[02:13] Hi everyone. Do you know why I have 7 chromium-browsers running as root? [02:21] how do i enable compositing in lubuntu? === Unit193 is now known as Unit193-AFKbaby === valley is now known as n0nflake === Timo__ is now known as Timo_ [13:43] Hello [13:43] Im looking for drivers to get the photos out of a camera [13:43] Hai JLuc [13:43] hai MrChrisDruif [13:44] What happens when you attach your camera with USB? [13:44] nothing happens... [13:44] the drv page is http://fr.software.canon-europe.com/products/0010439.asp [13:47] well something happens exactly this : [13:47] the window opens with the content of the SDcard [13:47] I see the img files [13:47] but cannot opens them [13:48] nor copy them in a HD repertory [13:48] If I look at their property, something strange is [13:49] "file size is 3Mo" (for example) [13:49] but "file size on disk is 0 Mo" (allways) [13:49] Hmmm...that's weird...did you install the restricted-extras? Sometimes it's due to not supported formats that you can't do anything with them....not sure thou [13:50] I probably dont have installed the restricted extras (i dunno what itis) [13:51] in the other "permissions" property pane, owner = group = 0 [13:52] and all accesses are to 'nothing' [13:52] maybe i should change this ? [13:54] but i cant change through this right clic interface [13:54] may be i should go console [13:55] (when i try to change through the property pane, there is an error message like : "operation not available" but in french) [13:57] i have launched lxterminal [13:57] but how do i know the adress of the camera ? [13:57] its apparent adress in the window is gphoto2://[usb:001,002]/DCIM/113CANON [13:59] is is not accepted if i ask cd gphoto2://[usb:001,002]/DCIM/113CANON [13:59] how to get there ? [14:01] JLuc: what are you trying to do? [14:01] i would like to chmod the photos files [14:02] and to chown them since they have 0 owner and 0 rights as for now [14:02] so as to get access to them [14:02] to copy yourphotos i would use F-Spot or shotwell program. it will be able to copy images onto the hard disk [14:03] ok so f-spot and shotwell are 2 programs dedicated to get photos from cameras ? [14:03] there is more programs like this, but i don't remember the names right now [14:04] and your camera don't act as a normal usb drive so it should be the solution [14:05] ok [14:05] i'll get shotwell from synaptic [14:07] strange : shotwell ask to unmount the camera from the filesystem [14:08] sure unmounting is not formating.... [14:08] ok it accesses the photos [14:09] ... and scans the all HD... [14:09] I need to find error logs for an update manager crash, whereabouts would they be? [14:12] and it seems to import well too [14:14] JLuc, so it basically works, right? [14:15] yes szczur ! [14:15] everything is fine through shotwell [14:15] great :) [14:15] thank you very much for your help :-) [14:18] shotwell creates one specific repertory for everyday with a photograph [14:19] that's a lot [14:19] but well... [14:19] see you ! [15:42] hi [15:43] any one? [15:47] does any one now how to repalce xarchive to file-roller on right click menu context? [16:11] lubuntu is the greatest it bought by 650 mhz laptop back to life and it flies on it [16:24] what are the lowest specs anyone has got this running on [16:35] hola [16:49] Hi all. Why does the "browse c drive" link in my menu open in chromium instead of pcmanfm? even file links open in chromium. how can i stop this? [16:55] GaryD, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ#When%20clicking%20in%20Chromium%20%22Show%20in%20Folder%22%20it%20spawns%20a%20new%20tab%20that%20shows%20only%20directory%20listing [16:55] this should fix your problem [17:06] szcur: thanks, i did that, but then irc links tried to open in pcmanfm. how would i change that? [17:07] szczur: sorry. spelled your name wrong. [17:08] hmmm [17:09] indeed. [17:10] it's problem, since XChat uses xdg-open for handling links [17:10] so does chromium. however, i use pidgin for irc. [17:11] aaah, so wait [17:11] ok [17:12] Tools -> Preferences [17:12] on Browser tab choose Chromium from Browser selector [17:14] links from pidgin work fine. irc links in chromium try to open in pcmanfm. [17:15] i found this out when i clicked on the irc link on the smarty site. [17:16] i changed the xdg file back to normal, and now they open in chromium again. all links do. [17:17] i installed libfile-basedir-perl, and things worked for a while, but then they stopped working right again. [17:18] i uninstalled the package. [17:18] opening in chromium again. [17:18] i updated the mime database....no good. [17:21] szczur: I will be back later. I have to go. thank you for your help. [22:14] hi [22:14] i'm looking for sharing folder under lubuntu [22:15] without success [22:15] smbd can help me plz [22:15] ? [22:20] is ther somebody here? [22:24] huh buh wha [22:24] whadda need [22:52] hi i'm looking to recycle an old PC as a desktop/server in my house ....I had ubuntu(gnome) installed but the system was far too slow to be comfortable to use (single core 2.4GHz + 512RAM) My question here is if lubuntu uses the same repos as ubuntu-main? [22:55] dio525i, yes, the repository is teh same [22:55] the*\ [22:55] thanks! [22:57] i would have just installed lxde and removed gnome but i tried to go with debian and formatted my system only to find there's some issue with the video card that pwns me as soon as it loads gdm and i'm just too lazy today to bother with that haha thanks szczur ....i'll be back to let you know how it went once i've got everything configured again...cheers