[02:06] Hey, everyone [02:06] hey [02:06] how are you? [02:06] Pretty tired... [02:08] understandable [02:08] Yeah, it's my fault I suppose :) [02:11] true [02:11] when is your spring break? [02:12] March 28 - April 1 [02:13] ah, looking forward to it? [02:14] Completely forgot about it until yesterday, but it'll be nice [02:14] :) [02:14] Especially after graduation tests last week :) [02:17] Blargh. [02:18] blarghity blarghy blargh my friend [02:18] Heh. Just finished my first P90X workout today. It's painful. [02:18] ..And creatine powder tastes like fruity bicycle innertubes. [02:19] I've heard that...on both counts [02:19] Seems worthwhile, though. I've been doing the diet for about 3 weeks and have already lost 15 pounds. [02:19] nice [02:19] is it maintainable though? [02:20] long term [02:20] Think so. Just changing my diet to something healthy has done wonders. [02:21] that's good [02:21] and the exercise routine is pretty varied, so I'm not too worried about getting bored with it. [03:09] Is it bad when I spend more time writing a program to do my Algebra II homework than it would have taken to do by hand? :) [03:12] I used to do that...programmed my calculator [03:16] Yep, done that, too [03:17] Made one for dist. formula, midpoint, etc that actually saved time [03:17] This time it was more just because I hate factoring :) [03:19] heh === Vetinari is now known as lukjad [14:44] canthus13: you started p90x eh? good luck, stick with it.... [14:44] The first time I started it, I also lost like 20lbs just on the diet part before starting the workout... [14:44] It's not so easy if you try to do it again though... [14:47] Heh. I'm working on pushing myself down to the basement to start the workout. I'm in a fair bit of pain right now. :P [14:48] haha, yes, but you'll be in more pain if you don't work out and keep your muscles moving... [14:48] get down there....do some "ballistic" stretching :_ [14:48] That's what I'm thinking. Most of it isn't too bad, but I think I pulled a tricep a little... [14:49] ouch...yeah, I think I hurt my shoulder this last time around...now it pops out randomly... [14:50] actually, it's been a while since it's poped on me...maybe all the siitting and playing call of duty has healed it [14:50] Heh. === Vetinari is now known as lukjad [19:14] sad...I have to run a windows vm so that I can watch netflix... [19:15] because watching netflix is now compulsory [19:15] like the Two Minutes Hate, but with popcorn [19:48] Haha. texting 'F**K OFF' actually works to get you unsubscribed from SMS spammers. :) [19:49] (At least, they sent me back a text saying that I'd been unsubscribed...) [19:49] nice [21:31] -_- accidentally closed team viewer on remote computer...and the guy left his office already so can't open it back up :( [21:38] oh well [22:21] Oops. [22:22] oh well, at least now I have it set so I can put in a static password instead of needing someone there every time. I may set it to open automatically next time I'm there :) [22:54] Hello! did I miss anything? (USB failed again, had to restart) [22:55] Unit193: yeah. they just announced that ubuntu development will cease immediately and canonical is shutting down. Shuttleworth is throwing all his efforts behind Windows now. [22:56] wow, I missed a ton... ;) [23:09] * Unit193 just got back from Kalahari :D