[01:45] Someone help me.. I have a saved goole map that I need to set the default view on, but I can't figure out how. Anyone know? === jackson_ is now known as jackson [02:47] hrm [02:48] ChinnoDog: I know you can set the default location, but I have no idea about saved maps [02:50] unless you just want to be able to bookmark a link to a saved map [05:52] andrew: What does default location do [05:52] ? [06:29] instead of seeing all of the us when you load maps.google.com, it loads zoomed in on the set location === jackson_ is now known as jackson [16:52] jedijf: ping [16:53] IN DISNEY ORLANDO! [16:53] I GOT ENGAGED LAST NIGHT! [16:53] WOOWOO! [16:53] Good bacon to all! [16:54] good bacon to you [16:54] very good bacon indeed! [16:54] Danke schoen [16:56] that is excellent new [16:56] s/new/newsw [16:56] D: can't type [16:56] I proposed at the top of the world lounge during the fireworks, jsut as the fireworks made two linked hearts in the sky :) [16:57] damn thats good [17:05] MutantTurkey: yo [17:05] miss [17:06] that's what happens when you spend all day sending emails ;-) [17:06] lol [17:06] didn't want you to feel like you missed anything [17:06] now I have to read the one I just got :P [17:09] what's really bad is I have the Windows lappy on so I get all you emails twice :-/ [17:10] that's easily fixed [17:10] ignore all emails from jedijf :-D [17:11] most do that anyway [17:12] i just do it so i can say 'if you read the emails....' [17:13] most of the recap was previously emailed during the month anyway, wasn't it? [17:14] so the meeting was basically a recap of the prior emails [17:14] first I saw anything about Full Circle [17:14] true [17:14] that has been a legitimate multi-/year/ *fail* [17:14] what happened to voip? [17:14] did that [17:15] haha [17:15] that was covered by 'don't skype me' [17:15] but you didn't recap that [17:15] nothin' really to recap...it just works [17:16] nothing about how it went or if it even worked :-/ [17:16] of course it worked [17:17] software is just software...install. use. concepts are for meetings. software examples for concepts, ok... [17:17] I'll have to take your word for it since I wasn't there ;-) [18:51] Howdy all [20:38] MutantTurkey: yo [20:38] * jedijf will be back shortly [22:54] MutantTurkey: yo