=== valorin is now known as valorin_ [11:26] they just don't make cpu's like they used to [11:26] lowered the fan speed down [11:26] installed folding at home so all 6 cores are at 100% cpu usage [11:26] and the heat coming out of the pc has barely risen :/ [11:26] need to get some pentium 4's up in here === Blank___ is now known as Blank__ [12:22] ikt: I'm trying to revive my p4 as we speak :/ Hence the webchat [12:34] oo [12:35] what are you going to use it for? [22:46] ikt: it's just an IRC/IM box running Lubuntu that I use for email and web browsing [22:55] ah that's cool [22:56] It's quickly getting to the stage I'm seriously considering replacing it with a mini itx atom or something, I'm sick of having this one in pieces to fix something [23:15] :( [23:16] I wonder if you can purchase new hardware that is about the same power for like $50 [23:19] mucking around with my android phone [23:19] flashed it from 2.1 stock htc rom to cyanogenmod 6 [23:19] phone has been brought back to life [23:21] could use it to sit in irc all day but would dc when I take it away from wifi [23:24] I could buy a whole new pc for around 500 that would overpower it but if I'm spending that much (it's about as cheap as you can get a whole pc to be these days) I may as well get a low power itx dual core atom that would save my power but should still be enough to run what I use it for [23:25] I just bought a Motorola Defy yesterday, I'm yet to set it up. Going to see if I can get my local sync over bluetooth working but until I have the 2+ pc's that are strewn around the lounge sorted I don't want to start any other tech projects [23:30] yeah I know what you mean [23:30] especially about the ultra low power pc [23:30] I went to build a similar system as a torrent box [23:33] I'd have to do some real tests but I'm sure a dual core atom could run what I need on a cut down system like Lubuntu without much of a performance hit. Would save heaps of power