[14:28] hey cyberanger Juzzy [16:28] wrst u here [16:28] anyone here [20:26] Ahem. Boo. [20:30] hey mac9416 [20:30] long time no see how you doing? [20:30] Hey, wrst. Kinda quiet in here. I'm okay. Glad to see warmer weather. You? [20:31] doing well, how have things been going? [20:31] and yes sunday afternoons usually dead [20:32] Good. Well, I'm having trouble installing Mint, so not too well at the moment. [20:33] eww [20:33] mint? :) [20:33] Haha, yep. [20:33] Don't like Mint? [20:37] nah its ok mac9416 [20:37] :) probably not my fave i'ma fan of just regular ubuntu [20:37] Yeah... [20:37] I actually don't use regular Ubuntu on a single computer. [20:38] I have Lubuntu on my slow lappy... [20:38] Ubuntu Studio on my homemade machine... [20:38] And Mint on a machine I have to be able to play DVDs on. [20:38] (It's offline) [20:38] I'm putting Mint on a friend's machine because I want it to work out of the box. [20:39] But I want to check out Unity when 11.04 comes out.