[00:15] got a PM from vhdl [00:15] err vhd1 [00:17] bazhang: Interesting. [00:17] Was causing issues across a wide variety of channels, anything interesting? [00:18] just a blank line before he quit sadly. was hoping he would finally ask that question KB1JWQ :) [00:18] he asked "can I ask a question ?" at least 25 times before being quieted [00:21] No "cannot send to channel" :) [00:27] very iffy advice by critical_max [05:44] Peoples: If there are things you would like discussed with relation to the IRCC and IRC at UDS, or a particular session you would like us to have, please either ping one of the irc council, or send us an email! We would really love to hear any ideas you have! [06:33] Hey IdleOne, I know you don't pay attention to such things, so I'm giving you a heads-up that your government is likely to fall before the end of today. :) [06:33] morning [06:35] tonyyarusso plans to take advantage of the situation to become Dict'eh'tor. [06:36] If only [06:36] I do enjoy the pun though. [06:36] * tonyyarusso will be spending the weekend fussing with USian politics related stuff [07:03] tonyyarusso: whats going on? [07:03] jussi: I'm working on transitioning mail servers for a state Senator. [07:04] oh :D [07:07] moving them to Microsoft Exchange amirite [07:07] lolno [07:07] ubuntu+postfix+dovecot+roundcube [11:51] Hows #ubuntu today? [11:51] poor [11:51] much like when I last spoke to you yesterday [11:52] ugh :( [11:54] I wonder if he thought I opped up to get rid of him. [12:13] I think we're going to see a lot of users today confused that the recent firefox update didn't bring them up to 4.0 [12:19] agreed [12:19] upgrade of fuse-utils and libfuse2 on maverick made me unable to mount ntfs, mount command just has a return error of 21 and no error message. I was confused for a while as to why I lost windows on the grub menu -_- In case anyone asks about that... [12:20] sounds like a quality update [12:43] Pici: wait, what am I supposed to tell people :) (see poss in #ubuntu) [12:50] jrib: The most recent update in maverick was just an update to 3.6. !ff4 still applies if they want 4.0 [12:51] Pici: ah I see. Poss mentioned something about "firefox4" so I wasn't sure. Thank you [12:54] what were you saying about broken fuse yesterday jrib? [12:56] LjL: I don't know if the update came in yesterday but with the 2.8.4-1ubuntu1.3 version of libfuse2 and fuse-utils I can't mount my ntfs partition (it fails silently and the command exits with 21). On debian, I can mount it fine and if I downgrade to 2.8.4-1ubuntu1 I can also mount it fine [12:56] ah, that fuse :) i was mostly wondering what you meant by fuse [13:12] err [13:13] ERROR ERROR === apachelogger is now known as releaselogger [14:36] Hi, I need to be unbanned. Can someone help me? [14:41] perpp: Haven't we been over this a few times? [14:46] Hi, I need to be unbanned. Can someone help me? [14:47] Really? really? [14:47] perpp, nobody can help you, except maybe a therapist. [14:48] Certainly nobody here. Bye. [14:48] a therapist? really? you're the one getting enraged [14:48] by a request asked every 10+ minutes [14:48] I'm not going to list all the reasons why you shouldn't be unbanned, it would take too long. [14:48] is your autism flareing up? [14:49] Who? [14:49] vhdl [14:50] I seem to have blinked and missed this one until now. [14:51] lucky [14:51] There's plenty to share around. [15:14] hi, i seem to be banned from #ubuntu, probably due to the spam campaign waged against you intended to accomplish exactly that [15:16] kunwon1: Let me take a look [15:17] kunwon1: how could it not be you, it was similar nicknames! [15:17] (just kidding) [15:17] * kunwon1 kneeslap [15:17] i don't even see the ban in my logs [15:17] kunwon1: Sorry about that, the ban has been removed. [15:17] thanks pici :) [15:18] i'll part now [15:20] my be annoying to have them against you [15:20] s/my/must/ [15:23] by the way, perpp/vhd1 keeps msging me 'hi' [15:24] Pici: hi! === evilmist is now known as mrmist [15:56] !sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss [15:57] * marienz frowns [15:57] !tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt [15:57] * Tm_T huggles marienz [15:58] doesn't keep his promises, apparentnly. [15:58] apparently, too [16:00] erm wasn't the kunwon1 ban placed for a different reason? [16:01] No. [16:01] jrib: not according to BT [16:02] I say that because I brought up the spam campaign when the ban was placed here, one sec [16:06] http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/03/01/%23ubuntu-ops.html In any case tonyyarusso take a look when you're around [16:08] marienz: why has the blockcold user kept his cloak ? [16:09] I thought all his cloaks had been removed [16:09] ikonia: I just removed it [16:10] ah, too quick [16:10] sorry === Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth [17:38] I wonder if it's worth looking at a way to make xchat do a geo-ip lookup and join the local ubuntu channel first before #ubuntu [17:43] ikonia: What problem would you be attempting to solve, the spraying of random languages into #ubuntu? [17:43] yup [17:43] ikonia: Why not avoid the geo-IP dance and do it based on system language? [17:43] get local help first point of call, build local community, then move to global support [17:43] KB1JWQ: ahhh, a good suggestion [17:44] ikonia: Yeah, that's why they pay me the big bucks. :-) [17:44] http://geoname-lookup.ubuntu.com/?query=london [17:44] :) [17:59] ikonia: We have thought of this many times, but its always been put away as "too much work, too much maintenance" because you need to do it for 3 or 4 clients, and maintain it for every release. [18:01] Personaly I'd like to have a client that has both #ubuntu and #ubuntu-$country - or perhaps some sort of specialised client to make the experience nicer for people. Ive thought about this some a few UDS's back, but without trialing things, its hard to say anything for certain. [18:20] LjL called the ops in #ubuntu (paulina paulina_) [18:21] They did the same thing the other day. [18:22] thanks Pici :) [18:26] LjL called the ops in #ubuntu (this is a bot test, please disregard) [18:26] /cskickban LjL [18:26] pici ;( you see, the floodbots are muting ubottu for that [18:26] :( [18:26] LjL: yeah, I was meaning to annoy you about that [18:26] well, yes [18:26] feature! [18:27] regression, rather [18:27] sorta :P [18:27] As far as I remember, after !ops is called, the floodbots run /mode -zq ubuntu!*@* [18:28] cdbs: yeah. i was meaning to fix that, but apparently i've made it worse :P [18:28] err, I meant /mode -zq ubottu!*@* [18:29] it should be fixed now, i'll spare you the test. will see next time there's a real call. [18:33] thanks LjL :) [19:58] Weird. [19:59] 'pedro', who I just removed from #ubuntu was claiming that he was offtopic because of some reason that I need to contact jonathan.sackett@canonical.com about. [20:00] from 'peba@inode.at' [20:12] heh, at least he had a reason, then? [20:13] Better than the person who has been msging me 'hi' every 20 minutes or so for the past 5 hours. [20:14] it's always good to have email addresses publicly logged [20:15] (:) [20:34] hi [20:36] who can help me with my issue [20:37] What issue would that be? [20:38] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XO_Communications /* Please can u ask these company nicely why they send spam wordwide [20:38] pedro: That's not a Ubuntu question. [20:39] ok, is launchpad somwhow related to ubuntu ? [20:39] from your opinion ? [20:40] launpad is a canonical project and you can get support in #launchpad [20:40] launchpad* [20:40] anyway if some of you have time just ask these guys http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XO_Communications [20:41] pedro: that is not Ubuntu related. [20:42] as of my knowledge launchpad hosts bug reports of ubuntu ? [20:42] correct [20:42] can you have a look on my submissons on launchpad ? [20:43] the Ubuntu project uses launchpad for bug tracking. but if you are having a problem with launchpad you need to ask #launchpad about it. [20:43] pedro: this is not a support channel. [20:43] ok [20:44] as I understand it, the LP admins are aware of that, but you can ask at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad [20:45] ok thank and goodbye [20:46] And he finally went to #launchpad. [20:46] Simple as that. [20:49] LjL called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (test, ignore) [20:58] perpp vhd1 etc seems to be zewb [20:58] zweb, that rings even my rusty bell i think [21:04] What is this, jrib goes offline? [21:05] jon_ seems to be ignoring all advice [21:06] bazhang: I find those ones most annoying [21:06] genii-around, seems to be catching, people not reading what is said, and just repeating === releaselogger is now known as apachelogger [21:19] FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1587 users, 1 overflows, 1588 limit)) [21:19] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1588 users, 1 overflows, 1589 limit)) === mnepton is now known as mneptok [21:27] FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [21:27] FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [21:27] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [21:31] FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [21:31] FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [21:31] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [21:32] In ubottu, knome said: !pt is !br [21:50] Um, no. [21:50] um, then add !pt ? [21:51] !pt [21:51] Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado. [21:51] !-pt [21:51] pt aliases: br, portuguese, brazil - added by Seveas on 2006-06-21 00:53:44 - last edited by Pici on 2010-09-24 18:15:26 [21:51] right, that wasn't working when i tried it in #xubuntu earlier [21:51] * tonyyarusso wonders if you can just s/br/pt/ and have a valid factoid [21:51] sorry, and thanks. worked now [22:00] knome: pr != pt :) [22:00] tempted to remove roasted [22:05] tsimpson, i know, i tried both ;) [22:06] knome: you had just used !br, so the flood protection kicked in when you tried to call an alias for the same factoid. [22:06] yeah, i see that now. [22:06] :) [22:07] flood/repeat protections is on the reply, rather than the factoid [23:45] the quit message by anastasius in -ot