[00:21] Is there a way to know if a ppa is authentic? I'd like to try out Firefox 4, but do not want to install the nightly builds. I searched and found a ppa that says it will update the RCs. But should I trust it? [00:22] johnny77: There generally isn't a reason not to [00:22] johnny77: what does the page look like? [00:22] you should be able to 'open' it [00:22] and poke around [00:22] see what the packages are named at least [00:22] not that that is totally helpful [00:23] here is where I found it. http://www.webupd8.org/2011/03/install-firefox-4-in-ubuntu-1004-1010.html [00:24] johnny77: https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable [00:25] ive never *not* gotten a launchpad PPA for that reason [00:26] if it is a ppa on launchpad there is a certain amount of confidence you can have. I have never heard of a bad or malicous deb coming from Launchpad PPA [00:26] yeah, if it says launchpad.net, i trust it [00:26] hopefully if it did happen it would be taken care of quickly === Axlin is now known as Axlin|AFK [00:27] the only thing like that i can remmeber recently was the wallpaper or screensaver that was on Gnome look === Axlin|AFK is now known as Axlin === Axlin is now known as Axlin|AFK [00:28] ok, thanks everyone. [00:29] johnny77: did you find the cli companion ppa? [00:30] duanedesign: I just stole what holstein posted on -team [00:33] cool [00:34] johnny77: feel free to file any bugs or suggestions you have [00:35] duanedesign: will do. === Skyline is now known as Guest80487 === Guest28722 is now known as jhana-frog [03:36] I've got an Mp3 disc ubuntu won't read. [03:36] Howto fix?? [03:36] install ubuntu-restricted-extras [03:37] I have. [03:37] does it read other discs fine? [03:37] yes [03:38] does the same mp3 disc work on windows? [03:38] havent tried [03:38] or another machine [03:38] are you able to? [03:39] havent tried [03:39] no big deal [03:39] oh, it's giving me a Dbus error [03:39] 'unable to mount disc' [04:39] hi all [04:39] hi [04:40] hurm - if I install ubuntu via netinstall on one hdd, then move the hdd to another box - will it work? [04:40] I mean, the install is "neutral", right? [04:40] kristian-aalborg: depends [04:40] hi holstein [04:40] usually its cool [04:40] the kernel is modular [04:41] you can run into trouble if you have proprietary drivers installed [04:41] like nvidia or whatever [04:41] hm [04:41] and move to another box [04:41] I'm not going to install anything, just do it on the faster/better box [04:42] by "do it", I mean "install" (unfortunately) ;) [04:42] kristian-aalborg: should work just fine :) [04:42] this is a CF/PCMCIA thingy that I have [04:42] cool [04:43] i have SD card intalls [04:43] from my old EEE900 [04:43] and i have booted them in an EEE1001p [04:43] and an hp mini [04:43] you might know this also - as the machine can't boot from pcmcia, could I just have grub on the regular hdd? [04:43] kristian-aalborg: i havent tried that [04:44] but i would think you should be able to have grub boot any HD it can see at boot time [04:44] any partition* [04:45] so it seems - I forgot an usb pen and in an old machine (with an installation on it) and grub saw it [04:45] i installed natty kubuntu, and the grub it installed is purple. any idea how i can change it to black? [04:45] ddecator: interesting [04:46] ddecator: try something like "grub2 colors" on google [04:46] holstein: yah, i have no idea why it's purple... [04:46] sounds yucky [04:46] ;) [04:46] kristian-aalborg: i am, but so far it's turning up stuff about theming instead of just simply changing it to black [04:47] ddecator: do you have a color entry? [04:47] in /etc/default/grub? [04:47] http://fosswire.com/post/2007/12/colour-your-grub-boot-menu/ [04:47] ^ potentially relavant [04:48] what about /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme ? [04:49] holstein: with that kind of install, will fstab be a mess? [04:49] kristian-aalborg: depends [04:49] you can always sort it out [04:50] Hello. [04:50] * kristian-aalborg is bad with that file [04:50] but I guess I could [04:50] holstein: the /etc/default/grub appears to be the default (no mention of a color change) [04:50] hi dejai [04:50] the sweet thing is, I'm going to keep the install that I have now... then I can just move over stuff :) [04:51] ddecator: im out of ideas :/ [04:51] holstein: not a big deal, just seems kind of odd.. [04:51] ddecator, are you multiboooting [04:52] nit-wit: yah, i have windows on here just in case. i've been doing that for a while and have done at least two fresh installs before now without the grub menu being purple, haha [04:52] Just wanted to post here saying I am working on a project called unity-extras to add features such as a moveable launcher (and other community requested features) to the project. If anyone is interested. [04:52] https://code.launchpad.net/~bwright-au/unity/unity-extras [04:53] ddecator, I was wondering I have maverick as the controlling boot on 4 os and the background is black [04:54] ddecator: "set menu_color_normal=white/black" - is this in the file I mentioned? [04:54] kristian-aalborg: oh, i didn't notice you mentioned that file. one sec [04:55] ddecator: back it up and cp mine over it... one sec [04:55] * bwright is dejai [04:55] kristian-aalborg: it's set to black/white already [04:56] http://pastebin.com/gB1hMFdC [04:56] hurm [04:56] dunno then... grub is a mystery [04:57] Grub was originally designed for hurd not linux, it is very odd indeed. [04:57] anyway, 6 AM here [04:57] I think it was designed for aliens [04:58] kristian-aalborg: hm, mine is different from yours. i just realized that it mentions setting an aubergine background.. [04:58] http://paste.ubuntu.com/582768/ [04:59] backup your own and copy mine over it [04:59] that's probably easier than tweaking by hand [05:00] i'm just going to leave it for now. your file is really different from what's in mine, and i don't want to risk borking things just because the grub menu is purple :p [05:01] ddecator: there should be no risk? [05:02] although a borked grub is something to fear of course... but to my understanding, this file is all about "superficial" things [05:02] shouldn't be, but i don't mess with anything in /etc unless i really need to, just to play it safe === PabloRubianes_ is now known as PabloRubianes === Axlin|AFK is now known as Axlin [09:43] are you people using DBAN before installation? I'm wondering if it's making a difference for a CF card which has been swiped with gparted... [09:45] I had to google dban so no, never used it sorry. Someone else might have though. [09:55] hi head_victim [09:55] I found an alternative [10:04] kristian-aalborg: good to hear, sorry I wasn't able to be more useful [10:05] no worries, who's using CF these days anywho? ;) === Timo__ is now known as Timo_ [10:37] is ext4 bad for CF? === Axlin is now known as Axlin|AFK === Vetinari is now known as lukjad [10:52] hurm, I guess I could prepare stuff in gparted [11:07] g'day everyone can someone give me a hand with a problem I am having... it's probably an easy one [11:08] I downloaded a program today called Mobile Atlas Creator 1.8.1 in the file there is a file called start.sh, mobile atlas creator.exe and mobil atlas creator.jar [11:08] I have tried to make the files executable [11:08] I have java installed [11:09] I don't really know where to go from here [11:09] any ideas [11:15] Hey. [11:15] Try executing java mobil\ /atlass\ /creator.jar from terminal and post the output to pastebin if it fails. [11:16] Oh actually [11:16] pastebin start.sh [11:16] And I can figure out what it needs to run. [11:16] okay [11:21] http://pastebin.com/mJUkVUSv [11:21] here it is [11:36] dr0pb3ar: And start.sh? [11:36] okay [11:36] hold on [11:37] http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/582877/ [11:39] not the ouput. [11:39] edit start.sh [11:39] and copy that [11:40] oh sorry [11:40] wait [11:40] #!/bin/sh [11:40] # This file will start the TrekBuddy Atlas Creator with custom memory settings for [11:40] # the JVM. With the below settings the heap size (Available memory for the application) [11:40] # will range from 64 megabyte up to 512 megabyte. [11:40] java -Xms64m -Xmx512M -jar Mobile_Atlas_Creator.jar [11:41] Alright so the application is trying to run with java and failing so it is spewing out those exceptions [11:41] oh [11:41] I am pretty sure I installed java correctly today [11:41] through synaptic [11:42] (build 1.6.0_24-b07) [11:42] that's what I have [11:42] You may actually need to install sun_java that is my guess [11:43] I am pretty sure that I have... I am a bit of a spastic so might have done something wrong [11:43] If you installed it from the repos it is openJDK [11:43] ubuntu dropped support for sun-java recently [11:44] Well they don't package it [11:44] oh... can you talk me through putting that on? === yofel_ is now known as yofel [11:46] Google ubuntu sun java 3rd link [11:46] okay... thanks [11:46] 10.10 or 10.04? [11:47] Replace lucid with maverick essentially is all you need to do if on 10.10 [11:47] If that doesn't work just search around for ubuntu 10.10 sun java [11:49] 10.10 [11:49] oh okay [11:50] You enable the partner repository and install the sun-java6 packages... [11:50] then what... just run start.sh? [11:51] how do I know if it is done right? [11:52] is there a way to check? [11:52] It looks like you have sun-java installed correctly [11:53] if java -version says (build 1.6.0_24-b07) in there [11:53] Hmm maybe a missing dependency or a bug? [11:53] oh [11:54] how should I try to launch the program? by running start.sh? [11:54] or with the .exe file? [11:54] .sh .exe don't work natively on linux. [11:55] change to the directory where start.sh is located, and run ./start.sh [11:55] okay [11:56] as in just type "run ./start.sh" [11:56] ./start.sh [11:56] nothing else [11:58] Oh it came from a zip-file. It won't have the execute permission then. [11:58] chmod +x start.sh [11:58] ./start.sh [12:00] it just brings up all of those errors [12:02] I've downloaded it myself now, and tried it. [12:02] And it works here [12:05] I guess your best bet is to write a bug report on it at http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=238075&atid=1105494 [12:19] hey guys, i got a problem with compiz/nautilus. I'm trying to set it up so I get multiple wallpapers (one for each workspace), but I cannot get it to work. I've found several guides which all tell me the same thing - install the wallpaper plugin, select the pictures i want and disable show_desktop under nautilus. [12:19] when I do that, I get transparent black desktops which do not refresh, i.e. nothing at all I suppose [12:20] i searched some forums but didn't rly find a solution yet... [12:23] oh, I'm using 10.10 btw [13:31] hello. if I want to test a program, for example VLC 1.1.7 without installing it, is that possible? [13:32] bobo123: I don't think that is possible, how did you think that would be possible? [13:33] well.. I would love if it was possible. to run a linux application just like a dos-program so to speak. [13:34] I've heard about portable Linux apps, but not everything is available I think... [13:34] MrChrisDruif: or like a "portable windows appliction", but for linux [13:34] aha [13:35] bobo123: http://portablelinuxapps.org/ [13:35] cool! I look there! [13:37] Your welcome bobo123 :) [13:40] :-D [13:41] the webpage lists a VLC 1.1.5 version but the file seems to be missing. so perhaps I try that "VLC 1.2.0-git" version instead then [13:42] The 1.1.1 is also available I see...but you can try 1.2...it's for trying, right? [13:44] yup [13:45] btw, is it possible to have two versions of a program installed in ubuntu? so it is possible to two different versions of a program at the same time (even when there is no portablelinuxapps for it) [13:47] or "install" a program in a directory in my homedirectory instead of in the system [13:58] hi [13:58] can someone help me , i can get to the login screen, if i  log into recovery mode it's ok [13:58] normal mode i can't see any thing (just the mous and a wallpaper) any ideas ? [14:00] melsaswah: ok but you have desktop wallpaper and the mouse is working, only gnome is not starting? [14:01] yea [14:02] i can get into recovery envirment thgough [14:02] i'm on it now (on the other pc) [14:06] strange that gnome doesn't start for you, (but it works in recovery mode?) [14:07] i have gui in recovery mode [14:07] not in the normal one [14:09] I suppose you might have some setting that makes gnome not working (and it does not use that settings in recovery mode) [14:09] i suppose so [14:09] how do i alternate this (it might be video problems) [14:09] perhaps you can try remove gnome (including settings) and reinstall it [14:10] I must run now, i'll be back in an hour if there are noone else that can help you [14:11] just tell me how to remove gnome [14:11] I suppose you can find it if you start synaptic and reinstall gnome from there [14:11] ok thanks [15:12] Using Ubuntu, gnome, System drop-down menu - Click on "About Ubuntu" briefly opens a tab in the taskbar, but then disappears, and the "About Ubuntu" window never appears. I do know I'm running 8.04.1, but want to know why this "function" is not working. [15:21] bobbycheetah: Is there a particular reason you're still on 8.04.1? I can't really help you since the "About Ubuntu" menu item hasn't been around for quite some time, but I suggest you look in Alacarte (System > Preferences > Main Menu) and see if its menu item looks correct. [15:21] bobbycheetah: In a terminal, what happens when you run: yelp ghelp:about-ubuntu [15:22] aveilleux: It's still there in 10.04 [15:22] geirha: Is it? I don't have that option (in 10.10) [15:22] I use 8.04 on my laptop too [15:22] $ yelp ghelp:about-ubuntu [15:22] Segmentation fault [15:23] that's odd [15:23] $ type -a yelp [15:25] didn't understand that... [15:25] type "-a yelp" ? [15:26] obviously didn't work. however. [15:26] "type -a yelp" looks like "which yelp" = /usr/bin/yelp [15:28] Yes, type is the command you should've used when you use which. [15:28] i.e. which is useless. [15:28] But anyway, that's the expected output, so it sounds like yelp in 8.04 has a serious bug. [15:29] Try reinstalling the yelp package though, just in case one of its files have been corrupted for whatever reason. [15:29] sudo aptitude reinstall yelp [15:29] oh. just used to "which" from my unix experience. ok, not a big deal. will try that. thx! [15:32] Yeah, it's used in all kinds of silly unix/linux howtos, but your shell has the builtin type command which is much saner since it also shows you functions and aliases. [15:32] which is non-standard, it's output differ between system, and it's an external command (often a script), so it can't show you aliases and functions. [15:33] s/it's/its/ [15:34] reinstall of yelp didn't help [15:34] or should I try to reboot? [15:35] Reboot is only necessary if you've installed a kernel update. [15:35] It doesn't hurt to try, but I doubt it changes anything. I'd consider reporting a bug. [15:36] k. thx again [16:15] is ubuntu softwarecenter, supposed to list all applications that is available in synaptiic, or only some of them? [16:16] bobo123: It's just another apt frontend, so I assume it lists the same applications [16:16] bobo123: synaptic and the softwarecenter *should* list what is availalbe in the repositories [16:16] * aveilleux does not use Software Center [16:16] BUT, the software center has a certain 'look and feel' [16:17] You also will want to check what filters are enabled, as those could prevent you from seeing certain applications [16:17] it seems to be impossible to find firefox in softwarecenter without searching. Internet/Webbrowsers lists Arora, Chromium and others but not Firefox [16:19] but when I search in softwarecenter i lists it (in the list as "safe and easy web browser from Mozilla" with the decription "firefox" with small text under it) [16:20] it is not in the lists of Installed software there either [16:22] aveilleux: yeah I don't normally use Software Center either. And perhaps now even less... [16:23] bobo123: thats FF [16:23] bobo123: I don't even use Synaptic, really... just aptitude install [16:28] ah.. well I have allways used synaptic, but thought the sofwarecenter was worth a try but.... but appearently it is a bit buggy (at least in 10.04) [16:29] bobo123: buggy? [16:29] i mean, you might think it sucks or whatever [16:29] and i dont like to use it ether [16:29] BUT, that is firefox [16:29] safe and easy web browser from Mozilla [16:29] AND, if you think about simplifying the process for new users [16:30] you dont really need to explain firefox much [16:30] its installed by default [16:30] well you cant find firefox in it..... and it the names/decriptions for some applications is backwards.... and the idea behind softwarecenter was (i thought) that it only lists applications, not libraries and other support-packages.. but it do lists "ffmpegthumbnailer-dbg, debugging informations for ffmpegthumbnailer" so I guess it doesn't do that right either [16:32] (and yes I allready have firefox installed, it is default installed, so it is not a big problem that you can't easily find it in softwarecenter.. but perhaps there are more programs missing in it too?) [16:34] bobo123: its not really for us [16:34] as a target audience [16:35] its more for someone who just installed ubuntu [16:35] and is looking for whatever [16:36] mm... [16:43] I wish the good parts of softwarecenter would be implemented in synaptic though... it has nice sized screenshots directly (kind of important for games), and nice categories (the Sections list in synaptic is not so good), and is it possible to filter in synaptic to only show applications? (well really only graphical applications) [16:44] bobo123: You might like the work that's being done on aptitude-gtk [16:44] oh.. a gtk version? I should check that out perhaps [16:45] Hi Folks. I'm trying to vnc over the internet (ssh tunnel) to my home windows computer. My ssh server (22) is on my linux computer ( on the same network as my windows computer ( I'm really confused how to do this. I can ssh to my linux computer by typing: ssh myaccount.dyndns.org. So can I tunnel the 5900 traffic from the laptop i'm on right now, over the internet, through my linux computer and over [16:45] that lan to my windows computer? [16:48] negatiiv: do ssh -D 9999 myaccount.dyndns.org [16:48] negatiiv: Then you have a tunnel into that machine at localhost:9999 [16:49] negatiiv: I'm not really sure how you can point traffic to the VNC host... is forwarding port 5900 from the machine out of the question? [16:50] its not out of the question, if I knew how to do it :D [16:50] negatiiv: How did you forward port 22? [16:51] on my router I forwarded 22 to my linux computer ( [16:51] negatiiv: Yeah, so... do that, except port 5900 to [16:52] isn't that sending 5900 traffic outside of the ssh tunnel? [16:53] Well, yeah... I wasn't talking about tunneling. I was talking about port forwarding. [16:53] oh okay [16:55] negatiiv: If you set up SSH access to the VNC host, you can use the -via flag on the vncviewer command to encrypt the connection [16:56] negatiiv: So instead of SSH'ing into one machine and bouncing to another, you basically connect vncviewer to SSH, then launch the viewer [16:57] negatiiv: Is SSH access to the first machine a necessity? [16:57] sweet, it's working now with the ssh -D 5900 myaccount.dyndns.org. Then I opened the remote desktop viewer and put in my linux computer as the ssh tunnel [16:57] nope its not [16:57] *nope its not a necessity [16:58] i tried setting up ssh access to the vnc host by installing copssh (cygwin based i think) but i couldnt get it to accept my ssh connections [16:58] negatiiv: Ohhh, it's a Windows machine [16:58] negatiiv: I missed that part [16:58] so I just figured that since I already had ssh server set up with pka and everything on my linux computer, i would try to use it [16:59] earlier I was VNCing to my linux computer, then opening another vnc to my windows computer, but of course that was very very slow haha [17:01] Thanks for the help! [17:01] negatiiv: Try this. ssh -L 5901: myaccount.dyndns.org [17:01] ok [17:01] negatiiv: Then VNC into localhost:1 [17:02] negatiiv: It's been a long time since I've used the -L flag, so this may be a massive shot in the dark [17:04] that one doesn't seems to work, I just get a black box in my remote desktop viewer. no error though.. [17:04] negatiiv: Shake the mouse? [17:04] no worky [17:04] negatiiv: Hm. [17:05] negatiiv: It's progress, at least.... hm.... try VNC'ing into localhost:5901 [17:07] same thing, black window [17:10] hrm. [17:13] going to try changing from wireless to wired incase that's having any bad effects [17:13] oh nevermind i'm already on wired.. hehe [17:34] negatiiv: Hm, I don't know... it just worked for me [17:35] negatiiv: What VNC server are you running on the Windows machine? [17:36] =) [17:52] aveilleux: I think my problem may be the client i'm using right now.. vinagre. i'm getting some "error creating the ssh tunnel" errors with that client. i'm going to try the tightvnc client [17:52] i'm using tightvnc server on my windows computer [17:55] negatiiv: i really like remmina [17:55] not sure if it will do what you want either [17:55] tightvnc has always worked well too [18:00] tightvnc connected the first time for me when I did this: [18:00] vncviewer -via myaccount.dyndns.org [18:05] gotta head out, thanks for the help! === Axlin|AFK is now known as Axlin [18:40] hey all [18:40] i need help booting without vga support (in verbose mode) [18:45] melsaswah: what are you trying to accomplish? [18:45] a headless machine? [18:50] I use Acer 5745G with Nvidia DT 330M 1gb graphics card! After I install its driver and restart my laptop doesnt login like normal in graphical mode! It asks my username na all terminal mode or whatever u call it!!! And I can never see my desktop until I boot from generic mode n reset graphics settings! [18:51] sumedh: have you tried the proprietary driver? [18:51] for nvidia? [18:51] you should look logs from /var/log/Xorg.0.log [18:51] M a noob! [18:51] Can u give me sum directions? [18:52] sumedh: when you say 'after i install its driver' [18:52] what does that mean? [18:52] you get a prompt for a 'restricted driver'? [18:52] and you install it? [18:53] No! [18:54] Its normal installation [18:54] No probs! [18:54] It just asks me to restart like usual! [18:54] sumedh: it? [18:54] what is it? [18:55] ubuntu! [18:55] It shows a green light nr d driver! [18:55] K! [18:55] W8 [18:55] lets start again! [18:56] I install a fresh copy! [18:56] sumedh: of ubuntu? [18:56] 10.04? [18:56] 10.10? [18:56] 32bit? [18:56] 10.10 [18:56] OK [18:56] 64 bit [18:56] They dont have ne! [18:56] :(( [18:56] ne? [18:56] *any [18:57] sry! [18:57] any what? [18:57] K! [18:57] Now I go to additional drivers [18:57] OK [18:57] sumedh: why? [18:57] is the open one not going to work for you? [18:57] you feel you need the proprietary one? [18:58] or is 3D not supported for your device by the open source one included with ubuntu? [18:58] NO! [18:58] I cant use visual features! [18:58] sumedh: compiz... OK [18:59] I install NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver [18:59] you'll need to sort out how to install the proprietary drivers then [18:59] I installed it! [18:59] It installs fine! [18:59] After installing I have to restart it right? [19:00] sumedh: i would also update first [19:00] make sure all your pacakges are up to date [19:00] and you are running the lastest availalbe kernel [19:01] ya! [19:01] I just downloaded it 4m d site! [19:01] it? [19:02] sumedh: are you up to date with your packages? [19:02] Ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [19:02] ya? [19:02] is that yes? [19:02] It is a general prob! [19:02] sorry i got what i was searching for :) [19:02] melsaswah: cool :) [19:02] It happens wid Mint too! [19:02] it? [19:02] i have a problem with my ati card though [19:03] i have no video driver installed [19:03] melsaswah: you have no desktop? [19:03] i have a desktop [19:03] it = UBUNTU [19:04] but i think it's working on generic [19:04] sumedh: ubuntu happens with mint too?... im having a challenging time understanding you... [19:04] i.e full screen vids, and compiz crash the machine (freeeze) [19:04] melsaswah: that can happen [19:05] melsaswah: what is the ATI device? [19:05] Sry! [19:05] Same prob! [19:05] x600 radeon [19:05] Like it boots in dat mode [19:06] 4m commandline boot! [19:06] melsaswah: maybe check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver [19:06] seems like there might be a relavant PPA [19:07] in the 'getting better 3d support' section [19:07] thanks [19:08] when i input lspci -nn | grep VGA i get no answer [19:08] sumedh: maybe something like http://www.oz9aec.net/index.php/linux/351-ubuntu-linux-on-the-acer-aspire-5745g-laptop [19:08] would be helpful for you [19:09] melsaswah: interesting [19:09] sorry vga had to be VGA [19:09] K! [19:40] hello? [19:52] what is the linux generic kernel update about? and what is "bump ABI" ? [19:52] hi holstein [19:53] kristian-aalborg: o/ [19:53] is it a security update earthling_? [19:53] yes [19:53] earthling_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=378271 [19:54] hurm, one of the entries in my fstab does not show up when I do blkid [19:55] thx holstein [19:56] do you guys always install all the security and recommended updates? [19:57] kristian-aalborg: what about sudo fdisk -l ? [19:57] earthling_: i usually take updates [19:57] same [19:57] i dont do it as regular as i should on my server machine probably [19:58] kristian-aalborg: something is missing? [19:58] a partition? [20:00] holstein: http://pastebin.com/DePQX4WL <--- I tried piping them together, hope it's readable [20:03] kristian-aalborg: sdb ? [20:03] compact flash in pcmcia [20:04] hmmm [20:04] does it mount otherwise? === KinkyPinkie is now known as drDoofenshmirtz === drDoofenshmirtz is now known as KinkyPinkie === KinkyPinkie is now known as drDoofenshmirtz === drDoofenshmirtz is now known as KinkyPinkie [20:33] my 10.10 server dropped into an initramfs shell, unable to mount the root drive [20:33] how do i fix this? === KinkyPinkie is now known as SkitneLinda === SkitneLinda is now known as KinkyPinkie [22:38] Hi can anybody answer a short question please? Where do I find programs in ubuntu? Is there a search command for the terminal? [22:39] I just want to find the exe of filezilla... [22:40] synaptic or software center [22:41] no exe in ubuntu [22:44] nit-wit: Oh thanks. Actually I don't want the filezilla exe, but I use filezilla and want to open a file with bluefish. So when I want to choose a program to open this file with, where do I find it? Because it comes up with the file directory [22:45] well, except with wine :) === Axlin is now known as Axlin|AFK [23:11] !ZFS [23:11] For information concerning ZFS and Ubuntu, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS [23:16] Hello All! Newb questions. Can anyone tell me if i set up a samba server can a linux client access the shares as well? [23:18] Nevermind. I found it. Didnt read far enough. Thanks