[20:01] There a handy guide as far as "So you've got a service that isn't upstart compatible, here's how you shoehorn support in?" Seeing issues with upstart and puppet on Lucid, figure it's time to get my hands dirty. [20:14] KB1JWQ: there was a PDF posted on the mailing list some time ago, but most people just look at existing upstart job configurations [20:17] sorry, even better, not a PDF, but a regular mail: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/upstart-devel/2011-January/001383.html [20:23] JanC: Thanks. While I'm on the topic, is there an Upstart equivalent to "chkconfig --list" that shows you what services start on boot? [20:37] KB1JWQ: upstart services are started based on 'events', so there is no exact way to make such a list I suppose