=== freeflyi1g is now known as freeflying === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan [00:29] ari-tczew: yeah, though I am going on vacation soon [00:29] apachelogger: enjoy :) === chuck_ is now known as zul [01:16] ari-tczew: pong [01:17] hmm segfault on start eh. [01:17] that sounds bad. [01:18] * hyperair schroot's to natty to test [01:19] hmm it works here [01:19] maybe it's a plugin. let's try installing all of them [01:20] nope, it starts up fine too [01:31] hyperair: I have to reboot natty, maybe after updates regression appeared. [01:38] yeah perhaps [01:38] ari-tczew: so anyway, didy ou manage to trigger apport? [01:39] hyperair: there was apport notification, but I rejected it. I'll retry it if segfault still is crashing after reboot. [01:39] okay [01:40] i think the .crash file should still be around [01:40] so if you run apport-collect on it, it should work [01:40] hyperair: I won't do reboot right now, no point. I'll run my PC when I'll wake up. [01:40] alright. === sikon is now known as lucidfox === yofel_ is now known as yofel === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan [12:37] A typo in a patch for istanbul has created a bug in natty. How do i go about settling it? [12:37] PS: i dint write the patch [12:51] rr0hit: file a bug against this package [12:51] I have, bug 738673 [12:52] Launchpad bug 738673 in istanbul (Ubuntu) "Save Dialogue does not open in natty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/738673 [12:53] ari-tczew: can I submit a patch? The typo is absent in source package, but is present in a patch. In that case how should I submit the patch? [12:53] rr0hit: yes, of course! patches always are welcome :) [12:53] ari-tczew: can i first apply existing patches, then create a patch to correct the mistake? [12:54] ari-tczew: is this the right way to patch a patch ? [12:54] rr0hit: no, just fix patch where is typo. then create a debdiff [12:54] ari-tczew: it's one of the quilt patches of the package that adds the broken line, how should one fix that? [12:54] ah, just edit it? [12:54] yes [12:54] k [12:54] yofel: do you working on rr0hit's case? [12:55] ari-tczew: yes [12:55] okok [12:55] good luck then [12:55] we were debugging this in -bugs, and I wasn't sure how to do this so I advised him to ask here [12:55] ari-tczew: how do i edit the patch ? i'm noob here [12:56] rr0hit: grab the source by command 'apt-get source PACKAGENAME' then edit in your favourite text editor :) [12:56] */debian/patches/ this is a path where are patches [13:02] ari-tczew: I'll edit just the patch that creates the problem? [13:02] rr0hit: yes [13:02] ari-tczew: after that? [13:03] rr0hit: create a new debian/ubuntu revision in d/changelog by command 'dch -i' and build the source [13:03] ari-tczew: how do i get it pushed? [13:04] useful wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems [13:04] !debdiff | rr0hit [13:04] rr0hit: A simple way to patch Debian/Ubuntu packages is to attach a debdiff to a bug report, or send it to the team which handles the package. Learn more about it from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Howtos/Debdiff [13:44] ari-tczew, yofel , I have attached a patch to bug 738673. could you just go through it. Does it look allright? First patch !! [13:44] Launchpad bug 738673 in istanbul (Ubuntu) "Save Dialogue does not open in natty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/738673 [13:49] rr0hit: as it's first time, looks good. however, please add (LP: #738673) at the end of sentence in d/changelog. [13:49] rr0hit: also, could you use your real full name and real e-mail? [13:50] on Launchpad you don't need (but it;s preffered) however, in debdiffs we use real stuff [13:50] ari-tczew: in the changelog? or do i have to set it somewhere [13:50] rr0hit: use command 'dch -e' and edit [13:51] rr0hit: in future, you can set DEBFULLNAME, let me find something in internet [13:53] ari-tczew: is there a way to delete the submitted patch? [13:53] rr0hit: yes, on launchpad in bug [13:53] on the right side below Subscribers field is Patches field [13:54] click on (edit) next to attached file [14:01] rr0hit: would you like to get to know using Bazaar for patches? [14:02] i am behind a proxy and was not able to use bzr [14:02] aha ok [14:06] ari-tczew: uploaded the new patch === chuck_ is now known as zul [14:07] ari-tczew: now i have to find "sponsors" ? [14:08] rr0hit: yes, you should subscribe ubuntu-sponsors to bug [14:08] however, I'm one of sponsors :) [14:08] sponsors are developers with upload access [14:08] ari-tczew: so u can do it for me? [14:11] rr0hit: yes [14:11] ari-tczew: thanks :) [14:11] just let me finish one thing [14:12] ari-tczew: i am out to grab something to eat. will be back in 5 - 10 minutes. My first sponsor :) [14:12] rr0hit: enjoy your meal [14:22] I;ve got a ftbfs: /usr/include/bits/stdio2.h:96:1: note: expected 'const char * __restrict__' but argument is of type 'struct _IO_FILE *' [14:23] this line looks that: fprintf (FILE *__restrict __stream, __const char *__restrict __fmt, ...) [14:23] anybody knows how to fix it? [14:25] rr0hit: could you check whether is the same bug reported already in Debian? if no, could you forward your change to Debian? [14:26] ari-tczew: alright [14:27] ari-tczew: can you pastebin the source code causing this message? [14:28] geser: sure, http://paste.ubuntu.com/582944/ [14:29] Hi all, I know feature freeze is in effect, but would it be possible to get Fold-it into multiverse repo? How is it done? [14:29] ref: bug 375530 [14:29] Launchpad bug 375530 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] foldit game to Ubuntu repository" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/375530 [14:29] !FFe | xteejx [14:29] xteejx: Feature Freeze Exception. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess for the freeze exception process. [14:30] I thought FF was just bug fixes? [14:30] rr0hit: if you would like to get fixed your full name and e-mail, please read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Recipes/PackageUpdate [14:30] I'm not worried if it's not until 11.10 [14:31] xteejx: bug fixes go without FFe. New upstream releases and new packages need FFe, [14:31] Ok [14:31] xteejx: if you don't want to spend time on making FFe, you can get in in natty+1. [14:31] ari-tczew: thanks..will keep in mind :) [14:31] xteejx: preffered way is get it to Debian first and sync to Ubuntu. [14:32] Hmm, the problem with fold-it and Debian might be the licensing (there is none AFAIK) [14:32] ari-tczew: sorry, no idea [14:33] xteejx: did you try to get it in Debian? [14:33] ari-tczew: Haven't tried [14:34] xteejx: could you try? :) [14:34] I'll keep that as a good option I think ;) [14:34] My packaging skill sare limited so I will do it when I have time :) [14:34] ari-tczew: the bug is not reported in debian. [14:34] rr0hit: could you report it and attach your patch? [14:35] ari-tczew: k [14:35] thanks! [14:36] geser: but problem is in libc6-dev (binary of eglibc source), not in package which I'm trying to build, right? [14:37] ari-tczew: should i submit by mail? i dont see another option [14:38] rr0hit: we have a script 'submittodebian' but I prefer to use just mail. [14:38] ari-tczew: i can attach the patch to the mail? [14:40] rr0hit: yes [14:40] rr0hit: http://paste.ubuntu.com/582950/ please use Subject field as bug title [14:40] ari-tczew: not sure, from your pastebin it looks like the arguments got interchanged, but the source code looks ok [14:41] ari-tczew: thanks :) [14:43] geser: a piece of source code where it's failling: http://paste.ubuntu.com/582952/ [14:43] I'm fixing FTBFS in package gridengine, loads and loads gcc errors [14:44] ari-tczew: then I looked at the wrong piece, and this explains the error you get [14:45] geser: yes? do you know resolve it? [14:45] know how to * [14:45] ari-tczew: do i need to give a bug description or just refer to the LP bug [14:45] rr0hit: yea, just use the same infromation about typo which causes crash [14:46] ari-tczew: and in the template, you provided what is the line that starts with * [14:47] ari-tczew: does that file get patched? because when I look at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/natty/gridengine/natty/view/head:/source/libs/cull/cull_multitype.c#L105 it looks different (or it this the wrong file to look at?) [14:49] rr0hit: * debian/ ? this is a place where you should copy and paste your entry from d/changelog. [14:50] geser: yes as I said, I'm fixing loads of gcc errors, this is my patch for file cull_multitype.c: http://paste.ubuntu.com/582955/ [14:51] ari-tczew: http://paste.ubuntu.com/582956/ looks ok? [14:52] ari-tczew: ah, your patch is wrong: I assume you want to fix the warning about the missing format string, right? [14:52] rr0hit: not at all: Version: 0.2.2-8 [14:53] the it should be "fprintf(stderr, "%s", buf)" (the argument order is: where, format, variable) [14:53] ari-tczew: oops [14:53] ari-tczew: anything else? [14:53] rr0hit: paste a link to bug on launchpad [14:53] ari-tczew: right [14:53] I guess the same for CRITICAL but check to what it expends first [14:53] rr0hit: attach your patch [14:53] ari-tczew: k [14:54] rr0hit: and please about fill Subject field as bug title [14:54] otherwise, looks fine [14:54] geser: I found in google this blog: http://bobthegnome.blogspot.com/2009/07/format-not-string-literal-and-no-format.html [14:56] ari-tczew: in that case it's correct, as g_error() doesn't expect a file object as first argument but a format string and then it's variables [14:56] geser: I just used this blog as useful handbook [14:57] and I fixed a lot of warnings, I'll show you patch when it's done. [14:58] geser: current package has got a delta which is workaround for errors, it should be fixed instead making it quiet [15:02] geser: yeah, fixed, thanks!!! [15:06] ari-tczew: done. http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=619028 [15:06] Debian bug 619028 in istanbul "Istanbul save dialogue does not open" [Normal,Open] [15:08] rr0hit: could you open a task for Debian and link this bug ^^ to launchpad? [15:09] ari-tczew: how do i do that [15:10] ari-tczew: "also affects ?" [15:10] rr0hit: also affects distribution [15:10] alright === Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth [15:11] ari-tczew: done [15:12] rr0hit: ok thanks. I'll test your patch. [15:13] ari-tczew: :) [15:19] rr0hit: you should choice project Debian, not istanbul upstream [15:20] ari-tczew: how do i change [15:21] rr0hit: there is a button to edit project name, but I guess it won't work [15:22] I'll fix it. [15:23] rr0hit: I did Invalid status for upstream istanbul and noticed you opened task on Debian now correctly. [15:23] now I'm going to play with your debdiff. [15:23] ari-tczew: yes.. [15:25] rr0hit: ah, you forgot to use update-maintainer :) [15:25] and I forgot to point out you for it. [15:25] * ari-tczew lunch, afk. [15:25] ah..so i ve to correct it in 2 places [15:26] :( [15:26] rr0hit: I'll fix it. [15:26] it's 5 sec work. [15:27] but in future remember about it :) [15:27] ari-tczew: what about the debian bug [15:28] rr0hit: I'll add Closes: #XXXXX to d/changelog entry. [15:29] rr0hit: in future please attach patch with only needed thing, so entry of d/changelog should not be included since it's wrong for Debian and you included information from d/changelog in e-mail. [15:31] ari-tczew: ahh [15:32] ari-tczew: so you are correcting my mistakes right? [15:33] rr0hit: yes, but I can't fix attached file on BTS. :) [15:33] you can add a separate reply, right? === bcurtiswx_znc is now known as bcurtiswx [15:39] rr0hit: yes, but there is no need to additional commenting on debian bug. they know how to cut necessary changes from your debdiff. [15:40] ari-tczew: ofcourse they do :) [16:53] geser: how to resolve this line? chown(fname, myuid, mygid, "%s"); [16:53] the same error as previous [16:56] I moved %s everywhere in ( ) but no good result :/ [17:01] hi [17:02] How can I get the ImplicitPointerConversions when building in my pbuilder env? [17:02] That way, I could fix them before uploading to launchpad [17:26] ari-tczew: are you there? [17:27] ari-tczew: i was just checking out istanbul on my debian squeeze installation, (same version 2.2-8), the bug is absent in that package [17:27] ari-tczew: isnt that strange? [17:28] rr0hit: well, let's wait for comments on Debian bug. [17:32] ari-tczew: thanks for ur help. feels good. fix released. :) [17:32] rr0hit: thank you for patch! [17:33] ari-tczew: :) [17:33] monday morning physics class now [17:33] ahh [17:34] rr0hit: you have uploaded your first package in Ubuntu! [19:26] does someone know how I can set all packages in a repository to priority standard using reprepro ? [19:53] c_korn, You'll have to use an override file. [19:55] c_korn, You could write a hook to do it whenever a package is added (see man page). Then you could run rerunnotifiers [19:58] cody-somerville: ok, will give it a try thanks === warp11 is now known as warp10