no... no such file or dir....10:58
lesshastebut weirdly, I can't actually find vmlinuz-2.6.38-7-generic10:58
lesshasteany idea what is going on?10:58
Arabusjuk: all of them, there are nvidia cars in most of our computers10:58
erUSULh2o_: well there you have the pointer you need. find out how to get that firmware in crunchbang10:59
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition10:59
overcluckerlesshaste: only the headers?10:59
jukArabus: did you check X logs?10:59
lesshasteoverclucker: oh..er... oops10:59
h2o_erUSUL: ok, i'll try to install it ... brb :)10:59
h2o_so zd1211rw you say10:59
Arabusjuk: I have but did not find anything indicating problems. Is there a way to icnrease the debug output for that?11:00
jukArabus: dont know, what is you type startx?11:00
jokersmileis it possible to downgrade from 10.10 desktop to NBR 10.1011:00
Arabusjuk:  Please elaborate, I do not understand what you mean.11:01
zvacetjockersmile: I think you will have to reinstall11:01
robbiethe1stjokersmile: Isn't the difference just the desktop "theme" or desktop environment? I assume you could probably just load the right config package and do it without issue11:01
Killsah forget these ubuntu are like riding a horse to work instead of takeing the car11:01
Killsmaybe Ill come back and try them in 5 years11:01
jukArabus: i meant, can you manually start X session by typing startx in terminal11:02
Killsgood luck to ya all geeks your ubuntu still has years to go to reach windows11:02
Sil4nc4hi guys, a little question about sudo: www-data ALL=(core) NOPASSWD: GIT_SCRIPT11:03
jokersmileare the config packages what you would find in synaptic package manager11:03
robbiethe1stKills: I argue the other way. Windows has loads to reach the usefulness of Linux11:03
h2o_erUSUL: i installed it through apt-get.... sudo apt-get install zd1211-firmware11:03
robbiethe1stjokersmile: try installing these packages https://launchpad.net/~netbook-remix-team/+archive/ppa11:03
jokersmileim linux all the way11:03
Sil4nc4this cmd would mean i could run git_script command as user core?11:03
Sil4nc4without a password11:03
robbiethe1stThey should actually be in the main repo, but those are the names you want11:03
Arabusjuk: I have not tried that, maybe this gives me more verbose output - thanks for the idea.11:03
pc10что это?11:03
Killsusefulnes if a simple user wastes 1 day to get 1 simple program runing and still doesnt manage to do it11:03
overcluckerKills: what are you trying to run, anyways?11:04
robbiethe1stKills: What the heck were you trying to do? Install Compiz from git?11:04
h2o_erUSUL: now i've got it to load with ifconfig up... but it doesn't catch any wireless signals from routers :( any idea why is that?11:04
Killsyou have to waste 3 months on learning to be able to use ubuntu and I dont have that i have work i have life11:04
h2o_erUSUL: ooooo wait...it does!! :D thanks man11:04
robbiethe1stKills: "sudo apt-get install *name*" should install most anything.11:04
jukbug 55724511:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557245 in gdm (Ubuntu) "Gdm hangs, then restarts as it asks for my password. (dup-of: 553200)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55724511:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553200 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-96 (Ubuntu) "Mouse and keyboard stop working after selecting user" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55320011:05
robbiethe1stKills: And if you can't be bothered to be polite to the people helping you out of the goodness of their hearts...11:05
Killsi undersatnd taht but everybody assumes here that I know all the steps till the last step11:05
Killswhich they tell me11:05
Killsand that aint usefull at all whenyou dont where to start11:06
robbiethe1stWell, then, tell us what the heck you're trying to do?11:06
Sil4nc4hi guys, a little question about sudo: www-data ALL=(core) NOPASSWD: GIT_SCRIPT, means I can as user www-data run the git_script command with user core without a password right?11:06
robbiethe1stWhat program do you want to run, anyhow?11:06
KillsI tryed forums guides and stuff it just eatsa lot of time11:06
jokersmilethanks robiethe1st: I new there was some easy way to downgrade11:06
h2o_erUSUL: i'm gonna go and try to connect to a network... need to disconnect from wired.... thanks again 4 your help... i'm happy to see ppl willing to help :)11:06
h2o_bye bye everyone11:06
Killsubuntu aint even close to the smoothnesss and ease of use to windows11:06
robbiethe1stjokersmile: Well, it's not exactly a downgrade - Just a different UI.11:06
researcher1how can I install many number of applications available in the list of Ubuntu Software center?11:06
Killsk good bye gtg to work now11:07
Sil4nc4Kills, this is not a windows vs linux channel11:07
Sil4nc4i want to get help11:07
robbiethe1stKills: But, in Windows, you can't just go "sudo apt-get install X Y Z". Makes things so much easier.11:07
Killsgood luck to ya all11:07
jukKills: dont say twice please11:07
Killsrobbie ubuntu has far worse problems than just going to the net to downlaod a program11:07
Sil4nc4weird guy11:08
overcluckersay hi to windows for me11:08
robbiethe1st*sigh*. I'm glad we have Windows - so -we- don't have to be stuck wuth such people.11:08
george_robbiethe1st, lol11:08
Sil4nc4anyone a sudo expert? :)11:08
onur_hello, want to capture images in jpeg or in any convenient format with mplayer from my webcam. what command must i use? "mplayer -tv driver=v4l:fps=15 -vo jpeg tv://" command don't save any file i think.11:08
robbiethe1stSil4nc4: Um, "man sudoers" possibly?11:08
Sil4nc4robbiethe1st, :) i know but check this11:09
Sil4nc4hi guys, a little question about sudo: www-data ALL=(core) NOPASSWD: GIT_SCRIPT, means I can as user www-data run the git_script command with user core without a password right?11:09
jjp_Sil4nc4: take a chance to ask your need11:09
overcluckerhe was just frustrated11:09
Sil4nc4it keeps asking for the password11:09
osseHi! Let's say I want to get the number of files beginning with the letter D in ~ I can do ls ~/D* | wc -l. But what if I want to store this in a variable? number=`ls ~/D* | wc -l`doesn't work because I can't use wildcards in a subshell this way.11:09
robbiethe1stSil4nc4: Try "git_script". Capitalization matters.11:10
jjp_osse: wrong, you will also list directories begining with D11:10
Sil4nc4its a cmnd_alias robbiethe1st11:10
h2o_erUSUL: :)) it works!! :)11:10
jjp_osse: try `ls |grep ^D|wc -l`11:11
aliveriusis there any way to configure qtcurve from a gtk based desktop? i dont want to install any kde stuff to enjoy my other qt applications with qtcurve11:11
aliveriusi know i can install kcontrol or something to edit the qtcurve settings... is it avoidable?11:12
daxrocMorning all11:12
robbiethe1stSil4nc4: Try checking your alias. Might be a problem there11:13
robbiethe1stI've got a 3D problem with Kwin/compiz and -not- with no WM running: http://robbiethe1st.afraid.org/images/linux/20110317_002.mp411:13
jokersmilehow can i test the health of my hard drive11:14
hobomoim having problems with ejecting a usb drive as i posted about on the forums http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=170877411:14
daxrocWhen accessing external websites (medium size downloads) speed seems to go below 5Kb using ubntu 10.10 x64 Desktop and server. Happens with the package mirrors and sites11:15
onur_hello, want to capture images in jpeg or in any convenient format with mplayer from my webcam. what command must i use? "mplayer -tv driver=v4l:fps=15 -vo jpeg tv://" command don't save any file i think.11:15
robbiethe1stjokersmile: smartctl11:15
=== gentoo_f1n2 is now known as gentoo_fun2
hobomodoes anyone know how to refresh hardware in ubuntu 10.04?11:19
DiamondciteI am not sure if one of your devices are not detected, but most of the time a linux system should just detect most of the hardware on boot11:20
DiamondciteThough if you think you have installed something special you can try to look in System -> administration -> additional hardware (or something like that)11:21
Diamondcitehrm.. not detecting a disconnect..11:22
hobomoDiamondcite, no the hardware is detected properly, but doesnt unmount properly11:23
Diamondcitehobomo: Have you looked in /var/log/messages to see if the kernel can see a disconnection?11:23
hobomoDiamondcite, no lemme check11:23
Diamondcitehobomo: You could also look at /dev for the remnants of your usb drive by looking for /dev/sdb when you unplug it?11:24
hobomoDiamondcite, theres a weird repeating error in /var/log/messages11:28
stevecamhello, how do i go about setting my max volume in ubuntu so it doesn't go over the unamplified mark11:28
Diamondcitehobomo: Please try to paste them inside http://paste.ubuntu.com11:28
Diamondcitestevecam: Unless you can getting into the detailed volume setting, the main slider should only go up to the unamplified mark..11:29
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jokersmileHow do I get my computer to scan for networks so that I can pick my network11:30
hobomoDiamondcite, it looks like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/581547/ but its repeating for like thousands of lines11:30
dwardercan anyone suggest me a ticket system11:30
Diamondcitehobomo: that is from pluggin the drive?11:30
dwarderphp based11:31
Diamondcitejokersmile: Assuming you mean windows networks... it should just show up in your Places > Network    does it not?11:31
lathan_deversdwarder, osticket is nice11:31
lathan_deversdwarder, also otrs11:31
Diamondcitehobomo: Err I'm out of time... *heads out*11:32
jokersmileyou mean ubuntu? I have 10.1011:32
ossejjp_, but a directory is just a special kind of file, isn't it? ;) I'll try your tip. Thanks!11:35
stephaaaanhey everyone :)11:36
cosmo_I cant figure out what I have set wrong, the windows machines on my home network can see me and the folders I shared but when they try to access them they get the message "Not accessible Might not have permission"11:36
stevecamDiamondcite, it goes above the unamplified mark, where are the settings for the volume control kept?11:37
stephaaaansomebody uses pure-ftpd and has proper log rotation?11:37
stephaaaancan't seem to figure out how to implement it :/11:38
Milosshhow can I disable auto change to /etc/resolv.conf?11:38
novitololohi, I don't know what I did but I can't see my applications in the inferior panel.  Any thoughts please?11:38
Milossh# Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8)11:39
stephaaaanMilossh] add dns to /etc/network/interfaces11:40
hobomocan someone help me with this problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=170877411:42
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=== DarkDevil is now known as Guest56974
jjp_osse: I mean, ls ~/D* will not only list regular files begining with D in ur homedir, but it will also list files in directories begining with D in ur homedir, so ~/Data/foobar would be listed11:45
Milosshstephaaaan: nameserver ?11:46
stephaaaanjust googled it, it's a little different in ubuntu11:46
ossejjp_, I see what you mean. I'll cure that with the -d option to ls11:46
stephaaaanmilossh] it's kinda ugly but you might give it a try - http://lenss.nl/2008/11/making-permanent-changes-to-resolvconf-under-ubuntu/11:47
stevecammy alsamixer's PCM levels will go over 0 dB gain, i dont want the mixer in gnome to allow this to happen11:47
Abhinav1hello I have a laptop with GPT and CD of ubuntu.How can I convert GPT to MBR?11:49
dr0idI write something like a then hit the tab key would either auto-complete or list the directories. can the same be done with files ?11:50
meerois it possible to open VNC server on active desktop?11:50
Abhinav1dr0id: it works with files name too11:51
dwarderlathan_devers: thank you11:51
Milosshstephaaaan: not working :/11:51
Milosshanyone else? how can I disable automatic updates to resolv.conf?11:51
dr0idAbhinav1: I guess that's when you already have written a dir name11:52
dr0idso Dir/now_you_hit_tabs_and_you_get_file_name11:52
meeroMilossh: maybe dhcp3 client is rewriting it..11:52
dr0idbut I am not including the dir11:52
Milosshmeero: how would I tell that? I don't see any special things in there11:53
Milosshin its conf, that is11:53
meeroMilossh: and what is the actual problem for you?11:53
stevecami know ive fixed this unamplified problem before but since i reinstalled everything i have forgotten how11:54
Abhinav1I have a laptop with GPT and CD of ubuntu.How can I convert GPT to MBR?11:54
Milosshmeero, I think it's using routers DNS, which is pinging my ISP, which DNSs are down11:54
Milosshthat's way I want to force opendns11:54
Milosshmy internet connection is absolutely unusable11:55
phabulousdoes anyone know about web100?11:56
meeroMilossh: looks like dhcp3 is causing that, i had similar problem..11:56
Milosshmeero: how to solve it?11:56
phabulousi'm confused on patching and kernels and such11:56
meeroMilossh: edit dhcp3 client setting so it is not updating DNS servers11:58
Milosshmeero: which line? what should it contain? any hints?11:58
ileawhere i can check if my video card is good for compiz because i cant activate the extra setings and try compiz12:00
meeroMilossh: try uncoment domain-name-servers from "request" in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf12:01
cdavisIs anyone aware of a tool to use with scanimage that will detect and then remove a blank page?12:01
meeroanybody ... is it possible to open VNC server on active desktop12:02
mtesthi folks. how to install IE9 in ubuntu 10.1012:02
beer_brouwermtest: maybe with wine, but why would you want to do that?12:03
meeroMilossh: worked?12:04
lathan_deversmtest, http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=25 probably only with a VM12:04
endafyhow the heck do I play DVDs12:05
endafyyou know like the ones you buy12:05
homebrewciderhi , i've reinstalled the OS on my server adding my second hdd back, how do I find out what filesystem I have on there so it gets mounted properly please?12:05
DJones!dvd | endafy12:06
ubottuendafy: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:06
endafythats BS12:06
mtestlathan_devers: any way with IEs4inux? or any other ways than wine12:06
endafyI suggest to the developers to fix this12:06
grndlvlendafy: thats copyright laws12:06
endafyno its BS that the developers of Ubuntu don't provide a way to play them12:07
Milosshmeero: would you please join #milossh12:07
Milosshjust for a second12:07
endafygo out of the way and make it legal12:07
lathan_deversmtest, sorry nothing that I'm aware of12:07
grndlvlendafy: so don't use it12:07
Milosshmeero: I want to paste something for you, but can't open pastebin12:07
endafyfuck off this is bullshit there has to be a way12:07
Piciendafy: Mind your language.  Follow the instructions on the wiki there if you want it to work.12:07
grndlvlsome ppl12:08
jjp_endafy: making it legal requires a (paid) agreement with the DVD consortium in order to get a decryption key. If you fund the realisation of the agreement, I'm sure developpers will fix the soft.12:10
Picijjp_: Hes not here anymore.12:11
Cosmo`can anyone tell me how i can get the battery indicator to show percentages?12:11
jigynetIs anyone here familiar with bleachbit?12:11
jjp_Pici: ouch, sorry12:11
grndlvljjp_: they already left, they could have found out by reading and its not difficult to add they just don't really care12:11
bboihi eveyone12:12
jjp_yeah. This DVD issue is frustrating12:12
jigynet=c i want to know if there is anything i shouldn't tell bleachbit to do12:12
red2kicI bet reading manuals are frustrating for that dude too.12:14
grndlvlfor the best really if they became so frustrated w/ a trivial task then well they would certainly have a hard time doing nearly everything else12:14
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jjp_grndlvl: agreed. So far, I found adding dvd decryption relatively easy12:15
grndlvlit sucks but necessary due to legal crap :( unless everyone wants to pay per copy of ubuntu for something that we can add easily12:16
jigynetto heck with that12:16
jigynetyou'd get pirated ubuntu xD12:16
remus_hey guys.. on ubuntu 10.10, running on an acer extensa 5220, i have installed the broadcom wireless driver from repos, the switch on/off button works, the lspci sees the device, the question is, how to connect to my wireless network?12:17
jigynetbut i'd be happy to donate cash randomly for a fantasic product xD12:17
jjp_Honestly, it may still prove easier the way it is currently on Ubuntu than actually installing a proprietary DVD soft on Windows12:17
Kre10s_I'm using the huawei 3g modem to write this message! the modem is working. however, it only works if I plug it in and leave it for 20 min.12:17
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jigynetremus you click on the up and down arrows in the top right and select your network12:18
Kre10s_is there a known problem with this device?12:19
jigynetkre10 sounds normal.. are you multitasking when you plug it in?12:19
jigynetwhat kinda pc are you plugging it into?12:20
jjp_kre10: do u have kernel messagers related to this device ?12:20
Bilzhello, how do i get the timestamp of a file when it was last saved12:20
jigynet^error messages^12:20
Kre10s_im on an hp 625. when i try to connect it fails. but if i leave the usb modem plugged in it will connect after 20min12:21
Kre10s_im grabbing the logs now12:21
grndlvlremus_: if its installed correctly which it sounds like it does if it lights up, then you *should* be able to https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/internet/C/connect.html12:21
* Boothk reads some backlog about commercial DVDs12:21
BoothkAm I right in thinking VLC works for Ubuntu?12:21
jjp_Boothk: certainly12:22
grndlvlBoothk: my player of choice12:22
Boothklol, Endafy raged for no reason then12:22
BoothkVLC is win12:22
Milosshresolveeeeeed :)))12:22
lathan_deversVLC is actually a VERY POWERFUL piece of software!!12:22
Milosshyeah, pretty much12:23
homebrewciderhi , i've reinstalled the OS on my server adding my second hdd back, how do I find out what filesystem I have on there so it gets mounted properly please?12:23
Boothkwhat's that Windows Media Player? You don't have the codec? That's k, VLC is here12:23
sunitI am trying to run a cron job in ubuntu 9.10. what shall I do and how can I know that cron job will run ?12:24
jrawshi, if anyone is interested in helping me carry out a mass-deployment of ubuntu at an indian prison so that inmates can have a more meaningful time, please check out this post --> http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/g5q7z/anyone_up_for_some_real_karma_long_story_short_i/12:24
jrawsthanks :)12:24
Boothkgood question homebrewcider. Uhm....12:24
jribjraws: what's your support question?12:24
grndlvlsunit: make the time shorter for testing and see if it does what you wanted it to do?12:24
jigynetkre10 those specs look good, shouldn't be that it's just busy.. but everytime you remove it..it may have to re-install it's drivers and that would take a bit12:25
jrawsjrib: i'm requesting general advice & suggestions as well as practical suggestions for a charitable good deed.12:25
jigynetwhy do prisoners have access to pc's?12:25
Boothkhomebrewcider, are you still here?12:26
Boothkyou need to find out what filesystem type you have on your slave HDD?12:26
Boothkalright, imma pm you12:27
=== Dink[a] is now known as Dink
Kre10s_jjp_: jigynet: http://paste.ubuntu.com/581562/12:29
Kre10s_thats what i was trying to do yesterday... ^12:29
sukimaI'm having trouble with my xmodmap. Running ubuntu server 10.04 with fluxbox installed I have the default `xmodmap '$HOME/.Xmodmap'` line in the fluxbox startup script. When I startx the mapping doesn't work however manually running the command give the following error as if the mapping was done already (keys don't match mapping) Any help please: https://gist.github.com/87423912:30
Kre10s_you can see it trying to connect and failing12:30
jigyneti don't want to create a source of bickering, over who's turn it is to spend all day playing snake when spending their alredy fairly cooped-up days in front of a lit screen is going to burn their brains and eyes out and suhave access to pc's xDck the life out of them. again why would prisoners12:30
Ntemisi have a weird output from lm-sensors12:30
jribjraws: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomatedNodeDeployment and maybe https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot and maybe https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Desktop/PXE and maybe https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PXEInstallServer and maybe https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ThinClientHowto12:30
NtemisAdapter: ISA adapter12:30
NtemisCore 0:       +9.0°C  (crit = +100.0°C)12:30
FloodBot1Ntemis: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:30
NtemisAdapter: ISA adapter12:30
NtemisCore 1:       +8.0°C  (crit = +100.0°C)12:30
Ntemiswhat do you think about this guys?12:30
Ntemiswhat do you think about this guys?12:31
sunitgrndlvl: ok, I am trying12:31
wakawaka_hi all, im using vsftpd, a user can login and create a file fine, but the created file is drwx------, any idea why / how to change the default permissions?12:31
=== Kre10s_ is now known as Kre10s
jigynetjraws you in offtopic?12:32
erUSULwakawaka_: see how to set umask for thse users/ftp12:32
jribwakawaka_: search http://vsftpd.beasts.org/vsftpd_conf.html for "umask"12:32
eXpLoDhow is the default color picker called?12:32
wakawaka_erUSUL, jrib: i tried umask, but maybe i didn't set it right, thanks for the link jrib12:33
jigynetgsm modem for a cdma network lol12:33
jigynetthat modem you have is configure to use cellphone towers12:33
grndlvlwakawaka_: also could be setting of the client12:34
jigynetthere should be settings to change this tho right?12:34
MarconMi want to know how i can to link a file and open it with a command in whatever place , typing a command12:34
wakawaka_grndlvl: how do you mean? what should be changed?12:34
MarconMwith command ln -s12:34
jribMarconM: I don't understand your question.  Give an example please12:35
grndlvlwakawaka_: some ftp clients allow you to specify the perms of files that are uploaded12:35
jigynetKre10s, are you able to connect in windows?12:35
bullgard4After dist-upgrade and rebooting I need to configure Grub 1.98-1ubuntu9. What do the letters  X and Y mean in the syntax "set root=(hdX,Y)"?12:35
MarconMjrib, do you know o command " ln -s "12:35
wakawaka_grndlvl: hm ok i'll look into that, thanks12:35
jrib!grub2 | bullgard412:35
ubottubullgard4: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub212:35
MarconMit make link12:35
jribMarconM: yes12:35
MarconMok ...12:35
MarconMall the command of the linux are on folder /usr/bin12:36
MarconMthe meanly commands12:36
jribMarconM: please just explain on one line12:36
eXpLoDhow is the default color picker called?the one that pops out when you click choose colors in many apps and displays both rgb and hex codes12:36
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MarconMokkkkk sorry .... eXpLoD ... ok i want to open a file typing a command12:36
jribeXpLoD: I would guess that's just a part of gtk12:37
eXpLoDyeah,but i wanna start it manually,whats the command for it12:37
jribMarconM: this isn't an example.  Do you just want to add a program to your PATH by creating a symlink so you can call it without giving the full path?12:37
jribeXpLoD: apt-cache search color pick  should give you options12:38
MarconMok ... i have a txt file ok12:38
jribMarconM: you have a text file. ok.12:38
grndlvleXpLoD: maybe gcolor2? sorry not on my linux box atm12:38
wakawaka_erUSUL, jrib: no luck on umask, set umask=077 in vsftpd.config, restart, re-logged in, mkdir has drwx------, any other thoughts?12:39
eXpLoDhmm,running in terminal both gcolor and gcolor2 says command not found12:39
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jribwakawaka_: I told you to search for umask on the page I linked.  Then you have to read about all the options that involve umask12:39
ruanMarconM: do you want to open the txt file with a command?12:39
jribeXpLoD: because you have to install it.12:40
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wakawaka_jrib: shoot, sorry if i missed something - will re-read12:40
MarconMmarcon.txt on a folder .. ok ... or could be a log file ... lets go .. but this file stay in folder /home/myfolder/file/job/marcon/test... omg .. i have type all this soh a want tipy just a one command, like htop, telnet, gimp and open it12:40
jigynetjrib, for a prison..education and entertainment would be best to focus on..something that even if all 20 computers are in use that could still be a group activity for those not seated at the pc's12:40
bullgard4jrib: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 does not define what X  and Y mean. But this was my question.12:40
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eXpLoDbut how do i run it,if it;s not installed?12:40
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PicieXpLoD: the color picker that programs use is not a separate program. Its part of GTK.12:40
robdigwakawaka_: look at file open mode12:40
jigynetoh shoot did i direct that at the wrong guy?12:40
Pici!away > dkannan12:40
ubottudkannan, please see my private message12:40
ruanMarconM: [program] [file]. eg. "gedit path/to/file/file.txt"12:40
ikoniabullgard4: it's the disk ID and partitoin for your system, X and Y are place holders that you swap out relevant to your system12:40
coz_eXpLoD,  sudo apt-get install agave12:40
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wakawaka_robdig: set that 0777 too, no luck12:40
overcluckerwakawaka_: umask shoud be the inverse of the permissions you want 077 sets 70012:40
MarconMruan, ??????????12:41
sunitgrndlvl: if I try to create a cron job to be run every 5 minute interval , what are the steps ?12:41
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jribbullgard4: the first argument is the number corresponding to a device (starts at 0), the second is the number corresponding to a partition (starts at 1)12:41
jigynetI've selected everything available in bleachbit, but i want to know if this is a bad idea before i give it a go..anyone have any idea?12:41
elb0wWhats the easiest way to install fonts?12:41
wakawaka_overclucker: so to get 077 permissions id set umask to 700?12:41
ruanMarconM: the command is "gedit /home/myfolder/file/job/marcon/test/marcon.txt"12:42
elb0wdo I just make a ~/.fonts folder and copy them there?12:42
Kre10sjigynet: yes. I can connect under windows. but whats that indicate?12:42
ikonia!fonts | elb0w12:42
coz_elb0w,   click on the font and a dialog will appear with "install"  button12:42
ubottuelb0w: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer. For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/12:42
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ruanMarconM: it depends what text editor you want to open it with though12:42
wakawaka_overclucker: ah gotchya, thanks!12:42
overcluckerwakawaka_: yup,12:42
Kre10sI'm connected now. It just takes forever to make the connection.12:42
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rizzuhHmm... why exactly is aptitude gone now?12:43
overclucker077 seems like a strange set of permissions12:43
coz_elb0w,  to use that font you will need to regenerate font cache with   sudo fc-cache -fv12:43
bazhangrizzuh, save disk space, you can install it12:43
rizzuhbazhang, meh... 20MB?12:43
coz_elb0w,  otherwise font cache will be regenerated on reboot12:43
jigynetKre10s, was just wondering if for somereason it was configured diffrently..you could try a diffrent manufacturer and see if that makes a diffrence.. do you also have slow speeds?12:43
rizzuhbazhang, capacities are measured in gigabytes now, so saving 20MB sounds stupid, if it is that much.12:44
bazhangrizzuh, on the CD12:44
ikoniarizzuh: on a 700 meb install CD it's not12:44
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jigynetKre10s, is this something you bought at a store to connect to the net..or something that an isp gave you?12:44
rizzuhbazhang, ... I still wonder why Ubuntu doesn't ship on DVDs already.12:44
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bullgard4jrib: How can I determine this device number and this partition number?12:45
ikoniarizzuh: because not all servers have DCD12:45
grndlvlsunit: https://secure.jabsupport.com/support/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=135 <-- this looks to be accurate and states what each time value is. I think it would be something like */12 * * * * "PATH/SCRIPT"12:45
Picirizzuh: There is a DVD available if you want.12:45
rizzuhikonia, for servers you doin't need to ship the whole GUI in the disc.12:45
jribbullgard4: is there a reason you aren't using UUID?12:45
Pici!es | riveryk12:45
ubotturiveryk: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:45
ikoniarizzuh: running a gui on a server is fine12:45
bazhangriveryk, #ubuntu-es12:45
Kre10sjigynet: I bought it at the isp. its from TIM but my isp is VIVO.12:45
rizzuhikonia, and besides, with servers you can usually use a BMC to mount the image from a network share, or spend $20 and get a USB reader, since servers run for several hundred to several thousand.12:46
coz_rizzuh,  the alternative to a dvd install is the minimal install cd  which will list available packages /  DE 's   during install but is only a 12 meg download12:46
ikoniarizzuh: you don't dictate what people useually do12:46
ikoniarizzuh: it's 20 meg, if it's not a big deal, download it12:46
rizzuhikonia, sure, but crippling the distro because of old technologies is not that great.12:46
grndlvlbah thats wrong actually */5 * * * * maybe... I usually have to play around with it a few times actually lol i rarely set one up12:46
ikoniarizzuh: it's not crippling a distro12:46
wakawaka_overclucker: any idea if there's a way to set the default group for a created file?12:46
Picigrndlvl: Thats correct12:47
jigynetrizzuh,  so you expect everyone to go .0020 gigabytes instead of saying 20MB?12:47
rizzuhikonia, almost.12:47
jribMarconM: the syntax to create a symlink is: ln -s TARGET NAME.  So for example if you want to create a symlink to /home/jrib/some/really/long/path/coolfile in /home/jrib, you could do: ln -s /home/jrib/some/really/long/path/coolfile /home/jrib/coolfile12:47
overcluckerwakawaka_: not sure if vsftpd can do that or not12:47
ikoniarizzuh: not in the smallest part is it crippling a dsitro12:47
rizzuhjigynet, I expect people to stop using wimpy CDs.12:47
bullgard4jrib Yes, after dist-upgrade and restart Grub 1.98-1ubuntu9 asks me to enter this syntax following "set_".12:47
Kre10sjigynet: speed is ok...12:47
bazhangrizzuh, lets move on please12:47
wakawaka_overclucker: ok, thanks again for the umask help!12:47
jigynetrizzuh, not until usb 3.0 is cheap and is actually faster then any other media12:48
jribbullgard4: what do you mean by dist-upgrade?  Did you upgrade release versions?  Where/when is grub asking you?12:48
bazhangjigynet, lets move on past this please12:48
jigynetuntil then it's dvds/cds and portable hd's12:48
jigynetdang baz do you always have to mess with our conversations?12:49
jigynetinterjection is quite rude..12:49
Picijigynet: This channel has guidelines that people should follow if they want to continue to use the channels.  You can read them here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:49
jigynetKre10s, so this only happens when you remove the device or each time you reboot?12:50
Kre10sThe problem I have is that I cannot connect the device manually.12:51
Kre10sI have to plug it in and count sheep for 20 minutes12:51
Kre10sIt will eventually connect on its own.12:51
jigyneti'm pretty sure i haven't violated a rule that would entitle someone to persistently interject, even in off-topic...12:51
jigyneteverytime you remove it and re-insert it.. it installs drivers and such12:52
ikoniajigynet: he's just trying to guide you back to ontopic support discussion12:52
jigynetwhy do you need to keep removeing it?12:52
jigynetikonia,  it was a single line of text... and all i intended.. i would take it to ot if he wanted to continue12:53
ikonia]jok, so he asked you to move past it, and you did, great, lets move on12:54
jigynetbut thank you xD12:54
Picijigynet: If you disagree with an action of an operator you can take it up in pm or in #ubuntu-ops, otherwise we should keep #ubuntu clear for those who want support :)12:54
PiciKre10s: Does dmesg indicate that anything is happening during those 20 minutes?12:55
bullgard4jrib: »dist-upgrade« was my short-hand for the command '~$ sudo update-manager -d'. Yes, I did upgrade a release version. The very last step of the '~$ sudo update-manager -d' procedure requested me to reboot. The very first prompt after rebooting is for Grub and requires that I enter my start data medium using the syntax: 'set root=(hdX,Y)'.12:57
ikoniaupdate-manager -d12:57
ikoniabullgard4: why di dyou use update-manager -d ?12:57
Kre10sPici: heres todays output. http://paste.ubuntu.com/581573/12:57
ikoniabullgard4: did you intend to go to the development release?12:57
Pilopewsuper ddos script12:57
ikoniaPilopew: ?12:57
PiciPilopew: Excuse me?12:57
eXpLoDlol Pilopew this is not malvager12:58
Pilopewnothing, wrong channel12:58
gottemwhat if one day you woke up and your nipples were completely gone12:58
gottemlike no scars or anything, just flat skin12:58
gottemand then once you leave your room you find out your dad died last night12:58
gottemand then several days later, you find out that for your entire life your dad had been sneaking into your room while you slept12:58
gottemand sucking on your chest to make to gigantic hickeys where your nipples should be12:58
gottembecause you were born without them12:58
FloodBot1gottem: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:58
ikoniagottem: top12:58
gottemnot for any sexual reason, just so you would fit in12:58
bullgard4ikonia: Yes I did.12:58
PilopeweXpLoD: im sorry, remind me of your malvager nick again12:58
jribbullgard4: so you are on natty now?12:58
ikoniabullgard4: then it's not supported and disscussion is in #ubuntu+112:58
bullgard4jrib:  Yes.12:59
bullgard4ikonia: No. There is no diskcussion in #ubuntu+1.12:59
coz_bullgard4,  well it may be that many of the people are not at their systems right now12:59
coz_bullgard4,  it has been slow...but that is the channel to be in for natty13:00
ikoniabullgard4: thats sad, but it's where the discussion for ubuntu 111.04 is, please join13:00
ikoniabullgard4: 11.04-pre-release is not a supported distro13:00
jribbullgard4: read the !grub2 wiki page while you wait, but the proper channel for natty issues is #ubuntu+113:00
bullgard4coz_: What do you mean by "their systems"?13:00
ikoniabullgard4: at their systems that they use to type messaages13:00
coz_bullgard4,  they may be logged on but at school...work...etc etc13:01
DoonzI just got a VPS box with ubuntu 10.04 installed. I created 2 new users. How do i get them to have the same terminal feel as the original user (sorry i dont know what to call it)13:01
sunitgrndlvl: Thanks13:01
jribDoonz: if you created the users with "adduser" (which copies /etc/skel to their homes, they should13:01
bullgard4jrib: I have been reading the wiki page while I was waiting. There the precise meaning of X and Y is not explained.13:02
ikoniabullgard4: it's been explained to you please join #ubuntu+113:02
coz_bullgard4,  you question has been answered in #ubuntu+113:02
bullgard4coz_: You are in error.13:05
coz_bullgard4,  one thing you have to keep in mind on irc,,, everyone here is a volunteer,, with their time... their knowledge,,, not everyone is correct all the time...which is an advantage on irc because someone can catch a typo  or  wrong  solution13:06
Roland_Hello, i am in need of assistance.13:07
coz_bullgard4,  it also means many times  that you have to stick around ,, and wait,, since everyone has a real life  aka   school...family...etc13:07
bazhangRoland_, with what13:07
blackshirtRoland: jusk ask here,13:07
Roland_Installing ubuntu13:07
ruanhow do i remove assistive technologies completely?13:07
jribhi Roland_ , we like it when you just get to the point and ask y our question immediately :)13:08
rogardhi hi, can you give me a documentation for linking an Active Directory server with a Postfix server (Ubuntu Server 10.10) ?13:08
Roland_I got it onto a USB drive, and booted from it, but whenever i select an option on the ubuntu screen that comes up it beeps and does nothing13:08
Roland_at first i was trying to instal 32bit on my 64bit comp, then i tried again with 64 bit version and same thing13:08
Roland_Any ideas on why it won't work?13:09
fixxif i scp something to a remote dir, like scp -r /etc/* blah.... is it common for the remote version and the local one to differ by a few bytes?13:10
ruanRoland_: what did you use to put it on the USB drive? have you tried unetbootin?13:10
Roland_i used Universal-USB-Installer-
Picifixx: no. Can you verify with md5sum that the files are idneed the same?13:10
red2kicfixx: Use rsync.13:10
blackshirtrogard: you mean windows ad ?13:10
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ruanRoland_: have you tried the alternative cd?13:11
fixxPici: how do i md5sum a whole directory? just md5sum mydir13:11
Roland_I tried the 32 and 64 bit versions13:11
Roland_both downloaded from the ubuntu website13:11
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal13:11
fixxred2kic: rsync -avuz -e ssh?13:11
fixxlemme test it quick13:12
tzaeruuh. is there a command to reset values such as contrast?13:12
tzaerua game crashing screwed that up13:12
Roland_it seems this is what i have been using13:12
Roland_i thought i meant alternative as in i could use utorrent to download it13:13
ruanRoland_: hmm. have you tried the normal livecd instead of the alternative?13:13
Roland_and to make it bootable on my flash drive i had to change the name or the program wouldnt recognize it13:13
Roland_no i haven't. haha.13:13
ruanRoland_: try that then13:13
red2kicfixx: rsync -avz (should be fine). '-e ssh' is already configured to be default13:13
Roland_I should probably do that huh.13:13
lathan_deverstzaeru, r u sure it's software settings and not your monitor settings?13:14
rogardI've got to go, see U all13:14
tzaerulathan_devers, guessing it's sofware. at reboot it anyway uses the right values.13:14
Roland_alright, ill have it downloaded and mounted in the next hour or so, ill be back.13:14
frxstremI have this problem where when I boot my computer, instead of going directly to the graphical login screen I get a terminal and have to wait for about 3-4 minutes before I get the graphical login. Can anybody please help me fix this?13:16
ikoniafrxstrem: does the graphical window start on it's own after 3 / 4 minutes?13:17
coz_frxstrem,  mm  is there a "read out"  during this 3 to 4 minute wait?13:17
frxstremikonia: yes, it does13:18
coz_that;s an odd issue13:18
frxstremcoz_: what do you mean by "read out"?13:18
coz_frxstrem,  is anything  printed out  or do you see errors reported during that time?13:18
KramBI am trying to make this .sh file executable I do "chmod +x file.sh" and when I try to execute it, it says cannot execute.  It is a compiler for java files, any help?13:19
frxstremcoz_: no13:19
coz_KramB,   the easy way is to right click the file ...go to properties / permissions  and make it executeable13:19
High_PriestKramB, try sh file.sh13:19
airworkhi. i'm trying to delete a partition from my drive but i'm getting weird error messages..http://paste.ubuntu.com/581577/13:19
coz_frxstrem,  mm this is definitely odd... is this a fresh install of ubuntu?13:20
frxstremcoz_: no, I've been using it for about half a year now, I think13:20
coz_frxstrem,  when did this start ocurring?13:20
frxstremcoz_: I think it was two days ago13:21
High_PriestKramB, and what is the exact error message?13:21
coz_frxstrem,  were there system updates at that time?13:21
frxstremcoz_: there might have been, I don't quite remember13:22
m___Hi! How can I find all files in a folder that has the regex "*[0-9].ser" ? I have tried to do this but to no avail: find . *[0-9].ser | egrep *[0-9].ser13:22
KramBcoz: It still did not work.  Priest: That did not work either, the message was "not foundipts. sh: 2: not foundipts .sh: 8: compile scripts.sh 23: syntax error: and of file unexpected (expecting "fi")13:23
coz_frxstrem,  ok ,, one of the first things I suggest for any issue is to first open a terminal  and   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade     see if anything needs updated,, or a new package needs installed13:23
KramBend of file*13:23
coz_KramB,  what is this file for?13:23
jigynetis that guy with the HUAWEI Mobile still around?13:23
ruanKramB: you need to code the file correctly then13:23
jribm___: ls **/*[0-9].ser    in the right directory13:23
KramBcoz: to compile java scripts.13:23
KramBruan: I guess I will look over it. :s13:24
jribm___: and that's a glob, not a regex13:24
ruanKramB: it's returning errors because the code is incorrect13:24
ruansyntax errors13:24
tdnHow do I install the latest 2.6.38 kernel in Kubuntu 10.10? I need to check if a specific bug has been fixed.13:25
m___jrib: that does not work13:25
High_Priesttdn, you download it, compile it and boot it13:25
frxstremcoz_: there were some updates (for tzdata and wine), thought I highly doubt updating them would solve anything...13:25
KramBI don't see what is wrong. >:l13:25
jribm___: in what sense does it not work?  Do you get an error or does it do something other than what you wanted?13:25
coz_frxstrem,  right13:25
blackshirttdn: are you want install it from repos or compile by self13:26
m___cannot access **/*[0-9].ser: No such file or directory13:26
coz_frxstrem,  mm and this occurs every time you newly boot into  your system ...yes?13:26
jribm___: what ubuntu version is this?13:26
tdnHigh_Priest, really? Is there no easier way? I would guess that this is a fairly common task. So I thought there would be some .debs available. Either via PPAs or similar.13:26
frxstremcoz_: yes13:26
coz_frxstrem,  does this also occur when you restart X?13:26
tdnblackshirt, preferably via repos.13:26
jribm___: what shell are you using?13:26
isbric_Hey, i just ran a dist-upgrade on a lucid box, after my reboot i get consistent packet loss on localdomain every 10-11 minutes lasting for about 30-60 sec.13:26
m___well bash13:26
bazhangisbric_, dist-upgrade?13:27
frxstremcoz_: I don't know, I haven't tried13:27
tdnisbric_, that sounds *really* strange. What does dmesg say?13:27
KramBDoes anyone here know java, and could look at this for me?13:27
tdnisbric_, paste your dmesg output here: http://paste.adora.dk13:27
coz_frxstrem,  ok try it doing it the correct way     ctrl+alt+F1    log in    sudo  restart gdm13:27
blackshirttdn: check it when there that version on repo13:27
blackshirttdn: or chek from ppa archives13:27
tdnblackshirt, I have tried adding the kernel PPAs, but there are still no 2.6.38 kernel availabe from it. Which PPA should I add?13:28
jribm___: if you want to use find: find -name '*[0-9].ser'13:28
isbric_bazhang: apt-get dist-upgrade13:28
tdnblackshirt, I have not been able to find any useful info on this.13:28
tdnblackshirt, maybe I could try installing the natty kernel in maverick? Would that work? If so, how to do it?13:28
bazhangisbric_, that wont change versions if that is what you are attempting13:28
coz_frxstrem,  you got back here pretty quickly13:29
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m___cheers, jrib!!13:29
frxstremcoz_: yes, that's because I didn't have to wait when I restarted X13:29
coz_frxstrem,  mmm  so something is up with the initial boot sequence,,, this may be beyond my knowledge....13:30
Aloneaok, is there anything I can temporarily do to fix the brightness on my EEE until the fix comes out next month? (on kubuntu) its at "100%" and its still really dim. I have the issue where my brightness scale is all over the place as I increase/decrease it (its not in order and its all pretty dim)13:30
coz_frxstrem,   which video card is on that system?    lspci | grep -i vta13:30
coz_frxstrem,   lspci | grep -i vga13:31
coz_big fingers :)13:31
frxstremcoz_: nVidia Corporation GT218 [NVS 3100M]13:31
blackshirttdn: you can install natty kernel on maverick, update your sources.list with natty repo, run update and then install kernel from natty repos13:31
coz_frxstrem,  ok13:31
ruanAlonea: have you tried the application "monitor settings"?13:31
coz_frxstrem,  hold on13:31
isbric_my dmesg: http://paste.adora.dk/P1991.html13:32
Alonearuan: so far the brightness settings that came with kubuntu is what is broken. is this a separate application?13:32
airworkhi. i'm trying to delete a partition from my drive but it's telling me the partition is outside the disk. fdisk -l /dev/sda returns weird numbers13:32
isbric_bazhang: no13:32
botcityhi guys i recently put another linux distro on my netbook i thought it would set up a dual boot with ubuntu when grub loads it shows both distros but when i select ubuntu i get error 15 file not found , i dont wanna reinstall ubuntu i know that would fix it but is there another fix?13:32
coz_frxstrem,  out of curiosity would you try    initctl status gdm13:33
ruanAlonea: yes, though it is a gnome app13:33
usr13airwork: sudo fidsk -l /dev/sda | pastebinit13:33
tdnblackshirt, is that safe?13:33
tdnblackshirt, will I always be able to go back later?13:33
[TK]D-Fendertdn: No.13:33
usr13airwork: Which partition are you trying to delete?13:33
tdn[TK]D-Fender, thought so. What will you recommend?13:34
[TK]D-Fender! 11.04 | tdn13:34
ubottutdn: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.13:34
frxstremcoz_: "gdm start/running, process 3784"13:34
isbric_any ideas?13:34
coz_frxstrem,  mmm ok hold on  let me do a bit of research on this issue13:34
airworkusr13: : trying.. but i'm on the live cd and installing pastebinit is taking forever, let me paste manually13:34
[TK]D-Fendertdn: Recommend yuo wait until it is released and you have a reasonable chance of not ending up with a crippled system13:34
tdn[TK]D-Fender, I do not want to upgrade to natty just yet. I just want to try out the kernel under maverick.13:34
airworki want to delete partition #2 on my one and only drive13:34
Alonearuan: what is even worse is if I manually set the brightness to 100% in the terminal, its still wrong. echo -n 100 /proc/acpi/video/VGA/LCDD/brightness13:35
usr13airwork: How are you trying to delete it?  (What partitioning utility are you using?)13:35
ryuguns1Hey guys....13:36
ruanany good download managers? i've tried jdownloader and fatrat but they gave me issues13:36
ryuguns1Where is a good place to learn bash?13:36
airworkusr13: i first tried the ubuntu install process, which showed no partitions. running gparted from the live cd yielded the same results. i then tried palimpsest, which is where i got this message http://paste.ubuntu.com/581577/ -- and here is fdisk -l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/581580/13:36
usr13ruan: wget13:36
Piciryuguns1: The tips in the topic in #bash are a good place to start13:36
blackshirt!tell bash13:37
ryuguns1Thank you guys :D13:37
ryuguns1Guessing !tell is not a command...13:37
ryuguns1!info bash13:37
ubottubash (source: bash): The GNU Bourne Again SHell. In component main, is required. Version 4.1-2ubuntu4 (maverick), package size 625 kB, installed size 1212 kB13:37
coz_frxstrem,   mmm  not much found    http://askubuntu.com/questions/26030/10-10-boots-to-command-line-login-prompt  ,, I cannot guarantee any of this will work,,, the safest option is the purgin of gdm and reinstalling it13:37
ruanany good GUI download managers?13:38
ryuguns1Ubuntu software center???13:38
MonkeyDust!best| ruan13:38
coz_ruan,   downloading of what from w here  ?13:38
ubotturuan: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.13:38
ruani asked for "good" not "best"13:38
usr13airwork: sda2 is an extended partition (which also contains logical partition sda5).13:38
kirkousif i divide partition with gparted. can i be sure that no data will be damaged? :)13:39
ruancoz_: music is one of the things i need to download13:39
airworkusr13: sda5 must be an old swap. i'm willing to delete everything except for sda113:39
coz_ruan,  mm  did you try google   ubuntu download managers13:39
airworkusr13: and the disk only has 100GB, so how can sda5 possibly end in 1167674?13:40
ruancoz_: jdownloader and fatrat gave me issues13:40
isbric_add to previus note: it seems like i get packet loss the same way on other domains just after localdomain get up.13:40
coz_ruan,  I see,,, let me check hold on13:40
usr13airwork: So maybe if you delete sda5 first you can then delete sda213:40
ruanjdownloader corrupted 5 of my downloads, and fatrat can't maintain connections correctly. wget isnt gui13:40
elFidelkirkous: in case you really want to be save - create a clone before you do so13:41
usr13airwork: It is possible that there is unpartitioned space on the drive.13:41
indrajeetwant face recognition software13:41
coz_ruan,   d4x  ...  aria ... wget of course...not graphical though,,,13:41
bazhangruan, gwget13:41
usr13airwork: You could use fdisk to delete the partitions.13:41
elFidelthere is no: being sure while working with partition-tools13:41
coz_ruan,  I have not used the first two at all13:41
stephaaaanseems like I got logrotate up and running for pure-ftpd - if anyone is interested -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/581584/ :-)13:42
airworkusr13: i wouldn't even know how to delete sda5 considering i can't spot it in any of the partition programs13:42
usr13airwork: You could use fdisk to delete the partitions. (fdisk shows it)13:42
indrajeetwant face recognition software13:42
ruani need an advanced gui. lots of features13:42
indrajeetwant face recognition software13:43
coz_ruan,   d4x should give most of that ...yes?13:43
airworkusr13: would it be too much to ask you what the exact command would be like?13:43
blackshirtruan: what you mean with advanced gui ?13:43
ruanblackshirt: advanced options for each file, etc13:43
usr13airwork: Commands:  sudo fdisk /dev/sda ; p ; d ; 5 ; d ; 213:43
airworki'm only an intermediate user and messing around with fdisk always sounds dangerous13:43
airworkspecially considering i don't have backup13:43
ruanblackshirt: such as limiting speed at certain times for certain files13:43
ruanalso, retrying after x seconds13:44
olipanisanyone got the command "ls" in C or C++?13:44
red2kicHe want something advanced -- but not too advanced like wget. I guess.13:44
Piciolipanis: Try ##C or ##C++13:44
ruanwget isn't a gui13:44
airworkget the table, delete 5, delete 2?13:44
isbric_Hey, i just ran a dist-upgrade on a lucid box, after my reboot i get consistent packet loss on localdomain every 10-11 minutes lasting for about 30-60 sec.13:44
coz_ruan,  check out some of the screnshots of d4x13:44
bazhang!info gwget | ruan13:44
ubotturuan: gwget (source: gwget2): GNOME front-end for wget. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.4-1.1ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 211 kB, installed size 1288 kB13:44
usr13airwork: m for help13:44
ruani'll try gwget13:45
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kirkouselFidel: and can i make only image of that partition? or do i have to use real disc13:45
ruanthough i dont know if it has the features i need13:45
elFidelruan: http://alternativeto.net/software/jdownloader/?profile=linux&platform=linux13:45
MonkeyDustruan: check http://www.linuxlinks.com/Software/Networking/Download_Managers/13:45
usr13airwork: Yes.13:45
coz_ruan,    http://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/downloader-for-x-a-powerful-download-manager-for-ubuntu-linux/13:45
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indrajeetwant face recognition software  plz help me13:45
elFidelindrajeet: please repeat that single line again13:46
elFidelthat really helps getting help13:46
indrajeetwant face recognition software13:46
ruben_hoodhi. is there any problem now with the repos?13:46
Chr|sHow can I make a launcher to execute a bash sh file?13:46
frxstremcoz_: purging and reinstalling gdm did not fix the problem ...13:46
indrajeetelFidel:want face recognition software13:46
usr13airwork: print the partition table (so that you can see what is there on the screen).  delete partition 5  delete partition 2 and then w (write new partition table)  (I left out the last command w )13:46
coz_frxstrem,  damn13:46
elFidelindrajeet: are you somehow handicaped or first time irc-user?13:46
elFidelrepeating is evil13:47
ruanlol. i dont think he understands the concept of sarcasm13:47
elFidelit might help if you try to ask a more detailed question - showing you did some research yourself13:47
coz_frxstrem,  ok  if no one here has a solution , at this time... jump over to the ##linux channel and see if someone t here may have a suggestion13:47
PicielFidel: sarcasm doesn't work well over IRC, especially with those whose native language is not english.13:47
indrajeetelFidel:First time irc-user13:47
usr13airwork: Commands:  sudo fdisk /dev/sda ; p ; d ; 5 ; d ; 2 ; w ; q (quit)13:47
frxstremcoz_: okay, thanks anyways :)13:47
elFidelindrajeet: a general help regarding getting help in irc: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html13:47
MonkeyDustindrajeet: your question should be more detailed or specific13:48
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:48
usr13airwork: Commands:  sudo fdisk /dev/sda ; p ; d ; 5 ; d ; 2 ; w ; p ; q (quit)13:48
coz_frxstrem,  apologies,,, either I cant think clearly about this and come up with a solutions or I just dont have the information13:48
usr13airwork: or, after your done do;  sudo fdisk -l13:48
botcityindrajeet: check synaptic package manager there may be something in there!13:49
indrajeetMonkeyDust:Face Recognition for Ubuntu Login13:49
usr13airwork: m for help13:49
sogeking99hey guys, why cant i put my laptop in hibernate? it doesn't start back up13:49
MonkeyDustindrajeet: http://compixels.com/2071/add-facial-recognition-password-to-ubuntu-linux-distro13:50
ruangwget doesn't have the features i need :/13:50
Aloneasogeking99: swap space not big enough? sometimes its buggy or sets my brightness to 0 so I up the brightness and its there13:51
MonkeyDustruan: did you check linuxlinks? http://www.linuxlinks.com/Software/Networking/Download_Managers/13:51
sogeking99i chose half my ram13:51
sogeking99for swap13:51
indrajeetMonkeyDust:thank u i was looking for that only13:51
erUSULsogeking99: for suspend to disk ( hibernate ) you need at least as much swap as ram13:52
kirkouswhere are chromium launcher saved? i need to delete one because it's messing up my docky :)13:52
sogeking99oh i thought it was half the ram13:52
ruanMonkeyDust: most of those are outdated :/13:52
kirkousi mean shortcuts to the websites which can be created with chromium13:54
Aloneasogeking99: its as much to 1.5 of your ram generally13:55
ruanuploaded - 200713:55
botcityhi guys i recently put another linux distro on my netbook i thought it would set up a dual boot with ubuntu when grub loads it shows both distros but when i select ubuntu i get error 15 file not found , i dont wanna reinstall ubuntu i know that would fix it but is there another fix?13:55
cachedif i'm going to be installing ubuntu within the next week (new hard drive) would you recommend going for the alpha release of 11.04?13:56
ruani hope download managers work well in wine13:56
bazhangcached, no, wait for after release for natty13:57
MagicJI have used PLACES/NETWORK and cnnected to another machine and I love the way I can use the GUI to do things as though they are on my local machine.  How do I access the files on the remote machine by name though, for example from the command line if I want to vi/exit one of them?13:57
BluesKajHowdy folks13:57
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giova_hi there13:57
cachedbazhang: so what do you recommend I do: install whatever the current version is and upgrade, install current version and just wipe it clean when 11.04 comes out, not use my hard drive for a few weeks, or ???13:58
giova_I've found a bug with ubuntu 10.10 64 bit and fake raid 013:58
bazhangcached, go for 10.10 then upgrade versions when 11.04 is released, if you wish. no need to install fresh. you may consider a separate /home partition though13:59
cachedbazhang: there is no chance for strange behavior from upgrading?13:59
kirkousdo you guys prefer to reinstal ubuntu when new version comes out or dist-upgrade? :) is it the same?14:00
giova_who am I supposed to report this bug?14:00
bazhangcached, of course there are no guarantees, but using an alpha is guaranteed to have problems14:00
ruan!bug | giova_14:00
ubottugiova_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots14:00
thiebaudekirkous, i prefer a clean install14:00
JayGeeHello. can I hide the Kmail or sending to the taskbar? just because if I close it, it does not notify me14:00
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kirkousthiebaude, and why? what are the differences? config files?14:02
lesshastethere is an odd bug with the screen lock (in gnome at least) where you get to see the screen when it is locked and it doesn't black out until you wiggle the mouse or similar14:03
lesshasteis this known?14:03
thiebaudekirkous, i just prefer a clean install, to start new .14:03
=== john821 is now known as jonjon
GufikCome to http://unforgivenwow.com/ we have all custumised votes&donation point pvp server over 300players14:03
thiebaudei have done a few upgrades since i have been using ubuntu since 6.0614:03
bazhangGufik, wrong channel to paste that14:03
Gufikok sory14:04
usr13thiebaude: I prefer upgrades. My ubuntu system has been in use for years, upgraded many times.14:04
kirkousi just would like to know what is recomended.. :) and why14:04
Gufikguys go on #unforgivenwow channel and stay there if you like you can visit ower web delovepment14:05
thiebaudeusr13, but i have to say i did a upgrade yesterday to 11..04 and it did not work out for me, cos 11.04 used too much ram14:05
isbric_could anyone please give me a hint on what to try out? i have tryed disabling avahi and played with the mtu settings but that doesnt change a bit.14:05
thiebaudeit was iding at like 570mb instead of around 180mb like ubuntu usally does14:05
ruanthiebaude: which process used the ram?14:06
giova_is there anyone using a fake raid 0 with ubuntu?14:06
* _UsUrPeR_ tips his hat14:06
thiebauderuan, there was a bunch of new processes that 11.04 uses, but i cant name them now :)14:06
_UsUrPeR_I am trying to figure out how to enable vino-server on all my users's accounts at the same time.14:07
thiebaudein system manager14:07
_UsUrPeR_Instead of going in to each user and enabling it14:07
=== squishy is now known as SquishyNotHere
_UsUrPeR_is there a config file I can copy in to each user's directory?14:07
ruanwill 11.04 be a LTS release?14:07
bazhangruan, no14:08
thiebauderuan, now im bak at a clean 10.04 install14:08
_UsUrPeR_ruan: I don't believe 11.04 will be an LTS14:08
Gufikhey all :)14:08
_UsUrPeR_the next LTS will be something like 14.0414:08
_UsUrPeR_correct me if I am wrong there :)14:08
_UsUrPeR_err no, 13.04 :)14:08
thiebauderuan a new lts willl be realeased april 201214:08
_UsUrPeR_lol yeah that one :D14:08
elFidelguys: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS14:09
thiebaudeapril 26 :)14:09
Gufikguys any1 plays wow?14:09
_UsUrPeR_LTS is released on a 2-year basis with 3 years of support14:09
bazhang!ot | Gufik14:09
ubottuGufik: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:09
=== SquishyNotHere is now known as squishy
thiebaudeI love the 3yr support thats why im sticking to LTS realeases :)14:10
sss314How do I create an empty archive using nautilus?14:10
_UsUrPeR_again: is there a way to enable vino-server on all my system users in one fell swoop? I don't want to enable remote desktop on each user's account separately. I would prefer to do it from command line.14:10
thiebaudeits one of the reasons,lol14:10
ruansss314: archive manager14:10
sss314ruan, thanks14:11
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co_cari_cewwwho can help me pleaseeeeeeeeee14:22
ruan!ask co_cari_ceww14:22
v_vco_cari_ceww: what's up14:22
co_cari_cewwmy modem detected as storage memory on lucid14:23
yuskhanzabwhat modem u use?14:23
co_cari_cewwprolink P200014:23
co_cari_cewwmy modem is only detected when I go in and open the application the modem drivers on windows os and go back to ubuntu14:24
yuskhanzabdid u do modeswitch14:24
co_cari_cewwyes i know usb modeswitch, and the result error14:25
yuskhanzabi also got that problem before14:26
rizzuhI'm experiencing UI freezes on Ubuntu 10.10 (all update as of 1 hour ago, including proprosed and backports); no single UI element (except for web pages, but buttons, pop-ups, etc.) respond, at all. How can I fix it?14:26
elFidelrizzuh: i would start by checking the logs14:26
ruanrizzuh: have you restarted since the update?14:26
jribrizzuh: proposed is not meant to be used by regular desktop users14:26
rizzuhNot yet14:26
co_cari_cewwalso with modem?14:26
ruanrestarting may fix it14:27
rizzuhThe latest updates were non gui related though. I have for the big stuff, which I did after installing.14:27
rizzuhTrue, but that would be last resort.14:27
rizzuhjrib, agreed, I'm no regular user though. That, and I've seen this problem since December.14:27
rizzuhThough I haven't used Ubuntu since then, till today.14:28
co_cari_cewwhow to resolve my problem????14:28
jribrizzuh: your using repositories used for testing and that are more likely to contain broken software14:28
co_cari_cewwcome on14:28
yuskhanzabusually it detect as a memory because there were a memory slot14:28
jribyou're even14:28
jribrizzuh: anyway first step is reproduce issue on a system without -proposed14:29
co_cari_cewwyou know my modem?14:29
co_cari_cewwthere were memory slot, where it is?14:29
rizzuhjrib, easier said than done.14:29
elFidelrizzuh: why? reboot and see if problem still exists14:30
elFidelthats a pretty easy first step isnt it?14:30
rizzuhelFidel, I meant reproducing it on a system without proposed.14:30
singhI have created a cron job with command : */1 *   *   *   *     /home/starlite/Downloads/data-integration$ sh spoon.sh14:30
co_cari_cewwcome oon14:30
singhbut it's not running. please help me14:31
jribsingh: it's not related to your issue but */1 is the same as *14:31
singhjrib: what shall I do ?14:31
rizzuhRebooting is a bit tricky when I can't use the UI at all...14:31
elFidelsingh: take some time and re-read some example cron-entries14:31
jribsingh: now, as for your actual issue, the command you have written makes no sense.  It seems like you just copied what your terminal shows including the prompt14:31
ruanrizzuh: hmm. alt f2 and start gnome-terminal14:32
ruanrizzuh: does that work?14:32
rizzuhruan, keyboard shortcuts don't either14:32
ruanrizzuh: hummmm14:32
rizzuhgood ol' power button for 5 secs14:32
rizzuhbut that's... not that great14:32
ruandoes ctrl alt f1/f2 work for going into console and restarting?14:33
rizzuhIs there any way to... like revert updates from proposed?14:33
singhjrib: thanks for suggestion. But how shall a make a cron job to run ?14:33
jrib!cron | singh14:33
ubottusingh: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm14:33
nishantI have an inbuilt intel graphics card ,  how does it get detected14:33
rizzuhruan, too late.14:33
maedoxsingh: http://www.htmlbasix.com/crontab.shtml14:34
ruanscheduling can be done with bash too14:34
nishantI can see intel graphics properties in Windows but not in Ubuntu . I understand its a additional install in windows , how do I install in ubuntu14:35
eddy83Hi im trying to remove broken package cinelerra but getting this http://paste.Ubuntu.com/58160314:35
v_vnishant: i guess you can , after you get a proper driver package installed, or some packages14:36
nishantv_v, yes I am looking for that14:36
singhjrib: I could not understand14:37
_antant_Hey. Would choppy 1080p playback be because I have an ATI card?14:38
dr0idhow can you view the permissions of a file in octal format/values ?14:38
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ruan_antant_: have you tried with different video players, eg. vlc14:38
High_Priest_antant_, not necessarily, can be also because you have a slow cpu or also depending on the player14:38
llutz_dr0id: stat "file"14:39
dr0idi knew, heh14:39
dr0idnot possible with ls ?14:39
_antant_xbmc, 2.4 core2duo14:39
ilubuntu forever)14:39
rizzuhApparently this is pretty common: http://superuser.com/questions/171357/what-do-do-when-linux-gui-freezes14:40
rizzuhthat's 2010 Aug.14:40
eddy83Help plz broken package http://paste.Ubuntu.com/58160314:41
llutz_dr0id:  ls + awk + bash14:41
v_vllutz_: does ls can do that ?14:42
v_vllutz_: how ?14:42
graczhi to all :)14:42
bugrasound problem I have14:42
bugraubuntu 10.10 and toshiba satellite pro a20014:42
llutz_v_v: no, ls + awk + bash can do14:42
selinuxiumHi all, I am trying to configure upstart for the first time... Going round in circles and documentation is leaving me more confused..14:42
singhubottu: thanks for help. I am trying to run spoon.sh file in  /home/starlite/Downloads/data-integration in every minute. What shall I do ?14:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:43
graczi'm have a problem with GNOME after actualisation of drivers (Nvidia, Ubuntu 10.04) via X-update repository14:43
iникаких проблем нет у меня. всё работает просто супер14:43
selinuxiumI am trying to start vmware-tools at start up - probably 234514:43
graczGNOME don't run on "normal" mode14:43
wasnikhi guys14:43
graczsorry: run on normal mode14:43
graczdesctop, panels,aplets are displayed14:43
wasnikmy computer is not at all booting14:44
xxoihi how can i uninstall apache2 from ubuntu 10.04? i did ,,apt-get remove apache2'' but the service is still running (and i can even stop and restart it using /etc/init.d/apache2 stop|start)14:44
wasniki dont even ereach the booting screen14:44
graczbut mouse dont work:14:44
graczcursos can be moved but clicking don't work14:44
nishantneed a driver for this http://www.intel.com/products/chipsets/gma950/index.htm14:45
nishantcan anyone help me14:45
graczi'm work on "emergency mode" GNOME14:45
graczhow to make gnome working propertly in normal mode?14:45
=== Guest14098 is now known as DarkDevil
gepatinoxxoi, apache2 is a metapackage and when uninstalling it you could still have apache2-common installed14:46
gepatinotry removing it (apache2-common)14:46
eddy83How to fix broken package? http://paste.Ubuntu.com/58160314:46
=== DarkDevil is now known as Guest4583
xxoigepantino Package apache2-common is not installed, so not removed :-(14:46
v_vxxoi: try purge14:46
bugra ve a problem on ubuntu 10.10 about sound  toshiba satellite pro a20014:47
gepatinoxxoi, apache2.2-common ?14:47
xxoiv_v i tried ,,LANG=C apt-get --purge purge apache2-common''14:47
blzIs it possible to use Mondo non-interactively with cron, but only if a particular device is detected?14:47
v_vxxoi: xxoi apt-get purge apache214:47
singhmaedox: if I try to run spoon.sh file in every minute in  /home/starlite/Downloads/data-integration path what shall I do ?14:47
xxoiapache2.2-common gepantino14:47
gepatinoi've missed the .214:47
bugrais there anyone help me??14:48
xxoisome hoster found it funny to just install a bunch of lousy software by default -.-14:48
illousionarywhat can i do for u?14:48
bugramy sound device is not working14:48
bugraon toshiba laptop14:48
nishantneed a driver for this in Ubuntu  http://www.intel.com/products/chipsets/gma950/index.htm14:49
singhmaedox : please help me14:49
illousionaryup drivers14:49
maedoxsingh: crontab -e, and add * *  * * *  command14:49
bugramy device is installed14:49
bugrabut its not working14:49
bugrajust no sound14:49
maedoxsingh: you should add command as path to script and then >/tmp/somename.log 2>&114:50
singhmaedox : thanks. and the path to command ?14:50
graczbye :)14:50
bugraals268 is the name14:50
maedoxsingh: full path to your script14:50
isbric_Hey, i just ran a dist-upgrade on a lucid box, after my reboot i get consistent packet loss every 10-11 minutes lasting for about 30-60 sec. there is no log output what so ever.14:50
Caramelshello do you speak french???14:50
bugramy sound problem about what??14:51
bugracan you help me??14:51
nishantcan anyone tell me how do I install INTEL GMA 50 into ubuntu ?14:51
singhmoedox: my script spoon.sh is  /home/starlite/Downloads/data-integration. so what shall be the command ?14:52
maedoxsingh: /home/starlite/Downloads/data-integration/spoon.sh >/tmp/spoon.log 2>&114:52
maedoxsingh: then you can read output in /tmp/spoon.log and see any errors.14:52
bugrahow can I get help from this channel14:53
cba123I have 4 drive 4.5tb (usable) mdadm RAID5.  I'm actually running out of space, would it be easier to keep the data and grow, or start from with bigger drives?  I'd prefer to grow my existing RAID, but I'm not sure.  I found this, and am not 100% sure it's the best way. http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-517282.html14:53
singhmoedox: thanks. I am trying14:53
bugrais there anyone can help me??14:53
nishantI have installed xserver-xorg-video-intel , is there anything more I have to do to configure his ?14:53
bugrawho should I ask for my issue14:53
vega__!anyone | bugra14:53
ubottubugra: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.14:53
cba123bugra, First, ask your question.  Second, wait for a response.  Everyone here helps free, so be patient.14:53
v_vnishant: if your computer is working fine, then no14:54
yellabs-r2who uses an utp to usb printserver , that is know to work with ubuntu?14:54
nishantIts working but when I click on monitor settings it doesnt show the monitor14:54
Roland_Hi, im back with another problem, when i click run from usb device (on the boot menu frommy usb device) it says missing live files or something after an ubuntu loading screen.14:54
researcher1is there a channel to discuss scientific software in linux?14:54
usr13cba123: Well, not everyone helps, some just hide and watch   ;/14:54
blzAre there any native disk image solutions for ubuntu that are comparable to Acronis True Image?  Specifically, I need to be able to make incremental image-based backups on a schedule.  Ideally compressed.14:54
Roland_Any helpers?14:56
usr13blz: so you want to periodically make images of your whole hard drive?14:56
cba123usr13, Might've said it with some ambiguity, it was meant as "Everyone here who helps, helps for free"14:56
blzusr13:  exactly, but incrementally14:56
bugramy sound card is not working on toshiba satellite pro a200, device is alc26814:56
usr13cba123: Sorry, was an attempt at humor.14:56
dr0idwhat is Inode Number ?14:56
blzusr13:  i.e.:  I want image n+1 to include only the changes since image n14:57
blzif that makes sense14:57
isbric_tdn: did you se my dmesg?14:57
cba123usr13, As was mine...14:57
Roland_Hi, im back with another problem, when i click run from usb device (on the boot menu frommy usb device) it says missing live files or something after an ubuntu loading screen.14:57
usr13blz: That's gonna take a lot of space.  Where do you  intend to store these images?14:57
cba123Roland_, patience is a virtue.  Ask once, and wait longer before re-asking.  I'd say 15minutes or so.14:57
Roland_oh, alright.14:58
blzusr13:  that's why compression would be ideal, along with the incremental versioning.  I have a solution for the storage14:58
blzusr13:  that solution being a big eSATA drive14:58
usr13blz I don't think the drive type matters much14:59
blzusr13:  well the speed sure as hell will ;-)14:59
singhmaedox: I am getting error which can be seen in http://dpaste.de/NamM/14:59
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usr13blz: Well, I've done a partition at a time like this:  dd if=/dev/hda | ssh $user@host 'gzip - > /home/user/image.gz'15:00
isbric_wat shuld i be looking for if i get consistent packet losses every 10 min lasting 30-60 sec intervals?15:00
usr13blz: Or:  dd if=/dev/hda1 | ssh $user@$host 'gzip - > /pub/image.gz'15:00
usr13blz: You could just as easily do the whole drive, but, well, just never saw the need in it.15:01
blzusr13:  i considered that, but there's two problems.  1)  no incremental backup (afaik), and 2) it stores *everything* including unused space... Which is kind of a waste of time/space15:01
blzusr13:  mondo looked promising, but it seems as though they expect you to save it in n number of .iso's and burn them for recovery.15:02
sp4rcguys, how can i change the keyboard layout on the console?15:03
usr13blz: Well, I guess that is as far as I got with backing up stuff.  I just back up my /home partition and am not all that concerned about applications and the rest.15:03
bugrais there anyone can help me?15:03
ubottubugra: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:03
llutz_blz: why backup as image? filewise is much easier15:03
maedoxsingh: what's in your scripts? It's trying to connect to a display but nothing is set. You might have to add export DISPLAY=:0 to the script.15:04
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:04
blzllutz_:  I've already done that, but reinstalling a system from scratch is a huge pain.  plus it's two different backup strategies.  filewize backups won't store all settings15:04
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llutz_blz: depending on your config, it stores all settings.15:05
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blzllutz_:  yes, i realize that, but it's a huge paint to back up every single config file.  Images allow you to recover from catastrophic failures very quickly15:06
bugraI ve sound problem on my laptop15:06
Kentareehi guys, I'm having an issue with my logitech g35 usb headset in ubuntu. It plays sound once, for a while, and then stops, and starts spitting out usb_set_interface failed messages in log files15:06
blztwo different strategies, each with its merits15:06
llutz_blz: backing up /etc/, /home, parts of /var + a list of actually installed packages and the reinstallation is easily done15:06
singhmaedox; Thanks15:06
=== ogra is now known as Guest53848
llutz_blz: ever looked at rsnapshot or rdiff-backup?15:06
blzllutz_:  right, but then you have no partition information and repartitioning a new disk or wiped disk is a pain15:06
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blzllutz_:  i haven't.  is that file-based backup or image-based?15:07
llutz_blz: we have different definitions of pain :)  sfdisk might help to backup partition-info15:07
bugracan you talk in private with me for sound problem, who can do?15:07
llutz_blz: file based (rsync) i never did images because they seem pointless and space-wasting for me15:07
blzllutz_:  I appreciate the suggestions, but i've already implemented a file backup system15:08
usr13blz: One other thing I've done is to install two identical HDs in a PC and periocically ghost one to the other, (master to slave).  I've done that on servers15:08
BluesKajllutz_, blz , what about aptoncd ?15:08
blzwith unison, which is close enough to rsync =)15:08
surreal7zsoftware for organizing your things + journal ?15:08
blzusr13:  that might be worhtwhile.  I imagine, using dd?15:08
llutz_BluesKaj: no idea, i never used it (actually i don't really know what it does exactly)15:08
coz_bugra,  the problem with PM's is that  you have the advantage of "backups"  rather caught errors15:08
blzBluesKaj:  not sure what it is15:09
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline15:09
coz_bugra,  rather you dont have the advantage15:09
usr13blz: Yes15:09
coz_bugra,  pm's  dont allow other to add to solutions15:09
blzBluesKaj:  definitely interesting.  does it store configurations or only the .deb package?15:09
usr13blz: Set it up as a cron job15:09
surreal7zsoftware for organizing your daily stuff + journal ? or some sort of it, thx!15:09
llutz_BluesKaj: might make sense for people with very slow internet, not usefull for backups imho15:09
BluesKajblz, nor sure15:10
llutz_blz BluesKaj sounds like just keeping the packages15:10
blzalright.  i'll have to take all of this into consideration.  too bad for mondo... it's *almost* perfect15:10
bugracoz_: I ve sound card problem15:10
blzbugra:  we can't help you if you don't give us specific information15:11
coz_bugra,  is it recognized?  open a terminal   type   alsamixer  and see if the card is listed at the top15:11
BluesKajyeah llutz_ somehow an app that saves the configs as well as the apps is too much to ask :(15:11
bugraalc268 code sound device exists15:11
coz_bugra,  ok while in alsamixer  check to see if any volume sliders are down or muted15:12
llutz_BluesKaj: saving packages makes no sense in most cases, the rest easily can be done using rsync (or some scripts around it)15:12
Mhaddogneed some help. Got a server with 10.04lts on it, and it has been quite difficult to be able to ssh into it.... I'm able to ssh into it form the local network, but when I do port forwarding, from the outside has been difficult to get into it, have another server, same configs, and works fine..15:13
bugramaster, headphon, PCM, front are high15:13
Mhaddogonly difference is that the problematic server, has two eth active... can this be the cause?15:13
MhaddogI installed openssh15:13
coz_bugra,  mm  ok  you might want to check in both the #alsa channel  and the #pulseaudio  channel15:13
BluesKajllutz_, it's surprising what ppl want to save , whether it makes sense or not :)15:13
llutz_BluesKaj: problem are devs thinking its a good idea to save some stuff inside /usr/....15:14
bugraok thanks15:14
root__Mens.. you know how to do for increase or decrease sound on Backtrack 4 R1? I only find the option to disconnect the card sound,,, It's a Live USB, not yet installed on HDD15:14
KurlonAfternoon all.  Got a bit of an odd rsync issue.  I have a box I try to keep synced with a remote unit via a while loop in a screen'd shell.  Hackish, but it gets the job done.  If I try to rsync a second directory via the shell, works beautifully.  If I try the same rsync command in the while loop, it bombs out partway through the run.  I'm stumped on this one.15:14
Roland_I still need help.15:15
llutz_BluesKaj: as i said, it might be usefull if you have very limited internet access. for _me_ it wouldn't make sense to store packages i could re-download within 10 minutes (32mbit-internet)15:15
aeon-ltdroot__: ask in #backtrack15:15
root__okey, sorry, I'm new in this xD15:15
GaryDwhat is the command to fix mime types?15:16
singhmaedox : I have added export DISPLAY=:0 in spoon.sh file which can be seen in url http://dpaste.de/INRp/15:16
miniuserhello. i'm on ubuntu 10.04 using chromium. i can't watch videos on www.ustream.tv .. please help. (youtube works okay)15:16
singhMaedox: Still its not running15:17
cba123I have a 4 drive 4.5tb usable (6 tb total) mdadm RAID5.  I'm running out of space, would it be easier to keep the data and grow the raid, or start from with bigger drives?  I'd prefer to grow my existing RAID, since money is tight.  I found this, and am not 100% sure it's the best way. http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-517282.html15:18
DiverdudeHow do i get the back-button to work in chrome?15:19
sp4rcanyone running ubuntu 10.10 in conjunction with vmare-tools?15:19
ruansp4rc: i have done that in the past and had it working15:20
BluesKajllutz_, agreed , I've never bothered with that either , but there's no reasoning or understanding why some ppl attach importance , for whatever reasons and insist on something that seems trivial to us.15:20
intokanyone else currently unable to view youtube from Movie Player/Totem? I know it worked before an I can play .flv files, but otem now just tosses up a non helpful gstreamer error15:20
cba123Diverdude, I would report a bug to google, since there is no "how do I get the back button to work?"  It should just work like normal, click it.  If it doesn't, it's a bug you should report to google.15:20
sp4rcruan: where are the C header files located?15:20
xrohi, when i'm logged with my username on a server, i have a prompt with '$' instead of 'username$'... and i cannot use tab... do you know why? with root, that works15:21
Roland_Hi, im back with another problem, when i click run from usb device (on the boot menu frommy usb device) it says missing live files or something after an ubuntu loading screen.15:21
llutz_xro: ls -la ~/.profile ~/.bashrc15:22
ruansp4rc: im not sure15:22
xrollutz_: i get /home/myusername/.bashrc and /home/myusername/.profile15:23
llutz_xro: both exist and size != 0? echo $SHELL15:23
xrollutz_, they are 3.1ko and 675... echo $SHELL --> /bin/sh15:25
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llutz_xro: "/bin/bash"15:25
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GaryDhow can I set the applications used by xdg-open?15:25
xrollutz_, why? i should be done automatically, no?15:26
llutz_xro: getent passwd |grep $USER           whats the login shel there? (last entry)15:26
mouseI installed easypeasy 1.6(derived from ubuntu) and changed the background image.  It immediately crashed and continues to crash at every startup.  Anyone have any ideas how to fix this?15:26
xrollutz_, there is my user... (it works with /bin/bash)15:26
jribmouse: we only support ubuntu here15:27
llutz_xro: getent passwd |grep $USER           whats the login shel there? (last entry)15:27
MonkeyDustmouse: easy peasy is ubuntu-eee, do you have eee-pc?15:27
jribllutz_: note getent passwd $USER  should work too15:27
xrollutz_: it is my login15:27
llutz_xro: What shell does it show??15:27
llutz_jrib: thx15:28
mouseMonkeyDust, No I don't.  It's a very old pc.15:28
xrollutz_: myusername:x:uid:gid:surname name:/home/myusername:15:28
GaryDI am trying to get chromium to open file links, torrent links, and irc links in the correct app. however, they all open in chromium. how can i fix this?15:28
MonkeyDustmouse: easy peasy is meant to be used on an eee-pc15:29
llutz_xro: ups no shell at all. usermod -s /bin/bash $USER15:29
MonkeyDustmouse: use ubuntu netbook remix instead15:29
xrollutz_: usermod: cannot lock /etc/passwd15:30
llutz_xro: sudo15:30
=== ruan_ is now known as ruan
mouseMonkeyDust, I figured the two were similar enough and I like the look and feel of easypeasy more so I figured I would go with that.  Is there really that much of a difference?15:31
llutz_xro: sudo usermod -s /bin/bash <yourusername>15:31
xrollutz_, user not exist in /etc/passwd... but this is normal... the users are in a ldap server15:32
llutz_xro: i never used ldap, is info like login-shell also saved there? then your have to change it there15:33
mzuverinkwhat is the package for the default cursor, i have a blue one that turns to a hand when grabbing a window, I would like the default back and cursor selection from the pref window does not make a change.  or any other ideas on how to change it back gratfully welcomed15:33
xrollutz_, ok... thank you for your help... I now understand that the problem is in the ldap user config...15:34
llutz_xro: finally you have to set your login-shell correctly, whereever ;)15:34
xrollutz_: exactly... :) thanks again15:35
Roland_Hi, im back with another problem, when i click run from usb device (on the boot menu frommy usb device) it says missing live files or something after an ubuntu loading screen.15:36
blzusr13, BluesKaj, llutz_:  for what it's worth, I think I found what I'm looking for:  http://www.fsarchiver.org/Main_Page15:36
blznot sure if it has incremental versioning, but this seems to be a loose analog to TrueImage under windows15:37
blzin case anybody is interested ;-)15:37
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raidocba123: That seems like a plan. but before you attempt it you would want a good backup. The inconvienient part of having such large arrays (I have one at work) is howto back them up.15:41
blzI'm unclear about a few details of btrfs.  If I understand correctly, snapshots are natively supported and can be backed up on external media?  Can they be restored onto new media from a live cd in the even of a hardware disk failure?15:42
icerootblz: if the hardware is broken, no15:42
[_snow_]hi all. I have a problem. Do not run the applet Custom menu bar. Anyone encountered this problem? Are you could help me&15:42
blziceroot:  i'm not sure I understand your point.  My hypothetical scenario is the following:  i have a laptop with a btrfs filesystem.  Snapshots are saved on an external disk.  One day my laptop drive fails and I replace it with a new one.  Can the filesystem be restored to the new disk?15:43
sidarthais there anyone around familiar with mounting samba shares in windows? They keep getting disconnected.15:43
jdeslaursidartha: does it say why?15:43
blzsidartha:  do you have any error messages?15:44
ruansidartha: any logs?15:44
icerootblz: ah ok, it should be workinig but making a test before is a good idea15:44
icerootblz: to be 100% sure15:44
mehdihow can i deactive/active my wireless card?15:44
sidarthano message. I windows 7 it just drops. When I open up my Computer ther is a red x next to the share.15:44
dr0idcat /etc/group us the way to list all the groups and its users ?15:45
blziceroot:  ok, and this should be possible with any recent ubuntu live cd, right?15:45
ruandr0id: try it and see15:45
dr0idi did, huge list. but i dunno15:45
sidarthaI think it may be a problem with concurrent users. Does Samba have a limit.15:45
dr0idpostdrop:x:125: <-- what is 125 ?15:45
llutz_dr0id: getent group15:45
llutz_dr0id: gid15:46
ruandr0id: it seems to be. adm:x:4:ruan15:46
dr0idkinda same output15:46
dr0idafter 127 it is 1001 and 1002 , wierd15:46
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llutz_dr0id: those are the "gid"15:46
dr0idauto generated by ubuntu ?15:46
raidoblz: Snapshots are increments usually, not a duplicate of an entire FS15:46
icerootblz: any which support the filesystem by the kernel15:46
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icerootblz: so the old ones are not working15:47
blzraido:  ah, so it's not really a solution for backups on external media...15:47
llutz_dr0id: if you don't secify them, yes15:47
dr0idok, thanks a lot15:47
blzraido:  it's more like local fs versioning ?15:47
llutz_dr0id: /etc/adduser.conf   for info about the current settings15:48
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jamesgeckoHow do I tell what options the maintainers of a package compiled an application with?15:48
raidoblz: https://btrfs.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/FAQ#What_is_a_snapshot.3F15:48
blzraido:  thx!15:49
raidoblz: If you want a disaster recover solution, you would image the system after build and then store all snapshots. The in a recovery you would restore the image forst and then all the snapshots.15:49
Pici!zh | chpsheng15:50
ubottuchpsheng: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk15:50
blzraido:  ok that makes more sense now.  I guess there's no real reason to migrate away from ext4.  Not with other imaging solutions available15:51
krgerUbuntu doesn't have a One China Policy, it seems.15:51
PeaceMakerI am looking into the possibility to build a personal dropbox server. Anyone can give me a heads up?15:51
sidarthaany one intrested at look at a samba log of one of the pc that disconnected from samba? http://pastebin.com/9nRdzpfW15:52
jamesgeckoPeaceMaker, http://sparkleshare.org/ maybe?15:52
raidoblz: Its a matter of what you want. It sounds like a fun thing to experiment with but there are other perfectly good solutions. Also btrfs is not considered stable from what Ive read15:52
dr0idgetent group shows www-data as one of the groups but no users ? :O15:52
PeaceMakerthanks jamesgecko15:53
BluesKajeven china doesn't have it , krger , they have to deal with contonese and mandarin ...we think we have bilingual probs :)15:53
blzraido:  hmm. that settles it then.  I'll just stick with fsarchiver15:53
BluesKajer cantonese15:53
raidoPeaceMaker: look at Tonido too15:53
dr0idllutz_: getent group shows www-data as one of the groups but no users ? :O15:53
raidoPeaceMaker: http://www.tonido.com/15:54
llutz_dr0id: its the group, e.g. apache runs as. groups don't need to have members15:54
PeaceMakerjamesgecko, it seems  SparkleShare doesn't have client for Windows yet.15:55
dr0idllutz_: umm, but whoami gives www-data15:55
jamesgeckoPeaceMaker, In the same vein as Tonido, Opera Unite is kinda nifty. Though not much like Dropbox; more useful for just sharing files with other people quickly.15:55
=== Enissay__ is now known as Enissay
DOokamihello everyone :) ,, any ideas about syncing Blackberry torch with ubuntu ?15:55
PeaceMakerThanks, raido and jamesgecko, I will check them out.15:56
IdleOne!info barry15:56
llutz_dr0id: whoami         gives a username (yours)15:56
ubottuPackage barry does not exist in maverick15:56
dr0idllutz_: yeh, when i do it via php , then i get www-data which is of apache's15:56
IdleOne!info barrybackup-gui15:56
ubottubarrybackup-gui (source: barry): GTK+ based GUI for backing up the RIM BlackBerry Handheld. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.15-1ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 74 kB, installed size 292 kB15:56
jamesgeckoPeaceMaker, SparkleShare is just a shim over Git. You can probably sync with windows manually, but it definately won't be as nice as the SparkleShare UI right now.15:56
dr0idi thought it was a user, but hmm, its a group o.O15:56
* dr0id is a bit confused :S15:56
llutz_dr0id: theres a user and a group www-data15:56
dr0idllutz_: but i dont see any users beside www-data in getent group output ?15:57
jwm_hello.  I am having a problem with the headphone jack on my IMAC running Ubuntu 10.04.  Can anyone help?15:58
ruan!sound | jwm_15:58
ubottujwm_: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.15:58
llutz_dr0id: getent passwd    to list users15:58
jwm_ruan: are you recommending a channel dedicated to sound?15:58
dr0idllutz_: yeh. and again long weird output. may i PM you ?15:58
ruanno, it's not a channel. its a factoid15:59
llutz_dr0id: nope15:59
dr0idllutz_: www-data:x:33:33:www-data:/var/www:/bin/sh15:59
jwm_ruan: is the right place to get this help?15:59
jwm_ubottu: I have tried those methods15:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:59
Mhaddoghttp://pastebin.com/Gn1DQb3p  I have issues connecting to this server from a port forwarding from router. I tested the forwarding with other servers, and they all work. Any ideas?15:59
dr0idllutz_: what does the :/var/www:/bin/sh mean ?15:59
=== Uncle|Sam is now known as uncle|sam
ruanjwm_: yes, it's the right place15:59
jwm_ruan: thank you15:59
llutz_dr0id: home-dir:login-shell16:00
ruanjwm_: here, that is16:00
dr0idllutz_: could you point me to any tutorial regarding that please ?16:00
jwm_is anyone else running on an IMAC ?16:00
llutz_dr0id: man 5 passwd16:01
sp4rcis there some central configuration gui which can be run from the console?16:01
[TK]D-Fenderdropdrive: that specifies the home folder and default shell for that user respectively16:01
sp4rcsomething like yast, etc...16:01
llutz_dr0id: pls use your google-fu to find tutorials, i don't have some off hand16:02
dr0idyep, i didnt know what to search for exactly :d16:02
dr0idllutz_: thanks a lot for your help :)16:02
jwm_bye all16:02
nesh_plz help ... wht do i do when i get16:03
lmontrieuxI have a problem with a bluetooth keyboard, can anyone help? Basically I can connect the keyboard but if I type something then nothing happens16:03
nesh_initramfs shell with "Init not found"16:04
nesh_plz help16:04
ruannesh_: what did you do before this happened?16:04
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usr13shabgard: yea, Hi16:05
=== x_x is now known as Guest43482
ruannesh_: did you try to install? boot? what did you do before that happened?16:05
shabgardhow to connect vpn connection in ubuntu 8.416:06
nesh_ruan_: nothing ... been using for 4 months ..16:06
=== Guest43482 is now known as x_
ruannesh_: did you try to boot? what shell is this?16:07
nesh_ruan_: yes i tried to boot ... when i try "No Init Found" Pops Up!!16:08
ruannesh_: can you type anything into the shell?16:08
=== herton is now known as herton_lunch
nesh_ruan_:yes but it is giving me a BusyBox Shell ... im not that experienced ... but i tried thing i found in the internet like fsck16:09
nesh_ruan_:but despite fsck no luck!16:10
MagicJI like the PLACES/NETWORK method by which I can connect via ssh to a remote machine.  It works beautifully with the GUI.  How do I access files on that connection NOT through the GUI, for example if at the shell I wanted to use vi on one of them?16:10
BajKhow can i write a bash script that repeats itself over and over again ever 30 seconds? using sleep 30 && ./scriptname.sh is not a good idea16:12
ruanBajK: use a loop16:12
erUSULMagicJ: in ~/.gvfs/16:12
BajKruan: that is the idea. and what kinds of loops are there in bash?16:12
ruanBajK: until [ $counter -lt 1 ] do16:13
RubenAlonzoBajK: what is bash please? i'm new to the world of linux16:13
ruanBajK: sleep 3016:13
BajKRubenAlonzo: console16:13
ruanBajK: and the rest of your commands16:13
nesh_ruan ??16:13
RubenAlonzook thank you16:13
ruanBajK: at the top, counter=216:13
ruannesh_: im not sure what to do :/16:14
BajKand while [ 1 -eq 1 ]; do for an infinite loop? :D16:14
MagicJerUSUL: thank you so much - GREAT!16:14
ruanBajK: not sure. will link you a page on that16:14
ruanBajK:  http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO-7.html16:14
Chr|sWhy am I unable to sign into facebook on a clean install of ubuntu?16:15
BajK(first result in google, eh? got the same page open right now :D)16:15
Chr|shas been going on for 2 days16:15
ChrisBuchholzHello. Is it possible in ubuntu to active, what i would describe as drag-and-drop-lock - like when you move a window or need to highlight an area of text and you have to do a click for the drag-and-drog action to end (the lock) like you what is default on mac OS X?16:15
ruanChr|s: is this persistent in different browsers?16:15
jdeslaurmhaddog: need a little more info...16:15
BajKruan: yep while [ 1 -eq 1]; did the job :) thx16:15
erUSULBajK: while true; do sleep 300 && ./scriptname.sh; done16:15
erUSULBajK: while true; do sleep 30 && ./scriptname.sh; done16:16
linuxpusherHi all, I am right in the middle of saving my important info Debian crashed. "Where Exactly Do I Find My Bookmarks in Epiphany in Files" Thank you.16:16
Chr|sruan: I have only tried firefox, only browser I have used for awhile16:16
Chr|swas working on Windows 2 days ago16:16
RubenAlonzoChrjs try safari browser?16:16
sp4rcis there some central configuration gui which can be run from the console? like yast on suse?16:16
RubenAlonzoor opera even16:16
Mhaddogjdeslaur: ok i have a couple servers, one directed from 22 to 22, another from external 2226 to internal 22 and this one form external 2226 to internal 2216:16
ruanChr|s: chromium?16:16
ruanRubenAlonzo: safari isn't in repos16:17
MhaddogI can ssh into this one internally (I'm currently connected to it) but not extrenaly,16:17
Chr|sFirefox should work fine.16:17
RubenAlonzothat may work for you i had no probs in safari or opera though16:17
Mhaddogonly difference is that this server has to eth activated....16:17
ruanbesides, safari isnt a linux thing16:17
RubenAlonzobut yes, chromium16:17
jdeslaurmhaddog: PM16:17
RubenAlonzoor iceweasel16:17
shiska<-- teaching freenoders how to grow hair on their shiskas, msg me for details16:17
Chr|s!offtopic | shiska16:18
ubottushiska: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:18
ruanwhat did i just read16:18
=== Aaron5367|detach is now known as Aaron5367
shiska!discoverasenseofhumor | Chris16:18
jbehmerhi all, I am having a problem with network roaming in ubuntu 10.10. im on a college campus and it seems that whenever i get this message ("Roamed from BSSID mac1 to mac2") in /var/log/syslog, my internet kicks out. if i reconnect using network manager, the internet works fine until it roams again16:18
shiska!offtopic jbehmer16:19
shiska!offtopic | jbehmer16:19
ruanstop trolling shiska..16:19
Chr|sshiska please stop16:19
ubottujbehmer: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:19
shiska!offtopic | ruan16:19
ubotturuan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:19
jbehmeroh okay thanks will do16:19
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!16:19
shiska!ops i'm being profiled. please make them stop16:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:20
ruanwow, first time i've seen someone call ops on themselves16:20
bullgard4'~$ sudo update-grub; /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?)' but GParted shows for /dev/sda7 the mountpoint is / . What's wrong here?16:20
Chr|sby shiska16:20
shiska!offtopic | Chr|s16:20
ubottuChr|s: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:20
indrajeetproblem with nvidia graphics card16:20
RubenAlonzo:) thanks16:20
indrajeetproblem with nvidia graphics card16:21
researcher1if I dont get a .deb is it safe to download tar.gz to install new application on Ubuntu?16:21
ruanresearcher1: yes16:21
=== elnomade|wfo is now known as elnomade
ruanresearcher1: it is generally better to install it from repos though16:21
researcher1ruan: then how do I install from tar.gz16:21
jamesgeckoresearcher1, does the tar.gz contain a binary?16:22
Abhijit!compile | researcher116:22
ubotturesearcher1: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)16:22
researcher1ruan: yes but sourceforge is providing tar.gz16:23
ShoryuHi, I'm trying to forward local ip traffic from a particular IP to make it go to a different IP. I'm trying to fake a local network address and point it at an external address. What I've been trying: sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -s -p tcp -d --dport 8080 -j DNAT --to-destination
ShoryuI did turn on IP masquerade module and ip_forwarding ....16:23
Shoryusomeone said I need an ACCEPT rule as well.16:24
dryicebomShoryu, do you have a "1" in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward ?16:25
=== ruan_ is now known as ruan
Shoryudryicebom: Yeah I did that first.16:25
Shoryudryicebom: No wait. It's 0 now....16:26
Shoryudryicebom: ok its 1 now...16:26
ruanShoryu: try it again now?16:27
Shoryuruan: Nope. No route to host.16:27
dryicebomShoryu, that will reset every time the machine reboots, to make it permanent find the line that says net.ipv4_froward=1 in /etc/sysctl.conf16:27
itecheverytime i closed my laptop and then reopened it i would get an error. now when ireopen it it doesn't do anything at all. why?16:27
Shoryudryicebom: I hadn't rebooted. It reset itself somehow.16:27
Shoryudryicebom: Yeah it doesn't work still. "No route to host"16:28
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PeaceMakerShoryu, do you have ufw up or not?16:29
researcher1I want to install octave3.2-headers octave3.2-html do shogun-octave-modular etc. files in one command can it be done?16:29
=== herton_lunch is now known as herton
ShoryuPeaceMaker: ufp is active... i wondered if it conflicts with iptables ....16:30
PeaceMakerI did something similar with ufw, read http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=833844 to see if it helps.16:30
ShoryuPeaceMaker: Oops "ufw"16:30
ruanp is on the opposite side of the keyboard o_o16:31
u_mei need help , can i pm u , ruan ??16:31
PeaceMakerShoryu, I think ufw is confilcting with the ip_forward bit.16:31
itech"pc i_pm_resume 0x0/0xa0 returns -16" "Device 0000:00:00.0 failed to resume async: eroor -16"     how do i fix that16:31
ruan!pm | u_me16:31
ubottuu_me: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.16:31
ShoryuPeaceMaker: Will try to disable it or something...16:32
ShoryuPeaceMaker: I disabled it... no affect.16:33
intokanyone else currently unable to view youtube from Movie Player/Totem? I know it worked before an I can play .flv files, but totem now just tosses up a non helpful gstreamer error16:33
=== airtonix_ is now known as airtonix
ShoryuPeaceMaker: I'm gonna hve to use an alternate approach.... this sux.16:33
claude_hey everyone16:34
claude_i was trying to install ubuntu via usb disk, and it appears that grub was installed onto the disk instead of the internal drive16:34
claude_has anyone seen this?16:34
Echo9erwhat people thing for a ubuntu laptop?16:35
PeaceMakerShoryu, In file /etc/ufw/sysctl.conf, uncomment lines net.ipv4.ip_forward=1, net.ipv6.conf.default.forwarding=116:35
PeaceMakerI think these lines are guilty in changing ip_forward to 0.16:35
ShoryuPeaceMaker: echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward is supposably the same thing.16:36
_UsUrPeR_hey all. I am having some problems with my fstab file. I have a USB device which I have set to a certain mount directory, but is not mounting automatically upon plugging it in.16:36
_UsUrPeR_I can manually mount it, but I would prefer not to have to do that16:36
MagicJEchoe9er: ubuntu is IDEAL for a laptop16:36
PeaceMakerShoryu, yeah, but a reboot will ruin it and you don't know something else would reset it.16:37
ruanEcho9er: it has windows 7 preinstalled :c16:37
_UsUrPeR_the fstab line is: UUID=(uuid)   /mountedusb ext4 defaults 0 216:37
Echo9erwell obviously i would remove it ruan16:37
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
_UsUrPeR_can anybody give me an idea of what the problem would be?16:37
Shoryu_UsUrPeR_: I think automount controls that stuff...?16:37
jjpusurper: 'auto' entries in fstab mean they r mounted on boot time, no that they r automounted when a removable device is inserted16:37
jjpshoryu: agreed16:37
_UsUrPeR_Shoryu: is that an fstab option, or something else?16:37
ruanEcho9er: yeah but its a waste of money D:16:37
jamesgeckoMagicJ, Only if the laptop hardware is well supported.16:38
Echo9erwell i cannot worry about that now ruan16:38
_UsUrPeR_jjp: is automount an option for fstab?16:38
Echo9erits 240 off.16:38
_UsUrPeR_should that go after default?16:38
MagicJjamesgecko: at this point I suspect that it would be tough to buy a new laptop that was not16:38
_UsUrPeR_i.e. default,automount16:38
needlezis there a simple way to change grub's background??16:38
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.16:38
ShoryuPeaceMaker: I didn't want the forwarding permanent anyways.16:38
jamesgeckoMagicJ, It's not. Hibernate is infamous for a reason.16:39
Shoryu_UsUrPeR_: I thought automount is a program.16:39
_UsUrPeR_Shoryu: ok, I'll check in to it16:39
Shoryu_UsUrPeR_: Wait. I thnk i'm wrong.16:39
ruanneedlez: i believe there is, splash image16:39
ruanneedlez: http://members.iinet.net/~herman546/p20/GRUB2 Splashimages.html16:40
Shoryu_UsUrPeR_: it was an "I think" sort of answer... sorry.16:40
MagicJjamesgecko: that would be a real pain because you could not test for that from the live CD either16:40
needlezruan: yea, im looking how to change it from command line16:40
ruanneedlez: perfect answer in that link16:40
_UsUrPeR_Shoryu: no big deal. Everything short of misinformation helps :D16:40
needlezok, thanks16:40
DystaNI installed Ubuntu 10.10 and my flash player seems to be messed up , Unstable , cannot open multiple windows and wont open most websites , anyway arround this ? The Windows Also Keep Disappearing16:40
jamesgeckoMagicJ, Would it work from live USB?16:40
Shoryu_UsUrPeR_: There's plenty of google articles on this.... ...16:40
* u_me asks i dont hav internet at my home,so i want to install that version of ubuntu,, which has already some features like, vlc n some more... so that i dont have to connect to the internet to install the files ?????, where can i find such torrent ?16:40
DystaNWhen It Does Open everything is very slow16:41
needlezraun?? 40416:41
ruanneedlez: i dont have a 404..16:41
ruanneedlez: hmm16:41
LiamHey, could someone give me a hand with drivers, I've just DL'ed ubuntu16:41
needlezim getting a 404 it shows that the site you linked cant find what i typed, which I just clicked the link16:42
hyujkiolhi, i've just installed sqldeveloper, but when it finished gave me an error. I've corrected the error by hand and now every time I install something or upgrade the error is being reported agains. What can I do?16:42
ruanneedlez: is the link full?16:42
jamesgeckoLiam, specific questions are easier to answer than vague requests for help. :)16:42
=== kanneblei is now known as kanneblei_
Kentareehi guys, I'm having an issue with my logitech g35 usb headset in ubuntu. It plays sound once, for a while, and then stops, and starts spitting out usb_set_interface failed messages in log files16:42
needlezidk, i found it from the !grub link the bot linked me too16:43
LiamI can't connect to my wireless router, I've followed the guide on downloading the driver but I can't find a .inf file to use16:43
ruanneedlez: hmm. i could upload the page16:43
needlezthanks anyways16:43
ruanneedlez: i will upload the page for you16:43
pigolhello all16:44
SITZhi folks :)16:44
pigoli am using ubuntu 10.04 on my dell laptop16:44
needlezruan: its ok, I got the commands to do it, just grabbed them from the grub link the bot gave me16:44
pigolubuntu is heating my laptop a lot16:44
Echo9erdoes everything work pigol?16:44
ruanneedlez: ok.16:44
pigolit does not heat that much when i run windows on i16:45
Echo9erdo all the drivers work i mean pigol16:45
pigolpretty much16:45
itechokay i really need help here.16:45
LiamAnyone? I'm trying to register a new driver and I can't find a .inf file in the driver so I can't follow the ubuntu site's help16:46
=== kdog is now known as kdog_afk
Jonii^Hey, is there any way to make Ubuntu mouse act a bit more like windows mouse?16:47
Kentareewhat's most likely to be at the root of sound issues, alsa or pulse?16:47
ruanJonii^: how exactly? have you tried the mouse settings?16:47
=== Guest85906 is now known as DarkDevil
Jonii^Like, not open that damn pop-up menu before I release the right button, _OR_ make right click unable to select menu items16:47
LiamAnyone? I'm trying to register a new driver and I can't find a .inf file in the driver so I can't follow the ubuntu site's help16:48
ShoryuLiam: If its a windows driver installer, the driver files will be packed inside the installer. Use something like UniExtract to get ithem out of it. That's a windows tool, and I don't know of a linux equivalent. I have no idea why linux would be able to use a windows driver...16:48
=== DarkDevil is now known as Guest43442
ShoryuLiam: Don't know if it would be able to use it. .... .16:48
hiexpopiglit, what temp is it running at16:48
fission6i am trying to uninstall openoffice.org through synaptic and some how in the process it ate up all my remianing diskspace? how the heck does this happen?16:48
ruanJonii^: dont know about you, but right click can open menu items16:48
Jonii^Or, even make it so that pressing right mouse button to open menu, and then releasing it _can't_ select items from the menu list?16:48
LiamI downloaded an .exe and ran it, gave me a folder. As the ubuntu site said, can't find a .inf file in there. Is there any other way I can get the driver to work?16:48
Jonii^ruan, yes, that' s the problem16:49
Jonii^That's what I'm trying to fix16:49
ShoryuLiam: use "Shoryu:" at the beginning... it'll notify me that you messaged me.16:50
nahabmoin ubuntustamm16:50
=== kanneblei_ is now known as kanneblei
meammeis there any way to completely stealth my computer from the net ?? running "maverick" on amd 6416:50
ruanmeamme: what's the point of that?16:51
fission6anyone know why uninstalling a package would eat up more disk space in the process?16:51
ruanmeamme: you're safe enough as a linux user16:52
jamesgeckomeamme, close all your ports. or better yet, unplug the ethernet cord. nothing gets out and nothing goes in! probably not what you want. :)16:52
meammecause i have a server constantly pinging me16:52
LiamShoryu: Righto, will do. Anyway of doing it then, I know what the driver is I need, I just don't know how to get it into ubuntu.16:52
ruanmeamme: block it from communicating with you?16:52
llutz_meamme: uuuh, how dangerous.... seriously, let them ping16:52
meamme ko16:53
tomovmeamme: use iptables to block its ip, or do it on your router/server (if you are behind one)16:53
meammecant seem to get the router to block it16:53
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.16:54
roel_hi, can someone help me with my UM-1G usb midi interface, please?16:54
SITZanyone here, i have a weird problem with ubuntu16:54
SITZplease help16:54
White-HorseHi for some unknown reason i click on disconnect on my wired network connnection and now i can not get it back i can now only use my wireless connection help me get my wired connection back please16:54
ruanSITZ: ask away16:54
ShoryuLiam: Um... well if you're d/ling a windows driver... an exe. That will not work afaik. You need to get the linux version of the driver.16:55
SITZeverytime I connect my usb mouse with PC16:55
ruanWhite-Horse: does it appear in network manager?16:55
SITZit says device not detected16:55
ShoryuLiam: What "ubuntu" tutorial are you following anyways?16:55
SITZand then after several plug-outs and plug-ins it gets connected with PC properly16:55
White-Horseruan yes but it is greyed out16:55
SITZany reasons ? or how to cure it ?16:55
ruanWhite-Horse: any enable options?16:55
ruanhm.. ifup eth0?16:56
White-Horseruan no16:56
LiamShoryu: Wireless troubleshooting section on the help section for the latest version. I don't think I'll be able to find a linux version :L16:56
ruanWhite-Horse: does "ifup eth0" in a terminal work?16:56
White-Horseruan i will try right now16:56
salomonvhi, trying to run livecd (already have installed ubuntu but need to do some changes to my filesystem); 'create boot disk' usb device doesn't do anything except displaying SYSLINUX etc and old cd's I have (7.10/8.04) dump me to ash, anyone?16:57
PeaceMakerSITZ: I had a mouse failed to connect often, and tried another mouse with the same model, works fine. It turns out the USB connector wore out.16:57
usr13salomonv: You should try 10.0416:58
White-Horseruan can i paste just 4 lines of text here ?16:58
ShoryuLiam: Paste a URL16:58
SITZ@PeaceMaker: well, I don't want to lose my this one ... any other suggestion ?16:58
DOokamihello everyone :) ,, any ideas about syncing Blackberry torch with ubuntu ?16:58
LiamShoryu: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/internet/C/troubleshooting-wireless.html16:58
ruanWhite-Horse: thats quite a lot16:58
usr13!paste | White-Horse16:58
ubottuWhite-Horse: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:58
PeaceMakerThe thin copper foil on USB was gone.16:58
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
SITZit seems to work fine when connected16:59
jpsmanpardon the ignorance, but what is the name of the version comming out next month?16:59
=== PhilT is now known as Guest59186
ruan!natty | jpsman16:59
ubottujpsman: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.16:59
SITZlike right now, i'm using it and its working fine :)16:59
White-Horseruan here is the link > http://paste.ubuntu.com/581683/16:59
nesh_plz help "Init Not Found" with BusyBox!16:59
jpsmanthanks ruan :0D16:59
salomonvnot really busy here :P16:59
ruanWhite-Horse: ahh. run "sudo ifup eth0"17:00
ruanoh wait17:00
ruanWhite-Horse: ifconfig17:00
Jonii^Anyway, anyone know how to fix ubuntu mouse?17:00
ruanWhite-Horse: paste the output of ifconfig17:01
Jonii^Is there a way to do that in a different desktop environment? Other than gnome, that is17:01
ShoryuLiam: Ah... I see ... NDISWrapper .... Well.. Like I said, there WILL be an INF file. Windows must have that. What is in the folder the installer extracts? And are you able to use UniExtract on a windows computer?17:01
intokanyone else currently unable to view youtube from Movie Player/Totem? I know it worked before an I can play .flv files, but totem now just tosses up a non helpful gstreamer error17:01
ShoryuLiam: Also make sure you haven't simply downloaded a utility rather than a wireless driver.17:01
salomonvanyone here? :O17:02
ruansalomonv: yes17:02
roel_can someone help me with my usb midi interface?17:02
=== PicCard is now known as PicCard_Away
twitch!desktop | Jonii^17:02
ubottuJonii^: A desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors17:02
White-Horseruan heres the link to ifconfig > http://paste.ubuntu.com/581687/17:03
ruanlxde is also notable17:03
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
Jonii^twitch, that didn't help at all. My question already implied I'd already know all that, and I do know all that :/17:03
PeaceMakerSITZ, just use your mouse on another computer to see if works.17:04
phonex01guys need help here17:04
ruanWhite-Horse: sudo ifup wlan0?17:04
phonex01im using aircrack and im doing injection test i have negative answer !17:04
GeekyAdamyo. having problems with X. anyone wanna take a look at a segmentation fault in my Xorg.0.log?17:04
phonex01how can i make or patch my wireless card to provide injection ?17:04
LiamShoryu: I'm fairly sure it's a driver, in the folder I got when I ran the .exe I found a variety of .dlls and .exes. I don't know if that software works but I don't know it's necessary. Is there any way I can find the drivers windows has a take the .inf from there?17:04
Jonii^Anyways, is it really that difficult to fix ubuntu mouse?17:05
GeekyAdamphonex01: packet injection is a quality of a wireless card, if yours doesnt have it, you cant do it17:05
PeaceMakerMy apartment is pested with mice recently.17:05
White-Horseruan here it is > http://paste.ubuntu.com/581688/17:05
SITZPeaceMaker: works, and the same problem is there with windows too :(17:05
phonex01oh no17:05
Jonii^I'm totally ready to work to get it working again, but I'd at least need pointers as to where to search for more hints17:05
salomonvmy irc tripped, did anyone answer my message? :P17:05
phonex01ok what USB card i can use and provide injection ?17:06
ShoryuLiam: If there's another setup.exe, it would be in there. Run UniExtract on it so that it doesn't put it whereever it pleases.17:06
phonex01i mean wireless USB card17:06
Gryphon4200I'm having a little scripting problem... Is there away I can send something like screen -list | grep '[0-9]\{5\}' -o to an array?17:06
f00bar80I'm getting this error when tried to restart exim | ALERT: exim paniclog /var/log/exim4/paniclog has non-zero size, mail system possibly broken , paniclog says  Exim configuration error in line 832 of /var/lib/exim4/config.autogenerated.tmp: .endif without matching .ifdef , but i can't find config.autogenerated.tmp17:06
Ar71KHey so apparently my friend is getting a server from his work... I want to know what you guys think we should do with it?17:06
White-Horseruan all this happened cause i forgot i did not have to disconnect from wired network to use wireless network17:06
ShoryuLiam: its tough picking out the driver from the windows/system32/drivers folder after it installs it. That's why I use UniExtract.17:06
GeekyAdamphonex01: you'll have to look online for what cards are known to be capable of packet injection. look around the backtrack forums.17:06
usr13White-Horse: use iwconfig17:06
White-Horseruan i should of just unpluged the network cable17:06
PeaceMakerSITZ, if the same problem is there with windows, why not go to microsft and ask them as well?17:07
salomonvOkay, do does anybody know why my live, well, usb drive is stuck at syslinux?17:07
phonex01ok how can determine my card model in ubuntu ?17:07
phonex01can i use dmesg ?17:07
usr13White-Horse: apt-get install wicd17:07
GeekyAdamAr71K: use it for dedicated game server and ventrillo server. then play games.17:07
ruanphonex01: card model of?17:07
Jonii^Are there any good places where one could expect answers to ubuntu-related questions?17:07
Shoryuphoneex01: sudo lshw17:07
phonex01Wireless card ?17:07
fission6let me try thanks17:07
SITZPeaceMaker: Now, I think I  gotta do that :|17:07
Ar71KGeekyAdam i was thinking of that but are there any good ways to run my own cloud on it?17:07
ruanphonex01: depends on the card. lspci17:07
Gryphon4200Jonii: This would be a good place to start... :)17:08
ruanphonex01: lspci should work for pci wireless cards17:08
Shoryuphonex01: lshw does everything.17:08
phonex01i see it17:08
SITZPeaceMaker: Actaully mouse was from a local vendor, not from MS ..so am ruined :(17:08
f00bar80any comment ?17:08
phonex01intel 510017:08
Ar71Ksalomonv what did u use to make it?17:08
GeekyAdamAr71K: you might not realize the real way a "cloud" or "cloud-computing" works.17:08
White-Horseusr13 heres the link > http://paste.ubuntu.com/581689/17:08
salomonvstandard ubuntu startup disk creator17:08
Jonii^Gryphon4200, yeah, and I've been asking about how to fix ubuntu mouse for weeks now, and practically no responses at all17:09
GeekyAdamAr71K: if you mean store your files on it for backup or whatever, then yes, you could easily use it as a file storage location on your network.17:09
Ar71KGeekyAdam: I don't im totally nub haha, we're getting 1-3 servers from his work and we're gona see what we can learn17:09
Gryphon4200a mouse issue?17:09
salomonvAr71K 10.4 beta image on a 1gb usb device17:09
v4nelleguys anybody with floola?17:09
Jonii^<Jonii^> Hey, is there any way to make Ubuntu mouse act a bit more like windows mouse?17:09
Jonii^<Jonii^> Like, not open that damn pop-up menu before I release the right button, _OR_ make right click unable to select menu items17:09
usr13White-Horse: apt-get install wicd17:10
Jonii^<Jonii^> Or, even make it so that pressing right mouse button to open menu, and then releasing it _can't_ select items from the menu list?17:10
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GeekyAdamAr71K: one of my personal favorites is turning an old machine into a SmoothWall for awesome customization of your home network17:10
llutz_Jonii^: do other distros using gnome/compiz (mis)behave same way?17:10
Jonii^llutz, no idea17:10
LiamShoryu: I tried UniExtract on the exe, and I got exactly the same as when I ran it on its own. I used the setup.exe too, and that looks like it's going to put the drivers in System32 and to a restart :L17:10
brightsparkMy battery is showing only a 40\% charge, yet the icon in the panel says "Laptop Battery is charged".  I can't get it to charge at all- how can I fix this?17:10
usr13White-Horse: apt-get install wicd and then log out and back in again.17:10
SkiOneI need help created a quick bash script that creates a symbolic link to all sub folders underneath my current position17:10
llutz_Jonii^: how do you know its a ubuntu fault then?17:10
White-Horseusr13 ok i will do that now17:10
GeekyAdambrightspark: most likely battery is old and only charges that much at max charge. it happens over time.17:10
Gryphon4200Jonii: I don't use the GUI all that often but I think there is an extensive options section in the mouse properties.17:11
salomonvolder live cd's dumped me in busybox ash btw17:11
llutz_Jonii^: maybe you'd better ask in generic gnome-channels17:11
phonex01guys aircrack website says that intel 5100 support injection but when i make the test i have negative answer ?17:11
Ar71KGeekyAdam: I'm gonna look into that, i'm really looking for a beginner's guide to linux servers (most likely debian or ubuntu box)17:11
Jonii^llutz, I've also been asking if that's the case. Again, no responses at all17:11
usr13SkiOne: You want to link all sub directories underneath your current one to where?  And what is the current one?17:11
ShoryuLiam: There will be an inf file in there somewhere.17:11
brightspark@GeekyAdam This is actually a replacement battery I bought less than six months ago.17:11
GeekyAdamAr71K: then id start with ubuntu server, imo its the easiest to learn. much like ubuntu compared to other desktop linux distros17:11
GeekyAdambrightspark: why'd you replace it? did old one do the same thing?17:12
llutz_Jonii^: have you used different window-managers to check the behaviour there?17:12
BajKdid Kubuntu 9.10 already have a plymouth splash or was this introduced in 10.04?17:12
usr13SkiOne: What is it you want to do?17:12
konayaHm. I have this odd problem with my wired ethernet controller. In short, it won't come up, and ifconfig says it generates an enormous amount of traffic while down (currently 480.2 TB and rising at ~0.1TB/min).17:12
SkiOne./subfolder1-3 I need to ln a file in ./.template/file.php to subfolders 1-3 under my current folder17:12
ShoryuLiam: Tell me what driver you got... link me to it.17:12
* SkiOne can not type today17:12
Ar71KGeekyAdam: I agree, i've used SUSE, crunchbang, mint fluxbox,  fedora and I always come back to ubuntu17:12
RoastedQuestion - Ubuntu has been slowly eating more RAM even though it's sitting idle on my server here on my desk. It began at 480 RAM and it's climbed to 961 meg. Every 10 seconds it shoots up another 10mb or so in use. What is it doing? NOTHING is running but default processes. It's not a big deal, I'm just curious to know.17:13
brightsparkGeekyAdam: No, but it was three years old and only held about twenty minutes.  This one can discharge, showing 50min left, but I can't make it recharge at all.17:13
Jonii^llutz, no idea what are window-managers17:13
LiamShoryu: Ack. *facepalm* There is a .inf file there. It was stuck between a .ini and a .inx, is why I didn't see it D:17:13
SkiOnecp -i looks like it will work17:13
salomonvRoasted, did you try opening system monitor to see what process it is?17:13
llutz_Jonii^: those things managing the windows on your screen17:13
ShoryuLiam: INX?? ... ppl using crazy file exts ... well glad you found it. Good luck with that.17:14
GeekyAdambrightspark: are you sure you're using the correct power cable? Dell laptops use either a 65watt or 90watt and if you use a 65 for a 90, the battery doesnt charge but the laptop still works fine when plugged in.17:14
DOokamihello guys17:14
ShoryuLiam: Thank you for using the live help system.17:14
Roastedsalomonv, none of the processes are taking up that much RAM. I assume it's caching stuff in the background, but I'm wondering A - why, B - can I tell it to stop, C - will this effect performance if I add a bunch of applications to active tasks that use up majority of my memory.17:14
DOokamiwhat's the best video converter ?17:14
llutz_Jonii^: i just checked an old kde-3, same action there. so it seems to be a thing of xorg mouse event handling. ask those xorg-devs17:14
bubblegummybearhey Samuel2 :)17:14
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Ar71KGeekyAdam: Do you know of any ways to make my server access files on computers of my network and put them up on the internet with a password to access them?17:14
LiamShoryu: XD Thanks, don't worry, I'll be back if something else goes wrong :P17:14
BadElvisi used to have sound preferences in my gnome panel, how ca i restore them17:14
usr13SkiOne: cp will copy the files17:14
Jonii^llutz, ok. Where to ask next?17:14
salomonvRoasted but what process eats the most memory?17:14
ShoryuDOokami: If this were Windows, I'd say SUPER by eRightSoft, but on linux you're stuck with ffmpeg and frontends written for it.17:14
usr13SkiOne: ln -s  will create symlink17:15
SkiOneI was thinking I could copy the sym links17:15
AdvoWorkis it possible to update iconv to a later version?17:15
DOokamiShoryu ,, ffmpeg ? ,, can i download that ?17:15
llutz_Jonii^: no idea, try #xorg-devel as a start17:15
GeekyAdamAr71K: i cant personally think of any packages ive used, but you might want to look more into mounting network locations and stuff like that.17:15
Roastedsalomonv, compiz @ 23.5MiB. Certainly not enough to warrant the 1gb in use.17:15
llutz_Jonii^: google should help17:15
GeekyAdamAr71K: learn more about using a server before you jumpi n17:15
ruanDOokami: try PiTiVi.. drag a video in there and export it17:15
usr13SkiOne: Well, yes I think cp will copy symlinks17:15
PeaceMakerIs it true btrfs will be used as default FS in ubuntu in future?17:16
SkiOneI need to run this command ln -s ../.template/* .17:16
SkiOnefrom inside each sub folder17:16
hyjukiI've just installed OracleSqlDeveloper, but It had an error on its install. I've fixed by hand and its running, but every install or update that I made it still gives me the config error. What should I do?17:16
SkiOneis there an easy way to do that?17:16
brightsparkGeekyAdam: I have used this charger and battery combination without problems before.  Mine is a Gateway, with an 11-volt battery and a 19V/3.42A source17:16
salomonvRoasted, that's weird, most of the times there's one process eating it. Are you sure you get the results from all tasks?17:16
Ar71KGeekyAdam: Thanks man, maybe i'll download some EBooks on ubuntu servers first17:16
a1cdHi guys, quick question.. in ubuntu how do you check what mode apache is running in? I'm trying to figure out if I am running apache2-mpm-itk or apache2-mpm-prefork17:16
Roastedsalomonv, I have no idea. How do I tell?17:16
White-Horseusr13 i still do not have my wired network back17:18
ShoryuDOokami: sudo apt-get install ffmpeg  ... but google around for frontends for linux. The command line versino can be difficult to get used to without researching examples.17:18
White-Horseusr13 only the wireless networks hows up17:18
Gryphon4200Jonii: Check out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20715217:18
usr13SkiOne: I take that back. If you try and cp a symlink, it will copy the file.17:18
hyjuki_i'm was out. I've changed from hyjuki to hyjuki_17:18
f00bar80any comment ???17:19
f00bar80I'm getting this error when tried to restart exim | ALERT: exim paniclog /var/log/exim4/paniclog has non-zero size, mail system possibly broken , paniclog says  Exim configuration error in line 832 of /var/lib/exim4/config.autogenerated.tmp: .endif without matching .ifdef , but i can't find config.autogenerated.tmp17:19
Gryphon4200Any ideas on my scripting problem?17:19
usr13White-Horse: Click Preferences and and then Click "Always show wired interfaces"17:19
SkiOneusr13 I am trying this http://pastebin.com/8DkkWCs6 but getting an error around the */17:20
usr13White-Horse: Or specify Wired interface17:20
DOokamishoryu: thanks man17:20
llutz_usr13: cp -l        to copy links17:20
DOokamiShoryu: trying to frontends right now :)17:21
fission6how do i remove a symlink17:21
usr13SkiOne: What exactly are you trying to do?17:21
llutz_fission6: rm link17:21
AdvoWorkis it possible to update iconv to a later version?17:21
DOokamianythoughts about syncing Blackberry Torch to Ubuntu ?17:21
SkiOnerun the ln command in each sub folder17:21
usr13SkiOne: And it this a laptop or a desktop?17:21
JTS000ID_I wrote a shell script using XRandR to control display properties. My solution is ready for Linux. But since we support multiple platforms I am looking for a similar library (like XrandR) for windows platform. I know I'm asking a windows question. But then Windows guys won't understand what Xrandr is. Any help is much appreciated.17:21
fission6do i need -f? i keep getting rm: cannot remove `collection': Is a directory17:21
Gryphon4200SkiOne: you'll need to put ` around your ln and cd statements...17:21
Gryphon4200that might help17:21
SkiOnefarir enough but I am getting an error before that17:22
brightsparkfission6: I htink you need a -r17:22
usr13White-Horse: What is it exactly you are trying to do?  And is this a laptop or desktop?17:22
ruanDOokami: PiTiVi comes preinstalled with ubuntu i think17:22
usr13SkiOne: Sorry for the last two lines, was miss-directed17:22
ruan!info pitivi17:22
ubottupitivi (source: pitivi): non-linear audio/video editor using GStreamer. In component main, is optional. Version 0.13.5-1ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 276 kB, installed size 1820 kB17:22
DOokamiruan: trying it and iriverter, thank you :)17:23
fission6how do i show symlink targets in ls?17:23
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llutz_fission6: then its not a symlink17:23
Gryphon4200How do I turn off the memeber join notifications? I'm using irssi17:23
ruanGryphon4200: /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS17:24
ruanGryphon4200: /help ignore17:24
fission6ah i got i tnow17:24
Gryphon4200Thanks ruan... The room was scrolling a little to much...17:24
llutz_brightspark: removing a symlink NEVER needs rm -r17:26
brightsparkllutz_: yeah I didn't see his first line.  based on the error message I did see, that was the solution that came to mind.17:28
LiamHey, I'm having trouble with my wireless driver. I can't install the ndisgtk package to register my .inf file, can anyone help?17:29
Gryphon4200ruan: /help ignore doesn't do anything for me17:29
SkiOnethis is what I came up with for d in *; do [[ -d "$d" ]] && ln -s ../.template/process_message_report.php "$d"; done17:29
llutz_brightspark: is his case, rm -r   would have removed the directory (by mistake)17:29
ruanGryphon4200: check tab 1 (alt+1)17:30
Gryphon4200ruan: learned something new... sweet...17:30
dTxLiam, make sure your Ubuntu CD is in the drive, ensure it's listed in the repositories in Synaptic, and try it more than once. It bombed out on me the first time, but the second time it worked.17:30
joe_9the Sbackup available from the Ubuntu repositories is an older version and has a bug where you cannot restore your backups. When will the repository be updated?17:31
LiamDTx: I've got ubuntu installed to dual boot. When running ubuntu the install button does nothing. When on Vista, firefox does nothing and IE breaks when trying to install it.17:31
dTxLiam, what does Vista Firefox and IE have to do with it?17:32
brightsparkllutz_: like I said, I didn't have the part where he claimed it was a symlink.  -r would have, as you pointed out, overridden the error.17:32
LiamdTx: I don't have an internet connection when running Ubuntu yet, so I was going to DL the package and put it on an XHDD17:33
dTxThe package is on the Ubuntu install CD. Check your Repositories in Synaptic and make sure the CD is checked.17:33
LiamdTx: I'm not using a CD, I installing using Wubi, or whatever the program is called.17:33
dTxYou wouldn't happen to know the chipset of your wireless would you?17:34
LiamHeh, no. I tried but Dell screwed me over :P17:34
skulltipdo i need to remove libreoffice to install openoffice?17:35
dTxLiam, I'm not sure what to tell you. I have no experience with downloading packages from Ubuntu repositories without using apt-get17:35
earthmeLonI am running Ubuntu right now.  I have an extra partition on my HDD that I would like to install Natty on to do some tests.  Is there any way for me to install Natty with it's ISO on that partition without having to burn/boot from CD?  I'd like to install it without turning my computer off.  :D17:35
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dTxskulltip, why would you want to uninstall libreoffice for openoffice. That's quite the downgrade.17:36
hondddddHi, I have a laptop17:36
hondddddWhen using battery, how can I set the performance.17:36
JonnyHey, does anyone have any idea why large pictures in firefox on 10.4 are coming out as noise, or heavily distorted?17:36
hondddddLike hight performance and low performace17:36
needlezis there a way I can check to make sure logrotate is running correctly??17:37
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spid3rnethow no alote aboute security17:37
sipiorneedlez: run it manually. see if it rotated your logs.17:37
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_UsUrPeR_Still having problems getting my USB hard drives to mount automatically upon plugin. Here's my fstab, could somebody check this out? http://pastebin.com/9bjsutKJ17:37
mang0Is there someone called snaflle or soothing like it online? im on my phone and i can't see nick list17:37
spid3rneti looking for Dr-Willis17:37
_UsUrPeR_I need the USB drives to mount to the specific directories specified.17:37
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needlezsipior: but its set to rotate at 50k which my logs are no nowhere near, and im just using it to really limit the size of the log to 50k??17:38
cheater-hi guys! my sound doesn't work and i don't know why. can someone help me?17:38
sipiorneedlez: add data to your logs. return to step one.17:38
_UsUrPeR_If I remove the fstab entries, it's not a problem, but the partitions mount to /media/[uuid]17:38
melow01I turned off system sounds in Ubuntu Lucid but how do I kill the logon sound when the machine first boots up?  The Ubuntu logon screen sound.17:38
cheater-i've tried watching flash videos and listening to music but neither works. this just happened today, and has worked before.17:38
PeaceMakerhonddddd: guy: System->Preferences->Power management17:39
bB0ihello everyone17:39
airworkhi. i can't mount /dev/sda1. what's the correct command?17:39
skulltipdTx - the downgrade is not being able to design forms as a front-end for db processing17:40
jqkeairwork: mount /dev/sda1 /repertory_that_exist ?17:40
jqkemaybe add the option to specify the filesystem17:41
serghmtHi everyone17:41
serghmtI have a weird problem17:41
airworkit tells me it doesn't have a valid NTFS :O17:42
dTxskulltip, I was not aware of that. Carry on. :P17:42
_UsUrPeR_Still having problems getting my USB hard drives to mount automatically upon plugin. Here's my fstab, could somebody check this out? http://pastebin.com/9bjsutKJ17:42
bubblegummybearSamuel2: hey17:42
serghmtI can't authenticate17:42
skulltipotherwise have no issue using either17:42
serghmtI mean the window that tells me to input the pass17:42
serghmtIt appears, shakes for a second and disappears17:42
serghmtI'm desperate17:42
serghmtI tried google but no results17:43
Ang3|ofD3athhere has anyone ever messed with cacti before I am having issues with snmp its refusing to connect to cacti17:43
serghmtAny ideas about that?17:43
Abhijitserghmt, are you able to input full password?17:44
_UsUrPeR_serghmt: that happens when you put in the wrong password17:44
serghmtI don't have the time17:44
needlezyea ok so logrotate, isn't working right or not configured correctly. What I would rather have is someway to tell the file when it reaches 20 lines to erase the first line and put the new response on line 117:44
serghmtto do anything17:44
mang0Guys im having trouble getting my broadcom wifi card to work with ubuntu 10.10. i would be happy if someone could help me with this problem :D please /query me your reply as im on my phone and text disappears in 10 secs lol thanks :)17:44
serghmtit disappears17:44
earthmeLonI am messing around in Grub2.  I have to set the root (root=(hd0,1)), but I am not sure which hd it is.  Is their a way to 'convert' or determine what the hd value of a particular /dev/sda* drive?17:44
swimhowdy folks..  does anybody have any pointers about synchronizing files between different computers for programs like rednotebook with ubuntu???17:44
serghmtso no admin panel17:44
serghmtExcept for gksudo17:45
serghmtit works that way17:45
mang0Please see my above question :D17:45
llutz_swim: rsync, unison17:46
serghmtSo basically the dialog is completely broken17:46
Abhijitserghmt, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147467617:46
sipiorneedlez: consult the logrotate man page, and see if such an option exists. i suspect it doesn't.17:46
Abhijitserghmt, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147467617:46
serghmtI don't think it's my problem17:46
Abhijitno idea then17:46
sipiorneedlez: perhaps the "nocopy" option?17:47
Abhijitserghmt, ask new question on ubuntuforums.org and askubuntu.coj17:47
mang0Please help!17:47
serghmtI mean not the dialog at startup17:47
mang0See my question above17:47
serghmtI will try akubuntu17:47
Abhijit!repeat | mang017:47
ubottumang0: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:47
Abhijitok bye17:47
sipiormang0: standard protocol is to repeat your question at ten minute intervals.17:48
needlezsipior: it doesn't , so what I'm thinking is there should be a way that I can tell sed when this file reaches 20 lines delete the first line... just not sure how to do that, if it would be a script that runs all the time to check, or if it should be something added to the main script that is running to do the log??17:48
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onebitxajaxhi to all17:50
onebitxajaxhow can see the Multiplier  of my cpu??17:50
cizraWhat's the name of kernel packages in Ubuntu? What do I need to install to get a kernel?17:50
sipiorneedlez: sounds like you're just making work for yourself. the logrotate manpage does discuss hooking into the relocation scripts (postrotate, et alia)17:50
cptmorganwhat package provides the command arch?17:51
usr13!broadcom | mang017:51
ubottumang0: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx17:51
llutz_cptmorgan: coreutils17:51
cizraahh, linux-image17:52
usr13onebitxajax: in the cmos settings.17:52
airworkis there an equivalent to chkdsk that can be run under ubuntu?17:52
ruanairwork: fsck17:52
airworkfor ntfs drives, i mean17:52
onebitxajaxusr13← I want to know if cpu is unlocked17:52
ruanairwork: ntfs tools hmm17:52
usr13onebitxajax: Or look up the specs on manufacturers website17:52
airworkruan: ntfsfix told me to run chkdsk =/17:53
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brosseaubntfs should be fixed in windows17:53
cptmorganllutz_: are you sure in 8.04 ? not seeing it17:53
ruani forgot the name of that ntfs tools thing17:53
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE17:53
ruandata recovery. it was linked there17:53
llutz_!find bin/arch hardy17:53
airworkbrosseaub, i can't boot to windows17:53
ubottuFile bin/arch found in arch-buildpackage, arch2darcs, archivemail, archmage, archmbox, archway, archzoom, ctn, devscripts, fml (and 9 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=bin/arch&mode=&suite=hardy&arch=any17:54
needlezsipior: yea, just wondering if there's other ways to do things17:54
sipiorneedlez: there are always other ways of doing things.17:54
brosseaubi had to find a windows machine to fix a usb drive nothing in ubuntu could fix it17:54
llutz_cptmorgan: no idea about 8.0417:54
ruanairwork: ntfsprogs17:54
usr13brosseaub: What needed fixing?17:54
ruan!info ntfsprogs17:54
needlezplus wasnt grasping logrotate all that well, so figured there had to be an easier or simplier way to just add something to my already running script17:54
ubottuntfsprogs (source: linux-ntfs): tools for doing neat things in NTFS partitions from Linux. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.0-1ubuntu4 (maverick), package size 268 kB, installed size 712 kB17:54
cptmorganllutz_: thanks... apt-cache wont search for provided files in packages?17:55
sipiorneedlez: but it's surely easier to make use of the functionality already provided by logrotate.17:55
llutz_cptmorgan: apt-file does17:55
airworkusr13, that fdisk stuff killed /dev/sda117:55
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llutz_cptmorgan: dpkg -S $(which arch)17:55
usr13airwork: what do you mean it killed it?17:55
airworkcan't mount it17:55
airworkntfsfix tells me it's corrupted and i need to run chkdsk, but now i don't have windows anymore17:56
ruanairwork: ntfsprogs17:56
usr13airwork: fdisk is simply a partitioning tool.  If I recall, you asked how to delete a partition.  Well did it delete ther partition?17:56
needlezsipior: but can logrotate use only one file and restrict its size and then delete first line once file reaches 20 lines?? cuz thats what I really want... I need to save space and only want the log to be 20 lines at all times, but want the log to keep updating17:56
Samuel2is there a config file that contains settings for display devices?17:56
kreyhi, my MBR seems to have committed suicide and I can't seem to get grub working again. I've read about 200 pages of forums, can someone please help?17:56
brosseaubntsf disk table was broken and no tool in ubuntu could fit it i had to use some pretty obscure windows comand to fix it. Once the data was recovered the disk was formated to ext3....17:56
airworkusr13: it deleted /dev/sda5 correctly and sda2 as well. installed ubuntu on sda6 (new partition), but sda1 is not mountable anymore17:56
usr13airwork: What partition are you trying to mount?  The one you deleted?17:57
airworkusr13: no, the one i left intact17:57
usr13airwork: So how is it you think fdisk "killed it"?17:57
sipiorneedlez: no, it will not run automatically when the file exceeds twenty lines. if you're really interested in saving space, logging to a remote host is a much better option.17:57
airworkusr13: the fact that i can't mount it anymore?17:58
usr13airwork: Your logic is flawed.17:58
v4nelleguys how can i check if a package is installed manually or not?17:58
airworki deleted sda5 (blocks 5380~116764, although the drive only really goes to 12161). i'm trying to mount sda1 which is/was 1~5379.17:58
needlezsipior: ok, well yea i could log to remote host didn't think of that, might just do that17:58
sipiorneedlez: could save you a lot of trouble, i imagine.17:59
usr13airwork: Clearly, the partition table had errors before you started.  Right?17:59
needlezyea, prolly will, don't know why I didn't think to do that17:59
usr13airwork: So what happens when you try to mount it?  What error do you get?17:59
mehdihow can i sync my htc ? it legend model17:59
usr13airwork: And what is it you're wanting to do with it in the first place?18:00
M0hamedhello all18:00
M0hamedI wanted to ask a question18:00
airworki'm just trying to access the files from ubuntu, i don't really care about booting into xp (what is installed in it) any time soon. i get 'NTFS signature is missing' after mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /windows18:00
M0hamedwhere do I t18:01
airwork!ask M0hamed18:01
airwork!ask | M0hamed18:01
ubottuM0hamed: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:01
M0hamedwho do I talk to about ubuntu sorce code18:01
M0hamedspecifically about the wubi installer18:01
Amgine_How can I set up a netbook to be a web kiosk going to a specific website? We're exploring using Ubuntu/netbooks as a portable survey platform.18:01
M0hamedI want to talk to the people responsible for maintaing the wubi installer about porting the installer to other distributions18:02
Echo9ersomeone find me a computer that is = or + to this one for cheaper : http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=714880418:02
usr13airwork: try  mount /dev/sda1 /windows18:03
Samuel2is there a config file that contains settings for display devices?18:03
bastidrazorEcho9er: learn to use google.18:03
Samuel2i need a way to turn of 1 device of 2 available18:03
Jonii^Can I switch from Gnome to KDE?18:03
usr13airwork: But the filesystem is obviously corrupt and I doubt there is anyting you can do about it.18:03
LiamI've got a driver issue. When I type "sudo lshw -C network" into terminal it shows that my wireless adapter is disconnected, and the wireless connect says "Device not ready (firmware missing)" how can I solve this?18:03
bastidrazorJonii^: yes, install kubuntu-desktop then at the login screen choose kde18:04
b0otAnyone know how to install net-snmp for ubuntu?18:04
ndrahello :)18:04
usr13!kde Jonii^18:04
usr13!kde | Jonii^18:04
ubottuJonii^: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.18:04
skullboymenuentry "Plop Boot Manager" {18:04
skullboy    set root=(hd0,1)18:04
skullboy    linux16 /boot/plpbt.bin18:04
skullboy what is wrong with this grub entry it when i try to boot it it says unknown file system18:04
FloodBot1skullboy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:04
bastidrazorAmgine_: wouldn't setting the homepage of the browser do what you want?18:05
airworkusr13, it tells me i must specify the filesystem type. the disk utility tool tells me the partition type is HPFS/NTFS (0x07), but it shows 'unknown' for Usage (where sda2 is 'extended')18:05
propagandahow to install pc usb camera from this file sonix-20050316.tar.gz18:05
airworkusr13, you mean not even chkdsk will fix it?18:05
Amgine_bastidrazor: We need to prevent loading any other pages. We'll be doing surveys in schools...18:05
ndraum... i wanna ask,please help? im already install apache but if i try start apache "httpd failed" how to fix it???18:06
LiamI've got a driver issue. When I type "sudo lshw -C network" into terminal it shows that my wireless adapter is disabled, and the wireless connect says "Device not ready (firmware missing)" how can I solve this?18:06
ruanAmgine_: use a whitelist of pages?18:06
Amgine_<googles that in FF>18:06
skullboy what is wrong with this grub entry it when i try to boot it it says unknown file system18:06
StarminnHow do I find the URL to listen to Internet Radio?18:07
M0hamedwhere is the dev channel for ubuntu?18:07
overcluckerskullboy: are you sure you are pointing it to the right disk/partition?18:07
khrmv4nelle dpkg -get-selections | grep packge name18:07
cryptodirafresh install of 10.04 amd/64 .... all updates made.... neither totem nor vlc will play dvd's from the player.... but will from the HDD.... how can i fix this??18:08
skullboy<overclucker> how do i tell18:08
Amgine_ruan: Thanks! never had a use for those censoring add-ons before...18:08
LiamI've got a driver issue. When I type "sudo lshw -C network" into terminal it shows that my wireless adapter is disconnected, and the wireless connect says "Device not ready (firmware missing)" how can I solve this?18:08
overcluckerskullboy: you could get a better clue of your layout with: sudo parted -l18:09
Echo9erruan help me find a better deal18:09
usr13airwork: I dont know if chkdsk will fix it or not, but it's worth a try.  The bottom line is that if you are working with MS Windows filesystems (such as vfat and [especially] ntfs) it is best to work on them from the MS Windows platform.  (Not linux).18:10
bastidrazorEcho9er: you do know you're in the wrong channel for computer deals?18:10
airworkusr13, i see.. i guess i'll have to wait til i go home, because i don't have a copy of windows handy18:10
Echo9eroh and i suppose there is a right channel? pfft.18:10
cormynhey all, mistakingly deleted some /usr/bin/pg_* files thinking they were from a botched postgres 9 installation, but now I can't even remove/purge postgres-8.4 because pg_ctlcluster is missing ... but postgresql 8.4 won't start up now either ... how can I force a deletion of these packages so I can reinstall a clean copy?18:11
skullboy<overclucker> here is the grub2 entry menuentry "Plop Boot Manager" {18:11
skullboy    set root=(hd0,1)18:11
skullboy    linux16 /boot/plpbt.bin18:11
FloodBot2skullboy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:11
bastidrazorEcho9er: #ubuntu-offtopic18:11
overclucker!paste | skullboy18:12
ubottuskullboy: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:12
Echo9eryou got lucky18:12
usr13airwork: Reading and writing to vfat from Linux is ok, works pretty well.  ntfs is a little different and once in a while you will have problems when accessing data on a ntfs file system, it works ok usually, but not always.  And as far as fixing errors, I wouldn't try it from Linux, only from MS Windows.18:12
overcluckerskullboy: paste the output of: sudo parted -l18:12
Samuel2can i hide a dir or folder in ubuntu?18:13
zvacetcormyn : sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq <package>18:13
overcluckerSamuel2: how hidden do you want it?18:13
genii-aroundSamuel2: If you make it's name start with a period, yes18:13
cryptodirafresh install of 10.04 amd/64 .... all updates made.... neither totem nor vlc will play dvd's from the player.... but will from the HDD.... how can i fix this??18:13
usr13Samuel2: You can make it a hidden file.18:13
khalidhi everyone18:13
cormynzvacet: thanks much18:13
a931bwi wonder if its possible18:13
a931bwi have Apache server runnig18:13
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:13
a931bwis it possible to make an html page18:13
zvacetcormyn : thank me if it work  ;)18:13
Samuel2hidden in such that a network user can't get to it18:13
a931bwwhich will display my Rhythmbox current playing and playlist?18:13
quesoI use xterm. The option menus available by Ctrl-Clicking are no longer working for me. Any idea why?18:14
a931bwor atleast mpd18:14
Samuel2dot solution works fine18:14
cormynzvacet: nope, didn't work: http://paste.ubuntu.com/581715/18:14
LiamI've got a driver issue. When I type "sudo lshw -C network" into terminal it shows that my wireless adapter is disconnected, and the wireless connect says "Device not ready (firmware missing)" how can I solve this?18:14
domo_do I install Google Chrome via the website or package manager?18:14
=== Worldspice_Will is now known as ZenAdm1n
skullboy<overclucker> http://pastebin.com/R3hhjFrF18:15
thiebaudedomo_, i installed it from the web18:15
[TK]D-Fenderdomo_: I might advise to use Cromium which is provided in USC18:15
johan^izidomo_, Download the .deb from the site and install using your package manager18:15
bastidrazordomo_: chrome you would install from their site, there is a ppa for chromium nightly builds18:15
cormynzvacet: even though pgsql isn't running, it still tries a 'stop' cmd before continuing, but pg_ctlcluster doesn't exist, so the remove/purge fails18:15
usr13domo_: You can install it from the package-manager if you like.18:15
Ga_LMust add the repository for chromium i think18:15
Starminndomo_: I installed fomr the web too18:15
domo_whats the advantage from the web vs package manager?18:16
HashyriHi, I downloaded ubuntu server, and I'm trying to install oracle SQL server on it, is it recommendable or should I go for windows ? (This is for learning purposes only)18:16
zvacetcormyn:  try to remove postgresql-common first as it say in message18:16
usr13domo_: If you have the proper repositories included in your sources, it can be installed via apt18:16
bullgard4https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 > Using CLI to Boot > "Example: linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda3 ro". I determined X=0, Y=7. But why obtains 'grub > linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda7 ro; error:no such disk'?18:16
bastidrazorHashyri: you may find better help in #ubuntu-server18:16
skullboy<overclucker> http://pastebin.com/R3hhjFrF18:16
Ga_LYes, but i think it must be added, but not sure18:16
zvacetcormyn:  remove packages one by one18:16
khalidwhere I can find Nokia PC Suite for Ubuntu 10.10?18:16
HashyriThanks skullboy18:16
skullboy<Hashyri> so what do you make of it18:17
usr13domo_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu18:17
_sudoIs there a way to cause the poweroff command to prompt an "are you sure" type message?18:17
v4nelleanybody to do "apt-mark showauto | grep zlib1g" to check if this package is installed by ubuntu or not?18:17
theprototypeIs there a way for someone to know what computer burned a certain CD? Like how a firearm can leave markings on a round?18:18
ruankhalid: im not sure, but there are programs which allow you to communicate with your phone. including nokia18:18
ruan!info xgnokii18:18
ubottuxgnokii (source: gnokii): Datasuite for mobile phone management (X interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.29.dfsg-1 (maverick), package size 133 kB, installed size 472 kB18:18
bastidrazor!info zlib1g | v4nelle18:18
hwndwhat is the config directory for xchat, i cant find it, i installed by apt-get but cant find any .conf files for it18:18
ubottuv4nelle: zlib1g (source: zlib): compression library - runtime. In component main, is required. Version 1: (maverick), package size 75 kB, installed size 164 kB18:18
_sudoI totally forgot the terminal I had open was SSHd into our webserver and I tried to poweroff my computer... oops!18:18
drchwnd: ~/.xchat218:18
LiamI've got a driver issue. When I type "sudo lshw -C network" into terminal it shows that my wireless adapter is disconnected, and the wireless connect says "Device not ready (firmware missing)" how can I solve this?18:18
bastidrazorv4nelle: you can use the bot to aid you.. /msg ubottu info packagename18:19
v4nelleok...thx :)18:19
usr13Liam: Are you using ndiswrapper?18:19
cormynzvacet: removing one by one didn't work ... hacked around it by creating a pg_ctlcluster script that just does an 'exit 0', seems to have worked for removal18:19
zvacetcormyn:  good18:20
sandkingi just downloaded this app http://www.3ds.com/products/draftsight/download-draftsight/ but when i try to install it it tells me that it's wrong architecture (i got 64 bit Ubuntu)  - shouldn't 64 bit run also 32?18:20
Liamusr13: I tried to get hold of it, but while running Ubuntu I have no internet connection. And while on vista I can't DL it so I don't know how18:20
bastidrazorsandking: negative.18:20
sandking[not by default but i thought that this options was mentioned somewhere]18:20
ruansandking: install 32bit libs to run 32bit applications18:20
bastidrazorsandking: oh wait.. ia32libs or something to that effect..18:20
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usr13Liam: What is the device? (What does lspci say about it?)18:20
cormynzvacet: had to do a dpkg --purge on the packages too, but all is well, thanks again18:21
hwnddrc: thanks, and any updates on why this program randomly crashes?18:21
bbdudeun ban too18:21
usr13Liam: What does iwconfig say?18:21
zvacetcormyn:  I helped as I can18:21
drchwnd: what program?  xchat?  Doesn't for me.18:21
sandkingruan, problem is i got these installed as i ran such apps before . but this deb doesn't want to start in app manager18:21
Liamusr13: I've got this computer dual booted, finding all those things out will take a long time :P18:21
drchwnd: you might ask in #xchat18:22
airworkhi. i have a 3g huawei modem and i'm connected to the interwebs through it. i can't get a single connection past 30KBps even though it's a 3G modem. I can get multiple 30KBps connections, but not one at 100KBps, for example. suggestions?18:22
usr13Liam:  Ok, but we would have to have some specific information about the hardware and software before we can advise  you.18:22
hwndliam: you using a realtek card?18:22
Liamhwnd: If realtek is a manufacturer no, it's Broadcom, I have the driver, I just can't get it installed into the system.18:23
induzis there any way i can design ID badge on Ubuntu??18:23
usr13!broadcom | Liam18:23
ubottuLiam: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx18:23
hwndwhen you goto system/administration/ additional drivers what does it say18:23
overcluckerskullboy: what partition dis /boot/plpbt.bin exist on?18:25
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M0hamedwhere is the dev channel for ubuntu?18:25
zvacetM0hamed:  I think it is #ubuntu-devel18:26
skullboy<Hashyri> same partition as Ubuntu18:26
ubottuHere I am, brain the size of a planet and they ask me to respond to factoid requests. Call that job satisfaction? Because I don't.18:26
skullboy<overclucker> same partition as Ubuntu18:26
julius_I have a problem with my microphone and all the voip softwares I can install on Ubuntu. The only which work is Skype :/ But I would like to use a sip protocol... The recorder in Ubuntu works fine anyway. Do you have an idea about this problem ? Ekiga, SFLphone, etc. I tried everything18:28
overcluckerskullboy: Then I think you should try: set root=(hd0,2)18:28
usr13Liam: If I had a broadcom wifi device, I would replace it something different, like atheros or intel pro or intel 2200 or... one of the ones that work well with linux.18:29
splnetHow do you turn on ntpd debugging?18:29
skullboy<overclucker> thanks can you point out how you got that im eager to learn18:29
usr13splnet: -d18:31
overcluckerskullboy: grub2 had a different numbering system for partitions than grub18:31
=== Enissay__ is now known as Enissay
overclucker!grub2 > skullboy18:31
ubottuskullboy, please see my private message18:31
splnetusr13: unfortunately it doesn't work according to man ntpd18:32
mateoburI'm trying unity, it looks great so far18:32
mateoburBut I don't know how to run multiple instances of the terminal, for example18:32
usr13splnet: Well, not sure then, -d must have been deprecated.18:33
Starminnmateobur: Ask in #ubuntu+118:33
usr13splnet: What problem are you having?18:33
Starminnmateobur: #ubuntu+1 is the channel for Natty.18:33
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Starminnmateoubr: :)18:33
splnetusr13: trying to sync with an NTP server on the LAN - but when I do an ntpq -> lpassociations it shows that that peer is rejected.. no Idea why18:34
usr13splnet: pastebinit /etc/ntp.conf18:34
evancharltonhey guys, not sure what's going on here. I've got some stuff on my local PATH which resolves just fine, but `which foo` returns nothing18:35
_sudocalm down there Mr T18:36
splnetusr13: http://pastebin.com/XDmtuBt6 -> server is
evancharlton_sudo: :P18:36
bastidrazorevancharlton: aliases do not work with which18:36
evancharltonbastidrazor: it's not an alias18:36
bastidrazorevancharlton: what is it?18:37
evancharltonbastidrazor: it's every bin that I added to my PATH18:37
evancharltonbastidrazor: just executables. For example, the Android SDK18:37
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
evancharlton`adb` works just fine; `which adb` = ''18:37
bastidrazorevancharlton: you don't add actual files to your path. you can directories that have bins in them..18:38
evancharltonbastidrazor: I know. I added dirs18:38
=== kdog_afk is now known as kdog
bastidrazorevancharlton: restart your term after you've added the new directory to your path18:38
evancharltonbastidrazor: in my ~/.bashrc: export PATH="$PATH:~/development/android-sdk/tools/"18:38
evancharltonbastidrazor: I have18:38
evancharltonhm, is it the ~ ?18:39
craz^Hi, I installed the minimal version and now I am missing some menu options that my guide wants me to click. For example System > Administration > Software Sources and System>Administration>Login Screen. Is there any way I can install those things now?18:39
a931bwhow do i check18:39
a931bwwhat app uses ALSA?18:39
bastidrazorevancharlton: echo $PATH shows this addition?.. ~ is shorthand for /home/yourusername18:39
bullgard4https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 > Using CLI to Boot > "Example: linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda3 ro". Ich habe ermittelt X=0, Y=7. Warum erzeugt  'grub > linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda7 ro' die Meldung 'error:no such disk'?18:39
evancharltonbastidrazor: yes, it shows that. and I know what ~ is shorthand for :)18:39
bullgard4https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 > Using CLI to Boot > "Example: linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda3 ro". I determined X=0, Y=7. But why obtains 'grub > linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda7 ro; error:no such disk'?18:39
splnetusr13: also is showing up as a stratum 3 server ( according to tcpdump) not sure if thats why18:39
bastidrazorevancharlton: try to use the fullpath instead of ~18:39
evancharltonwill do18:39
evancharltonone minute18:39
bastidrazorevancharlton: my battery is dying. my laptop will last no longer. good luck18:40
evancharltonbastidrazor: full path does it. Damn.18:40
bastidrazorevancharlton: nice. now you know :)18:41
BajKwhat is that "Tue Feb 22 20:25:29 UTC 2011" date stand for in uname -a ?18:42
=== lkd is now known as emrebey
genii-aroundBajK: That's when the kernel you are running was compiled18:42
usr13splnet: Here's one that works:  http://pastebin.com/r3DKBEUA18:42
BajKgenii-around: thx18:42
dArKd3ViLHI! Can anyone tell me the difference between 'fix committed' & 'fix released' for LP bugs?18:43
usr13splnet: ntpdate   #To test and see what happens.18:43
itaylor57bastidrazor: the ~ wasn't working because he had "'s around the PATH environment18:43
usr13from a client18:43
herpderpSelf-admitted Ubuntu n00b. What's the first thing I should know?18:43
splnetusr13: ntpdate works with my config18:43
usr13splnet: From a client?18:44
craz^anyone know how to get more services to show up under System > Administration?18:44
usr13splnet: From another computer?18:44
splnetyeah my machine (w ntp.conf that I showed you) is acting as a client to
vishherpderp: first thing, not to call yourself " Self-admitted Ubuntu n00b" ;p18:44
usr13splnet: Well, show me the npt.conf of the server.18:45
splnetusr13: don't have access to it18:45
sss314Suddenly when I try to install updates from Update Manager or install any application with Ubuntu Software Center, I get a message saying "Requires installation of untrusted packages"18:45
usr13splnet: You can't fix what you don't have access to.18:45
splnetusr13: other machines work as a broadcast client to it18:45
usr13splnet: Why not just use another time server?18:46
splnetusr13: why are you convinced its the server? ntpdate works to it, other broadcast clients work to it so thats why I'd like to fix ntpd18:46
overcluckerbullgard4: you have to 'set root=(hdx,y)' before specifying a kernel18:47
usr13splnet: Ok, I must admit.  I'm not sure I know what your question is (or was).18:47
splnetusr13: I need two clients to be synced with a small error between the two. Using an NTP server on the LAN does this18:47
wildc4rdevenin all!18:48
usr13splnet: /etc/ntp.conf is a configuration file for ntpd18:48
splnetusr13: the question is/was client A using ntpd needs to sync to a stratum 3 server
* _sudo looks at the sun out the window18:48
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splnetusr13: right ntpd can be used for a server AND a client18:49
=== DarkDevil is now known as Guest82206
splnetI want to use it as a client18:49
sss314Suddenly when I try to install updates from Update Manager or install any open source application with Ubuntu Software Center, I get a message saying "Requires installation of untrusted packages: The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources."18:49
usr13splnet: You can have them update their time often, like once a week or every other day and that should do it. Right?  Just have them use the same time server, what ever time server you like.18:50
Danny_Joris_small question: does Ubuntu for netbooks have the same functionality as Ubuntu for desktops? Is it only the GUI that is simplified or can you also do less with it?18:50
splnetusr13: right I just want that server to be the one on the LAN.. but ntpd is rejecting it for some reason. You get my problem now?18:51
wmphello, i have problem with dpkg-buildpackage, this is part from my debian/control: http://wklej.org/id/494686 and this is error from dpkg-buildpackage: http://wklej.org/id/49468918:51
MarconMhow i disable my trash18:51
zachlrThe program 'javac' can be found in the following packages:  * openjdk-6-jdk  * ecj  * gcj-4.4-jdk  * gcj-4.5-jdk -- I'm a little confused about which of these is the right one, and why there is more than one.18:51
MarconMi want to delet forever18:51
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=== stna is now known as stan
drcsplnet: You might try asking in #ntp18:51
usr13splnet: Well, not sure why ntpd is rejecting it, but can't use ntpdate instead?  Is that a viable work-around?18:52
usr13drc: Good idea.18:52
overcluckerDanny_Joris_: only the interface is different18:52
splnetusr13: well I could with a crontab but thats kind of what ntpd is supposed to do18:52
Danny_Joris_overclucker: cool, thanks!18:53
drcusr13: Right tool/channel for the right job :)18:53
madsjhi; I get no errors when I run "sudo pm-hibernate", but my computer is not hibernating18:53
mehdianyone know any thing about htc syncing?18:54
usr13splnet: I know, but until you fix it, ... I don't know and don't know how to fix it. And I know drc... right tool for right job... but just a work-around....18:54
Samuel2do i need a virusscanner on my ubuntu?18:54
jrib!virus | Samuel2, no18:54
ubottuSamuel2, no: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus18:54
madsj!security | Samuel218:55
ubottuSamuel2: Security Updates are dealt with here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server18:55
Samuel2i run a webserver here is there no risk at all?18:55
madsjSamuel2: on localhost, or for everyone? In the latter case, I hope you have some firewall-rules18:56
jdeslaursamuel2: everything is exploitable18:56
Samuel2is there are firewall active on ubuntu by default?18:57
erUSULSamuel2: no18:57
Samuel2oke what is a good firewall?18:57
* drc notes to self, NEVER go to a website Samuel2 has anything to do with18:57
Samuel2can i make it in a way so its only available to some selected ip's?18:58
[TK]D-FenderSamuel2: Yes.. by setting up a firewall18:58
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.18:58
[TK]D-FenderSamuel2: And you already HAVE one.. its called iptables18:58
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Samuel2i'll take the server down for now18:59
Samuel2to be save18:59
PloploploopHello, I have a problem : the space to entre my password to log in my session doesn' appears at boot. Has someone encoutered a similar problem?18:59
usr13Samuel2: What kind of server is it?18:59
Samuel2basic lamp19:00
_antant_Can I mount 2 folders to the same place, so the contents are merged?19:00
PloploploopIt's a new installation, right after an upgrade19:00
_antant_ok, more basic question. I've mounted /dev/sda1 to /mnt/Media, can I then mount /mnt/Media/Media to /home/ant/Media ?19:01
Samuel2is there a GUI for iptables?19:01
cryptodirafresh install of 10.04 amd/64 .... all updates made.... neither totem nor vlc will play dvd's from the player.... but will from the HDD.... how can i fix this??19:01
erUSUL!info gufw | Samuel219:02
ubottuSamuel2: gufw (source: gui-ufw): Configure system firewall. In component universe, is optional. Version 10.10.1-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 225 kB, installed size 1296 kB19:02
bullgard4overclucker: Inserting a line 'grub> root=(hd0,7)' before the linux ... command obtains also the 'error: file not found.' message.19:02
Samuel2i love ubuntu19:03
coz_hey all19:03
hamstar_Hi ^_^19:03
coz_Sami345,  very cool19:03
_sudooverclucker: love the name19:04
Sami345coz_, don't highlight me :D19:04
zek152is there an option to have "ls" display a file like "fd2" before a file like "fd100"?19:06
ileaanyone knows if empathi haves plugins for sending files or video calling?19:07
bullgard4ZekYou ca try 'sort'19:07
usr13zek152: not sure what your question is but see man ls19:07
bullgard4zek152: You ca try 'sort'19:07
usr13zek152: You can reverse the order  ls -ltr19:07
usr13zek152: You can reverse the order  ls -r19:08
peteyktime to drink my own piss19:08
peteykthis was meant for another channel (reddit)19:08
bullgard4!language | peteyk19:09
ubottupeteyk: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.19:09
ileaanybody knows if empathi haves some plug-ins for sending files and vor video chat????19:09
zek152usr13, thanks.  i think ive confirmed that what I would like can't be done easily19:09
bullgard4ilea: Yes.19:09
usr13zek152: There are verious ways to sort files, you can pipe ls to sort.  See man sort19:10
brontosaurusrexzek152, what you are looking for is called: natural sort order, not that i know how to do that in bash19:10
bullgard4ilea: To video-chat via Empathy you'll need only a recent version of Ubuntu and installing Empathy packages, a webcam, a communication partner and some luck for NAT traversing. Your computer needs to be powerful enough. A centrino class computer often is not sufficient.19:12
_antant_I've mounted /dev/sda1 to /mnt/Media, can I then mount /mnt/Media/Media to /home/ant/Media ?19:12
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DwoodHey guys, i've been having a problem with my sounds, someone want to help me troubleshoot with my alsa-base file?19:13
delactrying to connect my backup drive (external usb). doesn't connect and gives these lines in syslog:19:14
delacend_request: I/O error, dev sdc, sector 019:14
delacBuffer I/O error on device sdc, logical block 019:14
zek152thanks all, for anyone who is curious "ls | sort -V" does a natural sort.19:16
brontosaurusrexzek152, how about: ls --sort=version ?19:16
zek152brontosaurusrex, thanks,  i was having trouble figuring out the name for what i wanted so your input was invaluable19:16
hazzaruxevening, everybody!19:17
raidozek152: does the "v" option not do that?19:18
scarleodelac: Do you know what filesystem is on sdc?19:18
scarleodelac: also, are you sure the drive is working ok?19:18
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delacscarleo: it's ntfs19:19
delaccashback: and it was working ok a while ago19:19
delaccashback: sory, that was not for you19:19
brontosaurusrexright, ls -v should do the same19:19
delacscarleo: althoug that while includes a upgrade fron lucid to maveric19:20
keplenkhey guys, anybody knows any plugin or software that can download flash videos on a web browser (embedded or not).  It is like Internet Download Manager in Windows.19:20
mcb_2keplenk: You can use Flah video downloader. It is an Firefox add-on.19:22
bubblegummybearkeplenk: illegal though19:22
shymhi all19:22
shymwhy i cant join #django ?19:22
_sudocan't you access the url directly and goto file saveas19:22
bubblegummybearshym: you need to be registered19:22
scarleoOk, so it has been working ok? Can you try to reinstall ntfs-3g?19:23
keplenkmcb_2: thanks ill try it19:23
scarleodelac: ^19:23
bubblegummybear!register | shym19:23
ubottushym: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode19:23
delacok, I'll try19:23
=== Canon is now known as Acid190
=== lolzer is now known as akret
akrethi i have been facing some problems with the network manager in ubuntu10.1019:26
airstr1kewhere can i change settings for unit?19:26
datalaycan i communicate with serial port connected smart card device.. with fgets() and fputs()19:27
airstr1keis there a config file (text-like) for the mobile broadband (3g) connections set in nm-connection-editor?19:27
akretmy cell phone restarts after 5 minutues of connection19:27
hwildehi I lost a smbmount and now it says the directory is d?????????   ? ?    ?        ?                ?19:28
hwildeI cannot remount or delete it19:28
delacscarleo: actually, now that I tried it on my kubuntu (different  computer), I don't think it's bad drivers. It will give the same errors there.19:28
scarleodelac: Might be something bad with the disk then19:29
scarleodelac: If you have nothing valuable on it you could try reformat it, but do take a backup of anything you want to save ffirst if possible19:31
pl4sm4where can I go for help on backtrack related issues?19:31
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=== SITZ_ is now known as SITZ
pl4sm4tjiggi_fo: i think that is a moderated channel, and i can't send things to the channel.19:32
Curly_QHas anyone here used FreeNX?19:32
pl4sm4i can only listen in19:32
delac_scarleo: seems I disconnected there19:32
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delac_scarleo: what I was saying, is that I think the disk is goner19:33
Curly_QAlso has anyone here used:   NoMachineNX?19:33
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scarleodelac_: Yeah, sounds like it, if you get any contact with it you could try to reformat if there is nothing valuable on it19:33
tjiggi_fopl4sm4, just ask for voice19:34
scarleodelac_: there are probably some disk checking tools available but I've never used any of those19:34
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delac_scarleo: well, it was my backup disk, but luckily the data is elsewhere too :)19:34
pl4sm4tjiggi_fo: oh.. thanks :)19:35
Curly_QDelac there is a Windows program that is called:  "Spinrite"    check it out.19:35
delac_scarleo: now I just gotta get a another backup disk quickly...19:35
aciculadelac_: if its an usb disk try removing the disk and connecting it via sata19:35
Curly_QDelac here is the website:   http://www.grc.com/spinrite.htm19:36
akretcan i get the network manager in ubuntu 9.0419:36
scarleodelac_: there are some results if you google your error, maybe some solution, like this for example: http://openplug.org/plugforum/index.php?topic=206.019:36
Curly_QThat software will check your hard drive for anything.19:36
akreti have ubuntu 10.1019:36
cryptodirafresh install of 10.04 amd/64 .... all updates made.... neither totem nor vlc will play dvd's from the player.... but will from the HDD.... how can i fix this??19:37
aciculaakret: 9.04 comes with networkmanager as well19:37
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:38
aciculaand maybe19:38
Curly_QSpinrite will correct all 1's & 0's on your hard drive and then you can install properly any OS.19:38
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:38
=== McPeter_ is now known as McPeter
aciculaah, check those two wiki pages cryptodira , you need to add a few packages to make dvd playback work19:38
aciculacryptodira: you may have to set a regioncode on your dvd drive as well(which you can only do a few times), the dvd wiki should cover that19:39
akret@acicula i am having problems with the ubuntu10.10 network manager... it was going fine with the 9.0419:39
cryptodiraacicula, Thank YOU!19:40
spid3rnethow no progamming on google19:40
spid3rnethow no progamming on python19:40
aciculaakret: ah ok,but  you cant mix and match versions between ubuntu versions19:40
=== slashblue is now known as bluenic
aciculawhat problem are you having on 10.1019:40
gyyrog_when I run ifconfig on the interface I connect to with my vpn I get --> under the tun0 adapter19:40
gyyrog_what does the  arrow mean?19:40
shmupso i did an export to my $paths, 4x.. being a derp. so when i echo $paths i see /home/shmup/bin 4x19:40
shmupi'm trying to see where these are stored. i dont see it in .profile or .bashrc19:41
shmupgoogle isnt helping. any idea?19:41
niko-nojoHi - I've just set up the Evolution mail client with Gmail. It has imported all the filters that I had in Gmail. However, when I get a new email it only appears in the folder when I click on the folder. Anyone got any tips on how I can resolve this ? Do I need to set up new filters again ?19:41
aciculashmup: /etc/profile or /etc/bashrc, man bashrc and scroll to the end of the man page to list which config files it uses19:41
delac_scarleo: it's ide, but maybe I could try to plug it directly. I think I still have a spare connector on the mobo. Those other solutions on the other hand seem bit of a long shots...19:41
akret@acicula  i use mobile broadband ... my cell phone restarts after 15 mins.. cell phone is sony ericsson w200i19:41
aciculaakret: your cell phone reboots?19:42
akretit goes to the memory mode19:42
aciculadelac_: well you could always try cooling the disk with dry ice if you are not able to access it normally19:42
aciculaakret: dont know what you mean by that19:43
akretwith the nokia n97 it  disconnects19:43
scarleodelac_: I agree, but maybe better than loosing it, it's up to you :)19:44
skullboyhow do i host a pop3 and stmp server19:44
akreti think its some cache it uses on phone or something19:44
ihack4funDoes anyone use their Ipod w/ Ubuntu19:44
ihack4funI need to sync and transfer music files19:45
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod19:45
aciculanever done it myself, but it should work19:45
shmupacicula: i don't see a man for bashrc19:45
aciculashmup: man bash19:45
cryptodiraacicula, you solved the totem/vlc dvd playing problem!  Thanks Again.19:46
akret@acicula  i have seen some post people  having  problems on wifi or lan.... there seem to be a major problem in the network manager this time around19:46
aciculacryptodira: have fun19:47
aciculaakret: i dont know, but its not really clear to me what problem you are experiencing either19:48
KB1JWQcrow_: ?19:48
=== Guest82206 is now known as DarkDevil
=== DarkDevil is now known as Guest6881
shlmi got a question about postfix19:50
shlmi got several vhost working with apache19:51
shlmeach vhost associate with a domain name19:51
=== unknown is now known as newb13
shlmmy question is how to create postfix related email id19:52
inckieanyone who can help me with a routing issue between to subnets with a ubuntu server as gateway/nat device19:52
newb13Hey guys, I have a simple question. I just installed Ubuntu netbook, and I can't put icons/programs on the desktop.. How can I fix this?19:52
vacho anyone running webmin on ubuntu?19:52
shlmhow ?19:52
EvilPhoenixvacho:  i used to, why?19:52
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.19:52
vachoEvilPhoenix: heard it's not supported or does not work?19:52
vachooh there we go :)19:52
=== rene is now known as Guest92213
vachothen what's a good alternative to webmin?19:52
=== Jerkman2 is now known as TakingADump
vachoitaylor57: so there is no way of getting it to work? I really like having a UI tool for setting up sites.19:53
newb13Hey guys, I have a simple question. I just installed Ubuntu netbook, and I can't put icons/programs on the desktop.. How can I fix this?19:53
mang0Hey! I've just got a problem with connecting Ubuntu LiveCD to my wifi internet-It may be somthing to do with my graphics card....I know the model and stuff :) Its a broadcom card, which I have heard aren't good for Linux....can anyone hlep me?19:54
Oervacho openpanel.org19:54
newb13Hey guys, I have a simple question. I just installed Ubuntu netbook, and I can't put icons/programs on the desktop.. How can I fix this?19:55
mang0!repeat |new1319:55
ubottunew13: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:55
everythingWorkshi ubuntu friends19:55
mang0!repeat |newb1319:55
ubottunewb13: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:55
mang0lol woops19:55
MaartenIs there a remote desktop protocol to access an ubuntu system that performs a little better then VNC? I'm gonna take a strawl through the depositories, but just wondering if anyone uses something better. Right now I just use the standard remote access feature, and TightVNC from the client side.19:55
everythingWorksIve just installed my ubuntu 10.04, but now ive forgotten my password and cant log in! :(19:55
everythingWorksWhat can i do so?19:55
MaarteneverythingWorks: Think REAL hard. ;)19:55
newb13Hey guys, I have a simple question. I just installed Ubuntu netbook, and I can't put icons/programs on the desktop.. How can I fix this?19:56
everythingWorksmaarten: ive tried around 100 combos yet hihi :P19:57
mang0newb13 stop repeating your question19:57
aciculaMaarten: there is the XDMCP system, remote X using forwarding(using ssh), RDP or freeNX19:57
KramBDoes Task Manager usually take about 15% of a CPU?  Is that normal.19:57
Zelozelosnewb13 right click. create  launcher?19:57
mang0If no one can answer it, ask on the forums19:57
MaarteneverythingWorks: Only thing I can think about is logging on with root or another administrative account and use the passwd command to change the password of the user.19:57
vachois ubuntu BSD?19:58
aciculaMaarten: there is also the linux terminal system, but i think that uses xdmcp19:58
aciculavacho: no19:58
everythingWorksmaarten: how can i do that? :)19:58
newb13Zelozelos, I can't even right click it..?19:58
Maartenacicula: Do any of those match the performance of the Microsoft RDP client/server? (one of the things they done right....)19:58
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vachoI wonder if openpanel is good? anyone have experience with it?19:58
mang0newb13 its on the right hand side of the mouse19:58
mang0lol jk19:58
MaarteneverythingWorks: SSH into the system with a terminal from another machine perhaps.19:58
mang0so what happens when you try to right click?19:59
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aciculaMaarten: dont know, ssh with export works for me19:59
newb13mang0, I can't do anything, right click, or anything like that..19:59
tsnovoalguem poderia me ajudar??19:59
mang0so you right click and nothing happens?19:59
Maartenacicula: thanks, I am going to experiment some. :)19:59
everythingWorksmaarten: sounds complicated19:59
tsnovosomeone can help me???19:59
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:59
everythingWorksi better should reinstall that whole thing19:59
newb13Yes, that is correct mang019:59
mang0hm....does left click work?19:59
mang0its not your mouse?19:59
vachoOer: u got a sec?20:00
tsnovoi don't speak english so good so forgive me20:00
newb13Left/right works on programs etc. Maybe I Should try to restart my system? I've installed packages and buncha stuff and haven't restarted, could that be a reason mang0?20:00
zykes-is there any way I can trace a ata8 to a device name ?20:00
mang0I dont think its that20:00
KramBHow can I change Docky's size?  Instead of going all the way across my desktop, only some of it.20:00
=== Dink is now known as Dink[a]
mang0Have you tried just right clicking on the desktop?20:01
joshua__can anyone help me format my hard drive to NTFS?20:01
tsnovoi use ubuntu 9.10 and videos on youtube stay black20:01
EmprahAnyone out there have good experience with Samba4?20:01
newb13Yes mang0 I have, nothing is happenin'20:01
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe
vachoitaylor57: http://www.webmin.com/support.html20:01
vachoitaylor57: cmon man, it's supporting ubuntu??20:02
namnatulcohow would I go about debugging sound issues with flash?20:02
KramBHow can I change Docky's size?20:02
newb13Searched like a maniac, nothing.20:02
namnatulco(ubuntu 10.10, x86, adobe's flash plugin, firefox)20:02
tsnovohow can i fix??20:02
joshua__i need for format my hard drive to NTSF, any help?20:02
shlmis there anyone there ?20:03
histotsnovo: install flash20:03
histo!flash | tsnovo20:03
ubottutsnovo: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash20:03
shlmi mean anyone know about what postfix is it ?20:03
shift_are there polish people? ;)20:03
Picishlm: Yes.20:03
Pici!pl | shlm20:03
ubottushlm: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.20:03
Zelozelosnewb13 try opening nautilus to the desktop folder and adding one there20:03
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Picishlm: sorry, that wasn't for you.20:03
vachoitaylor57: !!!!!!!!20:03
tsnovoi already instaled20:03
fr00gCan anyone tell me why when my volume is muted, it shows three different pictures at times? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9337212/mute1.png  http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9337212/mute2.png  http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9337212/mute3.png20:03
KramBHow can I change Docky's Size?20:03
mang0newb13 sorry, i cant help then...20:03
Picishift_: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.20:03
mang0KramB google20:03
Pici!google | mang020:03
ubottumang0: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.20:03
newb13Zelozelos, I cannot open folder or anything like that20:04
newb13I can't even create a folder.20:04
tsnovohisto, i already instaled20:04
tsnovobut don't work20:04
* mang0 rants20:04
Picimang0: Then you can throw that factoid at them next time.20:04
shlmwhy i have to go to pl ?20:05
histotsnovo: go to about:plugins in your browser make sure flash is showing up20:05
=== ogra is now known as Guest64155
Zelozelosnewb13 it sounds like either your're missing a piece of the puzzle/or you need to review the basic ubuntu information20:05
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots20:05
Picishlm: We know what postfix is.  Either ask a detailed question here, or in #ubuntu-server if you'd prefer.20:05
SlickT10Hey, guys. I installed ubuntu on a temporary laptop, and then moved the harddrive back to the intended laptop. Most everything works fine, but I am having a few problems. Namely screen size, and modem. Is there a way to reconfigure sound?20:05
=== Guest64155 is now known as ogra_
Zelozelosnewb13 r u completely new to ubuntu/linux?20:05
tsnovowhere is my browser make?20:05
newb13Zelozelos, I have used regular Ubuntu before20:05
vachois ubuntu debian?20:06
histotsnovo: what is your native language?20:06
Nierlehi,  i know i can turn my pc into a proxy using ssh but how do i set an access controlo based on outgoing port number? ty20:06
joshua__i need to format my hard drive to NTFS but it will not let me do it20:06
tsnovoi'm from brasil20:06
Pici!pt | tsnovo20:06
ubottutsnovo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.20:06
histoNierle: what do you mean access control?20:06
Zelozelosnewb13 ah ok, so you know how to its just not working,,,ummm...idk what could be causing the issues...can you open nautilus?20:06
Nierlei just don't want users to connect to any server worldwide using my connection20:07
histoNierle: what your ssh connection?20:07
Nierlewell i just type ssh -f -N -D localhost :)20:07
newb13yes I can20:07
newb13Zelozelos, yes I can20:08
Nierlebut that forwards anything20:08
Zelozelosnewb13 ok so navigate to the desktop folder, is there anything in there?20:08
joshua__can anyone help me format my hard drive?20:08
fr00gCan anyone tell me why when my volume is muted, it shows three different pictures at times? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9337212/mute1.png  http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9337212/mute2.png  http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9337212/mute3.png20:08
usr13joshua__: Sure20:08
Nierlei want it to work only if the guest asks for foo.com or foo.com:259620:08
=== Deathvalley122 is now known as Ang3|ofD3ath
usr13joshua__: What are you booted into now?20:09
newb13yes, "spotify" and "spotify.lnk20:09
histoNierle: yeah it forwards for only computers on the ssh connection20:09
Nierlethat's not the problem20:09
Zelozelosnewb13 do they show on your desktop?20:09
histoNierle: the outside world won't get to the forward. I'm not sure I understand you.20:09
mehdiis wifi diffrent with wireless?20:09
newb13Zelozelos, no they do not20:09
joshua__urs13: what do you mean?20:09
histoNierle: do you want to lock down ssh ?20:10
usr13joshua__: What is the reason for formatting the Hard Drive?  Do  you have a new purpose for it?20:10
Nierlein some way20:10
joshua__usr13: putting windows 7 onto it20:10
Nierlei mean the only request that areto be accepted20:10
histoNierle: I would install fail2ban and maybe look at using key based authentication20:10
townesin gnome-volume-control there is no hardware listed, and output says 'dummy output - stereo' any idea where to begin (sound is not working)20:10
Zelozelosnewb13 ahh ok, have you modified anything as far as the backgrounds/compiz/or anything else that has to do with backgrounds20:10
Nierleare those to service.com:259620:10
histoNierle: fail2ban bans ips after 3 login attempts20:10
histoNierle: I don't understand.20:11
newb13Zelozelos, nope, just added a new background, but it didnt show before that either20:11
Zelozelosnewb13 ok 1 sec i have to do a little re-capping20:11
usr13joshua__: This channel is for Ubuntu help.  Not sure what this has to do with ubunu, but basically if you just delete the partitions on it, you'll be good to go and you can do that with fdisk.20:11
newb13okay thank you ze20:11
leftisti was buring a ubuntu 10.10. dvd do i want to burn as a file or as contents. it's an iso. i am brain dead right now.20:11
usr13joshua__: suido fdisk -l | pastebinit20:11
usr13joshua__: and let's see what you have now.20:12
=== Guest23886 is now known as HelloWorld
aciculaleftist: you want to burn the entire iso, not store it as a file20:12
usr13joshua__: Show us the URL20:12
leftistok thanks acicula i am brain dead today.20:12
Zelozelosugggh can someone please direct newb13 how to make sure the options in gconf-editor are allowing desktop items to show?20:13
btorchcan I get help on uec ubuntu images here or is there another channel ?20:13
fr00gCan anyone tell me why when my volume is muted, it shows three different pictures at times? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9337212/mute1.png  http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9337212/mute2.png  http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9337212/mute3.png20:13
joshua__usr13: http://pastebin.com/dYRVmCqT20:13
usr13joshua__: But basically, if the hard drive you want to format is /dev/sda then issue  command: sudo fdisk /dev/sda  #Type m for help20:13
danharibook, How can I turn off the breadcrumb in Thunar or Nautilus?20:14
aciculajoshua__: usr13 you cant format /dev/sda20:14
vachoanyone here used webmin on ubuntu? Did it work?20:14
aciculajoshua__: usr13 you will have to create a partition on sda and format that partition20:14
staticsafevacho: i do all the time20:14
aciculavacho: sure its possible, but its not packaged for ubuntu anymore20:14
arand!webmin | vacho20:15
ubottuvacho: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.20:15
usr13joshua__: sudo fdisk /dev/sda ; p ; d ; 5 ; d ; 2 ; d ; 1 ; p ; w ; q20:15
usr13joshua__: type m for help20:15
vachostaticsafe: so it works fine for you?20:15
staticsafevacho: it does indeed20:15
orudiecan someone please help me? I installed vmware tools and at boot I get error: no such disk , I posted this on vmware forums but i'm not getting any responses http://communities.vmware.com/message/1718892#171889220:15
trismdanharibo: you can do it temporarily in nautilus with ctrl+L, or permanently by setting the key /apps/nautilus/preferences/always_use_location_entry in gconf-editor20:15
Sansui350Aumm.. webmin works just FINE in Ubuntu/Debian20:15
Sansui350Alawl @ derp20:15
danharibotrism: thanks20:15
joshua__usr13: so what do i need to do?20:16
vachook, I am about to install webmin, should I install apache, mysql php manually myself or that is handles by webmin?20:16
usr13acicula:  You are correct, you can only format a partition.  But he does not need to format anything, just needs to delete the partitions.20:16
mithridateshow can I edit win registry when I'm in ubuntu?20:16
rhadaI ceated a sym link with ln 0s how do I delete a smy link?20:16
usr13joshua__: sudo fdisk /dev/sda ; p ; d ; 5 ; d ; 2 ; d ; 1 ; p ; w ; q20:16
joshua__usr13: then?20:16
Sansui350Avacho, I just install webmin via gdebi on the cli.. and it just works20:17
Sansui350AI'm using it on a 10.10 server atm20:17
aciculausr13: ah ok, seems i misunderstood it then20:17
usr13joshua__: Open a terminal window.  Type command: sudo fdisk /dev/sda   #When you have that done let me know and I'll give you next command.20:17
staticsafevacho: you can install LAMP yourself, or when you install webmin, you can choose to install the server stuff from there.20:17
=== olivier is now known as DannyButterman
keplenkmcb_2: thanks for the flash video downloader .. do you know any such thing in chrome?20:17
vachostaticsafe: maybe i'll let webmin install lamp then.. seems better?20:17
vacho 20:17
joshua__usr13, ok20:17
Paddy_NIWhat was the name of that app Jono Bacon made to show people 'Quickly' ... it came with many examples20:17
staticsafevacho: sure20:18
rhadai created a smy link with ln -s how do I delete a smy link?20:18
vachoI switched to centos just for webmin and centos sucks... the default install is very unoptimized20:18
usr13joshua__: see my private message20:18
acicularhada: unlink20:18
Paddy_NII cannot find it any where.. I do believe it needed a package called "python-snippets" or something20:18
Zelozelosnewb13 ok try this, alt+f2 type gconf-editor, navigate to desktop/gnome/background, deselect the draw_background check, do you see them now20:19
Paddy_NIIt actually came out not long after lernid20:19
newb13one minute Zelozelos20:19
rhadaaciula: ok so the command starts with unlink -s? then the path20:20
newb13Zelozelos, nothing comes up when i press alt+f220:20
Aerosonichey guys20:20
Zelozelosnewb13 ahh ok do you see any window boarders/headers?20:21
acicularhada:  just unlink file20:21
townespulseaudio --start = E: main.c: Daemon startup failed. ?20:21
newb13no.. Zelozelos20:21
rhadaaciculs the sym link i want to unlink is ln -s echolot.html index.html20:22
Zelozelosnewb13  ahhh ok now things are making a little more sense. you need to restart metacity  the command is metacity -restart i think20:22
PiciZelozelos: metacity --replace20:23
Zelozelosahh yep thats it20:23
newb13Zelozelos, "metacity: Unknown option -restart"20:23
B4ckBOnehow do i permanently change the rights of my laptops gsensor device?20:23
rhadaacicula: wrong nick just not ok the smy link I want to unlink is ln -s echolot.html index.html20:23
Zelozelosnewb13 hmmm...now using metacity...what ubuntu r u using again?20:24
Zelozelos**not using20:24
newb13Zelozelos, 9.10 - I googled and it was "metacity &", I did that and it said "unknown@ubuntu:~$ Window manager warning: Screen 0 on display ":0.0" already has a window manager; try using the --replace option to replace the current window manager"20:24
rhadaacicula: so the command would be unlink echolot.html index.html ?20:24
HelloWorldIs there an SVN server packaged with either Desktop or Server?  Or just add it seperately?20:24
Zelozelosohhh nvm the command is metacity --replace   not restart sorry its been a while since ive had this issue20:25
acicularhada: just the symlink, look at the man page20:25
BajK:O just noticed, now unix time begins with 13xxx since march 13 :O20:25
Zelozelosnewb13  ohhh nvm the command is metacity --replace   not restart sorry its been a while since ive had this issue20:25
midwayanyone here?20:25
HelloWorldwe're here20:25
midwayI gota issue20:26
newb13I wrote that20:26
newb13And everything is gone..?20:26
newb13My panel, side panel etc.20:26
Zelozelosnewb13 ok ...just do a full restart ill be here when u get back20:26
newb13okay Zelozelos , thanks20:27
midwayim downloading ubuntu for a client, it its almost finished on the download and it says ready whenever you are. I open the display and it says this atkbd serio0: use 'setkeycodes' e00d <keycode> to make it known20:27
llllllllllim new to IRC, how is everything back in the 90's20:29
midwaygot any ideas for me20:29
=== funlove201 is now known as kz3
llllllllllhi 90's chat20:30
=== pothos_ is now known as pothos
ejv!offtopic | llllllllll20:30
ubottullllllllll: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:30
llllllllllsorry i'll be immature somewhere else..20:31
midwayAnyone willing to help me out?20:31
=== unknown is now known as newb13
optimist_hello world!20:31
newb13Zelozelos, okay everything is restored now20:31
Zelozelosdo you have boarders n icons now? newb1320:32
bluenicanyone know how to setup a git server?20:32
optimist_i don't know20:32
newb13No I do not Zelozelos  :/20:32
bluenicgone over git server installs on google and none work. perhaps ubuntu works?20:33
ejvcan someone explain this, im using navicat lite (free version) to log into an Ubuntu mysql server on my local LAN, last night i was going nuts trying to log in with my password getting "Access Denied" errors, now when i log in without a password it randomly works20:33
midwayim downloading ubuntu for a client, it its almost finished on the download and it says ready whenever you are. I open the display and it says this atkbd serio0: use 'setkeycodes' e00d <keycode> to make it known20:34
newb13Does anybody have a good VNC viewer that works on ubuntu, I need to connect to a LInux VPS!20:34
ejvnewb13: tsclient20:34
Zelozelosnewb13 ummm...very strange i guess this one's over my head...only other suggestion i have is to make a new user account and login to it n see if its working correctly--this will make a brand new out-of-the-box account...if it works correctly on the new account its an option/config error if not...i have no idea what to do from there20:35
newb13okay thanks zeleftikam[S67]20:35
newb13Zelozelos, *20:35
=== larry908 is now known as larryh
zeleftikam[S67]newb13, no problem20:35
Zelozelosnp newb13 good luck ;)20:35
elijah Is there a way to install GIMP 2.7 from Kubuntu through a repo?20:35
Maartenacicula: I went with xrdp eventually, it works really well :)20:36
ejvwhy don't you ask in #kubuntu20:36
format120hey guys, im trying to install crunch, did a make, make install, but it wont run, can i get someone to verify that it workd if i pastbin the terminal string?20:36
midwayZelozelos: can you assist me?20:36
elijahejv: Ok, how about  "Is there a way to install GIMP 2.7 from Ubuntu through a repo?" - Same thing no?20:37
itaylor57bluenic: git is avaialable in the repos, also a good product is gitolite , you will probably get more support in #git20:37
newb13ejv, can you give me some assistant20:37
newb13Computer: My IP20:37
newb13Protocol: RDP (?)20:37
elenzarвсем привет20:37
Zelozelosmidway pbbt i have no idea whats goin on w that20:37
newb13Username: root20:37
newb13Password: password to root20:37
FloodBot2newb13: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:37
newb13Domain: ?20:37
newb13Client hostname: ?20:37
patryk_eelo ;d20:38
newb13am i banned? <.<20:38
newb13midway, can you see what I write20:38
KB1JWQnewb13: No, but you flooded.20:38
newb13Sorry about that20:38
WeThePeopledoes ubuntu have ATI drivers avail.20:38
KB1JWQ!ask | newb1320:38
ubottunewb13: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:38
ejvnewb13: don't private message people without asking, part of overall IRC netiquette.20:38
newb13ejv, sorry, I am new to IRC aswell20:39
ejvand no I can't, i'm sorry i'm busy with other work.20:39
format120any help would be grate20:39
midwayThink another ubunu channel might help me?20:39
=== Aaron5367|detach is now known as Aaron5367
Chr|shey guys20:39
Chr|sHow come putty wont paste text ?20:39
speedrunnerG55i use smuxi20:40
newb13Chr|s, what vnc viewer can I use to connect to linux VPS?20:40
speedrunnerG55how do i add channelt to join whenever i start this program20:40
staticsafeformat120: type this in terminal - whereis crunch20:40
Chr|sNewb13 putty20:40
ejvChr|s: it can, just right click and it'll send whatever is in your buffer20:40
Chr|ssudo apt-get install putty20:40
Chr|sejv: thats what I thought, but its not lol20:40
newb13Isn't that to control it?20:40
format120-whereis command not found staticsafe20:41
staticsafeformat120: try ./crunch20:41
format120yep, thanks20:42
staticsafeno problem format12020:42
Curly_QNewb13 have you tried UltraVNC it works with X11VNC. Make sure you set up a password with Linux.20:42
optimist_hello world!20:42
newb13Curly_Q, I don't get it now. X11VNC? What is that20:43
Curly_QNewb13 also are you trying to use VNC from Windows to Linux or Linux to Linux?20:43
newb13From linux to linux Curly_Q20:43
Curly_QIf you open up a terminal you can see if your Linux distro has x11vnc but typing in   sudo x11vnc20:44
newb13Curly_Q, I installed x11vnc now20:44
newb13I want a graphical interface like UltraVNC On windows.20:44
townesno sound; haven't recently installed or updated anything. in volume control, no hardware is shown20:44
tobiassjostenWhichever domain I try to resolve, always get an IP. Even fake domains. Any ideas what could cause this?20:44
townesgoogling at the moment but I'm hitting a wall20:45
tobiassjostenDig shows me the domains doesn't have any pointers. And I'm getting a new IP for the same domain each time I try and resolve it.20:45
Curly_QNewb13 you can try this:    sudo apt-get install vncviewer.20:45
Curly_QWithout the period at the end of the sentence.20:46
* townes facepalms20:46
newb13Curly_Q, I installed it. It says VNC Server: I put in my VPS IP, pressed Enter and it just dissapeared.20:47
newb13Curly_Q: vncviewer: ConnectToTcpAddr: connect: Connection refused20:47
newb13Unable to connect to VNC serve20:47
Kartagishow can I check what my wireless card's chipset is?20:48
ccta-serverHow do you enable an application to pass through firestarter UDP20:48
Curly_QMake sure you do an aptitude update first.20:48
dru__HEy any1 there who could help with sound quality problems on an acer laptop?20:49
orudiecan anyone help me check if my disk is properly mounted ?20:49
newb13Curly_Q, Can you please tell me how to do that? I am completely new to Ubuntu20:49
orudiei get error: disk not found, when ubuntu server is booting20:49
Kartagisorudie, mount20:49
Curly_QAlso do:     sudo apt-get update20:49
Kartagishow can I check what my wireless card's chipset is?20:50
=== Guest6881 is now known as DarkDevil
Curly_QAlso sudo aptitude update before sudo apt-getting anything.20:50
=== DarkDevil is now known as Guest64393
dru__HEy any1 there who could help with sound quality problems on an acer laptop??20:50
newb13Curly_Q, I did sudo aptitude update, it says "aptitude: command not found"20:51
Curly_QThat will ensure that you have the right dependencies.20:51
newb13Curly_Q, Okay I did sudo apt-get update, and now?20:51
newb13How do I get the VNC server IP?20:52
Curly_QNewb13 type this command:     sudo apt-get install aptitude20:52
llutzCurly_Q: there is no need to install aptitude20:52
PrimarisHi all. I've got a Toshiba Satellite L335-S7915 running a freshly-updated copy of Ubuntu 10.10; it has a SynPS/2 Synaptics Touchpad listed on it, but no matter what I do, it will not accept any input from the pad. I've tried the DKMS drivers that were listed on the support site, but to no avail. I've checked my settings in System --> Mouse --> Touchpad, and everything is clean so far as I can tell. Any ideas? Thanks!20:52
Chr|sok this is really frustraiting, I can't copy and paste within putty like I have done in the past20:52
Chr|sright click isn't working for some reason20:53
newb13okay Curly_Q, I have installed it now! :-)20:53
fisixdoes anybody know how to rearrange the icons between and within the notification area and indicator applet?20:53
Curly_QNewb13, if you need to know your IP you can use:   http://www.ipchicken.com20:53
newb13Curly_Q, I am supposed to put in my computers IP? When i run vncviewer, it just says "Vnc server:" and I am supposed to put in my own IP or what20:54
ravengpodder repeating error: http://picpaste.com/2cd58e8650c5df8006b52d82a27d9c64.png20:55
Curly_QNewb13, are you using it behind a firewall or a router. If so 192.168.0.*.*20:55
Curly_QIf you type in the command prompt:   ifconfig -a    you will see your IP address.20:56
harovalihow do I restart inetd daemon ?20:56
Curly_QIn Windows you can type:  Ipconfig /all20:56
newb13Curly_Q, Can i PM you20:57
danielhello is there a tasker(records what i do with my mouse and keyboard and replays it over and over) like program for ubuntu20:57
guntbert!here | raven20:57
ubotturaven: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com20:57
mithridateshow can I disable "executable bit" message and run .exe files in ubuntu?20:58
ubottuPuTTY is an !SSH client for Windows. Please see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage and downloads. See also !scp (Secure CoPy)20:59
ravengpodder gives me this window again and again: http://picpaste.com/2cd58e8650c5df8006b52d82a27d9c64.png how to repair?20:59
PrimarisMithridates: Right-click the file and check its properties; there's a box on whether or not it is 'executable'. Check it and you should be good to go.20:59
format120hey, post 2 in this forum says that a text file containing every possible combination of a 10 letter string will be 2.1tb, is that a good estamation?21:00
danielis there a macro program for ubuntu?21:00
mithridatesPrimaris: I can see the check box, but when I click on that it changes it by itself just after my click21:00
mithridatesPrimaris: it doesn't let me to change it21:01
PrimarisMithridates: Is anything else working with that file at the moment? It may be holding that property until whatever else is working with it is released.21:02
mithridatesPrimaris: absolutely not, it's in my windows partition21:02
llutzformat120: 10 letter? only [a-zA-Z] or from what pool?21:02
Chr|sany alternatives other than putty that actually works?21:03
format120A-G 0-921:03
format120A-G 0-9 llutz21:03
PrimarisMithridates: What sort of file is this? I know you said it was an executable, but what exactly is the program? Curious what would be working with it or holding that property. Have you tried installing said program through WINE?21:03
mithridatesPrimaris: regedit.exe, I have to edit my windows registry from ubuntu, can u give me an advice for that21:04
llutzformat120: 17^10Byte21:04
salvatore6420hello everybody21:05
BajKstupid pulse audio -.-21:05
salvatore6420anyone can help me with processing?21:05
DJonesChr|s: Have a look a puttytray its a slightly extended version of putty21:05
PrimarisMithridates: There are apps out there to edit the Windows registry without utilizing Windows apps, and disturbing a Windows install in any way tends to make the entire Windows install more temperamental than it already is. Try Googling a registry editor that works in Linux!21:05
BajKi cannot just if theres a nice song plug in my headset and turn full up21:05
format120what does that meen? llutz?21:05
danieldoes anyone know if there is a program like tasker for ubuntu21:05
BajKno, stupid pulse audio mess interferes and says "f**k you you will not use your headset"21:05
Chr|sDJones: no I havent is it in the repos?21:05
DJonesChr|s: Ah, no sorry, I thought you were looking for an ssh client for windows21:06
llutzformat120: you've 17^10 possible combinations if none of those character appears more than once in the string21:06
salvatore6420hi there anybody knows how to run processing?21:06
mithridatesPrimaris: it's about 4 hours that I'm looking for, I don't have blank cd or dvd to make a bootable cd, so I need to edit it in ubuntu :(21:06
Chr|sDJones: nope, for some reason putty doesn't copy and paste for me for some rason i have no idea21:06
format120how many gigs would that be? by estamate llutz?21:07
llutzformat120: ~2.1TB as you said21:07
format120ok, how did you find it?21:07
llutzformat120: (number of characters)^(string length)21:08
des_hi dudes, i am looking for a weather forecast tool , there is one with ubuntu but shows the weather for current, i do want tomorrow's weather forecast21:09
des_what should i do21:09
betzi__anyone knows the issue why  natty hangs on startup and boots after approx 1 min or 2?21:09
BajKokay, the old trick that helps people in troubles with their sound device has to be applied again: sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio and your problems are gone :)21:09
overcluckersalvatore6420: you mean java processing?21:10
PrimarisMithridates: I take it you *DO* have WINE installed, yes? Have you tried using WINE's built-in registry editor, and pointing it over to the Windows partition's hives?21:10
=== Zeku is now known as ExplodingPiglets
zvacetbetzi__: join #ubuntu+121:10
danieldoes anyone know a tasker replacement for ubuntu21:10
des_hi dudes, i am looking for a weather forecast tool , there is one with ubuntu but shows the weather for current, i do want tomorrow's weather forecast21:11
Gatoradeim running wubi and when comp starts up or when im adjusting screen brightness, backlight will randomly change brightness and touchpad will act up until i click a menu. A little help plz?21:11
llutzformat120: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permutation21:11
betzi__    1.475100] NET: Registered protocol family 121:11
betzi__[    1.475109] pci 0000:00:01.0: MSI quirk detected; subordinate MSI disabled21:11
betzi__[  117.200205] pci 0000:01:05.0: Boot video device21:11
mithridatesPrimaris: I've wine already installed, but no I didn't try to point it over windows, the impression that I got from posts in google is: it's not possible21:11
betzi__is this normal in dmesg?21:11
ravengpodder gives me this window again and again: http://picpaste.com/2cd58e8650c5df8006b52d82a27d9c64.png how to repair?21:11
salvatore6420overclucker yes java processing21:11
salvatore6420yes java processing21:12
PrimarisMithridates: Please do try telling WINE's version of the registry editor to load the hives on the Windows partition; it's been a while since I last used it and WINE isn't on this machine yet, so I can't lead you through anything personally.21:12
mithridatesPrimaris: Wow, it has an import/export option21:12
mithridatesPrimaris: I guess I got it, tnx man alot !21:13
PrimarisMithridates: Quite welcome. Take care.21:13
mithridatesPrimaris: u too man21:13
* Tekku good night to all ^^21:14
user_damn, this buntu sux21:15
guntbertuser_: don't test here please21:15
user_it was automatic...21:15
PrimarisNeed a hand getting the SynPS/2 Synaptics Touchpad on a Toshiba L355 series laptop working. Easily accessible settings have been checked and xinput recognizes it, but I can get no input to register. Any ideas?21:15
guntbertuser_:  Do you have an ubuntu support question?21:15
user_i have lubuntu question :)21:16
salvatore6420anybody knows how to run java processing?21:16
=== wvholst is now known as RevSpaceWalter
needhelp1how do i set the default application for torrent files in ubuntu21:16
Aginorsalvatore6420, what's your problem?21:16
user_how can i save resolution settings in LLLLubuntu21:16
=== leon is now known as Guest54050
dru__HEy any1 there who could help with sound quality problems on an acer laptop??21:17
=== Guest54050 is now known as eightiesk
Chr|show can I use putty through terminal? Trying to connect to a vps21:17
needhelp1how do i set the default application for torrent files in ubuntu21:18
llutzChr|s: why don't you use ssh(-client)?21:18
Kre10s_hello. I want to create a network bridge and share my ppp0 connection over my wlan. can I do this while still using the NewtworkManager to manage my interfaces?21:18
user_I`ll never ever ever again unistall windows xp!!21:18
AginorChr|s, use the ssh command, putty is a windows program21:18
ravengpodder gives me this window again and again: http://picpaste.com/2cd58e8650c5df8006b52d82a27d9c64.png how to repair?21:18
eightieskwhats a good data recovery program?21:19
icerooteightiesk: your backup21:19
Kre10s_user_: having problems?21:19
user_there`s no data recovery for linux, dude21:19
user_hell, yeah21:19
user_i doo21:19
eightieskiceroot, lmao not my data i'm it, i'm switching to linux full time. just need to recover idiots data21:20
Kre10s_what data recovery exists for xp?21:20
=== Dink[a] is now known as Dink
user_i always have to set my resolution to 1024x768  everytime when i boot my pc21:20
zvacetuser_ : uder settings>monitor setting21:20
icerooteightiesk: recover from what?21:20
needhelp1how do i set the default application for torrent files in ubuntu21:20
user_yeah, i do that... but Lubuntu doesnt remember my settings!21:21
user_i think i should edit some files as root, right?21:21
user_for permament changes21:21
eightieskthey erased files and gave the pc to there mother21:21
eightieskthey need there data21:21
sallad10What would be the easiest way to have multiple users (say from a UNIX group) able to start&stop a server? The server is a java application with no runscript.21:21
eightieskits from a mac21:21
user_this is my first day using linux...21:21
funlove201can anybody help me? i am not able to login with root in ubuntu21:21
=== funlove201 is now known as kz3
iceroot!root | FunnyLookinHat21:22
ubottuFunnyLookinHat: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:22
iceroot!root | kz321:22
ubottukz3: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:22
icerootkz3: dont change your nick after posting a question21:22
PrimarisNice one, Iceroot. Very nice one.21:22
icerootFunnyLookinHat: yeah, sorry21:22
kz3sorry i changed it21:23
needhelp1how can i change the default programs used to open file extensions21:23
eightieskiceroot, ?21:23
zvacetuser_:  read http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-change-display-resolution-settings-using-xrandr.html21:23
kz3actually the problem is, I installed the nvidia drivers but now when i turn on my computer it doesn't show anything but just a black screen21:23
icerooteightiesk: you asked how to recover data, i asked recover from what21:23
eightieskiceroot, i answered above21:24
zvacetuser_:  and have some patience if this is your first day with linux21:24
FunnyLookinHaticeroot, ;)21:25
node808does ubuntu support sas drives?21:26
eightieskiceroot: erased files from a  mac21:26
node808just tried to install desktop and server onto a dell precision t5400...goes thru installation just fine, reboots and nothing...just sits there after the sas bios finishes21:26
user_damn, im losing connection in lubuntu21:26
node808kinda lame21:26
Hedonistawhy do i get a 404 error when i try to apply the google chrome update?21:27
PrimarisAnyone free to cover a Synaptics touchpad glitch with me?21:27
=== user_ is now known as microsoft_fan
zvacetuser_:  this is probably easier http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-adjust-screen-resolution-on-ubuntu.html21:27
microsoft_fanthx, ill check right now21:27
Chr|sAginor: oh21:28
Chr|sllutz: I tried it and I get "Unknown cipher type 'lient'"21:29
Chr|sI put -client21:29
llutzChr|s: what command exactly?21:30
[TK]D-Fendernode808: yes21:30
llutzChr|s: naa, command would be: ssh user@host21:30
=== newb13 is now known as Polythene
Chr|swas doing IP21:30
llutzChr|s: man ssh         for more info21:30
llutzChr|s: ssh user@ip-address21:30
ericyWhat's a "sas" drive?21:31
llutzChr|s: "host" == remote machine, by hostname or ip-address21:31
kz3i got disconnected21:31
Primarisericy: Serial Attached SCSI21:31
deedubb843Hello. I am having a problem with "preseed" installation of ubuntu 10.04.2 server. if I use ks=<pathtofileonhttpserver> which contains url --url "<directory of ubuntu 10.04.2 insallationmedia>" it works perfectly. If i used a preseed file and preseed/url=<pathtopreseedfileonhttp> it gets to the Checking Ubuntu archive mirror and errors out. I believe I need to tell the preseed where to find the installation files but 0 examples show this. Please help21:31
kz3guys please help me, as soon as i installed nvidia drivers on ubuntu, now whenever i login it just shows me a black screen and nothing, right now i am in safe mode. what to do?21:32
=== microsoft_fan is now known as LUBUNTU_DAY_FIRS
ericyuser_: Question, are you running Lubuntu from a Live/CD (meaning not installed)?21:33
LUBUNTU_DAY_FIRSno, i`ve installed...21:33
LUBUNTU_DAY_FIRSi didnt had that problem with xubuntu21:33
kz3guys please help me, as soon as i installed nvidia drivers on ubuntu, now whenever i login it just shows me a black screen and nothing, right now i am in safe mode. what to do?21:33
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ericy(ps: I am currently running Lubuntu on a Live/CD (but on a 4GB usb memory stick.)21:34
carlos82anybody knows what type of file is this ( srw-rw-rw-) ?21:35
ericyLUBUNTU_DAY_FIRS: (ps: I am currently running Lubuntu on a Live/CD (but on a 4GB usb memory stick.) And of course my settings are not saved.21:35
dru__HEyyy any1 there who could help with sound quality problems on an acer laptop??21:35
kz3guys please help me, as soon as i installed nvidia drivers on ubuntu, now whenever i login it just shows me a black screen and nothing, right now i am in safe mode. what to do?21:36
llutzcarlos82: socket?21:36
deedubb843dru__: set the volume less then 100%, like 95%21:36
carlos82i dont know21:36
carlos82is named log21:36
deedubb843kz3: switch back to windows21:36
dru__Im playing the music on my hifi21:36
kz3i dont want to switch back21:36
deedubb843dru__: irrelevant21:36
kz3is there any solution?21:37
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deedubb843kz3: then live with poor graphic support, use the default drivers21:37
llutzcarlos82: its a socket21:37
dru__souns is the same doesnt matter its on 25 % or on 10021:37
kz3how should i switch back to default drivers?21:37
LUBUNTU_DAY_FIRSthx for helping btw21:37
LUBUNTU_DAY_FIRSlubuntu also doesnt save my mouse acceleration settings...21:37
LUBUNTU_DAY_FIRSbut thats not huge prob...21:37
deedubb843kz3: uninstall nvidia21:37
soulhey guys, I need some help with ssh21:37
carlos82great, thank you very much llutz21:37
monkeyDhey guys, I have a big problem with  my conky, it doesnt use the dafault .conkyrc that I donwloaded from ubuntu.wiki21:37
kz3actually it has made some new file named xorg.conf.failsafe and i am not able to delete or edit it21:38
Logan_!sound | dru__21:38
ubottudru__: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.21:38
kz3how should i uninstall nvidia?21:38
soulanyone care to help me with a ssh problem I am having? here is my link to the forums--- > http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10571472#post1057147221:38
zvacetLUBUNTU_DAY_FIRS : did you tried with link I posted to you21:39
soulI am getting a error for some reason, any help would be great21:39
LUBUNTU_DAY_FIRSdont know where to find xrandr21:39
dru__Logan nuthign happens when i try to test the speakers21:40
ericyzvacet: (in ref: LUBUNTU_DAY_FIRS) Can you post me the link, too?21:40
deedubb843soul: check netstat -an output to confirm its listening on that port21:41
Aginorsoul, are your hosts.allow and hosts.deny used for anything, and if so, have you updated them?21:41
deedubb843soul: check your /var/log/secure for error messages21:41
soulokay I will... jus sec, brb21:41
monkeyDhey guys, anyone here who hase some conkyexperience ?21:41
deedubb843soul: check your /var/log/messages for errors21:41
llutzcarlos82: stat "suspicous file"21:41
kz3guys please help me, as soon as i installed nvidia drivers on ubuntu, now whenever i login it just shows me a black screen and nothing, right now i am in safe mode. what to do?21:41
ravengpodder gives me this window again and again: http://picpaste.com/2cd58e8650c5df8006b52d82a27d9c64.png how to repair?21:42
soul1369 is indeed open21:42
soulchecking error logs now brb21:42
carlos82llutz, ?21:42
carlos82suspicous file?21:43
llutzcarlos82:the file with srwx....21:43
carlos82is on /dev21:43
carlos82is named log21:43
llutzcarlos82: "stat /path/filename"  will tell you what kind of file it is21:44
nerdy_kidhow long till tcp connections reset?21:44
LUBUNTU_DAY_FIRSxrandr: cannot find output "VGA"21:44
LUBUNTU_DAY_FIRS       21:44
indrajeetwant command to install blender package21:44
carlos82oh ok ok21:44
llutzcarlos82: stat /dev/log21:44
indrajeetwant command to install blender package21:44
indrajeetwant command to install blender package21:44
LUBUNTU_DAY_FIRSdoesnt work with "xrandr --addmode VGA 1024×768"   -----xrandr: cannot find output "VGA"21:44
soulI don't have /var/log/secure.... I have everything else but that haha....21:45
carlos82llutz, exact, socket file21:45
dru__How do I acces the file if terminal says permission denied???21:45
nerdy_kiddru__: sudo21:45
solarshey , I'm trying to mount an encfs dir from dropbox, it works on my local machine, and usually on others, but somehow on a new machine if I mount it, I just get an empty dir - why is that?21:45
LUBUNTU_DAY_FIRS...also i dont have xorg.conf file :(21:45
Aginorubottu, !help21:45
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:46
Aginorubottu, !commands21:46
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal21:46
LUBUNTU_DAY_FIRSubottu, !sleep21:46
dru__its ntoa  command21:46
mickster04stop laying with the bot please21:46
dru__its a file21:46
Aginoris there a command list for ubottu somewhere?21:46
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots21:46
llutz!bot | Aginor21:46
ubottuAginor: please see above21:46
mang0Who coded the bot?21:47
dru__how to acces a file with a path if i get permission denied???21:47
mickster04dru__: sudo21:47
dru__it says command not found21:47
mickster04dru__: what are you doing to access the file?21:47
dru__i type in the path to the terminal21:48
soulAginor... what were you saying about updating host and stuff?21:48
mickster04dru__: then you are trying to run it?21:48
AgentTeddieEverytime I boot my computer I get this Error Message, then it logs me in... EDID Checksum Invalid, Remainder is 32... what does that mean?21:48
Aginorsoul, have a look at /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny to see if you use them21:48
mickster04dru__: so sudo will let you run it. you have to make the file executable tho?21:49
soulAginor: okay brb21:49
AgentTeddiecan someone help me?21:50
mickster04AgentTeddie: someone may well have said something by now if they could help you21:50
dru__found another way21:50
soulAginor: there are no host listed...21:50
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Aginorsoul, then that's not the problem :D21:51
SystemDefault0dru_: Sudo, is not available in "cd" commands. Open a Terminal as root user. Like this: "sudo su" and then execute "cd" commands with absolute administrative privileges.21:51
LUBUNTU_DAY_FIRSsudo mudo kudo vudo21:51
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Aginorsoul, do ssh -v -v -v user@host and see if it tells you anything more than just connection reset by peer21:52
soulAginor: k, brb21:52
soulAginor: debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config21:54
souldebug1: Applying options for *21:54
souldebug2: ssh_connect: needpriv 021:54
soulssh: Could not resolve hostname soultravel369: Name or service not known21:54
FloodBot2soul: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:54
FloodBot1soul: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:54
tokamhow to install the latest version of zend framework on ubuntu?21:54
tokamwhy is not it patched yet?21:54
intokanyone else currently unable to view youtube from Movie Player/Totem? I know it worked before an I can play .flv files, but totem now just tosses up a non helpful gstreamer error21:54
mang0Hit it with a hammer21:54
skullboyhow do i host a pop3 and stmp server21:55
soulAginor: debug 2 ssh_connect need priv021:55
Kre10s_is there a way I can tell NetworkManager not to manage a certain device?21:55
mickster04skullboy: install it:p21:55
skullboymickster: not helping21:55
mickster04skullboy: well do you mean snmp?21:56
Aginormickster04, he probably means smtp server21:56
Aginorhe wants to send and receive mail for a domain21:56
mickster04Aginor: yeah the post one is what i meant :p21:56
[TK]D-Fenderskullboy: Pick an MTA and install it.21:57
mickster04skullboy: i used exim421:57
[TK]D-Fenderskullboy: sendmail, postfix, exim, there are plenty of others21:57
skullboymickster: yes i do21:57
Kre10s_when building a bridge does it matter if the members of that bridge are controlled by the NetworkManager?21:57
mickster04skullboy: uhm so what's the issue? your questions was very vague21:57
Aginorsoul, are you connecting to the right host and to the right port?21:57
skullboy<[TK]D-Fender> but is that hosting on antoher server or puting up my own21:57
soulAginor: debug1: Reading config data /ect/ssh/ssh_config........... debug1: Applying options for*....... debug:2 ssh_connect: needpriv 0...............ssh: Could not reslove host name for user:host Name or service not known21:58
Aginorskullboy, if you install the software and configure it, you are in effect hosting your own server21:58
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soulyah I am doing  "ssh -p 1369 <my Ip>21:58
mjhszigcan someone PLEASE tell me how to turn off random background scrolling ??21:58
mickster04soul: what was the IP address?21:59
bastidrazorsoul: add the hostname to /etc/hosts21:59
[TK]D-Fenderskullboy: MTA = mail server.21:59
mjhszigive spent like 2hrs with no luck21:59
mickster04mjhszig: in what app?21:59
[TK]D-Fenderskullboy: what do you want to do exactly?21:59
mjhszigpinguy 10.1021:59
soulokay, brb21:59
mickster04mjhszig: that's an OS21:59
skullboy<[TK]D-Fender> an exclusive mail server that is invite only21:59
mjhsziglike just the reg wallpaper/desktop img wont stop "shuffleing thru imgs22:00
mickster04mjhszig: this is ubuntu support. go ask their support22:00
Logan_mjathree: We do not support Ubuntu derivatives in this channel.  I will try to find the appropriate channel for you.22:00
[TK]D-Fenderskullboy: all of the programs I mentioned are exactly that.  You run it on your server you point your domain to your box, you add your own users.22:00
Logan_mjhszig: see above22:00
skullboy<[TK]D-Fender> thanks22:00
Logan_mjhszig: found it - it's #pinguyos22:00
mjhszigoo ok  alright thank logan22:01
Aginorsoul, you typed off what I wrote verbatim, didn't you? :D I meant that you should fill in your own username and ip. ssh -v -v -v -p 1369
Logan_mjhszig: no problem22:01
skullboyhow do i be my own isp22:01
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Aginorsoul, and please use http://paste.ubuntu.com if you want to share the output22:01
soulAginor: LOL, ooooh okay... brb22:01
Br0sephStalinI need help, any ubuntu experts on?22:01
mickster04skullboy:uhm you are getting this wrong somehow22:01
Logan_!ask | Br0sephStalin22:01
ubottuBr0sephStalin: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:01
bastidrazorskullboy: that is out of the scope of this channel.22:02
skullboymickster04: no i want to provide my own internet service from my house22:02
mickster04skullboy: yeah no, not gonna happen...22:02
Br0sephStalinAll this stuff ( my music) filled my panel and now i cant access my applications, places or system. how do i create a new panel or get around this?22:02
[TK]D-Fenderskullboy: Install a 20$ Linksys router and let somone connect to it22:03
[TK]D-Fenderskullboy: And charge for service.  Instant ISP22:03
Rt666-1i am from quebec22:03
mickster04[TK]D-Fender: that will probably be against ToS22:03
soulAginor: http://paste.ubuntu.com/581826/22:03
Aginorskullboy, not a good idea at home22:03
mickster04Rt666-1: that's ok, we help everyone we can around here22:03
[TK]D-Fendermickster04: We'll burn that bridge when we get to it, k? ;)22:03
Br0sephStalinCan help me with my problem?22:03
omidhi.i have windows 7 installed on my thinkpad along with an ubuntu full instalition and a kubuntu instalition with wubi. one hour ago i installed open suse 11.4 on a seprate drive and when the setup was about to finish it shows errors with the grub and boot loader and i clicked cancel.now the drive in which i installed open suse contains the suse files but i can see it nowhere in the boot options.22:03
Rt666-1well this program freeze when i open the channels list22:04
Rt666-1dam program22:04
skullboyAginor: why22:04
Rt666-1windows all versions sucks! long live LINUX22:04
mickster04skullboy: why do you want to do that? it sounds way excessive22:04
Br0sephStalinLogan, how do i private message you22:04
mickster04omid: it didn't install correctly that's why22:04
mickster04!pm | Br0sephStalin22:05
ubottuBr0sephStalin: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.22:05
francehi, i want install virtualbox, what is the package?22:05
aciculaomid: have suse put its bootloader on its own partition, then include it in your main bootloader which you can probably do by just running update-grub22:05
dman777i am using kde. how can i keep the programs in my title bar sperated by the desktop number they are on? rather than all combined22:05
Br0sephStalinI asked my question22:05
Br0sephStalinno answer22:05
Aginorskullboy, dynamic ips, breach of ToS for your home internet connection, lack of reverse lookups for your domain22:05
skullboymickster04: so i dont have to relie on my isp to provide internet access and they dont get any info off my internet activity and yes i do use proxies22:05
bastidrazorfrance: virtualbox-ose22:06
francebastidrazor, thank22:06
Br0sephStalinAll this stuff ( my music) filled my panel and now i cant access my applications, places or system. how do i create a new panel or get around this?22:06
omidmickster04 suse installed completely and in final minutes it shows errors regarding the grub.22:06
mickster04omid: hence it didn't install properly22:06
bastidrazorfrance: you're welcome22:06
Aginorsoul, and everything worked nicely before you changed the port?22:06
omidacicula how can i do su in ubuntu.i'm new to linux22:06
mickster04!panels | Br0sephStalin22:06
ubottuBr0sephStalin: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »22:06
Aginor!sudo | omid22:07
ubottuomid: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo22:07
bastidrazor!sudo | omid22:07
soulAginore: yes it did.... are my settings right? Look here... http://paste.ubuntu.com/581828/22:07
skullboyAginor: yes i know i dont want to have reverse look ups on me to track my location22:07
bastidrazorAginor: great minds must think alike.22:07
Aginorbastidrazor, indeed :D22:07
deek0146I'm halfway through a distro upgrade (from 10.04 to 10.10) and I have run out of space on /boot, what should I do? Its halfway through installing packages so I don't think i could remove the old kernal images right now22:07
Br0sephStalin"gnome-pane: no process found22:07
zen_catHey, I've got a mail server with postfix, dovecot & squirrelmail - does anyone know how I would go about setting up a vacation autoresponder? Found some stuff on google, but it seems mostly to be homebrew solutions for what should be a well trodden path.22:07
mickster04Br0sephStalin: copy the l too?22:08
mickster04zen_cat: does squirrel not have it already?22:08
ericyBr0sephStalin: That sounds like a problem I had in Ubuntu 9.04, when I was playing with screen resolutions; the panel icons disappeared of the edge of the screen, leaving me  no 'controls'!22:08
Br0sephStalinI'm an idiot22:08
Br0sephStalinthank you very much22:08
francebastidrazor, thank, but i write feew words to english22:08
skullboyAginor: reverse look up is when they track you right22:09
Aginorsoul, it looks fine to me22:09
Mac40DOHi! How can I list every available version of a package?22:09
Mac40DOWant to da a downgrade22:09
Aginorskullboy, no, have a look at www.endace.com, that's how they can track you if they really want to22:09
soulAginor: hmmm.... guess I am gonna play it with it more and see what I can do haha, thanks for ur help though :)22:09
zen_catmickster04: It appears not. There are a couple of plugins that do it, but they refer to getting your autoresponse service working before setting up the plugin, so I'm not sure if they are complete solutions by themselves.22:09
aciculaomid: better to just familiarize yourself a bit on how grub works, the ubuntu grub and multiboot pages are a good start22:10
sinisterstufwhat's the channel for linux audio users?22:10
soulAginor: if I get it fixed then I will say how I fixed it...22:10
mickster04sinisterstuf: well we all use audio on linux? music etc ? :p22:10
Aginorsoul, sorry about not being able to help. I read an old mailing list post that hinted at the fact that it might be useful to regenerate your server key, but besides from that I have no ideas22:10
omidthank you guys.i'm starting to use ubuntu more and more.but i wanted to give KDE a try and i didnt liked kubuntu.so i installed suse.do you think editing the grub may fix the problem or i most install suse again ?22:10
[TK]D-Fender[18:05]<skullboy>mickster04: so i dont have to relie on my isp to provide internet access and they dont get any info off my internet activity and yes i do use proxies <- You are getting upstream service from SOMEONE22:10
Aginorsoul, that'd be great22:10
bastidrazorfrance: #ubuntu-fr may be a better channel for you.22:11
skullboyAginor: how do i make it impossible to be traced22:11
sinisterstufmickster04: there is an actual channel, for people doing audio production and stuff22:11
soulAginor: I will try that and report back... not giving up22:11
mickster04sinisterstuf: oh i c, i doubt it, it depends what your problems are?22:11
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Aginorskullboy, you can't while sending your packets to someone22:11
bastidrazorfrance: or #ubuntu-it for italy22:11
mickster04skullboy: remove the cable from the computer22:12
skullboyAginor: packet spoofing how do i go about that22:12
sinisterstufmickster04: I've been there before but I can't find the channel22:12
Aginorskullboy, packet spoofing means that your data would never actually reach you22:12
aciculaomid: you can either boot the suse kernel/initrd directly from the ubuntu bootloader, or you have to use the suse boot disk/livecd/whatever  to boot the suse installation22:12
mickster04sinisterstuf: so what are your issues, are they with ubuntu or something else?22:12
Aginorskullboy, it's less hassle to follow mickster04's suggestion22:12
soulAginor: how would I add a host to the add host file? by just typing the IP in the box?22:12
skullboyAginor: to remove the cable???22:13
battlehandshello, all22:13
Aginorsoul, which host file? hosts.allow and hosts.deny? if your hosts.deny is empty you don't need to bother with hosts.allow22:13
carlos82Why is my runlevel 2? should not be 5?22:13
mickster04skullboy: the internet is not private, or secretive beyond the normal security stuff yoiu can do. there is no way to make anything untraceable, merely very difficult. one has to ask what are you doing that is so important that you keep under wraps22:13
iceroot!runlevel | carlos8222:13
ubottucarlos82: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.22:13
soulAginor: oh okay22:13
battlehandsDoes anyone here use SSH through Ubuntu?22:13
smwcarlos82, this is debian based, not redhat22:13
smwbattlehands, yep22:14
sinisterstufmickster04: I don't have issues but somebody else does, and like my previous issues, they are technical and specific to audio but not so much specific to ubuntu, although I do use ubuntu22:14
icerootbattlehands: yes, you have a real question?22:14
mickster04battlehands: yes22:14
smw!anyone | battlehands22:14
ubottubattlehands: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.22:14
dru__I have the als base open on terminal how do i save and close???22:14
bastidrazorbattlehands: feel free to state your original issue instead of making people guess and answer meaningless questions :)22:14
jrn_awhat are these kinds of notations \u0049 for (special) chars / how are those called22:14
skullboyAginor: how do i spoof the packets22:14
aciculajrn_a: unicode22:14
battlehandsiceroot, I havent used the login before... and Im just a little lost on how to get started.22:14
Aginorskullboy, I am not going to help you perform malicious acts22:14
omidacicula when i have a bad experience in installing suse.and i have paid for my windows so i dont want to damage it.after i installed suse my windows needed system repair to boot.i dont know why but somehow i'm afraid to lose my windows data.i'm a newbie22:14
battlehandsbastidrazor, thanks22:15
snowedWhen i use update-grub there will not add windows to boot loader. Windows is on other HDD than ubuntu. Can someone give me solution22:15
jrn_aisn't unicode known for that it accepts most special chars without special notation22:15
dru__I have the als base open on terminal how do i save and close?????22:15
soulAginor... I'm doing the right switch and syntax though right? "ssh -p 1369" its Lucid distro too, should of said that at first22:15
skullboyAginor: i dont plan to use this for illeagle perposes22:15
smwbattlehands, what is your goal?22:15
aciculaomid: the changes are only made to the boot sequence, not to the data, so unless you repartition your windows volume your data will be there22:15
mickster04skullboy: then why are you hiding?22:16
bastidrazorbattlehands: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal  may help you get started22:16
battlehandssmw, to learn how to use it22:16
mickster04battlehands: ssh != terminal22:16
smwbattlehands, are you connecting to a remote machine?22:16
snowed When i use update-grub there will not add windows to boot loader. Windows is on other HDD than ubuntu. Can someone give me solution22:16
skullboymickster04: documents i dont want anyone to get my hands on22:16
Aginorskullboy, A) you don't know enough about how networks know what you're asking for. B) it wouldn't help you anyway. C) use encryption, security through obscurity is not security22:16
soulskullboy: Google and youtube help great22:16
aciculaomid: best to use the windows recovery cd then to fix the window installation and then reinstall ubuntu?22:16
mickster04skullboy: well don't put them on the net?22:17
Aginormickster04, I don't have a problem with him liking his privacy, I think everyone is entitled to privacy22:17
battlehands1 moment22:17
=== derp is now known as Guest33317
battlehandson phone with tech support form my hosting22:17
aciculasnowed: its typically caused by windows not being shutdown properly, reboot to windows, make sure its shutdown properly and try to rerun update-grub22:17
vachoim getting a node at linode.com .. should I go with ubuntu 32-bit or 64-bit? I will be using 512mb ram.22:18
aciculavacho: either is fine22:18
[TK]D-Fenderskullboy: You started from wanting to install a mail server, to becoming an ISP, from becoming independent of any upstream providers service, to spoofing (When is this NOT malicious?).  You seem to be trying to go from zero to "hacker god" in 0 steps and asking questions that you believe will be answered entirely in IRC in a GUI-happy distro channel.  You should re-evaluate your goals & methods22:18
smwhi shell22:18
dru__heyy cmon how do i close the alsa base and save?????22:18
vachoacicula: what about version? 10.04 OR 10.10 ??22:18
dru__how hard of a Q is it?22:18
bastidrazordru__: its vague to say the least.22:19
ericydru__: What is " als base "?22:19
omidacicula. right now both ubuntu and windows works fine.but i dont see a suse option in the grub.thats the only problem i have.during suse instalition i gave it a dedicated ntfs partition to format to ext4 and install suse. i didnt see it a treat to my ubuntu and windows instalition which where using seprate partitions.22:19
mickster04dru__: have you read up on the doco that came with it?22:19
aciculavacho: thats a personal choice pick lts or the latest release22:19
snowedacicula: windows was shuted down properly . Since i installed ubuntu few days ago i cant get in to windows.22:19
ericydru__: What is " alsa base "?22:19
dru__yeah it says nuthing how to close just how to open and what to write in it22:19
smwdru__, what do you mean close alsa base and save?22:19
vacho256 swap or 512? thats my last question22:19
smwdru__, what says that?22:19
dru__it doesnt say anything it just says to open and what to type in22:20
smwdru__, you need to give the full context of what you are doing.22:20
acicula!multiboot | omid22:20
dru__and i have no idea what to do after22:20
smwdru__, what is it?22:20
smwdru__, what is the guide you are reading from?22:20
acicula!dualboot | omid22:20
ubottuomid: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot22:20
dru__thats what Im doing22:20
smwdru__, ctrl x22:21
liamHey, can  someone help me with Wine HQ, I've installed it to run exe's and when I try and use it in terminal it just says cannot find the file22:21
smw  dru__ next time you come, tell the exact command you typed in, the guide you are following, and what you are trying to do.22:21
omidacicula by the way. do you see the wubie installer a good solution to trying kubuntu , xubuntu etc? i frequently need system repair and when i'm in kubuntu i think somehow it crashes too often.22:22
ericydru__: " alsa base "? I have no idea, I can't picture what you are doing? Describe the window or application that you are running?22:22
skullboy<[TK]D-Fender> so how about vnc injecting22:22
aciculaomid: its pretty terrible, best to just install ubuntu on a plain partition22:22
battlehandsSo I have SSH setup with my hosting provider, but Im not sure how to use SSH through Ubuntu to login and move files around.22:22
dru__Logan your guide led me from poor sound qulity to no sound at all22:22
omidthank you ubottu.i'll read'em22:22
aciculaomid: also you do not have to reinstall ubuntu to try kubuntu,xubuntu22:23
PsydollExcuse me, I use ubuntu and I would like to know how to mount an Iso at the command line?22:23
[TK]D-Fenderskullboy: Again, how is this not "malicious"?22:23
smwPsychoholic, mount -o loop iso /path/to/mnt/point22:23
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sharbourBattlehands, from the command line you can use sftp22:23
liamHey, can someone help me with Wine HQ, I've installed it to run exe's and when I try and use it in terminal it just says cannot find the file22:23
sharbourif you have a gui installed, you can use something like Filezilla22:24
aciculaomid: as these are all the same, you can install these environments by installing the ubuntu-desktop,xubuntu-desktop, and kubuntu-desktop packages and just select the environment that you want at the login prompt22:24
bubblegummybear!wine | liam22:24
ubottuliam: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu22:24
skullboy<[TK]D-Fender> well if i remotely send the packets from another location then it would appear he is sending them22:24
Psydollsudo mount /path/to/iso -o loop /place/to/mount22:24
omidacicula. when i asked guys in iranian ubuntu irc channel they said that ubuntu is good but kubuntu isnt as good as suse in KDE.that's why i downloaded suse22:24
Psydollim trying to do that but it seems there is a problem22:24
bubblegummybearskullboy: take your hacking attempts elsewhere22:24
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)22:24
[TK]D-Fenderskullboy: then set up a proxy on that machine22:24
skullboy<bubblegummybear> know any good hacking channels22:25
bubblegummybearskullboy: no22:25
smwPsydoll, first of all, use my name in every msg directed to me. Second, post an error please :-)22:25
aciculaomid: i havent tried suse in awhile, but you have to realize only one linux installation can manage the bootloader, if you install more distrivbutions you will have to chainload them or manually add them to the initial bootloader.22:25
smwbattlehands, are you on linux or windows?22:25
Psydollskullboy your computer is probably called yourname@ubuntu and your going hacking lol!22:25
battlehandsbattlehands, linux.22:25
battlehandssmw, Im reading the ubuntu help page on SSH22:25
Psydollsmw thank you i will22:25
bubblegummybearskullboy's from Canada apparently22:26
smwbattlehands, are you on windows or ubuntu?22:26
omidin suse i could change the bootloader with Yast. is there something like yast in ubuntu?22:26
battlehandssmw, ubuntu22:26
Psydolli did a whois on him it he has the freenode vhost22:26
AgentTeddiehow do I reset the Gnome panel, there is an error with it and i forgot the command22:26
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »22:27
Psydollsmw basically im confused i have a .exe file instead that i need to run just run it in wine? and if i have an iso even if i mount it im unsure as to how to access it and use it22:27
dru__Can any1 help me with this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto Im strugling to find my model22:27
smwbattlehands, if you want to transfer files, open the file browser and go to sftp://the-host/22:27
omidacicula i can just see lubuntu environment in ubuntu software center.how could i have KDE or XFCe in ubuntu? i want to switch between Gnome and KDE when i wanted to.and most people say that KDE takes a lot of space while my ubuntu system drive has only capacity of 25 gb22:27
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AgentTeddiethanks guys! got it, for somereason my shutdown button was all garbled and now its fine...22:27
battlehandssmw, Im setting up my desktop as the ssh server atm22:28
aciculaomid: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop xubuntu-desktop22:28
smwomid, "alot" is relative. It takes less than 3 GB22:28
AgentTeddieEverytime I boot up, I get this message before I get to my login screen, "EDID Checksum Invalid, Remainder is 22." What does that mean22:29
aciculadru__: what laptop do you have, also paste output from lspci | grep Audio22:29
smwPsydoll, yes, you just run it in wine. However, I highly suggest against this. Using wine is not easy.22:29
omid<smw> having both KDE and Gnome installed dosnt have any effect on performance and something like that?22:29
soulAignor: I got it fixed... you are gonna laugh when I tell you how22:29
smwomid, not on performance.22:30
Psydollsmw its a programme with a gui how hard could it be?22:30
dru__acer 5738 zg I dunno what lspci is22:30
smwomid, just disk space and clutter. :-)22:30
soulAignor: all I did was....... REBOOT hahaha, thank you for your help though, you helped me learn some new commands to trouble shoot22:30
smwPsydoll, what is a program with a gui?22:30
Psydollsmw surely you cant use an iso in wine after its mounted?22:30
liamI'm looking through the instructions for Wine and one of the instructions is "Open Terminal, and cd into the directory where the .exe is" What does it mean by cd?22:30
aciculadru__: you can type it in a console, gives a aline of output telling you what audio hw youhav22:30
dru__acicula,  please be more precise Im novice22:31
Psydollsmw what i mean is it has boxes to configure and check its not command line driven is wine is it?22:31
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vachoadduser: The group `admin' already exists.22:31
vachowtf ??22:31
Psydollsmw i actually dont have wine, when i type sudo apt-get Wine i get a bus error?22:31
smwPsydoll, sudo apt-get install wine?22:32
aciculadru__: nvm, your audio driver is called snd_hda_intel22:32
Psydolllowercase let me try it again22:32
liamI'm looking through the instructions for Wine and one of the instructions is "Open Terminal, and cd into the directory where the .exe is" What does it mean by cd?22:32
Psydollubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get wine22:32
PsydollE: Invalid operation wine22:32
aciculaPsydoll: install22:32
Psydollsudo apt-get install wine22:33
Psydolllet me try22:33
dru__So i do type in options snd-hda-intel model=snd_hda_intel into the alsa-base?22:33
battlehandssmw, how do I login to my SSHd (desktop) from my laptop?  (both running ubuntu)22:33
Psydollubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install wine22:33
PsydollBus error (core dumped). 0%22:33
Psydolli knew i tried them all lol!22:33
aciculadru__: that i dont know, you dont normally need to specify that. what are you trying to do?22:33
omidthank you <smw> and <acicula> . you helped me so much. i'll try what you said22:33
smwPsydoll, I have no idea22:33
dru__go to the link22:33
aciculaPsydoll: you may have bigger problems with errors like that22:34
smwPsydoll, that is bad22:34
dru__and see the part where i need to type in the model22:34
aciculadru__: i did, doesnt tell me anything about what you are doing22:34
dru__Im not sure which model I need to type in22:34
Psydollsmw acicula im running of a persistent usb22:34
dru__Im having sound qulity problems with my laptop22:34
Psydolli dont know if thats causing22:34
liamI'm looking through the instructions for Wine and one of the instructions is "Open Terminal, and cd into the directory where the .exe is" What does it mean by cd?22:34
aciculaPsydoll: errors like that ussually mean hardware problems22:34
smwbattlehands, ssh user@host22:35
Psydollacicula, everything is fine here22:35
smwbattlehands, that easy22:35
aciculadru__: what is the real problem you are trying to solve?22:35
vachohow do I remove a group in ubuntu????22:35
dru__Im having sound qulity problems22:35
battlehandssmw,  it said that it could not resolve the host. name or service not known22:36
liamI'm looking through the instructions for Wine and one of the instructions is "Open Terminal, and cd into the directory where the .exe is" What does it mean by cd?22:36
cosmo_I cant figure out what I have set wrong, the windows machines on my home network can see me and the folders I shared but when they try to access them they get the message "Not accessible Might not have permission"22:36
Psydollsmw can you recommend a small programme that i can try installing to see if other programs work?22:36
earthmeLonIn ubuntu, I can open Startup Applications to add an application to start at boot.  In Xubuntu, however, I am unable to find 'Startup Applications' or anything of the like.  Any suggestions?22:36
battlehandspsydoll, scilab22:36
battlehandsPsydoll, sudo apt-get scilab22:36
battlehandsPsydoll, sudo apt-get install scilab22:37
ericyliam: cd is a command, which changes directory.22:37
Psydollyeah im trying it22:37
liamericy: how do I use cd?22:37
Psydollgot the same error22:37
dru__model basic works22:38
ericyOpen a terminal window (Accessories), and "cd directory"22:39
ericyliam: Open a terminal window (Accessories), and "cd directory"22:39
battlehandsCan someone help me configure my openssh server file?22:39
aciculadru__: model refers to the laptop i think, so acer ? the wiki links to a thread with a list on models22:39
dru__acicula,  cant find my model22:40
liamEricy: got it, thanks.22:40
smwbattlehands, why do you want to do that?22:40
aciculadru__: dunno then22:40
ericyliam: Try "help cd" first.22:40
leftisti cannot locate the create a usb startup disk option under system/admin/ yet i checked and i see it is installed22:40
battlehandssmw, because I want to use SSH to login to my desktop from any other computer and access/create files.  Im trying to learn HOW to do that and apparently I need to configure my sshserver file after having installed it.22:41
smwbattlehands, you don't have to configure anything22:42
aciculabattlehands: actually the default just works22:42
mickster04battlehands: not really, the normal config is fine22:42
battlehandssmw,  could you help me get started?22:42
liamEricy: I used "cd directory" like you said and terminal gave me ">", I typed wine "application.exe" like the Wine tutorial asks and it said "Bash: directorywine: application" cannot be found22:42
smwbattlehands, if you already installed it, all that is left is to ssh to it.22:42
leftisti looked under ubuntu software installation and i see it is installed but i dont see it under the path. what would be the command line ?22:43
battlehandssmw, this is my first time doing anything like this, so I dont even know how to start using it.22:43
battlehandssmw, I installed the server package on my desktop, and I installed the client package on my laptop22:43
smwbattlehands, it comes with the client22:43
smwbattlehands, anyways, just ssh user@host22:43
battlehandssmw, what comes with the client?22:43
smwbattlehands, ubuntu22:44
battlehandssmw,  I tried that already when you said it earlier... and I received an error message.22:44
battlehandssmw, could you be more specific in your instructions?22:44
ericyliam: Leave off the " ".22:45
smwbattlehands, so instead of telling me that, you decided to edit a config file? lol. What was the error?22:45
ericyliam: And for directory, what did you type?22:45
battlehandsI opened my laptop terminal (the computer Im using as a client), and typed "ssh battlehands@battlehands-dkt" and it said that the name or service was unknown.22:46
smwbattlehands, that means that that dns name does not exist.22:47
liamEricy: Yes, I did that.. XD I typed "media\expansion drive" my XHDD is called Expansion Drive and I don't know how to cd to it22:47
smwbattlehands, use ip address.22:47
battlehandssmw,  how22:47
smwbattlehands, replace the host with the ip22:47
dTxbattlehands, or you could try battlehands-dkt.local if you have mdns22:48
battlehandssmw, I dont know what mdns means22:48
dTxjust try it22:48
battlehandssmw, I was also under the impression that I need some type of hosting to use SSH22:48
mickster04battlehands: by installing ssh server you are hosting a ssh server?22:49
smwbattlehands, something has to host it. Your desktop works22:49
ericyliam: It sounds like perhaps you need to learn the basics of directories & files.  Try this "man pwd" (without the ").22:49
battlehandsdTx, it said that the authenticity cannot be established,,, do I continue?22:49
mrdebis 10.10 worth installing now that 11.04 is coming?22:49
smwbattlehands, yes22:49
liamEricy: I do, this is my first day using Ubuntu :P22:49
suprbly11.04 is coming22:49
Polahmrdeb, perhaps not, 11.04 is only a month away22:49
suprblyi just installed 10.1022:50
mickster04suprbly: just update?22:50
mrdebso, 10.04 or wait for 11.04?22:50
mickster04mrdeb: i would say yes22:50
suprblyya i will.. so far unbuntu rocks22:50
battlehandsWarning: permanently added battlehands@battlehands-dkt.local to list of known hosts!!22:50
ericyliam: OK. To get help on the commands, do man "command"22:50
mickster04mrdeb: as in install 10.10, then update22:50
suprblyis 11.04 coming with gnome 322:50
mickster04battlehands: that is a good thing22:50
battlehandsmickster04, so am I in the terminal of my desktop now?22:51
douglhow do I install adobe flash player for ubuntu 10.10?22:51
Logan_!natty | suprbly22:51
ubottusuprbly: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.22:51
ericyliam: It gives you a manual page or document on terminal commads; Try man pwd22:51
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Logan_!flash | dougl22:51
ubottudougl: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash22:51
Logan_!es | shell22:51
ubottushell: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:51
douglLogan_, thanks22:51
Logan_dougl: you're welcome22:51
ericyliam: "man pwd" (without the ")22:51
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mickster04battlehands: yes22:52
liamEricy: Done that, yes. Comes up with a load of text.22:52
suprblyso its not going to be out for average folks for awhile22:52
PolahIsn't Canonical removing the "Edition" from Ubuntu releases with 11.04?22:52
mickster04battlehands: type in uname -a and see what comes out22:52
mickster04Polah: what you do mean edition?22:52
battlehandsLinux battlehandsdkt ...22:53
ericyliam: (By the way, do q key to quit/exit a manual page...22:53
PolahMickster04: I remember seeing an article that they are discontinuing "Ubuntu Desktop Edition" and "Ubuntu Netbook Edition" in favour of just "Ubuntu" that will run well on both, and replacing "Ubuntu Server Edition" with just "Ubuntu Server"22:53
mrdebwhich edition22:53
liamEricy: Wondered what the escape char was XD I can't see any relevant information in "man pwd" though22:53
battlehandsmickster04, I have a partition created on my desktop that is specifically for files.  how do I access them through terminal?22:54
ericyliam: Try "man pwd" , because you need to change your current working directory.22:54
mrdebPolah: yes22:54
battlehandsmickster04, they are in a folder called "Magnificent"22:54
battlehandssmw, thank you for the help22:54
mickster04Polah: oic, yeah, uhm netbook is out, and it's just ubuntu and ubuntu server, no need for the word edition, but it doesn't matter any, makes no change22:54
smwbattlehands, np22:54
liamEricy: I've used "man pwd", now what?22:54
battlehandsdTx, thank you as well22:54
Polahmrdeb, mhm, I just found the article again22:54
OrsonHola guys, in a BETA Invitaion on Rails 3 I have a problem in the signup url yet didn't find a solution http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/1298457#new any idea?22:54
AnubArackHow can I make Sound Recorder, record from the desktop and not the mic ?22:55
mickster04battlehands: cd ~/Desktop/Magnificent22:55
dTxbattlehands, you're welcome22:55
Kre10sliam: man stands for manual. it means your supposed to read the output of that command.22:55
battlehandsmickster04, no such file or directory22:55
ericyliam: Change to the directory where your .exe file is.  Another command you need is ls do  "ls"22:55
liamKre10s: I read it, there seems to be very little to no relevant information there.22:55
mickster04battlehands: use tab to autocomplete the address22:55
battlehandsis doesnt seem to be finding it22:56
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battlehandsmickster04, is there a way I can search for that directoy?22:56
mickster04battlehands: well do cd ~/ and enter22:56
battlehandsmickster04, directory*22:56
mickster04battlehands: then do a ls22:56
vachoguys I am getting: sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu ... why?22:57
battlehandsmickster04, ok, ty22:57
mickster04battlehands: which will list everything in your home folder, find your desktop folder then the folder you are after22:57
ericyliam: Command: ls - list directory contents22:58
soulls -laX = really helpful command to sue22:58
battlehandsmickster04, the issues is that the partition is not in my home folder or on my desktop... so how do I find it then?22:58
vachoHelp is really appreciated gentlemen, someone?22:59
liamEricy: Okay, at the minute pwd gives me "user/home" how to I move up in the directory so I can access my XHDD?22:59
soulbattlehands: do this command -- > $locate <file>22:59
liamEricy: "\home\user" even.22:59
AnubArackHow can I make Sound Recorder, record from the desktop and not the mic ?23:00
ericyliam: Do "help cd"23:00
battlehandssoul, -bash syntax error near unexpected token 'newline'23:00
battlehandssoul, Im also looking for a drive partition, not a file23:00
soulbattlehands... did you do that with out the $ symbol?23:00
souloooh okay battlehands23:01
battlehandssoul,  no23:01
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soulbattlehands.... "locate <file>" helps to find files... didn't know you were looking for a partion though... you can try to install gparted... really good partion tool23:01
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battlehandssoul, I dont need to create a partition... I need to access it through SSH using terminal.  Im logged into the SSH server, and I need to get into one of its partitions.23:02
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soulbattlehands "sudo aptitude install gparted" I believe.......... also... the locate cmd should find ur partion too, everything in linux is a FILE after all :)23:02
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soulbattlehands....... oooooooh lol, nevermind haha23:03
vachohttp://pastebin.com/FYy5QVba why am I getting: sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu23:03
ericyliam: Example: cd /home/user/Documents23:03
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soulbattlehands... did you check the /mnt diretroy yet?23:04
battlehandssoul, what do you mean by check it?23:04
soulif ur in ssh you can go to the root file and see if what you are looking for is in /mnt23:05
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liamEricy: That example was lots of help. Although my XHDDs name has a space in it and that seems to be making problems for it23:05
battlehandssoul,  how do I navigate to my /mnt through terminal?23:05
soulbattlehands: cd /23:05
* tommylommykins waves23:05
battlehandssoul, I found it23:05
soulbattlehands then type... cd mnt23:05
battlehandssoul, how do I open the partition?23:05
tommylommykinsis it possible to install packages while booted from a livecd?23:06
mrdebis ubuntu 10.10 bette than 10.04 and faster?23:06
ericyliam: put quotes around the directory name.23:06
battlehandssoul, it is listed as "Magnificent" in the mnt dir.23:06
high-rezIs there a way to get the source tree for the very specific version of the kernel I'm running now ?23:06
soulbattlehands....... hmmm, try ls -laX to waht permissions you get first23:06
Polahmrdeb: It's the later version; so I'd assume it makes mostly improvements23:06
battlehandssoul, command not found23:06
battlehandstommylommykins, yes23:06
mrdebit is faster23:06
ericySpaces in file and directory names, are evil.23:06
ubottuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !KPackageKit, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!23:06
soulbattlehands "ls -la"23:06
battlehandssoul,  a bunch of nonsense showed up23:07
soulbattle: you should be able to just mount that file to ur computer then you are able to go through it,.... I am not sure how to do that part though hahaha23:07
tommylommykinsbattlehands: I can't get apt-get to work straight off23:07
vachoWHY DO I GET permission denied on: sudo "bellagio" > /etc/hostname23:07
tommylommykinsapt-get update errors with no address associated with hostname23:07
soulvacho: sudo23:08
battlehandstommylommykins, try synaptic package manager23:08
vachoI am doing sudo!23:08
liamEricy: It's not having that problem anymore but now it won't find the directory even though I know what I'm typing is correct23:08
Rodolfoso whats up? any news on the upcoming U11.04?23:08
Polahvacho: Why are you defining "Bellagio"? Is that your user name?23:08
soulvacho... try "ls -laX" to see who gets permissions for it23:08
soulvacho: you may have to change the permissions23:09
vachoPolah: no I just picked a random name23:09
tommylommykinsbattlehands: synaptic says "could not download all respoitory indexes"23:09
ericyliam: Show me what you typed.23:09
tommylommykins(I am connected to the internet)23:09
ia9371i cant believe my stupid laptop overheats with just playing youtube videos23:09
ia9371ITs suppose to have radeon23:09
battlehandstommylommykins, not sure23:09
ia9371dvd video as well my stupid computer overheats23:09
liamI did, as a test, "cd "/home/pictures""23:10
tommylommykinsbattlehands: *should* I be able to install packages in the same way as I would with a normal install?23:10
bubblegummybearliam, Pictures, not Pictures23:10
bubblegummybearugh, Pictures, not pictures23:10
bubblegummybearit's case sensitive23:10
datakidhola, using empathy as an irc client, I want to silence/ignore/plonk one particular user in one particular channel. I don't want to silence for everyone, I just want to ignore them in *my* view23:10
datakidany tips23:10
liamBubblegummybear: It still rejected it with caps in place/23:11
battlehandstommylommykins, as far as I know23:11
battlehandssoul, http://imagebin.org/14359923:12
soulbattlehands... try Google search "ubuntu how to mount from ssh" and go to the 2nd find...23:12
ericyliam: I think what you should have done was: cd /home/user/Pictures23:13
AurigaHi, does anyone know how to stop applications which are opening, from following you across desktops, & opening where you are?23:14
soulbattlehands: tell me if that link helps you k... Google search "ubuntu how to mount from ssh" and the second result23:14
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soulbattlehands: when you use "ls -lax" its all one command ;)23:14
liamEricy: Oh sod, you're right. :P Okay, now I've got the hang of cd command, how do I cd into my XHDD, because "cd "/XHDD Name/folder"" isn't working23:14
gerrinneed help, im running 10.10 and im having choppy audio when running emulators, anybody know a fix?23:15
cayneI have no idea if I am even close to the right room here, but I am looking for help with bash scripting23:15
battlehandssoul, I think it should be simpler than that.23:16
ericyliam: What this XHDD ?23:16
liamEricy: XHDD = External Hard Drive23:16
battlehandssoul,  when I type Magnificent/ it says, "Magnificent is a directory".... Well... thanks, Ubuntu, now let me in that directory!!!23:17
caynegerrin: which emulators?23:17
soulbattlehands: lol, yah I never tried, just passing the info on haha........... type "cd Magnificent"23:17
caynebattlehands: cd magnificent23:17
gerrinmupen64plus and visualboyadvance23:17
ericyliam: External HDD's are usually mounted on: /media/....23:17
Nicolas_Leonidashey ubuntu server asks me for "Enter the administrative password" and when I enter the only password I have, it does not work23:17
battlehandssoul, wow.. I had tried that several times before... but now its worked.. Thanks23:18
battlehandscayne, thanks23:18
ericyliam: Do ls /media23:18
battlehandssoul, how do I open a file from terminal?23:18
soulbattlehands: you are very welcome :D ^523:18
caynegerrin: I had problems with VBA on gentoo a couple weeks ago and found that recompiling it with different use flags helped a ton. What sound system are you using? ALSO or OSS?23:18
soulbattlehands: gedit <filename>23:18
caynegerrin: sorry, ALSA23:19
soulbattlehands: its it a txt file you type "gedit <file>"23:19
gerrinnot sure, how can i find out23:19
liamEricy: When I do /media, I get into the media directory, but when I do /media/expansion drive" it doesn't work (expansion drive being the name of my external hard drive)23:19
battlehandssoul,  so I need to specify the app that Im using to open the file before I open the file?23:19
suprbly battlehands: and put a '&' after the file name23:20
caynegerrin: try typing in "which alsa" without the quotes23:20
battlehandssoul, for example... if Im using Texmaker to open a latex file I would do texmaker <test.tex> ???23:20
caynegerin I bet that is what you are using right now23:20
soulbattlehands: not sure... you can jsut try to "cd" in to it too and see it that works23:20
ericyliam: And if you see your XHDD, do: cd /media/"expansion drive"23:20
battlehandssoul, ok.  I will play around with it23:20
battlehandssoul, thanks again23:20
gerrintype that in terminal right?23:20
suprblyliam: you can also try the locate command23:20
soulbattlehands: you are very welcome, glad I could help23:20
caynegerrin: yup. just without the quotes23:21
gerringot   /sbin/alsa23:21
ericyliam: Error > And if you see your XHDD, do: cd "/media/expansion drive"23:21
cayneyeah, thats the issue then. I would try compiling VBA from source using OSS instead and see if that helps any23:22
gerrinok, im such a noob lol, how do i do that?23:22
liamEricy: It's working now! I can open the .exe! Thanks a lot for the run through!!23:22
caynegerrin: the same thing goes for mupen too23:22
ericyliam: Anytime. Bye.23:23
caynegerrin: hit up the official website for VBA and look for a download section. You want to download the VBAFILENAME.tar.gz23:23
vachoI am new to webmin and I just installed it.. how do I setup php and mysql through webmin?23:23
UrocyonI have a vexing problem.  I uninstalled some packages, but now when I reinstall them they don't get completely installed.  They are missing configuration files and such.   Tried purging deleting, etc, but when I go to reinstall - it doesn't work.23:24
caynegerrin: be warned though, compiling from source might end up with you scratching your head a fair bit, but you will learn a ton in the process23:24
Urocyonany ideas on what I may have done and how to correct?23:24
gerrinok preciate it23:24
cozziemotoUrocyon,  which packages23:25
itaylor57!webmin | vacho23:25
ubottuvacho: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.23:25
Urocyonwell, in this case postgres 9 using martin's backports.23:25
vachoitaylor57: that's not true..it is supported..I just installed it?23:25
cozziemotoUrocyon, ooo ok.. not sure then,,, did you try  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade23:26
cayneanyone able to help me out with bash scripting? I am trying to write a script that will rename FOO.BAR into something else using a combination of variables to automate the creation of a cert file for my server, but the default name won't do for me, and I would like to rename it based on my hostname. I'm good on the $HOSTNAME part, but I want the file to end up being called $HOSTNAME_ldap_key23:26
itaylor57vacho: no I just made up the factoid in the bot23:26
Urocyonnot the dist-upgrade, no23:26
soulbattlehands: type "gnome-open <file>"23:27
Urocyondist-upgrading and rebooting, just in case.23:27
EmuAlertWhat the easiest way to copy a file's full location from Nautilus? Ctrl+C copies it in a way more appropriate for a browser than a terminal23:28
ehwcayne:  try ${HOSTNAME}_ldap_key ?23:29
cayneehw: nope... it doesn't recognize the variable and instead prints out just _ldap_key23:30
th0rehw: how about $HOSTNAME + '_ldap_key'23:33
Jordan_UEmuAlert: Just quote it in the terminal. cd '/this/path/that/I/copied/from/nautilus/with spaces in it/'23:33
gerrintrying to figure out how to configure VBA(visualboy advance) from source, can anyone help23:33
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ehwcayne: is this is bash?23:33
UrocyonI think I found my postgresql problem.  I don't think it liked that I had /var/lib/postgresql as a mount point.23:33
cayneehw: yeah, I just tried echoing $HOSTNAME from a test script and it apparently doesn't recognize the variable inside the script, but my system knows it23:34
Urocyonnope... that wasn't it afterall23:34
gerrincant figure it out, never dont this befor23:34
Urocyonrats.   still no configuration love.23:34
th0rcayne: how about $HOSTNAME + '_ldap_key'23:34
erik333Hm, anyone know how to make xchat remember to not show join/leave msgs? would be helpful for this channel :) (or some alternative IRC client that is good)23:35
cayneth0r: no love. The script apparently doesn't know about $HOSTNAME23:35
UrocyonGot to be something peculiar to martin's script.  sorry for the bother.23:35
ehwcayne: You can set it explicitly with HOSTNAME=$(hostname -f) at the top of your script, then23:36
gerrinhey cayne, cant find that .tar.gz you told me to find23:37
pooltablehi ok help how do i set up my computer internet connection to go as fast as it can up and down thanks23:38
cayneehw: still not picking up my hostname... I'm seriously confused now. I thought that a script would inherit the variables of the parent shell that executed it23:38
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testjohnboyHello All23:38
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ehwIt should, is it defined in the parent env? Echo $HOSTNAME working?23:39
EmuAlertJordan_U: All of the spaces are replaced with %20, and the whole this is preceded by "file://". Is there another way to paste it? It has spaces and starts with / when I paste it here23:39
cayneehw: yeah, I can echo my hostname of my FQDN with it, but the script doesn't catch it23:40
caynecan I post urls in here?23:40
caynegerrin: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/vba/VisualBoyAdvance-1.7.1-SDL-linux-glibc22.tar.gz?download23:40
caynegerrin: that oughta be your source tarball23:40
th0rcayne: try $hostname....lowercase...in the script23:41
Jordan_UEmuAlert: That's not what is happening for me when pressing ctrl+L to see the location then ctrl+C to copy it, then pasting it into Gnome Terminal. Are you doing something different?23:41
cayneif I echo the hostname variable as you told me toset it inside the script it echos fine, but it doesn't seem to want to use it in another variable23:42
cayneth0r: still nothing... this is stupid... I have never had to fight this hard with one bloody variable23:43
MasterLurkerhi guys, I need to take the screenshot of an entire window which extends beyond the screen (I need to scroll down). Is there an application like scrot to do that? (on Ubuntu 9.10)23:44
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ehwcayne:  when you say inside another variable, can you give an example?23:44
cayneehw: th0r: if you two are interested, here is my test script: http://pastebin.com/JtQCKCT123:44
Jordan_Ucayne: Could you pastebin the script?23:44
cayneJordan_U: great minds think alike23:44
[TK]D-Fender"Fools seldom differ"23:45
pooltableinternet connection to go as fast as it can up and down  how to ?23:45
Jordan_Ucayne: You are using inconsistent capitalization of $HOSTNAME.23:45
cayne[TK]D-Fender: very nicely said23:45
th0rcayne: line3: SERVERNAME=$HOSTNAME + .... since HOSTNAME has been defined in line223:46
EmuAlertJordan_U: I'm just pressing Ctrl+C when the file is selected. The Ctrl+L thing works to get the location, but I still have to type in the file's name, which is a little annoying23:46
th0rcayne: and you might be causing yourself problems by trying to use HOSTNAME as a variable....use something like KEYNAME instead23:46
cayneth0r: wow... I can't believe my stubborness didn't let me come up with that one...23:47
gerrinanyone know how i can change from alsa to oss?23:47
Jordan_UEmuAlert: I see what you mean now. Not sure what you can do about that, but you might want to file a bug report against Gnome Terminal as it should probably be smart enough to recognize such pastes as file paths and handle them correctly.23:47
Jordan_UEmuAlert: Ahh, you can also just drag the file into the terminal window.23:49
leg3ndhey everyone, im trying to remotely monitor an enterprise network for host specific traffic and bandwidth usage, ideally using promisious mode without physical access to the gateway.23:49
cayneth0r: still nothing... I am getting frustrated pretty fast with this script... SERVERNAME=${KEYNAME} + '_ldap_key' isn't working either23:49
EmuAlertJordan_U: Ah, thanks a bunch.23:49
Jordan_UEmuAlert: You're welcome.23:50
th0rcayne: yup....the change I suggested works in my vm at least23:50
Guest31324nick lwizardl23:50
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gerrinim running 10.10 64bit build, would like to switch some programs from alsa to oss but dont know how, can anyone help?23:51
ehwcayne: http://pastebin.com/jWweW6ZS23:51
pooltablewhat is alsa and oss?23:51
gerrinthe sound systems i think23:52
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Jordan_Ucayne: You don't need to rename your variable $KEYNAME, and it would be : SERVERNAME="${KEYNAME}_ldap_key"23:52
th0rcayne: if ehw's doesn't do the trick....I did it a little different and it seems to work23:52
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leeI have a problem with xubuntu 10.4, I get a blank screen ("no signal detected" from the monitor) after the xubuntu splash screen. I have tried these kernel options: i915.modeset=0, xforcevesa, nomodeset, none make a difference. I have tried booting into recovery and doing failsafeX, but then I get "out of range" from the monitor. anybody have any suggestions what else to try?23:53
Jordan_Ucayne: There is nothing special about the variable $HOSTNAME, this applies to any variable in bash.23:53
cayneehw: worked like a charm. I guess I was trying to overcomplicate things23:53
ehwGreat :)23:53
cayneJordan_U: alrighty.23:53
cayneehw: I appreciate the help23:54
ehwcayne: Very welcome, and good luck23:54
cayneehw: so looking at your script I guess my issue was that I need the squiggly brackets to use a variable within another, and the entire thing needs to be double quoted?23:55
ehwcayne: The squiggles let bash pick out variable names,right23:56
hasenjis there a name for the process that manages the display of themes? my theme is messed up ..23:57
hasenjpretty much like here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=162962823:57
ehwIf there's no white space ...23:57
zen_monkeyhi... how can i check my battery level on command line?23:58
cayneehw: okay, that makes sense. Nobody likes whitespace23:58
jukenIs there a way to check to see if an mp3 file is DRM'd?23:58
ehwcayne: double quotes arund a syring mean vars should be substituted, single quotes mean to ignore them23:59
chairmaorunning 10.10 anybody know why i can't play youtube videos in full screen without them freezing all the time?23:59
cayneehw: ahh... I wondered what the difference was between single and double23:59
chairmaotried updating flash still no joy23:59
xanguachairmao: flash sucks in linux, next question23:59
chairmaoi've googled how to do it23:59

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