[15:45] Hey y'all! We are finally back in our house! :-) [15:45] \o/ [15:46] Y'all are all invited :-) [15:46] global jam at the graner's :-) [15:46] rawk [15:46] (hmm I might should as pete and the kids if they mind) [15:46] ;-) [15:47] once it gets warm just set up one of those big tents and a couple of port-a-pots out in the back yard :) [15:47] nods [15:47] geeknic at the graner's [15:47] ohhh I like that idea even more [15:48] it even has some alliterative properties :) [15:48] my small group has started planning our SELF 2011 roadtrip [16:10] akgraner: CONGRATS :) [16:10] holstein, thanks! [16:10] when you playing at Barley's again [16:10] Becca will be there Wednesday night [16:10] you guys have totally earned some boring relaxing downtime :) [16:11] akgraner: COOL, i dont have anything on the book right now [16:11] but i will [16:11] i played there this weekend [16:11] dang we were enjoying some boring downtime [16:11] sorry about that we should have come out and listened to you play [16:11] akgraner: no worries [16:22] holstein: can you tell when folks are listening to your streams? i've done it a few times; it's sometimes hard to get anything out of it with the kids around though, so i haven't done it much. [16:22] my aunt has a plaque in her house that reads something like this: [16:22] living with small children is like being nibbled to DEATH by ducks. [16:23] BugeyeD: if i remember [16:23] i can look and see the peak listeners [16:23] and current listeners [16:23] i usually just close it down though [16:23] i think i might need to go with ustream or justinTV [16:23] something with video [16:23] akgraner: congratulations! i'm certain that's a relief for you guys. i simply cannot imagine going through what you did, and i'm happy that you made it through. [16:24] the rig i have now is all opensource though [16:24] i like that fact [16:24] me too :) [16:24] i have no room for that kind of thing in my current life, but it definitely interests me [16:24] AND, i could do video with it [16:24] pretty sure i dont have the bandwidth here though [16:24] i could keep it open [16:25] and run it on a VPS or something [16:25] we'll see [16:25] ustream is easy though [16:25] depends on what my target is really [16:25] if its us, then what im doing is fine [16:25] but, ustream would be more accessible [16:25] and understandable [16:26] to other OS users i think [16:26] i think its great that i post a link, and IE probably chokes on it ;) [16:26] and hangs [16:27] but, i want to be more open in as many ways as possible [16:27] and if that means using ustream, than i probably should [16:27] and the social integration is handy