[16:27] hello, its possible to use "Ubuntu One" from a command line (without graphical user interface)? [20:09] so, I still seem to have this file publishing bug, where is doesnt remember its published later.. [20:10] the url works, but thru nautilus its as if its not published... [20:28] mongy, this is 10.10? [20:28] yup [20:28] there's a known bug that does that [20:28] I am using nautilus elementary if that matters [20:28] I think a fix is available on -proposed [20:28] I know it's fixed in nightlies [20:30] it is not fixed in nightlies [20:30] its not a big issue for me, so I can ignore it till natty... just thought I would put it out there. [20:31] the fix in maverick-proposed should fix it on 10.10 though [20:31] i'm not even sure if the bug exists in trunk, but the code is a bit different, so it may or may not, but the fix would be different from what is in maverick-proposed === m_conley_away is now known as m_conley [22:45] hi... How do I disable synchronization of certain folders on ubuntu one? === m_conley is now known as m_conley_away