[00:00] I just compared the module created with dkms and one from using just "make install" with modinfo and they look exactly the same [00:02] and the one with make install works fine, I presume? [00:04] Yeah [00:04] I just hooked up the production drive back up and booted it up to compare and they look exactly the same [00:05] The only difference is the filename. [00:06] well the filename in that the path is different: Prod: filename: /lib/modules/2.6.32-30-server/kernel/drivers/scsi/rr26xx/rr26xx.ko [00:06] test is: filename: /lib/modules/2.6.32-26-server/updates/dkms/rr26xx.ko [00:18] Bachstelze: The rabbit hole gets deeper - dmesg returned this from the one that doesn't work: rr26xx: disagrees about version of symbol module_layout [00:43] Bachstelze: I found the problem - it was using the current kernel to compile the module, not the new one [00:43] *headdesk* [00:43] :) [00:44] Now I get to figure out how to tell it to use the new kernel [00:44] when I'm booted into the current one [01:49] anyone wanna help me bride a couple interfaces and then share an internet connection? [01:53] could someone please take a look at my forum thread :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1710337 [01:53] mcurran: what's the problem? [01:53] hasnt gotten any attention [01:54] I wanna bridge wlan0 (ap connected) to eth0 and then connect eth0 on PC1 to eth0 PC2 for use with a single master node cluster [01:55] I haven't successfully bridged wlan0 to eth0 and have it share the connection yet, so far I tried brctl and then dhcp-server for assigning PC2 an ip, but not working [01:56] you need to do some iptables magic to forward the packets [01:56] you think it would be worth it for parallel processing in a cluster? [01:56] mcurran: google "gentoo home router guide", that's what I use, only minor adjustments are needed to make it work on Ubuntu [01:57] only you can answer that questin, it depends on the kind of work you're doing [01:57] and how well it can parallelise [01:58] theamazingbeat: can't help you with SAMBA, sorry [01:58] cool, also, thanks, I've been looking for that site for a long time for custom firmware for my router as well. [01:58] yeah, I have no clue about samba either, other than connecting to remote machines [01:59] well i have a gigabit network so how can i at fastest speed possible transfer files from my windows machine to my ubuntu [02:01] "fastest speed possible" is a bit ambitious I think [02:01] I don't think your equipment is capable of that :) [02:01] bust SFTP shoult be good enough [02:02] fastest speed possible for gigabit network : 1GB/ps [02:02] thats what i heard [02:02] sorry to disappoint, but you're not going to really get 1 Gbps [02:02] ya but i can get close to it [02:03] exactly how close depends on a lot of things abot your setup [02:03] only way to know what you can get is to try ;) [02:04] well i have cat 6 cables, gigabit router, gigabit NIC's, what else? [02:05] do u have gigabit network? [02:08] yes [02:10] whats ur average speed [02:12] no idea [02:12] I don't move big files often [02:12] but when u do.... [02:13] by "not often" I mean never [02:13] or at least not often enough to pay attention to speeds [02:14] ah [02:14] but u use sftp [02:14] generally yes [02:14] but for small files === RobotCow is now known as nanomachine === nanomachine is now known as RobotCow [17:36] =) [18:46] Hey! [18:46] Can ne1 help me? [22:49] hello all... [22:49] any body wanna help me.. [22:50] !ask [22:50] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [22:51] i have problem in installing canon ip1300