[00:38] rlameiro, pong [00:38] hey ScottL finally [00:39] i was Talking wih Ricardo LaFuente [00:39] He said you talked with him [00:39] that is awesome [00:40] I frquent the same "hackerspace" [00:41] hmmm, i's Ricard laFuente "raony" ? [00:41] errr, is [00:41] no [00:42] he is from the libre graphics magazine [00:42] rlameiro, yes, yes [00:42] his IRC nickname is luluganeta [00:43] i started talking with ginger coons and it started to include the libre graphics magazine dev mailing list too (and therefore laFuente by default) [00:43] I think its an awesome idea [00:43] i hope so :) [00:44] Maybe we could distribute the libregraphica mag with ubuntu studio or something also [00:44] they do an awesome job [00:44] i've just been really busy lately with work and personal stuff and haven't dove into it like i would like to/should [00:44] ginger offered a full page ad for us as well [00:44] i get you [00:44] we would just need to develop an ad [00:44] i am not beeing very helpfull either lately [00:45] ScottL: how was your RPM chalange? [00:45] did you finished it? [00:46] rlameiro, ah, i basically got busy and ran out of time...i actually didn't do any work in the last week or more [00:46] well, family first [00:46] some of the stuff was new and pretty good, but a good percentage just didn't get the attention it should [00:46] BUT, i wrote another three or four songs that didn't even get onto it because i didn't feel i had [00:47] a decent enough recording or had the song thoroughly fleshed out [00:47] i'm hoping after march i can get back working on music and ubuntu studio [00:47] well, you can work on them when you have more time [00:48] rlameiro, did ricardo seem excited about working with ubuntu studio? what did he tell you? [00:48] He was very excited [00:48] rlameiro, yeah...but i think i'll approach the rpm different next year [00:48] even more when he found out that I did try to help US [00:48] i'll use it as a songwriting woodshed and then record the songs properly afterwards [00:49] heh, that's cool :) [00:49] I asked him what did he tought about redesigning the theme [00:49] and workflows for design [00:49] they surelly know more graphics software than me [00:50] I got the impression that he could help out on the theme [00:50] i originally started the emails by asking ginger if she could give some insight on graphic work flows and tool chains [00:50] and is very happy for a distribution to talk to designers :D Well nailed ScottL :D [00:51] haha, that's good :) [00:51] and it looks like it might expand into a few other things [00:51] i will speak with him more next week [00:52] they are moving from the space they have [00:52] i'll defintely spend some time this weekend working on an announcement for dick mcinnis as art lead and also to respond back to the libre graphics people [00:52] they have a lot of old pc parts and i will try to recycle some stuff [00:52] We had an idea to make a meeting of pd there [00:52] eh, gotta go, i'll talk to you later rlameiro , good seeing you again [00:52] and maybe on the future making one about linux and arts [00:53] ScottL: bye :D cya [18:13] i think it makes sense that this is needed. it sucks that this seems so hard and ill-documented though. [18:13] ugh, wrong channel