=== freeflyi1g is now known as freeflying [00:12] nixternal: powerpc box would come in handy now. [00:12] * Hobbsee waves at ScottK === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan [00:30] JontheEchidna: you are writing a cpu in c++? [00:30] that is srsly messed up [00:32] yeah, a GameBoy Color emulator [00:33] you should do it in pyth0rn [00:33] oh [00:33] actually [00:33] you could like write your own os and then write the emulator on that os [00:33] that sure would be fun [00:33] lol [00:33] they have javascript gameboy emulators [00:33] hm [00:34] talking about scary [00:49] >JavaScript Gameboy emulator [00:49] JontheEchidna: no cookies for telling about this madness [01:36] hmm [01:36] my memory problems earlier were actually plasma eating up all my swap [01:37] so I had 0 swap to save me when I scrolled in the large PDF [02:15] Dear OOo, please go die in a fire. [02:20] damn it, lost all my scroll [02:27] ^last three people have had their software troll them [02:28] Amarok doesn't troll me, though, it serenades me [02:29] can't really blame konvi for a horrible connection [02:29] but I wish that it and the bnc would stop fighting one another [02:30] new kernel seems good [02:35] ScottK: what has Oracle done to you? [02:45] Daskreech: It's just being crashy at inopportune moments. [02:46] Of course it motivated my to improve my Python script to I don't need to suck the data into the spreadsheet thing for formatting... [02:46] So it's not all bad. [02:53] :-) [02:54] scratch your itch [03:33] Can someone please kline him? [03:33] heh [03:34] * valorie has no op powerz here [03:35] Daskreech: lol [03:35] Daskreech: When he comes back, we'll ask him to make up his mind :D [03:36] his cat is probably sitting on the keyboard, etc. [03:37] sabdfl: haha, you need to make up you're staying or goin :-P [03:37] *make up your mind [03:39] someone please just ban him [03:51] * ScottK just hides joins/parts/quits/nick changes and doesn't worry about it. [03:52] those ar useful in a help chan [04:09] Fortunately for me I don't visit them very often. [05:24] claydoh: ping [10:26] how can I remove icon shortcut from panel? [10:26] there is no option 'remove from panel' or 'delete' [10:27] this is not application launcher, just icon shortcut :/ [10:28] ok I had to lock and enable panel. [10:28] solved. [10:44] apachelogger: ever used QtMobility? === sikon is now known as lucidfox === yofel_ is now known as yofel [11:45] apachelogger: http://gitorious.org/meegosummitfi << something to work upon for a UDS Schedule app [11:45] CMake .. Y U NO WORK === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan [13:19] shadeslayer: that has c++ part [13:19] why do qml apps always have c++ parts [13:19] I wonder if that is any indication for something :P [13:20] :P [13:20] yes but no [13:20] apachelogger: ever worked with Qt Mobility? [13:20] lol [13:20] qt mobility is like qt [13:20] shadeslayer: that app has design problems, it could not possibly scale to 10 tracks every day for 5 days [13:21] not sure if using it as a base would help you [13:21] apachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/7731 [13:21] surely you could borrow a bit of code here and there :P [13:21] :P [13:21] apachelogger: for some reason the headers are not included [13:21] i get /usr/include/QtServiceFramework/qservicemanager.h:45: error: qmobilityglobal.h: No such file or directory [13:21] you also need to include mobility itself [13:22] you mean include_directories(${QT_MOBILITY_INCLUDE_DIR}) [13:22] also mind that mobility is rather big and rather not part of Qt, so you might be putting yourself in a dependency madness here [13:22] does not work too [13:22] shadeslayer: well, that would be best :P [13:22] or you selectively include what you need [13:22] apachelogger: does not work!!!! [13:22] i've thrown everything at it [13:22] which would need you to include some other thing alongside the serviceframework [13:23] i'm out of stuff to throw now :P [13:23] apachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/7732 [13:23] you know [13:23] you can use one line for that :P [13:24] yeah .. but this 'looks' nicer [13:24] :D [13:24] apachelogger: https://github.com/shadeslayer/Foo_Server << that's the git repo [13:26] github certainly is better than gitorious [13:27] a lot of code you got there :P [13:31] :P [13:31] apachelogger: i just started working on it [13:31] along with my GSoC proposal [13:32] surely you're busy studying for exams? [13:32] ScottK: lol ... no ... [13:32] ScottK: did you see c2tarun's FTBFS the other day? [13:32] The kdeedu one? [13:33] Yes. Not his fault. [13:33] uh .. no .. there was another one ... one sec [13:34] oh yes .. kdeedu ... [13:34] ScottK: what's the issue there? [13:35] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdeedu/+bug/707794 ? [13:35] Ubuntu bug 707794 in koffice (Ubuntu) "libqt4-opengl on armel should be compiled with OpenGL ES 2.x support" [High,Triaged] [13:35] oooh arch specific patch .. ./me looks [13:36] ah [14:37] apachelogger: any luck on that repo? [15:27] ScottK: still need ppc :) i was actually in bed when you asked last night, i was exhausted after yesterday's race [15:55] ScottK: if you do, i have it fired up and ready to go for you [16:01] shadeslayer: what repo? [16:01] apachelogger: https://github.com/shadeslayer/Foo_Server.git [16:01] apachelogger: git clone git://github.com/shadeslayer/Foo_Server.git [16:01] shadeslayer: how should I have luck with it? [16:02] apachelogger: any ideas how to make CMake detect QtMobility>? [16:02] I thought you already did that? [16:02] i had to make a qmake branch just so that i can have QtMobility stuff building [16:02] apachelogger: it's not working [16:02] i've tried [16:03] * apachelogger waves fist at qtmmk [16:06] !find qmobilityglobal.h [16:06] File qmobilityglobal.h found in qtmobility-dev [16:06] ubottu: oh, you are allknowing [16:06] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [16:07] shadeslayer: where did you borrow that finder form? [16:07] pyside-qtmobility [16:09] looks a bit like a pile of candy [16:09] hehe [16:09] well [16:10] it doesnt find shit here [16:10] i could make sense out of what it was doing, and it seemed to be doing the right thing [16:10] :S [16:10] me@avatar:~/src/git/Foo_Server/build$ grep -ri mobility . [16:10] ./CMakeFiles/Makefile.cmake: "../cmake/modules/FindQtMobility.cmake" [16:10] that shoudl give a billion hits in cmakecache.txt [16:10] yeah .. that's the problem [16:10] !find mobility.prf [16:10] File mobility.prf found in qtmobility-dev [16:11] shadeslayer: the problem is that the that turd bag of a finder does not even properly error out even though it clearly didn't find bonkers [16:11] O_O [16:12] ah [16:12] apachelogger: so the cmake module is foobared? [16:12] SET(QT_MOBILITY_VERSION 1.1.0) [16:12] SET(QT_MOBILITY_MAJOR_VERSION 1) [16:12] SET(QT_MOBILITY_MINOR_VERSION 1) [16:12] SET(QT_MOBILITY_PATCH_VERSION 0) [16:12] fun [16:12] what about it? [16:12] shadeslayer: you know, people tell me that phonon's is foobared [16:12] ScottK: I guess scour can be re-added to pkg-kde-tools? [16:13] but if phonon's is foobared, then this one is utter shit [16:13] heh :P [16:13] this is all very weird [16:16] either it's just me or [16:16] STRING(REGEX MATCH "MOBILITY_INCLUDE=([^\n]+)" QT_MOBILITY_INCLUDE_DIR "${MOBILITY_FILE_CONTENTS}") [16:16] does the wrong thing [16:17] since MOBILITY_INCLUDE is set to /usr/local [16:17] errr [16:17] /usr/include [16:17] I dared not saying [16:17] setting QT_MOBILITY_SERVICEFRAMEWORK_INCLUDE_DIR to /usr/include/QtServiceFramework [16:18] now that is righto [16:18] /usr/include/QtMobility/qmobilityglobal.h [16:18] yofel: yah, seems it just falls over that bogus thing there [16:22] hm, more like --trace shows that nothing is ever set to /usr/include/QtMobility [16:22] well yes [16:22] MOBILITY_INCLUDE=/usr/include [16:22] however [16:22] INCLUDEPATH += $${MOBILITY_INCLUDE}/QtMobility [16:23] * apachelogger wonders how to fix that quick and dirty [16:24] apachelogger: i want a proper fix :P [16:24] sure, the proper fix is it not to use flipping prf files :P [16:24] good luck with that [16:25] heh [16:26] IF(QT_MOBILITY_INCLUDE_DIR) [16:26] SET(QT_MOBILITY_INCLUDE_DIR "${QT_MOBILITY_INCLUDE_DIR}/QtMobility") [16:26] ENDIF(QT_MOBILITY_INCLUDE_DIR) [16:26] shadeslayer: append that to the end of the finder [16:27] apachelogger: er ... at the end of the file? or a particular part ? [16:27] hm, tried something with export_component() but that won't work [16:27] shadeslayer: at the end [16:28] and add include_directories(${QT_MOBILITY_INCLUDE_DIR}) [16:28] to CMakeLists.txt [16:28] yofel: no, that has a condition of component needing to be part of the config prf [16:28] right [16:28] which makes sense I guess [16:28] still ftbfs [16:28] not here [16:29] shadeslayer: you need both includes in the include_directories [16:29] yofel: ultimately I think stripping the INCLUDEPATH of mobility from the mobility.prf would be the solution [16:29] don't ask me, I don't speak cmake well enough for that :P [16:29] ah [16:29] okay [16:30] actually that could be relatively easy [16:30] simple regex on INCLUDEPATH.*QtMobility% [16:30] eh [16:30] $ instead of % [16:34] oh [16:34] actually that would be bogus too [16:34] shadeslayer: actually I think that solutions is the only appropriate solution :P [16:34] clearly the finder is a bit crappy :P [16:35] :P [16:36] is it just me or does amarok not look terribly sexy? [17:02] oh [17:02] agateau: around? [17:02] * shadeslayer crosses his fingers [17:03] darn .. /away [17:52] apachelogger: ever used Qt Mobility to create services? [18:03] debfx: If it was re-added to CDBS, I'd guess yes. [18:20] ScottK: ok, I'll upload a new version === RoozbehOnline is now known as ROSHA === hunger_ is now known as hunger [19:54] apachelogger: no [20:07] lol === RoozbehOnline is now known as ROSHA [20:21] Hey d udes :D [20:22] apachelogger your page is under gimpelopment (aka development) :D [20:22] Riddell i have a technical question about kubuntu installer === larsivi_ is now known as larsivi [21:31] http://madsheytan.blogspot.com/2011/03/instalator-kubuntu-pokaz-slajdow-mockup.html [21:36] Riddell: in short, sheytan wants to know if the slideshow can be fullscreen, not just some small window [21:40] yeah, that's it :D [21:44] fullscreen gives us whole new possibilities [21:44] and we all want it :D