[00:00] That's always the only number of the formatting % that I see [07:50] hello [08:03] quite silence [11:54] silence forum [21:51] Anyone know how I can bridge one computer (master) to another [wlan0=connected to internet], and I want to bridge eth0 (master) to eth0 (node) [23:37] Anyone have experience with DKMS and having the resulting modules not being inserted into the kernel? [23:47] CharlesA: what do you mean by "not inserted"? [23:48] Bachstelze: It's not loading the module. [23:48] bad wording =/ [23:48] what does it do instead of loading the module ? [23:48] when I ran modprobe, it spit back "invalid module format" [23:49] I'm looking into that now, but Not 100% sure where to start [23:49] hmm [23:49] I've got a thread started over here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10578506#post10578506 [23:49] First time I've tried to use dkms heh [23:57] that's very weird, especially if it works on other kernels [23:57] I guess so. I don't understand it at all