=== Amaranth__ is now known as Amaranth === Amaranth__ is now known as Amaranth === debfx_ is now known as debfx === yofel_ is now known as yofel [15:30] If there is a copyright notice in a header file (e.g. zlib.h), does this also need listing in the debian/copyright file? [16:23] arand: Yes. [18:59] hi, could someone please merge deborphan from debian sid? it fixes a serious bug (although ubuntu might not be affected) and does not wrongly display libreoffice as possible orphan if --guess-section is used. it has been accepted in sid two hous ago. [19:07] s/merge/sync/ === Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth === ogra is now known as Guest23759 [20:49] Can someone please do me a favour and build zim 0.50-1 from Sid in an up-to-date natty builder? [20:49] I think my pbuilder is acting strange today and can't figure out the reason. [20:58] Nevermind. [22:16] hyperair: ping [22:25] Ampelbein: around? [22:25] ari-tczew: yes [22:26] Ampelbein: have you got installed natty? [22:26] and do you use geany? [22:26] ari-tczew: yes and yes [22:26] Ampelbein: does it work? [22:27] ari-tczew: yes. [22:27] Ampelbein: [22:27] $ geany [22:27] Naruszenie ochrony pamięci (core dumped) [22:28] segfault on start :/ [22:28] ari-tczew: do you have apport activated? [22:28] apachelogger: I guess so, lookin' on icon in tray [22:29] apachelogger: sorry, should be Ampelbein ^^ [22:29] ari-tczew: apport will report the crash to launchpad and will retrace it. [22:29] at least it should. [22:29] Ampelbein: ok got it. [22:30] Ampelbein: I did system update today, but still didn't restart natty. should do I restart natty and try geany again? [22:31] ari-tczew: I don't know? Maybe it helps. Maybe not. Only thing I know is that geany worked for me the whole time. [22:33] Ampelbein: ok I'll reboot. [23:26] ari-tczew: it is very cruel to get my hopes up that maybe I was important enough that someone would want to talk to me [23:28] apachelogger: do you feel so bad?