
=== asac_ is now known as asac
bcurtiswxhmm, mark's stuck in the revolving door03:52
vishbcurtiswx_znc: hmm?05:26
* vish thought that was sooo last week.. this week again? 05:26
gustafris there any gnome3 packager here?09:47
AnAntHello, are gtk2 & gtk3 API compatible ?11:04
=== smspillaz is now known as smspillaz|zzz
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
=== bcurtiswx_znc is now known as bcurtiswx
bcurtiswxvish, what were you talking about last night?17:16
vishbcurtiswx:  <bcurtiswx> hmm, mark's stuck in the revolving door18:44
vishbcurtiswx: i was wondering what that was wrt.. hence " * vish thought that was sooo last week.. this week again? "18:44
bcurtiswxvish, oh mark was in and out and in and out (hence the revolving door)18:47
vishbcurtiswx: oops! i have the join/part messages hidden here :)18:47
bcurtiswxvish, thats not necessarily a bad idea :)18:48
=== warp11 is now known as warp10

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