
dtcrshrhello! i recently installed ubuntu 10.10 netbook remix, and i cant connect to wpa2 enterprise network, is there some know issue? would you recommend for me to install 10.04?00:00
terry_vadal: I see xserver-xorg-input-joystick - X.Org X server -- joystick input driver00:00
vadalterry_: thanks man00:01
terry_vadal: you might just need to install that ^^^00:01
critical_maxrypervenche, Of course you can also go into Nautilus, select Preferences > Show hidden, and use the GUI to copy stuff.00:01
vadalterry_: how?00:01
terry_vadal: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-joystick00:01
critical_maxdtcrshr, to research a known issue search google for your card's exact model (and revision) and "linux". if there is a problem it should be apparent in the first page of results as many others will s hare it00:02
rypervenchecritical_max: Ok. I was just curious of a good way to do it in CLI. Are you certain that your rsync command will work?00:02
apersoncritical_max↳ that worked, but now java won't start 'Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.' looks like I have more googling to do00:02
critical_maxrypervenche, yeah the -a switch means "all", you could also just copy the dotfiles with mv .* like jrib said.00:03
critical_maxerr, move them00:03
askreet-a means 'archive' ;)00:03
critical_maxaperson, good, try to find the error log I guess00:03
apersoncritical_max↳ wait, nvm it works00:04
apersoncritical_max↳ I was doing java --version and not java -version00:04
vadalterry_: after i install?00:05
Viking667How do I mount a casper loopback file?00:06
critical_maxaperson, heh, i hate that, it happens with every other app...no consistency00:06
SetaCan anybody tell me what i am doing wrong? Oo http://2big4.me/V0DNAq00:07
ohsixcritical_max: apps that use getopt are mostly uniform, or popt, or libraries like it; it's mostly junk that doesn't00:07
ubottuHere I am, brain the size of a planet and they ask me to respond to factoid requests. Call that job satisfaction? Because I don't.00:07
ohsixjava has single dash stuff ingrained in it since the beginning00:07
jribSeta: what on earth are you linking to?  Use a pastebin like paste.ubuntu.com00:08
critical_maxohsix, played with getopt in perl, lovely00:08
ray24has anyone in here successful sync music to ipod on ubuntu?00:09
ohsixcritical_max: the ones that bug me are the ones that are completely arbitrary, or have some theme, or ideology; like ffmpeg :D00:09
ohsixray24: yes, with rhythmbox00:09
critical_maxray24, i used gtkpod for that00:09
PolahIs Natty due to be a long-term release?00:09
ray24I haven't been able to sync with rhthmbox00:09
jribPolah: no00:09
critical_maxohsix, lol ideological interfaces!00:10
ohsixray24: does your player show up? afaik the plugins are enabled by default, but the ipod/mtp plugins might have gotten turned off00:10
ray24yeah when i plug my ipod in, it opens up rhytmbox00:10
PolahIf I do apt-get dist-upgrade, will it upgrade to the latest release or can I select a release to use?00:11
ray24in the plugin section, portable ipod is checked00:11
jribPolah: apt-get dist-upgrade just upgrades your packages on your current release.00:11
PolahI thought dist-upgrade upgraded the distribution, i.e. release00:12
daerdaaskreet: no luck :(00:12
jribPolah: no00:12
critical_maxPolah, you have to go in sequence when dist-upgrading.00:12
askreetdaerda: what output did you see?00:12
daerdaaskreet: local access works, remote does not00:12
askreetno output from remote, at all?00:12
daerdathat's all I can figure out00:12
critical_maxPolah, recommend using "update-manager -d" to handle it.00:12
PolahSo it's the same as upgrade then, jrib?00:12
daerdaaskreet: nope00:12
jribPolah: is your real question: how to upgrade to natty (a development release)?00:12
askreetdaerda: this is progress then, it's not hosts.allow or any other application-level restrictions.  could still be iptables, but probably your router00:12
jribPolah: no, it's not the same.  « man apt-get » details the differences00:12
askreetdaerda:  do an 'iptables -L' -- should be empty00:12
critical_maxPolah: upgrade means install latest available packages in this distribution release. dist-upgrade (update-manager -d) means get a new distribution release.00:13
PolahNo, I'm getting a VPS that only supports 9.04 from the hosts and I'd like to upgrade it to 10.10 or 11.04 when it's released00:13
critical_maxPolah, indeed, would be useful to know your ultimate motive.00:13
jrib!upgrade | Polah00:13
ubottuPolah: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade00:13
ray24ohsix, what is the method you use to sync music?00:13
askreetdaerda, also have you tried going to your external IP (from sites like ipchicken.com) rather than the dyndns name (in case that's the problem)00:13
daerdaaskreet: not empty00:14
critical_maxPolah, Aha, yes, you want to do a 9.10 upgrade, then a 10.04 (the most recent LTS, and a good choice for a server)00:14
askreetdaerda: can you pastebin the output?00:14
daerdaaskreet: I've tried accessing my external IP, yes00:14
ohsixray24: i just drop stuff on the player00:14
daerdaaskreet: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/35922000:14
critical_maxpolah, and yes dist-upgrade is the proper option for apt-get00:14
ray24And it automatically syncs it?00:14
ohsixray24: i think you can right click and tell it to do it too, but dragging works00:14
ohsixit shows up on the player then you just eject it00:15
askreetdaerda, that's what an empty iptables looks like :P00:15
pfifomy ubuntu's AI is stuck in kill mode and is trying to eliminate the human race? How do I reset this behavior back to the default from installation00:15
ray24can you check real quick what version you have?00:15
daerdaaskreet:  :)00:15
askreetdaerda, if you had restrictions there would be entries under INPUT00:15
critical_maxpfifo: screenshot or it didn't happen00:15
askreetdaerda, so we're back to crappy home routers and their inability to do port forwarding -- i've seen issues with this in the past solved by router restarts, or removing and then re-adding the IP.00:15
PolahCritical_max: I'd prefer 10.10 or 11.04 as it should be more advanced; and I don't plan to have the server for the life of 10.0400:15
ohsixray24: i haven't had my ipod with me for a while,  but this was in maverick; are you trying to put flac files or something on it? it wont change the format00:15
bazhangpfifo, not appropriate here00:16
askreetdaerda, also sometimes if you have a DMZ set somewhere, port forwarding stops entirely.00:16
terry_askreet: daerda I have a linux router.   Works great.00:16
critical_maxPolah, sure if you need newer libraries go ahead and upgrade through to 11.04. It's easiest to dist-upgrade with less apps installed/configured, of course, just for time's sake; so you should be in good shape to proceed00:16
askreetterry_: nothing wrong with linux routers... but we're talking about his home router not passing traffic to apache00:17
critical_maxPolah, the more stuff you have installed the more interruptions there are to the upgrade process (scripts asking you details, diffing config files, etc). There's ways to pass apt-get switches to automatically say "yes" to whatever it thinks you should do, might be nice if you want unattended.00:17
gon__can somebody post the command to show the ip's connected to a certain router?00:17
=== Mohammad- is now known as MohammadAG
ray24ohsix, dragging the mp3 files does not work00:18
semehi guys... can anyone help me figure out why I can't connect ubuntu to my wireless nework... everything is working for my other systems... I keep getting the dialog asking me for hte password but I've checked and it is right00:18
critical_maxpolah, apt-get -y is the switch for "do what apt thinks best"00:18
terry_gon__: nmap 192.168.0/2400:18
daerdaterry_: good for you.00:18
critical_maxpolah, but i recommend doing at least one without that switch so you can get a feel for what it will ask (usually apache, etc, anything you've configured that diffs from the default config)00:18
terry_gon__: nmap
daerdaI have a router with ddwrt on it but no modem to go with it00:19
Polahcritical_max: All that would be installed would be the basic packages for functionality (SSH, FTP) and Java, perhaps Xorg if other people would like to access my server and use it easily.00:19
daerdaso I'm stuck with a cheap netgear00:19
terry_gon__: where is your actual subnet00:19
critical_maxPolah, yep, I recommend installing/configuring those services after the dist-upgrade if possible.00:19
dfhActionParsnip, that's automated, right: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+question/150338 ? because that totally doesn't answer my question00:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 150338 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Compiz module Annotate causes unrecoverable X-session crash (dup-of: 145360)" [Medium,New]00:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 145360 in compiz (Ubuntu) "compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV in doPoll()" [Medium,Fix released]00:19
gon__thank you just a moment i'll have to install it00:19
critical_maxPolah, just for streamlining the process. It'd work either way, but more time if you install them first.00:19
semehrm... have to restart let's see if this update to network manager helps00:20
Viking667found it... sorry for the time.00:20
PolahCritical_max: Assuming a standard set of packages like ftp and ssh that come as default; would it be worthwhile to remove them, upgrade and then reinstall them?00:20
terry_daerda: What do you mean, no modem to go with it?00:20
critical_maxPolah, I also have to give a plug for sftp unless plain FTP is a business requirement - all modern FTP clients handle it and it's secure.00:20
critical_maxPolah, no, that's not needed00:20
critical_maxPolah, I have dist-upgraded something like 4 times now with a massive load of packages, no problem, I'm just saying it's faster the less you  have installed, the less there is to download :)]00:21
terry_daerda: You plug the router into the modem.  Right?00:22
=== an0nmat1r is now known as anonmatir
vividanyone know how i can get my 10.10 machine to poweroff on shutdown?  as it is everything stops and i have to walk over and push the power button00:22
PolahCritical_Max: Thanks for the information00:22
daerdaterry_: yes00:22
critical_maxpolah, you should be able to do a series of 3 dist-upgrades with the -y switch and get to 10.10 with minimal fuss00:22
daerdaterry_: then the modem into the hole in the wall00:23
critical_maxexpect 2 hours each or more00:23
terry_daerda: Yea... right.00:23
gon__terry_: Thanks for the information00:23
critical_maxPolah: If you configure one thing, make it the apt mirror00:23
terry_gon__: NP00:23
PolahCritical: Just do dist-upgrade && dist-upgrade && dist-upgrade and leave it?00:23
critical_maxPolah: Find an apt mirror that's local to you, it will speed the process drastically00:23
jribPolah: no.  Read the link I had ubottu send you about upgrading please00:23
critical_maxPolah, Nah, you'll want to babysit in between. And do read more about it before starting.00:23
Polahmsg ubottu !upgrade00:24
critical_maxPolah: apt-mirror is the package that lets you pick a local mirror for updates00:24
Polahmsg ubottu !upgrade00:25
critical_maxI have a mirror 30 miles away *heaven*00:25
PolahAh did it again, terribleness.00:25
bazhangcritical_max, dist-upgrade is not the way to do it00:25
vividanyone know how i can get my 10.10 machine to poweroff on shutdown?00:25
critical_maxbazbang, I recommended update-manager -d but he's on a VPS00:25
bazhang!dist-upgrade | critical_max00:25
ubottucritical_max: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper way to upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu.00:25
jribcritical_max: update-manager -d is only to upgrade to development releases00:25
bazhangcritical_max, also very bad advice00:25
terry_daerda: What I have is a PC with IPcop installed on it and on the green network I have an 8port gigibit switch plugged into the green network and into that is a wireless router (plugged into one of the LAN ports with the DHCP server turned off so that it acts as a wireless switch). Printer and other PCs here in the office plug into the gigibit switch.00:25
critical_maxUpdate manager does offer distribution releases if they aren't development, yeah; Polah specifically said he wanted bleeding edge/11.0400:26
jribcritical_max: no he didn't :/00:26
bazhangcritical_max, that wont do what he needs00:26
critical_maxOk, feel free to take over.00:26
critical_maxIt's worked for me umpteen times.00:26
PolahCritical_max, bazhang, jrib: I did say I'd rather upgrade to 10.10 then 11.04 after release. Just a misunderstanding, obviously.00:27
jribPolah: yes00:27
bazhangPolah, I saw that00:27
critical_max<Polah> Critical_max: I'd prefer 10.10 or 11.04 as it should be more advanced; and I don't plan to have the server for the life of 10.0400:27
bazhangcritical_max, still not the way to go at all.00:27
critical_maxIn any case, Polah should be reading the docs that have been linked.00:28
jribPolah, critical_max: I think it's just confusing to say "dist-upgrade" when talking about distribution upgrades because there's a command called "dist-upgrade" and it's not how one performs a distribution upgrade00:28
bazhangcritical_max, yes, and they completely go against what you are recommending here00:28
nmaxchatCan someone tell me how to post a Kleansweep report  for checking I can delete things00:28
terry_jrib: It USED to be.00:28
ActionParsnip!paste | nmaxchat00:28
ubottunmaxchat: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:28
jribterry_: yes, but is no longer the recommended way to do so on ubuntu00:29
critical_maxbazhang: perhaps I'm misremembering then. I'll stick to linking the docs.00:29
aguenteranyone know why smbd would block indefinitely on 10.10 x64 during boot if a cifs (smb) mount fails due to it not being available? I'm going to use a live usb to rename my fstab, but surely this isn't expected behavior00:29
vadalhow do I install the Logitech dual action controller, I am using 10.10 Ubuntu, but this tutorial doesn't work http://linuxgamingtoday.wordpress.com/2008/01/24/install-and-use-usb-based-gamepads-in-ubuntu/00:29
critical_maxbazhang: so many changes :(00:29
terry_jrib:  I think it is now: do-release-upgrade  Right?00:30
terry_Is that it?00:30
ActionParsnip!upgrade | terry_00:30
ubottuterry_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade00:30
Polahjrib: So do you recommend doing it through Update Manager?00:31
critical_maxterry_, that's what www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade says. I admit to being totally unfamiliar with that command. Finally bit by Ubuntu's fast pace, I guess.00:31
critical_maxPolah, you should do what that doc link says. jrib left and clearly I'm out of date with the process.00:31
critical_maxPolah, my last distribution upgrade was 10.0400:31
gertidonhi, anyone know where to find this taskbar on ubuntu ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRveGELsFQI&feature=player_embedded00:32
Polahcritical_max, that says to use Update Manager anyway.00:32
luarawhat is this00:32
terry_Upgrade instructions say: sudo apt-get install update-manager-core ; sudo do-release-upgrade00:32
critical_maxPolah, yeah from looking at that page it just uses 'do-release-upgrade' as a wrapper for update-manager functionality00:32
rammyIRCmy laptop freezes all of a sudden with capslock blinking. any ideas why this happens?00:33
terry_But cautions us to start with fully upgraded system.  (All packages up-to-date).00:33
aeon-ltdgertidon: you mean the dock? if i had to guess i'd say awm00:33
aeon-ltdgertidon: *awn00:33
gertidonyes this awesome dock00:33
critical_maxPolah, just make sure you set the local mirror first since you're planning to download so much. apt-mirror package.00:33
kerneloops_How can I get sound to work in Ubuntu server00:33
kerneloops_I installed alsa utils00:34
kerneloops_but no sound00:34
PolahCritical_Max: Thanks00:34
critical_maxPOlah: sure thing and sorry for the sidetrack!00:34
rammyIRCanyone please?00:34
aguenterkernel, I'm guessing that depends on a large variety of factors00:34
ActionParsnipkerneloops_: install pulseaudio00:34
Polahkerneloops: Get pulseaudio00:34
Polahand I was beaten to it00:34
aguenteranyone have any insight about my question?00:35
PolahRammyIRC: Could be a problem with your keyboard drivers but I'm no expert00:35
no-gooder i can't remove apache on my system00:35
Polahaguenter: Could you repeat it to save me scrolling all the way up?00:35
rammyIRCpolah: thanks00:35
aguenteranyone know why smbd would block indefinitely on 10.10 x64 during boot if a cifs (smb) mount fails due to it not being available? I'm going to use a live usb to rename my fstab, but surely this isn't expected behavior00:35
aguenterthere, thanks!00:35
Polahno-gooder: What is the name of the package you are trying to remove?00:35
kerneloops_ActionParsnip: in Ubuntu Server?00:35
aeon-ltdno-gooder: not using sudo or is it a dependency for something else?00:35
ActionParsnipkerneloops_: sure why not00:36
critical_maxno-gooder: pastebin the output of "apt-cache policy apache2"00:36
martin__hello, I'm having anodd problem with my ssd drive i delete it's parttions,files on it and they keep getting back after reboot, what can be the cause of that ? i tried fdisk, then formating and after reboot everything is back00:36
kerneloops_ActionParsnip: installing00:36
no-gooderPolah,  actually i'm not sure of it.i'm very new to ubuntu. there is a folde ranmed apache2 under /etc/00:36
critical_maxno-gooder: Also, what is your ultimate goal in removing Apache? (Why?)00:37
no-goodercritical_max, i need to install nginx00:37
aguenterno-gooder: have you used "sudo apt-get remove apache2" ?00:37
Polahno-gooder: Do sudo apt-get remove apache2 then?00:37
critical_max^ What they said.00:37
PolahPerhaps purge if you want to absolutely remove it.00:37
tjiggi_forammyIRC, capslock blinking is a sign for kernal panic - I have no idea about finding out what's causing it00:38
no-gooderaguenter,  yes i did00:38
rammyIRCtjiggi_fo : i read abt that00:38
aguenterthe /etc/apache2 directory is just configuration files00:38
critical_maxno-gooder: If you just want to free up port 80 without uninstalling Apache for now, you can use "sudo update-rc.d apache2 remove"00:38
rammyIRCi cant find any log messages00:38
rammyIRCi cud deal with00:38
martin__anyone ? maybe my mbr is broken ?00:39
aguenterno-gooder: what is the output of "which apache2" ?00:39
no-gooder here is the pastebin : http://pastebin.com/nRUvTqaW00:39
critical_maxno-gooder: Oh you already removed the pacakge? /etc/apache2 is left because removing the package won't remove config. You should be fine leaving it there. You can also use "apt-get purge apache2" in future which will remove config as well as the package00:39
aguenterno-gooder: if "which apache2" returns nothing then apache is successfully uninstalled00:40
no-goodercritical_max,  but localhost still works00:40
aguenterno-gooder: are you sure it is apache and not lighthttpd or something?00:40
critical_maxno-gooder, you can find if it's still running, leftover, "pgrep apache" for pids00:41
aguenterPolah: did you see my question by the way?00:41
no-gooderaguenter, i don'T know it uses the folder /var/www. which one is it ?00:41
Tom__How do I 'cd' to another partition using terminal?00:41
aguenterTom__: mount it somewhere00:41
critical_maxTom__, probably somewhere under /mnt/00:41
Polahaguenter: Yes, sorry but I've no idea.00:41
Tom__ok; i'll check00:41
critical_maxTom__, use the Places menu to mount partitions before you do that00:42
no-goodercritical_max,  here is the pastebin : http://pastebin.com/nRUvTqaW00:42
critical_maxthat's the other pastebin.00:42
aguenterPolah: ok thanks00:42
PolahHmm, random thought about mounting. Is /mnt/ supposed to be used for mounting actual drives and /media/ for removable media?00:42
Tom__it seems to be mounted as it appears on the desktop but there's nothing in /mnt00:43
no-gooderPolah,  i did that too. bu still works00:43
critical_maxPolah, since ubuntu mounts actual drives under /media/ too now, I think /mnt/ is just the older standard... I'm sure someone knows the history behind it..00:43
aguenterPolah: yes, that's how I mount and always assumed... /mnt/ is also for remote mount points (network shares) IMO00:43
no-goodercritical_max, i tried "sudo update-rc.d apache2 remove" but localhost still works00:43
nmaxchatOK to remove ?00:43
Polahno-gooder: I ask because I've got mine mounted in /media/. I guess you could mount it anywhere but it just makes sense to use one of those00:43
critical_maxaguenter: yeah, network shares go to /mnt, good point00:43
critical_maxno-gooder, so it's still running? run "pgrep apache" and find the processes and kill them..00:44
kerneloops_ActionParsnip: do I need libasound2 ?00:44
dfhPolah, https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-list/2004-November/msg03116.html00:44
Tom__basically my system is screwed but my data is still in tact so im using a livecd but file/folder ownership is preventing me from backing up some important files00:44
kerneloops_How do I know if a package is installed?00:44
aguenterno-gooder: did you apt-get remove without rebooting?00:44
no-goodercritical_max,  i did "pgrep apache" still works. goddamns shit!00:44
aguenterno-gooder: or have you rebooted since?00:45
odeihi, just wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction with this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=171356600:45
critical_maxno-gooder, as I said before that just gives you the process IDs. If they exist. If no output, Apache is not running00:45
swimmerdude101yo sup dudes00:45
odeican't find anything on the forums/launchpad/google etc00:45
no-gooderaguenter, no i haven't. should i ?00:45
PolahDfh: Thanks00:45
grkblood13is there a way to connect to an ssh daemon through a proxy? ive googled and the only stuff that is popping out at me is how to set up a proxy through ssh, i want to do the opposite00:45
stbaindfh, thank you for that link... I always wondered why it changed00:45
no-gooderoh ok now i'll reboote.00:45
swimmerdude101hey i was so happy i got wireless internet problim fixed and ubuntu irc chat!00:46
vadalhow do I install the Logitech dual action controller, I am using 10.10 Ubuntu, but this tutorial doesn't work http://linuxgamingtoday.wordpress.com/2008/01/24/install-and-use-usb-based-gamepads-in-ubuntu/00:46
aguenterno-gooder: the binaries are still resident in memory even though you removed the package from disk, so either pkill them or reboot00:46
critical_maxTom__ in general you can use Places menu to mount a partition, and once mounted you can use "sudo" in the terminal to read/copy from it00:46
critical_max!sudo | Tom__00:46
ubottuTom__: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo00:46
b1llywheres the host file00:46
b1llyin what directory00:46
aguenterbilly: /etc/00:46
grkblood13can anyone see me typing or am i locked out?00:46
swimmerdude101i can see it00:46
ActionParsnipgrkblood13: i read you00:46
b1llythe localhost ip is ?00:47
critical_maxgrkblood13: have patience. :) you want to do reverse tunneling, it sounds like. Look that up for starters.00:47
aguenterbilly: "whereis hosts" ;)00:47
odeior if there are any other places I can get help?00:47
swimmerdude101im kinda new to linux i was a windows user my whole life00:47
ActionParsnipb1lly: both00:47
RodolfoIm not having a good experience with ati radeon hd 4200 series using the open driver00:48
ActionParsnipb1lly: if you look in /etc/hosts you will see it is both and
Rodolfois it from the comm or amd?00:48
jorgehi i cant install firefox 4 in my ubuntu00:48
critical_maxRodolfo, you should try the ATI official driver00:48
b1llyto open a file in gui is gksudo gedit dir/file00:48
b1llygot it00:48
critical_maxRodolfo, System > Administration > Hardware Drivers and choose the restricted/official driver00:48
Tom__critical max u say i can sudo to a mounted partition but how do i reference it within the cd command00:48
aguenterwow, this is not a good place for my question I see :(00:48
dfhodei, sounds like you hdd is dying00:48
kerneloops_(3) Check to see if the ALSA driver for your sound card exists. Go to http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/ and search for your sound card (chipset) manufacturer in the dropdown box. You'll be given a matrix of the sound cards made by the manufacturer. Try to match the chipset you found in step 2 with the driver(green hyperlink text).00:49
RodolfoI already did but it seems to fail AT ALL00:49
kerneloops_how do I search ..00:49
ActionParsnipb1lly: only if you need write access, otherwise omitting gksudo is fine if you just want to read the finle00:49
jorgehi i cant install firefox 4 in my ubuntu00:49
ActionParsnip!ff4 | jorge00:49
ubottujorge: Firefox 4 is the current stable version of Firefox. Current versions of Ubuntu do not have it (see !latest), but there is an unofficial and unsupported PPA that you can use by running the following command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox00:49
critical_maxaguenter, you could try later - it's a pretty specific question and it's just no one knows at the moment.00:49
Rodolfothere is no such repo from the U10.10 that seems to work out on this one00:49
odeiI dunno dfh, it's a new hdd and I seem to have fixed the i/o problems00:49
dfhodei, I'm afraid I don't have any other solution than to fsck and reinstall00:50
grkblood3critical_max, i dont think thats what i want, i want to connect to my ssh daemon from a proxy. i want my daemon to see the proxies IP when i connect00:50
critical_maxTom__ when you mount the partition in Places, after that you can open it from Places in Nautilus. YOu'll see a string of numbers as the Nautilus title (ugly!) That's what you're looking for in the shell...00:50
aguentercritical_max: I will, it just seems like I might have better luck on the forums as IRC seems to be overloaded with "easier" questions00:50
critical_maxTom__, after that you can "cd /media/2938741074" or whatever the string of numbers is.00:50
dollarbangjorge: look at this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion00:51
odeiwoo, I haven't had a fresh install for weeks00:51
critical_maxaguenter, plenty of technical advice here, it's just no one has that precise situation. I'd definitely start a thread for now.00:51
lordjjDoes anyone recomment 10.10 over 10.04 LTS?00:51
aguentercritical_max: I didn't mean to imply that there wasn't. I'll go ahead and do that, thanks :)00:51
odeiare there any problems with ext4? this is the first time I've had a system on it, I could go back to ext3?00:51
critical_maxaguenter, good luck!00:51
aguenterlordjj: I'm running both and I like 10.10 fine00:51
mrmei'm logged in on my wife's netbook using an sd card.  I just backed up the home directory, deleted the partition, created a new partition for it, and replaced the data on it.  i still have the root partition.  how can i set it so that the root partition will see the new partition as the /home mount point?00:52
critical_maxgrkblood3, so  your ssh server logs show the client ip not the proxy? is it a proxy config issue?00:52
b1llyi have apache and php installed, is there an apt-get for mysql?00:52
aguenterlordjj:but unless you have a good reason to run 10.10 over 10.04 go LTS00:52
critical_maxgrkblood3 you are just going      client --> proxy --> server? what's the proxy?00:52
grkblood3critical_max, im not that far, im trying to figure out how to try to login to the daemon through a proxy00:52
Jeruvyb1lly: mysql-client and mysql-server00:52
no-gooderhaha funny it still worrrrrrkkkss!!!!00:53
b1llyjeruvy which one do i need to host a mysql databse/ both?00:53
grkblood3critical_max, not sure yet, havent picked one from open-proxy.org00:53
aguenterb1lly, if you're on a recent build you should use tasksel00:53
Jeruvyb1lly: probably both00:53
b1llyim on 10.1000:53
grkblood3critical_max, proxy-list.org*00:53
Psydollhello can someone tell me the pci command for checking my network card chipset please?00:53
critical_maxno-gooder, sudo netstat -plutn|grep 8000:53
aguenterb1lly: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP00:53
Psydolli keep forgetting it!00:53
critical_maxno-gooder, that will tell you for sure wha'ts serving to port 8000:53
Rodolfook so who owns ati's radeon hd 42xx?00:54
rcmaehlWhat are bogomips?00:54
nmaxchatI am reading about Kleansweep and see several comments about maintenance not really being needed on Linux Plaease confirm00:54
Polahpsydoll: lspci?00:54
critical_maxgrkblood3, I can't support those random proxies, you're really on your own.00:54
Psydollpolah thank you00:54
rweanyone know where to start if ubuntu cant recognize your monitor?00:54
dfhodei, ext4 is *stable* for all intents and purposes00:54
lordjjHey, I tried to create a boot drive from a USB stick using Ubuntu Startup disk creator and the Ubuntu CD, but it wouldn't work (no Kernel founf after I choose run Ubuntu). Anything I'm missing?00:54
b1llyaguenter: is there a way to see if i have something installed00:54
swimmerdude101i dont know about moditers im using a laptop sorry00:54
critical_maxgrkblood3, I've been there and done that and the solution is usually "try a different proxy" and as I said it's outside of the scope of this channel.00:54
b1llyex: to see if i got php5-mysql installd00:54
tundra010rcmaehl: bogomips are a rough measure of the speed of your cpu.00:54
grkblood3critical_max, does it matter though? you just want the number right? if so lets say its proxy at
ActionParsniprwe: run: sudo lshw -C display     websearch for the product line to get your video chip setup, the monitor will be plug and play so will be fine once the driver is setup00:54
rcmaehltundra010: how is it calculated?00:55
swimmerdude101i made a proxy but the host site took it down00:55
critical_maxgrkblood3, it does matter because those proxies are collected usually without their owner's knowledge. It's a hack. It's unsupported.00:55
swimmerdude101i thinking of making another tho00:55
tundra010depends on your cpu, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BogoMips00:55
grkblood3if i wanted to use proxy and the daemon was what would the command be00:55
odeiI guess I'll try to check the hdd00:55
rcmaehlswimmerdude101: why do you need a proxy00:55
mrmei know i need to meddle with grub, but how?00:55
swimmerdude101sometimes i look at bbc00:55
reya276Ubuntu 11.04 messed up my GRUB menu and now my Ubuntu 10.10 entry is not available. How can I fix this?00:56
swimmerdude101or one of those british news things00:56
rweActionParsnip thanks00:56
aguenterb1lly: dpkg -s package-name | grep Status00:56
critical_maxgrkblood3, if you want support for a proxy the only way you will get it is to pay for a proxy service (there are many, and they are cheap)00:56
swimmerdude101anyone know when the next ubuntu (ubuntu 11) will come out?00:56
Tom__for what ever reason it wouldnt transfer across partitions even when using sudo nautilus but luckily it would go across to a USB :) PHEW!!!!!00:56
rcmaehlswimmerdude101: same time it always has00:56
critical_maxgrkblood3, you will not get help for random proxies in random lists00:57
rcmaehlswimmerdude101: 11.0400:57
PolahSwimmerdude101: April 28th00:57
swimmerdude101yeah but im new so when is that?00:57
Polah!natty | swimmerdude10100:57
ubottuswimmerdude101: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.00:57
swimmerdude101:D cant wait totaly gonna upgrade!00:57
rcmaehlHey you guys still getting questions on how to update ff3 to ff4?00:58
ray24I'm in need of assistance with ipod sync on rhythmbox00:58
no-goodercritical_max, i'm sorry :) it was "node"!  i used to set port 80 with 80 and it was it. now problem solved. than you very much and you guys!00:58
reya276How can I fix GRUB to show me my install OS(s), Natty(11.04) messed it up?00:58
mrmethe label got changed from sda4 to sda600:58
ubottuFirefox 4 is the current stable version of Firefox. Current versions of Ubuntu do not have it (see !latest), but there is an unofficial and unsupported PPA that you can use by running the following command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox00:58
rcmaehlterry_: I know00:58
critical_maxno-gooder, glad to hear it. netstat -plutn reveals all :)00:58
critical_maxrcmaehl, all day!00:59
rcmaehlterry_: I know, that's my simplified command and I have the logs to show it00:59
terry_rcmaehl: Sorry, missunderstood you.00:59
rcmaehlterry_: ah kk00:59
PaPaYahow do i install radvd?01:00
PolahPaPaYa, perhaps: sudo apt-get install radvd01:00
HyperShockHi all Ubuntu users!01:00
XubuntuKrisIs there a Xubuntu channel? Or is this the place I need to be?01:01
aguenterthere is #xubuntu01:01
HyperShockI have a question ...01:01
XubuntuKrissweet, thanks aguenter01:01
critical_max!question > hypershock01:01
ubottuhypershock, please see my private message01:02
HyperShockHow do I make my own Ubuntu derivative? I have been tasked with finding this out by my board of directors.01:03
critical_maxHyperShock, have you seen https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DerivativeTeam/Derivatives?01:03
IdleOne!remaster | HyperShock01:03
ubottuHyperShock: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility01:03
terry_HyperShock: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization01:03
terry_IdleOne beat me to the punch :(01:04
HyperShockIt is going to be a long term project so we just don't want to modify a Live cd.01:04
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility01:05
critical_maxHyperShock, check out that derivatives team page if you're looking at a major project.01:05
terry_HyperShock: What are you talking about?01:05
shandorcan I find support?01:05
PaPaYawhere is the configuration file for radvd?01:06
automatrixhi folks, is there somebody who can tell me how to make a list (command-line) of all the media-files on my external disk ?01:06
shandori need assistance with my wireless device01:06
ohzie!netbook remix01:06
th0rautomatrix: ls -al (/dir/to/mediafiles) >> list.txt01:07
terry_automatrix: do something like:  find /mnt/point -name '*mp3'01:07
Polahautomatrix:  in that directory do ls >> files.txt01:07
critical_maxHyperShock, you will almost certainly need to *start* by modifying the LiveCD as in !remaster. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DerivativeTeam/GettingInvolved seems to be the entry point for a serious project01:07
haqe17automatrix: find media_dir -name *avi -or -name *mp401:07
automatrixthit is a loong long way I heard something from you, it is too long ago I came here, but you are still the most helpfull guy01:07
terry_automatrix: do something like:  find /mnt/point -name '*mp3' ; find /mnt/point -name '*mp4' ; find /mnt/point -name '*mpg' ; etc. etc.01:08
automatrixterry_, Polah haqe17 thanks also01:08
MrBushidois it possible to set up per application volume on ubuntu? or at least do it easily, kind of like windows 7's volume mixer with a slider for every app.01:08
ohzieSorry if there's a different channel for netbook remix, but how can I make alt+f2 bring up a "run command" window like it does in normal ubuntu?01:09
critical_maxMrBushido, Sound Preferences > Applications from the tray app01:09
kerneloops_Why do I need to run sudo alsamixer in Ubuntu Server via SSH????01:09
Polahautomatrix: do: ls -alR /drive/path >> files.txt01:09
critical_maxMrBushido, that UI mimics the 7 one.01:09
PolahNeed to specify -R to do it recursively if you have folders01:09
automatrixPolah, there are so much paths ....01:09
th0rkerneloops_: you don't01:09
terry_kerneloops_: The use is not in audio group probably01:09
ActionParsnipkerneloops_: possibly because you aren't in the right group01:10
kerneloops_terry_: does that mean that I can't play audio files?01:10
PolahOhzie: System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts?01:10
Polahautomatrix: Probably /media/ or /mnt/01:10
terry_kerneloops_: The use is probably not in audio group01:10
shandoranyone get atheros AT5001 drivers working?01:10
kerneloops_Im trying to make sound work01:10
terry_kerneloops_: Means you need to add that user to audio group.01:10
MrBushidocritical_max: thanks, is there any way to interface it with the volume slider?01:10
automatrixPolah, which reduces the whole thing, I did not think that far, sorry for my lazyness and stealing your time, Polah01:10
terry_kerneloops_: vim /etc/group01:10
PaPaYaI cant find the file at /etc/radvd.conf01:11
PaPaYai have just install radvd01:11
terry_kerneloops_: And then log out and back in so that the new permissions take effect.01:11
Polahautomatrix, not a problem I have plenty to spare.01:11
critical_maxMrBushido, I see what you mean and it doesn't look like there is an equivalent built in.01:11
heliosHello, can someone help me with files on Ubuntu?01:11
kerneloops_terry_: now what do I do?01:11
kerneloops_terry_: it shows audio:x:29:pulse01:12
critical_max!question > helios01:12
ubottuhelios, please see my private message01:12
terry_kerneloops_: Change to  audio:x:29:pulse,kerneloops01:12
automatrixPolah, nice to know, it's about tme  re-invest myself in ubuntu, having been a bit more 'user' than installator and student these lasts months01:12
MrBushidocritical_max: well tyvm anyhow <301:12
kerneloops_terry_: :p01:12
Phong_does ubuntu has scheduler?01:12
critical_maxMrBushido, sure thing, perhaps Unity will feature what you want!01:12
Phong_i want to have something to schedule to run something01:12
=== bradland_ is now known as bradland
PaPaYai cant find the file radvd.conf in /etc/01:13
terry_!cron | Phong_01:13
ubottuPhong_: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm01:13
shandorcan anyone assist on wifi?01:13
kerneloops_terry_: how do I logout in a ssh connection? lol01:13
terry_PaPaYa: find /etc/ -name radvd.conf01:13
Hedonistais there a channel for the ppc port of ubuntu?01:13
critical_maxterry_, is there a GUI for cron built into Ubuntu? I just looked and didn't see one, I must be missing it.01:13
kerneloops_I mean logout in the server?01:13
ohzieOh wow netbook remix doesn't have aptitude01:13
heliosCan anyone assit me on changing the names of files in the usr directory?01:13
terry_kerneloops_: You can't.  But you could reboot it.01:14
Phong_terry_, lol, is there a GUI verson?01:14
terry_critical_max: no01:14
kerneloops_ok terry_01:14
th0rhelios: don't mess with things in /usr01:14
itaylor57ohzie: aptitude is not a part of the 10.10 anymore01:14
critical_maxhelios: What are you actually trying to accomplish? You shouldn't be changing anything in /usr by hand except /usr/local01:14
critical_maxhelios: and even then you should know what and why you are changing, and it was something you installed yourself01:14
ohzieitaylor57: :| Oh. What replaced it?01:14
itaylor57ohzie: you have to install it01:15
terry_critical_max: Phong_  Open a gui terminal and issue command: crontab -e01:15
heliosNo, I'm trying to change a file name in another directory.01:15
v0lksmananyone know why the thumb forward and backward on a Logitech MX aren't mappable or even show up as button events in xev in Maverick?01:15
* ohzie squints at irssi.01:15
lordjjCan someone please help?: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1713147     Thanks!01:15
heliosit's technical fix for a game called Eternal Lands01:15
critical_maxterry_, yeah I always used that. with an "export EDITOR=nano" to make sure vi didn't come up. >:)01:15
HyperShockodd, i have aptitude and 10.1001:15
critical_maxhelios, so the game is under /usr/local/eternallands or something?01:15
Phong_does mac os x similar to ubuntu?01:16
itaylor57HyperShock: then you installed it01:16
kerneloops_terry_: thanks it worked01:16
critical_maxphong: some of the tools in the shell are very similar, that's about it01:16
Phong_i used mac, but not like it01:17
terry_lordjj: rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:17
Phong_mac is very complicated01:17
critical_maxhelios: ok, so link the directions for us please and we can interpret for ubuntu..01:17
* automatrix wishes you a good night, day, morning afternoon, wherever you are, and thanks for the help01:17
Phong_is ubunut most popular then any os ?01:17
terry_Phong_: Pretty much.01:17
rwwPhong_: no, Microsoft Windows is the most popular OS.01:17
helios"Looks like you graphics card thinks it supports shaders but it doesn't like EL's. Either recompile the client with "FEATURES += USE_SHADER" commented out in make.defaults (put a "#" at the start of the line), or rename the shaders directory "/usr/share/games/EternalLands/shaders/" so they can't load.01:18
heliosThis has come up a couple of times recently, may be we should put a simple override option in the config settings..... "01:18
terry_rww: I don't know if it is most popular.  It's most used but... ;-)01:18
astleyi am trying to install a driver or something that will allow me to use the Logitech Dual Action controller01:18
PaPaYafind: `/etc/radvd.conf': No such file or directory01:18
Phong_will WINE run most of windows apps?01:18
lordjjterry: this will delete that file? And that's all I need?01:18
critical_maxOk helios, that makes more sense. Do this first and show me in Pastebin: "ls -l /usr/share/games/EternalLands"01:18
terry_lordjj: prolly so.  or you can just rename it if you want.  mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak01:19
terry_lordjj: Or something like that.01:19
opiatehi, I was wondering what is nearest program to ConvertX to DVD for ubuntu?01:19
HyperShockPhong_: check http://appdb.winehq.org/ for a list of what it can or can not do atm.01:19
lordjjterry_ : thanks, will try that.01:20
haqe17Phong_: in my experience, most apps run, but not very well01:20
heliosI g2g01:20
terry_lordjj: Gud luk.01:20
heliosIll be back later01:20
critical_maxPhong_, http://appdb.winehq.org/ for WINE compatibility info01:20
Phong_well...would can ubuntu do?01:20
Phong_i'm windows person01:20
critical_maxPhong_, check that link I gave and it will tell you for every app.01:21
HyperShockPhong_, what on Windows will you think that you will be missing on Ubuntu?01:21
Phong_i'm checking01:21
critical_maxHyperShock beat me to it, I see. :)01:21
terry_!vb | Phong_01:21
Phong_HyperShock, missing alot...01:21
Salih-kItunes :)01:21
Belial`or 90% of today's top games.01:22
Phong_windows has probably more apps then ubuntu01:22
Belial`sorry, 99%.01:22
PaPaYacan i use radvd in ubuntu to setup a DHCPv6 server?01:22
Belial`also, optimus.01:22
Belial`which is the future of laptops01:22
Belial`that's missing.01:22
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:22
kerneloops_take look at my alsamixer http://i56.tinypic.com/2rxzpdf.jpg http://i55.tinypic.com/2hptw1u.png01:23
haqe17kerneloops_: lol01:24
opiatewhats the best transcoder for converting avi (divx) to dvd format?01:24
terry_!virtualbox | Phong_01:25
ubottuPhong_: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox01:25
fr00gWhere does the default PDF printer print to? What directory01:25
Phong_terry_, why do i need virtualbox?01:25
Salih-kGuys in these day my ubuntu are darken so often what can cause the sudden freezes do you have any claims. Recently i just install kde desktop01:26
Phong_terry_, i have vmware workstation :)01:26
kerneloops_haqe17: why lol?01:26
Logan_!details | Salih-k01:27
ubottuSalih-k: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."01:27
kerneloops_32 subdevices01:27
terry_Phong_: to run windows inside .... ok, well never mind.  (But you were asking if wine ran most windows apps, I just wanted to make sure you knew about virtualbox)01:27
HyperShockPhong_, virtualbox will allow you to emulate a pc clone inside of your linux os, of which you can install any os on it, probably win xp or vista. then you can have access to all those programs that you will be missing. this will work for most things except the games that use direct(?) stuff.01:27
fr00gWhere does the default PDF printer print to? What directory?01:28
Phong_HyperShock, lol, in fact, i'm using ubuntu on vmware under windows 7 :)01:28
haqe17kerneloops_: dunno.01:28
Salih-kI am using 10.10 maverick. I just use pidgin at the same time browsering01:28
Phong_terry_, and HyperShock , my Motherboard support virtualization...is that meant good for vmware?01:28
critical_maxkerneloops_, woot01:28
terry_fr00g: Not sure we understand your question...01:28
dfhHyperShock, emulate again... it's virtualize <-- not the same thing01:28
kerneloops_terry_: you are my hero :)01:28
Phong_terry_, i have it enabled in the BIOS01:28
critical_maxkerneloops_, was it pulseaudio that solved it?01:28
fr00gUm, what's the output directory?01:29
Salih-kAnd my system is also quite enough to handle such simple burdens01:29
DasEiPhong_: vt-x ? yes is fine for vbox01:29
terry_kerneloops_: Thank you.... :)01:29
kerneloops_terry_: im gonna pulseaudio to see if it keeps playing without it01:29
Phong_DasEi, i said i have motherboard support virtualization ..and i did enabled it...meant good right?01:29
DasEiyes, phong01:30
kerneloops_terry_: what is your bet?01:30
kerneloops_remove pulseaudio* sorry01:30
Blue1fr00g: it places the file in your home directory:  ~/output.pdf01:30
terry_fr00g: ls -ltr01:31
Phong_can anyone tell me what ubuntu good about....like what have you use it for?01:32
HyperShockfr00g: my cups-pdf has been placing the documents ~/pdf/01:32
Phong_i'm in the learning process..01:32
terry_Phong_: It would be a lot easier to tell what we don't use it for.01:32
Phong_terry_, the only one thingk i knew is, it can't play games.01:33
Phong_most games are for windows.01:33
terry_Phong_: Why can't you play games?01:33
LittleRedPhong: I use it for everything from code development to listening to music01:33
Phong_because not many games are for linux.01:33
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:33
Phong_sorry ot01:33
Phong_brb then01:33
b1llyif i try to install a LAMP package with apache and php already installd is it gunna bug out01:33
terry_Phong_: Oh... well, you could have fooled me.01:33
HyperShockPhong_, I use it for Business such as creating Spreadsheets, Documents, Invoices, Surfing the Internet, Watching HULU.com, p2p, playing flash based games, some online games, offline games, web design, etc. Only I don't worry about getting infected, only have to worry about hackers. ;)01:34
Phong_no virii?01:34
terry_Phong_: No virii01:34
Phong_well, i dont have virii on my pc too01:34
HyperShockyes, no virii, no malware, no spybots01:34
Phong_i dont do weird stuff. so no virii for pc as well for me.01:35
th0rit does seem to attract trolls though01:35
terry_Phong_: Do you run anti-virus software on your MS Windows OS?01:35
HyperShockyeah but you have to waste valuable cpu resources on protection software.01:35
Phong_it's slow down pc01:35
Phong_i never use AV at all01:35
HyperShockdo you frequently scan with malwarebytes, or some other tool?01:35
Phong_i dont need it. cause i dont install weirds apps01:35
terry_Phong_: Oh, well, you are very lucky.  How long has the OS been up and running (and connected to the internet)?  And do you use it much?01:35
HyperShockyou need to call the Guiness Book of World Records and register yourself.01:36
Phong_i've used it alot...everydays01:36
=== christian is now known as Guest32372
dfhor you are already rooted/backdoored and don't know about it :(01:36
Phong_never have a malware or virii ever.01:36
kerneloops_terry_: ok no pulseaudio no sound01:36
* HyperShock agrees with dfh, he has no idea what he has doesn't even check for the stuff.01:36
Phong_HyperShock, seriously, how can you get infected if you don't do anything weird.01:37
b1llyif i install the lamp package with apache2 and php5 already installed, is it gunna bug out?01:37
terry_Phong_: Keep using it then.  And keep up the optomism, you're doing a very good job of convincing yourself that you have a secure platform.  (Don't think any of the others are all that convinced.  I'm sure not.)01:37
terry_I know better01:37
LittleRedPhong: do you know what cookies are?01:37
dfhPhong_, drive by downloads even legit sites get hijacked, browsing with IE, vulnerable flash, java, pdf is all it takes01:38
terry_LittleRed: Might as well drop it.  We have saddled a dead horse.01:38
LittleRedterry: yeah I'm starting to realize that... oh well not my biz01:39
Phong_i'll erase windows and install ubuntu as native then01:39
Phong_how about that01:39
terry_Phong_: That is a pretty good idea.01:39
th0rplease don't feed the troll guys01:39
Phong_stop saying troll01:39
Phong_god darm it01:39
HyperShockdon't do it because we don't agree with you, try what I suggested first.01:39
Phong_i'm serious01:39
ActionParsnipterry_: mac used to be "virus free" until it got big ;)01:39
LittleRedth0r: yeah... I'm thinking that fits01:39
Phong_ok thanks guy01:39
Phong_i'll install ubuntu as native01:39
FloodBot1Phong_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:39
terry_ActionParsnip: Is that right?01:40
terry_ActionParsnip:  how so?01:40
terry_ActionParsnip: Where did you get your information?01:40
HyperShockActionParsnip, what makes you think Macs get infected?01:41
kerneloops_ActionParsnip: and thanks to you because without pulseaudio it doesnt play audio :P01:41
dfhActionParsnip means by virus trojan I presume...01:41
infidwhat's a good way to record my voice on a microphone to an mp3 in ubuntu?01:41
dfhthe "malware" on OS x still asks for the admin password after you clicked on it...01:41
x_how do I disable auto spin down of my usb 1tb drive in ubuntu maverick01:41
critical_maxinfid: Audacity :D01:42
gudmundAudacity agreed01:42
critical_maxinfid: ask me if you have questions after installing it. make sure recording options are set with the input device you want. turn your sliders down before hitting record. way down.01:42
critical_maxinfid: stop by the sound controls too in the tray, make sure the mic is on and up01:43
infidthe audacity of hop01:43
amh345i'm trying to setup ssl on apache. i keep getting this error "[warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `www.blahblah.com'  does NOT match server name!?"  is this specific to the apache config or is it an issue with a cert?01:43
ActionParsnipdfh: a virus is defined as a self replicating thing, hoaxes are passed between users and are classed as viruses01:43
HyperShockI found this about max http://www.spamlaws.com/mac-virus.html 2008 is the date. The only reason I think it even happened at all is because of the closed source nature of everything OS X and iWhatever.01:43
critical_maxamh345: that's because your server name doesn't match, it's in the apache config01:43
critical_maxamh345: make it match the cert on the server side01:44
DasEix_:check man hdparm (carefully)01:44
charlesnowhen will firefox 4 be available for ubuntu 9.10 (still supported until April)01:45
ubottuFirefox 4 is the current stable version of Firefox. Current versions of Ubuntu do not have it (see !latest), but there is an unofficial and unsupported PPA that you can use by running the following command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox01:45
HyperShockActionParsnip, so Microsoft word documents and the like would be "hoaxes"?01:46
amh345critical_max: oh. ok. i added ServerName www.blah.com and it got rid of the error.  now it appears to just be hanging on connecting to www.blah.com01:46
x_DasEi, says apm level not supported.01:46
kerneloops_ActionParsnip: do I need all the pulseaudio packages or just pulseaudio-utils?01:46
charlesnothanks ubottu, where are you from?01:46
th0ramh345: try adding www.blah.com to /etc/hosts01:47
critical_maxamh345, Excellent, now you can start watching "tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log" and access.log on the server.01:47
HyperShockcharlesno, ask it ASL. LOL01:47
critical_maxamh345, yeah check that dns is resolving at all01:47
ActionParsnipHyperShock: http://antivirus.about.com/od/macintoshresource/p/oompa.htm01:47
DasEix_:might get unlucky with that model then, maybe try a tool from the manufacturer under wine if no linux one there01:47
amh345critical_max: dns is definitely resolving. it's working on port 8001:47
Logan_!whatareyou | charlesno01:47
dfhActionParsnip, I'm aware of that. My point was the only malware that is risky for users of OS X right now are trojans distributed on p2p (keygens, cracks for Office, iWork etc), they are non-replicating01:47
critical_maxamh345, to the error logs then01:48
DasEix_smartmontools another way01:48
DasEi!info smartmontools01:48
ubottusmartmontools (source: smartmontools): control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T.. In component main, is optional. Version 5.39.1+svn3077-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 422 kB, installed size 1016 kB01:48
Logan_!what | charlesno01:49
ubottucharlesno: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:49
kerneloops_How can I reset alsamixer settings? need to know01:49
critical_maxamh345, just to make sure you can also ping your.site.com to make sure it's resolving. maybe restart browser. you know. :P01:49
charlesnoyou are intelligent01:49
kerneloops_sudo alsa-utils restart ?01:49
amh345critical_max: error.log and access.log is giving me nothing.  oh boy01:49
DasEi!brain  charlesno01:49
kerneloops_charlesno: chat with ubottu /query ubottu01:49
DasEi!brain | charlesno01:50
ubottucharlesno: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots01:50
amh345oh, wait. maybe 443 is not open!01:50
charlesnowhat are the odds I will encounter problems in upgrading to 10.04 from 9.10? are problems common? that is what is holding me back from upgrading to the newer versions. my laptop is also not very advanced01:50
HyperShockkerneloops_, try sudo alsa-utils reset01:50
critical_maxamh345, sudo apachectl configtest?01:51
amh345critical_max: that returns Syntax OK01:51
soreaucharlesno: To guarantee a smooth transition, backup your files and install fresh from a live session01:52
HyperShockcharlesno, uh, eh, well, the only problem i had on occasions was sound knocking out and a simpling using alsa-utils to unmute channels fixed that and another time my broadcom wireless went to bye bye land and so i hand to hardwire to the router to reinstall the driver.01:52
critical_maxcharlesno, please read "upgrading" in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/ReleaseNotes for details for your situation01:52
tbruff13hey i need help with ffmepg how do i know if i am getting the one from the mediubuntu repository aka the unrestricted one or not01:52
mnajemany1 knows any ftp client that supports FTPES other than filezilla?01:52
soreautbruff13: What are you trying to do?01:52
ActionParsniptbruff13: apt-cache policy ffmpeg01:52
soreau! ftp | mnajem01:52
ubottumnajem: FTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd01:52
kerneloops_HyperShock: found the solution here http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?s=aa3fe78c9860c4f25adfb0ce4e3b2477&p=9199516&postcount=201:52
critical_maxamh345, are any other certs working on the server or is this your prototype ssl setup01:52
HyperShockcharlesno, however, you waited this long, 11.04 is due out soon01:53
tbruff13install unrestricted version of ffmpeg soreau01:53
tbruff13with all formats01:53
x_DasEi1, actually its the file /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-4/power/autosuspend and change 2 to 1 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=940107101:53
soreautbruff13: Have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras?01:53
DasEicharlesno: can't be predicted , just do it, if problems, detail and ask then (was disconnected a sec)01:54
tbruff13yes but ffmpeg is handicapped on certain formats unless downloaded from the mediubuntu repository01:54
tbruff13is this correct01:54
critical_maxDasEi: well a few issues can be predicted for example "Intel 8xx X freezes/crashes" from the link I gave01:54
DasEitbruff13: if medibuntu repo is enabled, itt will come from there01:54
Dwade09hey guys when i close my laptop lid then reopen it, my touchpad goes crazy the mouse flies around the screen and does right and left click, and takes a few seconds to 5 minutes sometimes i have to shut down and reboot the hard way just to make it stop, how do i fix this?01:55
tbruff13the repsoitory is enabled but it is not coming from there01:55
x_DasEi1, actually its the file /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-4/power/autosuspend and change 2 to 1 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9401071 I think you were off when I posted this before. Im just wondering if I have to reboot now or not.01:55
charlesnoI see01:55
kerneloops_What is the difference between "sudo invoke-rc.d alsa-utils restart" and sudo service alsa-utils restart" ?01:55
tbruff13tbruff13@tbruff13-laptop:~$ apt-cache policy ffmpeg01:55
tbruff13  Installed: (none)01:55
tbruff13  Candidate: 4:0.6-2ubuntu601:55
tbruff13  Version table:01:55
FloodBot1tbruff13: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:55
tbruff13     4:0.6-2ubuntu6 001:55
DasEicharlesno: on certain hardware or certain setups, yes, but it can't be answered in the wild, often nno problems, else need facts01:55
charlesnoI mean, what are the dangers of staying where I am now, will it just be the fact that things wont be supported and updated?01:55
Tom__I like in natty nawhal how pressing the windows key brings up the search field from unity;  Guessing that this pretty much makes gnome-do redundent01:56
critical_maxamh345, reason i ask is the next step i'd take is comparing it to a working config side by side. there can be a lot of idiosyncracies with different people's apache configs. So if you have another on that server, it could be instructive to compare them...01:56
charlesnoI think I want to stay on 9.10 for a few more months until I am finished with classes and can afford an external harddrive01:56
kerneloops_hello tbruff1301:56
amh345critical_max: this is my first ssl on this server.  i found that my firewall wasnt open to 443. now it is and it's hitting the site. of course im getting another error.01:56
sacarlsoncharlesno: if it works don't fix it01:56
DasEicharlesno: go to 10.04 least as it's lts, support for is mostly assuming current release01:57
critical_maxamh345, good, that one should be in error.log :)01:57
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)01:57
tbruff13okay this is what i get when i run apt-cache policy ffmpeg01:57
i11s0u1hello everybody, first timer on an IRC here.01:57
DasEii11s0u1: welcome01:57
charlesnoi guess i will try and upgrade sometime this summer01:57
rweneed some help, i just edited my xorg.conf and now ubuntu wont boot, is there a way to undo what i just did?01:57
DasEicharlesno: shouldn't be a great deal, just go ahead01:57
amh345critical_max: yup! woohoo. error log got it.   Invalid method in request \x16\x03\x0101:57
critical_maxamh345, this point is where it's nice to have a "screen" session or at least a couple of terminal windows, with tail -f running on those logs01:57
i11s0u1DasEi: thanks01:57
charlesnothanks for help all01:58
critical_maxamh345, sounds like fun.01:58
charlesnoi will miss you ubottu01:58
amh345critical_max: yeah, thanks for that tail -f tip. i've got them all open in terminal.  muuuch faster01:58
tbruff13so if you can help me please do because this command says it is still coming from the ubuntu repository01:58
DasEirwe : yes, ctrl+alt+F1 > sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg && sudo service gdm restart01:58
critical_maxamh345, you can get the same behavior with "less", hit shift+F with less opoen01:58
tbruff13soreau, hello01:59
amh345it's going to be a long night. hah01:59
soreautbruff13: hi01:59
astleyi am trying to install a driver or something that will allow me to use the Logitech Dual Action controller01:59
tbruff13can you help me please01:59
b1llyi installed phpmyadmin via sudo apt-get install and i followed the instuctions and it tells me to goto localhost/phpmyadmin but when i go there it says 404 not found01:59
DasEiastley: tarball ?01:59
soreaurwe: Remove xorg.conf. The default should be sane to start X01:59
rweDasEi the xorg.conf was empty before i edited it02:00
tbruff13http://paste.ubuntu.com/585147/ that pastebin says the repository is coming from the wrong source why?02:00
astleyDasEi: come again? what do you mean?02:00
critical_maxtbruff13, what are you trying to do? apt-cache just says it's not installed from apt.02:00
rwesoreau whats the command for delete?02:00
soreauastley: How does the controller connect?02:00
DasEirwe : yes, ctrl+alt+F1 > sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg && sudo service gdm restart , or delete it just from the commandline, then restart gdm02:00
soreaurwe: sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:00
astleyDasEi: usb02:00
Seven_Six_Twoare there any code::blocks masters in this channel? If there are, would you mind joining #codeblocks for a quick question?02:00
DasEiastley: *tar.bz file ?02:00
padeekinsI've got a question about remapping my keyboard, am I in the right room?02:00
soreauastley: I asked you that02:00
tbruff13critical_max, im trying to install ffmpeg from the mediubuntu repository not the ubuntu one02:01
soreauastley: Can you post the line from the output of 'lsusb' for the device?02:01
astleysoreau: okay?02:01
DasEiastley: do you already have the driver ?02:01
critical_maxtbruff13, you have updated your available sources since installing the medibuntu source?02:01
tbruff13wait maybe not sorry02:01
sacarlsonb1lly: maybe try restart apache  sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart02:02
rwethanks for saving my ass soreau and DasEi02:02
tbruff13critical_max, ok02:02
astleysoreau: http://pastebin.com/c5qSn1YA02:02
soreaurwe: no problem02:02
DasEirwe: fine, have fun02:02
rweim trying to get 1024x768 with sis driver02:03
b1llysacarlson: no dice02:03
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution02:03
rweill check it out, thanks02:03
b1llyis there a cmd to check to see if phpmyadmin was installd correctly02:03
tbruff13critical_max, the apt cache command is still the same showing from the wrong repository02:03
padeekinswell, I've switched my capslock and control keys using bashrc, but every other time I start my terminal the change toggles... does anyone know of a better way to make this change permanent?02:03
astleysoreau: it doesn't work in games though02:04
critical_maxtbruff13, how did you add the medibuntu repository?02:04
sacarlsonb1lly: what is seen if you just go to http://localhost/02:04
soreauastley: What is the output of 'lsmod|grep joydev' ?02:04
b1llysacarlson "it works!"02:04
tbruff13with a very complicated command under the howtorepo on medibuntu.com02:04
critical_maxtbruff13, that doesn't sound right... hmm... link us the howto02:05
b1llydo i have to copy the phpmyadmin folder to my var/www/ dir?02:05
tbruff13k one sec02:05
astleysoreau: http://pastebin.com/m9NPh5a702:05
padeekinsI suppose I'm better off seeking help in the ubuntu-users or emacs rooms02:05
critical_maxtbruff13, this one? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu so far so good if so02:06
soreauastley: Does /dev/input/js0 exist?02:06
sacarlsonb1lly: once I did create a symbolic link but it shouldn't be needed.  lets look at your apache2 config files02:06
astleysoreau: do i cd to that?02:07
critical_maxtbruff13, did you run the command related to adding the repository? (app-install-data-medibuntu package)02:07
soreauastley: No, just do 'ls -l /dev/input/js0'02:07
critical_maxtbruff13, maybe it won't show up without that package installed.02:07
sacarlsonb1lly:  this file /etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf02:07
b1llysacarlson: how do i restart apache again?02:08
b1llyi just found that i had to actually include phpmyadmin.conf in my apache.conf02:08
soreaub1lly: sudo service apache2 restart02:08
swimmerdude101Wazzzzzzz up?02:08
astleysoreau: http://pastebin.com/TWFuXrUb02:08
soreauastley: apt-get install joystick and run 'jstest /dev/input/js0'02:08
b1llythanks i got it02:09
soreauastley: See if it is working (sounds like it should be)02:09
sacarlsonb1lly: cool02:09
swimmerdude101i have tried alot of distros of linux but ubuntu is the best so far any distros you would recomend?02:09
ActionParsnipswimmerdude101: xpud is pretty sweet imho02:09
soreau! best | swimmerdude10102:09
ubottuswimmerdude101: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.02:09
critical_maxswimmerdude101, if you want the hard stuff try Debian02:09
ActionParsnipswimmerdude101: if you want hard, try gentoo02:10
kerneloops_Is there a problem to have alsa and pulseaudio installed at same time?02:10
swimmerdude101Ok i'll try that but is it a free distro?02:10
ActionParsnipswimmerdude101: yes02:10
DasEikerneloops_: no, different things02:10
critical_maxswimmerdude101, or if you want a practical reason to try another distro, learn CentOS or SuSE (RPM based distros)02:11
DasEikerneloops_: alsa is the driver pulse acts like a soundproxy02:11
dfhkerneloops_, it's even required for most things02:11
=== ubuntu is now known as holmser
tbruff13critical_max, im back can you help02:11
astleysoreau: http://pastebin.com/c7nHk1Hj02:11
swimmerdude101well i use ubuntu for practical02:11
critical_maxtbruff13, link me the howto, i think i found it already though02:11
soreauastley: apt-get INSTALL joystick02:11
holmserI seemed to have screwed up my MBR and now I am unable to boot except from a flash drive.  Anyone feel like walking me through getting me booting again?02:11
soreauastley: not apt-get joystick02:12
DasEi!grub | holmer02:12
ubottuholmer: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.02:12
soreauastley: sudo apt-get install joystick && jstect /dev/input/js002:12
soreauastley: sudo apt-get install joystick && jstest /dev/input/js002:12
padeekinshello all, anybody know anything about bashrc?02:12
swimmerdude101i like it cause i have been a mac/pc dude all my life i just tryed out linux and fell in love with it!02:12
DasEi holmer: first above link02:12
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub202:12
tbruff13critical_max,  here http://www.medibuntu.org/repository.php02:12
soreau! anybody | padeekins02:12
ubottupadeekins: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.02:12
critical_maxtbruff13, ok good. Did you run the second command to add the two packages?02:13
DasEiholmer: you can boot via usb in your sys ?02:13
critical_maxtbruff13, I'm not sure you will get what you want until you do that first02:13
critical_maxtbruff13, ok have you run 'sudo apt-get update' again since those packages were installed?02:13
DasEiholmer: you can boot via usb in your sys ? or just in the usb-os ?02:13
=== eric_ is now known as Palm64
ActionParsnipswimmerdude101: xpud boots in about 3 seconds here on a 2Gb RAM PATA HDD single core 1.6Ghz cpu. Its limited but its elegant02:13
swimmerdude101i'v used cmd comands on windows but do you guys know any termonal comands on linux?02:13
HyperShockpadeekins, first why are you switching the keys and second did you even read the private message i sent you?02:13
padeekinssoreau: I've remapped my keyboard using bashrc, but the mapping toggles with each time I close and open the terminal... can I keep this constant/remap on startup02:14
critical_max!bash | swimmerdude10102:14
astleysoreau: http://pastebin.com/n8RQbBqL02:14
ubottuswimmerdude101: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:14
ActionParsnipswimmerdude101: yes, loads. Terminal is where you type them02:14
tbruff13just did again02:14
soreauastley: So you get output when you press buttons on the controller, right?02:14
ActionParsnipswimmerdude101: it has similar power to powershell under windows02:14
swimmerdude101i know how to get to termonel tho02:14
ActionParsnipswimmerdude101: ctrl+alt+t02:14
astleysoreau: no02:14
tbruff13critical_max, yes i just did again02:15
padeekinshypershock, no I didn't, I remapped because I use control too much in emacs to twist my hand02:15
critical_maxtbruff13, maybe a sanity check is in order for the system :) do a "apt-cache search medibuntu" just to make sure you have medibuntu stuff showing02:15
astleysoreau: not in games or anything else02:15
DasEiholmer: you can boot via usb in your sys ? or just in the usb-os ?02:15
soreauastley: When you use the control pad, you should see changes happening while jstest is running02:15
swimmerdude101ok well i g2g my favorite Basket ball team is playing the ncaa but i will neeed some more termonal helpp tomorrow so i'll be back than02:15
astleyone sec02:15
astleysoreau: yes02:16
soreauastley: jstest stands for joystick test and /dev/input/js0 is the input device node for your controller02:16
critical_maxtbruff13, great02:16
critical_maxtbruff13, my system has no medibuntu and shows nothing02:16
padeekinsdamn, I didn't know the ubuntu chat etiquette was emily post status02:16
astleysoreau: then why doesn't it work in game?02:16
soreauastley: Since you see output in jstest, this means the driver is working. Now you just have to convince your game(s) and other apps to use it02:16
tbruff13critical_max, so is it because i have 64 bit system02:16
critical_maxtbruff13, now we are back to the ffmpeg thing. I bet it's in w64codecs but that's just me.02:17
soreauastley: What game are you trying?02:17
astleysoreau: how?02:17
Tom__does natty still use gnome or does unity replace this or is it just a new piece of software which works with gnome?02:17
critical_maxtbruff13, I couldn't say. But you seem to have the repositories working just fine.02:17
astleyit works!02:17
soreauastley: good :)02:17
astleysoreau: sorry02:17
tbruff13critical_max, ok also do you know a good front end for ffmpeg02:17
soreauastley: no problem02:17
=== brian_ is now known as glyphirder
critical_maxtbruff13, i watch movies in VLC02:17
=== glyphirder is now known as glyphrider
DasEiTom__: unity, but can have gnome, too #ubuntu+1 right channel02:17
tbruff13critical_max, should i install ffmpeg and w64codecs02:18
* HyperShock is waiting for astley to perform a rick roll02:18
soreauastley: The driver is autoloaded when you plug it under ubuntu and it should work OOTB02:18
critical_maxtbruff13, I don't know what your goal is but it wouldn't hurt.02:18
kerneloops_Ubuntu Desktop warns the user when Restart is needed. How do I know then restarted is needed in Ubuntu Server?02:18
soreaukerneloops_: Should tell you when you log in from ssh..02:18
soreauprobably when you login02:19
tbruff13critical_max, my goal is to convert to .ogg in the program known as winff02:19
critical_maxkerneloops_, basically you only have to restart to upgrade the kernel. APT will warn you if one is absolutely required, it's really rare.02:19
kerneloops_it does?02:19
DasEikerneloops_: ssh or just see a new kernel, might want look to ksplice to avoid that rebboting02:19
critical_maxtbruff13, ok cool, that codec package must be what brought you to the medibuntu repo then02:19
astleyHyperShock: i get this output when i post fail http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZ5TajZYW6Y\02:20
DasEi!info ksplice | kerneloops_02:20
ubottukerneloops_: ksplice (source: ksplice): Patching live kernel without having to reboot. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-2 (maverick), package size 151 kB, installed size 880 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 arm armel)02:20
kerneloops_DasEi: hehe ksplice is too advanced for me02:20
critical_maxksplice is wicked! :O02:20
tbruff13critical_max, yes02:20
tbruff13so ill try it02:20
kerneloops_is that even possible02:21
oOOIiIiI_UTD_IiI(BOW) hay all02:21
critical_maxit is now, apparently02:21
dfhanyone using ksplice here? it's always getting mentioned but I have yet to see a single user02:21
kerneloops_critical_max: my doubt is .. does it have the same effect as rebooting02:21
tbruff13critical_max, should i donwload winff from repository or website02:21
soreaukerneloops_: You can even swap the entire kernel without rebooting02:22
DasEikerneloops_: yes works, I have it on two machines for over a year now02:22
critical_maxkerneloops_, I'm sure the ksplice docs address that in detail.02:22
critical_maxtbruff13, general advice is repo unless upstream (website/whatever) has a feature you MUST have02:22
soreaukerneloops_: kexec I think it's called02:22
kerneloops_link for guide02:23
soreaukerneloops_: Here's the wiki page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kexec02:23
tbruff13critical_max, but they have there own repository so ill use it for now02:23
critical_maxtbruff13, using their repo is also better than a tarball or deb from the website, yes.02:24
tbruff13critical_max, thank you can i ask one more question  sorry02:24
critical_maxDasEi, so there's really no reason to reboot a Linux server at all now huh, except for testing recovery from UPS failure?02:24
no--nameis ntfs-3g built into ubuntu?02:25
critical_maxtbruff13, of course02:25
kerneloops_wow Ksplice won a contest02:25
DasEicritical_max: right, as most services can be restarted instead, if needed02:25
rwwno--name: yes02:25
tbruff13critical_max, do you know of any program other than the one that came with ubuntu and unetbootin to create live usbs i want something that boots like unetbootin but has persistance02:26
critical_maxDasEi: I had some very silly long uptimes on Etch systems. I don't like rebooting. I will check out Ksplice.02:26
soreautbruff13: You can just install to a usb from a live cd02:26
no--nameso ntfs-3g is what handles NTFS drives by default? (you don't have to use some special option)?02:26
oOOIiIiI_UTD_IiIping me02:26
DasEioOOIiIiI_UTD_IiI: pong02:27
tbruff13soreau,  i dont want to use the slow defult client02:27
critical_maxtbruff13, try just installing ubuntu to a usb stick then.02:27
soreautbruff13: What do you mean?02:27
critical_maxsoreau said it first. :)02:27
kerneloops_Ksplice explantion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a22T27rU4b0 :)02:27
soreaucritical_max: win ;)02:27
oOOIiIiI_UTD_IiIyeah use USB installer02:27
critical_maxTrueCrypt that sucker while you're at it.02:28
soreaucritical_max: Hmm, probably not a bad idea...02:28
tbruff13soreau, the startup disk creator is too slow at booting so i want to try another program02:28
tbruff13i want to install to a usb stick this is why i want the other program02:28
critical_maxtbruff13, you can install to a usb stick with the regular installer cd02:28
critical_maxjust choose it as the destination02:28
soreautbruff13: Just boot a live cd, insert the usb and partition it as you would any other drive02:29
critical_maxof course your BIOS must be configured to boot from USB02:29
kerneloops_DasEi: is ksplice easy to use ?02:29
ubottuYou're testing my patience!02:29
critical_maxtbruff13, getting into bios varies widely, google your make and model of computer + "bios"02:29
b1llyip addr show02:29
b1llywill show my local ip right02:29
oOOIiIiI_UTD_IiIor press F9 or F12 depend on ur PC02:29
tbruff13i know how to use bios02:30
DasEikerneloops_: relatively, too long ago to remember details, but was not more then an hour or so02:30
critical_maxtbruff13, once inside you are looking for 'boot priority' or similar, put usb somewhere before hard drive02:30
soreautbruff13: When you go to install from cd, just choose manual partitioning and select the usb device node, /dev/sdc or whatever in the partitioner02:30
gervaisdoes anyone know anything about making bots, im getting frustrated lol02:30
critical_maxand do what soreau said with the cd installer.02:30
critical_maxgervais: state your specific subtask and i can try to help02:30
tbruff13oh wow treat my usb as a seprate laptop wow awesome02:30
critical_maxtbruff13: it's just another hard drive to the pc02:31
DasEitbruff13: size of usb ?02:31
tbruff13is 8 gigs enough02:31
soreautbruff13: a portable, mobile drive02:31
DasEi8 G is fine, tbruff1302:31
soreautbruff13: It would work on as low as 2GB and even much less for some distros02:31
tbruff13critical_max,  and soreau  question i have gotten ubuntu to work at school but i cant get it to connect to the internet i know the password im just having issues it has an all windows and apple laptops on it02:32
DasEidepends, live install = 1gb, but persistant, I's prefer least 4g02:32
kerneloops_8gb for desktop02:32
critical_maxtbruff13, that will depend heavily on your school, talk to the IT people there. every single setup is different02:32
gervaisIm having trouble with the basics of creating a bot for irc chat, any help would be awesome.02:32
tbruff13well it works just link my internet at home will simba help02:33
DasEigervais: wrong channel here, ask in #freenode02:33
gervaisok thanks02:33
kerneloops_how to get time from terminal?02:33
b1llyi have my apache setup02:33
gervaisjoin #freenode02:33
b1llyi can connect to it via localhost02:33
DasEikerneloops_: date02:33
dfhkerneloops_,, date02:33
b1llyhowever my friends cant connect to my ip02:33
b1llyeven tho i fwded the ports on my router to this machine02:34
b1llyis there something i did wrong?02:34
DasEib1lly: registered dns ?02:34
jokkWhere are all the programs located (the "program files" of linux)???02:34
tbruff13critical_max, will simba help02:34
b1llyi need a registered dns for them to connect to my IP ADDRESS?02:34
DasEijokk: /usr/bin mainly02:34
soreaukerneloops_: date +%r02:34
critical_maxtbruff13, I don't know what that is. Like I said your best bet is to talk to the IT guys there. I used to deal with school networks in my job and believe me it's a nightmare I don't want to revisit.02:35
dfh!FHS |jokk02:35
ubottujokk: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier02:35
jokkWIne is messed up and I need to ttoally delete it02:35
critical_maxtbruff13, most school networks are locked down 6 different ways02:35
soreaujokk: rm -rf ~/.wine02:35
DasEib1lly: your server, more comfortable than ip by name, needs it, until you have a static ip02:35
soreaujokk: Then restart and reconfigure it02:35
b1llyDasEi: i do have a static ip tho02:36
DasEioh I see02:36
tbruff13critical_max, ok people bring there windows computers from home and connect why can linux connect on school computer02:36
jokkI type that in command soreau ?02:36
critical_maxtbruff13, I don't know, it varies by every single school, ask your IT guys02:36
DasEib1lly: pm me ?02:36
b1llymaybe i didnt set up my vhost config file right?02:36
tbruff13critical_max, i dont know any suddenlink handles our network02:36
soreaujokk: 'rm -rf ~/.wine' will delete the wine configuration directory from your home folder, effectively resetting it to default02:36
critical_maxtbruff13, there is no limit to the arcane and stupid restrictions placed on school networks. I cannot speculate or help, sorry.02:37
soreaucritical_max: xD02:37
tbruff13ok i get it to work but can you tell does a linux computer look different to a network than a windows one02:37
critical_maxtbruff13, yes02:37
gusgWhen do updates get added to the Ubuntu default repositories? For example, the version of LyX in the repo is 1.6.7, but there have been releases 1.6.9 and 2.0.0rc102:37
jokksoreau: the problem is no progrms are running in wine02:37
jokksoreau: its likely corrupted02:37
jokksoreau: maybe even a virus02:38
tbruff13critical_max, how02:38
soreaujokk: So remove that directory and try again02:38
HyperShocktrbruff13, you shouldn't be having problems with suddenlink, i'm on their network now.02:38
soreaujokk: If it still doesn't work, ask in #winehq02:38
critical_maxtbruff13, it's complicated. play with "zenmap" on your own network and you will see exactly how, very easily02:38
soreau! wine | jokk02:38
ubottujokk: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu02:38
tbruff13okay how do i get zenmap02:38
soreau!info zenmap02:38
ubottuzenmap (source: nmap): The Network Mapper Front End. In component universe, is extra. Version 5.21-1~build1 (maverick), package size 662 kB, installed size 2400 kB02:38
jokksoreau: is the wine directory in the BIN?02:38
soreautbruff13: your package manager, with universe repo enabled02:39
soreaujokk: what?02:39
jokksoreau: where do I delete the wine directory02:39
dfhjokk, the directory is in /home/jokk/.wine02:39
soreaujokk: You mean where do you run that command? In your terminal..02:39
tbruff13jokk, press crtl H to see .wine02:40
joseAwayHello all02:40
jokksoreau: no meant where can I manually delete the folder ...windows style :)02:40
DayspringHello Jopse02:40
soreaujokk: Nautilus. Places>Home then Ctrl+H and shift+delete it02:40
dfhtbruff13, http://nmap.org/book/osdetect.html02:40
joseAwayI want the fastcgi worker process for my website to start on boot, but it seems like an initscript is too heavy duty for the job02:40
joseAwaywhat should I use?02:40
joseAwayI think cron has an @boot magic keyword, perhaps02:40
ActionParsnipjoseAway: could use /etc/rc.local02:40
critical_maxgusg, what version of ubuntu are you on?02:41
ActionParsnipjoseAway: or @boot as you say, with cron02:41
gusgcritical_max: 10.1002:41
joseAwayActionParsnip: okay, just wondered if that was an uncommon use case for cron. It does seem like the best, since different user accounts will be need to run their own stuff on-boot02:42
critical_maxgusg: the short answer is 'it depends'. but in general if you are not on an LTS release (like 10.04) then you have a good chance of getting those kind of updates eventually. It really depends on the specific package maintainer for Ubuntu (and/or Debian)02:42
gusgcritical_max thanks for the explanation02:42
kerneloops_How do I search for a file in all files and folders?02:42
kerneloops_using termina02:43
soreaukerneloops_: locate filename02:43
jon_athonWhat's a good program to resize multiple jpg images on the fly?02:43
critical_maxgusg: feature upgrades to packages do get included, but you'll need to check activity for the specific project you're interested in. sometimes googling for your ubuntu release + project name will turn up discussion of hurdles.02:43
critical_maxgusg: for an LTS you'd just get bugfix upgrades02:43
tbruff13critical_max, how does it work and how do i run it as root02:43
jokkthere is no .wine02:43
critical_maxgusg you're welcome.02:43
DasEikerneloops_: locate after sudo updatedb (time!) find, ls02:43
kerneloops_tried locate02:43
soreaujokk: Then you haven't used wine yet02:44
jokksoreau: I did02:44
jokksoreau: I used a few programs02:44
DasEikerneloops_: initial set database up, but depending on hd takes some time02:44
critical_maxtbruff13, yeah you might want to do that "gksudo zenmap". scanning the network requires root privileges for certain functions02:44
soreaujokk: I guess you have to ask #winehq then02:44
jokksoreau: then it got corrupted02:44
dfhjokk open terminal and type: cd; ls .wine02:44
tbruff13critical_max, can this scan for ipods on a network my principal wants a list and can this program do that02:44
jokkdfh: dosdevices  drive_c  system.reg  userdef.reg  user.reg02:45
critical_maxtbruff13, you're doing free IT work for your principal? :O umm yeah it could.02:45
dfhso it's there, now type: rm -r .wine02:45
oOOIiIiI_UTD_IiIcritical_max : where do u come from?02:45
critical_maxtbruff13, zenmap sees all except what doesn't want to be seen.02:46
jokkdfh: it just goes to another line02:46
jokkin the command dfh02:46
dfhjokk, that was to be expected, you just deleted the folder ;)02:46
tbruff13critical_max, how do i do that i dont know how to use the program02:46
critical_maxtbruff13, might want to search for a how-to02:46
critical_maxit's complicated.02:46
dfhjokk, now try running those exes in wine again02:46
tbruff13critical_max, but now i need to learn fast he has been on my butt for days02:46
jokkdfh: I still see everything in the startup menu02:46
jon_athonWhat's a good program to resize multiple jpg images on the fly?02:47
InphernalHi all, I am using Maverick and just started having a problem with my mouse. I can pick a window and then use it fine, but cannot click outside it to switch windows or even use the close/minimise buttons on the current window. What could be causing this?02:47
jokkdfh: nothing shows up02:47
jokkdfh: but it was doing this before02:47
critical_maxtbruff13, Well now you have the tool for the job. :)02:47
dfhjokk, no wine expert sorry, the "startup menu" should be fixed by logging out and back in again02:48
InphernalSeems like right clicking in the current window releases the mouse, but it just gets stuck again in a new window02:48
jokkhmmm lemme try dfh02:48
T_N_TI need some help if anyone is willing02:48
dfh !ask |T_N_T02:49
ubottuT_N_T: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:49
Rickta59ok, so I haven't run linux since slunix .. man what a difference.  I loaded up ubuntu 10.10 and then put macbuntu on top of it... Amazing ! what a diference 15 years makes02:50
T_N_Tsomeone has been sniffing around in my network, "Lan access from remote" and they tried to log into the wlan but they got the password incorrect02:50
InphernalI also cannot Alt-Tab to change windows02:50
T_N_Tit looks like they are port scanning the various computers that are on the network to find an open port02:50
T_N_Tall I can see is the mac address of the intruder02:50
InphernalDo you get an option to blacklist?02:50
critical_maxRickta59, wow 15 years!! no kidding... welcome back.02:50
Rickta59thanks critical_max02:51
dfhT_N_T, are there any open ports you worry about?02:51
soreaucritical_max: 15 years since what?02:51
T_N_Twell UPNP is enable because of the Xbox 36002:51
oOOIiIiI_UTD_IiIcritical_max : what's the best external network tools for maverick?02:51
critical_maxsoreau, since Rickta59 used linux02:51
Rickta59since the last time I was running linux as my regular desktop02:51
T_N_Tthats all I know about dfh02:51
soreaucritical_max: Oh right, what a difference today makes ;)02:51
jokkgentoo all the way02:51
critical_maxoOOIiIiI_UTD_IiI, tools for what purpose?02:52
ray24Does anyone use banshee to sync music?02:52
dfhT_N_T, UPNP implies you are behind a router, where are they scanning you - within the network or are they scanning the router?02:52
oOOIiIiI_UTD_IiIcritical_max : for port scan, netstat, etc02:52
critical_maxoOOIiIiI_UTD_IiI, what is your goal? if you're monitoring, you should be using a monitoring package like Nagios or (pick your favorite)02:53
dfhT_N_T, sudo netstat -antup will tell you what's listening on what ports02:53
critical_maxoOOIiIiI_UTD_IiI, mon is a nice simpler monitor02:53
oOOIiIiI_UTD_IiIcritical_max : monitoring n defense from intrudder02:53
oOOIiIiI_UTD_IiIcritical_max : is nagios a package from ubuntu or external appl02:55
ray24what just happened?02:55
dfh^^ ???02:55
dfhoOOIiIiI_UTD_IiI, IDS, snort, nmap, wireshark, fail2ban?02:55
oOOIiIiI_UTD_IiI critical_max : is nagios a package from ubuntu or external appl02:55
critical_maxoOOIiIiI_UTD_IiI, I have had great experience with "mon" (simple) and "Nagios" (complex) for monitoring. if you want to poke your systems for holes start with nmap02:55
oOOIiIiI_UTD_IiILOL all the bot drop02:55
Logan_!netsplit | ray2402:55
ubotturay24: netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit02:55
critical_maxoOOIiIiI_UTD_IiI, nagios is an external package. "mon" has a much much lower learning curve, for what it's worth.02:56
oOOIiIiI_UTD_IiIcritical_max : could u give me a link for that?02:56
critical_maxoOOIiIiI_UTD_IiI, and there are probably other options that i'm not considering02:56
critical_maxfirst hit in google.02:56
oOOIiIiI_UTD_IiIok then02:56
oOOIiIiI_UTD_IiIi'd better looking on google02:56
critical_maxit's a major software ... :) will have no trouble with docs and support.02:57
oOOIiIiI_UTD_IiIthanks a lot bro02:57
critical_maxsure thing, don't forget to set up mon while you're working on a nagios config for the next week ;)02:57
Logan_!ask | phoenixsampras02:57
ubottuphoenixsampras: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:57
oOOIiIiI_UTD_IiI;) sure02:57
jokkwhat do you press to terminate window02:58
phoenixsamprasi cant login with any other than mine, using LDAP, why so?02:58
soreaujokk: Alt+F402:58
ray24Can i disable those notifications?02:58
jokkin ubuntu02:58
jon_athonray24, yes02:58
jokksoreau: also in ubuntu?02:58
dfhjokk, yes also in ubuntu (gnome, kde, other wms...)02:59
atha__me too :)02:59
jokkis there something stronger? there is something not closing with anything here02:59
jokkwhats the other thing you press02:59
soreaujokk: try it :)02:59
jokkshift Z or something?02:59
wesleyI need help, new user trying to solve issue02:59
jokksoreau: I did03:00
jokkits not closing03:00
soreau! ask | wesley03:00
ubottuwesley: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:00
soreaujokk: What is the window?03:00
=== Robert is now known as 16SAAC7CL
jokksoreau: its a stupid wine application03:01
soreaujokk: Try running 'killall wine'03:01
wesleyOn my gateway Lt31 i am having trouble where the screen becomes pixilated and blured, doesn't freeze but become un useable03:02
soreauwesley: What graphics card is it from the output of 'lspci|grep VGA'?03:02
InphernalI've just recently begun to have a problem with my mouse. I can use it  normally in one window, but it will not click outside of this window. I  cannot use the title bar buttons either. It seems like right clicking  "frees" the mouse, but then it just gets stuck in the next window I  open.03:03
wesleyAti graphics03:03
Nzaw4hi guys03:03
soreauwesley: What is the output of 'lspci|grep VGA' from your terminal?03:04
ayrton_guys in only have 296 fps when i type glxgears in terminal, intel gma4500m, in mint it was 2500, how do i fix this03:05
ohzieHey when I hit the apostrophe key on netbook remix, it does this to letters: é instead of making an apostrophe. I have to hit the apostrophe key twice to make it act proper. Does anyone know where the setting is to change this?03:05
Nzaw4I have a question03:06
BentFranklinohzie: You might change your locale to US.  Some systems implement the ' procedure to allow input ot Latin characters03:06
soreau! ask | Nzaw403:06
Nzaw4lets say my conky crashed or is giving me a memoery leak, i kill it in system monitor, then i iopen terminal and type conky.. it opens, but when i close the terminal window it also closes... how do i execute a command to open a program in terminal, but be able to close that window?03:06
ubottuNzaw4: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:06
wesley01:05.0 VGA Compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series]03:07
stojabreaki have a problem with all distros ;( , in log , i can view the next message " CE: hpet3 increased min_delta_ns to 7500 nsec "03:07
soreauwesley: Can you post a screenshot of the problem to picpaste.com?03:07
wesleyyeah ill just take a pic.03:07
soreauwesley: Post a screenshot using the print screen button. We need to see if it shows up in a screnshot03:08
suleymangood nights03:09
ubottuYou should avoid noisy away messages and -nicks in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»03:09
mohamedhi evrybody03:09
wesleythis problem renders the computer unreadable, wont be able to with the laptop itself03:09
stojabreakif everyhone knows the problem " CE: hpet3 increased min_delta_ns to 7500 nsec " please , tell me :=)03:10
heliosHell can someone please help me with changing a file name in my usr directory?03:10
=== reedy is now known as the_core
wesleyit happens with the mail account when i try to resize the email, also happens sometime within firefox03:10
tbruff13critical_max, how would i scan all devices on a network what starting ip or target do you use with zenmap comeon throw me a bone you know how hard it is to find a howto or video03:10
DasEihelios: sure03:11
ohziehelios: why do you need to change it? :(03:11
DasEihelios: sudo mv OldName NewName03:11
heliosIt's a bug in the game03:11
DasEihelios: and cd there before, oc03:11
heliosalright hold on03:11
the_coreI messed up my laptop good hehe anyone have a few minutes to attempt to save me?03:12
XubuntuKrisDoes Compiz work the same with Xubuntu as it does with Ubuntu? Since none of the 52 people in #xubuntu will answer my question.03:13
DasEithe_core: details ?03:13
soreauthe_core: start explaining how the problem happened03:13
DasEiXubuntuKris: yes03:13
[1]JakeDoes anyone here have a system using the Geforce GT 330M by Nvidia03:13
XubuntuKriswell it doesn't seem to be working correctly03:13
=== Prodego is now known as elapse
DasEiXubuntuKris: which graphics ?03:14
soreauXubuntuKris: Compiz only requires a working X session and 3D drivers, regardless if there is a DE running or not03:14
XubuntuKrisI've enabled Desktop Cube and the Rotate Cube functions, and they aren't activating like they should03:14
soreauXubuntuKris: What is the output of ps ax|grep compiz ?03:14
XubuntuKrisin terminal?03:14
soreau! who | XubuntuKris03:15
ubottuXubuntuKris: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:15
the_coretoshiba satelite l655 laptop,came with win 7 home premium..I tried to install ubuntu 10.10 and it installed ok but I get the black screen of death as I like to call it..it looks like the terminal only full screen03:15
wesleyok ive uploaded the pic03:15
DasEithe_core:busybox or terminal ?03:15
soreauwesley: post the link to the pic here03:16
the_corenot sure03:16
the_corewhats the diff.?03:16
[1]JakeSyele  How is your windstream service workign for you?03:16
the_coreok it asks for my login and password03:16
syrinx_DasEi: if he didn't know how to ask the question he wouldn't know what a busybox or a terminal is03:16
=== eric_234 is now known as Palm64
DasEithechef: busybox there you got a box saying blahblah dropping to a limited shell03:17
[1]JakeLOL Apparently not well.03:17
DasEithe_core: busybox there you got a box saying blahblah dropping to a limited shell03:17
niccoliHey all, I'm having a problem with one of my old PS/2 Ball mice not working when I start up my ubuntu, seems to be only that mouse since I can use my laser PS/2 just fine03:17
kerneloops_alsamixer: simple.c:160: snd_mixer_selem_get_id: Assertion `(elem)->type == SND_MIXER_ELEM_SIMPLE' failed03:17
XubuntuKriswas talking to soreau, sorry03:17
DasEithechef: sry, nick-miss03:18
syrinx_the_core: press ctrl+alt+f703:18
XubuntuKristrying to google some things as well03:18
DasEisyrinx_: he gets no x at all03:18
etzerdhello all03:18
[1]JakeHello etzerd03:18
etzerdwhen the new version will be release03:18
[1]JakeApril 28TH03:18
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.03:18
etzerdhello jake03:18
etzerdthanks Jake03:19
the_coreit logs ok but then it now says reedy@reedy-satelite-l655:~$03:19
XubuntuKrisWhat was that command soreau?03:19
[1]Jake35 Days from now03:19
soreauXubuntuKris: ps ax|grep compiz|grep -v grep03:19
DasEithe_core: looks better, that's terminal03:19
[1]Jakeetzerd LOL  If you can't tell I am counting03:19
bobbieanyone know why my IRC connections might be lagging out *only* on the ubuntu machine and not the other machine on my lan?03:19
the_coreafter a few attempts to do anything the whole screen goes black..no text nothing and I have to shut down03:19
etzerdbecause I have a new Sony VAIO laptop the version 10.10 doesn't have the driver for the Nvidia and the wireless card. I believe the new version will.03:19
XubuntuKrisIt just returns to the $ prompt soreau03:20
[1]JakeWhich nvidia video card are you running?03:20
niccoliHey all, I'm having a problem with one of my old PS/2 Ball mice not working when I start up my ubuntu, seems to be only that mouse since I can use my laser PS/2 just fine. . . .anyone?03:20
DasEithe_core: was the box inet when you installed ?03:20
brophatanyone notice that the rt2860/rt3090 wireless is a bit flaky on ubuntu?03:20
soreauXubuntuKris: That means compiz is not running. Try starting it with this command and pastein the output if it does not work: compiz --replace & disown03:21
[1]Jakeniccoli:  Have you verified it works on another machine using a diff os03:21
the_corewhat do you mean "on it"?03:21
etzerdNvidia GT 425M03:21
DasEithe_core: was it online ?03:21
the_coreno connection03:21
niccoli[1]Jake: yes, used it on my windows 7 32 bit machine just half an hour ago03:21
the_coreit worked fine with windows03:22
DasEithe_core: got a live cd ?03:22
XubuntuKrisWARNING: Application calling GLX 1.3 function "glXCreatePixmap" when GLX 1.3 is not supported!  This is an application bug!03:22
syrinx_the_core: did you install the server edition?03:22
XubuntuKrisCouldn't find a perfect decorator match; trying all decorators03:22
XubuntuKrisStarting gtk-window-decorator03:22
XubuntuKris(gtk-window-decorator:6444): GConf-CRITICAL **: gconf_client_set_string: assertion `val != NULL' failed03:22
XubuntuKrisWindow manager warning: Failed to load theme "Clearlooks": Failed to find a valid file for theme Clearlooks03:22
ChapterNZim having troubles with my networkmanager ; when i wake my laptop from sleeping, sometimes the network (wlan +/ lan) won't reconnect03:22
ChapterNZi have tried restarting the manager + init.d/networking to no avail03:22
XubuntuKriscompiz (cube) - Warn: Failed to load slide: /usr/share/gdm/themes/Human/ubuntu.png03:22
XubuntuKrisWARNING: Application calling GLX 1.3 function "glXDestroyPixmap" when GLX 1.3 is not supported!  This is an application bug!03:22
XubuntuKrisThat was to soreau03:22
syrinx_!pastbin | XubuntuKris03:22
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:22
[1]Jakeetzerd:  I am running the Nvidia GT 330M with HDMI output and I get the dreaded terminal screen every time.03:22
DasEiyes : so you can chroot from live cd and also check the hd's syslog for additinal infos, from live do an update/GRADE FROM CHROOT03:22
the_coreits Ubuntu netbook 10.1003:23
XubuntuKrisSorry for that guys03:23
etzerdtherefore mine is a newer version03:23
soreauXubuntuKris: That is normal output. If ps ax|grep compiz|grep -v grep shows output, it means compiz is running03:23
[1]Jakeetzerd: Last I heard the 11.04 ran my card fine so maybe yours will work too.  If not watch Nvidia and if they get it working then you may just have to do a binary install.03:23
etzerdhopefully version 11.4 will03:24
XubuntuKrissoreau: well, now all my open windows look messed up...03:24
XubuntuKrisI don't know what it did....03:24
[1]Jakeniccoli:  Are both of the computer mice using usb?03:25
jrmcmHow can i find the native resolution for my monitor?03:25
niccoli[1]Jake, No, both mice are PS/203:25
wesleyAny luck?03:25
XubuntuKrisOkay, soreau, ps ax|grep compiz|grep -v grep is showing output now...it wasn't before.03:25
soreauXubuntuKris: Now try cube and other effects03:26
[1]Jakeniccoli:  Ok now that is a wierd one then.  I have only one trackball and it has worked with fedora and ubuntu flawlessly.03:26
XubuntuKrisThey work soreau03:27
DasEithe_core: I'm not too familiar with nb-edition and it will bedropped , too.. maybe try an lubuntu or xubuntu install with alternate cd on it ?03:27
IraqiIs there channel for Ubuntu on Android?03:27
niccoli[1]Jake, it is yeah, I've tried various solutions from the web and none have helped.03:27
soreauXubuntuKris: great03:27
[1]Jakeniccoli:  You might get lucky and there is some special driver you need for linux.  Have you checked the manufacturers website?03:28
XubuntuKrisNow compiz won't close though soreau03:28
the_corewell I installed it over windows lol so I have to do something03:28
XubuntuKrisnvm, it closed now.03:28
soreauXubuntuKris: You dont want your window manager to cease running because then nothing will be managing your windows!03:28
DasEiXubuntuKris: for compiz some graphics power and ram is needed, and also the card must have 3d cabable drivers03:28
XubuntuKrisI mean the forground User Interface soreau03:29
niccoli[1]Jake, I haven't, but I'm doubtful that an old compaq mouse would have a linux driver.03:29
[1]Jakeniccoli:  Back when I used unix we had to get drivers for the dummest things sometimes.03:29
the_coreis my problem due to not being able to connect to net?03:29
the_coremissing drivers perhaps03:29
niccoli[1]Jake, so just check the website?03:29
[1]JakeI know linux it very different because well most the crap I used to work on unix doesn't work here.  lol03:30
soreauthe_core: When you boot, what happens exactly?03:30
DasEithe_core: idk what is wrong, my idea would be to connect via live cd, then chroot into the hd and try an upgrade03:30
the_coreI get the terminal screen asking me for my log in,then password03:30
[1]JakeWell if it is an old compaq mouse i doubt you will find anything03:30
soreauwesley: What version of ubuntu are you running?03:30
soreau! who | wesley03:30
ubottuwesley: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:31
kerneloops_How can I mount USB via terminal03:31
DasEilöle, kerneloops_03:31
soreauthe_core: Did you make sure the image you used is ok? ie. run the md5sum checker verification from the live cd boot menu03:31
[1]Jakeniccoli:  Sorry niccoli.  Wish you were close I probably have a dozen of those I could toss at ya.03:31
DasEikerneloops_: sudo fdisk -l03:31
kerneloops_tried sudo mount /dev/sdb ~/usb03:31
kerneloops_but need type03:32
DasEikerneloops_: device ? .. /dev/sd ?03:32
soreaukerneloops_: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 ~/usb03:32
[1]Jakeniccoli:  Don't know what else to tell ya.03:32
the_coreI have used it before03:32
soreauthe_core: its not too late :)03:32
wesleySoreau Im running Ubuntu 10.10-The Maverick Meerkat03:32
kerneloops_soreau: I missed the number :p03:33
niccoli[1]Jake, yeah, I suppose it isn't a huge problem, ordering a new mouse for my windows machine here so the computers can all use mice03:33
soreauwesley: What is the output of glxinfo|grep renderer ?03:33
soreauwesley: (you have to install mesa-utils first)03:33
kerneloops_linux ftw03:33
soreaukerneloops_: yep03:33
ChapterNZanyone know (or can point me in the right direction) about problems with networkmanager not reconnecting after sleep? EG: computer sleep with lan plugged in, when awake the lan no longer reconnects..03:34
[1]JakeOn a similar note.  Has anyone here gotten the multi-touch IR screens working using the ps2 camera on Linux03:34
kerneloops_"best" way to shutdown is sudo poweroff?03:35
wesleysoreau: is says that the program glxinfo is currently not installed03:35
XubuntuKrisOkay, so a few things went wrong when I used that second compiz command you gave me soreau....things like my minimize maximize and close buttons on windows went big and white and my borders are messed up, and compiz won't work right..03:35
speeqsHey guys. I recently got ubuntu on my hp laptop, however Im having a problem connecting to the Internet apperently because my firmware is missing. i dont doubt that you can get new firmware using the terminal I just dont know how. If anyone could help id greatly appreciate it and sorry for the length :303:35
kerneloops_machine is old03:35
jrmcmHow can i find the native resolution for my monitor?03:35
XubuntuKrisI don't know how else to describe it.03:35
mrdebon the box03:35
soreauwesley: and it tells you exactly how to install it03:35
wesleysoreau: ok ill install03:35
[1]Jakejrmcm:  What is the model of your monitor03:36
soreauXubuntuKris: second compiz command?03:36
dinkerneloops_: poweroff, halt, init 0, they all work fine.03:36
jrmcmJake: Toshiba Sattelite a 50503:36
soreaukerneloops_: shutdown -h now03:36
XubuntuKrisI don't remember what it was, but it ended in "disown" or something like that soreau03:36
mrdeb-h = hurt03:36
soreauXubuntuKris: compiz --replace & disown03:36
kerneloops_the computer keeps turned on hehe but the system shuts down03:36
XubuntuKrissoreau: yes, that one03:37
soreaumrdeb: In this context, it stands for halt03:37
mrdebok soreau03:37
soreauXubuntuKris: It should start a decorator.. try compiz --replace & gtk-window-decorator --replace & disown03:37
mrdebwhat is the diffee from shutdown -h now and halt?03:37
soreaumrdeb: For the sake of this channel, there is none03:38
wesleysoreau: OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI R300 (RS690 791F0 20090101 NO-TCL DRI203:38
[1]Jakejrmcm:  One moment please03:39
lordcrusaderhowdy ya'll, got a question03:39
lordcrusaderanyone know how to install/run Second life on 10.04 LTS?03:39
XubuntuKrisWill that fix my theme issues and compiz opening it's "advanced search" on it's own about ten seconds after I open compiz soreau?03:39
soreauwesley: Ok, Im going to recommend you upgrade your driver stack with xorg-edgers repo because you are seeing corruption03:39
mrdebwhat does that mean03:39
wesleysoreau: ok so how do i do that03:40
soreauwesley: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental && sudo apt-get upgrade03:40
lordcrusaderhow do you install .tar.bz2 files?03:41
soreauwesley: After its complete, restart X by logging out and come back to show the output of glxinfo|grep renderer again03:41
=== jack_ is now known as jack_^
soreaulordcrusader: Very carefully03:41
soreau! compile | lordcrusader03:41
ubottulordcrusader: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)03:41
joshmclordcrusader: it's probably a source package. You gotta unzip it with archive manager (or tar, if you are adventurous)03:41
lordcrusadergotta speak in lamens terms as well please03:42
joshmclordcrusader: and follow the instructions above ;)03:42
spacenavihelp. some youtube videos don't seem to work03:42
lordcrusaderI have, but I get a "windows creation error"03:42
lordcrusaderI'm running a Radeon ... 9600 I believe is the number........ is that an alright card? And or could be the problem?03:42
[1]Jakejrmcm:  Toshiba user guide says your resolution should be 1366x76803:42
mrdebthe 9600 is a good card03:43
soreaulordcrusader: I have that card.. its decent, especially with the new gallium drivers default in 11.0403:43
the_corewell Ubuntu just started and seems ok but no connection03:43
XubuntuKrissoreau, it didn't change anything.03:43
lordcrusaderthrough some of the readings though I believe this game is ment for Nvidia cards.......... would it make that much of a difference?03:43
mrdebsoreau: what are the gallium drivers? open ati drivers?03:43
soreaumrdeb: Yes03:44
jrmcm[1]Jake: alright, thx, I was actually wondering if there was a way to find it through ubuntu03:44
student-22sok tahu03:44
rypervencheI was told that using aptitude is better than using apt-get. Is there any place I can learn more about using aptitude? For example, what does the "{a}" mean after a program when I am installing it?03:44
jrmcmbut knowing is good enough. :)03:44
mrdebsoreau: what is the performance hit in percentage when using hte gallium driver vs ati's03:44
soreaumrdeb: Actually, gallium is new code in mesa. The classic mesa driver is currently default03:44
lordcrusaderany ideas on how I could possibly fix the "windows creation error"? and or exactly what it could be meaning?03:45
soreaumrdeb: You dont compare fglrx because it doesnt support older cards03:45
[1]JakeNot a ubuntu expert.  My latest machines don't have drivers supported by linux yet so. :(03:45
the_coreI cannot connect to my wireless:(03:45
soreaumrdeb: Its classic mesa vs gallium. Means opengl 1.5 vs opengl 2.103:45
mrdebwhat about radeon 3850 card03:45
mrdebwhat is the difference there03:45
soreauthe_5th_wheel: why not?03:45
Logan_!my | student-2203:46
ubottustudent-22: bantuan bahasa melayu? sila join #ubuntu-my03:46
soreaumrdeb: fglrx is faster but doesnt support kms which allows the open drivers to have advanced features03:46
mrdebhow much faster03:46
jrmcm[1]Jake: well dang that sucks :( definetly03:46
mrdebi have to know how much. half , third, 10 percent03:46
soreaumrdeb: do your own tests. r600g is being heavily developed03:46
soreaumrdeb: or ask in #radeon03:46
mrdebhasnt anyone tested it03:46
mrdebi want to know before installign the card03:47
soreaumrdeb: #radeon03:47
[1]Jakejrmcm:  Sucks to be me.  I just got a Vostro 3700 with 2 gb video 4 gig ram a quad 2.67 and I cna't even use the damn thing for my linux.03:47
jrmcm[1]Jake: Just wait itll happen eventually03:47
soreaumrdeb: The thing is, open drivers are getting faster all the time, while fglrx is just basically a bunch of the code they use on windoze03:48
[1]Jakejrmcm:  April 28th I am hoping it will work on the new release03:48
XubuntuKrisSo what can I do to fix my theme soreau?03:48
mrdebsoreau: i want something that doesnt suck. the nvidia nouveau driver sucks compared to nvidia's. it's 10 percent03:48
soreauXubuntuKris: Sorry, I thought cube was working?03:48
XubuntuKrissoreau: cube is working, but the visuals of my theme are now screwed up.03:49
[1]JakeGuess nobody answered my ? about homemade ir multi-touch systems.03:50
mrdebhow do you enable the cube03:50
Logan_!compiz | mrdeb03:50
ubottumrdeb: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz03:50
the_corecan someone help me get connected to my net again,windows worked fine with my wireless but Ubuntu ,no connection03:50
soreaumrdeb: Yea, but the thing is, AMD bought ATI, dropped the ATI name in favor of Radeon opened even more hardware specifications and hired kernel developers to work full time on the open driver. Nvidia on the other hand does not release any hardware specs so nouveau must be painstakingly reverse engineered03:50
rypervencheWhat does the {a} mean next to a package name in aptitude? And is it better to use aptitude over apt-get?03:51
soreaumrdeb: Obviously its much easier to program a decent driver with hardware specs than trying to fish around in the dark03:51
fisixhey, does anybody know if it's possible to skin rhythymbox? or perhaps suggest a better-looking dark-themed ubuntu media player?03:51
Logan_!rhythmbox | fisix03:51
ubottufisix: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs03:51
wesleyhallsoreau: r300: DRM version: 2.5.0, Name: ATI RS690, ID: 0x791f, GB: 1, Z: 103:51
wesleyhallr300: GART size: 509 MB, VRAM size: 384 MB03:51
wesleyhallr300: AA compression: NO, Z compression: NO, HiZ: NO03:51
wesleyhallOpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.4 on ATI RS69003:51
Logan_fisix: sorry about that03:52
mrdebsoreau i need to know how much the peformance is03:52
soreauwesleyhall: Cool, now does the problem still happen?03:52
Logan_!pastebin | wesleyhall03:52
ubottuwesleyhall: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:52
soreaumrdeb: #radeon03:52
mrdebno one is answering in radeon03:52
NatSanotovaHi, hoping for some help... I'm installing Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook on my Acer Aspire One D255 and I'm unable to progress past the Who are you screen... I'm parallel installing with windows 7 Home Pro03:52
mrdebNatSanotova: install the regular edition03:53
wesleySoreau: yeah same problem happened again03:53
soreaumrdeb: Test yourself or google or something. r600g is heavily being worked on and you have to be patient in #radeon03:53
[1]JakeNatSanotova:  The acer aspire requires the desktop edition.03:53
NatSanotovaOkay thanks.03:53
soreauwesley: Did it install a new kernel? Did you reboot?03:53
TristantioDoes anyone else's eyes hurt swapping between Windows/Ubuntu?  At first when I went to Ubuntu it was an eyesore, now its opposite, when I rarely boot to windows it hurts my eyes03:54
wesleysoreau: yeah i installed everything you gave me and rebooted03:54
soreauXubuntuKris: The visuals of your theme? Screenshot?03:54
NatSanotovaHow do I cancel the install?03:54
thauriswulfaQUESTION: I Just installed grub again, after xp install  , it installed correctly , but I am unable to login to my account (hint: there's different partition for home)03:54
Logan_!ot | Tristantio03:54
ubottuTristantio: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:54
soreauwesley: Well that was my only idea. Try #radeon or file a bug at bugs.freedesktop.org03:55
vladrandomDoes anyone know how to fix USB ports that wont show up? They worked perfectly fine in windows and now they are gone. lsusb shows nothing.03:55
TristantioThanks ubottu.03:55
the_corecan someone help me get connected to my net again,windows worked fine with my wireless but Ubuntu ,no connection03:55
wesleysoreau: was it a bad install?03:55
[1]JakeNatSanotova:  Do a hard kill and boot from cdrom with desktop03:55
soreauwesley: I dont know. What kernel is reported by uname -r ?03:55
KentrelAnyone have any experience with sharing\syncing data in Outlook in Windows and Evolution in Ubuntu in a dual boot system?03:55
DarkLinuxHas anybody here heard of ¨Blackbuntu¨? A Penetration Testing Distribution based off of Ubuntu 10.1003:55
Tristantiothauriswulfa: Grub 1 does not recognize ext4 unless you specifically set it up to, so if your prior install was ext4 and you did a new install of grub 1 you won't see your ext4 partition03:56
[1]JakeNarSanotova Hold power key until it shuts down.03:56
DasEiDarkLinux: wrong chan here, it's Backtrack03:56
vladrandomDoes anyone know how to fix USB ports that wont show up? They worked perfectly fine in windows and now they are gone. lsusb shows nothing.03:56
critical_maxfisix: interesting, you're not the first to bring up rhythmbox skins...see http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/15443/ etc... maybe try VLC for skinning?03:56
NatSanotovaAs you can guess I'm a total newbie to Ubuntu, but I've heard such nice things about it.03:56
vladrandomdarklinux its not as stable as BT403:56
thauriswulfaTristantio: its grub203:57
DarkLinuxAhh, well I had heard it was better. Thats why I installed it lol, but is BT4 the latest version?03:57
wesleysoreau: 2.6.35-28-generic03:58
soreauwesley: Yes so ask in #radeon or file a bug report03:58
=== Logan_ is now known as [Live]
DarkLinuxAlright I'll take a look into it. Thanks vladrandom03:58
fisixcritical_max, didn't know vlc had skins actually. what would be the best way of storing an online stream on vlc? using rhythymbox, i have it under radio..03:58
rypervencheWhat does the {a} mean next to a package name in aptitude? And is it better to use aptitude over apt-get?03:59
fisixcritical_max, yeah i found that page too lol03:59
wesleysoreau: sorry new to all this were is #radeon03:59
soreauwesley: /j #radeon03:59
student-9OI ROIS04:00
vladrandomIs anyone going to help me?04:00
[Live]!please | vladrandom04:00
ubottuvladrandom: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude04:00
[Live]student-9: Please stop.04:00
the_corecan someone help me get connected to my net again,windows worked fine with my wireless but Ubuntu ,no connection04:00
soreauwesley: Its much more quiet but there are developers who idle there. post your screenshot, explain the problem and be patient. Optionally additionally filing a bug report shows you are serious about getting it fixed04:00
mrdebNatSanotova: it's nice to try04:00
wesleysoreau: ok thank you so much you've been great04:01
thauriswulfaafter reinstalling grub2  not able to login (hint : home was on different partition)04:02
thauriswulfaQUESTION:after reinstalling grub2  not able to login (hint : home was on different partition)04:02
soreauwesley: no problem, I hope you get it fixed04:02
NatSanotovaMeh Not like I use the netbook for much beyond internet stuff anyways. and Open Office use when I'm out04:02
[1]JakeNatSanotova:  At least you are trying to learn something new.  Many will not.  I tried to get my workplace to switch to linux using virutal windows machines to run the few application that needed windows.   No go04:02
soreauthe_core: What have you tried to connect so far?04:02
the_corejust got Ubuntu installed and no connection04:03
soreauthe_core: You have a wireless access point to connect to?04:03
critical_maxfixis: the google-fu is strong in this one I see ;)04:04
critical_maxfisix; streamripper used to do that04:04
the_coreyes laptop connected fine with windows but I installed ubuntu04:04
soreau! who | the_core04:04
ubottuthe_core: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:04
[1]JakeNatSonotova:  Netbook is totally different then laptop or desktop.04:04
thauriswulfa QUESTION:after reinstalling grub2  not able to login (hint : home was on different partition)04:04
critical_maxfisix: or just record stereo mix with Audacity04:04
soreauthe_core: What wifi chip is it?04:04
[Live]!repeat | thauriswulfa04:04
ubottuthauriswulfa: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:04
the_corewifi chip?04:04
the_coresorry I learn as I go and not going well right now hehe04:05
soreauthe_core: If its on the pci bus, use the command lspci to see the chip04:05
adimanhai, does anyone knows how to remove games from application menu?04:05
needlezthe_core: go to terminal and type lspci | grep -i network and post output for him04:05
[1]JakeNatsotonova:  netbooks have seemed to be more of a pain IMO when trying to use them.04:06
critical_maxthe_core: if possible, connect via an Ethernet cable to your router, and see if it offers software updates/wireless drivers/etc04:06
soreauadiman: sys>prefs>main menu04:06
[1]JakeMy recent droid is the only one that seems worth anything.04:06
fisixhmmm, thanks! i think it's too much of a hassle tho. i think rhythymbox is great but it needs a dark themed skin! doesn't look leet enough :b04:06
mrdebwhat's a hassle04:06
critical_maxfisix: It will either happen or eventually obscure itself04:07
[Live]mrdeb: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/hassle04:07
wesleysoreau: the weblink you gave me is wrong04:07
fisixmrdeb, using streamripper and skinning vlc04:07
NatSanotovaI've not really had a prob using my netbook... I just disabled the touchpad and use a mouse :P04:07
soreauwesley: Did I give you a link?04:07
soreauwesley: bugs.freedesktop.org ?04:07
critical_maxmrdeb: fisix pointed out that rhythmbox is unskinnable, which surprised me but apparently it just isn't.04:08
mrdebNatSanotova: netbooks are good and inexpensive and work well with ubuntu04:08
ISTA?Will deleting casper-rw get rid of programs i've already installed. USB persistent. Ubuntu 10.1004:08
mrdebbut i recommend the rgular edition over the netbook interface04:08
soreauwesley: oh wow, its down right now04:08
wesleysoreau: ok no worries then though i messed it up, ill post another time then04:09
fisixwhat audio players do you guys like anyway? and why?04:09
hoseinHi People!04:09
VE2EBPhi hosein04:09
NatSanotovaOne thing I love about Ubuntu... Firefox comes standard!04:09
[1]JakeNatSonotova: I agree to a point.  However having to carry the netbook mini I had around all the time I found it more convenient to just carry my laptop.  If I still have to carry the thing around I fugured i would take thte one with more functions.04:10
[1]JakeOf course many times I had to burn a disc here and there so.04:10
XubuntuKrisHow do I disable compiz in xubuntu?04:11
mrdebNatSanotova: you should also install VLC for media playback and other programs04:11
NatSanotovaIf I had a laptop I'd probably agree with you04:11
hoseinI have changed my VGA card and now my ubuntu does not startup!04:11
[Live]!players > fisix04:11
ubottufisix, please see my private message04:11
the_coresoreau: 00: 1bc.4 PCI bridge: Intel corp 5 series/3400 series chipset PCI Express04:11
soreauwesley: That is a major site so I expect it to be back up soon enough04:11
NatSanotovaVLC is one of the first things I do when I buy a new PC04:11
soreauthe_core: That doesnt look like a wifi chipset..04:11
hoseinVE2EBP: I have changed my VGA card and now my ubuntu does not startup!04:11
fisixlol i know i know, just wanted to see which u guys liked n y04:12
soreauthe_core: Try the command needlez gave04:12
[Live]!poll | fisix04:12
ubottufisix: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.04:12
the_core8201 mobile04:12
jiltdils/w manager install button doesnot working also in update manager when i am clicking to install update it didm't give any response it just flashes04:12
soreau! who | the_core04:13
ubottuthe_core: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:13
Drunkjedi1I have a 3DLAB wildcat vp990 is there a driver for it?04:13
the_coresoreau: am I looking for network controller? or ethernet controller?04:13
george_solghosting horizontal stripes suddenly appeared on my monitor04:13
soreauthe_core: network04:13
rypervencheWhat does the {a} mean next to a package name in aptitude? And is it better to use aptitude over apt-get?04:13
needlezthe_core: lspci | grep -i network      should display network controller04:14
soreauthe_core: lspci|grep Network04:14
[1]JakeNatSonotova:  This was to be my next purchase until I was told I will no longer have my tech support job come the end of the month.  http://www.motioncomputing.com/products/tablet_pc_c5.asp04:14
the_coresoreau: realtek semiconductor Co. LTD Device 817604:14
soreau! realtek | the_core04:14
ubottuthe_core: some help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b04:14
[Live]!ot | [1]Jake, NatSanotova04:14
ubottu[1]Jake, NatSanotova: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:14
the_coresoreau: thank you :)04:15
george_solis this a monitor or graphics card issue?04:15
jiltdilclicking on the install button in software center doesnot start to install but when i use gksudo in alt+f2 it works but i want to make it permananet means as i click on install it will start to install without  gksudoo in alt+f204:16
[1]Jakegeorge_sol:  Desktop or laptop?04:16
jiltdilno help?04:17
hoseinNot anybody who knows how to recover ubuntu after changing  VGA card?!04:17
[1]Jakegeorge_sol:  Disconnect you cable from the pc then bring up the monitors menu.04:17
critical_maxhosein, remove the card and then start.04:18
george_soli tried to to take a screenshot but i saw it on my laptop and the stripes dont exist04:18
[1]Jakegeorge_sol:  If it still does it then the montior is the prob04:18
hoseincritical_max: what?! without any vga?!04:19
VE2EBP /nick stepnjump04:19
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[1]Jakegeorge_sol:  Why I said to disonnect the machine.  YOu may even get a disconnected logo sliding across your screen once you disconnect for a moment.04:19
[1]JakeHowever with the SS not showing it sounds like monitor04:19
Drunkjedi1I have a 3DLAB wildcat vp990 is there a Ubuntu 10.10 driver for it?04:19
critical_maxhosein: with the onboard vga on the motherboard04:20
hoseincritical_max: my board have not it.04:20
needlezsoreau: hey what was the command to bring compiz up from that script?? cuz I closed compiz configuration screen but no changes happened and I when I run ccsm from command its the old compiz04:21
speeqsHey, I am extremely new to programming and im just getting started on C++. I was just trying out the simple hello world script but when i tried to use it it told me permission denied. could anyone help me out  with this? Thank you!04:21
soreauneedlez: #compiz04:21
perppHi, I have a question04:21
[Live]!ask | perpp04:21
ubottuperpp: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:21
perppCan I install ubuntu on a Apple IIgs?04:21
soreauspeeqs: chmod +x /path/to/script04:21
george_solcoulld i disconnect my monitor while computer is running?04:22
critical_maxhosein: then how were you using the computer before?04:22
critical_maxgeorge_sol, it's not recommended, you risk damaging via static04:22
critical_maxgeorge_sol, it's done all the time but you take a tiny chance every time04:22
needlezsoreau: i tried that but it brought up old compiz screen04:22
hoseincritical_max: I had a geforce card, now I buy an ATI.04:23
soreauneedlez: #compiz04:23
needlezi did that and nothing04:23
speeqssoreau: thank you very much! and im pretty new to Linux so by the +x that gives it permission to execute right? :3 thank you!04:23
critical_maxhosein: knowing what ATI card would be extremely helpful :)04:23
soreauspeeqs: Yes, that is correct. -x removes the executable but04:24
Drunkjedi1would i be able to download xp driver for my 3dlabs and use wine to install it?04:24
hoseincritical_max: ATI Radeon HD 545004:24
george_solso if the problem wont be solved  then probably its a monitor issue, right? sorry for my bad english04:25
speeqssoreau: thanks a lot :)04:25
[1]Jakegeorge_sol:  Sorry I had to drop off a customer was needing help.  If the problem remains on the monitor with the computer disconnected then yes it is the monitor.04:26
george_soli dont know how but the ploblem solved!!!04:26
NatSanotovaOkay, Gonna try installing Ubuntu 10.10 desktop04:26
[1]JakeNatsanotova:  Good luck.04:27
george_solso many weird things happen on my pc04:28
NatSanotovaAfter this I'll see how it runs on my Desktop04:28
litropyHi, peeps. I'm going from VGA out on my lappy to VGA in on my HDTV. WIthin my Monitors prefs, I don't have the option to go 16:9 when I'm mirroring to my HDTV. With the VGA cord unplugged, I have many 16:9 options. My /etc/X11/xorg.conf is empty. ny ideas as to how I can go 16:9 while VGA is connected?04:28
[1]JakeRepeating my question from about 30 minutes ago.  Has anyone gotten the Geforce GT 330m working in Ubuntu?04:28
needlezsoreau: i got it had to go to directory and then ./ccsm++ to bring up config screen just gonna have it do the compiz& --replace after that would be ok right?? and then add that to like startup so it starts up automatically then I can remove .8.604:29
soreauneedlez: nope. Ask in #compiz04:29
reya276Is there a place where I can talk to someone about a purchase through the Ubuntu Software Center on 10.10?04:29
tomasm-anyone know why ubuntu seems to not rescan dvd discs when i switch it with another disc? i have to manually unmount /media/WHATEVER and then put the new disc in for it to recognize it properly - otherwise it thinks the old disc is in there04:30
hoseincritical_max: denight a person in this channel (named ruan) said that I must regenerate something! he asked me if I have access to terminal and showed me: sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.bak04:31
extra11does firefox 4 look the same on ubuntu as it does windows?04:32
extra11as far as graphics and stuff04:32
syrinx_extra11: wat04:32
hoseinHi ruan!!04:33
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syrinx_there you go04:33
Drunkjedi1I have a 3DLAB wildcat vp990 is there a driver for it?04:33
syrinx_*a wild ruan appears*04:33
hoseinruan: about changing vga card and ubuntu startup fail...04:34
ruanhosein: yes?04:34
critical_maxhosein, there he is!04:35
critical_maxgood luck04:35
fyodorHow do I install the shiny Mac OS X bar which is placed at the bottom of the screen, in Ubuntu?04:35
fyodorThe one which launches your favorite apps.04:36
hoseinyou said to me yesterday runing this on termianl sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.bak. and I run it. nothings happen! I think that is only a backup command.04:36
tomasm-does anyone else have the problem where switching DVD disks doesnt automatically update the icon's name/contents on the desktop?04:36
tomasm-as if the old disk were still in04:36
hoseincritical_max: thank you very much!04:36
ruanhosein: yeah it was to regenerate xorg.conf04:36
syrinx_fyodor: you mean a dock?04:37
fisixhey! does anybody know how to switch the icons between and within the system tray (notification area / indicator applet)?04:37
fyodorsyrinx_, yes04:37
hoseinruan: do you mean if I restart my ubuntu It regenerate xorg.conf?04:38
syrinx_fyodor: ciaro-dock is pretty cool04:38
ruanhosein: if you delete/rename xorg.conf and restart, it will regenerate04:38
perppHi, I have a question04:38
fyodorsyrinx_, thank you04:38
syrinx_!ask | perpp04:38
ubottuperpp: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:38
perppCan I install ubuntu on a Apple IIgs?04:38
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ04:38
hoseinruan: I am new to ubuntu and shell. how to rename it?04:39
ANTRati dont think a apple IIgs is a ppc04:39
syrinx_probably not04:39
ruanhosein: i told you how to rename it earlier04:40
devkhadkai want to kill gnome-do and restart it again making the alias like this, why doesnot this work alias restart-gnome-do="ps -el | grep -q  gnome-do |awk '{print $4}'  | xargs kill | gnome-do&"04:40
ruanhosein: but you did the command04:40
ruanhosein: the "mv" command renames04:40
hoseinmv is moving or renaming?04:40
litropyHi, peeps. I'm going from VGA out on my lappy to VGA in on my HDTV. WIthin my Monitors prefs, I don't have the option to go 16:9 when I'm mirroring to my HDTV. With the VGA cord unplugged, I have many 16:9 options. My /etc/X11/xorg.conf is empty. ny ideas as to how I can go 16:9 while VGA is connected?04:40
ruanthough its purpose is to move04:40
fyodorperpp, yes, but keep in mind that Mac doesn't have a BIOS in the PC sense04:40
NatSanotovaOkay it says it's copying the files and I've entered the password and all that and it still doesn't allow me to press forward04:41
NatSanotovaIt now says Read when you are...04:41
ruanNatSanotova: does your name contain uppercase letters?04:41
NatSanotovaUh yeah04:41
ruanNatSanotova: it needs to be fully lowercase04:41
NatSanotovaUsername or full name?04:42
[1]JakeNatSanotova: username04:42
hoseinruan: help litropy until I restart my system. hope to see you a few minutes later in ubuntu!!04:42
NatSanotovawoot! that did it! Thanks04:42
[1]JakeNight all.04:42
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ruansee you hosein04:43
rothsdadhi, I cannot have voice chat with my empathy, my accout is gtalk, the error message is 'could not create the rtp muxer element', anybody help me?04:43
critical_maxrothsdad: try removing your gstreamer prefs:   "rm ~/.gstreamer-0.10"04:46
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critical_maxrothsdad: see http://log.logfish.net/node/7704:47
DarkenvyI need some help fast04:49
litropyhosein, you back bud? ruan didn't respond.04:49
DarkenvyI reset my CMOS and forgot my timings of my memory!04:49
ZorlinDarkenvy: just ask, whats up?04:49
ZorlinDarkenvy: can you pull your RAM modules?04:49
DarkenvyI think one of my timings is lower than default so I dont want to be on it for long04:49
jiltdilclicking to install button in software center doesnot installing04:49
litropyHi, peeps. I'm going from VGA out on my lappy to VGA in on my HDTV. WIthin my Monitors prefs, I don't have the option to go 16:9 when I'm mirroring to my HDTV. With the VGA cord unplugged, I have many 16:9 options. My /etc/X11/xorg.conf is empty. ny ideas as to how I can go 16:9 while VGA is connected?04:49
Darkenvyis there a command to check RAM?04:49
ZorlinI would get the model numbers for the RAM you have then look it up on something like Newegg04:50
Zorlinto get the "real" timings of your memory04:50
Darkenvyits hard to get to :\04:50
Zorlin(should be in "Specifications" or "Details")04:50
Zorlinah, I see04:50
b1llydo i need my network ip address to be static to run a web server04:50
critical_maxDarkenvy: there is memtest which may have safe diagnostics04:50
critical_maxdarkenvy but be careful, it's mainly for stressing/testing04:50
Zorlindarkenvy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43038004:51
Zorlinthis may be of help04:51
ohsixlitropy: your tv probably doesn't have EDID entries for those modes, you'll have to add them manually with xrandr04:51
Zorlinalthough this is likely of more help (ping Darkenvy ): http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/check-ram-speed-linux/04:51
hoseinlitropy: he help me solving my problem with my new vga card. I though he can help you!04:51
Zorlinsudo dmidecode --type 17 or sudo dmidecode --type 17 | more04:51
litropyohsix, when I go vga with another computer running win7, it shows fine upon plugin.04:52
ruanim not so experienced with vga04:52
litropyhosein, what's happening?04:52
jiltdilclicking to install button in software center doesnot installing ?how to recover this?04:52
infidcritical_max: ok i'm having problems with getting audacity to record. i can hear mp3s by others with my headphones but my mic isn't recording. for 'recording device' the dropdown says 'HDA Nvidia: ALC888 Analog (0,0), HDA Nvidia: ALC888 Analog (hw:0,2), pulse and default' but i tried them all04:53
hoseinI could nt restart my 7 until an update complete! and now it is completed. I am restarting!!!...04:53
ruanjiltdil: restart software center, or use another utility such as synaptic04:53
infidcritical_max: when you said to 'turn my sliders down' i'm not sure what you were referring to so i didnt do any of that04:53
kerneloops_bye all04:53
critical_maxinfid, i meant the ones in audacity - let me fire it up04:53
jiltdilruan:how to restart s/w center04:53
critical_maxinfid, it's just good practice to have levels down when you start recording to not blow your ears or speakers :)04:53
infidcritical_max: i have 1.304:54
ruanjiltdil: close it and start it again04:54
Darkenvynone results in brand name04:54
infidi have a 64-bit system if it matters04:54
rothsdadcritical_max: I have rm ~/.gstreamer0.10, but no use, still cannot voice chat04:54
critical_maxinfid: go to Edit > Preferences > Devices and make sure your recording device is selected.04:54
mjshi all...linux user trapped in a windows user's body...anyone here up for the challenge?04:54
critical_maxrothsdad: google for that error, there were a few more pages with clues.04:54
ruanmjs: sure04:55
jiltdilruan: i restared it but it doesnot worked04:55
rothsdadcritical_max: thx04:55
infidcritical_max: the slider for microphone doesnt move04:55
perppHi, I have a question04:55
soreaumjs: Not unless you ask04:55
xiaoshenhi all i'm in step 3 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544904:55
perppCan I install ubuntu on a Apple IIgs?04:55
ruanjiltdil: is there an Installing bar on the left side of sw center?04:55
mjsruan, came across what seemed like a glaring deficiency in office (specifically outlook) today...04:55
critical_maxinfid: see pm04:55
Darkenvyfound it :D04:55
xiaoshenbut i'm confused how to (3) Check to see if the ALSA driver for your sound card exists.04:55
infidcritical_max: 'lshw' says my audio is: MCP72XE/MCP72P/MCP78U/MCP78S High Definition Audio. vendor: nVidia04:55
xiaoshenanybody can help?04:56
jiltdilruan:yes but when i am clicking on install option it doesnot start installing04:56
ruanjiltdil: does it stall at 0B?04:56
mjsruan, when trying to take an existing list of contacts that someone had coded into categories, using the job title field, had to do it the old fashioned way, on account that wasnt one of the fields shown in the select member window in the creation of distribution list..04:57
jiltdilruan: means? also when i using gksudo software-center in alt+f2 it works but normally it doesnot04:58
ruanjiltdil: i think you might need to change your software mirror. go to system > administration > software sources, download from somewhere else04:58
ruanjiltdil: oh04:58
xiaoshenplease ^^'04:58
Hoseinthanks to Ruan's help I am in ubuntu now!!04:58
ruanyay Hosein04:59
Hoseinwhat means yay?!04:59
mjsoccured to me that i would not have come as close to punching someone, if i could simply throw the list out to spreadsheet program, filter for any field that i wanted, and then reimport as a distribution list...04:59
soreauxiaoshen: There is no dropdown box in the link he has specified, so try posting in that thread and see if you can get some help there04:59
ruanHosein: im happy that it works for you04:59
jiltdilruan; so how to do this05:00
dustin_i need someone who knows alot about tork  and can help with errors im getting05:00
mjscould find a way to do it natively in excel, but if anyone has a 3 or so step process to accomplish this same thing, any and all suggestions are welcome...05:00
dustin_can anyone help ? lol im so lost at this it aint funny :(05:01
ruanjiltdil: im not sure, since it works with gksudo it shouldnt be a mirror problem05:01
Hoseinruan: are developers think to automate this when it is required? where to find this question answer?05:01
xiaoshen soreau: can you help me my xubuntu have no sound at all05:01
jiltdilruan; so is there any way to recover this?05:01
ruanHosein: this may be fixed in the future05:02
ralphany ideas on how to troubleshoot my X settings when all my windows refresh really slowly? I was trying to add a second display and now I can't get X to run smoothly; dragging windows is very ugly.05:02
soreauxiaoshen: I cant help since I am not familiar with your particular setup but you can try posting in the forums on that thread to get help05:02
ruanjiltdil: you can make the ubuntu software center shortcut in applications menu a command to do 'gksudo software-center'05:03
Jon--When is Firefox 4 going to hit the repositories for Ubuntu 10.04? Is it worth my while to compile myself?05:03
Hoseinruan: maybe it is very funny for you: you assume I want to do that! where I must refer?!05:03
ubottuJon--: Firefox 4 is the current stable version of Firefox. Current versions of Ubuntu do not have it (see !latest), but there is an unofficial and unsupported PPA that you can use by running the following command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox05:04
Jon--DasEi: ETA on getting Firefox4 to LTS Ubuntu releases?05:05
Jon--To packages, I mean.05:05
ruanHosein: what i meant was; that ubuntu developers may code xorg to regenerate the xorg.conf file upon failure to start the X server05:05
NatSanotovaUbuntu is installed and working thanks to everyone that helped05:05
DasEiJon--: see above, can have that already05:05
Jon--Is firefox the same package name that Ubuntu uses? Aptitude is smart enough to use the other ppa instead?05:06
DasEi!sound | xiaoshen:05:06
ubottuxiaoshen:: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.05:06
DasEiJon--: put nick ; yes see above05:06
Chr|sin xchat-gnome how do I have a link open up using firefox?05:07
Hoseinruan: yes. as I thought you can not believe some one like me want to be a developer! so If a developer see a problem and decide to solve it,what must do?05:07
ubottuInterested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment05:08
DasEiChr|s: configure the messenger to use firefox, then just click on it05:08
Chr|sDasEi: It is an IRC Client, if I knew how I would05:08
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DasEiChr|s: it under edit , preferences, crawl the menu05:10
Phasegood program for seeing how much bandwidth a process uses?05:10
DasEiChr|s: or use url-scraper plugin05:10
ajinhello,guys, help! when i restart X-window using the key combination: ALY+PRINTSCREEN+K, ubuntu lost its response, do anyone know howto?05:10
ruanajin: restart?05:11
DasEiPhase: trafshow05:11
PhaseDasEi: Thanks I'll check it out :)05:11
DasEiPhase: wireshark05:11
ajinyes, restart X-window05:11
Phasewill wireshark let me get a total bandwidth usage, though?05:11
PhaseI know it'll show me the traffic05:11
Phaseas in, the actual data05:12
ruanPhase: you can try it and see. im not sure myself05:13
Drunkjedi1wouldnt sudo service gdm restart work?05:13
dustin_anyone here know quite a bit about useing and configureing "tork"?05:13
DasEiPhase: yes, can have it under statics, trafshow is easier for just overview, also netstat is an option, try trafshow or wireshaark05:13
PhaseDasEi: I'm going to try trafshow first atm05:14
DasEidustin_: torrc ?05:14
dustin_dunno my app is tork<05:15
=== CiberLugo is now known as CiberWolf
ajinjust after i pressed the key combination ALY+PRINTSCREEN+K, the ubuntu interface freezed, no any key or key combination work, do anyone know how to figure this problem out?05:15
DasEi!info tork05:15
ubottutork (source: tork): anonymity manager for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.32~pre1-1 (maverick), package size 1523 kB, installed size 4628 kB05:15
=== CiberWolf is now known as CiberLugo
ajini googled, but no useful info showed05:16
DasEidustin_ ah I see, no experience with that, also ask in #kubuntu05:16
Drunkjedi1ajin: i think you can restart x by typing in sudo service gdm restart05:16
dustin_tried there too :(05:16
xiaoshenubottu: my Codec: Analog Devices AD1986A  I found AD1986A  http://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/sound/alsa/HD-Audio-Models.txt but i don't know which one in the list is my model05:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:16
aminI just fininsh install deluge and I go o webui and it say the deluge ui is nt installed  please install it agian but I could not find webui egg file05:17
aminhelp plz05:17
DasEidustin_ : what is your actual question ?05:17
gmachine_24I need to restore my user directory and files (/home/user/andeverythingelse) from a tar.bz2 file on a separate hard drive. Say the back up file is called userbackup.tar.bz2 - what ? command would I use (on CLI)? Thanks.05:17
ajinDrunkjedi1: thank you, i'll try05:17
dustin_<<is a newbie . the question is how do i configure this so i can stop getting errors. first error was it can't find tor on my system second error was it wasnt able to establish a connection to the router05:18
gmachine_24The /home/user directory is on a separate partition - should have mentioned that.05:18
dustin_it bounce's between those to errors.05:18
DasEidustin_: you installed tor ?05:19
aminI just fininsh install deluge and I go o webui and it say the deluge ui is nt installed  please install it agian but I could not find webui egg file05:19
itali-chani have a problem, jack audio don't go05:19
dustin_as far as i can tell i got the tor aka tork app up its just when i try to run it it gives me those 2 errors05:19
DasEidustin_: you need a repo for it, which distro / Version ?05:19
dustin_ubuntu maverick 10.1005:20
DasEidustin_: check in terminal :05:20
murphylanroot@ubuntu:~# mysql -h localhost -uroot05:20
murphylanERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (111)05:20
DasEidustin_: tor05:20
DasEirunning ?05:20
dustin_okay how ya do that, like if i type tork it opens a GUI tork client up thats where i been trying to run this app and get the errors05:20
dustin_nope no tor05:21
dustin_anyidea how or where to get it then?05:21
DasEidustin_ so I gues no repo enabled, second, link coming05:21
murphylanDasEi: root@ubuntu:~# start mysql05:23
murphylanmysql start/running05:23
murphylanroot@ubuntu:~# mysql -h localhost -uroot05:23
murphylanERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (111)05:23
FloodBot3murphylan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:23
rww!tor | dustin_05:23
ubottudustin_: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is not in Ubuntu's repositories. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl05:23
murphylanFloodBot ok05:23
itali-chanplease i need help05:24
DasEidustin_: gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv 94C09C7F && gpg --export --armor 94C09C7F  | sudo apt-key add -05:24
itali-chanjack audio kit, do not run...05:24
soreauitali-chan: Try installing qjackctl and using it to start jack05:24
dustin_uhh im lost, whats that second part dasei?05:24
DasEidustin_: gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv 94C09C7F && gpg --export --armor 94C09C7F  | sudo apt-key add -05:25
dustin_type that at the console?05:25
itali-chanok, i did the task05:26
DasEidustin_: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list05:26
DasEidustin_: scroll down, append two lines :05:26
DasEidustin_:  deb http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org lucid main05:27
DasEideb-src http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org lucid main05:27
b1llyhey dasei05:27
DasEiyes, b1lly05:28
b1llydoes my ip on the network have to be static?05:28
DasEidustin_:  save sources.list. close gedit, say when ready05:28
dustin_so paste that deb in with the rest there at the bottom?05:28
itali-chandon't run05:28
DasEib1lly: internal ? can be dhcp, too05:29
b1llyjust making sure05:29
DasEilinksys has a dhcp server05:29
sushantd84Hi All Nee one help ... I am getting this message relocation error: /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg: symbol swscale_configuration, version LIBSWSCALE_0 not defined in file libswscale.so.0 with link time reference05:29
sushantd84 while using ffmpeg command for some conversions ...05:29
dustin_so put that deb http stuff in with the rest in that list?05:29
dustin_then save05:29
sushantd84 error: /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg: symbol swscale_configuration, version LIBSWSCALE_0 not defined in file libswscale.so.0 with link time reference05:30
ActionParsnipsushantd84: are there any bugs logged?05:30
DasEidustin_:  yes put these two whole lines in the bottom , save n exit05:30
sushantd84Actionparsnip  No!05:30
DasEidustin_:  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install tor privoxy05:31
dustin_can you msg me dasei this is scrolling to fast to see what the heck is going on05:31
dustin_so i can atleast look back on it without it moveing on me05:31
dustin_where exactly the 2 lines go05:31
dustin_the very bottom?05:31
ActionParsnipsushantd84: then I suggest you create one05:32
=== guido is now known as Guest62200
Guest62200somebody on?05:33
DasEiGuest62200: merely a 146005:35
DasEiGuest62200: support question ?05:36
grandrewhi all! is it possible to set the rule in iptables so that packets do not go through a certain gateway? (I have several gateways in system)05:36
Guest62200sort of :P05:36
jiltdilbuttons like"install' from s/w center and add delete  from users and groups doesnot working?05:37
xiaosheni have added options snd-hda-intel model=laptop-automute in alsa-base.conf and my xubuntu finally sounding now05:37
grandrewI know that I can block destinations in iptables, but is it possible to create route rules?05:37
jiltdilhelp guys!05:37
xiaoshenmy alsamixer which located on top right corner dissapear :(05:37
xiaoshenhow to get it back?05:37
DasEixiaoshen: sudo apt-get install alsamixergui05:37
xiaoshenDasEi: i'll tryitnow05:38
Guest62200that looks easy :P05:38
jrmcmgrandrew: I think thats done through the routing tables not iptables, but im not sure. I do remember reading it somewhere05:38
DasEixiaoshen: or just the icon in the panel ? right-click > add to panel05:38
NatSanotovahuh... I've ended up with an extra partition with Ubuntu on it somehow, how do I tell which one is the Ubuntu I'm running?05:38
xiaoshenDasEi: but before i added that line i still have the gui05:39
Guest62200just one question05:39
xiaoshenactually what's happened ?05:39
Guest62200i have a sis mirage 3 card, after some hours i got it to work05:40
jiltdilhelp me my install button is not working in software-centre without gksudo  also the 'add","delete' buttons is not working from user and groups  under system-->administration   also under system-->prefernce-->appereance visual effect is not working and these all are nit showing any error05:40
jiltdilhelp me to recover05:40
zvacetNatSanotova:  in terminal cat /etc/fstab and see witch partition is signed as / root05:40
Guest62200on 1200*800 resolutio, the question is: is there anyway to make it work like it did on windows05:40
xiaoshenDasEi: i have installed alsamixergui? i need to restart? coz' i stlil can't see the volume audio button  on top right corner05:41
grandrewjrmcm, the problem is that it IS actually done by routing already but when the device w/rule goes down - my rule is dropped and the packets go through other gateway which I do not want. And I cannot add rule for pkts to go elsewhere since other device does not exist05:41
DasEixiaoshen: no resrating05:41
xiaoshenbut i still can't see the audio button05:41
ActionParsnipGuest62200: you may need an xorg.conf file to get it05:42
xiaoshenwhat should ido then?05:42
jiltdilno one here to help to  my problem?05:42
Guest62200i did modify it05:42
jiltdil help me my install button is not working in software-centre without gksudo  also the 'add","delete' buttons is not working from user and groups  under system-->administration   also under system-->prefernce-->appereance visual effect is not working and these all are nit showing any error05:42
Lancelotcan someone link me to the article for compiling tarballs? I wanna get FF4 running in Karmic05:42
Guest62200i mean i have drivers working (i wouldnt be over 800*600)05:42
DasEixiaoshen: right-click on panel, add > volume applet05:42
DrMrHorsejiltdil: are you running sofware center without gksu?05:43
DasEi!compile | Lancelot05:43
ubottuLancelot: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)05:43
NatSanotovazvacet: I've open terminal but uh... know what?05:43
ActionParsnipGuest62200: without an xorg.conf file, some won't. chances are the driver is loaded05:43
koolhead17Lancelot, its very easy. you gon`t need to compile anything05:43
DasEi!ff4 | Lancelot05:43
ubottuLancelot: Firefox 4 is the current stable version of Firefox. Current versions of Ubuntu do not have it (see !latest), but there is an unofficial and unsupported PPA that you can use by running the following command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox05:43
DrMrHorsejiltdil: you must be root to install software with software center05:43
DasEirather use the repo instead of compiling :), Lancelot05:43
LancelotDasEi, sounds good! Thanks05:44
DrMrHorsejiltdil: you must use gksu05:44
zarbulaAnother Ubuntu issue, trying to compile remmina from source however, when I try to compile the RDP plugin i get tons of compiler issues, anyone hear of something like this?05:44
xiaoshenDasEi: yea i have added it05:44
Guest62200what i really mean is05:44
=== valorin is now known as valorin_
Elektroidzarbula: put the output in pastebin, cant guess from nothing05:44
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.05:44
Guest62200that i dont have any problems on videos or desktop resolution05:44
Guest62200i want to be able to play some games05:45
zvacetNatSanotova:  type cat /etc/fstab05:45
jiltdil DrMrHorse:this problem arises from last two days. before  2 days it will working fine without gksu05:45
zvacet!paste | NatSanotova05:45
xiaoshenDasEi: but it seems it's not functioning when i press the down/up volume using my laptop keyboard05:45
ubottuNatSanotova: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:45
ActionParsnipGuest62200: i'm not sure a sis mirage will get 3d accelleration under linux05:46
zarbulaElektroid: http://pastebin.com/9e6Vn14r05:46
RubenAlonzohi everyone05:46
Guest62200ActionParsnip: in fact im really lucky for get a driver working05:46
DrMrHorsejiltdil: for software to install system-wide you must install as root. i dont know what was happening before. if you have become root within a few minutes before running software center it will not ask you for a password05:46
NatSanotovaI know how to fix it.05:46
NatSanotovaworked it out thanks05:47
ActionParsnipGuest62200: was I right with the chip. i'm really wiped tonight :(05:47
zvacetNatSanotova:  how?05:47
DasEixiaoshen: try to use keyboard setup to get it working05:47
=== Guest62200 is now known as Seemann
nietoyfaceGood Day people!!! xD05:47
jiltdilDrMrHorse: but i am already ,y account as administrator and being admin i am also unable to add users and group manually05:47
xiaoshenDasEi: i have clicked setting then i don't know05:48
NatSanotovaI'm gonna cheat uninstall ubuntu delete the unneeded partions and do a clean install of Ubuntu as I still have windows installed05:48
RubenAlonzodoes anyone know if i , as a new user to ubuntu, need to get antivirus software? i have only ever owned windows machines?05:48
xiaoshensetting >keyboard05:48
bazhangRubenAlonzo, you dont05:48
zvacetNatSanotova:  ok  :)05:48
bazhang!virus > RubenAlonzo05:48
ubottuRubenAlonzo, please see my private message05:48
Elektroidzarbula: seems like a bug, looking it up, do you need 0.9 exactly or can you use an older version?05:49
jiltdilActionParnsip: any idea about my problem>05:49
DasEiRubenAlonzo: not relly, keep the sys updated and checkout ubuntu-harden, securing debian is good manual05:49
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus05:49
jiltdilActionParnsip: help me my install button is not working in software-centre without gksudo  also the 'add","delete' buttons is not working from user and groups  under system-->administration   also under system-->prefernce-->appereance visual effect is not working and these all are nit showing any error05:49
RubenAlonzothank you everyone for the private messages concerning my query.05:49
xiaoshenDasEi: setting>keyboard then?05:50
=== stepnjump is now known as StepNjump
ActionParsnipjiltdil: i don't use it dude. I always use apt-get. You could try synaptic in the system menu05:50
=== DrMrHorse|2 is now known as DrMrHorse
yangerhi. been using ubuntu-server for a bit, my server is a shout-cast enabled server for my radio show i run. upgraded to ubuntu 10.10, and /dev/dsp no longer exists, anyone know what the new name is for dsp? what I'm doing is capturing my line in on my audio card and feeding it out.. originally i used /dev/dsp, (originally it was a 9.04, now 10.10)05:51
nietoyfaceRubenAlonzo: You're Welcome!!!05:51
GreenCurryhi i am new to ubuntu, and i'm trying to install a theme. . .05:51
zarbulaElektroid: I first tried from the master git, .9 was my 2nd attempt with the same results.05:51
RubenAlonzonietoyface: thanks again!05:51
jiltdilActionParsnip:also adding any user aor deleting from my account is not working as i am a administartor user05:52
yangeroh, it wasn't really an upgrade, it was a full-reinstall from the netinstall cd, with most audio software installed (alsa-oss, alsa-base, etc)05:52
nythonIs Firefox 4 stable enough to be included in the final release?05:52
nythonOf 11.04?05:52
nietoyfaceGreenCurry: I recommend you the themes, the aplication bisigi05:53
xiaoshenDasEi:are you still there sorry for beeing such annoying ^^'05:53
RubenAlonzodoes everyone use Firefox mostly? or is there something akin to safari or chrome? I had been using mostly safari but i read its not really an option in ubuntu 10.10?05:53
koolhead17nython, indeed :P05:53
zvacetjiltdil: does sudo command work?05:53
GreenCurryi know the theme i want05:53
GreenCurryit's actually a whole package deal . . .05:53
GreenCurrybut when i extract some files, i don't see them in the folder i extract to.  . .05:53
zvacet!natty | nietoyface05:54
ubottunietoyface: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.05:54
DasEixiaoshen: yes05:54
nietoyfaceRubenAlonzo: try to use Firefox 4 or Google Chrome05:54
ActionParsnipjiltdil: if you run:  groups    are you in the admin group?05:54
jiltdilzvacet:yes it works ,installing,adding or other thing is working via terminal but without termainl i am unable to install or add user as i am administartor05:54
DasEixiaoshen: system>prefrences>keyboard shortcuts05:54
nythonI think we should include an ACID3 compliant browser in 11.04.05:54
RubenAlonzonietoyface: thanks, i'll try chrome or firefox 405:54
nythonSuch as...I don't know...Chromium?05:54
zvacetjiltdil: add it from terminal then05:54
nietoyfaceubottu: You're all right05:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:55
RubenAlonzowow, i was about to thank him as well, lol05:55
jiltdilActionParsnip: it shows   adm dialout fax cdrom floppy tape audio dip video plugdev fuse lpadmin admin sambashare05:55
RubenAlonzosmart bot!05:55
nietoyfaceExcuseme everyone, my english is not very good looking, lol05:55
dr0idyeah, it's not good "looking"05:56
xiaoshenyes DasEi: i am in there now but don't know which name  to add05:56
zvacetjiltdil:  sudo adduser <username> admin05:56
glacHey everyone, I've got a question about cmus. I just installed it last night, and I went to play music on it (I was able to get albums to show up), but it wont play. It's saying "Error: opening audio device: internal error." I didn't change any settings, but is this a common error?05:57
jiltdilzvacet:why should i use adduser as admin as i am admin myself05:57
FluxDOther than crontab, what other ways can a program run at startup? I have a program running at crontab, but not sure what is launching it05:57
zvacetjiltdil:  sorry it is sudo adduser <username>05:57
RubenAlonzoanyone running the alpha 3 of natty narwhal? i was wondering about the "unity" task bar at left, hoping we get the option to auto-hide it in 11.0 uubuntu.05:57
DasEixiaoshen: volume should be there by default, isn't it ?05:57
RubenAlonzoor at least move it to bottom05:57
Flannel!bum | FluxD05:57
ubottuFluxD: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto05:57
SeemannopenGL is supported by ubuntu?05:58
FlannelRubenAlonzo: #ubuntu+1 for Natty support, thanks.05:58
DasEixiaoshen: doubleclck for up and press your knob, same for vol down05:58
soreauSeemann: yes05:58
glacAlso, the man pages didn't help me, but maybe I wasn't looking in the right place.05:58
DasEixiaoshen: be done05:58
zvacet!natty | RubenAlonzo05:58
ubottuRubenAlonzo: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.05:58
Seemannin that case, would it "improve" my graphic card performance?05:58
jiltdilzvacet: but i want to add user manually under System-->administartor-->users and ggroup05:58
nythonWill Natty Narwhal have a vertical dock?05:58
FluxDFlannel, nothing is in /etc/rc/local, anything else?05:58
jiltdilzvacet: as through terminal all is working fine05:59
zvacetjiltdil: but if that doesn´t work for some reason you can add user from terminal05:59
tnmwhere do i see my gtk version number?05:59
jiltdilzvacet:yes but my issude is i want to recover from this problem?05:59
xiaoshenDasEi there is no up or down there06:00
zvacetjiltdil: sorry I don´t know answer to that06:00
RubenAlonzonython:  i saw a youtube video of 11.04 alpha version, and indeed there were options to resize it, and i even paused the video and saw a button to check to auto-hide it from existing windows that go fullscreen, but not sure if it will be kept in final release next month? hoping it will though.06:00
jiltdilzvacet: ok thanx06:01
Seemannis openGL included on ubuntu 10.10 netbook?06:01
zvacetjiltdil: np06:01
RubenAlonzoSeemann: i think it depends on your video card, but uunless i am mistaken it is natively supported.06:02
SeemannRubenAlozo: thanks for answering06:02
Seemannlo misstip :P06:02
jiltdilActionParsnip:also i am unable to change my account type06:03
RubenAlonzoSeemann: noprobs, i am a total noob myself, but i am trying my best to learn. not easy though when for all my life its only been windows machines, but somehow this ubuntu works right out fo the box on my tiny netbook.06:03
DasEixiaoshen: Volume up   and Volume down , else add it06:03
=== Guest48150 is now known as darkdevil
SeemannRubenAlonzo: well in fact, i started with my left foot on this. lost information from a windows partition, incompatible video card. But im starting to fall in love with this :)06:04
xiaoshennot working^^'06:04
=== darkdevil is now known as Guest76926
=== Guest76926 is now known as Guest48150
GreenCurryhow do i make ubuntu not hide files by default?06:05
critical_maxGreenCurry, Edit > Preferences in the file browser, Show Hidden and backup files06:06
RubenAlonzoSeemann: i am sure if you fish about the net, you will find legacy drivers that support linux written for your card. perhaps even drivers from the manufacturer as well. have you tried the update manager yet? there might be ones already out just sitting for you to download?06:06
nietoyfaceGreenCurry: or use Ctrl + H06:06
critical_maxnietoyface, oh hey that's a lot easier! :D06:06
SeemannRubenAlonzo: go private :P06:06
=== MJ is now known as Guest16863
Strykercritical_max, it is not permanent though06:07
nietoyfacecritical_max: yeah06:07
=== VE2EBP is now known as sdflk
critical_maxStryker, does ctrl-h at least save per folder? or is it completely transient06:10
critical_maxahh, it seems to go away when i kill nautilus06:10
nietoyfacecritical_max: it's transient06:11
xiaoshenDasEi:  it's still not working, but thatnks foe helping i got to off now06:12
red2kiccritical_max: Change your preferences.06:12
critical_maxred2kic, yeah I know about the pref, ctrl-H was the new one to me :D06:13
critical_maxthank you06:13
red2kiccritical_max: New one! ALT, V, H. :P06:14
DasEi!paste > dustin_06:14
ubottudustin_, please see my private message06:14
=== Claudinux_ is now known as Claudinux
critical_maxred2kic, could swear that wasn't in the view menu last time i looked, in 2008 ;)06:15
Seemannis there any guide to "compare" OpenGL with DirectX?06:22
Strykeryes, Seemann06:22
qbitzaHello, anyone managed to get the Airlink WN-301USB wireless adapater working?06:22
qbitzaStryker, Not supported?06:23
SeemannStryker: i finally got a sis mirage3 driver working, but i want to get full performance06:23
Strykeri gotta go06:23
critical_maxWhat is the proper method for specifying a local Ubuntu mirror? I remember a command line app that did it in Debian, but I don't see it here.06:25
red2kiccritical_max: apt-mirror?06:25
AnnunakiWhere is a place to study Kernel development?06:25
critical_maxred2kic, That is what I remembered but currently apt-mirror in Ubuntu reps is an app for creating a local mirror, which is not what I want.06:26
critical_maxred2kic, I am just looking for best practices for updating my sources.list (or ubuntu equivalent)06:26
christopherhow do I install Libre Office06:26
red2kiccritical_max: So you want to select a mirror closest to your location?06:26
critical_maxred2kic: yes, i have it located already.06:26
red2kiccritical_max: Okay. That's it?06:26
ubottuCurrent stable releases of Ubuntu use OpenOffice.org, and do not have supported packaging for LibreOffice. Ubuntu developers are working on packaging for Ubuntu Natty and backports for 10.10 and 10.04. See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2011-January/032298.html for more information on progress and an unstable, unsupported PPA.06:27
critical_maxred2kic: yeah, that's it. about to upgrade to 10.10 and figured this was a good time to get that mirror specified. :)06:27
christopherthats just retarded because there are debs for it06:27
critical_maxThe last time I did it I was modifying sources.list directly.06:28
red2kiccritical_max: Ah. I always hate major upgrades. I favor clean install over it. It's just my opinion, but yeah. :)06:28
critical_maxWell I've had 4 trouble-free upgrades from 8.04 so far. Going to try to keep it going. :)06:28
critical_maxI hear ya though. I have had to nuke dotfiles more than once, I guess that's not "trouble free"...06:29
red2kiccritical_max: Just leave them alone. I understand that people want to have clean ~/ -- but you probably would be better off just leaving them alone. Heh.06:30
earthling_I'm trying to boot up an ubuntu live USB on a 2001 compaq desktop, won't recognize it on bootup, says "non system disk or disk error"06:30
earthling_how do I get it to recognize it?06:31
critical_maxred2kic, yeah I only had to do it because gnome had serious display bugs in panel etc on one of the less stable releases06:31
critical_max9.04 perhaps06:31
critical_maxred2kic, I think the proper way to do what I want is to add the mirror to Other Software Sources and deselect the main repo.06:31
SwedeMikeearthling_: are you sure it's even able to boot off of usb and that error isn't from the built in harddrive?06:31
ubuntuslm a06:31
critical_maxaccording to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/LocalAptMirrors and other ubuntu docs06:31
earthling_SwedeMike, I'm not sure if it can, but I am able to change the boot order in bios to usb first06:32
earthling_SwedeMike, and there is no hard drive in the machine06:32
SwedeMikeearthling_: and it works in another machine?06:33
earthling_tried it long time ago06:33
earthling_seemed to work iirc06:33
critical_maxred2kic, yep! Now after I add that into Custom Software Sources, it doesn't actually appear there but is recognized as a main mirror, and shows up under Ubuntu Software tab under the "Download from:" dropdown.06:34
critical_maxWhich is sane behavior.06:34
critical_maxit is an official mirror after all.06:34
Twigmanhey guys, Just wondering, why does the popup menu for the tomboy icon look wrong?06:34
earthling_SwedeMike, are some old computer unable to boot from USB?06:34
SwedeMikeearthling_: can't think of something that might cause it, the error message you get means there isn't a boot block on the USB stick.06:34
TwigmanI use 'new wave' gtk theme and the popup menu has a repeating gradient in the background making it just look wrong06:34
saksham: i'm unable to clone a git repo through terminal06:35
sakshamcuz of some internet problems06:35
sakshamo I manually downladed the ta.gz from firefox06:35
sakshamafter going to the github site06:35
saksham will that be a problem?06:35
sakshamwhen you clone, you're just downloading the .tar.gz file, or is it more than that?06:35
DrMrHorsesaksham: it downloads the latest revisions into a folder in the place where you ran the command, uncompressed06:37
ubottuFirefox 4 is the current stable version of Firefox. Current versions of Ubuntu do not have it (see !latest), but there is an unofficial and unsupported PPA that you can use by running the following command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox06:37
critical_maxSweet, only 23 minutes to download 10.10 from the local mirror.06:38
critical_maxwith 2800 packages.06:38
sakshamdoes it also do anything additional?06:38
Twigmanoh shite! Sorry guys, I thought I was in the #tomboy channel haha06:38
Twigmanstupid xchat ;()06:38
* ActionParsnip bets ubottu hates firefox4 now06:39
DrMrHorsesaksham: it keeps some kind of record about the code so you can update it i think.  im not an expert on this...06:39
* critical_max thinks FF4 has elevated to metaquestion status06:39
sakshamohk thanks06:39
earthling_SwedeMike, usb works on other computer06:40
taranI have loged into my ubuntu OS but also attahced another hard Disk having ubuntu installed. How can I access the root of the otehr hard disk?06:41
rwwActionParsnip: only requested 70 or so times thusfar :306:41
SwedeMikeearthling_: oki, then I have no idea. In my mind I am considering LBA mode as a culprit, but I don't know enough about it to say if might cause problem.06:41
earthling_perhaps this old comp has usb 1.106:41
earthling_I'm using a 3 month old usb drive06:42
earthling_or maybe some computers just don't like to boot from usb06:42
SwedeMikeearthling_: well, if it's in the boot order then it should be fine. How large is the USB drive? trying to remember what size problems came at what point in time, you might want to try a smaller one. Also, burning a CD always works :P06:43
taranhow to mount a drive?06:43
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount06:43
jesmonHi all, I have been searching online but failed to find a result... I have an ubuntu system setup as a HTPC running xbmc.. I use a lenovo mini wireless keyboard to control the thing.. my problem is the keyboard doesnt have FN keys (F1-F12)... Which means if I want to switch to a virtual terminal I have to pull out the other keyboard.. is there a way to change the key combo that changes to the different TTY's??06:43
earthling_SwedeMike, 4 gb06:43
earthling_SwedeMike, CD did work, wanted ability to save changes though06:44
SwedeMikeearthling_: I'm out of ideas.06:44
earthling_ok, thanks anyway06:45
ActionParsnipjesmon: you can use xmodmap to set other keys to those functions06:46
ohsixthen he'll be left with the keys on the console to change06:46
critical_maxjesmon: would a virtual keyboard satisfy your needs?06:46
ohsixit wouldn't :D06:46
critical_maxjesmon: chvt may be part of a solution06:48
critical_maxit's going to be hackish though06:48
ohsixthat's a good suggestion actually06:48
critical_maxyou'd have to bind a key in Ubuntu preferences, to run a script, that when ran runs chvt, which probably requires root, and has been reported to not work with sudo06:48
critical_maxi'll mess with it, sec06:49
ohsixi use it regularly yet i forget ! D:06:49
jesmonI set up a keyboard shortcut to run 'chvt 2' and 'sudo chvt 2' - but it doesnt seem to do anything..06:49
critical_max"sudo chvt 1" just worked for me in a terminal. Passwordless sudo inside a script requires that you configure sudo06:49
ohsixyou need to use gksudo, sudo will exit if the controlling thing isn't a tty06:49
critical_max^ what he said for keyboard shortcut commands06:50
ohsixyou can edit your sudo configuration so you can run chvt without a password though06:50
ohsixnot sure what the implications are, aside from being able to annoy the console user :D06:50
taranwhat is the meaning of this mount: /media/mainstorage is not a block device?06:50
ohsixman 5 sudoers06:51
critical_maxjesmon, "sudo visudo" and uncomment the line that talks about no password, if you want to test it. if it's a multiuser system you will want to specify things properly, but that's the way to do it.06:51
v_vtaran: show your mount cmd06:51
jesmonahh gksudo worked! thanks... I will look into how to do it without password (noob!)06:51
critical_maxjesmon, you'd also need to be in the sudo group for that to work.06:51
critical_maxas mentioned in visudo :)06:51
ohsixjesmon: man 5 suoders :D06:52
critical_maxit's useful for giving some sudo out, but not others: letting web developers restart apache on a dev server, but not restart the whole server, etc06:52
ohsixsudoers even, it lets you set user -> command mappings, and what to do with them06:52
taranv_v: i tried this sudo mount mainstorage/ /mnt06:52
jesmonexcellent.. you guys are awesome! thank you so much!06:52
v_vtaran: the first arg of mount usually is a device06:53
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount06:53
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critical_maxjesmon, glad it helped.06:53
taranv_v: I have a slave hard disk which has a partition named mainstorage.I can acess it but cant delet its contents as I am logged into the main system06:54
doorvakis there any place to discuss Prolog Programming?06:55
needlezhi quick question how do I upgrade my graphics card driver manually??06:55
ohsixdoorvak: the 70s and early 80s06:55
thebatver irc.relaxedirc.net06:55
critical_maxice burn06:55
bazhang!alis | doorvak06:56
ubottudoorvak: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*06:56
doorvakI'm trying to make a natural language parser in SWI-prolog06:56
bazhang!cn | Guest5823506:56
ubottuGuest58235: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk06:56
doorvaksoooooo I guess I need a time machine?06:56
bazhangdoorvak, please use alis to search, its offtopic here06:56
v_vtaran: assume your slave disk is sdb, 'sudo  fdisk -l /dev/sdb' and find the partition you want , like /dev/sdb3 and then , 'sudo mount /dev/sdb3 /mnt '06:57
ohsixdoorvak: i doubt there is a place to discuss it, but theres lots of books06:57
ohsixif you're discussing prolog it's probably in the context of expert systems or something, you could try finding that06:58
doorvakBlahhh no just basic programming classes for undergrad work, they made us make a text game now I want to do natural language parsing06:58
taranv_v: I can access the contents on my slave disk parittions but cant delete. I have root password for that slave harddisk.Just want to change permissions.can u help? please06:58
critical_maxtaran: use sudo?06:59
ohsixdoorvak: i don't know of any material strictly covering both of those, but there was a book i read once by henry winston06:59
tarancritical_max: ok06:59
critical_maxtaran: sudo ls, sudo rm, etc.06:59
critical_maxtaran: be extremely careful with sudo rm but it sounds like that is what you want.07:00
tarancritical_max: thanks.07:00
critical_maxalways ls it before you rm it.07:00
v_vtaran: )07:00
doorvakalways */* after you rm07:00
doorvakthanks for the Henry Winston btw07:01
critical_maxtaran, you could also try just 'sudo chown taran.taran /data/dir' on your data directory on that drive and then not need root privs for it07:01
critical_maxchown -R07:01
tarancritical_max: I am unable to reach to that directory using command line07:02
tarancritical_max: although I canbrowse it07:02
v_vtaran: why07:03
doorvaksudo cd07:03
j_hnsorry hit that by mistake07:03
taranv_v: actually Im new n dont know where to find my directory named mainstorage using command line07:03
critical_maxtaran: try becoming root to browse to it. "sudo su -"07:03
v_vtaran: where did you mount it ?07:03
v_vtaran: 'mount' and you can see it07:04
critical_maxtaran: normally you don't have to do that for most tasks, but for being in a directory owned by root, you have to be root. you can "sudo ls" and stay out of the directory to get around that.07:04
taranv_v: I dont know where it is mounted.I just attached physically alongside my original HD then slave disk contents become visible07:04
critical_maxtaran: /media/23984723984723 <--long string of annoying numbers like that07:05
doorvakis there any place I can ask about the fact that my USB wireless card keeps dropping in Ubunut?07:06
jiltdilubuntu software center install button is not working?07:06
critical_maxtaran: you said it's another ubuntu drive right? otherwise it would come up with permissions to read/write already.07:06
jiltdilhow to get rid of this my ubuntu software center install button is not working ?07:07
tarancritical_max: yes then attahched disk  is from home PC.presently on office PC. System boot from office PC. Both contents visible.cant delete contents on home HD for which its brought here today07:08
critical_maxtaran, can you open the drive in File Browser(nautilus)?07:09
nekI am going crazy. Yesterday I could share between my virutal ubuntu and my win vista host. Today it does not work. Could someone give me a suggestion for troubleshooting this?07:09
lolcatnek: Share what?07:09
critical_maxtaran, get the ID # from Nautilus' window title and check in /media for that number...that's where it's automounted07:09
tarancritical_max: yes I can07:09
jiltdilhow to get rid of this my ubuntu software center install button is not working without also when i clicking on install update it also  doesnot working07:09
talespin_kitIs there any default encryption tool that ships with ubuntu07:09
neklolcat I was sharing my c: drive of my host with my guest virt machine07:10
critical_maxtaran: you could also try your task in a root-owned Nautilus: "gksudo nautilus"07:10
Pete__Hello i need some help on how to make a quick launch icon for sabnzbdplus07:10
tarancritical_max: how to get gksudo nautilus?07:11
nit-witjiltdil, try these two commands separately in the terminal sudo dpkg --configure -a07:11
nit-witsudo apt-get -f install07:11
critical_maxtaran: alt-f2 then enter "gksudo nautilus"07:12
tarancritical_max: ok,trying07:12
jiltdilnit-wit:but this is single command07:13
tarancritical_max: thanks.great07:13
tarancritical_max: not if I want to install new ubuntu on salve can it be done?07:14
critical_maxtaran: working? be careful with that Nautilus, close it when you're done. it's just as dangerous as a root terminal07:14
nit-witjiltdil, what07:14
critical_maxtaran: Yes, just use the regular installer CD and select it as the destination.07:14
tarancritical_max: actually I wanted to creat space in a folder on slave so mthat I can install fress Ubuntu 10.10 on it07:14
jiltdilnit-wit: should i run this sudo dpkg --configure -a07:15
tarancritical_max: can I install OS on salve after I creat space on it? wiothout having to boot from slave?07:15
n_akanyone here tried wayland?07:16
critical_maxtaran: Yes, just use the regular installer CD and select it as the destination.07:16
Tm_Tn_ak: some of the offtopic channels would be more suitable for such questions (:07:16
tarancritical_max: ok.done07:16
jiltdilnit-wit:it doesnot work07:17
nit-witdid you run both07:17
jiltdiloh sorry07:17
nit-witjiltdil, if your getting errors you have to include that information07:18
JohnTeddyI keep getting these broken pipes, when I connect ssh to my screen/irssi box, or when I do a ssh -fND, and tunnel my browser traffic.07:18
JohnTeddyWhat option should I add to /etc/ssh/ssh_config to try and deter these broken pipe errors?07:18
jiltdilnit-wit: doesnot work i will try both  doesnot work and also no error07:19
JohnTeddyI see several different options related to *alive*, I'm not sure which one, or for what interval.07:19
nit-witjiltdil, strange it is hard ti say for me, sorry.:)07:19
jiltdilnit-wit: i am getting facing this from last two days and i am very tense07:20
appiuppihi, I liked ubuntu 10.04 and Planning to install @ home today. My question is, Does the swap memory is physical or logical partition?07:21
SwedeMikeappiuppi: it doesn't matter.07:21
MogsI wonder if anyone has 2 minutes to help me out a little? (don't want to spam chat)07:21
appiuppiSwedeMike: I see. Okay then will chose with the default.07:22
lolcatMogs: You should ask here, so nobody gives you bad advice like rm -R * or rm -R /07:22
appiuppiSwedeMike: choose*. Thank you :)07:22
MogsWell i'm pretty new to Ubuntu, in fact 2 days, I decided to stick it onto my old laptop (it had xp on) so I dusted it off, but having a couple of problems07:23
lolcatMogs: State the problems, one on each line, with relevant symptoms, and software version.07:23
Mogsuhh - i'll try, I grabbed Ubuntu 10.10, ISO burnt it onto a disc and put it onto my laptop (it installed fine, seems to run okay with a couple exceptions)07:24
MogsYou'll have to forgive me, i'm not used to using terminals etc.  problem(s) is 1, when i start up the computer it takes a good 20 or so seconds to get to the log in page07:25
lolcatMogs: We don't need to know what is workung...07:25
lolcatMogs: What specs on the laptop?07:25
Mogsit produces a multi coloured distortion screen for a second or two, the problem is with restarting / shutting down - sorry - 1.ghz, 1gig of ram07:25
nixjrI just bought a new monitor, pluged it in and restarted, ubuntu adjusted my resolution automatically, but the monitor wont do its own picture adjustment, is that onyl supported in windows?07:26
Samuel2goodmorning (it is morning here anyway)07:27
lolcatMogs: What is the problem with shutting down?07:27
Starminnnixjr: Ask again. More people here07:27
Mogswhen i go to restart / shut down,  it just kind of hangs / freezes, I have to press the power button to turn it off and on again07:27
curryi'm having difficulty with installing galternatives07:28
ActionParsnipSamuel2: morning (morning here too, just finished werk)07:28
Samuel2here's my question: I do: sudo apt-get update and after that finished I did: sudo apt-get upgrade07:28
nixjrStarminn, do monitor's built in auto adjustion feature require windows to work?07:28
curryi am supposed to look in my system tools for the application icon...but it's not there07:28
Mogslast time I tried to restart i got some text popping up with [ok] next to it, at the end a message '' mount : / is busy ''07:28
Samuel2and all goes fine07:28
Samuel2I reboot - not sure if it was needed but it doesn't hurt07:29
Starminnnixjr: I don't know, I just meant to ask everybody in general. :) (i.e. Action PArsnip would know)07:29
Samuel2and rerun it on the CLI to see if there is anything else to update, and there wasn't07:29
jiltdilnit-wit:also when i am going to click on "change" button in user nad groups to change account type it doesnot gives response07:29
Samuel2but when I start the Update application it sees some updates, Kernal and some other things07:29
Samuel2The GUI update application that is07:30
ravenunison tells me "lost connection" again and again07:30
Samuel2so how to install for instance kernal from cli?07:30
ActionParsnipnixjr: monitor osd is built into the device and is OS independant07:30
ravenunison tells me "lost connection" again and again: Uncaught exception Not_found - how to repair?07:30
nixjrActionParsnip, strange, its saying "not available" when i try and use it, the whites are buring my eyes currently lol07:31
nixjrguess this is the wrong place to ask then, thanks07:31
ActionParsnipSamuel2: sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic07:31
Hoseinhow to get back to parent folder? (upper one) some thing like cd.. in dos?07:32
Samuel2should I upgrade the kernal ActionParsnip?07:32
ActionParsnipNixjr: what video chip are you using07:32
nixjrnvidia 6800gs07:33
ActionParsnipHosein: cd ..   same just with a space07:33
abstrakti don't think it works without a space in dos either07:34
nixjrthe nvidia thing in ubuntu detected my monitro automatically and adjusted the resolution to suit, very pleased, just a pitty about the osd as you called it07:34
HoseinActionParsnip,: oh funny!07:34
ActionParsnipnixjr: use nvidia-settings to correct the setting07:34
nixjrActionParsnip, thats preferable over adjusting it via the osd?07:35
ActionParsnipHosein: yep. Super confusing if you flip between both07:35
HoseinI must ask dos developers to change it according to linux!!07:36
ActionParsnipnixjr: not sure about preferable. If it works, use it07:36
jiltdilsudo apt-get install -f   and sudo apt-get -f install  what does these command say07:36
Samuel2i'm getting kernal 2.6.35-28.4907:37
nixjrActionParsnip, thanks for the advice and for clearing things up for me07:37
Samuel2should I keep the old kernal, or can I remove it and be save?07:37
Dannydhow do i get a list of all the commands available on a linux distribution?07:39
DannydIm using a very stripped down linux operating system and just want to see all the availabel commands07:39
abstraktDannyd, ls /bin maybe?07:40
abstraktDannyd, simply put you'd want to ls every directory in $PATH07:40
jiltdilhow to add software-sources under menu bar?07:40
abstraktDannyd, there are myriad ways to go about that, ask #bash for some ideas (hint, I'm in there)07:40
Dannydok I just thought about that after posting the question...ok ill go to bash..thanks07:41
jiltdilhow to add software-sources under menu bar?07:41
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jiltdilhow to add software-sources under menu bar?07:44
stepnjumpHey guys, here's a great article to speed up your computer: http://www.ubuntuvibes.com/2010/10/things-to-do-after-new-ubuntu-1010.html07:44
stepnjumpThe swappiness trick is really good07:45
MogsI'm having some problems with restarting/shutting down anyone had / know a soloution could help out ?07:45
JJP_mogs please elaborate07:45
Mogswhen i restart it hangs / freezes i get text on my screen with[ok] then sometimes it gives me a message saying 'wait for restart ' or something07:46
Mogsthe last time I restarted i got '' mount : / is busy ''07:46
JJP_mogs most likly a process stalls on kill07:47
abstraktMogs, what version of Ubuntu? how long have you been running this version of Ubuntu? when was the last time your system worked properly?07:47
critical_maxdannyd: just tab twice in a terminal07:47
abstraktwhen did it stop working?07:47
Mogs10.10, I installed it yesterday - ISO, burnt onto disc and put it onto my old laptop07:47
Dannydthanks critical_max:07:48
JJP_mogs have you installd third party stuff07:48
Mogsit has never worked, since install07:48
MogsHavn't really installed anythin, except the ''update''07:48
MogsI've read it could be my wireless, or it could  be a other stuff, seems to be a few problems on the forums07:49
StarminnMogs: Is this a dual-boot with Windows?07:50
MogsNo, i removed windows xp- told it to erase and install on set up07:51
StarminnMogs: Ah. Have you ever successfully booted into the installed system?07:51
j_hnI have spent the week struggling with trying to get my system up and stable! I have tried several versions of ubuntu 10.10 64 bit, 10.04 64 bit, 10.10 32-bit, 10.04 32 bit, have tried un-installing nuavoue(sp?) and in stalling nvidia drivers...Still w/ random freezes. Anyone know y or how to fix it?07:51
Mogsuhm i'm on it now? I only have Ubuntu 10.10 on this - not really an issues logging onto it, it's restarting/shutting down07:52
MamontinHi, sorry for my english, If I have a processor with "SMT (Hyperthreading) scheduler support" do I need to "Multi-core scheduler support". Very grateful.07:53
StarminnMogs: Oh. Hmm... I remember having a similar issue, myself (you press "Shut down" but it never shuts down till you hit the power button, yourself), but I don't recall what I did to fix it. I think it just started working one day, honestly.07:53
MogsYeah that's the problem Starminn07:53
MogsI read, try and edit /etc/default/grub - but when i did so nothing changed - and now it's telling me ''permission denied'' when I use that command =/07:54
ravenunison tells me "lost connection" again and again: Uncaught exception Not_found - how to repair?07:55
j_hnmogs: I think you can do sudo <some editor> file07:55
Salih-kj_hn: i have the same problems07:56
StarminnMogs: Certainly understandable. HAve you tried post #9 here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1594326 ?07:56
MogsOh, sorry new to Ubuntu and using all the commands etc. - hmm let me check, ty07:56
j_hnsalih-k: Damb it man, I'm not looking for the same prob...I'm looking for a new answere07:56
StarminnMogs: Yeah, anything outside of /home/<yourUSER> you don't have permissions to, so you need sudo to gain them07:56
MogsAh - if you mean the acpi=force then yeah that's what I changed, nothing happened07:57
j_hnsalih-k: am really frustrated. Have been using ubuntu for years. No prob. except when I do things I know i should not...now uggggg!07:58
tmwnni installed ubuntu 10.04 on a two partition drive (ubuntu & win 7) - when I try to install the java plugin for firefox it fails giving me the msg "fix broken plugins". How do I do that?07:58
StarminnMogs: *shakes head* No, Post #9. (The post numbers are on the top right.) Try your original thing with GRUB first though. This seems a little hacky.07:59
StarminnMogs: Just remember to use "sudo" whenever doing anything outside of your Home folder.07:59
Starminn!private > Mogs07:59
ubottuMogs, please see my private message07:59
j_hntmwnn: have not gotten that far.  Still stuck at random locks for no reason08:00
j_hntmwnn: have you tried apt-get --purge uninstall <pkge>08:02
j_hnand then reinstall?08:02
Starminnj_hn: Isn't ir << sudo apt-get purge <packagename> >>?08:02
Starminnj_hn: OR does purge only kill configs and not uninstall the actual app?08:03
tmwnnwhat package would I uninstall ?08:03
j_hncould be. I'll try and find it.08:03
j_hnWhat did you install?08:03
tmwnnafter I installed 10.04 I did all of the upgrades08:04
tmwnnthen I tried to install the icedtea java plugin08:04
j_hnsudo apt-get remove --purge...i think!08:05
tmwnnfirefox? java?08:05
Starminntmwnn: He was replying to me-ish. ;) So you've tried this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1425789 ?08:05
j_hnhow are you installing?08:05
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Starminnj_hn: Yeah, you're right.08:06
tmwnnI click the msg in firefox that asks me if I should install needed plugins08:06
Starminnj_hn: They're synonyms apparently. << sudo apt-get remove --purge <pkg> >> and << sudo apt-get purge <pkg> >> == the same thing08:07
tmwnnit worked before for me using 10.04 on a usb drive, but fails on the full 10.04 installation08:07
jiltdilinstall button in s/w center is not working how to fix this?08:08
GreenCurryhow do i enable transparency?08:08
StarminnGreenCurry: Where at?08:10
GreenCurrytitlebars and window borders08:10
StarminnGreenCurry: Install something called "Emerald Theme Manager." Search Software Center for "Emerald"08:10
GreenCurryah right, thanks08:10
StarminnGreenCurry: Do you also have Compiz enabled?08:11
StarminnCompiz installed*08:11
GreenCurrynot even installed! >_<08:11
jiltdilinstall button in s/w center is not working how to fix this?help me i am searching the solution  of this from last 2 dyas help me08:11
StarminnGreenCurry: Install "Compiz Config Settings Manager" from Software Center and then install Emerald08:12
GreenCurryStarminn how do i enable compiz?08:12
ohsixemerald is the old window decorator with its own themes, you can use the themes with transparency with the gtk window decorator08:13
GreenCurryokay, how do i enable gtk transparency?08:13
StarminnGreenCurry: Do you have it installed?08:13
GreenCurryi still need compiz don i?08:13
GreenCurryseems i have it installed, yes08:13
ohsixrun compiz, and use a theme with transparency, i don't know the name of any offhand08:14
jiltdilinstall button is not working in ubuntu software center?08:14
StarminnGreenCurry: Run in terminal "compiz --replace"08:14
ohsixthat wont stick08:14
ouyesthere is something wrong when I am trying to install libqt4-gui,08:14
ohsixuse the appearance applet to change it to "Extra", and use ccsm or simple-ccsm to edit the settings08:14
ouyesit says Could not mark all packages for installation or upgrade08:15
Starminnohsix: If you're changing the title bars from Metacity to Compiz then your method won't work.08:16
ouyeswhat is wrong, why I cannot install the package, libqt4-gui?08:16
ohsixmy "method" enables compiz for your session, instead of just replacing it one time08:16
Starminnohsix: When I want Metacity I "metacity --replace" and when I want transparent window title bars I do "compiz --replace" with Compiz using Emerald as the window decorator.08:17
ohsixthe rest is done in ccsm and with the theme08:17
ohsixgood job08:17
Starminnohsix: And it sticks through restart after restart, so yes it will stick.08:17
ileadoes someone know a messenger aplication that suports yahoo and audio/video chat?08:17
j_hnanyone else having problems with system freezing?08:18
jiltdilno one to help me :(08:18
StarminnGreenCurry: Both are important though. So go to System->Preferences->Appearance, then go to "Visual Effects" and hit "Extra." (ohsix's method)08:18
Starminnjiltdil: Are you able to use anything in the System->Administration and so on menu?08:19
Starminnjiltdil: I mean things that require admin access08:19
Starminnjiltdil: Like... System-Administration->Synaptic something08:19
StarminnGreenCurry: After that (since you just want transparent window bars), install Emerald and tell me when you've done that because you've got just one and a half things to do after that.08:20
jiltdilstarminn:yes m able to do this08:21
ohsix... emerald08:21
Starminnjiltdil: Have you tried reinstalling the Software Center?08:22
jiltdilstarminn:but it also didn't  helped08:23
Blou_Aapi want to 'burn' an bootup ISO to a usb, what software can i use for this ?08:23
thauriswulfaHELP: after reinstalling grub, not able to login( hint: home is on another partition) plz plz help08:24
Starminnjiltdil: From Ubuntu Software Center, Edit->Software Sources..., then tell me what's checked there.08:24
thauriswulfaBlou_Aap: unetbootin08:24
StarminnBlou_Aap: System->Administration->Startup Disk Creator?08:24
jiltdilstarminn:yes it opened08:24
StarminnBlou_Aap: Or the other one above me08:24
Blou_Aapstartup disk creator only lets me make a startup disc with ubuntu08:25
kaixin  happy08:25
StarminnBlou_Aap: What is your goal?08:25
thauriswulfaBlou_Aap: try unetbootin from software centre08:25
Starminnjiltdil: Tell me what's checked there08:25
Blou_Aapsomeone at our office just left08:25
thauriswulfaHELP: after reinstalling grub, not able to login( hint: home is on another partition) plz plz help08:25
Blou_Aapneed to get into pc08:25
kaixini dont spink english08:26
xiaosheni can't find rdp protocol option in the remote desktop viewer tool08:26
Blou_Aapwant to make that pwd reset boot08:26
jiltdilstarminn:top 4 checked in ubuntu software08:26
jiltdilstarminn:under other software there is all checked08:27
Starminnjiltdil: Now go to "Other Software" tab -- is Medibuntu checked?08:27
thauriswulfaQUESTION: after reinstalling grub, not able to login( hint: home is on another partition) plz plz help08:27
jiltdilstarminn:there is no option like medibuntu08:27
jiltdilbut there is 5 options and all are checked08:28
kaixin  whitch right08:28
kaixinno  no  no08:28
danielon an  unrelated note: can someone maybe tell me why my Compaq Presario CQ56 does not seem to work with the power management preferences laid upon it by Ubuntu 10.10 ? Even with the AC Adapter plugged in it still fades the screen to black, even though that option is disabled... Is this hardware- or software-bound?08:28
Blou_Aapthanks thauriswulfa08:28
Starminnjiltdilt: Right there in the middle: http://imagebin.org/144812 do you not have it?08:29
Starminnjiltdilt: Ah. That is probably your problem. Give me a moment.08:29
xiaoshenubuntu 10.10 should have supported rdp protocol by default , right?08:30
Starminnjiltdilt: Try this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu and see if it helps any08:30
=== ussaine is now known as ussaine1
jiltdilstarminn:ok m trying08:30
thauriswulfaQUESTION: after reinstalling grub, not able to login( hint: home is on another partition) plz plz help08:30
manousi install postfix on my server and rundcube for client mail08:31
jiltdilstarminn:should i to run all these comamnd that are provided by your link08:32
Starminnjiltdil: Just the first one that's indented and says "...this is how to add it.... Run this in terminal"08:32
manousbut when i try to connect i have imap error08:32
Starminnjiltdilt: The whole box, thoguh, yes08:32
jiltdilstarminn:but i have to say that 2 day before there is the same configuration and no mediubuntu option is there and i have no problem08:33
j_hndanial: have you looked at >system>power management?08:33
Starminnjiltdilt: I think it's that the things you're trying to install now might be restricted by it.08:33
Starminn!medibuntu | jiltdilt08:33
ubottujiltdilt: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org08:33
danielj_hn: Yeah. That#s08:34
danielthat's what I meant by that. I already fiddled with the preferences.08:34
jiltdilstarminn:thanx m trying to do08:34
Starminnjiltdilt: Even if this doesn't solve your problem, at least you'll have it. This is me trying my hand at solving your problem because nobody else was here and I didn't want you to feel like we don't care. ;)08:34
manouscan i get help with imap port ?08:34
danielThe power management options are set to never shut down the screen, fade to black or anything else while on AC power. Yet it does not keep to it, as it seems.08:35
uabn93Is the newest v. of Ubuntu due next month?08:36
j_hnis there a screen save setting? if i remember correctly screensavers can also blacken a screen to prevent burn in08:36
_Wallyuabn93, ues08:36
Starminndaniel: Does the screen fade to black always or just after a set time?08:36
Starminnj_hn: That was what I was thinking08:37
danielStarminn, j_hn: after a bit of time.  So you could be right, could be a screen saver. Hang on08:37
brophatthe RaLink rt3090 is listed as a wifi card that is compatible with ubuntu/linux but it is so buggy, why would they consider that as supported?08:37
danielDerp, you were right.08:37
Starminndaniel: :)08:37
uabn93Since there are bugs on new releases, where can one go to report them?08:37
danielheh. Thanks.... :D08:37
Starminndaniel: As the old saying goes, "That's not a bug, that's a feature!"08:38
j_hnHowever, I am also thinking there is trouble in paradise! As I am having a lot of problems with my current ubuntu!!!08:38
Starminn!natty | uabn9308:38
ubottuuabn93: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.08:38
critical_maxJust completed a 10.04 to 10.10 upgrade with only 1 hitch: it lost my desktop background. :)08:39
j_hnAre random freezes??? :)08:39
brophatso in the linux world is hardware considered as compatible even if it works in only a very small sense?08:39
Starminnj_hn: I could try to help. What are more details? When does it freeze?08:39
brophator i should say very limited sense08:39
critical_maxbrophat: not generally08:39
quiescenswho says it's supported?08:39
Starminnbrophat: Define your meaning.08:39
jiltdilstarminn:now what to do after running that command08:40
critical_maxbrophat: you will find bug reports galore filed against projects where hardware is not fully compatible.08:40
brophatok i have the ralink rt3090 and it takes like five minutes for my wifi to be recognized08:40
ohsixmore importantly, who said supported?08:40
Elektroidcritical_max: thats a big problem with Ubuntu, every 6 months updating bleeding edge and everything breaking again08:40
ohsixlinux-wireless wiki is de-facto on what's supported08:40
ohsixotherwise its vendor drivers and al up in the air08:40
brophatand then it works for maybe 1/2 hour then doesn't work for a while08:41
brophatit is just flaky08:41
critical_maxElektroid: nothing broke though. and it was my choice to upgrade, because it's a system where things can break. I would have stayed on LTS were it a server.08:41
brophatvery frustrating08:41
Starminnjiltdilt: Just to make sure it takes, try logging out to the login screen and logging back in again. (A little bit of a hassle, but just ot be certain ti takes)08:41
j_hnrandom...have installed 10.10 64 10.04 64 10.10 32 10.04 32, uninstalled Nouveau and installed nvidia current...still freezing, though seems to be less with 10.04 3208:41
brophati checked and the proper driver is in08:41
j_hnI can't see any pattern08:41
critical_maxelektroid: that was my 5th distribution upgrade since 8.04 on this install. no major problems.08:41
Elektroidcritical_max: I mean all the fixes that the community makes with a release of some software all get broken because they choose new versions of x.org and what not08:42
brophatcritical_max this wifi card is listed as compatible08:42
uabn93I thought that what this channel was for. What's the difference between #ubuntu and #Ubuntu+1 ?08:42
ohsixlisted where08:42
brophatubuntu network08:42
brophati can get the link08:42
critical_maxbrophat: tell us what  your card is and what you've found out so far.08:42
jiltdilStarminn:i have ticed to medibuntu08:42
Starminn!natty > uabn9308:42
ubottuuabn93, please see my private message08:42
Starminnuabn93: Read it. #ubuntu+1 is for Ubuntu's next release (+1)08:43
brophatcritical_max all i know is it is the supported list, the correct driver is loaded, and it is flaky as all heck08:43
Starminnjiltdilt: What?08:43
ravenunison tells me "lost connection" again and again: Uncaught exception Not_found - how to repair?08:43
critical_maxbrophat: again, what list and what card? can't help without that info08:43
brophatthe card is ralink rt309208:44
uabn93Okay, sorry fr the trouble. Thanks08:44
brophatlet me get the list08:44
xiaoshenubuntu 10.10 should have supported rdp protocol by default , right?08:44
critical_maxbrophat, thanks. also what version of ubuntu you are running08:44
jiltdilstarminn: i have done as u told me but also  there is same problem08:44
jiltdilstarminn:should i to run the second box command in termainl also08:44
brophatubuntu 10.10  64 bit08:44
critical_maxbrophat: a quick google turns up many Ubuntu threads marked "solved". have you browsed those yet? before i go through them08:45
j_hnStarminn: Did you catch all of that?08:45
Starminnjiltdilt: If you want.  The page says it just adds the ability to report bugs though.08:45
brophatyes i have browsed them08:45
critical_maxbrophat: i actually only googled for "ralink rt3092", apparently your problem is the biggest talking point on the Net for this card08:45
ohsixa wifi card is more than just the wifi card as well; routers can play a big role depending on the features used in the drivers08:46
jiltdilStarminn:so how to recover from my problem08:46
brophatcritical_max it is listed as supported let me find that list08:46
critical_maxbrophat, did you follow the directions in http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9841175&postcount=4?08:46
j_hnbrophat: what is you prob exactly?08:46
Juggie^someone help me out with testing tinyproxy?.. If I netstat -an I think I see it08:47
critical_maxbrophat, if not, hold off, they are for 10.04.08:47
brophatj_hn my wifi card works like crap08:47
Starminnj_hn: Yeah, I'm Googling a bit. So far it looks like, "Too many variables, can't tell" is the typical attitude on this particular issue. I'm not experienced at all in this sort of thing anyway, so I really can't help much. Sorry man. Try again between like 8pm and 2am (GMT -4:00) -- some smart people are here then. ;)08:47
brophattakes 5 mins to locate my wifi08:47
brophatruns ok for a while then stops08:47
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brophaton and off08:47
Starminnj_hn: OR keep at it now. I just don't know what ot tell you, personally.08:48
critical_maxbrophat, i believe you're looking at http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=58886308:48
ubottuDebian bug 588863 in linux-image-2.6-686 "linux-image-2.6-686: rt3090sta module requires /etc/Wireless/RT2860STA/RT2860STA.dat" [Normal,Fixed]08:48
Starminnjiltdilt: One sec.08:48
critical_maxbrophat, it's supposed to be fixed in kernel 2.6.32-1808:48
critical_maxbrophat, "uname -a" for us?08:48
fairuzHi morning.. Anyone know how to build linux-headers-xxx?08:48
brophatthere it is considered ubuntu certified hardware08:48
critical_maxbasically the driver is there but it's buggy08:49
Starminnjiltdilt: Are you able to isntall software with Synaptic Package Manager or apt-get?08:49
critical_maxbrophat: post the output of "uname -a" in a terminal please, and check the bug report i linked08:49
brophatoh ok critical_max08:49
brophatLinux wayne-p6531p 2.6.35-28-generic #49-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 1 14:39:03 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux08:50
brophatis that what you wanted critical_max?08:50
critical_maxbrophat: 2.6.35-28 does seem to be current so i'd be surprised if this wasn't fixed in ubuntu08:50
Juggie^is there I can wget and test out my tinyproxy?08:50
Juggie^on port 888808:50
Juggie^on a server08:50
critical_maxbrophat: lookin into another possibility08:50
brophatI am just surprised that it is considered certified ubuntu hardeare08:51
brophatyou saw my link?08:51
jiltdilstarminn:yes installing through apt-get in terminal works also through semantic pacakge manager it works08:51
ohsixbrophat: what router are you using08:52
brophatohsix 2wire08:52
Starminnjiltdilt: Bleh. One second. Looks like my Internet has decided to be mean to me.08:52
brophatyeah i use the wire cause the wireless is so crapy08:53
critical_maxbrophat, can you do a "lsmod | grep rt" and pastebin the results08:53
StarminnCan anyone go to http://www.google.com and tell me if it's up? (downforeveryoneorjustme.com isn't working for me either so don't suggest it)08:54
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j_hngoogle works for me08:54
noam_can I somehow enable hardware acceleration for video display in vlc or totem?08:55
critical_maxbrophat, basically, i'm seeing people in all kinds of distros blacklisting the rt2800 driver to get their (newer than 2800) RT series cards working. I haven't found a confirmed fix for 10.10 yet, still looking.08:55
Starminnj_hn: Weird. Some sites will work but others won't, nor if I search anything.08:55
ohsixthe b43 drivers that come with lunix drop after heavy use, like the device is overheating; the proprietary ones don't D:08:55
brophatok i paste binned it08:55
brophatdo yuo need me to tell the the url08:55
critical_maxbrophat: sure do :)08:55
critical_maxbrophat: I want pastebrain08:55
brophatyeah don't knwo exactly how pastebin works haha08:56
critical_maxbrophat: ok, that matches what i'm seeing. still looking for a proper process for our distro.08:56
critical_maxhang tight.08:56
brophatjust wonder who it made it to the supported list in ubuntu08:57
critical_maxbrophat: it probably worked when added, i'd guess08:57
j_hnStrminn: are you suffering "parental block"? ;-)08:57
Starminnjiltdilt: Okay, I'm back up again. My Internet got real weak all of a sudden. Alright, let me look for some stuff perhaps.08:57
Starminnj_hn: :) Except that I live on my own.08:57
brophatand this adapter is in a lot of computers08:58
brophati know HP puts it into a lot of theirs, i have one08:58
critical_maxbrophat: see http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10578319&postcount=708:58
j_hndon't know! It's an imperfect world...maybe a screw fell out!08:58
critical_maxbrophat: it's a regression, it worked in 9.04 is why it's listed official08:58
critical_maxbrophat: still working on solution08:58
brophatok ic08:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 549801 in linux (Ubuntu) "USB WiFi adapter with rt2870 chipset won't connect" [Medium,Triaged]08:59
Starminnjiltdilt: Try "sudo apt-get update" (we should have tried this first, haha)08:59
jiltdilStarminn: i have tried it almost 100times in last 2 days08:59
brophatcritical_max that is the rt2870 mine is the rt309209:00
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jiltdilStarminn: but the result is like   Hit http://archive.canonical.com maverick/partner amd64 Packages09:01
jiltdil     all are in Hit09:01
critical_maxbrophat, yes, lots of reports all over the net indicating it's the same problem, see for example http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=255115&mode=linear. you can try to race me in google to a report of 3290/10.10 fix if you want :)09:01
brophatno critical_max you are better at this than I09:01
Starminnjiltdilt: If you would pelase, could you paste a screenshot of  Ubuntu Software Center->Edit->Software Sources both the first tab and "Other Sources"? I'm curious to see if something is there that shouldn't be. *http://www.imagebin.org09:02
ralnaemiCan I reinstall ubuntu without any external media?09:02
critical_maxbrophat excuse me, 3092 not 3290. That page also specifies that RT3000 series 802.11draft-n chipsets use the rt2870sta driver.09:03
Starminnjiltdilt: And everything is updated, right? Update Manager/ sudo apt-get upgrade have everythin up-to-date?09:03
ileaanyone know a messenger aplication that suports audio/video call on yahoo messenger?09:03
critical_maxbrophat what seems to be happening is the loading of the 2800 drivers gets in the way. the solution for people in many distros seems to be to use the 'blacklist' file which is created to stop kernel modules from loading, for just this purpose.09:03
mrdebhow do you replace update managers with something else09:03
critical_maxbrophat, that means our goal is to get rt2870sta to load not rt280009:04
brophatcritical_max ok09:04
critical_maxbrophat, i need to verify that that's the driver for 10.10 and we'll try that.09:04
hirogenneed some math help basic09:05
oCeanj0llyr0tten: natty support in #ubuntu+109:05
Starminn!natty | j0llyr0tten09:05
ubottuj0llyr0tten: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.09:05
j0llyr0ttenwhat is the room for help with natty narwhal?09:05
jiltdilstarminn:http://img853.imageshack.us/content_round.php?page=done&l=img853/434/screenshot1dj.png                            http://img43.imageshack.us/content_round.php?page=done&l=img43/5966/screenshotwslj.png09:06
hirogenhow much is left if i remove 17.5% from 300.80pounds ?09:06
critical_maxbrophat, Woot, found a 10.10 "Fixed" thread. We will be modifying the blacklist to keep the 2800 drivers from loading. See here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=158955509:06
oCeanhirogen: wrong channel09:06
hirogengod damn just a 1 off question09:06
Starminnilea: I don't know of any. As far as I know Yahoo! doesn't even have file transfer support on any of them on Ubuntu. (Then again I've only tried a few, though)09:06
Starminnhirogen: Control the language please. Family-friendly. :)09:06
oCeanhirogen: mind your language in this channel09:06
critical_maxbrophat, "sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf"09:06
taranI have two disks accessible and a folder named New Folder. I want to check if it belongs to master disk or Slave Disk. How do I do that?09:07
brophatok will do09:07
critical_maxbrophat, lets jump in msg to not spam with the details of the solution :)09:07
DrMrHorselol hirogen09:07
ohsixbrophat: you should try the driver backports before you blacklist stuff, it could be fixed already09:07
Starminnjiltdilt: Kill those "file:/blah/blah/blah"09:08
ileawhat aplication exists for linux that can suport audio video calling and exists for windows too?09:08
Starminnjiltdilt: I've never seen anything like that and I know I certainly don't have them, That's quite odd.09:08
Starminnilea: Pidgin.09:08
ileapidgin dosnt work i tryed it09:08
ohsixpidgin doesn't video calls09:09
Starminnohsix: Oh, right, video. >.>09:09
jiltdilStarminn: thats the mmatter i amso frustereted09:09
Starminnilea: Skype is an option. Not sure how well it fairs on Linux, thogh. Never tried09:09
ohsixapparently it can do voice and video with gmail/google talk though09:09
Starminnjiltdilt: So try unchecking them.09:10
Starminnohsix: That's what I was thinking of. I forgot ti was only for Google though09:10
ohsixso you can use gtalk for pidgin -> pidgin, or pidgin -> gtalk, or gmail if the plugin is loaded09:10
taranI am logged in a system having another disk visble to me.How casn I install new OS on this slave disk without logging out09:10
ririkhi. is this the right channel for installation vs hardware issues?09:10
oCeanririk: if it's about an ubuntu installation, you can certainly try here09:11
ubottuPlease give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com09:11
ririkoCean: yes, it is. thanks. i am trying to install karmic koala on a vaio p (those little netbooks w/o a cd drive). i am trying to install it from a USB drive, however it keeps booting into the HD installation of Ubuntu, which hangs up on the login screen.09:13
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jnlsnl_hi, im new to linux, will programs line "gnome planner" work in natty with unity and all ?09:14
Starminnjnlsnl_: Natty support is in #ubuntu+109:14
jnlsnl_ok Starminn09:14
Starminnjnlsnl_: They'd know better than we. ;)09:14
ririkI changed the bios settings to boot from external device, and it worked perfectly when i previously installed ubuntu on it.09:14
no--nameanybody know how to make it so certain applications start maximised?09:16
Starminnririk: Have you, upon turning on your computer, gone to where you can choose your bootable medium (F12 on most Dells) and hit USB?09:16
oCeanririk: I have hardly any experience using usb installer. But I wonder why you use a 1,5 year old version, which will be out of support in a month or so09:16
Starminnno--name: When you close it, close it maximized?09:16
ririkit started hanging up on the login screen after i updated ubuntu, so i:m guessing the update messed up the drivers somehow09:16
Starminnno--name: It "remembers".09:16
no--nameStarminn: doesn't work with everything.09:17
ririkStarminn: yes, i have tried that09:17
brophatok critical_max09:17
brophatdo we need to check something?09:17
brophatthe wifi came right up this time09:17
brophatbut sometimes it does that too09:17
critical_maxbrophat, yeah let's check "lsmod | grep rt" again, pastebin please09:17
critical_maxbrophat, that sounds encouraging!09:17
ohsixno--name: you can use something like devilspie to do window matching and make certain things always maximized, among other things09:18
ohsixno--name: your window manager might already be able to do such a thing, too; like compiz09:18
no--namethanks ohsix,  I'll check it out09:18
brophatcritical_max http://pastebin.com/BL60qZFx09:19
Starminnno--name: Indeed. In Compiz it's "Window Rules" at the bottom.09:19
brophatcritical_max looks like it is still loading no?09:19
no--nameI don't use compiz... Devilspie seems to be doing the trick though09:20
StarminnYeah, if you don't use it then don't bother. Way overkill, haha09:20
darkexHi, I have a script I've put in /etc/init.d which is called ipv6.sh, and I'd like that script to autoload after networking on startup/reboot, how would I accomplish that?09:20
critical_maxbrophat, one more pastebin: "tail -20 /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf"09:20
StarminnMost people do though, so I was just throwing it out there09:20
dr0idhi, I want to know what BNC is , and how can I use it, anyone ? :)09:20
darkexdr0id, BouNCer, keeps your conneciton to IRC alive09:21
JonesNHHi how do I install wordpress?09:21
JonesNH'apt-get install wordpress'09:21
dr0idright, I just know that much :P09:21
dr0idJonesNH: lol, no09:21
JonesNHdr0id: why not?09:21
dr0idyou have to download the package and  follow the 5 min guide09:21
brophatcritical_max http://pastebin.com/A1bS1y1s09:21
critical_maxbrophat, also pastebin "modinfo rt2800lib" if it's more than one line please09:21
dr0idi.e., get the config right, and then open it in browser. it has an inbuilt installer09:21
ravenISO-file contains filenames like this: "file.end;1" how to repair?09:22
StarminnJonesNH: Yes. http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/web/ Down in "w" yeah09:22
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brophatcritical_max http://pastebin.com/N1EXgJvk09:23
StarminnJonesNH: (That's a list of all packages pertaining to Web. That site, thought, lists all packages so when in doubt you can check it.)09:23
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newbie01hi all, whats the command line to see what computers are on my network?09:23
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JonesNHStarminn: so it is possible?09:23
Starminn!packages | JonesNH09:23
ubottuJonesNH: You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !KPackageKit, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!09:23
dr0idwow, wordpress was available via apt-get, interesting09:24
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JonesNHso dr0id was wrong09:24
StarminnJonesNH: Yeah, according to Ubuntu.com the package for wordpress is "wordpress"09:24
JonesNHis there not a way to specify where u want a packagge installed with apt-get?09:24
ririkcan usb drives from different manufacturers behave differently in that some of them fail to work as bootable devices while others don:t?09:25
StarminnJonesNH: It takes care of all of that for you by default, but I don't know about telling it where to go. I know what you're trying to do and I remember when I installed Apache it went all over the place.09:25
StarminnJonesNH: Try this: http://nixcraft.com/ubuntu-debian/14489-how-does-apt-get-install-work.html09:26
JonesNHStarminn: will installing that package automatically configure apache for wordpress destination?09:26
JonesNHor not09:26
StarminnJonesNH: I don't know. I don't use Wordpress -- I use my own backends (though my needs are quite basic)09:27
StarminnJonesNH: The link I just gave you was intended to kind of make you think, "Well, I could take each step menually myself" which would let you install where you wanted (just not with "apt-get)09:27
newbie01hi all, whats the command line to see what computers are on my network?09:27
smwnewbie01, the only way to do that is do a network scan09:28
smwnewbie01, google nmap09:28
ohsixor arp -an, if the computer has done anything in that segment09:28
oCeansmw: don't suggest google here, thanks09:28
smwoCean, why not?09:28
Starminn!google | smw09:29
ubottusmw: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.09:29
ohsixif people could google their problems away they wouldn't be here, it's simple09:29
oCeansmw: that is never helpful.09:29
ravenISO-file contains filenames like this: "file.end;1" how to repair?09:29
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smwoCean, Starminn, I gave what to look up! It is not the same as saying "go google it yourself"09:29
sacarlsonJonesNH: did you look at this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WordPress ?09:29
slim_charlesdoes any one know of any software which will allow me to acces my files, mostly pictures from the webt, i have like 80 gb of them09:30
StarminnJonesNH: And actually Canonical agreed to help Google with making the ChromeOS, so no, far from it09:30
slim_charleslike i was thinking an ftp like one09:30
slim_charleswith thumbnails09:30
oCeansmw: don't suggest it here.09:30
smwoCean, Starminn, telling him to lookup nmap is legitimate help.09:30
oCeansmw: not in this channel thank you09:30
Starminnsmw: And it's not the same as saying, "Oh, here's a link to what you're looking for."09:30
ohsixslim_charles: you could mount the ftp, and view the files in nautilus09:30
newbie01smw, thanks09:31
slim_charleswell i want to view them when im not home09:31
smwnewbie01, yw09:31
slim_charlesit would be too much of a hassle to upload 60gb +\09:31
slim_charlesare there any image databasing solutions09:32
ohsixtheres flickr09:32
JonesNHSo where does 'wordpress' install to?09:32
JonesNHIf i install the package using apt09:32
ohsixbut if you're putting files on the web to access them remotely, you can't get around uploading them09:32
smwJonesNH, dpkg --listfiles package09:32
ohsixJonesNH: dpkg -L wordpress after its installed09:33
sacarlsonJonesNH: did you not read the link? sudo ln -s /usr/share/wordpress /var/www/wordpress09:33
oCeanJonesNH: /usr/share/wordpress most likely09:33
newbie01smw,  If im logged into the network through ssh is nmap still the only way09:33
slim_charlesohsix, heres my end goal,   have only thumbnails while viewing them online, and if i want to pull on up then i would have to download it09:33
smwnewbie01, you can not "login to a network"09:34
JonesNHsacarlson: ?09:34
JonesNHls -s?09:34
smwnewbie01, something like nmap is the only way09:34
newbie01smw,  a computer on the network09:34
newbie01i dont have control to sudo apt09:34
sacarlsonJonesNH: you have another question?09:34
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smwnewbie01, the only way is to test every ip and see if it works.09:34
smwnewbie01, nmap does that.09:35
ohsixarp -an too09:35
sacarlsonJonesNH: ln = symbolic link09:35
newbie01smw, ok thanks for the help09:35
JonesNHsacarlson: why?09:36
smwsacarlson, ln -s is symbolic link. ln is just "link"09:36
smwJonesNH, symbolic means it points to the real file09:36
JonesNHdo I have to do some chown/chmod'ing to get wordpress to show on web? i've pointed apache's documentroot to /usr/share/wordpress09:36
sacarlsonJonesNH: that's where wordpress is installed so you link it to apache2 with sybolic link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WordPress   see this for details09:36
JonesNHsmw: so what would a regular link be?09:36
smwJonesNH, a hard link is a link where both files point to the same inode09:37
abstraktJonesNH, http://gog.is/hard/link09:37
smwJonesNH, neither one is more real than the other09:37
ohsixabstrakt: o man you did a bad09:37
JonesNHso things pointing to file2 do not know they're being sent to file1, with -s?09:37
JonesNHbut they do with no -s09:37
smwother way around09:38
smw-s means that a program can tell it is being redirected09:38
ohsixand works on directories09:38
ohsixand can cross filesystems09:38
JonesNHdo I have to do some chown/chmod'ing to get wordpress to show on web? i've pointed apache's documentroot to /usr/share/wordpress09:38
smwJonesNH, there is no good reason for a hardlink ;-)09:39
ravenISO-file contains filenames like this: "file.end;1" how to repair?09:39
ohsixJonesNH: thats not the right way to do it D:09:39
ejvwouldn't web server problems be better addressed in #httpd ?09:39
sacarlsonJonesNH: after the sybolic link is create it fails ?  or did you fail to create the sybolic link?09:39
smwJonesNH, wordpress is not something you should install from apt.09:39
JonesNHi didnt create one09:39
JonesNHi just set apache to /usr/share/wordress09:39
ohsixexcept when you do, apt will install security fixes09:40
smwohsix, true09:40
oCeansmw: sure you can. wp is in the repositories09:40
smwoCean, I know it is09:40
smwoCean, so is mediawiki09:40
sacarlsonJonesNH: did you not use the apt-get method to install wordpress?09:40
sacarlsonJonesNH: if not you may need to look into apparmor to get apache2 to allow that wordpress directory access09:41
ohsixi'd be looking at how ubuntu does virtualhosting and how you're expected to be able to use the installed files09:42
smwsacarlson, wait, how would apparmor help?09:42
sacarlsonsmw: I think apache2 is under the apparmor restricted list, am I wrong?09:43
ohsixapparmor has restrictions for apache, or something09:43
ejvblind leading the blind09:43
ohsixspeak up friend09:44
oCeanJonesNH: usually after installing such packages, the installer should create a blah.conf in /etc/apache2/conf.d pointing to the correct location09:44
StarminnMy system doesn't like Hibernating. Tips?09:44
ohsixStarminn: does it like suspending09:44
Starminnohsix: Not sure. *tries*09:45
* quiescens waves Starminn goodbye09:45
ejvapparmor status can be invoked via apparmor_status but i seriously doubt anything is being enforced with regard to apache09:45
ohsixStarminn: if it does, make sure you have swap, and its uiid matches RESUME in initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume09:45
ohsixthat is, /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume09:45
Starminnohsix: Oh, nevermind. IT does. Everything's fine. I just got Hibernate and Suspend mixed up.09:46
Starminnohsix: I've always done that. It is my opinion that they should be switched. :)09:46
ohsixStarminn: if it does, make sure you have swap, and its uuid matches RESUME in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume09:46
csenger41hey everyone09:46
Starminnohsix: Wait, what is hibernate supposed to do?09:47
ohsixStarminn: suspend to disk09:47
csenger41ive got a weird problem, anyone could help me? :S09:47
sacarlsonsmw: I was not totaly correct about apparmor as I look at sudo apparmor_status  apache2 isn't in it but mysql is so that's why I think I noted the problem before09:47
ejv!ask | csenger4109:47
ubottucsenger41: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:47
smw!ask | csenger4109:47
ohsixsuspend is suspend to ram, blinky light and all that09:47
csenger41ok sry09:47
ejvapologize to yourself, not us ;)09:48
csenger41so, i never shut down my comp with ubuntu 10.10 desktop09:48
brophatcritical_max ok09:48
ejvim on the edge of my seat waiting for the question/problem ...09:49
csenger41and sometimes after not using it for about 8 hours /sleep/ a cant load any of the google sites09:49
csenger41i mean gmail, google search, youtube09:49
Starminnohsix: What is hibernate supposed to do?09:49
csenger41but everything else yes09:49
ohsixStarminn: suspend to disk09:49
Starminnohsix: OH, sorry. :)09:49
csenger41only restart helps, neither reconnect to internet nor log out-log in09:50
Starminnohsix: When I "hibernate" I have to restart my computer from scratch. BIOS screen and all.09:50
ohsixhttps://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/httpd.html hur09:50
ohsixStarminn: does the uuid for your swap match the one in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume09:50
Starminnohsix: How do I check?09:51
csenger41any suggestion for my problem?09:51
ohsixflail about wildly, then look at the contents of the file, and blkid, or /etc/fstab09:51
Starminnohsix: One sec, I need to ctake care of something totally unrelated09:52
marekw2143hi, when will next LTS ubuntu be released?09:52
ohsixme too, sleep09:52
ejvcsenger41: you've ruled out upstream issues, like bad DNS lookups on your network and/or from your provider, malfuntioning networking equipment, etc.09:53
JonesNHdoes wordpress need to be installed as root?09:53
ejvhard to say if that's actually an ubuntu issue and not something else ;)09:53
red2kicmarekw2143: 12.04?09:53
ejvJonesNH: what do you think09:53
DOOXhi there i have a problem with the microphone09:53
csenger41ejv: but i can surf EVERYTHING else, for example facebook, yahoo09:53
* ejv shrugs09:53
vietredhow many people around you use ubuntu as their main OS?09:54
ohsix!poll | vietred09:54
ubottuvietred: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.09:54
smwJonesNH, wordpress does not need to be installed as root.09:54
DOOX0.001 %09:54
marekw2143red2kic: yes09:54
smwvietred, I do.09:55
csenger41anyone else any suggestion? :(09:56
sacarlsonsmw: JonesNH: it would if you used th apt-get method to install it09:56
smwsacarlson, true...09:56
critical_maxcsenger41, the site "downforeveryoneorjustme.com" is actually quite relevant to your question.09:56
sacarlsonJonesNH: if you didn't use apt-get to install wordpress then I guess you will have to install the dependances manualy like mysql and ??09:58
newbie01what is command line to Scp from home computer to server?09:58
csenger41critical_max: sry but i cant anything else written by you for me09:58
Starminnohsix: Alright, back, so where do I look for this stuff? haha09:59
smwnewbie01, scp localfile user@host:/path/to/save/to09:59
newbie01smw,  tks09:59
SbiokoI have a problem with bootable DVDs10:01
SbiokoMy laptop does not boot with such DVDs10:01
Sbiokowhile I'm on Ubuntu10:01
Sbiokoit was ok on Windows10:01
SbiokoNow it just ignores bootable DVDs10:01
Sbiokoon startup10:01
Sbiokonot when I'm in system10:02
Starminn!enter | Sbioko10:02
ubottuSbioko: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:02
StarminnThat's not Ubuntu, though. That's controlled before Ubuntu.10:02
SbiokoI know10:03
StarminnHave you checked your BIOS settings and ensured that it's set to boot CDs before HDD?10:03
SbiokoDVD is before HDD10:03
Sbiokoin boot order10:03
StarminnWell on my computer I know I have to go to  Boot Settings (F12 on mine) to boot from external media10:03
Sinephi there10:03
felihey, i've got a strange problem with X and gdm, sometimes i've got X on ttys other then 7, and sometimes i even have to restart X or gdm to get it working (im using 10.04.2)10:05
Sbiokoand also, when I'm ubuntu, system just hangs when I insert dics10:05
SbiokoUbuntu 10.1010:05
SinepSbioko: stop inserting discs10:05
SbiokoSinep, very funny10:06
StarminnSinep: Not helpful10:06
Sinepsorry, just woke up10:06
SinepSbioko: completely hangs? or can you switch to console?10:06
Sbiokoon Windows all worked10:06
Sinepkernel panic?10:06
Sbiokoscreen just brushes lines10:07
Sbiokoand that's all10:07
Sbiokocompletely hangs10:07
Sbiokoonly hard reset helps10:07
Sinepand what does your log say after a reboot?10:07
SbiokoI mean shutdown10:07
Sbiokodid not see10:07
xerxeshi all10:07
Sinepcheck it10:07
Sinephi xerxes10:07
SinepSbioko: /var/log is the place to be10:07
xerxesSinep what's the name of the ubuntu off topics please ?10:08
xerxeshi Sbioko :D10:08
Sbiokoxerxes: hello10:08
red2kic!ot | xerxes10:08
ubottuxerxes: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:08
xerxesStarminn hi & thnx man !10:08
SbiokoSinep: lots of files there10:10
Sbiokowhich one to open10:10
SinepSbioko: start with messages10:10
nishantany alarm software out there10:11
Starminnnishant: Like alarm clock?10:12
nishantjust want to be reminded at certain time etc yes10:12
Starminnnishant: Search "alarm" in the Software Center10:12
StarminnThere's a few there. I think only 3 of those apply to you10:12
ileai instaled a nvidia video card and linux gives me 2 options at activating driver one of them is recomanded should i install the both or only the recomanded one?10:13
newbie01If i ssh into a machine, where I have a user, how can I check how much space I have left in commandline?10:16
greppynewbie01: df -kh10:16
nibblewith mc, how do I set userid or groupid as a numerical value, instead of only selecting from the list of known users?10:17
nibbleI'm talking about C-x o and C-x c10:18
jjpgreppy: what's the use of -k in df -kh ? I c no diff with df -h10:18
newbie01greppy, It says I have 62% but I dont think this correct10:18
jjpgreppy: why do u think so ?10:18
Starminn"-k     like --block-size=1K" according to "man df" if that means anything to you.10:18
jjpsorry, newbie, not greppy10:18
jjpStarminn: yes, but -h neutralizes -k so far I can c10:19
greppyjjp: it doesn't on all systems10:19
greppyI get to manage soliars, *bsd and linux systems, it's habit :)10:19
Starminnjjp greppy: Well "df" and "df -k" are no different on mine. "df -h" is MUCH sexier, though.10:19
jjpgreppy: I have the same issue :-)10:19
newbie01greppy,  663G  389G  240G  62% but I have only 200mb on the system and im getting problems10:20
red2kicpydf got colors. <310:20
jjpgreppy: as an instance, I keep mistaking parameters for different versions of netstat, ping, route...10:21
slim_charlescan any one point me to a tutorial showing how to install an ftp server and have different users for it with password protection?10:24
Todd200Can someone help me with partitioning problems?10:24
coder2how to install mozilla.tar.gz in ubuntu?10:25
silveryTodd200 : hi, what do you need?10:25
red2kic!ff4 | coder210:26
ubottucoder2: Firefox 4 is the current stable version of Firefox. Current versions of Ubuntu do not have it (see !latest), but there is an unofficial and unsupported PPA that you can use by running the following command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox10:26
Todd200Well since I'm trying to dual boot ubuntu and win7 I turned 2 partitions to logical (the recovery ones), but it only let's me make 1 new primary partition10:26
|Long|is there away to find out what the last program i installed on the system?10:28
Todd200Because I decided to change one of the logical ones back to primary, and was told not enough space on MBR10:29
red2kic|Long|: Somewhere in /var/log10:29
dydhi all10:29
=== sonne_ is now known as Sonne
|Long|red2kic, thanks10:29
dydhow do i type a tilde in ubuntu shell? :) i remember i had to make alt + 126 in windows but here it won't work10:29
Todd200Any help?10:29
Pumpkin-dyd: I've no idea what keyboard layout you have or anything, so its kinda hard to say other than "press the tilde key". However, here is a tilde ~ so you can copy+paste it10:30
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Trashihi. i try to teach my apache2 to accept uploaded files... enabling mod_dav or mod_mime and restarting apache2 didnt work.. i got this tip from #apache ... hope someone can help?!10:32
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* Todd200 still needs help10:33
oCeanTrashi: you added a webdav.conf?10:33
dydthank you Pumpkin, i have an italian keyboard layout10:34
TrashioCean: i didnt know that i should ...maybe you know a howto or s.th. like this, thus i can read out10:34
Guest44405How to change name?10:34
Trashi /nick ...10:34
=== Guest44405 is now known as shark1
oCeanTrashi: hang on, I have to check for myself10:35
TrashioCean: no problem10:35
|Long|red2kic, on /var/log, dont tell me much what program was the last installed10:35
shark1Thanks Trashi10:35
HyperHoRsehow do i install mandriva on linux using ubuntu using iso10:35
dombnexeni have one laptop  compaq presario c700 32bit,can i install on that ubuntu 10.10????10:36
navin_how can i format SDcard in ubuntu??any help10:36
=== suprbly is now known as suprb
nishantwhy cant you format using standard methods10:37
XoD|Long|: /var/log/apt/history.log ?10:37
dombnexenplz  pm me10:37
navin_nishant:what standard method?10:37
ruan-schoolYeh right click format10:38
nishantyour sdcard will show up in gui right click format it10:38
navin_ruan-school:there is no option like this...those are in window10:38
nishantdo you see the drive in ur desktop ?10:39
zvacet|Long|: find history in synaptic and there you will see what you are interested in10:39
nishantif you right click basically you must be seeing options to format it too10:39
sacarlson HyperHoRse maybe like this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1288604  I've installed from my hard drive with the added grub2 entry10:39
decoderwhat's the proper way to deal with a package that is scheduled for removal but cannot be removed because the post-removal hook fails?10:39
nishantsafely remove drive etc being others10:39
navin_nishant:no dear is no option of"format"10:39
nishantwhat all option you can see ? maybe its right protected or something like that ? hmm10:40
riptly 10:40
akagi82_how do i update router firmware via terminal?10:40
navin_nishant:nothing like that..why you make thing complicated..if u hav no idea about it?10:40
nishantmaybe navin go figure yourself then ...10:41
XoDnavin_: which ubuntu version? i have those options in 10.10, not in 10.0410:41
dombnexeni have one laptop  compaq presario c700 32bit,can i install on that ubuntu 10.10????10:42
dombnexenplz  pm me10:42
HyperHoRsesacarlson: no i want to install mandriva alongside ubuntu on my hardrive.10:42
XoDdombnexen: why should you not?10:42
oCeanTrashi: my basic setup: http://paste.ubuntu.com/585311/10:42
navin_XoD:i am using 9.0410:42
HyperHoRsesacarlson: every time i have done this so far with ubuntu it wont boot back into ubuntu.10:42
=== velope is now known as lancel
sacarlsonHyperHoRse: so what's stoping you, it works for that too10:42
dombnexeni ask before doit cause its not my pc10:42
HyperHoRsesacarlson: everytime i have tried i have failed.10:43
XoDnavin_: well, obviously those options came in in 10.10... are you familiar with the command line (shell)/terminal window?10:43
HyperHoRsesarcarlson: big phat fail.10:43
Rad_Ahemnhi there10:43
Trashithank you very much ... this config file doesnt exist for me ... i'll try out!!10:43
sacarlsonHyperHoRse: well the install may change the default of the grub2 boot but that can be changed later to whatever you want10:43
lancelhellow, how things are going at ubuntu field ?10:43
navin_XoD:yes..a little,any command for format my sd card ?10:43
zvacetnavin:  9.04 is not supported any more upgrade10:43
HyperHoRsesacarlson: how do i do that?10:44
oCeanTrashi: the main thing is that you have both dav and dav_fs enabled and a location where it says 'Dav on'10:44
navin_zvacet:how can i update it?10:44
XoDnavin_: you have to know the device. easiest way if not: use 'dmesg' and look at output some seconds after putting in the card10:44
lancelat least my ubuntu is working like fish in the sea...10:44
sacarlsonHyperHoRse: just make sure you have or create a unused partition space to install to and point your new install to that10:44
riptlySo, I'm using 'Desktop recorder'  found in Ubuntu Software Center, and I'm having some issues to get sounds from both in (mic) and out (say browser, or game, or musik from a player). Anyone who have an idea what I should be looking at?10:45
TrashioCean: yep ... but where to define where the webdav.conf is? apache2.conf?10:45
navin_zvacet:how can i upgrade my 9.04?10:45
Starminn!upgrade | HyperHoRse10:45
XoDnavin_: then you have to decide if you want to A partition the card or (more likely) B use the whole card as one big thingie10:45
ubottuHyperHoRse: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade10:45
HyperHoRsesacarlson: but if grub buggars up what do i do10:45
StarminnHyperHoRse: But a fresh install is the preferred method10:45
jnlsnl_hmm im connectin a samsung syncmaster P2450 monitor to a asus ul80vt laptop, works with twinview and all, but if i try to change the position i get a wierd square of blackness in left corner of my main screen10:45
oCeanTrashi: by default all files in etc/apache2/conf.d are included. So I have it in that directory10:45
HyperHoRseubottu: what upgrades i am on 10.1010:45
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:45
zvacetnavin: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades/Jaunty10:45
Rad_Ahemn I just did an update on 10.10 and now sound isn't working - any ideas. I have tried all of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting but to no avail10:45
HyperHoRsestarminn: i really want to delete ubuntu because it runs slowly on this computer im so friggen tempted.10:46
sacarlsonHyperHoRse: it's a oneliner boot a livecd and sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt; sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda # change sda1 and sda to your choice10:46
XoDnavin_: when you are with B and know the device, like uh, dunno for sd, maybe '/dev/hdd/ or so... (depends on many things, like ubuntu version :), you have to10:46
lancelI have no problems with my distro 10.1010:46
TrashioCean: in my case in conf.d there are to dirs: security and charset ...10:46
HyperHoRsesacarlson: huh10:46
jnlsnl_Any suggestions? :-)10:46
dydso lol to have those kind of problems... but i can't browse from the shell to my dekstop!10:46
navin_XoD:i got a long list of output when i ran dmesg...what to do next to format my SD card?10:46
dydi'm in home10:46
lancelnot even a single one... or maybe one or two10:46
azizLIGHTSis there any utility u know for tagging files,and searching for those files thru those tags, and seeing a tag cloud?10:46
dydif i type cd desktop "no such file or directory"10:46
dydand the name is in italian "Scrivania"10:47
TrashioCean: but i think conf.d/webdav.conf should work... ill try ... thanks for first ;)10:47
oCeanTrashi: if "Include conf.d/" is enabled in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf, it will include all config files in conf.d subdirectory. So you can go ahead and create the webdav.conf file there. At restart, it will be included10:47
dydis it case sensitive?10:47
XoDnavin_: 'mkfs.ntfs /dev/hdd' or 'mkfs.vfat /dev/hdd' or 'mkfs.ext2 /dev/hdd' <- as you can see, you have to decide which filesystem to use10:47
XoDnavin_: but *don't simply use hdd*, that might be your harddisk overwritten without warning!10:47
ruan-schoolDyd its case sensitive10:47
navin_XoD:thnks dear10:48
TexI wahe troubles reading a partition image file created with dd. http://pastebin.com/yFN7k88S   any ideas ?10:48
TexI have*10:48
dydruan-school: yep, thanks ;)10:48
navin_XoD:can i upgrade my ubuntu 9.04?10:48
zvacetdyd: and you want to go to the desktop then cd Desktop10:48
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Starminn!upgrade | navin_10:48
ubottunavin_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade10:48
dydzvacet: yup, i've done it ;) thank you10:49
navin_thanks all10:49
XoDnavin_: sure you can, but you can format with 9.04 :)10:49
zvacetnavin: good luck with upgrade10:49
zvacetdyd: 8-)10:49
SEALs_seal-2anyone have problems ?10:50
Rad_AhemnI just did an update on 10.10 and now sound isn't working - any ideas. I have tried all of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting but to no avail10:50
XoDnavin_: you can try: 'dmesg | grep blocks' and look for the last line a bit like [570260.802394] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] 1909504 2048-byte logical blocks: (3.91 GB/3.64 GiB)10:50
=== SEALs_seal-2 is now known as lancel
XoDnavin_: in this case i just put in an usb reader with card of 4GB which shows up as '/dev/sdb' . i *could* 'mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb' now!10:51
TexAny ideas why I cant read a partition image file :   http://pastebin.com/yFN7k88S10:51
XoDnavin_: and maybe you have to be root to use 'mkfs', so do 'sudo -s' and type your pw before the format10:52
=== lancel is now known as velope
ruan-schoolIs there any way to autocomplete on a phone?10:54
HyperHoRsehow do i find out what kind of processor i have10:54
HyperHoRseif it is 64 bit or not10:54
HyperHoRsein ubuntu10:54
XoDruan-school: yes, ask the guy on the other side, what you think....10:54
Pumpkin-HyperHoRse: try cat /proc/cpuinfo10:55
XoDruan-school: (i don't understand the question:)10:55
ruan-schoolHyper lscpu or cat proc/cpuinfo10:55
HyperHoRsePumpkin what that for terminal?10:55
Pumpkin-yeah. Will print a load of info about your CPU(s).10:55
HyperHoRse$ cat /proc/cpuinfo10:56
HyperHoRseprocessor: 010:56
HyperHoRsevendor_id: GenuineIntel10:56
HyperHoRsecpu family: 1510:56
HyperHoRsemodel: 210:56
FloodBot3HyperHoRse: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:56
HyperHoRsemodel name: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.60GHz10:56
StarminnHyperHoRse: "uname -m"10:56
jjpHyperHoRse: have the cpu codename ?10:56
StarminnHyperHoRse: AMD64 = 64-bit10:56
oCeanStarminn: that is the kernel, not the hardware10:56
StarminnoCean: Ah.10:56
ruan-schoolJmirc, nokia smartphone, need to autocomplete10:56
StarminnHyperHoRse: Disregard that, then10:56
oCeanHyperHoRse: type this "grep lm </proc/cpuinfo" - if your cpu has lm (=longmode) option, than is has 64bit capabilities10:57
XoDruan-school: that's a Jmirc question (whatever that may be)... i only know ubuntu :/10:57
sacarlsontex I think you need something like sudo losetup  /dev/loop0 ~/loopfile.image10:57
XoDruan-school: tried the TAB key?10:57
oCeanruan-school: on htc it is the search button10:57
HyperHoRseoCean: I am on 32 bit ubuntu that command did nothing.10:58
HyperHoRseclflush size : 6410:58
ruan-schoolI'm on a nokia 523010:58
HyperHoRseis that 64 bit10:58
oCeanHyperHoRse: if it did not return any flags, then your cpu does not have the longmode, e.g. it's not 64bit capable10:58
HyperHoRseeven if im in ubuntu 32bit10:58
jjpHyperHoRse: yes; cpu flags are returned even if u are on ubuntu 32 bits10:59
oCeanHyperHoRse: you have to check the "flags" line. Only if "lm" is there, then it has 64bit capabilities10:59
HyperHoRseubuntu runs slowly.10:59
HyperHoRsewhat does that mean10:59
jjpHyperHoRse: what about top ?10:59
jjp'top' command I mean11:00
HyperHoRsehow do i install mandriva without fucking up grub?11:00
HyperHoRsealongside linux.11:00
oCeanHyperHoRse: control your language11:00
FloodBot3HyperHoRse: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:01
TheKroquick question: I know the latest stable version of google chrome is 10.0.648.204 .  But I have 5.0.375.127, and apt-get update says nothing about a new version. can this be because I'm still running lucid LTS?  How do I find out if this is an issue with my updates, or if 5.0.375.127 is the latest version to ship for lucid?11:03
sagaciHave to get it via ppa if you want updates11:05
TheKrosagaci: deb http://dl.google.com/linux/deb/ stable main is in my aptitude list11:06
oCeanTheKro: you mean chromium?11:07
oCean!info chromium-browser lucid | TheKro11:07
ubottuTheKro: chromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component main, is optional. Version 10.0.648.133~r77742-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 (lucid), package size 14960 kB, installed size 52492 kB11:07
TheKrooCean: no, google chrome stable11:07
sagaciI don't use chrome so someone else may be able to help11:08
oCeanTheKro: well only chromium is the opensource version, You probably installed chrome from ppa?11:08
xiaoshenmy desktop background became black and white color11:09
xiaoshenhow to fix it :(11:09
TheKrooCean: I downloaded a .deb, installed with dpkg, and as part of the install, added a google-chrome.list to sources.list.d .11:09
TheKrooCean: which contains the deb line I quoted above11:09
TheKrooCean: (the install process made the google.chrome.list file, I didn't create it myself)11:10
oCeanTheKro: I understand. Since it is 3rd party install, we cannot possibly tell if there will be issues with dependencies during updates etc11:10
n_akTheKro, try this http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppas/811:10
Pupeno[work]Any ideas what program can I use to send non standard http methods to my server (for testing)?11:11
TheKrooCean: I'll take a look11:12
oCean!ppa | TheKro disclaimer for ppa11:13
ubottuTheKro disclaimer for ppa: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.11:13
TheKrooCean: thanks - looks like the address in the .list file had to be changed from http://dl.google.com/linux/deb/ to http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ - picked up the new update now.11:15
jnlsnl_when i plung an external screen in my laptop and use twinview, the icons don't transferre to the new main screen. Any suggestions??11:15
libowen_\join #ubuntu-cn11:16
veracdon't wanna11:16
veracand btw.. your slash \ was the wrong wa11:16
dyddamn printer won't print only the number 4... lol11:18
dydfrom gedit11:18
dydwhat the hell of problem is that :)11:19
jnlsnl_when i plung an external screen in my laptop and use twinview, the icons don't transferre to the new main screen. Any suggestions??11:20
libowen_hello  everyone11:22
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needlezhi,  my gdm login is gone... its just no longer there at all how can I get it back?? also plymouth is gone too11:22
sbiokoHi, I'm back11:22
sbiokoIn log: Seems like drive does not support multisession CDs11:23
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=== GOKKO is now known as gokko
sbiokoand Ubuntu hangs when I insert disc11:23
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sbiokoGuys, please help11:24
sbiokoUbuntu 10.10 hangs when I insert disc11:24
sbiokoIn /var/log/messages: Seems like drive does not support multisession CDs11:25
sbiokoAnd screen just draws lines and that's all11:25
oCeansbioko: no need to repeat, and keep your messages in single line, as you have been told before11:25
sbiokooCean: ok, sorry11:25
tkbeat_hello, can anyone tell me where i can find the ubuntu iptables script ? i wanna place a rule in there ?!11:25
kroimpahi guys11:25
oCeantkbeat_: have a look in /etc/ufw11:25
oCean!ufw > tkbeat_11:26
ubottutkbeat_, please see my private message11:26
tkbeat_thank u, i will have a go...11:26
kroimpai was looking in my auth.log and i noticed a whole not of cron jobs being executed in a small timeframe, is this normal?11:26
kroimpaall cron jobs only half an hour appart11:27
[deXter]Hi all11:28
dydwhat's the best graphical+code editor for web development? i need something similar to front page. I've tried Kompozer but has an orrible code editing.11:29
oCean!best | dyd11:29
ubottudyd: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.11:29
kroimpadyd, adobe dreamweaver?11:29
kroimpadyd, im loving it11:29
sbiokodyd: gedit11:30
[deXter]After installing the ntfs-3g driver manually (new version) the automounting behaviour of external NTFS HDDs has changed. Now I need to manually mount it as root, or use ntfsconfig to automount it at boot. Neither option is desirable. How do I revert back to stock behaviour? I've even reverted to the ntfs-3g in the official repos.11:30
dydkroimpa: dreamweaver works on ubuntu?11:31
[deXter]dyd: using wine, yes11:31
tuxx_dyd: yea not natively11:31
thauriswulfaQUESTION: computer automatically shutdown when i try to boot ubuntu after clicking grub menu11:31
dydcan wine support also front page?:)11:31
tuxx_dyd: frompage is a piece of poop11:31
dydi knew somebody would say that. i need to complete easy tasks and i'm so used to do that quickly with FP11:32
tuxx_boot windows11:32
tuxx_its really your best option11:32
tuxx_even if it works in wine.. it probably wont be very nice11:32
sbiokoguys please help11:32
[deXter]It actually works pretty decent in wine11:32
thauriswulfaQUESTION: computer automatically shutdown when i try to boot ubuntu after clicking grub menu11:33
oCean!please > sbioko11:33
ubottusbioko, please see my private message11:33
dydwell i'll get used to edit directly with bluefish on html, don't wanna start windows again :)11:33
hated_bobdyd: Package bluefish11:33
hated_bobmaverick (web): advanced Gtk+ HTML editor [universe]11:33
thauriswulfaQUESTION: computer automatically shutdown when i try to boot ubuntu after clicking grub menu guys plz plz help me11:34
oCeanthauriswulfa: no need to repeat that quickly11:34
thauriswulfaoCean: ok11:34
[deXter]dyd: Seriously though, get sublime text 2. It's not graphical but it's got powerful macros and an awesome interface.11:35
dyddeXter: I'll check it out, thanks11:35
dyd[deXter]: I'll check it out, thanks11:36
ubottuhtml is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya (Hardy or earlier) - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/11:36
dyderUSUL: thanks!11:37
=== guyver800 is now known as GuyveR800
erUSULdyd: there is also aptana ( based on eclipse ) http://www.aptana.com/11:38
creat0rWhere can i found windows shared folder on ubuntu?11:39
erUSULcreat0r: Places>Network>WindowsNetwork ?11:39
dydcreat0r: i think places -> connect to computer11:40
stethoHi all. I've got an Ubuntu 10.10 server box with two NICs, eth0= and eth1= Using a combination of Google and experience I've got to the point where the Ubuntu box can ping anything in either network and machines on one network can ping the other networks interface (eg, can ping However after 2 days of trying I still can't get over the final hurdle of getting machine11:40
stethos to talk to the other network. I'm assuming it's NAT related but can't crack it. Can anyone offer me some pointers?11:40
dydcreat0r: i think places -> connect to server and choose windows share11:40
Pumpkin-stetho: have you turned on forwarding ? (have a look at the output of " sysctl -a | grep ipv4 | grep forwarding " ?11:41
erUSULstetho: enable ip forwarding? setting up the correct routes?11:41
creat0rerUSUL: nothing shown there in the path u gave me11:42
Pumpkin-stetho: if its all stuff that ends in 0's, thats almost certainly your problem11:42
erUSULcreat0r: then try what dyd said11:42
stethoYes, forwarding is on (I used echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward )11:42
rigelI'd like to not have to type in my password at every prompt by update manager. i've put /usr/bin/update-manager in the sudoers file but it still asks me for my pw11:42
rigelwondering why that might be11:42
dydi need a software that analyzes my local area network, detecting devices, loggin ip, machine names11:42
kubanchow do i install metacity theme?11:43
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erUSUL!info netmap | dyd11:43
kubancsorry, i meant compiz, because i have compiz running11:43
ubottudyd: Package netmap does not exist in maverick11:43
ikoniakubanc: just trag it on to the theme menu11:43
erUSUL!info zenmap | dyd11:43
ubottudyd: zenmap (source: nmap): The Network Mapper Front End. In component universe, is extra. Version 5.21-1~build1 (maverick), package size 662 kB, installed size 2400 kB11:43
ikonia!theme | kubanc11:43
ubottukubanc: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy11:43
dydcreat0r: you need to know the ip address of the machine that hosts the shared folder and the share name / folder name11:44
dydthanks again, erUSUL11:44
stethoPumpkin- Actually, you're right. Lots of zeros. So the ip4 forwarding setting to 1 isn't enough?11:44
istokdyd, terminal: sudo apt-cache search network | egrep 'analyze|routing|machine|detect|device'11:44
istokthat should find something.11:44
creat0rdyd: its not a good idea because my LAN user get IP address from a DHCP server and i have to make backup each day for their Hard drive11:44
dydcreat0r: try to use the machine name11:45
creat0rdyd: My Company have 15 computer in the LAN i shared all their hard drive and created a script to make backup each day but i couldnt found any of this shared folder in my ubuntu server11:46
Pumpkin-stetho: I've not used the /proc/sys thing for a while. I always just set sysctl forwarding stuff. I'd add forwarding entries for the interfaces you want to forawrd to the bottom of /etc/sysctl.conf and use "sysctl -p" to do it now.11:46
Pumpkin-hope thats clear enough11:46
dydistok i'll try this command11:46
typerhackhi i have problem with remastersys gui can somebody hep me please?11:47
erUSULcreat0r: use the machines names ?11:47
istokdyd, it's good for checking the repositories for software, can get a little pedantic on the exact wording to return matches, but usually you find what you're looking for.11:48
kubancikonia, Installation for theme "METAGOTCHI" failed. cannot move directory over directory11:48
ikoniakubanc: what do the instructions say do ?11:48
typerhackneed help!!!11:48
dydistok: yes, i thought that was a command to analyze network! great hint for any software i need. thanks11:49
ikoniatyperhack: ask a question !11:49
typerhackikonia:having problem with gui in rymastersys11:49
ikoniatyperhack: ok, still waiting for a question11:49
typerhackikonia; i can create the iso via terminla11:49
ikoniatyperhack: still waiting for a question11:49
BajK*gonna sue Mozilla for false advertising* or is there a hidden setting to enable the new shiny bling bling Firefox 4 interface?11:49
typerhackikonia: but the gui cannot creat the iso file11:50
ikoniaBajK: do you have an ubuntu support question11:50
typerhackhow can i fix this?11:50
BajKikonia: yes. How do I enable thje new FIrefox 4 interface in Ubuntu?11:50
stethoPumpkin- It's perfectly clear thanks - I understand this stuff just didn't know how to do it because I've never needed to do it before. I've just done it and jumped that final hurlde! Thanks for your help.11:50
ikoniatyperhack: ok, what happens when you try11:50
typerhackikonia: how can i fix this?11:50
BajKor did Mozilla give a sh** about Linux users?11:50
XoDdyd: you don't need 'sudo' for the search btw11:50
ikoniaBajK: firefox 4 is not pacakged by ubuntu, contact the PPA owner, or ask in #ubuntu-mozilla-team11:50
erUSULtyperhack: "the gui cannot creat the iso file" is not really enough info to fix anything11:50
ikoniatyperhack: what happens when you try to make an iso11:50
XoDistok: and that *didn't* find 'zenmap' :/11:50
BajKikonia: I did not add any extra PPAs11:50
ikoniaBajK: please control your langauge11:50
erUSUL!details | typerhack11:51
ubottutyperhack: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:51
ikoniaBajK: where did you get firefox 4 from11:51
BajKikonia: auto-update11:51
istokdyd, yeah, it's a command to search, but it should have atleast returned a few programs you could use to analyze your network11:51
ikoniaBajK: what version of ubuntu11:51
typerhackikonia: the process goes but in the end when i check the rymastersys folder ther is no iso in the process it says: cannot vreat the iso file11:51
ikoniaBajK: firefox 4 is not in 10.1011:51
tuxx_i'm having some issues with gdm crashing on boot.. it only happens sporadically... i think it might have someting to do with drivers loading too late... so X cant start..11:51
istokit isn't really good for anyone to recommend something, you really need to try it out for yourself, try a few, then decide what's best for your needs.11:51
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.511:52
tuxx_has anyone experienced such problems with gdm?11:52
* BajK is hoping for Canonical to ditch the stupid browser that will become the Internet Explorer 6 of the present aka Firefox and use a decent WEBKIT (because WEBKIT is the future) browser, such as Chromium or better: Rekonq but well Canonical also tries to fix a entirely broken thing (Gnome) by creating its own broken thing (Unity) instead of just ditching that middle age GTK stuff and use the supieror KDE instead11:52
kubancikonia, sorry, i missed looked the instructions..11:52
ikoniakubanc: no problem, easy to make mistakes11:52
typerhackikonia:i'm using sudo in the command line11:53
ikoniatyperhack: launch the gui with gksudo, no sudo11:53
typerhackikonia: gksudo remastersys?11:53
typerhackikonia: i'm using sudo for this command: sudo remastersys dist11:54
typerhackikonia: and it works11:54
typerhackikonia: i want to make the GUI works11:55
xerxesdyd what's the matter mate ?11:57
MadRobotHi all.11:57
xerxeshi MadRobot :)11:57
catphishcan anyone point me to the documentation for the /etc/network/interfaces for bridges?11:58
=== claviceps_ is now known as charolastra
grenadecx-AscendHey, does anyone know a program which I can check all the scripts that runs at bootup time/or at all the runlevels11:59
jribgrenadecx-Ascend: none exists12:00
jribgrenadecx-Ascend: what do you want to accomplish?12:00
PiciARERX: Stop that.12:00
typerhackany one can help me with the remastersys?12:01
FloodBot3ARERX: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:01
grenadecx-AscendI'm doing audit of several servers, and I wanted to know if there was a way to do what I asked12:01
libowen_  i want to make friend with someone from US12:01
grenadecx-AscendI miss rc-update ;<12:01
charolastrai just ran the weekly update and now the flash plugin disapeared from all my browsers. was removal the security update?12:01
Picilibowen_: This is a support channel. If you're looking to chat you can join #ubuntu-offtopic12:02
dydall ok12:02
jribgrenadecx-Ascend: no, for the services that are still using sysv-init scripts, you can use sysv-rc-conf.  But for upstart there is no such tool.  Remember, with upstart services start after certain events fire.  You'd have to read /etc/init/*.conf.  However, if you run "initctl list" you'll get the current status of the services.  That may be sufficient for you12:03
typerhackho can i fix the gui of remastersy to make the iso? remastersys cannot do it via gu but it can make the iso via terminal12:03
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grenadecx-Ascendjrib, Thanks. I was hoping for some tool for this, too bad there isn't one :/12:04
grenadecx-AscendUhm, in what version of Ubuntu was upstart implemented?12:08
n_akeither 9.10 on 10.0412:09
charolastradoes adobe flash still work for you guys?12:09
grenadecx-AscendHm, thanks12:09
grenadecx-Ascendflash works for me12:09
charolastradid you run the update?12:10
grenadecx-Ascendyeah, let me jus double check ^_^12:10
=== Guest8849 is now known as Gwarz
grenadecx-AscendYup, runs fine12:11
grenadecx-Ascendwhat browser do you use12:11
charolastraall of them; plugin disapeared after the update :/12:12
lekremyelsewThe Go command in SciTE compiles the program and runs it, displaying the output of the program in a separate pane in the editor. The Output pane does not pause during cin commands because it is just for output. So the question is, is there a way to make the Go command run the program in a terminal by default?12:13
grenadecx-Ascendcharolastra, run, locate libflashplayer12:14
azizLIGHTShow to tag files and searhg with tags in ubuntu?12:15
Salih-kHello guys. I have a urgent situation i couldnt recover grub2 after installation windows 712:15
charolastrahmm, just ran dpkg-reconfigure on it and now it loads12:15
charolastranot funny ...12:16
grenadecx-AscendI'm sure it will be fixed12:17
ziouhello - is there a LIGHTweight ODF/DOC viewer (aka NOT open/libre/k/office/abiword) that you guys know of? I just can't find that12:18
jiltdilsoftware to make video using text and still photo in ubuntu?12:19
jiltdil software to make video using text and still photo in ubuntu?12:19
_vaibhav_jiltdil: PiTivi12:20
jiltdili am unable to install anyting from software center when i am clicking to install buttom it doesnot gives any response?12:20
grenadecx-AscendBy the way, anyone knows what represents the inittab in Ubuntu? Or where which runlevel should start at boot?12:21
ruan-schoolJiltdil have you tried gksudo software-center?12:22
catphishgrenadecx-Ascend: google upstart12:22
grenadecx-AscendYeah, found it, Thanks.12:22
jiltdilruan-school: i directly want to install it from s/w center as i know about gksudo  actually  this problem arises from last two days so i want to get rid of this12:23
uabn93Can I get help here installing the latest version of KVirc chat client?12:23
amalgamawhen you download a desktop environment for ubuntu (running 10.10), does it come with apps or not?? eg apt-get install gnome-desktop, will it install any apps with it?12:24
jribamalgama: if you mean "ubuntu-desktop" for example, yes it include applications12:25
amalgamajrib: how can i download just the environment, in order to check it, without any apps??12:26
jiltdili am unable to install anyting from software center when i am clicking to install buttom it doesnot gives any response?12:26
ruan-schoolThe default apps eg. Kde has konqueror12:26
dbkblkamalgama, you can use Synaptic to check what are the dependencies on the package of the desktop environment you want to use12:27
jribamalgama: well environment includes apps.  Gnome is a set of libraries and standard apps.  What do you want exactly?12:27
kebabkebabMy webcam stopped working after the installing updates. Is it possible to revert/uninstall the upgrades?12:27
Kartagisdo you guys know how I can build mplayer with x264 support?12:28
hohoanyone know what this error mean?12:29
hohounexpected tag 103 [receiver]12:30
hoho2011/03/25 12:17:17 [17483] rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(1139) [receiver=3.0.7]12:30
hoho2011/03/25 12:17:17 [17482] rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (70 bytes received so far) [generator]12:30
hoho2011/03/25 12:17:17 [17482] rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(601) [generator=3.0.7]12:30
amalgamajrib,dbkblk: for example, i would like to download kde, for ubuntu 10.10, and xfce, to see how usable they are and how i can handle them... I wouldnt like to have their apps because at this point i want to see the use of the DE and not fill my computer with apps of a number of DEs12:30
FloodBot3hoho: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:30
hoho2011/03/25 12:17:17 [17483] rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (70 bytes received so far) [generator]12:30
nothingspecialKartagis: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78609512:30
jribamalgama: do you just want the window manager?12:30
Kartagisthanks nothingspecial12:31
nothingspecialKartagis: Nope that was ffmpeg, I meant this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=108107012:32
nothingspecialKartagis: ooops12:32
amalgamajrib: i dont think its the windows managers... for example, what is KDEs window manager?? does it run over gnome??  - maybe i am way off here of course... :)12:33
dbkblkamalgama, i don't know if it's possible because DE need some apps that are trully integrated. But, with gnome, there is gnome-core, so you might find equivalent for others DE12:34
[1]JakeHello everyone.  I have a Nvidia Geforce GT 330m and using the tutorials I still can't get advanced video working.  Anyone here manage to get it to work for them?12:34
hohoanyone know what that error mean?12:35
jribamalgama, dbkblk: right, even gnome-core includes applications because that's essentially what a desktop environment *is*12:35
Salih-kGuys. Seriously i broke the boot. I can only access ubuntu on live cd how can i fix this when i open the computer i got this "minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word, TAB lists possible command completions. Anywhere else TAB lists possible device or file completions. grub>"12:36
amalgamajrib, dbkblk: ok ok, so, for example, for gnome, just the DE is the gnome-core package??? Thanx, thats what i wanted, a basic step on how to start looking.. If it has just the basic apps I am ok, but i wouldnt want to download kde and have eg amarok on my laptop12:36
amalgamai will check the "core" packages... Thanx ppl....12:36
jribamalgama: usually "core" or "base"12:37
rados_hi I installed Ubuntu and now it is dual booting with Windows(my friends laptop)...the wireless button is not working in Ubuntu-why?12:37
dbkblkamalgama, if you are on gnome, use synaptic and right click on a package to check the dependencies !12:37
zvacetamalgama: you can install amarok in gnome if that is what you want12:37
Salih-kAny solutions?12:38
[1]Jakerados: I had the same issue with one of my laptops.  I had to finally install the binary drivers to get it to work.12:38
zvacetSalih-k: try to reinstall grub12:38
[1]Jakerados:  Although mine was a problem with Fedora but the problem was exactly the same.12:39
Salih-kzvacet: could you please say more how can i reinstall it i have 10.10 maverick version and i just can run ubuntu on live cd12:40
zvacetSalih-k: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling from LiveCD12:40
amalgamaone more question ppl: do you think its safe to download gnome shell through synaptic at this point?? has anyone heard of any problems afterwards (eg broken packages or dependencies)?12:41
uabn93How can I get the latest software if it isn't in the software center?12:42
posshey guys, really simple question:  so the update manager installed firefox4, but the menu sill launches firefox 3.6, how can i fix it?12:42
rados_hi anybody...wireless button is not working and additional drivers can't be found on my Ubuntu 10.10...is it maybe bad installation12:42
zvacetuabn93:  from launchpad maybe12:43
[1]Jakerados what model laptop?12:43
zvacetuabn93: or you can compile yourself12:43
uabn93poss: I dont think firefox for was ever included in the update manager. I updated today and it was still 3.612:44
[1]Jakeposs: I had the same problem on one machine yesterday.  I resolved it by backing up firefox settings then downloading ff4.  Unistall ff 3.6 then using the dl installing ff412:45
rados_[1]Jake, HP...on Windows 7 its all workin12:45
=== mag is now known as Guest18383
ioposs, take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion12:46
ZULOhi all12:46
possthanks guys12:46
[1]Jakerados: Not all drivers will install automatically.  My fedora unit I had to manually find the driver and download it to get it working.  But as I said that was Fedora12:47
gzorhi guys, i p12:47
rados_[1]Jake, I had problems during Ubuntu download...maybe it has something broken but it did install12:47
rados_[1]Jake, I never had before that kind of problems12:48
[1]Jakerados:  I am just a novice but if you search for the model of your wireless card you may find the driver in binary form and have to install it using terminal12:48
gzori point in my xorg.conf direct on my gpu's by using the BusID. But the bus id changes sometimes... can i do anything against it?12:48
Aquaguyhow can I get a list of connected serial devices? I cant remember it was something like mesg | ttyS12:48
ZULOany1 know how to activate wlan + lan without lose internet connection?12:49
terryrados_: Did you check the media for integrity?12:49
rados_terry,no...I now see even some apps I not working12:49
terryrados_: What apps?12:50
terryrados_: What drivers?12:50
ZULOany1 know how to activate wlan + lan without lose internet connection??12:50
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rados_terry, additional drivers don't find anything, startup disc creator can't start and so on12:50
ringlejhow can I make the desktop settings on a user the default for any new user created?12:51
terryZULO: What?12:51
rados_terry, do I need to make new complete install or can I fix this (fast if possible)12:51
terryrados_: Do you have internet connection?12:51
terryrados_: If so, do updates12:52
rados_terry, yes with eth but now with wlan12:52
terryrados_: sudo apt-get upgrade12:52
terryZULO: They should be both active already?12:52
jribringlej: what settings exactly?12:52
ZULOterry, i have internet connection while have off lan interface, but when i turn on eth0 interface i lose internet12:53
ZULOhow i can fix that..?12:53
kroshHi. Is there some client app to get hour from a server?12:53
terryZULO: How is it you are turning on eth0?12:53
ringlejjrib: Like icons that I''ve put on the toolbar next to Applications Places System menu12:53
terryZULO: And what is the eth0 interface connected to?  Anything?12:54
bluumgzor: probably too hard to fix this in the kernel. have a boot script create a correct xorg.conf automatically12:54
ZULOpluggin the wire rj4512:54
gzorthanks @ bluum :)12:54
jribringlej: see http://library.gnome.org/admin/ .  For things controlled by gconf, you can set system-wide defaults12:54
terryZULO: Where does the wire go?12:54
[1]JakeI have a Nvidia Geforce GT 330m and using the tutorials I still can't get advanced video working.  Anyone here manage to get it to work for them?12:54
ringlejjrib: thanks12:54
AquaguyI have a phone connected as a modem and I want to send data to the phone. the phone is connected as ttyACM012:55
ZULOto router with 4 ports12:55
Aquaguyhow can I stablish a connection?12:55
Salih-kThanks guys finally i manage  to recover grub12:55
AquaguyAnyone, plese?12:56
uabn93Aquaguy: connection to what?12:57
S74rk7Aquaguy: whats up m8?12:57
terryZULO: So how is it you are activating the eth0 device?  (Using the network manager?)12:57
terryZULO: Check or change the cable.  (Could be a bad wire.)12:58
iokrosh, what do you mean by 'hour'?12:58
ruanAquaguy: what's the problem?12:58
Aquaguyuabn93, it's a nokia n70, connected as a modem, I want to send AT commands to that phone. In windows I use hyperterminal connect to the COMX port and send the AT commands, but in ubuntu I dont know how to establish a connection with ttyACM devices (USB ACM device)12:58
ruannormally i use bluetooth. goes at 80 kB/s12:58
ZULOi tried with other wires, but when connect the wire internet turn off12:59
ZULOi think ubuntu want connect for internet via eth12:59
AquaguyWhat I pretend to do is send sms short messages using PHP, for that I need to open a connection with the phone. it says that should be something like dio_open('/dev/ttyS1')12:59
terryZULO: Maybe the eth0 interface is defective.13:00
Aquaguybut the phone is getting connected as ttyACM0 instead of ttySX13:00
terryZULO: What does ifconfig say to you?13:00
ZULOi can paste resut here?13:01
pterahello, i need some help please : I happened to delete my Videos folder and it's not in the trash bin. How can I recover it please?13:01
terryZULO: ifconfig  #Terminal command that will configure or show network device info.13:01
terryZULO: No13:01
terryZULO: ifconfig | pastebinit13:02
xerxesptera are u here ???13:02
io!recover | ptera13:02
ubottuptera: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel13:02
xerxesadd this as well :D http://www.linux.com/archive/articles/5814213:02
terryZULO: Or just paste to http://paste.ubuntu.com13:02
dabbishI'm trying to upload a file with scp, can somebody tell me what I am doing wrong here please? http://dpaste.com/525499/13:02
pterathanks xerxes and io going to try13:02
sacarlsonZULO: I think you need like https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing13:02
xerxes=D np ^^13:03
pteraBut i Already have testdisk, but I didn't find the Videos folder13:03
terrysacarlson: I don't think that is what he is trying to do... but not sure....13:03
uabn93Aquaguy: The best technical guys aren't on at the moment. I was here looking for help earlier as well.13:03
ZULOsacarlson i saw that guide, but if i can connect both interfaces at the same time13:03
ZULOi cant start that...xd13:03
sacarlsonZULO: and also disable network manager13:03
alumnoEy, i have a question13:04
alumnohow can i enter as admin?13:04
alumnoi am on max13:04
jribZULO: scp -i file.pem localpath host:remotepath     You have "ssh" in there for some reason13:04
alumnojrib how to open .exe13:04
sacarlsonZULO: sudo service network-manager stop13:04
jrib!wine | alumno13:05
ubottualumno: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu13:05
dabbishjrib: you mean me?13:05
alumnobut im the guest13:05
alumnowhat can i do to log into admin of this computer13:05
jribdabbish: argh, yes.  Sorry ZULO13:05
Salih-kGuys i installed kde desktop but i couldnt get used to how to remove kde will it work just typing on terminal sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop ?13:05
alumnoi try install wine, but i cant, is really strange13:05
alumnoi dont know what i need to do13:05
terryZULO: sudo ethtool eth013:05
jussi!puregnome | Salih-k13:05
ubottuSalih-k: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome13:05
dabbishjrib: I did try that but you are right, the -i flag comes before the local file. now it works, thank you!13:06
alumnook so i have to go on the terminal and type sudo ethcoiol13:06
bluumdabbish: nevermind13:06
terryZULO: sudo ethtool eth0 | pastebinit13:06
ZULOw8, im installing ethtool :D13:06
michumy ubuntu cant see my routing hardware. how can i turn on my wireless?13:07
alumnojrib cna you help me?13:07
alumnojrib can you help me?13:07
pteraxerxes ; I browsed /home/ with testdisk but didn't find Videos folder, only Images, Documents and Music ..13:07
ruanis libx11-dev required?13:07
sacarlsonZULO: terry: I assume he wants to share wlan0 with eth0 ?  note eth0 has no ipv4 address13:07
jribruan: required for what?13:07
alumnojrib look conversation please13:07
xerxesptera u tried the link I gave u ?13:08
jribalumno: you have to tell us what goes wrong, not just something goes wrong13:08
ruanjrib: for computer operation13:08
terryZULO: What is your native language?13:08
alumnoxerxes can you help me?13:08
jribruan: no13:08
=== administrator is now known as Guest93585
ruanand libpthread-stubs0?13:08
jribalumno: and please stop just highlighting people at random13:08
terrysacarlson: I don't think so.13:08
pteranop xerxes only testdisk, I'm going to try yours13:08
gbear14275hello, I'm running into kernel panics after I upgraded a clean install of 10.10.  Am not sure what is going on13:08
xerxes<alumno> sure what's up13:08
sacarlsonterry: so what is the goal?13:08
alumnohow can i install an .exe file?13:08
ZULOterry im spanish13:08
ruan!wine | alumno13:08
ubottualumno: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu13:08
xerxeson ubuntu ?13:08
michuto exe you need wine13:09
alumnoi have wine but i can't install it becuse im13:09
terry!es | ZULO13:09
ubottuZULO: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:09
alumnoim noob13:09
gbear14275VFS: Cannot open root device "sda6" or unknown-block(0,0)13:09
xerxesalumno on ubuntu ?13:09
alumnoand i dont know how to install it13:09
alumnoim on max13:09
FloodBot3alumno: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:09
ruanalumno: install it with ubuntu software center13:09
ZULOhere is ethtool result http://paste.ubuntu.com/585375/13:09
mhedii'm working on ubuntu 10.04, I can't remove atftpd what do I do ?13:09
jiltdilmy install button in s/w center is not working  but when i use gksudo it works the problem arises from last two days elp me to fix it?13:09
mhedihelp me please13:10
dmizeri get no sound on my laptop in 10.04 with AD198x Analog (N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller)13:10
guanservice vsftpd stop13:10
michualumno: make 777 parametr on exe files, witch you want install13:10
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:10
pteraxerxes : your link is for files that've been deleted recently, but I rebooted my computer many times since I deleted it, so I think it wont work ?13:10
jiltdilanyone to help me?13:10
xerxesgive it a try ptera  u have no joice !13:11
xerxeschoice !13:11
terryZULO: So you try to establish an internet connection with eth0 and what exactly happens?13:11
mhedivsftpd: unrecognized service13:11
xerxesalumno ubuntu software -> search for "wine"13:11
dydi'm having some fun with wireshark, but how can i interpret the data it caputres?13:11
Picimhedi: What is atftpd and how did you install it?13:11
dmizerjiltdil try simply repeating your question.13:11
mhediapt-get install atftpd13:11
alumnoi have wine already!13:11
ZULOsacarlson if i turn off my networkmanager ill lose mi internet connection?13:11
alumnowell im on school and its time to fuck the teacher13:12
jiltdilmy install button in s/w center is not working  but when i use gksudo it works the problem arises from last two days elp me to fix it?13:12
Picimhedi: What happens when you do: apt-get remove atftpd13:12
sacarlsonZULO: not if it already connected13:12
pksadiqMhedi try ps -e |grep ftpd and stop appropriate service13:12
xerxesptera check this page as well http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=90548113:12
mhedi Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)13:12
pteraok xerxes13:12
jiltdilmy install button in s/w center is not working  but when i use gksudo it works the problem arises from last two days elp me to fix it?13:12
terryZULO: Are you attempting to share the internet connection from wlan0 with your LAN connected to eht0?  Is that your goal?13:12
Picimhedi: Can you please pastebin the entire error.13:13
Pici!pastebin | mhedi13:13
ubottumhedi: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:13
sacarlsonZULO: but I'm still not sure what you want to do as terry says you don't want to share wlan0 with eth0 and your switch box13:13
ZULOyes terry13:13
terryZULO: Oh that is what you are trying to do, share the internet that is received by wlan0   Right?13:13
dmizerjiltdil check update manager to see if you have any updates.13:13
ringlejwhy can't I see the figures in http://library.gnome.org/admin/deployment-guide/13:13
kroshio, I mean something for synchronizing the clock of computer by getting time from a server13:13
tyrezahello there13:14
ZULOterry exactly13:14
jiltdildmizer:there is no update13:14
sacarlsonZULO: ok then just give your eth0 an address sudo ifconfig eth0 and share that13:14
=== maelstrom is now known as Guest91386
tyrezahow to " select all " using vi ?13:14
dbkblkkrosh, use "ntpdate"13:14
jiltdildmizer:actually i installed akk updates using  gksudo13:14
jribringlej: use: http://sayamindu.randomink.org/soc/deployment_guide/deployment_guide.html13:14
Pici!time | krosh13:14
ubottukrosh: Information about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)13:14
xerxesalumno so how is it going ?13:14
Picixerxes: They're not here anymore.13:15
ringlejjrib: thanks13:15
xerxesoh :o13:15
sacarlsonZULO: and again look at what's needed here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing13:15
xerxesPici thnx xD13:15
jribtyreza: ggVG I guess...13:15
terryZULO: As sacarlson pointed out earlier, there is a guied for sharing internet connection at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing13:15
jiltdilmy install button in s/w center is not working  but when i use gksudo it works the problem arises from last two days elp me to fix it?'13:15
dmizerjiltdil what happens if you run: sudo apt-get update&& sudo apt-get upgrade13:15
ZULOi saw that, but when i turn on my eth0 i lose internet in my wifi interface13:16
terryZULO: But the bottom line is that you have to use a different IP subnet for the other Network Interface.13:16
sacarlsonZULO: you need to make sure that the address won't conflict13:16
dmizeri get no sound on my laptop in 10.04 with AD198x Analog (N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller)13:16
jiltdildmizer:the last line is N: Ignoring file 'apt-build' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has no filename extension13:17
jiltdil  and above this all line  is starting with hit13:17
terryZULO: Yes, as sacarlson says, make sure there is not an IP address conflict.13:17
sacarlsonZULO: since your wlan0 address must come from a dhcp server you must use that and setup an address on eth0 that won't conflict13:17
ruanwhatever i do, i can't change the friendly name of my bluetooth device. i've tried bluetooth and blueman, how can i change it?13:17
tyrezathanks jrib how copy ?13:17
dmizerjiltdil that's your problem, search google for a fix for your error.13:17
ruanwhen i change it, it shows up differently, but it changes back when i restart the device13:18
ZULOokey, ill try now. Thanks for all, ill come with results :)13:18
jiltdildmizer:help me13:18
jribtyreza: ggVG I guess...13:18
terryZULO: You can also use a firewall script and use a firewall generator to write the script for you.  See:  http://easyfwgen.morizot.net/gen/13:18
sacarlsonZULO: this is your wlan0 address  so your eth0 can be  or anything other than 192.168.1.x13:18
KeithChesterI need an open source solution to taking a power point presentation, record someone talking over it, and then saving it as a video. i know theres a program that does it but its name is completely escaping me right now...13:18
jribterry: you should run "vimtutor" so you become familiar with the basics of vim (if you want to do such a thing).  You could just use a different editor of course.  In any case, you can copy with: ggyG13:19
ruanit works awesomely while my name is changed though hmm13:19
dmizerjiltdil did you manually edit any repositories?13:19
terryZULO: If you use the IPs that sacarlson suggests, you will need to use netmask of on each13:19
sacarlsonterry: I should write a share script for people to make it even easier13:19
dmizerjiltdil undo what you did.13:19
terryjrib: I think you spoke to wrong nick.13:20
terrysacarlson: Good idea....13:20
jribtyreza: you should run "vimtutor" so you become familiar with the basics of vim (if you want to do such a thing).  You could just use a different editor of course.  In any case, you can copy with: ggyG13:20
jribterry: sorry about taht13:20
jiltdildmizer:i actaully didn't remmember what i made changes13:20
ZULOyeah, so my eth interface can be or its better?13:20
tyrezathanks a lot jrib13:21
sacarlsonZULO:  you CANT use !!!!13:21
terryZULO: It has to be two different networks.13:21
wbr-citizenhow to use vim under tty13:21
mhediplease help me13:21
foowafflehey guys y wont linux allow me to access window drive over lan?13:21
jribwbr-citizen: type "vim"13:21
van7hutype vim :)13:21
Abhijitwbr-citizen, man vim13:21
gbear14275Anyone here have a dual boot with backtrack?  Looking to how you installed your system... my attempt seems to be troublesome13:21
dmizerjiltdil https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine13:21
Tsaknorris_Osaako joku kertoa mistä saa editoitua firefoxin shortcut keysit?13:21
ruan!backtrack | gbear1427513:21
ubottugbear14275: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition13:21
=== ankreloaded___ is now known as areloaded
Abhijitgbear14275, give details13:21
wbr-citizenit doesn't work13:21
jribgbear14275: I don't see what the issue would be, install one then the other13:22
Abhijitwbr-citizen, sudo apt-get install vim13:22
ubottu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい13:22
arand!fi | Tsaknorris_13:22
ubottuTsaknorris_: Tämä kanava on tarkoitettu vain englanninkieliselle keskustelulle. Jos haluat suomenkielistä apua (K)ubuntun ongelmiin, liity kanavalle #ubuntu-fi / #kubuntu-fi :-)13:22
Tsaknorris_can someone tell me how i can edit firefox shortcut keys...because in firefox 4 ALT + D does jump on address bar13:22
jribwbr-citizen: "it doesn't work" is too vague.  What happens exactly?13:22
wbr-citizenit shows i didn't install vim13:22
Tsaknorris_doesn't jump on address bar :)13:23
Abhijitwbr-citizen, sudo apt-get install vim13:23
gbear14275Abhijit: jrib:  I'm getting kernel panics after upgrading a clean install of 10.1013:23
ruangbear14275: what is the kernel panic error?13:23
gbear14275ruan: one sec, in the middle of a reboot... testing each of the 8 entries in grub (no clue why I have so many)13:24
dmizeri get no sound on my laptop in 10.04 with AD198x Analog (N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller)13:24
ruan!sound | dmizer13:24
ubottudmizer: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.13:24
thevishyhow is ubuntu for touch devices ?13:24
bob__does format log bad sectors? - e2fsck -c marks bad blocks13:24
ruanthevishy: it should work with touchscreen13:24
terrysacarlson: How about something like:  http://pastebin.com/B7SqYhAP13:25
ruanthevishy: it has built in drivers for it13:25
thevishyi see13:25
thauriswulfa2QUESTION: Do these locked 3g modems work in ubuntu with other n/w operator simcard inserted?13:25
jribgbear14275: and you don't get kernel panics if you install only ubuntu and not backtrack?13:25
terrysacarlson: But that doesn't deal with IP addressing issues.13:25
gbear14275jrib: not from my experience13:25
Nintetwhen i click on a windows executable it will not open with wine, and this causes application installs to fail13:25
foowafflehey guys y wont linux allow me to access window drive over lan?13:25
Nintet.exe is associated with archive manager13:25
mhedithis is the error screen :13:25
wbr-citizen Abhijit,but i can use it in termianal on desktop13:26
mhediplease help me13:26
terrysacarlson: But addressing will have to be hypothetical so...13:26
thevishyfoowaffle, if you want to acess you have to mount using samba13:26
Nintetfoowaffle: i can browse my windows CIF shares13:26
thevishyI think13:26
jribgbear14275: seems impossible13:26
Nintetfoowaffle: places-->network13:26
foowafflewhat samba???13:26
gbear14275mhedi: you need to post a better link, you pasted the landing page13:27
thevishyNintet, samba not required ?13:27
terrysacarlson: Or use examples and say so. Would have to be some sort of tutorial13:27
foowafflei got a login box but it wont let log in13:27
Nintetfoowaffle: you need to make sure that windows sharing is enabled on the windows machine13:27
thevishydo you have permission ?13:27
nicofsI can't install packages anymore because of this error: http://pastebin.com/UFJkC0sq - what can I do?13:28
gbear14275EXT3-fs (sda6): error: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (240)13:28
Abhijitwbr-citizen, what you are using in terminal on desktop is not vim actually its old vi. you dont have vim. thats because in terminal in desktop vim just points to old vi. you dont have new vim. you need to install vim.13:28
foowaffleit being shared13:28
thevishydoes the places->network provide a samba interfact Nintet ?13:28
Nintetthevishy: im sure that samba is in the mix somewhere, its just that by defualt with 10.10. i can access my windows machine's shared folders by clicking "places--->network--->windows network"13:28
terry!fr | mhedi13:29
gbear14275Abhijit: jrib:  VFS: Cannot open root device "sda6" or unknown-block(0,0)13:29
ubottumhedi: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:29
thevishyright yes I was thinking so too13:29
jribgbear14275: I have to go, don't know about your erro13:29
arandTsaknorris_: By default the is no way to configure it it seems, there is one odd extension here: http://mozilla.dorando.at/readme.html though I don't know if it works or is trustworthy.13:29
Nintetanyone having issues with WINE under 10.10 not opening .exe files? i cant install things because .exe is associated with archive manager13:30
gbear14275thanks for looking jrib13:30
terrythevishy: You might try sudo apt-get -f13:30
ruanNintet: right click, open with13:30
terrythevishy: You might try sudo apt-get install -f13:30
thevishyfor what terry13:31
Nintetruan: what about apps that need to be installed... they crash!13:31
gbear14275could someone point me in general to a dual boot howto that they trust?  There's almost too many out there to know which are best13:31
thevishyfor touch drivers ?13:31
terrynicofs: You might try sudo apt-get install -f13:31
Pici!dualboot | gbear1427513:31
ubottugbear14275: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot13:31
terrythevishy: sorry, wrong nick13:31
ruanNintet: and for future, right click, properties, open with, choose wine13:31
gbear14275thanks pici13:31
Picigbear14275: no problem13:31
nicofsterry, doesn't help13:32
thevishyruan, so those cool features  like hand gestures to zoom browser movie etc would work with ubuntu too ?13:32
arandTsaknorris_: Seems to be doable with a bit of hacking: http://www.mozilla.org/unix/customizing.html#keys13:32
simbadhola, alguien habla español?13:32
nicofsterry, basically /var/lib/dpkg is empty...13:32
ruanthevishy: maybe13:32
nicofs!es | simbad13:32
ubottusimbad: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:32
adi11hi all is there any fix for this "GStreamer encountered a general supporting library error." for totem youtube player ??13:33
thevishylike iOS  , basically ...just asking ...about tabs with linux13:33
adi11i am using the latest ubuntu and totem13:33
ruanthevishy: firefox has addons for gestures, and touchscreen works13:33
thevishyandrois is more popular for mobile devices ...13:33
terrynicofs: Is that file really missing?   ls /var/lib/dpkg/status  or   cat /var/lib/dpkg/status13:34
thevishyi was wondering if ubuntu is making any headway to mobile market too13:34
terrynicofs: Oh I see.  Well I wonder what happened to it?13:34
ruanubuntu mobile OS for the future maybe? :P13:34
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:34
jiltdilinstalling any s/w from terminal using apt-get install gives this  at the last line     N: Ignoring file 'apt-build' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has no filename extension13:35
nicofsterry, all gone... i have no idea... and i can't really check, because i only have ssh access to the server...13:35
jiltdilhelp to fix this13:35
terrynicofs:  dpkg-reconfigure dpkg13:36
dmizerjiltdil https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine13:36
jiltdildmizer:as  i  didnot know much about ubuntu  m new so i didn't understood what is there in that link13:36
strouthosHi. How can I run gedit from the terminal and see the output data in the terminal (instead of "releasing" it from the terminal, by which the terminal can be used for other things)?13:37
nicofsterry, "failed to open package info file `/var/lib/dpkg/status' for reading: No such file or directory"13:37
dmizerjiltdil is there a file named "apt-build" in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/13:37
dmizerjiltdil try removing it.13:38
Guest40473on 10.10 admin > time/date is greyed out. The unlock button is clickable/colored13:38
ruani need to completely remove cups, are these packages safe to remove along with it?   evince fbi ghostscript ghostscript-x libcupsimage2 libevdocument3 libevview313:38
Guest40473but no ammount of clicking it actually toggles the editability or prompts for a pw13:38
Guest40473what is wrong?13:38
wbr-citizenAbhijit,thank you,i already install one ,i just think the vi which i use in desktop is the same to the vim13:39
ruanGuest40473: did you click the _lock_ button?13:39
ruanthe lock icon13:39
terrynicofs: What is the date of dpkg directory?  ls -ld  /var/lib/dpkg  #Maybe that will give us a clue?13:39
ruanGuest40473: the icon?13:39
jiltdildmizer: yes i remove apt-built but there is also    these optionss   apt-build.list  apt-build.list.save  medibuntu.list  medibuntu.list.save13:39
Guest40473when i click icon, it animates the click, but the closed-lock icon remains13:40
Guest40473after clicking the button is highlighted orange, though13:40
terrynicofs: Compare against system date13:40
dmizerjiltdil now try running: sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get update13:40
nicofsterry, today, 14:32... i created it then...13:40
Guest40473the message next to it: 'click to make changes' is unchanged13:40
strouthosHow can i run gedit in the terminal and still se its "output" in the terminal (just running "gedit" doesn't do it)?13:40
ruanGuest40473: type "gksudo time-admin" in a terminal13:41
terrynicofs: You created it today? How?  Did you manually create it?13:41
ruanGuest40473: it will launch unlocked13:41
jiltdildmizer: now13:41
Guest40473ah, very good13:41
Guest40473when i go back to the menu it is still locked, though13:41
nicofsterry, yes, because dpkg and apt-get complained about it missing...13:42
jiltdildmizer; the output of these are coming with ign   and  Hit13:42
Guest40473even though after gksudo the icon was left in 'unlock'?13:42
terrynicofs: So did you use touch?13:42
ruanGuest40473: you can replace Time and date with that command13:42
nicofsterry, no, mkdir13:42
ruanGuest40473: uhhh13:42
dmizerjiltdil good.13:42
strouthosHow can I force a progam running in a shell to be "released" from the shell?13:43
ruanGuest40473: is it editable?13:43
terrynicofs: Well, something happend to delete it.  I wish we knew what that was.  This is curious....13:43
ruanstrouthos: ctrl c?13:43
sipiorstrouthos: you mean run in the background?13:43
sipiorstrouthos: ctrl-Z, then "bg".13:43
terrynicofs: df13:43
terrynicofs: df | pastebinit13:43
nicofsterry, before i went to lunch, i installed apache2 - after lunch i wanted to continue with php5 and mysql - and it didn't work anymore13:43
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strouthossipior: I mean getting the "output" (status, debug etc.) in the shell.13:44
Guest40473ruan: no, i tried running gksudo time-admin again from alt-f213:44
terrynicofs: what does df say?  (How are you on disk or partition space?)13:44
Guest40473was unlocked again, but this time i tried clicking the 'lock' button13:44
Guest40473it does the same thing13:44
strouthossipior: When running gedit in shell, it is no different from just launching it.13:44
Guest40473i can click it a bunch, it will highlight/unhighlight13:44
jiltdildmizer: how to activate install button in s/w center13:44
nicofsterry, http://pastebin.com/5isFTF7513:44
Guest40473but the unlocked icon never changes to a locked one13:45
dmizerjiltdil it still does not work?13:45
Guest40473no amount of toggling will impact what the normal menu does13:45
sipiorstrouthos: try using redirection operators ("foo > output.file 2>&1")13:45
skutr34hey i gotta quick question13:45
Guest40473gksudo seems always unlocked, no ability to toggle - menu seems always locked13:45
ruanGuest40473: ok. you can replace the menu one with the gksudo command13:45
dmizerjiltdil can you install software with synaptic package manager?13:45
DOOXhi there , i have a problem with my ubuntu 10.10 32 bit13:46
ruanGuest40473: using menu editor13:46
skutr34im trying to create a live usb with startup disk creator and it is not seeing my .iso..... does the iso have to be ubuntu13:46
terrynicofs: apt-get -f install13:46
jiltdilin /etc/apt/sources.list.d/        there is also    these optionss   apt-build.list  apt-build.list.save  medibuntu.list  medibuntu.list.save13:46
ruanskutr34: yes it has to be ubuntu i believe13:46
terrynicofs: THat do anything???13:46
terrynicofs: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit13:46
jiltdildmizer:in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/        there is also    these optionss   apt-build.list  apt-build.list.save  medibuntu.list  medibuntu.list.save13:46
ruanskutr34: it was made to install ubuntu13:46
skutr34ruan: ok is there any software you know of that will make one for other distros13:46
ruanskutr34: not sure about other distros13:47
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent13:47
skutr34ruan: that runs on ubuntu13:47
strouthossipior: if "moo" was meant to be "gedit", it didn't work. If not, I didn't understand.13:47
ruanskutr34: it may possibly run on others13:47
ruanskutr34: i know unetbootin works on all distros13:47
strouthossipior: "foo", not "moo" :)13:47
salihkguys when you write into terminal sudo fdisk -l partitions are promted but how do you know which one is the ubuntu ?13:47
skutr34i dont want it for ubuntu13:47
skutr34i want a program that will make a live usb of other distros13:47
dmizerjiltdil i do not think those are causing you problems. can you install software using synaptic package manager13:47
DOOXi have a problem with the microphone , how can i solve this problem13:48
ruanskutr34: unetbootin13:48
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent13:48
v0lksmananyone know where to pick up a nice bash color theme for use with a dark background?13:48
nicofsterry, http://pastebin.com/RSgNgUqq13:48
soopdoox: you have to tell us the problem you are having with said microphone13:48
sipiorstrouthos: i guess i'm not following what the problem is. you want to run gedit from the terminal, and want to suppress all output? then: gedit filename > /dev/null 2>&113:48
ruanskutr34: ubottu says ubuntu because this is an ubuntu support chan13:48
skutr34does it work on linux?13:48
ruanskutr34: yes13:48
dmizerjiltdil what software are you trying to install with the software center?13:48
DOOXi have an internal and external microphones , the two of them when i used them are not working with me13:48
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.13:48
skutr34ruan: ok13:49
jiltdildmizer: even a single s/w is not installing13:49
terrynicofs: Try this:13:49
terrysudo dpkg --clear-avail13:49
dmizerjiltdil if synaptic package manager works, then you can install software. what are you trying to install in the software center13:50
nicofsterry, ok, done - no error... but no output, either...13:50
terrynicofs: apt-get update13:50
terrynicofs: sudo apt-get update13:51
jiltdildmizer:actually i want to fix the error that is causing bard to install13:51
espeneasy help13:51
strouthosstrouthos: I want to run gedit from the terminal and see all the output. (Thus the session will only be used for displaying the output of gedit.)13:51
nicofsterry, same error as before13:51
ruani need to completely remove cups, are these packages safe to remove along with it?   evince fbi ghostscript ghostscript-x libcupsimage2 libevdocument3 libevview313:51
RubenAlonzoGood morning, I need help pleased. i was looking at the applications tab and clicked on Windows, thinking it would emulate MS Windows, but instead when i accidentally clicked someplace, my unity bar across the left dissapered altogother. how do i get it back please?13:51
dmizerjiltdil bard?13:51
strouthossipior: I want to run gedit from the terminal and see all the output. (Thus the session will only be used for displaying the output of gedit.)13:51
jiltdildmizer: means that is stopping13:52
dapeamelhey guys I cant change my size of the desktop panel why? the minimum is 31 px13:52
sipiorstrouthos: gedit does not use the terminal for display. if you want a terminal-based editor, consider vim, emacs, nano, joe (there are approximately a billion others :-)13:52
skutr34ruan: ok i cant run unetbootin lol13:53
icerootdapeamel: because there is one picture which cant be smaller then 31px13:53
SITZpleaze any one tell me how to automount drives on startup ?13:53
jjpstrouthos: please do no ask which is best between vim and emacs :-)13:53
terrynicofs: Well, I don't know if this will help, but found this:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=573139  (It's kind of old, so we should look it over and maybe find something newer as well.)13:53
SITZI want them ready on start-up as on windows ?13:54
strouthossipior: I will run gedit in a own window but from the terminal. I'm using LaTeX and want to see the output and errors.13:54
nicofsterry, i don'T have backups, as far as i can tell...13:54
terrynicofs:  dpkg-reconfigure dpkg13:54
strouthosjjp: Yeah, I know. It's so obvious! :)13:54
gnubalaHi to all, How can i synchronize the time and timezone perfectly with the time server in Ubuntu?13:55
AbhijitStrange. gnu paint dont have eraser!!! :'(13:55
gnubalaI have tried tzdata,rdata,ntpdate13:55
nicofsterry, doesn't work... same error as before13:55
RubenAlonzoDoes anyone know how to restore defaults to my system? somehow i have lost Unity taskbar. and i dont know how to get it back, i accidentally clicked the mouse button as it was over the unity bar when i was looking at application called windows, now i cant see it?13:55
icerootstrouthos: have a look at "kile" its a gui for latex with an extra windows for building/errors and so on13:55
sipiorstrouthos: i don't use gedit myself, but if you are using a LaTeX mode of the editor, i imagine the editor displays processing errors in its own environment, not in the terminal.13:55
gnubalaanyone will help me...?13:55
icerootstrouthos: but its pulling some kde-libs because its based on kate13:55
icerootstrouthos: if you dont need a gui, use vim with latex-moduls13:56
dlyneshomegnubala, ntpdate should work, as should ntp13:56
yofelgnubala: ntpd will auto-sync the time every few hours13:56
espeni guess it's just to jump in it. i want to unzip a file into a restricted folder. i have searched and experimented for some time, but i always get some kind off error. and that's fustrating because i belive it's so easy. a file from my home folder to /usr/lib/rhythmbox/plugins/13:56
SITZhelp me please !!13:56
gnubalayofel: yes but it remains the time zone same13:56
dlyneshomegnubala, tzdata just has the data for time zones...it's used by the utilities for setting the time, but in and of itself, it does not set the time zone13:56
compdocgnubala, what external time server are you using to sync with?13:56
dlyneshomegnubala, ntp doesn't change your time zone...you have to do that13:57
gnubalapool.ntp.org, ubuntu.ntp.com13:57
strouthossipior: The thing it, it did it until today (now like then I simply ran "gedit").13:57
gnubaladlyneshome: yes i need chennai, but it shows asia/kolkata13:57
Abhijit SITZ ask13:58
SITZhwo to automount drives on startup ?13:58
SITZin ubuntu13:58
Abhijit!mount | SITZ13:58
ubottuSITZ: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount13:58
gnubalacompdoc: i have also used dpkg-reconfigure  tzdata13:58
Ninteti cant install dotnet20 in ubuntu 10.10 =(13:59
terrynicofs: http://staff.adams.edu/~cdmiller/posts/Ubuntu-dpkg-recovery/13:59
SITZAbhijit: ok... will check out :)13:59
gnubalacompdoc: is there any simple way to update time aswell as timezone?13:59
strouthossipior: Then again, today gedit doesn't want to open the pdf viewer either....13:59
dydi'm trying to set up vsftpd, but i can't log in with my account name (i can with anonymous - i changed the conf file to allow anon access)14:00
sipiorstrouthos: maybe it's time to try another editor :-)14:00
nicofsterry, i fail at the first step - ther e is no backup14:00
dlyneshomegnubala, just set it in gnome/kde14:01
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foowaffleanyone know how to set up the desemuse ???14:02
strouthossipior: Haha. But isn't it strange when I run a command (gedit) and while this command is still running, I can use the terminal for other things?14:02
terryuncomment  local_enable=YES14:02
fairuzHi, how to desactivate lock screen in ubuntu14:02
sipiorstrouthos: not really.14:02
terrydtd uncomment  local_enable=YES14:02
gnubaladlyneshome:ofcourse, i have tried it from system-> administration-> time and date, still it remains for asia/kolkata i need it for chennai14:02
LucidGuyAnyone ever attempt to restore a clone/image (clonezilla) onto different hardware?  Nightmare?14:02
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terrynicofs: Maybe you can get a dpkg deb someplace?14:03
strouthossipior: okay :-)14:03
compdocgnubala, typically, you have to stop the ntpd service, then run: ntpdate time.nist.gov, then start the ntpd service (use whatever time server you like14:03
nicofsterry, i have - but installing it fails because of the status file not existing...14:03
dlyneshomegnubala, have you tried "sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata" from the command line?14:03
dapeamelis it possible to change the panel size ? its on every theme I got 31. I cant do it smaller please14:04
gnubaladlyneshome: yes, in that there is no time zone for chennai14:04
ravenhow to search files with command line14:04
gnubalain that i have selected aisa/kolkata14:04
dlyneshomegnubala, what's chennai's utc offset?14:04
gnubalait varies so much time14:04
SITZraven: u can use *grep*14:04
gnubaladlyneshome: how can i find it?14:04
dlyneshomegnubala, what's your offset from GMT?14:04
ravenSITZ, i need a system wide search14:04
SITZraven: then, try using *find*14:05
dlyneshomegnubala, i.e. if it's 1pm in London, what time is it in Chennai?14:05
riptlyHow do I check what groups and users exists on system?14:05
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ravenSITZ, find always gives me all files out - how to use it right then?14:05
SITZthen pipeline it to the desired requirements14:05
gnubaladlyneshome: UTC/GMT +5:30 hours14:06
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terrydyd uncomment:  local_enable=YES   #TO allow local user login.14:06
dlyneshomegnubala, nice...I guess ubuntu installer authors never thought about 1/2 hour time zones14:07
dlyneshomegnubala, fwiw, our country has two of those 1/2 hour time zones14:07
terrynicofs: You have a rather perplexing problem.14:07
nicofs terry, i know - but i managed to get apt-get update to work... hope is not lost...14:08
wbr-citizendo you know QQ?14:08
gnubalacompdoc: finally i resolve my problem14:08
gnubaladlyneshome: it works fine,14:08
dlyneshomegnubala, but those time zones are accounted for, it looks like...just not chennai's14:08
gnubaladlyneshome: means?14:08
terrynicofs: I suppose you could try and get files from another system.14:09
terrynicofs: If this server has a sister someplace, you could try something like:14:09
erUSULraven: find / -name '*somestring*'14:09
dydterry: i did that, but still it's not accepting my main account14:10
dlyneshomegnubala, edit /etc/timezone, and set it to Etc/GMT-5.514:10
dydi also restarted the service14:10
riptlyDoesn't ubuntu 10.10 server run without super user root as it used to in previous ubuntu releases? Or did my installation get messed up somehow?14:10
erUSULraven: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/UsingFind14:10
dlyneshomegnubala, hopefully that'll do it14:10
dlyneshomegnubala, after you've done that, do a reboot14:10
erUSULraven: locate may be better for a system wide search. « locate somestring »14:10
gnubaladlyneshome: thank you for the kind response.14:10
gnubalacompdoc: you too...14:10
rahadian* Now talking on #ubuntu14:11
rahadian* Topic for #ubuntu is: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://goo.gl/cEF1w | IRC info: http://goo.gl/Pgv9o | Pastes to http://goo.gl/ixcN9 | Release Notes: http://goo.gl/tuSzO | Download: http://goo.gl/Ov56R | Don't be a victim of spam, see http://goo.gl/TAyvJ14:11
rahadian* Topic for #ubuntu set by Pici!~Pici@ubuntu/member/pdpc.professional.pici at Sun Dec 12 04:23:50 201014:11
rahadian-ChanServ- [#ubuntu] Welcome to #ubuntu! Please read the channel topic. This channel is logged. Use of this channel implies acceptance of terms at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/TermsOfService14:11
rahadian* #ubuntu :http://www.ubuntu.com14:11
FloodBot3rahadian: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:11
sipiorriptly: what's the problem, exactly?14:11
testigUnity will require Zeitgeist, right?14:11
ruanis there a way to give my phone my internet connection?14:11
dlyneshomegnubala, but again, I don't know if that'll work, because i don't know what else dpkg-reconfigure tzdata changes (if anything)14:11
appiuppiHi, I have windows xp and ubuntu 9.10. Now I wanna remove, windows and install new ubuntu 10.04. Can I share the same SWAP memory as used for ubuntu 9.10(dont wanna delete 9.10) so that I will have same swap for both versions of ubuntu 10.04 and 9.1014:11
riptlysipior: Oh no problem, I was just wondering if it had been changed?14:11
ravenerUSUL, ok tnx14:11
bob__SITZ: are you the one trying to mount devices on startup? if so try 'man mount' in a terminal14:11
terrynicofs: gzip -d < tpkg.gz | dd of=/var/lib/dpkg  #And then copy over to the dead one.14:12
DJonesappiuppi: Yes you can share swap partitions between different versions14:12
sipiorriptly: no, nothing has changed in that regard.14:12
SITZbob__: yes, ok14:12
pbearwhat's the difference between installing eg zlib1g and zlib1g-dev?14:12
terrynicofs: No wait, not that...14:12
pbearif i install the later, do i need to install the former?14:12
ruanpbear: -dev is the files for development14:12
erUSULpbear: zlib1g-dev contains the headers so you can compile programs that use the lib14:12
gnubaladlyneshome: sorry! i cant understand you14:13
dlyneshomegnubala, I'm just saying that will probably fix the problem, but it might not14:13
c0d3r_C_c0d3rhi friends14:13
appiuppiDJones: Oh I see. Thank you DJones, as you said i will use the same swap partition for the newer version.14:13
c0d3r_C_c0d3rhi friends14:13
dlyneshomegnubala, it's worth a try, but i'm not going to guarantee that it will work14:13
c0d3r_C_c0d3rhow are doing14:13
gnubala...home: oh! ok ok..14:13
ruanhi c0d3r_C_c0d3r14:13
riptlysipior: Okey? Well, I can ssh in as root, and work myself around as root, which previously I worked with a "regular user" using sudo.14:14
dlyneshomegnubala, i'm just another ubuntu user...I don't work for ubuntu14:14
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terrynicofs: dd if=/var/lib/dpkg | ssh $user@$host 'gzip - > /var/lib/  #To make the file and then copy it to the other system.14:14
sipiorriptly: that would mean that you (or someone else) enabled the root account.14:14
testigJust out of curiosity, is anyone else concerned that ubuntu 11.04 might be going in the wrong direction?14:14
gnubala...home: one more doubt, how can i find that in which time zone are i am?14:14
sipiortestig: this isn't really the place for such a discussion.14:14
dlyneshomegnubala, type 'date' in a terminal window14:15
terrynicofs: That is if you have a another very simular system on the LAN.14:15
sudiptais there a code autocomplete or hint plugin for vim....like a ide?14:15
testigsipior: my apologies.14:15
dlyneshomegnubala, but like i said...the change I suggested to the /etc/timezone file will only take effect after a reboot14:15
sipiortestig: none needed14:15
gnubala..home: ya ya14:15
enavi love my ubuntu14:16
bob__gnubala: download global clock from ubuntu software center and add what cities you want14:16
erUSULsudipta: #vim14:16
dlyneshomegnubala, there ya go.... bob__ has an even better suggestion than mine14:16
c0d3r_C_c0d3rwhat is the best php IDE that i can use under the ubuntu enviromnent?14:16
testigsipior: I was just concerned since unity seems to still be quite unstable on my computers.14:16
enavc0d3r_C_c0d3r: eclipse14:16
c0d3r_C_c0d3rthanks enav14:17
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sipiortestig: you're aware that you're using an unstable release, right?14:17
dlyneshomec0d3r_C_c0d3r, personally, I like Quanta Plus better than Eclipse for PHP, but I prefer Eclipse as an all around IDE14:17
enavc0d3r_C_c0d3r: this is a complete tour http://help.joomla.org/files/eclipse_webinar_controller.swf14:17
enavc0d3r_C_c0d3r: dude eclipse kick ass so much14:17
gnubalabob__: Its not appear in ubuntu software center14:18
testigsipior: I'm using it under 10.10 ... I realise that it will progress, but... as I said, just concerned.14:18
FoxHelodoes anybody uses gEDA?14:18
c0d3r_C_c0d3renav: how do you sent me that message, is there any IRC command that i have to type?14:18
dydi've edited vsftpd conf file setting chroot_local_user=YES, but i still can't login with local accounts, it says login incorrect. I also added a user to test but problem persists. What's wrong?14:18
bob__gnubala: let me check, I have it14:19
enavc0d3r_C_c0d3r: what are you talking about14:19
gnubalabob__: am using ubuntu 10.0414:19
c0d3r_C_c0d3rthat message that your are writing to me is highlighted14:19
bob__gnubala: sorry gworldclock14:19
enavif the IRC program detect your name in the message it do that14:19
c0d3r_C_c0d3raha thanks14:20
gnubalabob__: ya i got it.14:20
c0d3r_C_c0d3renav thanks14:20
enavwhen you say enav it make a sound on mime14:20
c0d3r_C_c0d3renav hi14:20
fluitfriesgeneral Q - is there a ubuntu distro appropriate for running a Virtualization server on ~5 year old PC hardware?14:20
c0d3r_C_c0d3rc0d3r_C_c0d3r hi14:20
enavyou should install eclipse and install xdebug14:20
enavxdebug is a php debugger14:21
sipiorfluitfries: i would think the LTS server install would be perfectly fine.14:21
fluitfriessipior: i am a newb, do you know if it supports easy pkg install of VM hosting software?14:21
c0d3r_C_c0d3ri have to OS installed, i make php applications under MAC OS X using Coda editor14:21
sipiorfluitfries: well, which were you planning on using?14:22
c0d3r_C_c0d3ri really to find such an editor under ubuntu14:22
fluitfriessipior: i have always wanted to try Xen, but not sure what else is out there.14:22
c0d3r_C_c0d3rhope to14:22
ringlejwhen I start a terminal from 10.04 desktop, I find that ~/.bashrc gets sourced, but /etc/profile does not. It used to in 8.0414:22
gnubalabob__: one more thing i have updated my system before 1 week after that i am facing that issue when i am installing any package there is an information coming that the software is not authenticated would you like to continue? (y/N)14:22
gnubalalike these...14:22
enaveclipse is crossplatform14:22
Death_FCI installed Ubuntu on a USB HD.  I apparently didn't install Grub on the external.  Is there a way for me to add grub to the USB HD from Windows XP?14:22
sipiorfluitfries: Xen's a fine choice. KVM is another option, have a look here: http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/Main_Page14:23
c0d3r_C_c0d3ryes i know, cause it is programmed with java14:23
ikonia!grub2 > Death_FC14:23
ubottuDeath_FC, please see my private message14:23
Death_FCthanks ikonia14:23
gnubalabob__: now itself i cant install that gworldclock its not agree me to install what is the problem?14:23
fluitfriessipior: thanks for your help.  :)14:23
arandDeath_FC: Easiest way is probably to do it using a liveCD14:23
sipiorfluitfries: sure thing14:23
c0d3r_C_c0d3renav thanks any way14:23
bob__gnubala: I am not sure. I am a user, not an expert - I only comment on what I have done.14:23
enavc0d3r_C_c0d3r: let me give you a tutorial to install xdebugger14:24
ringlejHow do I get ubuntu 10.04 to source /etc/profile when I start a terminal from the desktop?14:24
nicofsterry, i managed to reinstall everything from /var/cache/apt/archives ... system works again...14:24
nicofs(so far)14:24
ikoniaringlej: it sources your local bash profile files14:24
c0d3r_C_c0d3renav yes i hope so14:24
terrynicofs: Or just:  tar czf dpkg-gz /var/lib/dpkg   #And copy the file over.14:24
gnubalabob__: oh ok do you have any idea?14:24
milkmight there a quick and easy way to invert the phase on all audio on ubuntu?14:24
ringlejI know. But I want it to source the system wide /etc/profile14:24
terrynicofs: Ok, very good.  Glad you figured it out.14:24
bob__gnubala: for gworldclock ok to say yes, I did (using 10.10)14:25
ringlejikonia: or some system wide file14:25
sipiorringlej: invoke a login shell. have a look at the INVOCATION section of the bash man page.14:25
enavc0d3r_C_c0d3r: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=156930914:25
c0d3r_C_c0d3renav got it14:25
sipiorringlej: /etc/bash.bashrc is likely what you want, then.14:25
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »14:26
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server14:26
c0d3r_C_c0d3ris there one here who needs a PHP expert/?14:27
enavc0d3r_C_c0d3r: you go to install xdebugger  2.1.0-1  or higher, the lower version is not working propertly14:27
c0d3r_C_c0d3ris there any one here who needs a PHP expert?14:27
oCeanc0d3r_C_c0d3r: probably in ##php14:27
c0d3r_C_c0d3renav thanks i will14:28
=== shadow is now known as Guest66243
c0d3r_C_c0d3roCean what do you mean? ##php14:28
dumbo88any closet java developers?14:28
c0d3r_C_c0d3rdumbo88 me14:28
oCeanc0d3r_C_c0d3r: you are currently in #ubuntu channel. ##php channel is for specific php q&a14:28
enavyou got to type         /join #php             to join in the php channel14:29
c0d3r_C_c0d3roCean ok thanks14:29
c0d3r_C_c0d3renav you are the best14:29
=== herton is now known as herton_lunch
psyminIs anyone running a binary driver (from AMD or nVidia) on a machine with a 2nd Generation Intel? Core? i7 Mobile Processor .. successfully? :)14:30
soreaupsybsd: why do you ask?14:31
soreaupsymin: why do you ask?14:31
FoxHeloif i want to know how many channels in this server,and what they are.what should i do?14:31
soreauhi captain_krunch14:31
nicofsI want to access a remote machine via vinagre (Remote Desktop Viewer) - what packages do i need to install on the host machine?14:31
psyminsoreau, I'm in the market for a new laptop and I'm hearing bad things about this onboard Intel video not playing nice with the binary drivers.  Machines with really good video cards getting stuck using the Intel video.14:32
soreaunicofs: None, just configure sys>prefs>remote desktop14:32
captain_krunch"/list"? FoxHelo14:32
bob__psymin: not quite I have nvidia - dual core E6600 on a desktop14:32
nicofssoreau, i can only access the host via ssh/console14:32
c0d3r_C_c0d3renav i cannot enter the php channel , it redirects me to ##overflow14:32
FoxHelocaptain_krunch: thank you!14:32
soreaupsymin: Your best bet would be radeon since they have very good open drivers14:32
fluitfrieswith Ubuntu One, i would be able to boot my OS from USB and use the cloud to pull my entire OS's profile and contents down for access?  or do i have this wrong?14:32
psyminsoreau, the open drivers are an option, but they don't compare to the binary ones14:32
soreaunicofs: Use ssh -X to start vino-preferences then14:32
soreaupsymin: Yes, they do ;)14:33
jiffe98is there a way to find out when the last apt-get upgrade happened?14:33
psyminsoreau, http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=amd_driver_q111&num=214:33
oCeanjiffe98: check /var/log/apt directory/files14:33
c0d3r_C_c0d3roCean i cannot enter the php channel it redirects me to ##overflow14:34
nicofssoreau, as far as i can tell, the host is running ubuntu-minimal at most... is that a problem?14:34
genii-aroundjiffe98: Also /var/log/dpkg.log14:34
Picic0d3r_C_c0d3r: you need to register to join there.14:34
Pici!registe > c0d3r_C_c0d3r14:34
enavyou got to register your nick before enter on certain channels14:34
oCeanc0d3r_C_c0d3r: you should register14:34
Pici!register > c0d3r_C_c0d3r14:34
ubottuc0d3r_C_c0d3r, please see my private message14:34
=== c0d3r_C_c0d3r is now known as c0der
soreaupsymin: I couldn't care less what phoronix has to say14:35
psyminI guess that makes sense :)14:35
soreaunico1038: I dont know14:35
=== c0der is now known as bilalJermim
soreaupsymin: I am telling you though, radeon is the better bet because it has full support from AMD, including hw specs and paid devs to work full time on the open driver14:36
=== bilalJermim is now known as c0der_bilal_c0d3
soreaupsymin: nvidia on the other hand, does not release any hw specs and refuses to cooperate with FOSS community14:37
psyminI wasn't aware of the paid devs for the OS driver .. *ponder*14:37
dydvsftpd problem: i want a specific user to see and to have editing permissions only to 1 single folder14:37
Jordan_Usoreau: Still, no open source driver has OpenGL 3 support, let alone openGL 4.14:37
psyminI'm most certainly going with AMD (unless I hear someone having good experience on that CPU w/ nVidia)14:37
soreauJordan_U: Radeon will eventually14:38
=== c0der_bilal_c0d3 is now known as bilalo
JSKMy Synaptics touchpad multi-touch is not working on Ubuntu. The moment more than 1 finger enters trackpad sensor area, the mouse cursor jumps everywehre on the screen. It's driving me insane!14:38
oCean!nickspam > bilalo14:38
ubottubilalo, please see my private message14:38
soreaupsymin: I don't understand why you are asking about a 'gpu driver'/'cpu' combo. That doesn't seem to make sense14:38
Jordan_Usoreau: At the rate their going, and with the legal issues, eventually could end up being many years.14:39
ruanis there a way i can share my connection with my phone?14:39
ruanit's a nokia smartphone14:39
soreauJordan_U: Bah, you're just being pessimistic14:39
soreauJordan_U: A couple years is nothing ;)14:39
* soreau can't wait to see native direct10/11 support in linux14:39
psyminsoreau, AMD and nVidia's binary drivers don't currently support switching to and from the Intel on-cpu video card, so you get stuck with the Intel video permanently.14:39
psyminunless you can disable it in the BIOS14:39
psyminat least .. that is what I've heard14:40
soreaupsymin: Ohhh, you mean a switchable gpu mobo?14:40
[1]JakeHello Everyone.  I have been unable to get my Nvidia Geforce gt 330M working.  I have tried the tutorials but still can't get the gui to work.  Anyone get this to work for them?14:40
psyminlike all new laptop mobos14:40
psymin(I think)14:40
DannydI head ubuntu is coming to mobile computing devices, can I install it on my HTC Wildfire??14:40
soreaupsymin: The open drivers have support for it. Try asking in #radeon14:40
nythonCan OEMS sell Ubuntu for free?14:40
soreaupsymin: Think it's called switcheroo14:40
ahmed_I have to use ubuntu for programs on python14:41
psyminsoreau, IMO the open drivers aren't 'good' enough :) .. but I'll do more research14:41
ahmed_can anybody help me14:41
enavnython: ubuntu is under GPL the answer is yes14:41
ruanahmed_: python is on ubuntu14:41
sipiorahmed_: what exactly are you having trouble with?14:41
psymin[1]Jake, does the screen just show blackness when you try?14:41
ahmed_yes, How to run py files on14:41
ruanahmed_: python file? not sure14:41
[1]JakeI get the terminal screen14:42
ahmed_.py i mean14:42
ahmed_I learned that I can use gedit to write them14:42
psyminpython filename.py .. yes?14:42
soreaupsymin: Here on my lowly rv350, after monitoring the progression for r300g (the gallium driver) and now gallium is faster and better than fglrx ever was, before it dropped support for these older cards14:42
ruanahmed_: no i meant, run python [file] in a terminal14:42
DannydCan I install ubuntu on a touch screen phone?14:42
ahmed_then how give me the command to run from terminal14:43
nicofsHow can I set up vino via command line?14:43
soreaupsymin: Over the course of several years I have monitored the development and I am telling you, the open driver situation will continue to improve drastically14:43
ruanahmed_: python file.py14:43
rekenberHello =) Umm... I'm not sure where to ask for help with a simple Vala program...14:43
soreau! pm | psymin14:43
ubottupsymin: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.14:43
psyminsorry soreau :) .. thought it was offtopic for the chan ..14:44
soreaupsymin: It is. Ask in #radeon14:44
psyminsoreau, what type of FPS do you get with the open driver?14:44
nython!topic | psymin14:44
ubottupsymin: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic14:44
JSKMy Synaptics touchpad multi-touch on my dell studio is not working on Ubuntu. The moment more than 1 finger enters trackpad sensor area, the mouse cursor jumps everywhere on the screen. It's driving me insane!14:44
nicofsI have a server running ubuntu-minimal with no display, keyboard and mouse. I access it via console/ssh. I would like to access it via remote desktop viewer (vinagre etc.). Is that possible? If so, how?14:45
[1]JakeJSK:  I have this same problem too.  Also my multitouch screen does the same.14:45
ruannicofs: install it via ssh and run it?14:46
nython!bash | nicofs14:46
ubottunicofs: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal14:46
JSK[1]Jake: and the thing that sucks is you have no idea how much you accidentally touch the trackpad while typing until its borked like this.14:46
nicofsruan, how? i installed vino, and now?14:47
ruannicofs: run a vino server, and connect to that server with your client14:47
ahmed_to create a .py file, can I use gedit?14:47
nicofsruan, what do i type into the console to run that vino server?14:47
[1]JakeJSK: LOL  Imagine how many time your pinky accidently touches the monitor too.14:47
haqe17ahmed_: why dont you try?14:48
ahmed_I tried14:48
ruannicofs: im not sure, try checking man vino14:48
ahmed_but how to make extension .py14:48
nicofsruan, no entry14:48
ruannicofs: hmm14:48
haqe17ahmed_: call it file.py14:48
haqe17ahmed_: linux doesnt use extensions to id file types like windows14:49
[1]JakeJSK:  I have looked around and have yet to find anything to help me to get it working.  I think the problem is not many people use such things so until it becomes more mainstream.14:49
haqe17ahmed_: so u can call it whatever you like, no need for .py14:49
ruanahmed_: yeah, it doesnt _have_ to be a .py file but that can help with organisation14:49
ahmed_did not know thanks14:49
=== pa|rty is now known as pastubbs
ruanahmed_: you can execute a .txt file in linux14:49
mynameistuxin windows, when someone shares a folder on the network, that's samba right?14:50
nython!Floodbot | me14:50
ubottume: FloodBot1,2,3, and 4 are all bots, please direct your questions to the channel.14:50
JSK[1]Jake: synaptics is dells primary touchpad maker for years. and they've had multitouch forever.14:50
slipstreamGuys I've got a wierd error. Whenever I log in to ubuntu it hangs after about a second being completely unresponsive. I can log in fine under safe mode though. Is there a way of selectively re-enabling things under safe mode to find out whats causing the problem?14:50
iomynameistux, not neccasarily. What's your real question?14:50
mynameistuxI just want to access all the files that the people are sharing on the network14:51
ruanslipstream: recovery mode?14:51
pastubbsheh floodBotkicked me to the unregged channel14:51
mynameistuxI'll assume it's samba14:51
pastubbsstupid wifi14:51
ruanslipstream: yes, recovery mode simply gives you a terminal. from there you can start anything14:51
iomynameistux, ie. there is simple file sharing, where user1 connects directly to user2, or there is a samba server which hosts files14:51
jumoiti can't get sound in ubuntu 10.04. so, any ideas??14:51
io!samba | mynameistux14:51
ubottumynameistux: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.14:51
ruanslipstream: from x server to services14:51
MeanEYEI want to contribute to Learnid project. Can anyone direct me to online repository or something?14:51
mynameistuxnot with a dedicated file server14:52
mynameistuxjust computer to computer14:52
slipstreamis there a way of finding out what normally runs on staryup so I know where to start with recovery mode?14:52
[1]JakeJSK:  True.  However everyone I find is for a synaptics on sony and it seems to nto resolve the problem.   Of course I am a linux novice so maybe it is all me doing something wrong.14:52
ccvvccHow can I remove startup programs? i tried to remove mysql/cups (update-rc.d -f mysql/cups remove) but it doesnt work14:52
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot14:52
ruanslipstream: init.d?14:53
slipstreamwhere might i find init.d?14:53
ruanslipstream: /etc/init.d/14:53
ccvvccHow can I remove startup programs? i tried to remove mysql/cups (update-rc.d -f mysql/cups remove) but it doesnt work14:53
ruanccvvcc: what is the error?14:54
ccvvccno error14:54
ccvvccjust keep starting up on next boot14:54
Inoobjemand deutsch hier_14:55
ccvvccshould i remove cups/mysql from init.d manually14:55
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.14:55
dydif i go to to a console pressing ctrl+alt+f1 how do i go back to graphical mode? is it ctrl+alt+f what?14:55
mynameistuxok, here's a much better question14:55
ruandyd: ctrl + f7 f8 et14:55
iomynameistux, is your Ubuntu machine using the same workgroup as the Windows machines that you want to access?14:55
mynameistuxhow do I access windows shares from nautilus14:55
slipstreamwhat determines which order the scripts in init.d normally run in?14:55
MeanEYEdyd: alt+f7 or f814:55
mynameistuxhow do I check the workgroup14:55
dydruan, MeanEYE, thanks14:55
enavmynameistux: click on the network icon14:55
MeanEYEdyd: you don't need ctrl since you are already in text mode14:55
dydah ok14:56
LoRd_UnDeRwOrLdhi guys, im running a regular update and the system update software tells me that some packages are NOT AUTHENTICATED, i looked them up and one is "linux-image-2.6.32-30-generic" now my question is: is it possible? such an important package is not authenticated? that sounds weird to me, anyone?14:56
mynameistuxI've got 3 things avaliable from entire network14:56
MeanEYEdyd: ctrl was added in graphical mode just to make a difference since alt+f1 and f2 are gnome shortcuts :D14:56
dydi have to set permissions to a folder (777) for a specific user, how can i do that?14:56
iomynameistux, 'sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf' | grep workgroup' in !terminal14:56
mynameistuxI reckon 2 of them are NAS14:56
dydoh, i see14:56
iomynameistux, er without the ' after .conf14:57
MeanEYEdyd: chmod changes permissions, chown changes owner... do you need more details?14:57
troulouliouhi for unkniw reason when i transfer big files  (> 200 M) from ubuntu / laptop to external hard disk through usb ubuntu hangs14:57
troulouliouno kernel panic ; it just completely freeze14:57
iomynameistux, this seems to be a good tutorial: http://www.7tutorials.com/how-access-windows-7-shared-folders-ubuntu14:57
troulouliouany suggestions ?14:57
dydok i think i've done correctly then14:58
mynameistuxthat command made the terminal hang14:58
MeanEYEtroulouliou: is HD still working after it freezes, sometimes UI just freezes but files are being transfered14:58
dydbut when i login with ftp i still can't upload files14:58
troulouliouno it stops too14:58
LoRd_UnDeRwOrLdhi guys, im running a regular update and the system update software tells me that some packages are NOT AUTHENTICATED, i looked them up and one is "linux-image-2.6.32-30-generic" now my question is: is it possible? such an important package is not authenticated? that sounds weird to me, anyone?14:58
iomynameistux, did you remove the ' after .conf?14:58
troulouliouevn if i wait lot of time14:58
ruanLoRd_UnDeRwOrLd: does it persist if you run "sudo apt-get update" in a terminal?14:59
LoRd_UnDeRwOrLdruan: let me see14:59
Piciio: That command is malformed.  why not just: grep workgroup /etc/samba/smb.conf14:59
MeanEYEtroulouliou: does this always happens or just when using graphical UI to copy files?14:59
mynameistuxit's the right workgroup14:59
mynameistuxit's called WORKGROUP14:59
BoothkI'm having issues getting wireless to pick up via command line. It's getting quite annoying14:59
iomynameistux, then carry on with the tutorial14:59
ioPici, please explain14:59
mynameistuxI get the error "unable to mount location // failed to retrieve share list from server"14:59
tjaderIf I check the checkbox to install updates during the installation, shouldn't I have no updates to install after rebooting?15:00
ioPici, er gedit I see15:00
MeanEYEtjader: sometimes... updates refer to some core packages... (I think)15:00
Piciio: Firstly: sudo gedit (you should use gksudo for all graphical apps) 2. gedit is an interactive program, its not going to send anything to stdout to be grepped.  3. gedit is a graphical app.15:00
ruantjader: im not sure, but i think it only installs major updates15:00
ahmed_how to get pdf file on external disk into ubuntu on virtual machine15:01
Piciio: yah , s/gedit/cat/ would have fixed it though.15:01
tjaderI got lots of updates, including kernel and xorg ones15:01
troulouliouMeanEYE: always even wih cp from tty115:01
mynameistuxwait, do I have to know the name of the computer I want to connect to15:01
trouloulioui think it is a dma problem or ram15:01
tjaderalso, isn't aptitude supposed to be installed by default?15:01
trouloulioubut i can not access grub at start time to launch memtest8615:01
mynameistuxhow do I find a list of all the windows shares in the workgroup, like in windows15:01
MeanEYEtroulouliou: did you check that external HD, it could have bad sectors or something...15:01
LoRd_UnDeRwOrLdruan: thatz the outup of that command http://paste.ubuntu.com/585430/ but it didnt say anything about the not authenticated packages and to me it doesnt even seem it updated anything, take a look15:01
ruantjader: nope, its not preinstalled15:01
tjaderruan: it used to be, right?15:01
sarthorHi. hope all are safe and fine. my "cat /proc/cpuinfo" says http://pastebin.com/C9zJLyLD , should i install 64bit .. now installed OS is ubuntu is 32bit 10.10 maverick.15:01
troulouliouMeanEYE, yes i get it even with usb stick ...15:02
trouloulioubut through network ( saba ) it is ok15:02
ruansarthor: how much RAM do you have?15:02
MeanEYEtroulouliou: hm, that doesn't make sense15:02
sarthorruan, 4 G15:02
BoothkAnyone here know how to get dhclient and iwconfig working properly? It's refusing to do anything for me =/15:02
oCeanahmed_: if your virtual machine does not see the external disk, it might not have usb support. But if you have setup networking correctly in the virtual machine, you could scp the pdf to the virtual machine15:02
MeanEYEsarthor: if you have more than 3.6 you need 64bit to be able to use that fully15:02
sarthorusing dell 501015:02
sarthor3.6? processor or Ram? MeanEYE15:03
LoRd_UnDeRwOrLdruan: indeed it didnt run any update after that command, now im updating everything via graphical interface and that message didnt appear any more, why? whatz goin on? thanks15:03
ruansarthor: ram15:03
tjaderOn this laptop I am installing xorg works fine during the install, but not after rebooting15:03
Jordan_Utroulouliou: Hold shift during boot to see the grub menu.15:03
ruanLoRd_UnDeRwOrLd: because update has something to do with authentication15:03
Jordan_U!sysrq | troulouliou15:03
ubottutroulouliou: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key15:03
tjaderAfter rebooting I get a console, and the screen goes black after a while15:03
MeanEYEsarthor: ram... 32bit and 64bit refers to processor register size. registers are used to address memory so you need 64bit support in order to address memory space above 3.6GB15:03
ahmed_oCean: on computer I see only file system dir15:04
sarthorruan, MeanEYE Yea. i have 4 GB. so then i am going to install 64bit. Will that be better than 32bit? what iwll be difference?15:04
MeanEYEsarthor: 64bit is usually faster. might look it's using more RAM but that's ok15:04
=== van7hu_ is now known as van7hu
Kalistoim trying to update 10.10 Ubuntu to firefox 4 by doing: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable then update and install firefox.. its keeps saying its already at the latest version 3.4?????15:04
aeon-ltdMeanEYE: there is pae kernels though that can kind of emulate the same kind of memory addressing15:04
ubottuFirefox 4 is the current stable version of Firefox. Current versions of Ubuntu do not have it (see !latest), but there is an unofficial and unsupported PPA that you can use by running the following command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox15:04
genii-aroundKalisto: try firefox-4 as the name15:04
oCeansarthor: only when you do really ram-intensive work (video editing for example) it might make a difference15:04
troulouliouJordan_U, ubottu MeanEYE  thabks for time and tricks ;15:05
ruansarthor: 64bit will be stable, however you might not be able to run some 32bit apps, they may work after installing 32bit libs though15:05
MeanEYEaeon-ltd: I know, but that's just butchering when 64bit works nicely15:05
ruansarthor: most apps come in 64bit packages too though15:05
genii-aroundKalisto: sorry, firefox-4.015:05
nicofsI just installed apache2 and php5 - but php is not working on the apache server - how do i enable it?15:05
aeon-ltdMeanEYE: yeah, i agree though if you can and want to you may aswell save time in the future and upgrade now15:05
MeanEYEnicofs: did you install apache php library or just php5?15:05
ruanKalisto: try sudo apt-get upgrade15:05
Kalistogenii-around, intall firefox-4.0 E: Unable to locate package firefox-4.015:06
MeanEYEaeon-ltd: exactly... it's not as if you are going to remove :D ram :D15:06
ruanfirefox-4.0 isnt a package, it's firefox15:06
nicofsMeanEYE, "apache2 mysql-server php5 php5-mysql"15:06
Kalistoruan: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgrade15:06
sarthorruan, oCean MeanEYE , Yea i can understand that, but i am a learner.. so wanna go with 64bit. Thanks for the help. Really Xchat / #ubuntu help a lot15:06
MeanEYEnicofs: you need to install libapache2-mod-php515:06
ruanKalisto: try the gui, system, administration, software sources15:06
Boothkiwconfig is a pain, can anyone help please? :{15:07
ruanKalisto: in the other tab, does the mozilla ppa appear?15:07
MeanEYEsarthor: the difference from your point of view is not visible... :D15:07
nicofsMeanEYE, it's installed15:07
MeanEYEsarthor: when using 32bit and 64bit15:07
dydhey, how can i set permission to a specific folder but also to all subfolders/files15:07
MeanEYEnicofs: did you restart apache after installing it, and how did you check if it's working or not?15:07
MeanEYEdyd: chmod -R 0755 somefolder15:07
Boothkdyd: sudo chmod <permissions> -R /directory15:08
Boothkoops, wrong order of flags15:08
Kalistoruan, iv checked that and no the mozilla ppa is not there. also not in /etc/apt/sources.list15:08
dydthank you both ;)15:08
nicofsMeanEYE, i restarted apache - and checked by trying to open an index.php in browser which is downloaded and not opened...15:08
ruanKalisto: try adding it again15:08
MeanEYEBoothk: naah it's ok :D it works that way too15:08
ruanKalisto: http://ppa.launchpad.net/mozillateam/firefox-stable/ubuntu15:08
dydbut i failed my question :D15:08
Kalistoruan ok ill add it through the gui this time. ;)15:08
dydi have to change the ownership of the folder/subfolder/files15:08
BoothkMeanEYE: Know much about iwconfig?15:09
MeanEYEnicofs: check if you have php config file linked in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled15:09
oCeannicofs: try sudo a2enmod php515:09
dydso i guess it will be chown user -R folder ?15:09
Boothkdyd: Then use chown and chgrp to change that15:09
MeanEYEBoothk: hm, for wifi?15:09
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Boothkdyd: Same syntax15:09
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jsoftwsudo sudo sudo sudo ls15:09
dydthanks ;)15:09
MeanEYEdyd: yes -R is pretty much universal15:09
BoothkMeanEYE: Yeah. Writing a script to set up and install updates from a fresh installation of UNR 9.10. But the damn thing doesn't want to recognise the AP15:09
Pumpkin-with the notable exception of "scp", which wants -r and won't accept -R15:10
dydyay! it took me ages but my FTP server is now working ;)15:10
Kalistoruan ok wow i tried adding: http://ppa.launchpad.net/mozillateam/firefox-stable/ubuntu through gui but its not showing up... very weird15:10
nicofsMeanEYE, there is a php5.conf file...15:10
Kalistoill check logs15:10
slipstreamwhat order do the scripts in init.d usually run?15:10
ruanKalisto: hmmmm15:10
MeanEYEnicofs: you need to have php5.load as well15:10
nicofsoCean, Module php5 already enabled15:10
jsoftwThings like ice cream machines, hod dog vendors, etc15:10
ruanKalisto: try it through gedit now15:10
Boothkslipstream: from top to bottom? :P15:10
nicofsMeanEYE, is there aswell15:10
MeanEYEBoothk: hm, I don't have much experience with it...15:10
ruanKalisto: the sources.lst file15:10
Kalistoruan will try15:11
jumoithey, you guys, i can't get sound in ubuntu 10.04, so any ideas??15:11
ruanKalisto: it has to appear15:11
MeanEYEnicofs: then it should work... what's the extension on index file... php?15:11
ruan!sound | jumoit15:11
ubottujumoit: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.15:11
nicofsMeanEYE, yes...15:11
fluitfriessipior: you still here?15:11
MeanEYEnicofs: you need to check if index.php is configured as php file15:11
Mahorohola gentita15:11
ruanis there a way for my phone to browse my pc's public folder? or can it only send files15:12
Boothkslipstream: My bad, I assumed init.d wasn't a directory. It's probably written somewhere though.15:12
* Boothk is looking for someone who knows lots about iwconfig15:12
ccvvccHow can I remove startup programs? i tried to remove mysql/cups (update-rc.d -f mysql/cups remove) but it doesnt work15:12
aeon-ltdruan: dpending on the phone it can ssh and that can pretty much do anything15:12
jumoitruan: thanks. to try later on. :)15:12
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Logan_!es | mahoro15:12
ubottumahoro: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:12
MeanEYEBoothk: can you share some more details with me pls. I might be able to help. 2 heads are smarted than one ...15:12
OerHeksccvvcc if you ant to remove a service, stop the service first.15:13
Kalistoruan you mean sources.list not sources.lst right?15:13
nicofsMeanEYE, it's the php file that comes with mediawiki... i don't think, there is anything wrong with the file...15:13
fluitfrieswil this hardware http://reviews.cnet.com/desktops/dell-dimension-e310-pentium/4507-3118_7-31594474.html be too slow for a Server LTS 10.1 running Xen virtualization?  thanks!15:13
ccvvccoerheks ok then what15:13
MeanEYEnicofs: didn't meant for the file, give me a moment to check something15:13
ruanKalisto: yes15:13
OerHeksccvvcc then you will be able to remove the service.15:13
stjohnmedranohi guys! where can i download icons every code name release?15:13
ccvvccfrom startup?15:14
Logan_!boot | ccvvcc15:14
ubottuccvvcc: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto15:14
genii-aroundccvvcc: Also, cups at least is now an upstart and not sysvint job15:14
coz_stjohnmedrano, not sure what you mean15:14
ccvvcchow do i remove upstart15:14
Logan_!info bum | ccvvcc15:14
ubottuccvvcc: bum (source: bum): graphical runlevel editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.2-1 (maverick), package size 83 kB, installed size 520 kB15:14
MeanEYEnicofs: in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dir.conf there's a line named DirectoryIndex index.php should be there15:14
coz_stjohnmedrano,  every icon set from all versions of ubuntu?15:14
swimmerdude101is there another theme i can download for ubuntu or im a stuck with the built in themes?15:14
stjohnmedranocoz: i mean logos of every ubuntu release?15:14
erUSULccvvcc: you don't. is the init system in ubuntu. the sytem wont start witout it15:14
stjohnmedranocoz: yes15:15
genii-aroundccvvcc: Don't remove upstart. Just do something with the /etc/init/cups.conf file like mv it someplace for backup15:15
Logan_!themes | swimmerdude10115:15
ubottuswimmerdude101: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy15:15
{Brian}swimmerdude101: try gnome-look.org15:15
coz_stjohnmedrano,   ah  mm hold on15:15
oCeannicofs: paste http://pastebin.com/tBruw7Cr in a file in your webroot (for example info.php) and browse to that file. If php is enabled, you should see all info about that php15:15
Abhijitanyone tried installing xfce in ubuntu? odes it gives any problem? after removing xcfce any problem?15:15
Kalistoruan ok after edit of sources.list and then update i get: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net maverick Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key15:15
Logan_!xfce | Abhijit15:15
ubottuAbhijit: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels15:15
swimmerdude101any of you guys know some cool termonal comands?15:15
Kalistoill try and get the pub keu15:16
coz_stjohnmedrano,  here is one place to start    https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Official?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=EdubuntuVertLogo.svg15:16
stjohnmedranook, thanks coz, thanks very much for the help15:16
dydhow to add a user to a group?15:16
swimmerdude101but thats a itle off topic15:17
Logan_!adduser | dyd15:17
ubottudyd: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo15:17
nicofsoCean, browser tries to download it... this apache server is without php...15:17
ruanKalisto: hmmm15:18
swimmerdude101hey how do i make a program in the ubuntu "text editor"?15:18
dydthanks Logan15:18
{Brian}gedit is a text editor that comes with gnome15:18
Logan_dyd: you're welcome15:18
oCeannicofs: you must have something set, that prevents it from executing, since a2enmod php5 told you 'already enabled'15:18
Abhijitswimmerdude101, what do you want to do?15:18
{Brian}applications->accesories->Text Editor15:18
swimmerdude101learn how to program in linux15:19
oCeannicofs: by default, after apache and php5 install it should work.15:19
ruanswimmerdude101: code stuff, get program?15:19
dydi'm trying to do all by command line forgetting the graphical way ;)15:19
swimmerdude101i can do windows programing15:19
Abhijitswimmerdude101, ##programming15:19
oCeanswimmerdude101: this is technical support, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic15:19
swimmerdude101is that a room?15:19
nishant_swimmerdude101, its offtopic ask in #ubuntu-offtopic or #unix also15:19
swimmerdude101well than i'll go15:19
nicofsoCean, i did nothing apart from installing and it didn't... shall i reinstall?15:20
Abhijitswimmerdude101, type /j ##programming15:20
swimmerdude101thanks for the info about chanles tho15:20
MeanEYEnicofs: did you check what I told you to?15:20
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christopher_After running Ubuntu 32 bit and 64 bit on the same system, why is 32 bit smoother and faster than 64 bit?15:20
christopher_the only thing I found faster was video encoding15:21
dydcan i make a folder owned by a group and not a single user?15:21
* MeanEYE loves when people ignore his advice15:21
christopher_apps take longer to start up and they have glitches15:21
oCeannicofs: what happens if you try /usr/bin/php /path/to/info.php15:21
dydchown groupname -R folder ?15:21
MeanEYEdyd: every file and folder need to have user and group15:21
nicofsMeanEYE, hang on - just doing it15:22
MeanEYEnicofs: ok15:22
MeanEYEdyd: though you can set different permissions for user, group and others15:22
nicofsMeanEYE, it's there15:23
dydmy problem is: i have a user that can access a certain folder, upload files etc. This is ok, the problem is that with my account i can't open the folder he creates.15:23
oCeannicofs: it is unrelated to the index.php, your info.php was not executed either. You do have php installed? Not only the apache mod?15:23
dydsolution: i added me and that user to FTP group, and set chown ftp -R folder15:23
MeanEYEnicofs: check /var/log/apache2/error.log if there are some additional information about this problem15:23
dydbut still i can't access... what's my mistake?15:23
slipstreamhow can I recreate safe mode from the recovery console?15:24
retрусские есть??15:24
oCean!ru | ret15:24
ubotturet: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:24
Kalistorun ok its working now. thanks. had to manually pull the pgp key and add it ;) weird that it didnt work the standard way though15:24
sipiordyd: does "groups" list you as a member of the required group?15:24
ruanKalisto: that might have been the reason all other methods failed15:24
MeanEYEdyd: access it from where?15:24
ruanKalisto: glad that it's working now though15:24
llutzdyd: chgrp the folder to a common group  and set sgid-bit on folder15:24
nicofsoCean, http://pastebin.com/uSXpSC3D15:25
dydsipior: no!15:25
Kalistoruan yea and lucky i know my way around ubuntu a bit. hope that does not happen to any new users.15:25
sipiordyd: fire up a new shell (or log out and back in again)15:25
dydMeanEYE: he access with FTP; i am navigating to that folder but can't browse it15:26
MeanEYEdyd: is the user you are trying to log in with a member of ftp group?15:26
nicofsMeanEYE, "apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName" is the only thing that's negative - everything else ist just restart15:26
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dydi've tried to add it to FTP but it seems it didn't work15:26
dydMeanEYE: i've tried to add it to FTP but it seems it didn't work15:27
oCeannicofs: everything looks good to go. You did a apache restart, right?15:27
MeanEYEnicofs: that's expected, create a test.php file with <?php phpinfo(); ?> in it then try accessing localhost/test.php15:28
MeanEYEdyd: `su user` and then issue `groups`15:28
oCeanMeanEYE: that is what we have been doing15:28
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MeanEYEoCean: am not keeping track... plus it's a bit chaotic heere... please take over ^^15:29
dydhe is in FTP15:29
Krycekis ufw firewall secured enough or should i use something better?15:29
dydi am not!15:29
nicofsMeanEYE, did that already - tries to download it...15:29
oCeannicofs: you really did restart apache right?15:30
MeanEYEoCean: nicofs: did you try setting +x on file?15:30
dydMeanEYE: probably i have to logout/in cause i see my name listed in FTP only in graphical, but in the shell is like if i'm not in the group15:30
Krycekhi, is ufw firewall secured enough or should i use something better?15:30
mohadibi can take screenshot with the print key, but alt+print doesnt seem to work in 10.10, any way to fix it?15:31
MeanEYEdyd: did you relog every time when you change something?15:31
dydMeanEYE: no, i think this is the reason of fail?15:31
MeanEYEdyd: just to be on the safe side, try reloging... but I doubt15:31
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searchingjust press print and work15:32
sipiorKrycek: my recollection is that, by default, ufw has no rules set. had you set any firewall rules?15:32
phoquewill Firefox 4 appear in the automatic updates some day?15:32
oCeanphoque: no15:32
MeanEYEphoque: if you don't add ppa, no15:32
nicofsoCean, according to the log, i did - maybe with the wrong command - what do i have to type...15:33
phoqueOh, ok15:33
nicofsMeanEYE, doesn't change the problem...15:33
oCeannicofs: sudo service apache2 restart15:33
phoqueso 11.04 or 11.10?15:33
nicofsoCean, used that, will do again15:33
Kryceksipior: yes using etherape to see ports to deny incoming traffic, but is there something more optional out there?15:33
nishant_when I minimie a screen I can see some sqaures coming down ... in No graphics effect mode15:33
nishant_how do I change this ?15:33
sipiorKrycek: more optional? do you even have ports open?15:34
Krycekand im being ctcp version every time i log inn to freenode <.<15:34
juk!iptables | Krycek15:35
ubottuKrycek: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.15:35
PiciKrycek: thats normal.15:35
Kryceksipior: thanks, will look into it15:35
Picijuk: firestarter is being deprecated, use gufw instead.15:35
jukPici: ah, thanks, i rely on my router though15:36
maninthemiddlehow can I tell if my system needs restart after update?15:36
ruanmaninthemiddle: if the shutdown button turns red15:36
ruanmaninthemiddle: top right15:36
ruanmaninthemiddle: also, if you update things related to the kernel15:36
KrycekPici: everytime is that normal?15:37
ruanKrycek: yes, i get it too15:37
maninthemiddleruan I'm on a headless box15:37
ruanmaninthemiddle: ah15:37
PiciKrycek: Yes. see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#freenodeconnect or ask in #freenode for more info15:37
mohadibwhen i try to turn on highliging in vim with :syntax on i get this error: Sorry, the command is not available in this version15:37
mohadibany idea how to fix this?15:38
ruanmaninthemiddle: kernel updates then15:38
Krycekruan: just because you get it to doesn't mean its normal ;)15:38
ruanKrycek: everyone gets it, and its from the server15:38
PiciKrycek: Please join #freenode for more info, its not something that has anything to do with Ubuntu15:38
maninthemiddlewell, when I log in via ssh, it usually tells me if I need restart (in hello message)15:38
maninthemiddlebut how can I print it out myself?15:38
KrycekPici: let me quote: Occasionally, a cracker will use CTCP VERSION to try to determine if your client is vulnerable to attack. Update your client regularly to avoid security problems, and don't be too worried unless they're doing more than just CTCP VERSION, or doing it over and over.15:39
mohadibgot it15:39
mohadibwhy does ubutntu have vimrc when vim is not installed?15:39
mohadibthats why highlighting was not working15:39
PiciKrycek: Its not on-topic for this channel. Please take it up with #freenode15:39
Krycekdont care15:39
PiciKrycek: Then stop talking about it here.15:39
Krycekpeople should know15:39
ruanyet again im confused between chinese and japanese15:43
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MeanEYEthat's chinese15:43
jukruan: translate.google.com15:43
ruana bit of trouble though15:43
MeanEYEjapanese has hiragana mostly which is にほんご15:44
MeanEYElike that15:44
MeanEYEmore curly :D15:44
Abhijitafter holding shift key my ubuntu is now showing the grub menu. only one os. grub2. lucid.15:44
dydi want all users from "ftp" group to have full permission on a certain folder. How can i do that?15:44
jjpMeanEYE: japanese also have kanji, which r ideograms historically imported from china15:45
dydMeanEYE: reloggin back in worked, now i'm part of ftp group15:45
MeanEYEdyd: change owner to that group and then change permission to g=rwx15:45
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk15:45
MeanEYEjjp: I know, but that is chinese, in japanese you don't see as many kanji15:46
RubenAlonzoGreetings, does anyone know how to restore system defaults? my 10.10 netbook remix is acting very strange with the desktop blacking out everyone in a while momentarily, as well as sometimes the Unity Dock bar at left completely dissapears?15:46
bob__and katakana witch is a roman alphabet version of japanese15:46
dydMeanEYE: then chown ftp -R /var/ftp/band ? i've tried that, but then i can't browse neither with main account and mine15:46
coz_Abhijit,   is this dual boot with windows7 ?15:47
Abhijitafter holding shift key my ubuntu is NOT showing the grub menu. only one os. grub2. lucid.  HELP15:47
Abhijitcoz_, no sinlgle os15:47
MeanEYEbob__: katakana is used when writing foreign names mostly... it's the same as hiragana only written differently15:47
coz_Abhijit,  oh  the grub menu doesnt show up ! mm  did you test the cd for erros at all.. before installing?15:47
Abhijitcoz_, should i pastebin my grucb conf file?15:47
coz_Abhijit, wait is the system running and working?15:48
Abhijitcoz_, cd? which cd? this is my main installation inside lapto.15:48
Abhijitcoz_, yes15:48
jjpdyd: changing ownership for group ftp is chown -R :ftp, not chown -R ftp15:48
coz_Abhijit,   ok and you kept the shift key held down during the entire boot up ...yes?15:48
DeepthroatHi, I just "lost" my system disk and want to go with a system running from USB for now. If I create a USB stick from the live CDs (Desktop/Netbook Editions), is the resulting USB stick a full system, i.e. are system changes (changes to /etc, additional installed packages) permanent, or is this just a USB live system, where all changes happen in RAM and are lost on reboot (except /home, which can be permanent)?15:48
MeanEYEdyd: you set owner with `chown user:group -R folder` and then permissions `chmod u=rwx,g=rwx,o=rx -R folder`15:48
Abhijitcoz_, yes15:48
llutzjjp: chgrp15:48
dydjjp: thank you, that's what i missed15:48
MeanEYEdyd: or as jjp said :group15:48
coz_Abhijit,  mm i would suggest the #grub channel ,,, I dont know grub2 well enough to be confident giving solutions15:49
AbhijitDeepthroat, sysstem changes will NOT be permanent. it is a live operatin system.15:49
Abhijitcoz_, oky15:49
RubenAlonzodoes anyone know how to restore system defaults please? my desktop is acting quite odd with disappearing windows and the Unity Dock as well goes away from time to time momentarily?15:49
dydMeanEYE, jjp: great, it worked ;)15:49
coz_RubenAlonzo,  is this gnome?15:50
coz_RubenAlonzo,  ooo this is ubuntu 11.04  ?15:50
RubenAlonzoit is ubuntu 10.10 netbook remix, it worked fine last week when i initially installed it, but this is a fresh install last night15:50
jjpdyd: どひたし まして (you're welcome)15:50
DeepthroatAbhijit: thank you15:51
RubenAlonzois there a way to set everything to system defaults?15:51
coz_RubenAlonzo,  I dont normally work with netbook however the command to reset gnome would be   sudo rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity   then restart X15:51
Abhijitafter holding shift key my ubuntu is NOT showing the grub menu. only one os. grub2. lucid.  HELP15:51
RubenAlonzoor should i just do a fresh install? but i will try that coz_15:52
RubenAlonzothank you15:52
Abhijitcoz_, do you konw the setting to make grub show by default permanently? that is shift key is not required?15:52
coz_RubenAlonzo,  fresh installs are always  on option ..or last resort..just be sure the cd is not corrupted by running the test on the cd15:53
coz_Abhijit,  not really but let me check15:53
van7huhi pedro,are you spanish?15:54
pedrono austrian15:54
genii-aroundAbhijit: edit /etc/default/grub  . It's the values: GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 and GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=true15:54
genii-aroundAbhijit: Then to run sudo update-grub15:54
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adacIf apt wants to install libgl1-mesa-dri and libgl1-mesa-glx does this mean that X server si also installed?15:55
coz_Abhijit,   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2  scroll down to the  "GRUB_TIMEOUT=10" section15:55
Abhijitgenii-around, i have same that value. and its now showing the grub menu by defualt. need to press shift15:56
coz_Abhijit,  I believe you can edit the file to force the grub menu to show each time15:56
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Abhijitcoz_, yeah15:56
haqe17!sysrq | haqe1715:57
ubottuhaqe17, please see my private message15:57
aibhow do I change the X binary (/usr/bin/X) GDM launches?15:57
coz_Abhijit,  according to that link,,  /etc/default/grub  and edit line 5 I believe, and set that to 1 or higher ,, but check out that link incase I got it wrong15:59
Abhijitcoz_, genii-around let me try rebooting15:59
dydthank you all for assistance. Have a nice weekend!15:59
d1gitalIs there a major performance difference between moc and mpd?15:59
hudnixflashplayer has stopped working after this mornings update... anyone else or is it just me?15:59
coz_hudnix,   well I am on lucid on this machine and nothing wrong here,, did the updates require a reboot?16:00
xerxeshi all16:03
xerxeswhat's the ubuntu off tpoic channel ?16:03
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:04
perlmonkeyhi I'm having a major server crisis can anyone help?... earlier I dropped my server and one of the HDD's came disconnected...I connected it back and it seemed to work fine, but then i noticed some filesystem corruption later... like user and group missing for loads of data.. I restarted server, and now it wont start..its spewing disk errors.. I can boot off the second drive though... what I'm trying to do is run fsck on t16:04
xerxesubottu thnx <316:04
perlmonkeyI seem unable to boot while the bad drive is connected, no matter which way round the two drivers are connected16:05
perlmonkeyif I disconnect the bad drive and boot off the good drive, how can i run fsck on the bad drive?16:05
perlmonkeydo I have to just accept the bad drive is gone, and replace it?16:06
gal900perl.... one place of access is System / Disk utility16:06
perlmonkeyboot from a cd you mean?16:06
gal900intermedite user here16:06
gal900disk utility has  a disk check command i believe16:06
perlmonkeythere must be a way of dealing with such a situation where a drive is bad, but still being able to boot with it connected from a good drive?16:06
ikoniagal900: what's the actual problem16:07
sipiorperlmonkey: the two disks were mirrored?16:07
coz_perlmonkey,  well you could yes boot from the cd and try using the disk utility.. i have never tried it that way...also if you have a usb connector from your drive to usb  would work16:07
gal900with repair no doubt16:07
genii-aroundperlmonkey: You might try to boot from good drive, use external hd enclosure to power up bad drive after boot. Then maybe something like ddrescue to make an image of the drive if you need to salvage things16:07
perlmonkeysipior exactly16:07
ikoniaperlmonkey: remove the bad drive ?16:07
GenericBoxWould anyone be able to help me with a problem compiling gtk+ 3.0.5?16:07
perlmonkeyikonia yes i can remove it, but im trying to repair it16:07
coz_GenericBox,  not me :)  I have not ventured there yet:)16:07
ikoniaperlmonkey: ok, so replace grub with a re-install on the good drive that only looks at the good drive16:08
perlmonkeygenii-around thanks16:08
ikoniaperlmonkey: (as in re-apply grub to the good drive)16:08
jumoithey, you guys, i can't still get sound after something. so, any ideas?16:08
jumoit!sound | jumoit16:08
ubottujumoit, please see my private message16:08
gal900hi ikonia -- it is perlmonkey has the issue16:08
perlmonkeyif the bad drive is connected to system, won't that still spew errors no matter what?16:08
ikoniaperlmonkey: no16:09
ikoniaperlmonkey: put grub on the good drive, point grub at the good drive, make sure your bios is booting off the good drive, no problems at all16:09
Abhijitcoz_, genii-around yes it worked. thanks16:09
coz_Abhijit,  very cool :)16:09
perlmonkeyi will try it16:09
genii-aroundAbhijit: Glad to help16:10
K1nghow to convert flv to mp4?16:10
jumoitdoes anybody please give me a hand??16:10
K1ngwhat kinda apps i need to do it in cli?16:10
Abhijiti am trying to add profile to kernel as suggested in this blog http://lgjsheron.wordpress.com/2010/07/06/how-to-make-ubuntu-10-04-faster/ but wheni go inside edit mode by pressing e there is no any such thing starting with word kernel. there are two echo for kernel and one linux kernel line. anyone know what actually i need to edit?16:10
ikoniaK1ng: mencoder16:10
GenericBoxnps coz_ thanks anyway. If anyone else can help, I have installed prereqs but during make of gtk+3 I recieve this error: "gdkdeviceprivate-xi.h:28: fatal error: X11/extensions/XInput.h: No such file or directory     compilation terminated." Anyone seen this before / know what to do?16:10
ikoniaAbhijit: don't blindly follow peoples guides like that16:10
llutzkichimi: ffmpeg -i foo.flv bar.mp416:11
llutzK1ng: ^^16:11
coz_GenericBox,  so there are dependencies that are not met16:11
Abhijitikonia, okay16:11
ikoniaAbhijit: that guide will make no differnce16:11
llutzsry kichimi, highlighted the wrong   one16:11
Abhijitikonia, ok.16:11
coz_ikonia,   the link I gave him?  you mean16:12
ikoniacoz_: don't know, did you give him the wordpress link ?16:12
Abhijitcoz_, no16:12
GenericBoxcoz_ First off << I'm a newb (noob too) and only want GTK to start playing with GUI in C++, but - configure said I had all the prereqs, how do I find out what dependacies I am missing?16:12
coz_ikonia, no the ubuntu one16:12
ikoniacoz_: in that case, no, not yours16:12
coz_ikonia,  for grub editing16:12
coz_ikonia,  ah ok phew :)16:12
ikoniaGenericBox: gtk is installed by default16:12
GenericBoxikonia: gtk+ for C++ dev?16:13
hudnixcoz: no, just a new firefox and flashplayer16:13
coz_I think he is shootting for gtk316:13
ikoniaGenericBox: depends what your c++ wants16:13
K1ngthanks ikonia :)16:13
ikoniaK1ng: ?16:14
K1ngthanks llutz :)16:14
GenericBoxikonia: Simple GUI ability to play around with while I learn the language.16:14
K1ng<ikonia> K1ng: mencoder < you said that16:14
ikoniaK1ng: ahh, welcome16:14
ikoniaGenericBox: you need to look at what your c++ applications require, then install that16:14
sprashHi does anyone know a how to to migrate from empathy to pidgin? Goolgle gives me just the other way round16:14
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GenericBoxikonia: Yeah, I pretty much just followed the instructions exactly off the GTK3 website. Downloaded all the other libs for images fonts and what not. Just get this error on the final make16:15
ikoniaGenericBox: why are you trying to use gtk316:16
ikoniaGenericBox: use the version that is installed in ubuntu16:16
GenericBoxikonia: Because I'm a noob. and Googled GUI for C++ :)16:16
dtcrshrhello! iv installed 10.04 netbook on my qbex nbook, first install ok, after the first apt-get update / upgrade the system boots, but keyboard and mouse stopped working. usb mouse  works fine, how do i get back control to the system?16:17
GenericBoxikonia: I will try and compile a program and see what happens.16:17
Guest10998hello.. im new in linux ..my english sucks .. is there an im client that supports vvideoo chatin thatv really workss16:17
Guest10998i cant get it running :) ty16:17
dtcrshrGuest10998, skype?16:17
Guest10998amm need it for16:17
Guest10998that can work linux-windows chatin16:18
Abhijitikonia, do you know any guide or something to make my ubuntu faster?i already disabled and minimized compiz.16:18
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psiklops hi. i have a 0ccd:0077 TerraTec Electronic GmbH Aureon Dual USB "soundcard" and just installed empathy in Squeeze. Every time my friend and i want to connect to each16:19
psiklops+other over mic (googlemail) empathy crashes with this message: http://pastebin.com/6UwEqUmd16:19
jribpsiklops: this is #ubuntu16:19
psiklopsoh, wrong channel :-)16:19
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gal900dtcrshr,,, you might try System / Synaptics and type in make of ntbook for any specific scripts to add16:20
dtcrshrhow do i force uppon boot to choose another kernel? i dont have grub / dual boot16:20
dtcrshrF8 style16:20
jribdtcrshr: pressing shift will display the grub menu when booting16:20
=== khrm_ is now known as khrm
Abhijitwhat is the name of that software which lists and shows example of all fonts installed in the system?16:25
trismAbhijit: fontmatrix? there are several16:26
the_lordHi! is there a way to mirror some ppa repositories into my local ubuntu mirror?16:27
Abhijittrism, yes its the one i was looking for .thank you. :-)16:27
=== maelstrom is now known as Guest11316
pitlimitCan anyone tell me how I might find if I am using a 32-bit computer or a 64-bit?16:28
pitlimitis there a terminal command?16:28
oCeanpitlimit: cat /proc/cpuinfo and search for "lm" in the flags. Might also do this in command: cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep lm16:29
Abhijitpitlimit, do uname -a in terminal;16:29
pitlimitthank you16:30
oCeanpitlimit: that is the os, right, not the hardware16:30
gbear14275If I'm setting up a multiboot system, should I install the bootloader to a partition or to the disk on each install...16:30
* Abhijit is confused too!!!16:30
oCeanpitlimit: do you want to know if your cpu has 64 bit capabilities, or if your OS is 32/64 bit?16:30
erUSULgbear14275: to the boot disk16:31
Pumpkin-Abhijit: The uname method will tell you if you are running a 32bit or 64bit KERNEL. The cat /proc/cpuinfo method will tell you if you have a 64bit capable CPU.16:31
Pumpkin-different questions16:31
AbhijitPumpkin-, that i know16:31
Abhijiti m confuse as what 'he' wanted to know16:31
gbear14275erUSUL: so each successive install will copy over the bootloader?16:31
oCeanAbhijit: indeed, hence my question16:31
Pumpkin-oh sorry, I thought you asked the question. My bad :)16:31
oCeanAbhijit: actuall, you told me about the diff in uname and cpuinfo, not too long ago :)16:32
Abhijitikonia, do you know any guide or something to make my ubuntu faster?i already disabled and minimized compiz.16:32
slipstreamis Xfailsafe exactly the same as the "Ubuntu Desktop Edition (safe mode)" on the login screen?16:32
AbhijitoCean, lol u still remembers it! :-D16:32
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pitlimitoCean: can you update me on the difference?16:33
pitlimitI want to know if I use a 64-bit number if it will be one instruction or two16:33
oCeanpitlimit: well, uname tells you about your current operating system. The info in /proc/cpuinfo tells you about the hardware (-capabilities). But I'm still not sure what you want to know16:34
pitlimitoCean, I'm using bit manipulation in a code to optimize the code. Unfortunately, I"m using a 64-bit int and in order for there to be speedup, obviously I want the instruction to process the entire 64-bit int in one instruction16:35
pitlimitIs there any way to tell how my instruction set will handle the 64-bit number?16:36
julehi guys, ive just installed ubuntu 10.10 on my fujitsu-siemens amilo pro v3505 and everything works perfectly except the wireless, could anybody help me please? i found one or two guides on the web but the refer to old gutsy or feisty and i tried them but without any success. please please please :D16:36
ikoniaAbhijit: what is your hardware specification16:36
intraderon one of my laptops with 10.10 upon restart (requested by autoupdate), I am back to a terminal login, not the ubuntu splash; what could have happened?16:37
pitlimitwhen i cat/proc/cpuinfo, i get cache_alignment 64 and clflush size 64.... is that good news for me?16:37
Abhijitpitlimit, to know the technicakl details of ur cpu look your cpu's fact sheet or manual.16:37
gal900jule... try set up new connection and use command title -- wlan0 as title16:37
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oCeanpitlimit: search for "lm" in the "flags" session. (long mode) cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep lm16:37
gal900should start the sniffer for available16:37
Abhijitikonia, amm intel motherboard centrino core 2 duo 2Ghz 2Gb ram16:37
pitlimitlm is there oCean16:38
intraderthe terminal want a login which I for security reasons probably should not follow. Thanks in advance for any help16:38
=== Guest73810 is now known as GauravButola
gal900right click the connection manager thingy uptop bar16:38
pitlimitdoes that mean it's safe to assume the speedup will occur?16:38
oCeanpitlimit: in that case your cpu has 64 bit capabilities. Use uname -m > if it returns x86_64, you also have 64bit OS16:38
julegal900: ???16:38
pitlimitwell ... let me word it right16:38
gal900any luck16:38
oCeanpitlimit: I have no real answer on your question, I'm not a programmer16:39
pitlimitit returns i68616:39
gal900like ethernet broadband/dsl is automatic16:39
julegal900: the problem is the wifi button i read16:39
oCeanpitlimit: so it's 32bit OS version16:39
ikoniaAbhijit: youre machine should be quite quick, at what point is it slow16:39
gal900for wireless i have found right click where the ethernet connection little icon is....16:39
gal900right click that to set up new connection...16:39
gal900Enable networks / wlan...16:40
gal900(wireless local area network16:40
gal900to title your new connection = type in wlan016:40
Abhijitikonia, at whole boot process seems a bit slow & after login it takes little long to load desktop. and while opening any software it needs a more long time16:40
gal900then type in the name of your netowrk li16:40
ikoniaAbhijit: ok, could you run some tests for me please.16:41
josheee12hey guys.  is it possible to use a non-biometric storage device (such as a flash drive) to authenticate root, etc, like CACs?16:41
gal900like linksys99 whatever it is as SSID16:41
Abhijitikonia, yeah tell me16:41
gal900if on WEP or WPA you need the passphrase which is security key16:41
ikoniaAbhijit: I'd like you to reboot, and the first thing you do when you login, is open a terminal and type "top", now go about your day, when it goes "slow" have a look at that window and tell me what the cpu % numebers are at (just jot them down and tell me)16:42
gal900if at No Security you can also set to start automatically16:42
julegal900: can we pm?16:42
gal900or with your own Network as automatic connection each start up16:42
Abhijitikonia, ok sure. and by go about your day you mean i observe it for a whole day and then reply you right?16:43
gal900trying to locate pm..16:43
juleprivate message16:43
SightUpcan someone link me to the 10.10 64bit notebook link?16:43
ikoniaAbhijit: no, just do what you wanted to do on the machine as a "normal" day, everytime it goes slow, note down the cpu numbers16:43
julei dont understand much here with all these coloured writings16:43
ikoniaSightUp: it's on ubuntu.com16:43
juleif we pm ill clear my ideas16:43
Abhijitikonia, oh okay sure16:43
SightUpi cannot find it16:43
ikoniaAbhijit: make a note of what you where doing at the time, and the % numbers then let me know16:44
Abhijitikonia, there are this much %s Cpu(s):  4.1%us,  4.1%sy,  0.3%ni, 91.5%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st which one to look for among then?16:44
ikoniaAbhijit: the id , us and sy are the 3 I'm interested in16:45
Abhijitikonia, ok. i will do it right now. and will reply you soon. rebooting now.16:45
SightUpcan anyone link me please?16:46
drcSightUp: Not sure there is a 64 bit netbook edition, http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ doesn't show one16:48
SightUpwill the 32 bit ed show all 4 gigs?16:48
KingTarquinI've moved across to Evolution, and I can't get it to stay open. I can minimise it, but when I go to put it in the background, it closes. It happens with gwibber as well.16:48
KingTarquinSightUp: With PAE, yes.16:49
SightUpwhat is PAE?16:49
rombhello all16:49
kerneloops_!pae | SightUp16:49
ubottuSightUp: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info16:49
ruanphys. addr. ext.16:49
rombthis is not a question about ubuntu... but )16:49
kerneloops_I have a problem bash: /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all: Permission denied16:49
KingTarquin(by the way, my problem is on x64)16:49
rombsome one can help me with my question =)16:50
kerneloops_im trying to sudo echo "1" >  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all16:50
tagletefirst to be here16:50
rombany one know some grand strategy video game with realtime tactics mode, that has tanks?16:50
ruankerneloops_: u need sudo16:50
rombplease help me )16:50
kerneloops_ruan:  <kerneloops_> im trying to sudo echo "1" >  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all16:50
gal900hey jule... use "wlan0" as connection name....16:50
ruankerneloops_: hmmm16:51
kerneloops_gonna try sudo -i16:51
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kerneloops_im genious :P16:51
julegal900: im LORD_UNDERWORLD from another computer and i already contacted u privately, if u go there i can turn this computer off to enter the bios and switch on the wifi button back16:51
gal900Wicd is good connection manager16:51
rombany help please? =)16:51
kerneloops_!ask | romb16:52
ubotturomb: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:52
drcromb: You are right, it's not about ubuntu16:52
rombkerneloops_, already asked =)16:52
drc!ot | romb16:52
ubotturomb: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:52
KingTarquinOn my 32 bit laptop, when I close evolution it runs in the background, then I can get at it in the "mail" icon menu in the tray, but on this box (64 bit) I can't, which is kinda annoying.16:52
LoRd_UnDeRwOrLdgal900: hey itz jule, come on pm16:52
kerneloops_!guidelines > romb16:53
ubotturomb, please see my private message16:53
rombdrc, #ubuntu-offtopic has 250 people and #ubuntu has 1580++.... =)16:53
drcromb: so? still OT16:53
intraderperhaps security compromised, I'd like guidance!16:53
Phong_is virtualbox an open source?16:53
nekhow do I give myself superuser permissions to delete or change files?16:54
Phong_kerneloops_, is that mean i can modify the code ?16:54
Kryceksudo -i16:54
ikonianek: sudo16:54
paulinahello my nane is paulina :D16:54
LoRd_UnDeRwOrLdgal900: i am on pm with u but u dont reply16:54
LoRd_UnDeRwOrLdcome on pm16:54
rombdrc, if you want answer only do not... thx16:54
kerneloops_!hi | paulina16:54
kerneloops_!ot | paulina16:54
ubottupaulina: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:54
kerneloops_paulina: this channel is not for chatting16:55
SOStrichanyone have any luck getting Dymo Labelwriters to work?  I built the CUPS driver from source and installed it, printer shows up, but jobs sent do it just get stuck in limbo.16:55
paulinaaki hay alfuien ke hable español ospain16:55
Kryceksudo rm -rf /16:55
kerneloops_Krycek: ?16:55
paulinasapin alguien ke hable spain16:55
kerneloops_!es | paulina16:56
ubottupaulina: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:56
arooni-mobile___is there a way from the command line to disable desktop effects?   i want to make sure that when i remote desktop in; i can actually see the screen refresh16:56
SOStrichKrycek, not helpful ;p16:56
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!16:56
LoRd_UnDeRwOrLdgal900: i am jule from another pc, would u come on private chat or not? im waiting16:56
artuiopost fix is a good server  mail ?16:56
tagletecan somenoe speak chinese ?16:56
ikoniaLoRd_UnDeRwOrLd: please discuss your private chats in pm - not here16:56
ikoniaartuio: yes, it's good16:56
kerneloops_!cn | taglete16:56
ubottutaglete: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk16:56
ikonia!cn | paulina16:56
ubottupaulina: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk16:56
intraderpaulina, perhpas you are in the wrong channel16:56
andygraybeal_how do i see what processes (applications) are using swap memory?16:56
pitlimitthis is probably a ridiculous question but worth a try. I have a 32-bit Ubuntu OS running on my VMWare... My underlying computer system is a 64-bit system... can I easily convert that 32-bit Ubuntu OS to a 64-bit one?16:56
artuiowell m trying to install post fix but when i do ehlo localhost it's not working ikonia16:57
paulinano is anf is channel is sapin ¿?16:57
artuiois that normal ?16:57
Abhijitikonia, http://paste.ubuntu.com/585480/16:57
kerneloops_paulina: english please.16:57
paulinauff me puede hablar alguien16:57
KingTarquinOn my 32 bit laptop, when I close evolution it runs in the background, then I can get at it in the "mail" icon menu in the tray, but on this box (64 bit) I can't, which is kinda annoying.16:57
kerneloops_paulina: habla ingles16:57
paulinaokis good is ver good tehj ples on he woerl on mall world.t16:58
paulinake no se hablar ingles16:58
marcusdaviduspaulina siemka16:58
artuiothe syntax is it correct ?16:58
marcusdaviduspaulina: skad jestes?16:58
ikoniaAbhijit: ok, based that output that does not look like your cpu is being overworked16:58
Abhijitikonia, ok16:59
`greenlightI want to personalize my ubuntu 10.10, I have Ubuntu Tweak. Is there any other tool that for example can modify the login screen during startup? I mean the whole login screen16:59
paulinake no se hablar ingles por dios16:59
ikoniapaulina: please stop16:59
ikonia!topic | paulina16:59
ubottupaulina: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic16:59
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paulinahuyy hay alguien ke hable español17:00
paulinapor fav17:00
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:00
marcusdaviduspaulina: shakira shakira mi casa su casa17:00
ikonia!es | paulina17:00
ubottupaulina: please see above17:00
paulinapor favor :( D:17:00
ikoniaAbhijit: what video card do you have ?17:00
paulinashakira sahkira ¿?17:00
ikoniapaulina: english only here17:00
Abhijitikonia, the intel one inbuilt.17:00
paulinano se hablar ingles xd17:01
ikonia!es | paulina17:01
marcusdavidusyeah eng only.. if u are shakira u dont need to i learn spanish for ya hihi17:01
kerneloops_paulina: /part #ubuntu17:01
arooni-mobile___whats the best remote desktop client for ubuntu?17:01
intraderpaulina, solamente en ingles17:01
paulinasi soy paulina17:01
arooni-mobile___or preferred ones?17:01
paulinaya se ke es en ingle pero es ke no se inles xd17:01
ikoniaAbhijit: I'm asking as it doesn't look like the performance is down to your actual machine, but more visual prformance rendering17:01
m4vpaulina: entra al canal #ubuntu-es para soporte en español por favor17:01
ceslopez86haha, well done!17:02
Abhijitikonia, yes i also think its visual issue. i plan to get external gpu now.17:02
VikashHello Everyone17:02
ikoniaAbhijit: it may be worth while, trying to make sure your xorg config is using "intel" driver17:02
ikoniaAbhijit: see if that makes a difference17:02
Abhijitikonia, ok i will dig into xorg then. thank you.17:03
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nishant_if i confufure evolution now will it download all my mails to it from yahoo17:04
rayleeis linux very securte17:05
kerneloops_yes raylee17:05
rayleei am noob17:05
FloodBot3raylee: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:05
rayleeat linux17:05
kerneloops_!ot | raylee17:05
ubotturaylee: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:05
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:05
MjateznikHello all! Anyone know if it's possilbe to get OpenGl 2 running on a integrated Intel Corp Mobile 4 Series Graphics Controller?17:06
pitlimitI have a 32-bit Ubuntu OS running on my VMWare... My underlying computer system is a 64-bit system... can I easily convert that 32-bit Ubuntu OS to a 64-bit one?17:06
bonjoyeepitlimit: no..17:06
=== maelstrom is now known as Guest16584
kerneloops_!pm | raylee17:06
ubotturaylee: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:06
rayleeis linux more secure then mac17:07
pitlimitearlier someone told me that if i type uname -m it would show if my processor is 64 bit17:07
pitlimitI know for a fact that my underlying process is 64 bits, yet when i type uname -m, I get i38617:08
kerneloops_raylee: google linux vs mac security17:08
Daekdroompitlimit, it shows what you're running.17:08
bonjoyeepitlimit: no..that shows your kernel is 32bit or 64bit..17:08
pitlimitwait... so my kernel can be different than my underlying processor?17:08
pitlimitThat's ridiculous then if I have a 64-bit processor and a 32-bit kernel?17:09
DaekdroomA AMD64 processor can run a x86-bit kernel indeed.17:09
rayleemy webcam studios dosen't work very well17:09
kerneloops_pitlimit: no problem17:09
bonjoyeepitlimit: not so..many people do so..17:09
DaekdroomBut a x86-only processor will never run a 64bits problem17:09
pitlimitDaekdroom: isn't i386 a 32-bit kernel?17:09
ikoniapitlimit: it's sensible, they are backward compatible17:09
Daekdroompitlimit, i386 implies 32-bit, yeah.17:09
ikoniapitlimit: correct17:09
pitlimitso my processor is being wasted17:09
DaekdroomNot necessarily.17:09
Roasted_I removed transmission via apt-get remove transmission, but it didn't remove. Is transmission bittorrent client under a different name?17:09
kerneloops_pitlimit: no.. lol17:09
ikoniapitlimit: not at all17:09
rayleemy ubuntu distro been having alot of flash problems17:10
kerneloops_pitlimit: 64bit is if you want to use more than 3.2 GB of RAM..17:10
kerneloops_raylee: crashes?17:10
rayleemy FF17:10
DaekdroomA 64-bits system might spend more RAM and will only see performance increases in specific situations like compiling, encoding, etc17:10
rayleeand google croume17:10
rayleecrashes alot17:10
bonjoyeekerneloops_: thats not the only reason to run 64bit either..17:10
pitlimitokay the reason why I want to check for 64-bits is because I need an instruction to process 64-bits at a time else my program is not optimized17:10
pitlimitCan someone please help me sort this out?17:10
kerneloops_raylee: disable hardware acceleration right click youtube video and disable it17:11
nishant_anyone uses email clients do they download every mail ?17:11
maconishant_: depends how you set it up17:11
kerneloops_raylee: right click settings and uncheck acceleration17:11
rayleewhat does that do17:11
maconishant_: POP? yes17:11
Abhijitnishant_, you can specify the setting17:11
maconishant_: normal IMAP? no17:11
pitlimitcan someone please explain to me how do I know if 64-bits are processed at once on my processor vs. 32?17:11
rayleethis hardware thing17:11
maconishant_: Disconnected/Offline IMAP? yes17:11
pitlimitin one instruction, that is17:11
kerneloops_raylee: do you have any addon installed related with flashcookies?17:12
nishant_i just wish to download the new mails and max 2 days old17:12
rayleei have no script17:12
macopitlimit: do you want to know whether you have a 64bit cpu or whether you have a 64bit or 32bit OS on a 64bit CPU?17:12
rayleeand ad block17:12
kerneloops_raylee: ok no problem..17:12
pitlimitI have a 64bit cpu17:12
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:12
macopitlimit: ok so to see if you're running 64bit ubuntu:   uname -m17:12
kerneloops_pitlimit: how much RAM do you have?17:12
nishant_raylee, ^17:12
pitlimitmaco i get i38617:12
pitlimiti have 500 GB of RAM17:12
macopitlimit: then you're running 32bit ubuntu17:12
kerneloops_that's HDD17:12
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* drc boggles at 500GB of RAM17:13
nishant_what client do you use ?17:13
bonjoyeepitlimit: that should be i686 not i386..17:13
rayleeis the andriod uses linux17:13
ikoniabonjoyee: it really doesn't matter17:13
kerneloops_pitlimit: ok you should use 64bit version or 32 with PAE kernel.17:13
nishant_maco, what client do you use ?17:13
maconishant_: quassel17:13
maconishant_: er, oh you mean for email :P17:13
maconishant_: i use kmail17:13
pitlimitok so now I am running my Ubuntu in VMware on top of another computer17:13
nishant_yeah ohhh17:13
pitlimitthat other computer has uname -m as i386 too17:14
ikoniapitlimit: it doesn't matter17:14
maconishant_: i use DIMAP though, which caches all of the mail but makes it sync on the server so i can use webmail and have it match17:14
pitlimiteven if I install Ubuntu 64-bit, will i get screwed?17:14
maconishant_: im not sure if regular IMAP would let you say to only download recent messages17:14
pitlimitmeaning it won't matter if I install 64-bit Ubuntu because the underlying OS is a 32-bit kernel?17:14
kerneloops_pitlimit: what do you mean?17:14
ikoniapitlimit: if your vmware host is 32bit you can't run a 64bit kernel17:14
pitlimitmy os host has a 64-bit processor, but is running a 32-bit kernel17:14
ikoniapitlimit: yes, so it's "32bit"17:14
bonjoyeeikonia: one can in virtualbox...not sure about vmware..17:15
nishant_ok maco it a bit confusing17:15
KingTarquinI keep having an issue with Evolution running in the background on my x64 install. On my 32-bit install, it minimises into the tray and notifies me when I have email, but on x64, I have to keep it open for it to notify me, and its clutting up my taskbar. Any ideas?17:15
ikoniabonjoyee: are you sure about that in virtualbox,17:15
maconishant_: the way normal IMAP works, it just pulls the From and the Subject and shows you them. if you click, then it downloads the rest of the email17:15
bonjoyeeikonia: 100%..i use it..but the cpu has to support it..17:15
ikoniabonjoyee: and your host is running a 32bit OS ?17:16
bonjoyeeikonia: harware virtualization ....17:16
elhadi39hi salut17:16
ikoniabonjoyee: no, the host17:16
bonjoyeeikonia: yes...not now...but have done so earlier..17:16
Abhijitwill lucid and onwards will smoothly install and run on 10 year old p4 desktop?17:17
krevannahow to install csh on a server without sudo acess17:17
elhadi39ya quelqun qui peux m'edit17:17
ikoniaAbhijit: depends on what you are doing on it, how much ram you have and your graphics card17:17
llutzkrevanna: ask your admin17:17
krevannallutz by admin does not gives me such permission he is busy17:18
elhadi39help me17:18
ikoniakrevanna: then you can't do it17:18
llutzkrevanna: ask your admin to install csh for you17:18
ikoniaelhadi39: please speak in English17:18
krevannallutz ok thanks17:18
Abhijitikonia, ok17:18
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kerneloops_what is to command to replace compiz with metacity17:19
ikoniametacity --replace17:19
bonjoyeeikonia: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/VBox_vs_Others17:19
mohalaciwhen i try to play youtube video in totem i get this error: GStreamer encountered a general supporting library error.17:19
mohalacihow can i solve it?17:19
ikoniabonjoyee: having a read17:19
Agent008update your code17:20
blisshello....i am testing irc....can you read this?17:20
mohalacinad how? :)17:20
Kurdistanhey what should I do when ubuntu after my desktop boots up asking me for password17:20
[TK]D-Fenderelhadi39: Or at least even proper french :)17:20
Agent008cause you dont have the video code, so you can not play it17:20
Kurdistanwhen I open chrome/chromium17:20
bonjoyee1ikonia: http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch03.html#intro-64bitguests]17:20
soopkurdistan: enter your password17:20
blisscan u read this message?17:20
soopyes bliss, we can17:21
Kurdistansoop that I need to do every time and I can close the popup windows also.17:21
Kurdistanbut thats not any solution17:21
cannonfodderhey you guys. i cant get into /var/lib/mysql  so i went into /var/lib and did a chown root:root mysql on the folder and i still cant cd into it without a permission denied17:21
soopkurdistan: can you screen cap the window?17:21
Kurdistanhave removed gnome-keyring and other but it still doesnt work like before17:21
elhadi39Please have i problem and hacked my msn address I want SOMEBODY can recove17:21
ikoniabonjoyee1: ahhh, it's software emulation through the hardware virtualisation on the chip, very interesting, thank you17:22
Kurdistansoop :) I dont know if you know swedish17:22
ikoniaelhadi39: nothing to do with ubuntu, we can't help you17:22
bonjoyee1ikonia: welcome:)17:22
cannonfodderhey you guys. i cant get into /var/lib/mysql  so i went into /var/lib and did a chown root:root mysql on the folder and i still cant cd into it without a permission denied17:22
soopkurdistan: mmbork bork .... put the chickey in de pot ... mmbork bork     <-- thats all the swedish i know17:22
lashahello guys, anyone has experience with setting bootsplash up ? I have a very ugly stuff going on while booting17:23
ikoniacannonfodder: you've just changed the owner to root, why do you think you should be able to get in there17:23
Kurdistanthats not any help for me17:23
cannonfodderikonia because owner was mysql17:23
cannonfodderi dont know...how do i get in lol17:23
Abhijitikonia, is there any utilitey or somethicng will we can run on windows and it will give message that yes you can run this this versio of linux on this machine?17:23
ikoniacannonfodder: owner doesn't mean you can't go in17:23
KurdistanI should maybe check launchpad17:23
ikoniaAbhijit: no17:23
cannonfodderikonia well umm why cant i get in?17:23
abhinav_singhhow do I disable recovering root password in single user mode17:24
Abhijitikonia, :-(17:24
lashahello guys, anyone has experience with setting bootsplash up ? I have a very ugly stuff going on while booting17:24
ikoniacannonfodder: well, you won't get in now as root is the owner, change the permissions back to mysql17:24
bonjoyee1!plymouth > lasha17:24
ubottulasha, please see my private message17:24
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Death_FCI installed Ubuntu 10.10 on a USB Hard drive, but didn't install the bootloader on it.  If i follow the steps "Simplest - Copy GRUB 2 Files from the LiveCD" in ubuntu help, will it affect my Interal HD?17:24
lashathanks bonjoyee1!17:24
=== bonjoyee1 is now known as bonjoyee
cannonfodderikonia done17:25
ikonia!grub2 > Death_FC17:25
ubottuDeath_FC, please see my private message17:25
cannonfodderso how do i get in lol17:25
Vikashcannonfodder:  I am not sure but there UiD would be diff17:25
cannonfodderi cand sudo cd17:25
KingTarquinI've moved across to Evolution, and I can't get it to stay open. I can minimise it, but when I go to put it in the background, it closes. It happens with gwibber as well.17:25
ikoniacannonfodder: sudo chmod 775 on the directory17:25
cannonfodderumm ok17:25
Kurdistanlasha take look http://www.webupd8.org/2010/10/script-to-fix-ubuntu-plymouth-for.html17:25
Vikashcannonfodder: cd17:25
cannonfodderthanks ikonia17:25
shijowhy ubuntu does not have nvidia support?17:26
ikoniashijo: it does17:26
ikonia!nvidia | shijo17:26
Death_FCikonia .. I don't want to install GRUB2 onto the MBR of the main computer HD though..17:26
ubottushijo: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto17:26
lashathanks Kurdistan I ll take a look, I already tried to set up something following one tutorial but didnt work, maybe cause I have 1280x800 resolution laptop screen17:26
ikoniaDeath_FC: so install it onto your usb17:26
nuohi every body :D17:26
ruanwhat's the lost and found folder for?17:26
nishant_maco, yahoo seems to only allow  pop317:26
Death_FCAh, just pull out my HD when i do this, i guess17:26
ikoniaruan: recovering data17:26
ruanah ok17:27
ikoniaDeath_FC: no17:27
llutzruan: fsck needs it17:27
maconishant_: for free? yes. you can pay for imap17:27
ikoniaDeath_FC: you don't need to pull any disks out17:27
nuohow to check if there is any missing or corrupted files in ubuntu ?17:27
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maconishant_: they WANT people to POP -- less data has to stay on their servers.  IMAP means they still have to store it, and they don't want that, so they make you pay ;-)17:27
Death_FCok, will finish reading and ask if needed, thanks17:27
ikoniaDeath_FC: think of your internal disk as disk1, and your usb as disk2, change the guide to reference disk2 instead of disk 117:27
shijohow to install CUDD in ubuntu?17:27
ikoniashijo: what is cudd17:27
ruan!info cudd17:27
maconishant_: (gmail has free imap)17:27
ubottuPackage cudd does not exist in maverick17:27
nishant_lol ok good ...so I guess i will use webmail ....ofcourse maco my purpose is for yahoo mails :)17:28
terrynuo: The filesystem is  checked when you start the system.17:28
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=== a is now known as Guest214
ccvvcchow can i use .tar.gz package to replace default ubuntu package, when i install tar.gz it is installed in /usr/local/sbin and is not a service17:29
nuothanks :)17:29
ikoniaccvvcc: what do you wnat to install17:29
ikoniaccvvcc: I'd advise you not to do that, as cups is linked into a lot of things in ubuntu17:29
ikoniaccvvcc: why do you want to replace it17:30
pitlimitI've converted my underlying operating system to a 64-bit OS. Now, if I were to go ahead and install the ubuntu 64-bit OS, an instruction should be 64-bits long, right?17:30
ccvvccwell its ok bro, just tell me how to17:30
ikoniaif you don't know how to you really shouldn't do it17:30
ccvvccim testing something17:30
ccvvccits ok17:30
rayleeanyone use skype17:30
ikoniaif you don't want to answer my questions, then someone else can help17:30
ikoniaruan: yes17:30
ikoniaraylee: yes17:30
llutzccvvcc: do it the right way http://tldp.org/HOWTO/html_single/Debian-Binary-Package-Building-HOWTO/17:30
terryikonia: You would probably be best to remove the cups package first and then install the tarball.  But why?17:31
ikoniaterry: that is a good suggestion17:31
terryikonia: Why do you want to re-install cups?17:31
ikoniaterry: I don't17:31
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terryikonia: Oh was just hypothetical question?17:31
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ikoniaterry: I didn't ask it ccvvcc did17:32
terryccvvcc: You would probably be best to remove the cups package first and then install the tarball.  But why?17:32
terryikonia: Sorry....17:32
ikoniaterry: not a problem17:32
terryccvvcc: Why do you want to re-install cups?17:33
lashaKurdistan: there was only that is supporting the 1.6 screen ratio 768x480, no way that I can make it support 1280x800 ?17:33
terryccvvcc: Is something not working proprely?17:33
ccvvcci dont want it to run at startup17:34
ikoniaccvvcc: you don't need to re-install it for that17:34
terryccvvcc: Well, you CAN turn it off.  Or just uninstall it if you like.17:34
llutzccvvcc: and why do you want to build it yourself then? makes no sense, disable start in /etc/init/17:34
lashaguys anyone knows how to configure bootsplash to fit 1280x800 without flickering start and very pixelated image ?17:35
terryccvvcc: But why would you not want cups to start when you boot the PC?17:35
terryccvvcc: sudo chmod -x  /etc/init.d/cup   #To turn it off.17:36
bonjoyeelasha: when at the grub screen..press c and then type "vbeinfo"..that will list all modes supported by your monitor..you cant go beyond that...17:36
xTheGoat121xI upgraded to Firefox 4, cancelled the profile import, and I'd like to reset that... is there a way to do that?17:36
mlordiAnyone know of a program like pyxis but with a GUI to it?17:36
lashaok thank you bonjoyee I ll try that as well17:37
bonjoyeexTheGoat121x: reset the firefox profile?17:37
raidoxTheGoat121x: http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Managing%20profiles17:37
sofoya se puede instalar el nuevo firefox ,417:38
llutzterry: ccvvcc the "start on" line in /etc/init/cups.conf   is the place to disable cups-start (its an upstart-job)17:39
LittleRedneed to drop in a second HD > running 10.10 desktop > anything important I might need to know?17:39
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imencomment changer mot de passe ubunto?17:39
ikoniaLittleRed: not really17:39
llutzimen: "passwd" as user, follow instructions17:40
CasmowHi there, can anyone help me with my Ubuntu install USB? I keep getting grub-install failed17:40
bonjoyeeLittleRed: at the most you may need to reconfigure the first boot device..17:40
bonjoyeeLittleRed: in the bios..that is ..17:40
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.17:41
LittleRedikonia: just what I needed to know.... yeah gonna slave it and then the bios... just wondering if there were any gremlins hiding17:41
gmatosestou querendo intalar java mas estou apalhando me ajudem17:41
erUSUL!pt | gmatos17:41
ubottugmatos: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.17:41
gmatosja baixeir binario nada17:41
erUSUL!java | gmatos17:41
ubottugmatos: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.17:41
Bipul`! c++ | Bipul`17:42
LittleRedbonjoyee: thanks  :-)17:42
Bipul`! C Bipul`17:42
ikoniaBipul`: what do you want ?17:42
bonjoyeeLittleRed: no problem:)17:42
=== Crayboff is now known as notCrayboff
Bipul`about C++17:42
ikoniaBipul`: what about it17:43
Bipul`How to compile and debuging17:43
erUSULBipul`: topic in ##c or #cpp ( if it exist ) is probably a better place to start17:43
kroniqueany BT guru here17:43
LittleRedbonjoyee: now if I could find someone willing to deal with the 80 million screws on this case :-/17:43
farmerHow can I upgrade a system running 10.10 to 10.04 beta?17:44
monty156hi all17:44
bonjoyeeLittleRed: well i have a jackhammer;)17:44
ikoniaBipul`: you're in the ##c++ and ##c++-beginner channels, they can help17:44
erUSULfarmer: ask in #ubuntu+117:44
LittleRedbonjoyee: but it's a pretty red case... acrylic.... sounnds like a mini jet engine when its up...lol17:45
opiate_whats the best video editor, something like pinnacle studio for ubuntu17:45
opiate_I've tried Pitvi17:45
opiate_not many effects though :(17:46
farmererUSUL, thanks17:46
erUSULfarmer: no problem17:47
intraderperhaps security compromised, I'd like guidance - first thing I noticed is that in my laptop running xampp I could no longer login. I then noticed in that laptop the auto-update from the update manager, I went ahead, noticed it needed to reboot. Upon reboot I got terminal screen wishing login17:47
imenjai besoin du bon formation du cour linux17:47
bonjoyeeopiate_: openshot, cinerella..search thse software center..17:47
opiate_ok thnx17:47
BesogonWhat a silence is today17:48
davzieAnyone here had any experience installing sendmail in Ubuntu?17:48
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davzieI've done a simple apt-get install sendmail17:48
ikoniadavzie: yes17:48
mlordiSo what is everyone's favorite application?17:48
davzieIt tried configuring but I hadn't set a proper FQDN, this is now done17:48
ikonia!poll | mlordi17:49
ubottumlordi: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:49
davzieHowever I have no "mail" command17:49
candybandavzie, just wondering why you would use/prefer "sendmail"17:49
ikoniadavzie: install mailx17:49
davziecandyban, I won't be using the server for mail17:49
davzieJust for sending it really17:49
davzieThrough PHP apps17:49
imeney jai donné une question est na pas du reponse sltp repondre17:49
davzieUnless there is an easier / better program17:49
llutzdavzie: ssmtp/msmtp would be more than sufficient17:49
candybandavzie, you can use any mailer ... they all have "sendmail compatible" commands17:49
erUSULdavzie: for only php a nullmailer like ssmtp is simpler17:50
Pici!fr| imen17:50
ubottuimen: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:50
zxiestHello there17:50
zxiestI called a curl in ssh on a huge file17:50
zxiestHow do I stop that?17:50
davzieCtrl C17:50
ikoniactrl + c17:50
candybanerUSUL, does php do queueing with ssmtp?17:50
zxiesttried.. not working :s17:50
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erUSULcandyban: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/10/21/sending-email-from-your-system-with-ssmtp/17:51
candybanzxiest, pkill -9 curl17:51
ileapeople i have good news to all that like chating on messenger17:51
ileasoon will be released a instand mesaging for linux named digsby17:52
intradermlordi, vim17:52
imeni need in the formation for ubunt17:52
ileasuports all messenger services and video/audio and file transfer17:52
llutz!ot | ilea please take advertisement out here17:52
ubottuilea please take advertisement out here: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:52
candybanerUSUL, so it uses a smarthost ... it does not say anything about queues ...17:53
erUSULcandyban: neither do i know if it supports it. if in daoubt go for the full mta then17:53
erUSUL!mta | candyban17:53
ubottucandyban: A Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) is the server software that sends and queues mail. The default MTA (and !MDA) on Ubuntu is !postfix ("exim" is also officially supported). See also !MailServer and !MUA17:53
n2iHi all!17:54
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n2iI have a question, please help!17:54
candybanerUSUL, I know what an MTA is ;) ... I've written a small MTA in bash (with nc) :p17:54
intradern2i, go ahead and ask the question17:55
n2iHow to enable smooth fonts | subpixel on ubuntu without using gnome-appearances?17:55
candybanerUSUL, didn't know ssmtp in php ... so since you advised it over installing a local mta ... I wondered about the queuing17:55
erUSULcandyban: i did not implied you did not know what an mta means. i just pointed you to the related docs17:55
n2ifonts display on my desktop is very ugly!17:56
erUSULcandyban: i just said it is the simpler option :) if it does not cover your needs ...17:56
n2iintrader: yes, please help me!17:56
rayleedoes anyone know how to use webcam studios17:57
intradern2i, I don't know much about fonts, sorry17:57
zxiestcool :-)17:58
candybanerUSUL, it is a nice solution and probably will work in most cases ... but there are a lot of people who use greylisting etc. (which is taken care of the smarthost in this case), but if the smarthost is down (network issue, maintenance, ...) your mails are "lost"17:58
zxiestAny beginner guide you guys recommend?17:58
zxiestI need to download files, extract, bla bla..17:58
n2iCan someone help me?17:59
erUSULcandyban: only you know if it is enough for you ... you can configure postfix or exim to use a smarthost too afaik17:59
intraderzxiest, try http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/17:59
nicofsHow can I remotely control my pc from my laptop like realvnc? I can't get vino/vinagre or vnc4server to work...18:00
skrappjawX forwarding over SSH. I'm looking into it now. Gonna test my understanding using a Vbox guest18:00
candybanerUSUL, I think I have that part covered for myself :) .... was just wondering for the guy asking (and I never pass up a good opportunity to learn something new/better/easier)18:01
skrappjawnicofs: are you doing something for media purposes?18:01
dtcrshrim googling for some time, seems a LOT of users had the same problems, many posts in google about this. Iv updated my recently installed 10.04 ubuntu netbook and i cant use keyboard and mouse. did anyone here passed throught something similar?18:01
nicofsskrappjaw, well the pc is my tv/media player - and the laptop shall be the romte...18:02
candybanerUSUL, I'm quite lazy ... so if I can reduce some work for myself (like setup/maintenance/...) that is always a good idea18:02
intradern2i, have you looked at http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/?s=fonts18:02
erUSULcandyban: indeed :)18:02
nicofsskrappjaw, "remote" is what i wanted to type...18:03
yogi_please help me, i installed ubuntu 64 bit, but ethernet can't connect to internet18:03
silvanoOi instalei o Ubuntu  porem  não estou conseguindo   mais abrir o meu wibdows 7 pq nao tem opção18:03
LittleReddtcrshr: I upgraded from 10.4 to 10.10 and had driver issues18:03
candybannicofs, do you want to see also the desktop/applications?18:03
skrappjawnicofs: oh. I see. I use PMS-linux on my laptop/pc and use the PS3 for accessing that.18:03
rayleedoes anyone use webcam studios18:03
rayleeon linux18:03
silvanoHi I installed Ubuntu but I'm not getting more open my wibdows 7 pq has no option18:04
skrappjawSo I think i use a different approach than you.18:04
candybannicofs, or do you just want to make changes ... or just control keyboard/mouse remotely (like a pc sitting next to you?)18:04
silvanoLer foneticamente18:04
farmer is there a way to put the latest natty version of unity onto maverick?18:04
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto18:04
candybannicofs, full control like vnc requires ... vnc18:04
tensorpudding!br | silvano18:04
ubottusilvano: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.18:04
ubottuUnity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity18:04
candybannicofs, other options are ssh access ... or X forwarding ... or x2x (very nice little tool :))18:04
Homehelo i have a problem .i have load from the internet airsnort but i cant install this package and i dont find the tool in the package manager list18:04
pitlimitcan anyone tell me how I can install ssh on my machine so I can sftp in to get files?18:05
candybanpitlimit, sudo apt-get install ssh18:05
n2iintrader: all of that article as using GUI and GNOME, but I dont18:05
pitlimitthank you18:05
LadyNikonhow do i kill x to update something?18:05
behemoth1349I have a problem with pieces of drop down menus from the applications staying on the screen... on top of other programs and will not go away. any one have any idea wht could be causing this? And how to fix it?18:05
nicofscandyban, i want to control the desktop running on the host machine... but that mouse and keyboard thing would also be ok18:05
wildc4rdevenin' all!18:05
LadyNikoni thought it was /etc/init.d/ something18:05
LadyNikonbut i think im wrong18:05
n2iI use PekWM as WM18:05
skritewildc4rd, hello18:06
candybannicofs, you can "extend" your X using x2x (your mouse/keyboard controls are sent to the other X server)18:06
rayleei need help on webcam studios18:06
intradern2i, gnome is normally installed in ubuntu 10.10 - or perhaps it is unity.18:06
llutzHome: have you read the 1st sentence on http://airsnort.shmoo.com/ ?18:06
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nicofscandyban, ok, that's a good fallback solution... but having the host screen on the remote would be best...18:06
n2iintrader: I have read http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/enable-smooth-fonts-on-ubuntu-linux/18:06
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe
llutzHome: its dead since ages ".. This software is OLD - It is no longer maintained or supported. Besides, there are much better tools out there. You really should be trying something like aircrack-ng ..."18:07
BluesKajnicofs, vlc has that capability , you ssh into the server from the laptop and launch v from there vlc on the server. There's a command used to make sure no video shows on the laptop.18:07
n2ibut it doesn't make effectly18:07
candybannicofs, then perhaps you should figure out why vnc is not working ...18:07
intradern2i, you are not using a graphical screen?18:07
candybannicofs, other side is linux box?18:07
candybannicofs, to take over a mac, you better use thightvnc18:07
n2iintrader: I use PekWM18:07
behemoth1349I am running 10.04 and having problems with artifacts staying on the screen on top of all other applications. They are only pieces of menus and I cannot get rid of them. any ideas?18:08
nicofscandyban, both native linux - what exactly do i need to install vnc? i installed the package "vnc4server"... but how do i set it up?18:08
intradern2i, never heard of it. Try using gnome to see if fonts are Ok18:08
Homehow ican cange  the package server for my downloadmanager any progs i cant find in the standardlist18:08
StarminnMy trash can is stuck on the "has stuff in it" icon.18:09
Homecan any one helpme18:09
candybannicofs, it's been too long since I've used vnc ... and I only used it to take over windows hosts ... and for the linux/linux thing vinagre always "just worked" for me18:09
zxiestI downloaded the source for a project... How do I build it?18:09
llutzHome: find a repo holding the stuff you want and add it to your sources.list18:09
ruan!compile | zxiest18:09
ubottuzxiest: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)18:09
zxiestruan thank :-)18:09
behemoth1349 I am running 10.04 and having problems with artifacts staying on the screen on top of all other applications. They are only pieces of menus and I cannot get rid of them. any ideas?18:10
nicofscandyban, all i get with vinagre/vino is connection closed...18:10
n2iI have a very low computer, so I decided using PekWm which hope to speedup performaces18:10
intradern2i, I am sure you have seen http://www.pekwm.org/files/pekwm/doc/0.1.10/html/index.html18:10
candybannicofs, did the other side start the "remote access"?18:10
candybannicofs, System -> Remote Desktop18:11
behemoth1349 I am running 10.04 and having problems with artifacts staying on the screen on top of all other applications. They are only pieces of menus and I cannot get rid of them. any ideas?18:11
candybannicofs, System -> Preferences -> Remote Desktop18:11
intradern2i, I am running ubuntu 10.10 on a Del Inspiron 8200 at with good performance.18:11
paulinahello hola18:11
paulinaalguien habañl español18:11
nicofscandyban, i don't have that option... i could start vino-preferences via console, though18:11
behemoth1349 I am running 10.04 and having problems with artifacts staying on the screen on top of all other applications. They are only pieces of menus and I cannot get rid of them. any ideas?18:12
behemoth1349\ I am running 10.04 and having problems with artifacts staying on the screen on top of all other applications. They are only pieces of menus and I cannot get rid of them. any ideas?18:12
behemoth1349 I am running 10.04 and having problems with artifacts staying on the screen on top of all other applications. They are only pieces of menus and I cannot get rid of them. any ideas?18:12
behemoth1349 I am running 10.04 and having problems with artifacts staying on the screen on top of all other applications. They are only pieces of menus and I cannot get rid of them. any ideas?18:12
FloodBot1behemoth1349: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:12
HomeLLUTZ  were i can find it iamnew and have the system 1 week18:12
paulinaola ola18:12
candybannicofs, you cannot start it remotely I think ... you have to start/allow it on the remote desktop (once)18:12
FloodBot1paulina: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:12
llutzHome: what are you looking for?18:12
candybannicofs, is it to "covertly" take over the screen?18:12
intraderFloodBot1, how do we deal with paulina?18:12
candybannicofs, otherwise just walk over there and enable it18:12
nicofscandyban, currently, i'm at the host machine (server)18:12
LjL!es | paulina18:13
ubottupaulina: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:13
ileacan i use terminal server client to conect to a computer that haves linux or it works from linux to windows?18:13
HomeLLUTZ iam looking for airsnort18:13
llutzHome: airsnort is outdated and dead.18:13
candybannicofs, then enable sharing ...18:13
llutzHome: use aircrack-ng18:13
nicofscandyban, but where? with what command?18:14
StarminnAny suggestions on gettring my trash to realize it's empty (or should be)?18:14
candybannicofs, in vino-preferences ... the first checkbox18:14
erUSULilea: it is for linux to windows... i do not know of any rdp server for linux18:14
HomeLLUTZ how can i start aircrack-ng18:14
n2iintrader: anyway, thank you so much for support! See you later!18:14
candyban"Allowother users to view your desktop"18:14
nicofscandyban, did that, first thing after installation18:14
aakshayapt is not able to access the archives.. what can be done to correct this? :(18:14
llutzHome: read the aircrack newbie-tutorial18:14
intradern2i, best of luck, bye18:15
candybannicofs, no local firewall ?18:15
Starminnaakshay: What's the error it gives?18:15
llutzHome: http://aircrack-ng.org/documentation.html18:15
nicofscandyban, no, nothing - unless my xubuntu came with one...18:15
zambahow do i do "killall" with a process with several arguments?18:15
HomeLLUTZ ok thx can you send my another serverdatasource18:15
llutzHome: a what?18:16
jjmarinHi, it will be possible to install GNOME 3.0 in Ubuntu 11.04 ?18:16
aakshayStarminn,  it shows "Ign http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick-security/restricted Translation-en_IN18:16
aakshayIgn http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick-security/universe Translation-en18:16
aakshayIgn http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick-security/universe Translation-en_IN18:16
FloodBot1aakshay: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:16
candybannicofs, you failed to mention the xubuntu part :p ...18:16
Homehow i can change my download manager server18:16
Starminnjimarin: Yes18:16
llutz!manual | Home read this, it will help18:16
ubottuHome read this, it will help: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/18:16
jqpwhat does the ^M character represent?18:17
aakshayFloodBot1, ok.. sorry. :)18:17
llutzjqp: line-break (DOS/win)18:17
erUSULjqp: they are DOS/windows line endings18:17
nicofscandyban, sorry, i thought that wouldn't matter18:17
jjmarinStarminn: thanks. It needs a special PPA ?18:17
Starminnaakshay: Are all of your software sources right? It seems like there's an issue with the Universe repository18:17
Homebig thx to you.can i have your email for questions18:17
candybannicofs, try "ps axf | grep telepathy" on your console18:17
PolahCould someone help me diagnose and solve some problem with what I assume to be primarily gstreamer?18:18
aakshayStarminn, may be. but i dont know how to check and correct this?18:18
Starminnjjmarin: Currently, yes. Once it's fully released I think it will be included in the normal repos18:18
candybannicofs, and "ps axf |grep vino-server"18:18
HomeLLUTZ big thx to you.can i have your email for questions18:18
Starminnjjmarin: http://joneslee85.wordpress.com/2010/11/01/howto-install-gnome-shell-on-natty-narwhal-11-04/18:18
llutzHome: ask here in the channel, i don't give personal support18:18
FloodBot1paulina_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:19
Homellutz ok thx18:19
Starminnjjmarin: (By the way, Natty help is in #ubuntu+1. I just happened to know this off the top of my head so I went ahead and answered.)18:19
erUSUL!es | paulina_18:19
ubottupaulina_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:19
paulina_ooo soy yo xd18:19
pedrocompiz is so buggy, I can't fix it myself - pls help18:19
nicofscandyban, http://pastebin.com/gPnkYPye18:19
paulina_ola ola ola ola18:20
LjL!ops | paulina paulina_18:20
ubottupaulina paulina_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!18:20
Starminnaakshay: Applications->Ubuntu Software Center, then Edit->Software Sources..., print a screenshot of the first page and "Other Software" or "Other Sources". http://www.imagebin.org18:20
erUSULpedro: do not use it? disable desktop effects18:20
paulina_ke ke alguien hable esapañol18:20
aakshayStarminn, ok..18:20
macopaulina_: va a #ubuntu-es por favor18:20
erUSULpaulina_: aqui no se puede hablar e español. ve al canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:20
FloodBot1paulina_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:20
candybannicofs, try running it manually "/usr/lib/vino/vino-server"18:21
candybannicofs, no warranties :)18:21
Roasted_I have Ubuntu on a Windows domain. In the past when I've tried to get on one of our file servers, it just auto authenticates because I'm logged in as *that* domain user. Now I can't do that. Any thoughts?18:21
intraderwhere is paulina from?18:22
LittleRedAnother question -- iPhones would use what app?18:22
erUSULintrader: Spain probably18:22
candybanRoasted_, revert the changes :p18:22
Roasted_candyban, revert what changes.18:22
nicofscandyban, it _almost_ worked... for a second, it was visible on the remote machine...18:22
candybanRoasted_, if at one point it worked and now it doesn't ... it means something changed18:23
intradererUSUL, she would have writte 'que' instead of 'ke' - I think that she is look for romantic connection.18:23
Roasted_candyban, I had it working on a separate server.18:23
nicofscandyban, "** ERROR **: Failed to register GObject with DBusConnection"18:23
Roasted_candyban, this is a different server. I'm just getting it set up. The only thing I did on the other Ubuntu box was add it to the domain. And uh. That's what I did here... yet it requires me to authenticate EACH time I connect, whcih is a pita.18:23
erUSULintrader: you know SMS have done a lot of damage to proper grammar/ortography XXDD18:23
intradererUSUL, it appears so18:24
candybannicofs, ... perhaps you should check in xubuntu18:24
aakshayStarminn, first page "http://imagebin.org/144882" and other software "http://imagebin.org/144884"18:25
zxiestmake: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop. <-- what does this mean?18:25
aakshayStarminn, where can i find "other sources"?18:25
LjL!ops | this is a bot test, please disregard18:26
ubottuthis is a bot test, please disregard: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!18:26
erUSULzxiest: that there is no install rule in the makefile18:26
Starminnaakshay: 11.04 support is in #ubuntu+118:26
zxiesterUSUL I don't think I have a makefile.. how do I create it?18:26
zxiestI have a configure though18:26
Starminnaakshay: I wasn't sure what the name was. It's "Other Software." I wasn't sure if it was called comething else though18:26
erUSULzxiest: maybe you have to "./configure" first?18:26
StarminnaakshayOr is that netbook remix?18:26
candybanzxiest, lol ... "How do I create a makefile" :)18:26
erUSUL!compile | zxiest18:26
ubottuzxiest: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)18:26
llutz!checkinstall |zxiest  you also should consider using this in the future (won' help  yet)18:26
ubottuzxiest  you also should consider using this in the future (won' help  yet): checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!18:26
erUSUL!checkinstall > zxiest18:26
ubottuzxiest, please see my private message18:26
aakshayStarminn, 11.04? i am using 10.0418:26
HomeLLUTZ i have one more question were i find a programming tut for ubuntu  beginner18:27
aakshayStarminn, so i need to ask in #ubuntu+1 ?18:27
Starminnaakshay: Okay. Sorry, the Unity interface threw me off.18:27
candybanzxiest, you pray to god the Makefile gets properly generated ;)18:27
aakshayStarminn, :)... np18:27
zxiestWell... autoconf worked and I got a configure..18:27
zxiestjust running ./configure now18:27
llutzHome: i doubt there are ubuntu-specific tuts. use the general ones for your preferred language18:27
semitonesHas anyone had trouble with PloP bootmanager before? I'm trying to boot ubuntu (lubuntu) from USB on an old laptop that can't boot directly from USB. But when I select "USB," PloP fails. This method has been verified to work on another old PC. Any ideas?18:28
intraderAnybody, perhaps security on my main laptop is compromised, I'd like guidance - first thing I noticed is that in my main laptop running xampp I could no longer login. I then noticed in that laptop the auto-update from the update manager, I went ahead, noticed it needed to reboot. Upon reboot I got terminal screen wishing login - I believe I should NOT login.18:28
foowafflehey guys can u help me get the adobe flash player working18:28
aakshayStarminn, there may be problem with apt/sources.list?18:28
HomeLLUTZ say whot?????18:28
Bipul`i dont know what's wrong some of videos required divx to play18:28
Bipul`is there any solution that those videos  i can see on ubuntu player18:29
d1rtyis there a kernel parameter to disabled sound completely? I really don't like having to blacklist a ton of sound modules..18:29
StarminnaakshayI think it's the same thing. That's just a frontend, what we did, but I could be wrong. IT is worth a shot18:29
nekthanks ikonia18:30
candyband1rty, why disable sounds in the kernel? ... just don't start alsa ... or mute it18:30
PolahWhen I attempt to play a movie (specifically .avi) through Totem I just get a blank white rectangle in place of any video, any help?18:30
Starminnaakshay: It just seems like something with the Universe repository is throwing it off. If you find anything funky in there, play around a little bit.18:30
pedrosound preferences are not working good on my DELL Vostro 1510, anyone else ?18:30
candyband1rty, also make sure to disable the pcspkr module18:30
d1rtycandyban: because i want to disable sound....18:32
d1rtythere are a couple options listed in modinfo snd18:32
d1rtyi'm going to try snd.disable=118:32
bfrogis it pretty easy to customize the installation of ubuntu kind of like kickstart?18:32
aakshayStarminn, let me play and try something..  here is my source.list "http://paste.ubuntu.com/585520/"18:32
candyband1rty, if you hate the "beep" at the console ... it does not stop by disabling the sound18:33
aakshayStarminn, please tell me something if i can do?18:33
d1rtycandyban: look bro, this is a server18:33
d1rtyi just don't want to load crap I don't need18:33
Polah!remaster | bfrog18:33
ubottubfrog: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility18:33
SlyliasI ran the update manager on a clean install and it hangs on "Configuring grub-pc". Now what do I do?18:33
d1rtyyou're obviously having a hard time thinking about why someone wouldn't want sound at all18:33
d1rtybut thanks for your input18:33
bfrogdoes it have to be a cd? kickstart can use tftp really easy18:34
=== carlos is now known as Guest52522
SlyliasI ran the update manager on a clean install and it hangs on "Configuring grub-pc". Now what do I do?18:35
candyband1rty, If you're worried about bloat, then why don't you just compile your own kernel with only the required modules?18:35
d1rtyyeah the stock kernels are fine18:35
d1rtydon't really want to take the time18:35
d1rtylooks like that parameter worked in that it didnt load actual devices18:35
d1rtyhowever soundcore is still loaded18:35
d1rtybut i'll just blacklist it18:35
d1rtygood enough :)18:35
Starminnaakshay: All of your "main" repos say something about being restricted whereas mine do not.18:36
BestKeptSecretI've lost notes while working in tomboy(computer freezing)18:36
candyband1rty, if it is a server, it will probably not produce sound anyways ... and since you do not have alsa etc installed (since you hate bloat) ... I wonder what is the point18:36
Starminnaakshay: http://paste.ubuntu.com/585528/18:36
BestKeptSecretI've lost notes using tomboy notes while computer froze. Is there any way to recover these notes18:36
candyband1rty, like I said soundcore will only disable your "soundcard" sound ... not the beeper on the motherboard (which can still produce very ennoying sounds)18:37
StarminnBestKeptSecret: ~/.local/share/tomboy18:37
d1rtyi know all about pcspkr thanks18:38
StarminnBestKeptSecret: But if the system gets shut off before they have the chance to be saved then the backups won't likely be there.18:38
BestKeptSecretStarminn, oic18:38
BestKeptSecretworth a look18:38
SlyliasCan anyone help me, this is the state that my computer is stuck in: http://imgbin.org/index.php?page=image&id=367818:38
SlyliasClicking on "Forward" does nothing.18:38
StarminnBestKeptSecret: If they're not there also try ~/.tomboy if that exists18:39
candyband1rty, k ... but please enlighten my why you want to disable sound on your server? (genuinely interested curious as I never gave it any thought)18:39
d1rtyfree up a few mb of ram18:39
d1rtywho needs sound on a server?18:39
aakshayStarminn, yes "main" is restricted at lot of places. can i copy your or may update mine according to your sources.list?18:40
d1rtyalso remove parport, lp and some others... firewire junk18:40
pedrosound can be useful on a server when harddsic is getting full18:41
d1rtypedro: that's nagios' job18:41
LadyNikonwhats the defailt init level for ubuntu 10.1018:41
d1rtyi get a text messaage18:41
d1rtythink i sit by servers 24x7?18:41
candyband1rty, never had the need of a "few mb" of ram on a server for a long time ... and when I did, I ran my custom kernels (which frees up a lot more than just a few mb)18:41
itaylor57LadyNikon: 618:41
LadyNikonitaylor57: 6 is reboot18:41
d1rtycandyban: right, like i said though i'd rather a 5 minute optimization versus a new kernel :)18:41
llutzpedro: unlikely, server are mostly far far away in climated noisy rooms, nobody there to listen on a beep18:41
Starminnaakshay: I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 and you're running 10.04 so I'd say no because of any nuances, but just go through there and edit out the "restricted" parts. Just to see if it makes a difference.18:42
itaylor57LadyNikon: just checking LOL18:42
d1rtyon my debian and freebsd machine i will build kernels18:42
d1rtybut ubuntu? shit no18:42
LadyNikonitaylor57: since this is a help channel I would suggest not doing that18:42
d1rtythe whole point is the ease of getting up-and-running18:42
LadyNikon!language d1rty18:42
candyband1rty, anyways ... good to see some people are still motivated to get a few percent more out of their systems18:42
aakshayStarminn, yes.. i am doing so.. then i will try.. :)18:42
LadyNikond1rty: watch your language please.. this is a pg13 channel18:42
ActionParsnipd1rty: the option is available though :)18:42
d1rtyActionParsnip: aye18:42
bfrogpg13 movies have about everything but actual genitalia these days18:43
d1rtyyeah what are you talking ab out LadyNikon18:43
bfrogso really, you might as well make it g rated18:43
candyband1rty, I gave up on that when I noticed it is cheaper to throw more hardware at it (clustering etc)18:43
d1rtyyou should have said the second thing first, instead of your !18:43
LadyNikond1rty: you cursing18:43
d1rtycandyban: yeah, this particular guy is a latitude with the lcd ripped off of it and no battery, lol18:43
d1rtyjust wanted a bit more headroom for mysql18:44
bfrogLadyNikon: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motion_Picture_Association_of_America_film_rating_system#Language18:44
BarnabasActionParsnip, what does it take to become a more trusted regular help on this channel pls msg me18:44
ActionParsnipd1rty: you can use apt-build to compile apps using your deb-src repos. Feels like emerge in gentoo18:44
candyband1rty, k ... frankenstein laptop as server ... :)18:44
wesleyanyone know why my screen become pixilated and blured sometimes?18:44
Seven_Six_Twowesley, watching avi's that are highly compressed?18:45
Apollonovichcheap vodka?18:45
LadyNikonbfrog: i dont go to links from strangers18:45
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
candyband1rty, makes me think of the days when I ran bare motherboard (without case) as my main pc18:45
d1rtycandyban: i have a few of them strewn about, theyre just nagios + cacti18:45
bfrogwow, its wikipedia18:45
LadyNikonanyways.. if he wants to get kicked out of her for cursing far be it from me to stop him/her18:45
ActionParsnipBarnabas: not sure, just help a lot I guess. It's all I did18:45
fisixlol LadyNikon ... it's wikipedia18:45
BarnabasActionParsnip, ok18:45
Seven_Six_TwoLadyNikon, me either, unless there's candy involved18:45
fisixyay candy18:45
LadyNikonSeven_Six_Two: heh18:45
wesleyseven_six_two: no just not browsing like emails and stuff18:45
d1rtyonly on freenode do you see activism by lamers regarding such ridiculousness as 'language'18:45
LadyNikonso anyone know the default init level ?18:45
d1rtyyou obviously haven't been around IRC for much of its history18:46
Starminnaakshay: We have some different things, each, so I would just say (again) play around with it. Something will work. :) Now you know what you're looking for, though.18:46
ActionParsnipcandyban: you can too. 2 words: water cooling18:46
LadyNikond1rty: lol @ lame trolling18:46
tsimpsond1rty: it's a channel rule, not a freenode rule18:46
d1rtythat's fine18:46
bfrogwell I'm just saying, its a G channel then, not a pg or pg1318:46
d1rtyyeah, G18:46
BarnabasActionParsnip, perhaps thats not that cool for ppl with extensive unix / linux knowledte able to help once in a while18:46
bfrogif your going by mpaa definitions18:46
d1rtybecause what i said is pg1318:46
aakshayStarminn, doing so.. :D.. but i hope something will nor went more weird.. :p18:46
LadyNikonbfrog: i concede you are right18:46
tsimpsonit's not "rated" anything, just don't swear, simple18:46
candybanActionParsnip, my motherboard was laying on my desk ... not my aquarium :p ;)18:47
HishiHi, I've got a problem: I've installed Alessio's lowlatency kernel on my other ubuntu desktop, so as to use it for sound recording. Problem is: since I've installed it, my wireless adapter seems to have gone bad, it will take ages to load a simple website. I know this isn't a problem with the adapter nor the network since it runs smoothly in both Windows and the Ubuntu live CD.18:47
Seven_Six_Twod1rty, language is the cornerstone of communication is the cornerstone of IRC.  Cursing adds nothing useful.18:47
bfrogwhat is this, the disney channel?18:47
Barnabasknowledge even18:47
d1rtytsimpson: well then channel management should have quorum on the topic, because there are obciously discrepancies in various folks' understandings18:47
CaffeineCan we open a directory in Gnome from a terminal? like.. something like "nautilus ." maybe??18:47
bfrogoh wait, they have lots of suggestive imagery, so I suppose even that might offend some of you18:47
LadyNikonSeven_Six_Two: i disagree with that.. i curse all the time in other channels.. I was just trying to keep him/her from getting booted for something as silly as cursing18:47
ActionParsnipBarnabas: shame, it makes the world go around18:47
d1rtywow wow, now all the activists are acting up18:47
* d1rty walks away slowly18:47
=== d1rty is now known as c1ean
* LadyNikon giggles @ Clean18:48
tsimpsond1rty: we do, it's that you just don't swear in here18:48
Seven_Six_TwoLadyNikon, that's cool. I'm not offended by it (at all!) but in my opinion...18:48
c1eantsimpson: so ladynikon is obviously not a mamber of channel management18:48
ActionParsnipCaffeine: absolutely. If you need write access then prefix with gksudo18:48
c1eansorry for the assumption18:48
candybantsimpson, d1rty, can we get back on topic please :)18:48
tsimpsonc1ean: you're point?18:48
pedrohow can i use the rec feature of the gnome alsa mixer ?18:48
c1ean'your' point18:49
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:49
c1eanspeaking of communication ^18:49
bfrogtsimpson: is there some list of words that the quorum of channel viewers considers offensive?18:49
itaylor57LadyNikon: 10.10 usings upstart not inittab18:49
candybantsimpson, thanks for guarding our soul ;)18:49
wesleyi have x1200, 10.10 and xorg-edgers did not help. He is using gallium now with this major corruption issue http://picpaste.com/Screenshot-B00yMx54.png18:49
tsimpsonbfrog: no18:49
StarminnLadyNikon: Google says 218:49
LadyNikonitaylor57: upstart?18:49
bfroggawd forbid anyone offend anyone else18:49
LadyNikonStarminn: i saw that in google but it seemed old.. hence why i came here to make sure it was correct. thanks :)18:49
c1eanyeah that's what i'm saying18:49
LjLstop this, just don't swear and go back to the Ubuntu topic, please18:49
bfrogor should I say spaghetti man forbid18:49
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tsimpsonbfrog: such a list would be offensive to just about everyone anyway, and that's not something we want to do18:49
te!upstart | LadyNikon18:49
ubottuLadyNikon: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/18:49
c1eani wish irc didn't become popular in the mainstream18:49
LadyNikonthanks te18:50
StarminnLadyNikon: It seems old too, which is why I was reluctant to state it18:50
c1eanfor support of various things18:50
candybanbfrog, the trick is to insult someone and have them say "thank you" :)18:50
nicek00hi, i dont have any soundcard in sound preferences - how i can fix it? ubuntu 10.10 and ACL88818:50
c1eanbecause the medium i've been a part of for the past 15 years has been inundated with a bunch of pansies18:50
CaffeineActionParsnip: Awesome! Thanks!18:50
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:50
candybanbfrog, and you know you've mastered it when they genuinely mean it ;)18:50
Seven_Six_Twowesley, I'm guessing you're talking about those black marks?18:50
jah123join #peb.pl18:50
intraderAnyone, more info - version boots ok. goes to terminal screen (non GUI)18:51
bfrogcandyban: right18:51
bfrogso is ubuntu going to ditch gnome then?18:51
bfrogsince mark hates gnome now18:51
bfrogits #ubuntu right18:51
Starminnbfrog: Natty is shipping with "GNOME classic" (what the default now is)18:51
tsimpsonbfrog: #ubuntu-offtopic for that18:51
LjLbfrog: it's not support18:52
Seven_Six_Twowesley, what driver? what cable? what is your monitor's native resolution? have you tried a different cable? have you tried the monitor with a different computer? when did the corruption begin?18:52
Hishiuhm, is there any way to prioritize network processing rather than sound processing?18:52
Starminnbfrog: But yes, because it's not 'technically' support, offtopic is the place to be. Or #ubuntu+1 because that's what you're asking ti about18:52
wesleyseven_six_two: its a laptop and all drivers are installed18:53
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/18:53
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wesleyseven_six_two: its fine sometimes and works, and others craps out18:53
Seven_Six_Twowesley, do you have the corruption when you run a live cd?18:54
Starminn!msgthebot > LadyNikon18:54
ubottuLadyNikon, please see my private message18:54
c1eanHishi: it's called tc, check it out18:54
zxiestI don't have a ~/.bash_profile is this alright?18:54
wesleyseven_six_two: not sure, but i don't think so18:54
dddhow i can get driver for a mac book pro?18:54
HishiClay_, tyvm.18:55
Hishiclean, tyvm18:55
Seven_Six_Twowesley, does the corruption happen only after the computer has been on for a while?18:55
wesleyseven_six_two: ive made sure that everything is installed correctly, for as much as i  know18:55
wesleyseven_six_two: no it happens when i do specific things, Email resize things like that, why you think its over heating18:56
candybanHishi, you can also do prioritization with ip... but tc is probably the best way to go18:56
LadyNikonStarminn: i dont see the point of visiting a channel for one trigger .. its a waste of time ..18:56
Seven_Six_Twowesley, what does    glxinfo | grep direct       return?18:56
PolahWhen I attempt to play a movie (specifically .avi) through Totem I just get a blank white rectangle in place of any video, any help?18:56
StarminnLadyNikon: I always do "/msg ubottu !<factoid>"18:56
Seven_Six_Twowesley, it could be. I've seen strange video artifacts due to overheating.18:56
StarminnLadyNikon: In fact I did it before calling that because I wasn't 100% sure that was what the factoid was18:57
Hishiclean, isn't tc only for network? I need to prioritize any input from my adapter rather than from my sound card18:57
LadyNikonStarminn: ill try to remember it .. but my memory is horrible :(18:57
Seven_Six_TwoPolah, have you installed  ubuntu-restricted-extras18:57
nicek00aplay -l -> aplay: device_list:235 no soundcards found...18:57
StarminnLadyNikon: Just remember "/msg ubottu" (literally, message the bot) and you'll get the rest. ;)18:58
candybanHishi, ?? you asked for network prioritization ...18:58
PolahSeven_Six_Two: Yes, it worked before but now it doesn't. I've no idea what could have changed to make it not work; but I've tried reinstalling restricted extras, all the gstreamer packages and totem18:58
wesleyseven_six_two: r300: DRM version: 2.5.0, Name: ATI RS690, ID: 0x791f, GB: 1, Z: 118:58
jah123siema ma ktos moze link do otwartych sterownikow do grafiki radeon x1650 dla ubuntu?18:58
wesleyr300: GART size: 509 MB, VRAM size: 384 MB18:58
wesleyr300: AA compression: NO, Z compression: NO, HiZ: NO18:58
wesleydirect rendering: Yes18:58
Hishicandyban, oh... sorry, the sentence was wrong then :X18:58
Starminn!polish | jah12318:58
ubottujah123: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.18:58
pedrotwitter is so buggy I know why I like to IRC18:59
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dchiltonI've stopped and disable ssh (/etc/init.d/ssh stop, invoke-rc.d ssh stop), but the sshd service keeps restarting automatically.  How do I turn it off & keep it off?19:00
Starminnpedro: #ubuntu-offtopic is the place to be. ;)19:00
candybandchilton, update-rc.d ssh disable ?19:01
pedrosorry , im not sure if it is the twitter implementation in ubuntu or if it is just the network19:01
wesleySeve_Six_Two: here is a screen shot http://picpaste.com/Screenshot-B00yMx54.png19:01
HRezaeihi everyone!19:02
dchiltoncandyban: nope.  still restarts19:02
wesleySeven_six_two: http://picpaste.com/Screenshot-B00yMx54.png19:02
HRezaeiI want to open a file with a specific program. what is it's commend?19:02
intraderpedro, I am unsing xchat for irc - it is good19:02
licence2grillLove xchat19:03
dchiltoncandyban: found it.  need to 'touch /etc/ssh/sshd_not_to_be_run'.  that's ... non-standard19:03
pedrohi on ubuntu19:03
intraderlicence2grill, ditto - except I am not getting the help I need with reboot problem after update19:04
Seven_Six_Twowesley, do you have compiz enabled?19:04
wesleySeven_Six_Two: i don't know really new two linux, how do i do it19:05
pedrocompiz is ubuntu is soooo buggy19:05
fisixpedro, how so?19:05
Seven_Six_Twosystem > preferences > appearance > visual effects  -   compiz is on with "normal" or "extra"19:06
ActionParsnipPedro: log the bugs and they may get fixed.19:06
pedroabout evry 15 minutes my window title bars says goodbye19:06
HRezaeipeople! I want to open a .jar file with jre in via terminal. how to do this?19:06
intraderpedro, ubuntu  works perfectly in all my laptops - I am running 10.1019:07
Starminnpedro: Me too. You probablyt have something wrong with your Window Decortor settings19:07
pedrowhat hardware do ya have ?19:07
ActionParsnipHRezaei: java -jar filename19:07
Seven_Six_TwoHRezaei,   java thisfile.jar19:07
LittleRedPedro: I have 10.10 running on a low end sony laptop... most excellant19:07
wesleySeven_Six_Two: i did have it on normal but i turned it to none, have less issues than before but still get them19:07
Seven_Six_TwoHRezaei, what ActionParsnip said19:07
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pedrois there somewhere a docu how to corractly set it ?19:08
Seven_Six_Twowesley, I read about problems with that chipset, something about it being blacklisted. Have you tried the open source drivers?19:08
intraderLittleRed, one of my laptops is a Dell Inspiron 8200 where I run XAMPP perfectly.19:08
c1eancandyban: 169 MB of ram used on fresh boot now. not too shabby ;P19:09
pedrotwitter is sooooo buggy19:09
ActionParsnipPedro: i have low end nvidia and intel chips, works fine. I get the odd blip but only under natty so I deal, otherwise its fine19:09
c1eani guess firewire is tied in with networking, i'm not having luck disabling it19:09
c1eanoh well19:09
wesleyseven_six_two: no i havn't tried them, you know where,what i can get it19:09
Seven_Six_Twowesley, and if you haven't, blow your laptop out with compressed air. if you've never done it, you may have dustbunnies inside19:09
candybanc1ean, I started with a 2MB 386 which I had to "upgrade" to 4MB to run linux19:09
Starminnpedro: If you really wanna know... http://pastebin.com/Lw6rGH2c19:09
Seven_Six_Twopedro, stop it.19:09
pedrothank you19:10
bfrogif I want to take a debian/ubuntu package and modify/rebuild it so its a newer version/has some custom patches where do I get the files to do that19:10
bfrogthe files used to make the .deb19:10
ActionParsnipPedro: you'd have to contact the site admins if twitter is buggy19:10
candybanc1ean, how much is really used and how much is just fs cache ?19:10
bfrogis there a source control repo somewhere with all that stuff?19:10
Starminnpedro: That's my hardware.19:10
Pici!source | bfrog19:10
ubottubfrog: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html19:10
erUSUL!packaging | bfrog also ask in #ubuntu-packaging19:10
ubottubfrog also ask in #ubuntu-packaging: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports19:10
Seven_Six_Twowesley, sorry, I'm not sure. I think they should be in the repositories. if that's where you got  your current driver from, then maybe try to install the one from the ati website19:10
pedronot that bad19:11
candybanc1ean, I have virtual servers running with 64 MB of RAM ...19:11
HRezaeiSeven_Six_Two, ActionParsnip : adding sudo privileges to this command?19:11
candybanc1ean, so what is eating away your RAM?19:11
Seven_Six_TwoHRezaei, no19:11
HRezaeihow to run it with sudo?19:11
ActionParsnipHRezaei: will it run a graphical app?19:11
HRezaeiActionParsnip: yes19:12
Seven_Six_TwoHRezaei, why would you want to run the jvm as root?19:12
ActionParsnipHRezaei: then prefix with: gksudo19:12
c1eancandyban: legitimate stuff19:12
candybanc1ean, mysql running in RAM ?19:12
c1eanapache, winbind, ntpd, nagios, sshd, and cacti19:13
c1eanno, postfix also19:13
HRezaeiActionParsnip,: I ran gksudo java -jar /Programs/JAP.jar but doesn't work19:13
c1eanno mysql on this one19:13
c1eanoh, yeah it is there as well19:13
c1eansmbd too19:13
c1eannot bad for < 200MB19:13
ActionParsnipHRezaei: you could even make a launcher using the same command but i recommend using the full path to the jar file19:13
Seven_Six_TwoHRezaei, is Programs  a directory off the root of your filesystem?19:14
ActionParsnipHRezaei: is /Programs a folder in your home folder?19:14
HRezaeiSeven_Six_Two, ActionParsnip : yes,it is in /home/hrezaei/Programs19:15
taakhey i left an admin user logged in on tty1, how can i kill that login?19:15
candybanc1ean, I haven't had any server with less than 8GB in the last 4 years19:15
inckieanyone who knows a 3D benchmark program ?19:15
c1eantaak: kill the getty, mgetty, or agetty running on it19:15
Dattebayodoes n900cell phone have irc?19:15
bjornredtail1inckie: I don't think glxgears would cut it, would it?19:16
icerootDattebayo: yes, next time see #smartphone, #n900 or something like that19:16
itaylor57HRezaei: then it would be gksudo java -jar ~/Programs/JAP.jar19:16
Seven_Six_TwoHRezaei, drop the / before Programs, or add a ~ before the /19:16
taakc1ean: strange, i don't see  a getty on tty119:16
ActionParsnipHRezaei: then the command is: gksudo java -jar /home/hrezaei/Programs/JAP.jar19:16
c1ean 1157 tty1     Ss+    0:00 /sbin/getty -8 38400 tty119:16
c1eantaak for instance ^19:16
inckiebjornredtail1: no, it's only for reporting FPS19:17
spanglesontoastwould anyone know if a hard disk failure would prevent ubuntu booting it seems to freeze on the dots on plymouth on both the live disc and when I managed to get it installed I've checked verbose with no errors showing up any ideas folks ?19:17
icerootitaylor57: gksudo with ~ should pint to /root instead of /home/username19:17
taakc1ean: don't see a getty on tty1. can I kill his /bin/login?19:17
HRezaeiSeven_Six_Two, ActionParsnip : gksudo: invalid option -- 'j'19:17
DaPenguinspanglesontoast, possibly bad RAM. have had that happen to me before19:17
ActionParsnipHRezaei: /Programs would put the containing folder at the root of the filesystem, not $HOME19:17
itaylor57iceroot: thanks, I just realized that19:18
Seven_Six_TwoHRezaei, if that's JAP anonymity and privacy, you don't need sudo.19:18
spanglesontoastDaPenguin, I've done memtest on it aswell19:18
AJ__Getting an error that my aptdemon has got a programming error when I install new apps. What to do ?19:18
inckiei need to create some load on the GPU, in order to test it's stability. I had a laptop which shutdowns, and i think i saw "GPU overheaded" in the console, so i cleaned it, and it seems to be more stable, but i havn't really put any load on the GPU19:18
ActionParsnipHRezaei: you get the idea?19:18
c1eantaak kill the shell he's using19:18
falkonAnyone have any info on building dmapd server on ubuntu 10.1019:18
bjornredtail1inckie: Figured as much... There are some versions of the quake 3 engine that have some sort of benchmark19:18
joeb_hi all .. anyone got netflix running in virtualbox and if so how is the video quality .. im tired of boot into windows just to watch a movie19:18
bjornredtail1inckie: http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/23965-13-quake-benchmarks-linux19:19
DaPenguinspanglesontoast, well, the live CD doesn't touch the hdd, so it has to be something else causing it19:19
candybaninckie, glxgears ?19:19
AJ__Any help ?19:19
spanglesontoastDaPenguin, could it be a bios setting ?19:19
ActionParsnipjoeb_: should be fine19:19
DaPenguinspanglesontoast, possibly19:19
inckiecandyban: it's not for benchmarking19:19
joeb_ActionParsnip have you tried it ?19:19
lemonchickenftlwhen dual booting win7 what should i install first19:20
candybaninckie, you want load ... glxgears generates load19:20
taakc1ean: yea i got it. i had to use kill -1 in order to get it to work19:20
icerootlemonchickenftl: windows19:20
PolahlemonchickenftL: Windows19:20
ActionParsnipjoeb_: i know a man who has. Seemed fine to me19:20
HRezaeiActionParsnip: yes It worked. thanks!19:20
DaPenguinspanglesontoast, I've had issues with ACPI settings in the past as well, might want to check that out19:20
icerootlemonchickenftl: both working but first installing wndows doesnt need any further steps after19:20
falkonInstead of using mt-daap was wanting to use http://www.flyn.org/projects/dmapd/19:20
c1eantaak in the future, use pkill19:20
LaPingvinodoes anyone know where to go for the ppa of libreoffice that's not up to date?19:20
candybanc1ean, how many hosts/services are you monitoring?19:20
taakc1ean: why?19:20
BoulderDaveim needing to send mail using perl's Net::SMTP on a dev server.. but i haven't had any luck configuring postfix to get it to work.  can anybody point me in the right direction?19:20
c1eani.e. pkill -KILL -u username19:20
ActionParsnipHRezaei: wtg :-)19:20
inckiecandyban: but again it's not suited for stress test19:21
spanglesontoastDaPenguin, thanks for the heads up mate will have a look into that19:21
c1eanit'll kill all of the users stuff :)19:21
erUSUL!postfix | BoulderDave19:21
ubottuBoulderDave: postfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto - See also !MailServer19:21
inckieit's not it's goal19:21
taakc1ean: don't want to do that, i am logged in as the same user!19:21
BoulderDaveerUSUL, thank you :)19:21
candybaninckie, then why don't you just enable the "wobly windows" thingy?19:22
coventryI'd like to change my default WM.  What's the right way to do this on Lucid?  Some pages on the web have suggested it's possible to do this by choosing a "session" when I log in.  I'm not seeing the option for this.  I've tried changing .gconf/desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager/ using both gconf-editor and emacs, but the setting reverts when I log out and log back in, leaving me with compiz.19:22
candybaninckie, or desktop cube and spin it around19:22
erUSULBoulderDave: no problem19:22
newbie01hi all, how do I connect to a printer on a network?19:22
DaPenguincoventry, swap it at the login screen19:22
coventryDaPenguin: Not seeing an option for that at the login screen.  What should I look for?19:23
candybannewbie01, System -> Administration -> Printers19:23
ActionParsnipcoventry: press ALT+F2 and run: manager --replace (e19:23
newbie01candyban, then what?19:23
candybannewbie01, have it search for the network printer19:23
BoulderDaveerUSUL, i dont have any domain pointing to this dev server though, is it still possible?19:23
ActionParsnip*(eg:  metacity --replace)19:23
DaPenguincoventry, type in your login name and it should have an option down at the bottom for which WM you want to use19:23
erUSULBoulderDave: i think so; by relying to a "smarthost" ( another properly configured mailserver like gmail )19:24
tecoventry: Do you have other wm's installed? (besides gnome?)19:24
StarminnDaPenguin: That's for Desktop Environments only, I think. I don't believe it does that for WMs.19:24
GothCCjust installed 10.04LTS in a dual boot environment. After install I was prompted to use or not use restricted drivers for my ATI 3450 Vid card... I choose yes and now the system won't boot.... Any ideas or docs related to this please and thanks19:24
ActionParsnipDaPenguin: don't confuse WM with DE ;-)19:24
coventryActionParsnip: I want to change the *default*.  I can start the WM from the CL easily enough...19:24
erUSULBoulderDave: it it is  a dev server it may be enlough with a simpler nullmailer like ssmtp ?19:24
kiwadHi, i'm looking for repositories of bash scripts, anyone has good addresses ?19:24
coventryDaPenguin: Thanks, will try.19:24
coventryte: Yes, I have been using sawfish, but I'm getting sick of starting it by hand when I log in.19:25
DaPenguintrue, but I'm pretty sure that's what he was looking for :)19:25
BoulderDave!ssmpty | BoulderDave19:25
teGothCC: It booted up ok before?19:25
BoulderDave!ssmpt | BoulderDave19:25
inckiecandyban: gtkperf19:25
intraderActionParsnip, what does ALT+F2 do and run: manager --replace do?19:25
GothCCte: yup, no issues before-hand... worked like a charm19:25
ActionParsnipcoventry: i always just add a startup item to run the command19:25
teGothCC: What happens now?19:25
GothCCte: gets to the screen where it shows it loading and then just hangs there19:26
tasslehoffany nice site that sums up answers to all the "what's the best <something> application for ubuntu" questions you get?19:26
coventryte: How do I do that?19:26
erUSULBoulderDave: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/10/21/sending-email-from-your-system-with-ssmtp/19:26
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:26
ActionParsnipintrader: nothing as it is, if you replace 'manager' with a WM then you will switch WM19:27
teGothCC: Screen goes black? Is there a flashing cursor anywhere?19:27
acornhow can I change dual boot menu to present windows7 first, Then ubuntu?19:27
DaPenguintasslehoff, best app for doing something all comes down to personal preference anyway19:27
intraderActionParsnip, thanks19:27
GothCCte: screen stays on the loading screen and no cursor anywhere19:27
tecoventry: Install another WM?19:27
ActionParsniptasslehoff: there is no single best app for any situation in any OS19:27
GothCCte: ya know.. where it says Ubuntu and then has the little circles below it to show it is loading19:27
teGothCC: What happens if you hit the Esc key.19:28
GothCCte: I then tried running the recovery kernel and running dpkg to update everything else including the kernel, that went perfect. But after I get the same thing happening...19:29
coventryte: It's sawfish specifically that I want to use.19:29
teWhat is the key we hit to get rid of the boot splash sceen to see actual boot messages?19:29
GothCCte: didn't try to hit Esc.19:29
tasslehoffDaPenguin: ActionParsnip: I know. But there usually is a few that are "known good". stupid Q by me really. I'm looking for a twitter app and wanted to avoid asking the same as everyone else :p19:29
tecoventry: Did you install sawfish yet?19:29
coventryYes, I'm using it routinely.19:29
pedronmap www.xo.com  /*seems not to work for me19:30
VilkkuHi guys, I'm trying to solve a hdd problem (caused by/in windows) using ubuntu (from a live cd): my aunt compressed the hdd, and now it won't boot from it. win xp is installed on the drive, and she compressed it using winxps own tool as the hdd was full and apparently windows suggested she could compress the drive to gain some more space19:30
tecoventry: gdmsetup may be what you want... not sure, I just use gnome.19:30
Vilkkuthere is no message appearing when booting, it's just a black screen with a blinking dash19:30
DaPenguintasslehoff, look in the repo manager, and just try out a couple till you find one you like19:30
pedrocan anyone try19:30
VilkkuI booted from the live cd and I can see the contents of the harddrive from ubuntu, but is it possible to decompress it, or something?19:31
VilkkuI know it's also windows related but I figured I could at least ask here19:31
DaPenguintasslehoff, for example, i have like half a dozen web browsers installed atm, just fire up whatever one I feel like using at the time19:31
teVilkku: I think you need to use MS Windows tools. Is it NTFS?19:31
budmangIssues with OpenVPN and the network-manager. I can connect fine, but none of my routes are pushed/worked(ive tried everything). Same setup with out the GUI/network manager(/etc/openvpn/files and starting openvpn manually) works.... any help?19:31
Vilkkute: dumb question, how can I check that in ubuntu? I would assume it is but I'm not sure as it's not my computer19:32
pedroI think these guys are SPAMMERS but they dont talk to me19:32
teVilkku: sudo fdisk -l19:32
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aXeus_Can anyone point me in the right direction for setting up MySQL-Cluster-Server on 10.04?19:32
llutzpedro: do you have any ubuntu-support related question?19:32
pedrothey spammed launchpad some days ago19:32
pedroWhat would you do if someone spams launchpad ?19:33
llutz!ot > pedro19:33
ubottupedro, please see my private message19:33
acorngot googleearth icon on desktop, but clicking won't make it go how to fix?19:33
Picipedro: If you have issues with Launchpad you should bring them up in #launchpad, not here.19:34
brontosaurusrexacorn, sudo chmod +x binary19:34
DaPenguinacorn, try running it in a terminal and see if any errors pop up19:34
teacorn: Run it from a GUI terminal window and watch for errors.19:34
intraderAnyone, my laptop is booting to a terminal screen asking for login - I think that is a ruse to cause me to log in19:34
DaPenguinintrader, no, probably just not starting X19:34
teacorn: As brontosaurusrex suggests, check to make sure the executable bit is set.19:35
pedrohttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XO_Communications /*please reade and make your decision19:35
Vilkkute: hpfs/ntfs. I had to change the keyboard layout as I didn't remember where / was on US, so it took some time :P19:35
newbie01candyban, Its on a windows network, I dont have the IP, Whats the best way19:35
intraderDaPenguin, it normally starts, but now X is not starting - asks for login19:35
Picipedro: What does that have to do with Ubuntu?19:35
teVilkku: You need to use MS Windows tools.19:36
acornthanks re menu and googlearth advice..will try19:36
DaPenguinintrader, could be an error with xorg.conf or something similar. does the login screen look legit19:36
llutzpedro: what part of the #ubuntu-offtopic factoid is unclear for you?19:36
intraderDaPenguin, takes entire screen, in text mode asks for login19:37
pedroif someone spams launchpad it can case heavy troubles during software development of safety critical systems19:37
llutzpedro: stop it!19:37
HRezaeiabstrakt : I have installed Zend Server CE on ubuntu. but I can not create any file or folder on its root folder under var/www. Is there any problem in my installation or I must config apache for that?19:37
Vilkkute: does that mean I have to boot from a xp cd? or is ms windows tools some app for ubuntu? sorry, not that experienced at all with linux19:37
GothCCte: hmmm seems to be an issue with 10.04 ... I wonder if it is fixed in 10.10 and if there is a way to upgrade the system to that without having to dl a new .iso, burn and then reinstall19:37
aXeus_Ok this is confusing.19:37
DaPenguinintrader, that sounds like a normal login screen, X just isn't starting for some reason19:37
newbie01hi all, how do I connect to a printer on a windows network, I'm in a room wired in how do I connect to the printer?19:37
aXeus_Launchpad states that mysql-cluster-server comes with the latest version of mysql-server, which my 10.04 came with. And I don't have the cluster package.19:38
itaylor57!upgrade | GothCC19:38
ubottuGothCC: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade19:38
teVilkku: I recommend you boot MS Window and use MS Windows tools to try and deal with it.19:38
GothCCitaylor57: thanks19:38
intraderDaPenguin, how do I do start X from that login?19:38
Vilkkute: like I said, it doesn't boot19:38
RogerrHello, can I ask a question of Ubuntu in this chat?19:38
PiciRogerr: thats what its here for.19:38
Vilkkubut I'll see if I can find a cd and boot some recovery tools, or something19:38
DaPenguinintrader, try logging in and running startx and see if it dumps out any errors19:38
teVilkku: http://www.bootdisk.com/19:39
brontosaurusrexVilkku, i'd remove it from that machine and add it as 2nd drive to some working xp pc and then delete some stuff frome there...19:39
Rogerrthanks Pici, I want to add a shortcut to a program in the terminal, which shall be called moldenogl and the program is /usr/local/lib/moldenogl.linux , what is the command to do this?19:39
Vilkkute: looks great, thanks - now I just need to know what to actually do :P19:39
newbie01How do I connect to a printer on a windows network, How do I connect to the printer?19:39
Vilkkubrontosaurusrex: good idea, but the issue is not that it is full but that it is compressed and won't boot19:40
teVilkku: Tru #windows19:40
abstraktHRezaei, well number one, don't use zend server :)19:40
DaPenguinnewbie01, you'll need samba installed to network with windows machines19:40
brontosaurusrexVilkku, right, i'd try #windows for further inctructions19:40
HRezaeiabstrakt: why?19:40
Vilkkuyeah I will do, thanks for helping out :)19:40
DaPenguin!samba >> newbie0119:40
abstraktHRezaei, do you know what root means?19:40
teVilkku: NP19:40
Rogerrthanks Pici, I want to add a shortcut to a program in the terminal, which shall be called moldenogl and the program is /usr/local/lib/moldenogl.linux , what is the command to do this?19:40
acornto te and bront...result is chmod: cannot access "binary"  : no such file or dir..19:40
newbie01DaPenguin,  I have it now what19:41
PiciRogerr: Please ask the channel, not me directly. ;)19:41
RogerrHOK :=19:41
teRogerr: You need to create a symlink?19:41
HRezaeiabstrakt: I think that is something like administrator in windows.19:42
erUSULnewbie01: System>Preferences>Printers. Server>New>Printer19:42
intraderDaPenguin, I get 'fatal server error'19:42
Rogerrlike calling a program from whereever I am in the terminal19:42
DaPenguinnewbie01, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20260519:42
Rogerrwith a name19:42
newbie01DaPenguin,  I worked it out thanks19:42
brontosaurusrexRogerr, alias19:42
HRezaeiabstrakt: or the main folder of a server19:42
brontosaurusrexRogerr, add it to the .bashrc19:42
intraderDaPenguin, the previous version boots fine19:42
teRogerr: You need to add another dir to your path?19:42
`greenlighthow can I auto edit files on /var/www -- I always sudo to edit file(s) under /var/www -- hate it when Im doing on more files19:42
lasha_hey guys I have an emergency, I tried to reconfigure bootsplash and now computer boots from text by default I can not get into the normal mode, I am in failsafex mode right now I barely could figure out what to do, anyone knows of a solution please?19:42
zachhey im new to linux how do i get ride of windows19:42
Rogerrthe dir is existing and has the exe file19:42
RogerrI need to call it from anywhere in the terminal, I think bronto has a point, but how19:43
brontosaurusrexacorn, replace 'binary' with the name of your binary, like googleearth maybe19:43
DaPenguinintrader, hmm, take a look at your xorg.conf and see if anything looks out of the ordinary.19:43
Rogerrwhere is the .baschr19:43
HRezaeiabstrakt: I think these discussions will be off-topic here.19:43
abstraktHRezaei, I don't19:43
brontosaurusrexRogerr, nano ~/.bashrc19:43
DaPenguinintrader, or cat it to a pastebin and link it on the channel19:43
tezach: Fire up parted, delete the MS Windows partitions and expand the linux one(s).19:43
HRezaeiabstrakt: so continue.19:44
abstraktHRezaei, `greenlight, you should both familiarize yourself with setting up a basic web server as detailed by something like this http://rocksolidwebdesign.com/tutorials/guide-on-howto-apt-get-an-ubuntu-server/19:44
vanguardLiferea freezes all the time on the lifehacker feed -- is that normal? And how can I speed things up?19:44
zachdose any one know how i can fully install ubuntu with out a disc or a usb?19:44
DaPenguinintrader, it's located in /etc/X11/ normally19:44
abstraktHRezaei, ubuntu has apache and php and mysql, there's no need for zend server19:44
Rogerrwhat is the syntax to be added?  the executable is /usr/local/lib/moldenogl.linux   and the name to call it is gmolden19:44
abstraktHRezaei, in fact, IMO, using zend server on ubuntu is a *bad* idea19:44
`greenlightthank you abstrakt19:44
intraderDaPenguin, I must log in into the bad one, no network, how do I copy and pastebin?19:45
vanguardzach: maybe netinstall somehow? But you would need some sort of access to the system19:45
llutzzach: you have a running linux on that machine?19:45
acornbront...same result19:45
zachyes and windows19:45
DaPenguinintrader, no network at all?19:45
tucemiuxzach, yeah, you can do it using a server which would be overkill19:45
llutzzach use debootstrap19:45
AxAxis there a cli command that I can use to see network usage? something that gives a plaint output of x kbps or y mpds19:45
zachhow do i do that19:45
brontosaurusrexRogerr, alias may look like: " alias easyfind='find . | grep -i -s -e ' " <- without double quotes19:45
intraderDaPenguin, not on that boot19:45
DaPenguinintrader, hmm19:46
itaylor57AxAx: netstat -s19:46
PolahAxAx: ifstat19:46
itaylor57AxAx: netstat -s19:46
RogerrI shall add this is the bashrc at the very end?19:46
cannonfodderhey you guys...how do i invoke the terminal from a terminal? im making a launcher basically19:46
itaylor57AxAx: netstat -s dotty19:46
brontosaurusrexRogerr, yes19:46
itaylor57can't type today19:46
DaPenguinintrader, see if there's a backup xorg.conf stored in that directory somewhere19:46
cannonfodderhow do i invoke the xubuntu terminal19:46
HRezaeiabstrakt: what is IMO? what is greenlight? do you have any experience with zend server or zend studio?19:46
Rogerrgreat let me try19:47
zachhow do i go about changeing it fully to linux?19:47
vanguardcannonfolder: `terminal &`19:47
lasha_hey guys I have an emergency, I tried to reconfigure bootsplash and now computer boots from text by default I can not get into the normal mode, I am in failsafex mode right now I barely could figure out what to do, anyone knows of a solution please?19:47
HRezaeiabstrakt: why you said that it is bad idea?! what are your reasons?19:47
abstraktHRezaei, `greenlight is a nickname of another user here on this channel19:47
Polahitaylor57, AxAx: ifstat updates with current bandwidth usage every few seconds, netstat just gives it at that time.19:47
tucemiuxcannonfodder, a  "launcher"? like a link to a terminal?19:47
A_JHey all19:47
brontosaurusrexRogerr, after you write your alias and save the new .bashrc, you may want to "restart" it, the command is: . ~/.bashrc19:47
cannonfoddertucemiux exactly...just like a windows shortcut19:47
intraderDaPenguin, what would it look like?19:47
A_Jcan som1 tell me how to force a certain resolution19:48
cannonfodderi just need to command that will launch terminal19:48
itaylor57Polah: yes I was going to retract but I can't seem to type today :>)19:48
cannonfodderanyone know the command to launch a terminal19:48
abstraktHRezaei, other people, more qualified than I am, can and will explain to you why it's not a good idea to use un-packaged software if you can just use the packaged version instead19:48
tucemiuxcannonfodder, where do you want the shortcut? in your desktop or in a panel?19:48
cannonfoddertucemix im doing it thru the xfce panel19:48
teA_J: xrandr19:48
cannonfodderjust need the command19:48
brontosaurusrexcannonfodder, in ubuntu it would be gnome-terminal19:48
A_Jxrandr my resolution ?19:48
intradercannonfodder, from Applications-->Accessories19:48
=== Akkan is now known as HocaEfendi
abstraktHRezaei, sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql19:48
abstraktHRezaei, to put it shortly19:48
cannonfodderbrontosaurusrex thanks man lol19:48
DaPenguinintrader, something like xorg.back or xorg.conf.bak or similar. what I'd do is ls /etc/X11 | grep xorg19:48
lasha_guys how do I set grub2 to default configurations totally ?19:49
Rogerrmust logouut to load the new bashrc?19:49
AxAxnetstat s is still bit too verbose, I want something I can use with "watch"19:49
Polahlasha_: Purge and reinstall?19:49
teA_J: You can't really force a resolution, you can only choose from what is available19:49
lasha_Polah: I dont know commands :(19:49
PolahAxAx: ifstat19:49
tucemiuxcannonfodder,  ahhh... dont know if it works on xfce but in gnome I can just right click the panel, then click "Add to Panel" and look for whatever i want to add, in this case a terminal session19:49
teA_J: xrandr #To see what is available.19:49
A_Jactually Te olathe had helped force one for my moniter19:49
A_Jwas a while back19:49
llutz!pm | zach19:49
ubottuzach: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:49
Polahlasha_: sudo apt-get purge grub2, sudo apt-get install grub2. Assuming the package is just called grub219:49
HRezaeiabstrakt: did you work with zend studio?19:49
intraderDaPenguin, I will look as you suggest19:49
abstraktHRezaei, to put it longly, just go read that link i gave you19:50
zachcould some one pm me and help me out plez19:50
lasha_Polah: ok man thanks !19:50
AxAxI don't have install privs  and don't have ifstat19:50
RogerrBronto, I did insert this line at the end of bashrc alias moldenogl='/usr/local/lib/moldenogl.linux . | grep -i -s -e '19:50
HRezaeiabstrakt: for phpmyadmin?19:50
cannonfodderumm ok gnome-terminal wont work...im in xubuntu....x-terminal?19:50
abstraktHRezaei, I think we already covered this A) don't use zend server, just use the apache that comes with Ubuntu and B) don't use Zend Studio just use vim, or if you must, then use e.g. Netbeans or Eclipse PDT19:50
Rogerrbut nothing happend upon modenogl calling19:50
tucemiuxzach, no PMs -- that is NOT how the channel works19:50
drccannonball: I'd ask in #xubuntu ... They are far more knowledgable about xfce19:50
DaPenguinintrader, there should be an xorg.conf.failsafe listed. you can backup your current xorg.conf and copy the failsafe to xorg.conf, which should at least let you boot into X19:50
A_Jte any clue ?19:50
cannonfodderok thanks19:50
A_J!seen olathe19:51
ubottuI have no seen command19:51
brontosaurusrexRogerr, after you write your alias and save the new .bashrc, you may want to "restart" it, the command is: . ~/.bashrc19:51
tucemiuxcannonfodder,  "gnome-terminal"?!?19:51
drccannonball: Be patient, there is usually someone lurking there, but it may take a little time until the answer19:51
PSN|VegaMananyone good at installing programs on ubuntu?19:51
intraderDaPenguin, only xorg.conf there19:51
A_J!lastspoke olathe19:51
Unknown0BC1_Hi, how do I get rfcomm devices enbled in Ubuntu 10.10 maverick ?19:51
tucemiuxA_J,  this is not #opensourcemusicians19:51
PSN|VegaMani downloaded vmware player but i dunno how to install it19:51
zachits it just me or dose windows suck?19:51
Polahvegaman: Installing is a fairly simply task if you can get programs as packages, what do you want/need to install?19:52
A_Jtucemiux sorry, looking for a member that helped me last time19:52
PSN|VegaManand it's not you zach19:52
PSN|VegaManit's a bundle19:52
HRezaeiabstrakt: then you say that zend studio is an unpackaged software and using it is a bad idea?!!19:52
tucemiuxA_J, ask the guys in #freenode19:52
RogerrBrontO:  root@m-Aspire-5738:~#  ~/.bashrc19:52
Rogerrbash: /root/.bashrc: Permission denied19:52
soreauHow can I add a user to a group from cli? useradd -G group user is giving useradd: user 'user' already exists19:52
A_Jtucemiux perhaps u can help me19:52
DaPenguinintrader, when you run startx what exactly is the output19:52
lasha_GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=nomodeset: not found19:52
PSN|VegaManPolah: i'm trying to install VMWare Player19:52
lasha_lasha@lasha-ThinkPad-T500:~$ sudo update-grub19:52
lasha_/etc/default/grub: 10: splash19:52
lasha_GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=nomodeset: not found19:52
FloodBot3lasha_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:52
lasha_what do i do guys : (?19:52
A_Jneed to force a certian resolutioin19:52
llutzsoreau: sudo adduser user group19:52
PolahVegaman: Could you not get sudo apt-get install vmware-player or whatever?19:52
clarkfischerMan, maverick is taking a dump on me. I did a software update yesterday, and now GDM is segfaulting, flash no longer works, and the gnome file explorer won't open...19:52
soreaullua: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh19:53
tucemiuxA_J, go ahead and ask, if anyone can help you they will surely reply -- all in one line19:53
intraderDaPenguin, first thing I notice is 'server error'19:53
DaPenguinintrader, any more info than that?19:53
soreaullua: Why the hell do they have to have 2354134624367438 programs to change a user groups19:53
PSN|VegaManPolah:  i have no idea what that is... sorry  i'm still pretty new to linux :(19:53
soreauWhy can't there just be one THAT WORKS19:53
llutzsoreau: adduser/usermod works19:53
intraderDaPenguin, just a sec, it is in another room19:53
A_Jok my moniter is a old one has max resoltion of 1280x1024, want to set that.. a while back olathe had helped me do that, via some commands.. I had to format due to some hardware issues..19:54
brontosaurusrexRogerr, i never told you to edit root .bashrc19:54
abstraktHRezaei, well yes i believe zend studio is not packaged for ubuntu19:54
RogerrHow do I find the not-root one?19:54
brontosaurusrexRogerr, 'whoami'19:54
skypcehi, does you have the new liquorix 2.6.38 kernel with brain fuck scheduller for netbooks?19:54
PolahPSN|VegaMan, do "sudo apt-get install vmware" sans quotations; then you just need to configure it19:54
brontosaurusrexRogerr, returns what?19:54
Rogerrfirst root19:55
abstraktHRezaei, the bigger more important point here is that A) zend studio costs money and things like vim/netbeans/eclipse are just as good if not better and they are free19:55
Rogerrthen I go back to my login "m"m19:55
skypcei am trying to compile it but the process fails19:55
Rogerrnow I am m19:55
oasdihi everyone, i have a problem with a trust webcam i own, when i use cheese the video quality is awful, on windows it was supposed (long ago) to be fine but now is just horrible, any thought on this?19:55
abstraktHRezaei, also B) you should learn the basics of setting up a PHP web server with apache, it's easy and then you will know what you are doing19:55
A_Jaby1 ?19:55
A_Jany1* ?19:55
abstraktHRezaei, I can understand why someone would be tempted to use Zend Server CE, but Zend Server is *nothing more* than apache+php19:56
abstraktHRezaei, oh yeah it comes with the Zend Optimizer (which doesn't matter during development and could potentially just get in your way) and the Zend Debugger which is inferior to xdebug ( http://xdebug.org/ )19:56
Rogerrm@m-Aspire-5738:~$ ~/.bashrc19:56
Rogerrbash: /home/m/.bashrc: Permission denied19:56
Rogerras non-root19:57
azizLIGHTShow to tag files and search with tags within ubuntu?19:57
ubottuWe use some common tags for tracking bugs on Launchpad.net See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Tags for common usage.19:57
brontosaurusrexRogerr, use my nick (or the nick of the person you are addressing), type few letters and a tab19:57
acornok GOODNEWS made googleearth work by sudo chmod +x googleearth_6.0.0.1735+0.5.7_i386 !!! Many thanks bront and te19:57
PSN|VegaMani tried sudo apt-get install vmware but is said "unable to locate package"19:57
intraderDaPenguin, lots of output related to nvidia, then 'Fatal Server Error' \n no screens found \n Closing log\n Server error19:58
RogerrI get permission denied whichever bash I edit or whoever I log as on the terminal19:58
genii-aroundRogerr: That's not a file you try to execute. It is looked at when you run bash19:58
abstraktHRezaei, if you ask other people in here and the people on #httpd why I say what I say, I'm sure they will most likely agree with me19:58
brontosaurusrexRogerr, no idea why would you get permission denied on user based files19:58
akernananybody help me with a conky wireless problem?19:58
Rogerrgenii-around, I just edited the file, and wanted to "activate" it19:58
abstraktHRezaei, the other problem is that there are no support channels for zend server here on IRC19:58
abstraktHRezaei, #zftalk does not support zend server, nor do they support zend studio19:59
Rogerrmaybe I shall just logout and log back in?19:59
soreauAlright fine. How do you REMOVE a user from a group?19:59
soreaullutz: ?19:59
genii-aroundRogerr: Then: source ~/.bashrc19:59
brontosaurusrexRogerr, after you write your alias and save the new .bashrc, you may want to "restart" it, the command is: . ~/.bashrc < - this is the 3rd time i paste this19:59
abstraktHRezaei, so you are better off using something that you can get support with19:59
intraderDaPenguin, the previous version boots Ok. How can I make get rid of the bad one?19:59
oasdihi everyone, i have a problem with a trust webcam i own, when i use cheese the video quality is awful, on windows it was supposed (long ago) to be fine but now is just horrible, any thought on this?19:59
skypcehi, do you have the new liquorix 2.6.38 kernel with brain fuck scheduller for netbooks?give me a link please19:59
DaPenguinintrader, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202605, that's a failsafe xorg.conf, run 'sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.back' then replace the existing xorg.conf with that19:59
Rogerrsource worked geniii!19:59
PSN|VegaMandoes anyone know how to get sudo apt-get install to find a program to install?19:59
llutzsoreau: man usermod20:00
DaPenguinintrader, sorry, http://pastebin.com/T2ZZ9sDg is the config file20:00
Socky_Hey guys, My Ubuntu us always displaying the wrong time.  I have chosen the location under clock preferences for Baltimore , and then I set the correct time, but each time i reboot it resets back to 3 hours behind (PST)  but it still says Newyork / Baltimore.  Any ideas?20:00
brontosaurusrexPSN|VegaMan, apt-cache search thingy20:00
intraderDaPenguin, no network on that boot20:00
HRezaeiabstrakt:I have installed vim. does it have debugging projects and profiling?! Zend studio need's zendserver to do debugs and ...20:00
OerHeksSocky_, edit your bios time20:00
RogerrBronto and genii, it worked, but the alias line needs something: I get this message upon calling the program:20:01
DaPenguinintrader, if you look at the config file you should be able to hand copy it, it's relatively small20:01
Rogerrgrep: option requires an argument -- 'e'20:01
RogerrUsage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]..20:01
Socky_Its a VM, and my host machine, and other client machines are all set to the right timel20:01
phsoftnethey everyone. in ubuntu, firefox always opens downloaded files with the prefered application (evince for pdf files for example). i just built firefox-4 and it doesnt do that by default. how can you set it to open everything using xdg-open ?20:01
azizLIGHTShow to tag files and search with tags within ubuntu?20:01
Unknown0BC1_Hi, how do I enable rfcomm devices in Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick. ( they are missing by default )20:01
cannonballdrc: that was cannonfodder asking, not cannonball :-)  Hopefully he saw it.20:01
DaPenguinintrader, it's running into issues with the way your nvidia card is configured is what I'm guessing20:01
drccannonball: he did...sorry, I <looked> at the tab completion, but evidently saw what I wanted20:02
llutzsoreau: man deluser20:02
brontosaurusrexRogerr, would your command work when run directly ?20:02
soreaullutz: You can't man here, what are you doing?20:02
A_Jcan som1 help me install firefox 4, please.. i have downloaded the tar file in the downloads directory20:02
abstraktHRezaei, http://xdebug.org/ is far better than Zend Debugger20:02
soreaullutz: This is #ubuntu, you can't even say google it20:02
Rogerrgood point20:02
soreaullutz: This is not ##linux20:03
PSN|VegaManbrontosaurusrex: i still get the error E: Unable to locate package VMware-Player-3.1.3-324285.x86_64.bundle20:03
llutzsoreau: i could, but then you'll always ask how to do this and that and never learn it yourself20:03
soreaullutz: I'm making notes to put it in t a file20:03
llutzsoreau: so note: reading man-pages is essential20:03
soreaullutz: My brain does not retain information well, my notes do. Also, I have problems reading20:03
PSN|VegaManbrontosaurusrex: and this error E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'VMware-Player-3.1.3-324285.x86_64.bundle'20:03
DaPenguinllutz, i've always like lmgtfy.com for these channels20:03
HRezaeiabstrakt: can I use it in an IDE? is vim your IDE?20:03
brontosaurusrexPSN|VegaMan, apt-cache search wmware <- would return something? (i doubt it)20:03
* zs1otb enter and greet everybody.. Hi all...20:04
acornhow can I change dual boot menu to present windows7 first, Then ubuntu?20:04
intraderDaPenguin, what about going back to previous '' which boots Ok20:04
PSN|VegaMandoesnt look like anything happened brontosaurusrex20:04
brontosaurusrexPSN|VegaMan, i think virtualbox is in the repos if that is of any help20:04
A_Jsom1 help me install firefox 4 from a tar file please20:04
llutzDaPenguin: different thing. most linux-basics have man-pages as documentation. reading it should be 1st thing an admin learns20:04
BabyGirldo i need aditional libraries to avoid errors while taggin songs with rythmbox20:04
PSN|VegaManbrontosaurusrex:  i have no idea what that means20:04
OerHeksPSN|VegaMan, error E is double entry to software channel, do you have synaptic also openend  ?20:04
brontosaurusrexPSN|VegaMan, then your next bet is to find a ppa for wmware20:04
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DaPenguinllutz, agreed, first thing i do when trying to learn syntax on a new cmd20:05
brontosaurusrexPSN|VegaMan, what are you trying to virtualize?20:05
PSN|VegaManOerHeks: i do not20:05
PSN|VegaManand i dunno brontosaurusrex20:05
drcA_J: Here's a better way, unless you NEED to use a tarball  http://www.webupd8.org/2011/03/install-firefox-4-in-ubuntu-1004-1010.html20:05
RogerrBronto: If I run /usr/local/lib/moldenogl.linux  in my /home/ directory it works, if I run /usr/local/lib/moldenogl.linux from anywhere else, it doesnt20:05
PSN|VegaManbrontosaurusrex: i'm just trying to follow the instructions to get ggpo to work on my computer20:05
A_Jthank you drc checking now20:06
DaPenguinintrader, the issue is with your xorg.conf file. even reverting to a previous version doesn't guarantee it will work20:06
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:06
zs1otbAnyone knows how to update the firefox (Ubuntu-build) when it informs you that there is an upgrade. I tried to click on the install button, but I have discovered that I do not have rights to install directly via Firefox.. Any ideas...20:06
zachi really need help idk waht im doing some one pm me to help plez20:06
mavenslayerHelp need with installing MMORPG's like World of War Craft and Lord of the Rings20:06
intraderDaPenguin, what about going back to that version - it boots ok20:06
BabyGirlhttp://imagebin.org/144899  i get this error while tagginng songs20:07
dustin_anyone know a GUI script that allows you to manage programs "IN ROOT"?20:07
DaPenguinmavenslayer, look into wine, I know it runs WoW ok.20:07
dustin_i need the name of it if possible20:07
llutz!pm | zach i already told you this. _i_ don't accept pms20:07
ubottuzach i already told you this. _i_ don't accept pms: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.20:07
ajfOn ubuntu server, there's no ~/.ssh folder - where do I put my key?20:08
mavenslayeri tried wine.. but when i try to connect to battle.net it won't connect :(20:08
DaPenguinintrader, you could try purging and reinstalling your nvidia drivers, that might do the trick20:08
RogerrBronto, it works if I run the whole command /usr/local/lib/moldenogl.linux from anywhere, but not if I use the alias, then I get that message20:08
A_Jmavenslayer u trying which game WarIII ?20:08
zs1otbAnyone knows how to update the firefox (Ubuntu-build) when it informs you that there is an upgrade. I tried to click on the install button, but I have discovered that I do not have rights to install directly via Firefox.. Any ideas...20:08
Thomas_Andersonhi thre20:08
mavenslayerA_J yep20:08
PSN|VegaManbrontosaurusrex: or OerHeks i'm trying to follow these instructions: http://paste.ubuntu.com/585581/20:08
alsunazs1otb: how have you installed firefox?20:08
zachi cant figur out how to remove windows plez help20:09
intraderDaPenguin, how do I do this without network.20:09
gratnam11how can i find out what my what port opevn server is listening on20:09
abstraktHRezaei, I'll discuss the vim IDE thing more in #vim if you like, it's off topic here20:09
DaPenguinmavenslayer, that's an issue with wine networking, ask in #wine maybe20:09
zs1otbusing the how to for the Ubuntuzilla build install20:09
needlezhi, ok need really bad help, for some reason when I tried to use plymouth manager to change my plymouth screen it killed grub, my grub only shows recv images no actual images even though I've checked in synaptic and the images are present according to the system.20:09
mavenslayeryep will try on wine20:09
A_Jthanks drc worked like a charm <320:09
zs1otbevery now and again FF sends a notice (pop-up) that there is an update... but it never runs, just sits there20:10
intraderDaPenguin, version 2.6.35-28 is the bad one, 2.6.25-27 boots Ok. How do I make it the default?20:10
drcA_J: No problem20:10
zachcan any one help me20:10
A_Jdrc perhaps you can help me with a Resolution force change, xrandr doesnt work20:10
A_Jzach good question20:10
acornzach do you want to kill the windows operating system?20:11
bjornredtail1I got a question about Ubuntu's configuration of the default gnome profile. By default, are the gnome panels part of the user configuration?20:11
DaPenguinintrader, if you're talking about the kernel image, you have to edit grub.conf20:11
drcA_J: No knowledge of that, sorry20:11
bjornredtail1That is to say, are they NOT part of the system-wide configuration20:11
A_Jok Drc nvm20:11
DaPenguinor is it still menu.lst on ubuntu20:11
A_Jperhaps anyone else ?20:11
zachacorn yes20:11
brontosaurusrexbjornredtail1, yes, they are user related20:11
intraderDaPenguin, I do that in the image that boots OK, or int the one that boots bad20:11
Stereocaulonupdate of Ubuntu 10.10 takes forever. /var/log/dpkg.log: 2011-03-25 19:09:27 status half-installed libdbus-1-dev 1.4.0-0ubuntu1.120:12
acornzach then maybe a complete re-install of any onter sys will do..20:12
bjornredtail1Well, I know that the user CAN overwrite them. I'm trying to edit /etc/gconf/path to get gnome to ignore user settings20:12
zachacorn i have it as a dual boot20:12
zs1otbzach - are you running ubunut on another partition?20:12
intraderDaPenguin, I will compare - hang on - in next room - no network20:13
zachyes i have windows as my main and ubuntu as my second20:13
Hedgehog456does the package unity work on maverick desktop?20:13
acornzach me too..only complaint I have is ubuntu is default..I want win7 as default for wife.20:13
bjornredtail1When I comment out the lines in section #2 of that file that read from the user's home directory the gnome pannels do not show up20:13
zs1otbzach - and you want to get rid of windows and then have ubuntu as main system?20:13
zachi dont want windows at all20:13
itali-chanplease, help! My touchpad don't run... an di don't know why20:14
bjornredtail1Although, the default background still appears20:14
A_Jzach please dont chat here go to #ubuntu-chat for that20:14
soreauGuys, jackd was running just fine with qjackctl and all of the sudden, when I went to restart it, now it's saying it can't start because of this realtime crap. It was running just fine in realtime mode until I went to restart it and it just stopeed20:14
soreaunow it's broken20:14
soreauI reinstalled jack/jackd and it's still a big problem20:14
A_Jso any1 can assist me here, with a resolution force change ?20:14
drczach: The easiest way (for a beginner) is to re-install, using the whole/total hhd option20:15
Barnabassoreau, try to nuke any config files20:15
intraderDaPenguin, where is grub.conf?20:15
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zachhow do i get to ubuntu chat20:15
drczach: /j #ubuntu-offtopic20:15
itali-chanplease, help20:16
Hedgehog456does the package unity work on maverick desktop?#20:16
XuMuKhi there20:16
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Hedgehog456!info unity20:16
ubottuunity (source: unity): Unity Interface for Ubuntu Netbook Edition. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.46-0ubuntu5 (maverick), package size 125 kB, installed size 484 kB20:16
A_J!info resolution change20:16
ubottu'change' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable20:16
DaPenguinintrader, sorry, i'm a little behind the times, its under /boot/grub/grub.cfg. try sudo nano /boot/grub/grub.cfg and comment out the 35-28 sections (# comments in a config file)20:17
guitar431hallo <320:17
needlezok so i looked in /boot/grub/ and I have no menu.lst file how can I fix this??20:17
kiwadHi, i'm trying to write some bash scripts on Notepad++ than I'm sending them on my server through filezilla but for this script : #!/bin/bash echo toto exit  I get : not found: 1: #!/bin/bash ... Is it the way it's encoded in notepad++ ?  What should I do ?20:17
intraderDaPenguin, is sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst-backup reasonable20:17
brontosaurusrexHedgehog456, i think so, but don't install it out of curiosity20:17
DaPenguinintrader, yes, that would be a good idea to make a backup of it20:17
therealgalenI am trying to help a friend with his Ubuntu system; something happened which causes the system to fail to find the root device, and I get put into busybox. What's the fastest way to re-align the root disk with busybox?20:17
intraderDaPenguin, thanks I will do that. By the way I must be gone for 1/2 hour. Thanks for help20:18
DaPenguintherealgalen, load up a live cd, chroot into the hdd root system and sudo update-grub20:18
DaPenguinintrader, np20:19
`greenlightIm connected to the internet via USB stick mobile broadband connection and installed Ubuntu 10.10 with apache, mysql thru LAMP. How can I broadcast my localhost to the web, like when someone will go to my IP will be directly view my localhost site?20:19
kiwadKiwad : encode it in ansi (seems to work...)20:19
therealgalenDaPenguin: the system is physically configured such that i can't easily use a boot cd, but i can pull the boot disk and throw it onto another ubuntu system20:19
DaPenguintherealgalen, best bet is to try and chroot into the root file system on the hdd and run an update-grub20:20
brontosaurusrex`greenlight, http://www.whatismyip.com/20:21
needlezsome one please post your menu.lst file so I can see it so I can rewrite mine... mine was eaten20:21
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erUSULneedlez: what version of ubuntu ? there is no manu.lst in the latest ones20:21
DaPenguinneedlez, you can do an update-grub to auto create one20:21
`greenlightyup brontosaurusrex , when someone try to go to my IP, they should see my localhost20:21
erUSUL!grub2 | needlez20:21
ubottuneedlez: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub220:21
brontosaurusrex`greenlight, yes20:21
erUSULneedlez: no manu.lst in 10.1020:22
therealgalenDaPenguin: what do you want me to do with chroot? i have the disk on another ubuntu system20:22
`greenlightbut my question is how can someone from the internet view my localhost20:22
erUSULneedlez: see the docs on grub220:22
therealgalenDaPenguin: I'm currently in as root and my working directory is the root of the disk having issues20:22
brontosaurusrex`greenlight, i dont understand your question20:22
needlezoh, darn, ok then any idea why grub2 doesn't display my kernel images but displays recovery images??20:22
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.20:22
Hedgehog456!hoary > Hedgehog45620:23
ubottuHedgehog456, please see my private message20:23
DaPenguintherealgalen, chroot <mountpoint of problem hdd>, sudo update-grub20:23
alsuna`greenlight: you need a DNS pointing to your IP, and configure your router/firewall to let traffic through to you20:23
therealgalenDaPenguin: the problem disk, or the partition?20:23
`greenlightalsuna, thank you20:24
DaPenguintherealgalen, the partition20:24
alsuna`greenlight: or if you don't want a URL you just need to reconfigure your router/firewall20:24
`greenlightalsuna, yeah, is it possible thru my current connectio:  usb mobile broadband  ?20:24
brontosaurusrex`greenlight, alsuna you don't need a DNS with numerical ip adress as host, that comes with named hosts20:25
bodhisatvawhere can i find the .vimrc file in ubuntu?20:26
A_Jcan som1 tell me how i can add a resolution 1280x1024,for my screen20:26
therealgalenDaPenguin: I am root, and I did chroot /media/7dd... then update-grub and it told me that it cannot find a device for /20:26
brontosaurusrex`greenlight, did you try to enter your ip into the browser?20:26
`greenlightyup brontosaurusrex , but it can't connect to me20:26
`greenlightyup brontosaurusrex , but it can't connect to my localhost20:26
therealgalenDaPenguin: what do i do now?20:26
DaPenguintherealgalen, hmm, check out what /boot/grub/grub.cfg looks like20:27
needlezok, sorry back20:27
`greenlightI don't have a router here, im using usb broadband20:27
A_J`greenlight look at my question ?20:27
needlezanyone got any ideas before I rebooted?? my grub displays only recv images but the regular images are installed. This happened when I was using plymouth manager to change plymouth's splash screen. Any way to fix??20:28
alsuna`greenlight: you need to reconfigure your firewall. i'm not sure but there should be some sort of protection in a mobile broadband modem...20:28
therealgalenDaPenguin: I can see it, but it's not very sueful....20:28
`greenlightwhat question A_J20:28
A_Jcan som1 tell me how i can add a resolution 1280x1024,for my screen20:29
DaPenguintherealgalen, check out what partiton it's trying to boot the kernel image from20:29
lrussellanyone here ever hear of Knoppix?20:29
`greenlightalsuna, oh.. maybe it's in the restrictions of the usb net provider20:29
therealgalenDaPenguin: it's just UUIDs and stuff like hd0,120:30
lrussellanyone here ever hear of Knoppix? i need to know if it takes the same software as ubuntu?20:30
andreylhello people20:30
drclrussell: yes and no20:30
andreylI'm trying to follow this tutorial http://nixcraft.com/getting-started-tutorials/170-run-remote-x-applications-over-network-using-ssh.html20:30
alsuna`greenlight, do you not have an interface to configure anything for your connection20:30
DaPenguintherealgalen, ok, hd0,1 means it's trying to boot from the 2nd partiton on the 1st hdd20:30
`greenlightin ubuntu nope20:30
stbainlrussell, yes, Knoppix I have heard of Knoppix. It can run some of the same software, but it is not really designed to run addon software20:30
therealgalenDaPenguin: everything looks OK, i just think the UUID is screwed up somehow20:31
andreyland when I get ti the second step it just say's can't open display20:31
DaPenguintherealgalen, very possibly20:31
therealgalenDaPenguin: i'm just not sure how to fix it without fueling a bigger problem20:31
`greenlightalsuna, just in the network connections20:31
`greenlightalsuna, under Mobile Broadband Tab20:31
digiraki am having some trouble with open office20:31
digirakany idea which room i could go to?20:32
lrussellstbain, check ur pm20:32
rayleeDoes anyone use webcam studios20:32
rayleei need help20:32
DaPenguintherealgalen, do any of the previous kernels boot?20:32
erUSULdigirak: /msg alis list *openoffice*20:32
skullboyhow do i set a variable to be the text in the fist line of a document20:32
therealgalenDaPenguin: I do not get past busybox.20:33
DaPenguintherealgalen, gotcha20:33
erUSULskullboy: documentn == a text file?20:33
A_Jhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=493314 this one doesnt work, forced me to format last time around20:33
skullboyerUSUL: yes a text file im writeing a bash script20:34
hkjggcan u help me?20:34
alsuna`greenlight, your current problem is that any requests from the outside are blocked. if you had a router then the firewall built into the router would block that request. as you don't have a firewall in your router, there must be a firewall somewhere in your mobile connection20:34
erUSULskullboy: echo "$var" | cat - file > newfile20:34
wlosioHow to change mount patch from ~/virtual-drivers/ to /media in AcetoneISO ?20:34
erUSULskullboy: that's one way20:34
`greenlightalsuna, okay, will check on it. thanks20:34
hkjgghoe i get hw driver for my macbook pro20:35
lrussellstbain: hello?20:35
alsuna`greenlight, you need to find and reconfigure that firewall. however i cant help you with that20:35
therealgalenDaPenguin: i'm kinda stuck here, the UUID in the grub.cfg file is right20:35
therealgalenI sometimes wonder why I can't just tell Linux to fucking boot...20:35
lrussellanyone here ever hear of Knoppix? i need to know if it takes the same software as ubuntu?20:35
AJMetal87Would anyone be kind enough to assist a linux nub getting java installed and running on ubuntu?20:35
drclrussell: yes and no20:35
skullboyerUSUL: i want the var to eqal the first line of the text file20:35
therealgalenOr why there isn't just a "Fix Installation" button one could push....20:35
`greenlightalsuna, it's fine. thanks for the inputs anyways. at least I know now where to start20:36
erUSUL!java | AJMetal8720:36
ubottuAJMetal87: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.20:36
erUSULskullboy: so you want to replace the first line with the contents of the var?20:36
DaPenguintherealgalen, maybe try with the noacpi option, if that doesn't help try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81114520:36
A_Jhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=493314 <-- This is old, can any1 tell me how to do this in 10.1020:36
skullboyerUSUL: no i want the var to be the first line20:36
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therealgalenDaPenguin: I found the problem, when I run a grub-update it fails because the disk (/dev/sdb) is not mounted in /dev when i have chroot active20:37
lrusselldrc: check pm20:37
Jon--I'd like to run cat /dev/urandom > /dev/snd as a joke. Is this safe?20:37
DaPenguintherealgalen, hmm, ok20:37
erUSULskullboy: i told you how20:38
anshwhere does opera 11 stores the cached video files in ubuntu 10.10??20:38
skullboyerUSUL: for example echo text $var20:38
therealgalenDaPenguin: isn't there a way to tell grub update to not run on the root disk, without chroot?20:38
erUSULskullboy: echo "$var" | cat - file > newfile20:38
therealgalenit can't find the root device so it's quite confused20:38
Dciteskullboy: VARNAME=$(head -n 1 filename)20:38
DaPenguintherealgalen, honestly, that I'm not sure of, never really run into that many issues with grub20:38
\x90hi all20:39
Jon--I'd like to run cat /dev/urandom > /dev/snd as a joke. Is this safe?20:39
zertyuihello there20:39
Jon--Besides crashing my driver, potentially.20:39
\x90who can tell me how to hide my ip address? cloack? how to do20:39
erUSUL\x90: ask for one politely in #freenode20:39
DaPenguin\x90, try a proxy20:39
therealgalenHello, does anybody know how to get update-grub to run on a non-boot disk?20:39
drc\x90: /j #freenode and ask there20:39
anshwhere does opera 11 stores the cached video files in ubuntu 10.10??20:41
Dciteskullboy: You fell silent, is it solved?20:41
soreauWhat does this .disabled mean? /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf.disabled20:41
erUSULsoreau: it is not taken into account ?20:42
Dcitesoreau: That file is probably not in use20:42
A_Jwhats wrong with this command20:42
A_Jxrandr --addmode VGA-0 "1280x1024_60.00"20:42
erUSULA_J: does not look like a valid modeline20:42
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A_JerUSUL perhaps u can correct them20:43
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erUSULA_J: « cvt 1280 1024 60.00 » gives --> Modeline "1280x1024_60.00"  109.00  1280 1368 1496 1712  1024 1027 1034 1063 -hsync +vsync20:43
erUSUL!fixres | A_J20:43
ubottuA_J: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution20:43
NeedSomeHelpHi, why does it say file is write-protected when I try to edit some files in www/ ? I have set permissions to 755 and owner to me20:43
zertyuii got this error with20:43
therealgaleni'm starting to think there's a hardware problem? the system doesn't seem to want to boot from the external USB CD-ROM drive and the internal drive has failed20:43
A_JerUSUL see here please20:44
zertyuiwith postfix20:44
DaPenguintherealgalen, that could be an issue with the boot order in the bios20:44
A_JerUSUL using this tread as a Refrence :20:44
therealgalenDaPenguin: i have no devices attached except the USB CD-ROM drive20:44
DciteNeedSomeHelp: The directory or the files?20:44
soreauWhat does this .disabled mean? /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf.disabled20:45
zertyuiwhat's wrong ?20:45
DaPenguintherealgalen, some bios configs don't allow for booting from external devices20:45
NeedSomeHelpDcite, I can't edit files within the directory20:45
therealgalenDaPenguin: the BIOS lists numerous external USB boot options20:45
DaPenguintherealgalen, hmm20:45
NeedSomeHelpDcite, have set www and all subfolders/file to 75520:45
erUSULA_J: and it is not working?20:46
DciteNeedSomeHelp: Can you create a file in that place?20:46
erUSULA_J: are you sure you are using the correct output?20:46
DaPenguintherealgalen, just make sure the boot priority has the external device first, otherwise it may very well be a hardware issue20:46
therealgalenDaPenguin: i am thinking the latter20:46
therealgalenI can't find anything wrong with the grub configuration, the UUID is right...20:47
A_JerUSUL i'm sure, it's givin error that VGA-0 is not found20:47
DaPenguintherealgalen, ou could try changing from the uuid to the actual device as in /dev/sda1 or whatever it's on20:47
XiX_flip why do you keep pming me ???DCC SEND "START KEYLOGGER" 0 0 0"20:47
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.20:47
alsunaA_J: try VGA120:48
erUSULA_J: huh? if VGA-0 is not found then you are not using the correct output ...20:48
mcl0vinanyone here uses GNS3 with Ubuntu20:48
NeedSomeHelpDcite, nm, got it fixed20:48
A_Jxrandr: cannot find output "VGA-1"20:48
erUSULA_J: is a desktop or a laptop? if it is desktop how is the monitor connected?20:48
AJMetal87After following the directions for java installation as stated in http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc for 10.10 when i input the final command in the terminal (sudo update-alternatives --config java) it states there is nothing to configure and java is not yet working in firefox. I understand this is a basic process but im still struggling with it. What exactly am I missing?20:48
A_JerUSUL it's a desktop moniter20:48
alsunaA_J if you just run xrandr it tells you about your monitors20:49
alsunaA_J it'll show you your VGA monitor's name20:49
A_Jmy mode is not listed alsuna, i want 1280x102420:49
erUSULA_J: and the connector? is vga or dvi? hdmi? something else?20:49
A_JVga erUSUL20:50
A_JerUSUL som1 here had helped a while back, don't remember the commands20:50
lisandrosHello all, i have a problem with my graphic drivers, can someone help me?20:50
alsunaA_J i got that part. the second line should start with the name of the monitor. btw i said VGA1 not VGA-120:50
erUSULA_J: what driver are you using ? intel? ati?20:50
pushpop-Whats the best way to remote your Ubuntu Desktop from a remote location.  Is there anything like logmein.com for ubuntu?20:51
ZULOHi all20:51
DaPenguinpushpop-, rdesktop?20:51
A_JerUSUL these are onboard GFX, so no drivers20:51
greyhatsalafianyone here know when natty will get the new paid games?20:51
opiate_I know the answer (sort of) to this one, but are both KDE and GNOME interchangeable including programs?20:51
jon___i've been having a problem with ubuntu ever since the recent update20:51
pushpop-DaPenguin, nothing else just that and vnc?20:52
erUSULA_J: intel or ati?20:52
DaPenguinpushpop-, as far as I'm aware20:52
A_Jinetl erUSUL20:52
jon___ubuntu has been restarting automatically on me after the update20:52
A_Jalsuna used VGA-1 Only20:52
erUSULA_J: then it should be only "VGA"20:52
erUSULnot VGA-0 or VGA120:53
A_JerUSUL ok trying20:53
A_JerUSUL shd i use this command too ?20:53
A_J$ xrandr --newmode "1280x1024_60.00" 108.88 1280 1360 1496 1712 1024 1025 1028 1060 -HSync +Vsync20:53
erUSULA_J: it should be already added but i wont hurt to re-run it20:54
A_Jkk erUSUL20:54
A_Jxrandr: cannot find output "VGA"20:54
jon___can someone plx help me with my restarting problem?20:55
alsunaA_J: have you tried running xrandr with no parameters? it will tell you your current state incl. the name. we could stop guessing then20:55
A_Jkk alsuna20:55
intraderjon___, since last update It does not boot to GUI, X fails20:55
jon___so, what, what can i do to fix the problem?20:56
dustin_anyone around right now ?20:56
erUSULA_J: VGA1 without the - ?20:56
dustin_my question is : what program can you use for doing things in GUI enviroment while being root? need the name of it if someone has time to explaing to me the name of the program i forgot20:57
alsunaA_J then try VGA1 as the name. as far as i'm aware you didn't try that yet20:57
A_Jyes that seemed to work alsuna20:58
A_Jwill this option be avialble when i reboot ?20:58
jon___i don't think u can use the root in the GUI, it's really only works in the terminal, as far as i know20:58
intraderjon___, I am going back to previous version by removing the last kernel version from boot.conf. But be sure to make a backup20:59
bazhangjon___, not root sudo20:59
bazhangjon___, its gksudo for graphical apps20:59
jon___i use the su command to get into root20:59
alsunaA_J: i'm not sure. on 10.04 I had the problem that it didn't. to be on the safe side: save your commands into a script and if it's not available after reboot, just run the script.20:59
intraderjon___, do you have a GUI?20:59
A_Jalone sec btb21:00
jon___i do have GUI21:00
^MikeHow can I play files served on my local network by Mediatomb?21:00
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K1ngany one uses freelancer.com here?21:00
A_Jhow should i make a script ? alsuna21:00
dustin_jon its some kind of program that allows root, can't remember the name of it21:01
A_Jand how can i modify this command21:01
A_Jxrandr --output VGA-mode "1280x1024_60.00"21:01
jon___i can use root in terminal21:01
crankharderhow do I get to the bash prompt -- the boot process is going stragith from the bios to ubuntu's purple screen21:01
jon___by typing $ sudo passwd21:01
jon___and it let's me set a root pw21:01
macocrankharder: ctrl+alt+f121:02
bazhangjon___, dont do that21:02
jon___then i type $ su21:02
bazhang!noroot > jon___21:02
ubottujon___, please see my private message21:02
macojon___: all you need to get a root shell is "sudo -i"21:02
bazhangjon___, use sudo -i for a root shell21:02
macojon___: could use "sudo -s" if you didnt want root's environment, but thats fairly uncommn21:02
crankhardermaco: that dropped me to a terminal, i need bash21:02
A_Jalsuna are u here ?21:02
macocrankharder: log in and you'll be at bash21:02
alsunaA_J, what do you want to change? the procedure is always the same: create new mode, add mode, apply mode21:02
intraderjon___, just do 'sudo -i' as baxhang says21:02
jon___i've bein using $ su to access the root for a while21:03
bazhangjon___, that is NOT the way to do it21:03
crankhardermaco: trying to recover my password ;)21:03
macodustin_: to open a gui app as the superuser, preface the app's command with "gksudo" such as:   "gksudo nautilus"21:03
A_Ju were saying a script so i can use it during startup, like .bat files in windows21:03
dustin_so anyone got any ideas then?21:03
jon___but it has worked21:03
A_Jhow can i make that ?21:03
macocrankharder: ahhh then boot to recovery mode :)21:03
dustin_thats it maco21:03
crankhardermaco: ...right, but i can't get to the bash terminal21:03
tanyBon...mon client merde je vois rien....désolé....21:04
alsunaA_J exactly. this here does it all: http://pastebin.com/sKPtDgPW21:04
dustin_i tried useing dolphin to access it didnt work either 1min21:04
macocrankharder: recovery mode should ask "do you want a root shell?" among other things. highlight that one and hit enter21:04
jon___y should i not use $ su to use the root?21:04
macodustin_: oh, kde? kdesu then21:04
macojon___: the root account was locked for security reasons21:04
crankhardermaco: dude, i don't have that option -- it goes straight from the BIOS to ubuntu's purple loading screen.. there's no bash menu21:04
macojon___: by setting a password, you unlocked it21:04
jon___i changed the pw on it21:04
A_Jalsuna shd i run that in the terminal ?21:05
macocrankharder: OH you mean there's no GRUB menu21:05
jon___so i can use it21:05
dustin_im useing gnome maco. i tried gksudo didnt work21:05
macocrankharder: hold down shift21:05
crankhardermaco: yes, sorry21:05
nickalsGood Afternoon! How is everyone?21:05
macojon___: by default it has no password. it is locked. you unlocked it. ubuntu's security model is based on it staying locked21:05
jon___yes, y is it bad i unlocked it?21:05
alsunaA_J, nope. you paste that into a textfile and save as screenres.sh, then run in a terminal using ./screenres.sh21:05
lemonchickenftlanyone use s3 for storage?21:05
crankhardermaco: thanx! :)21:06
macojon___: because if the password is locked, it cant be brute forced. and if you use sudo, this is recorded to the audit log. if something is done in a "su" shell, there is no recording of what happened so no diagnostics if something goes wrong / someone gains access wrongly21:06
Polahjon___, because now people can access it and would have root access21:06
cricidoi have a little problem21:06
macodustin_:  did "gksudo dolphin" ask for your sudo password?21:06
alsunaA_J, but play with it for a bit. if your resolution is lost after a reboot, try the last line. if that works, you won't need the other ones21:06
Polahjon__: Like maco said, sudo is recorded and you can use it to do root things anyway; you never really need access to the root account in general use21:06
dustin_nope still didn't work i got that nexulis or whatever but no luck21:07
A_Jkk alsuna thank you for your help21:07
jon___so, sudo can do whatever su can do?21:07
alsunaA_J if it doesn't, you need the other lines as well. oh and the #!/bin/bash line is needed no matter what21:07
macojon___: for the first user by default, yes21:07
jon___oh, i see21:07
A_Ji'm really grateful alsuna thank you21:07
Polahjon__: Yes, it's SUperuser DO. You can remove the root password with "passwd -l root"21:07
macojon___: of course, you could configure /etc/sudoers to allow, say, your kid to do software installation tasks (install updates, add games) but not to touch anything else that'd require root access21:08
Polahmaco: Isn't it for people flagged as administrators21:08
cricidoi have installed webmin on my ubuntu but i didn't disable user root and now i havent password for enter at webmin anyone can help me ?21:08
A_JerUSUL thanks too, and alsuna thank you..21:08
macoPolah: the default config...21:08
A_Jgreets all21:08
jon___i havn't really done much in su21:08
macoPolah: you can set it up though so that you give a whitelist of users a whitelist of tasks they can perform21:08
macoPolah: sudo is much more flexible than just handing out a root password is21:08
jon___i've already set the root pw, though21:09
macojon___: passwd -l root     <-- relocks it21:09
Polahjon__: I just told you how to remove it. passwd -l root21:09
jon___i see21:09
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A_Janyway me off, ty people for all your help21:10
cricidook it 's all right21:10
jon___passwd: permission denied21:10
intraderjon___, have you changed your root password?21:10
Picijon___: you need to run that with sudo21:11
jon___ok, that was the last time i used su21:11
coz_Daniel0108,  hey guy21:11
jon___to remove the pw21:11
Daniel0108hi coz_ :)21:12
jon___and relock su21:12
jon___now how do i get into sudo21:12
intraderjon___, for example say `sudo mkdir 'foo'` will prompt for your password then do mkdir as root.21:12
Danielcg25How much should I set my swap partition to?21:12
Danielcg25How big should it be?21:12
jon___what would thar specific command do?21:12
coz_Danielcg25,  same memory or twice memory,,, I think there are different takes on this however21:13
dustin_uhh i ran my clamv engine and it says in terminal that its outdated anyone know how to update the program in question? from the terminal21:13
macojon___: put "sudo" before any command you want to run as the superuser21:13
Danielcg25coz_: Well, I set it to 8GB, I have 2GB of RAM =P21:13
genii-aroundDanielcg25: There is a good guide here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq#How%20much%20swap%20do%20I%20need?21:13
intraderjon___, includint the 'relock su' command!21:13
coz_Danielcg25,  that sounds reasonable...but if you want to check for sure  google   ubuntu swap size21:14
Mutante1where can i ask for help?21:14
jon___ya, i already relocked su, using su21:14
coz_Mutante1,  what is the problem?21:14
jon___that was the last command used in su21:14
ubottuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se21:14
Polahcoz_, Danielcg25: If you've got 2GB of RAM I'd recommend setting it to 2 or 4, if you've got more than 2GB setting it to just 2GB would do. It really depends on what you use your computer for; video encoding/high resolution image editing and high end gaming require a lot of RAM everything else not so much21:14
Danielcg25Thanks, I'll probably be upgrading to 4GB RAM soon so I didn't want to have to reconfigure my partitions when I did :)21:15
Mutante1i want to format a usb memory21:15
coz_Polah,  yes21:15
PolahDanielcg25: Make sure you're running 64-bit21:15
Mutante1but i dont know how...21:15
jon___i only got 2 GB of ram21:15
Danielcg25Yes I am :)21:15
coz_Daniel0108,  what type of things do you do on your system?21:16
dustin_thanks for all your folks help21:16
Daniel0108coz_: programming, lol :D21:16
DotNetAny suggestions about how you an backup or clone the partition Ubunutu is installed on`?21:16
PolahCoz_: you mean danielcg, name autocomplete is a pain sometimes21:16
coz_Daniel0108,  ah  probably dont need a massive swap file then  double the size of your memory should do it21:16
coz_Polah,  oh boy21:16
PolahDotNet: You want to make an image of your drive?21:17
coz_Daniel0108,  sorry guy I meant  Danielcg25  :)21:17
bfrogdebian packaging is really time consuming, already missing my arch PKGBUILD files21:17
Danielcg25Does Xcode run on Linux or only Mac?21:17
Daniel0108okay :P21:17
Daniel0108another daniel ^^21:17
DotNetPolah: Yes, like ghost21:17
nickalsgood bye everyone, girls here21:18
coz_Danielcg25,   mainly mac    eclipse may be a good alternative21:18
PolahDotNet: Check out Ghost for Linux or Clonezilla?21:18
alsunacoz_: you're mixing up daniels again21:19
DotNetok POlah21:19
Dwade09hey guys how can i use a linux live cd to remove a user login password on a windows 7 desktop? i tried safe mode but i forgot the password to enter into safe mode as well.21:19
PolahCoz_: Isn't that for java development?21:19
coz_alsuna,  oh boy  well ok I better just take a break here21:19
coz_Polah,  eclipse can be yes21:19
coz_Polah,  as far as I know it is a decent alternative to xcode for mac21:19
dustin_lemme know if any of you know alot about tork/tor clients i could use that alot talk to you all in afew and again thank you folks21:19
jon___ok, now that i got the hole superuser thing settled.... now for the other problem: after i installed the recent updates, my computer has been restartin on me automaticaly21:19
jon___does anyone know the cause if this?21:19
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dtcrshrim trying to fix up my netbook, wich has 10.04 ubuntu netbook version on it. after if updated / upgraded via apt-get i cant use mouse/keyboard, so iv booted via the pendrive iv installed trying to recover the installation. First thought is to remove xorg.conf, and try to recover the xserver configs? how do i dpkg reconfigure via recovery boot?21:20
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PolahDwade09: I believe, although I may be wrong, that Windows users are stored in the registry and not a file. Perhaps try "admin" or "administrator". I believe Windows 7 has the option to reset the password using the CD?21:20
Danielcg25Too much spam :(21:21
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lemonchickenftlDwade09 http://lmgtfy.com/?q=windows+7+remove+user+password+linux21:21
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coz_Danielcg25,  you can look here also    http://monotouch.net/   but in all honesty I would suggest googleing   ubuntu xcode alternatives21:21
Danielcg25Eh, too many people leaving/joining for my iPod touch's small screen xD21:21
coz_if thats the right Danielcg25 :)21:22
PolahThink there was a node dropout or something on the network21:22
ccvvcchow can i make and only leave compiled files?21:22
coz_Danielcg25,  that was a minor net split21:22
PolahYeah, that ^21:23
jon___ok, my computer has bein restarting itself after the recent updates where installed, does anyone know what's y?21:23
addisonjanyone else using chrome-unstable and now getting complaints about an old flash version?21:24
intraderjon___, does it show the splash background with the request to login?21:24
jon___umm, idk, my computer just turns off, then starts the booting proccess21:25
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jon___and ubuntu starts just like i manually restarted my comp21:25
jon___it just restarts21:26
PolahRandomly, jon__?21:26
PolahHmm, could be a critical component failing21:26
coz_Guest62307, fred_  was much easier to tab  :)21:26
jon___idk, it has been doing this since i installed those updates earleir today21:26
KaikzMavereX: sup21:26
MavereXSup Kaikz21:27
Polahjon__: Updates for what?21:27
Danielcg25Is Ubuntu Open-Source?21:27
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.21:27
jon___the ones in update manager21:27
edbianDanielcg25, yes21:27
skullboyerUSUL: for example echo text $var21:27
Danielcg25Good :)21:27
Polahjon__: That doesn't help, I'd need to know exactly what packages were updated...21:27
intraderjon___, idk, I likewise have booting problem - I think the last update hosed something - perhaps in X21:27
jon___how do i found out?21:28
LjLDanielcg25: mostly, not all of it21:28
jon___which updates where installe21:28
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LjLDanielcg25: it has a "restricted" repository that contains some closed source stuff... mostly drivers for hardware21:28
skullboyerUSUL: what was that script again21:28
skullboyerUSUL: line**21:28
DisneyRickyHello Kaikz, MavereX21:28
Polahjon__: There'll be an update manager log somewhere, I don't know exactly where. What release are you running?21:28
MavereXsup DisneyRicky21:29
jon___i'm running the latest vs21:29
MavereXChillin on the freenode21:29
jon___of ubuntu21:29
bazhang!ot | MavereX DisneyRicky Kaikz21:29
ubottuMavereX DisneyRicky Kaikz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:29
jon___no... 10.0421:29
jon___they made an vs11?21:29
Polah10.04 isn't the latest21:29
MavereXDisneyRicky how did your install go21:30
Polah10.10 is the latest and 11.04 will be latest on the 28th of April21:30
MavereXyou got 10.04 right21:30
DisneyRickyPretty good actually MavereX. And yeah.21:30
DisneyRickyLittle slow though.  :/21:30
MavereXYeah you're running an old system21:30
intraderjon___, idk, Polah, I likewise have booting problem , but it is 10.10- I think the last update hosed something - perhaps in X21:30
jon___how do i fix it?21:30
Polahintrader: jon__: Did you both update from 10.04. I'm running 10.10 installed from LiveCD and not had any booting issues21:30
DisneyRickyYeah, I know... but, ehh... good enough MavereX21:30
jon___ok, i will install the 10.1021:31
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.21:31
bazhangDisneyRicky, MavereX chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic21:31
dtcrshrim trying to follow this guide - http://www.linux-archive.org/ubuntu-user/425375-ubuntu-10-04-keyboard-mouse-not-working-after-update.html but i dont have xorg.conf in /etc/x1121:31
enochhi all21:31
enochbest fs to use on an eeepc using a ssd drive?21:31
intraderPolah, no from download from ubuntu, but the most recent update asked me to reboot, and then now I just get the terminal21:32
Polahenoch: ext4 is the latest version so probably, although I've heard some things about instability but I've experienced nothing, might not be true21:32
jon___i will see u guys later, i'm going to install ubuntu 10.10, and see if that fixes my booting problem, thank you Polah21:32
Polahintrader: That would be a problem with X server then. Try reinstalling it21:32
PolahJon__: Update to 10.10 from update manager21:32
Polah!upgrade | jon__21:32
ubottujon__: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade21:32
skullboyhow do i set a var to the output of a command21:32
jon___i did this morning...21:32
jon___if it was through update manager21:33
intraderPolah, I don't have network or CD21:33
jon___i ran update manager this morning21:33
drcintrader: without "network", how did you "update" ?21:34
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intraderdrc, before it got hosed I had network21:34
drcintrader: ah...21:34
intraderdrc, np21:34
jon___so, it looks like to me the last update has bugs in it21:35
jon___recent update*21:35
PolahI'm going to update on 10.10 now, let me see21:35
PolahNope, everything I have is up to date and no issues21:36
intraderAnyone, will the update manager run again if I revert back to previous kernel?21:36
skullboyhow do i set a var to the output of a command21:36
Polahjon__, intrader: Do you perhaps have proposed-updates enabled? or backports?21:37
jon___idk, u could try backing up your files and reformate, and install 10.10 using a CD21:37
dtcrshrhow do I enter recorevy mode via netbook 10.04 iso? i can boot up the system but i cant choose recovery mode21:37
dtcrshris there a way to do this? or I need to completly reinstall 10.04 and block all updates?21:37
jon___u have to have duel-boot set up21:38
intraderPolah, when the update manager ran, it had an error, but still wanted to reboot which I did ---- no, I know that my last kernel still boots Ok21:38
dtcrshrIv made a clean install, and just after made apt- update / upgrade21:38
dtcrshrafter this, iv rebooted and keyboard / mouse gone21:38
Polahdtchrshr: You need to access your bootloader, i.e. grub21:38
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dtcrshrPolah, i got no dual boot, if I turn on the pc it goes straight into ubuntu21:39
dtcrshris there something like windows F8 key to choose in boot?21:39
Polahintrader, jon__: With proposed-updates there's network management frameworks and an Xorg update among other things21:39
PolahYes, try F821:39
jon___i've really learned alot from the 30 min i've bein in this chat... example: how to and how not to use root21:40
intraderPolah, the Xorg update must have gone wrong for me21:40
dtcrshrIs there a way to boot up in recovery mode without a boot cd in ubuntu?21:40
jon___r u having rebooting isues too intrader21:40
elshakahi there, has anyone here successfully installed empathy >2.33.2 on maverick?21:40
RoastedDoes anybody happen to know, if you're downloading something from an Apache server and you lose connection and regain it hours later, does it re-link and begin again?21:41
Polahdtcrshr: Did you try F8?21:41
DJonesdtcrshr: You should be able to hold down the left shift key at boot which will bring up the grub menu & you can select recovery at that point21:41
PolahThere you go21:41
intraderjon___, yes, however it goes to the terminal (black screen with no GUI)21:41
jon___oh, mine just shuts off and restarts21:41
jon___it has happend twice so far21:42
jon___it kinda sucks considering that's the reason i switched from windows to ubuntu, because windows did the same21:42
intraderjon___, mine reboots as well, but after giving me the login prompt in the terminal. If I continue, it will reboot to same problem21:42
jon___it would randomly restart on me21:43
dtcrshrthanks DJones21:43
DJonesdtcrshr: you're welcome21:43
LaoProblem: I've managed to install Ubuntu Server 10.10 from my USB flash drive to my hard drive.  However, now Grub doesn't seem to even start if the usb drive isn't set as the boot drive via the mobo's bios, but once I'm in Ubuntu, df /boot points to my hard drive.  Anyone know how to fix this?21:43
drcjon___: If windows did the same on the same hardware (computer), I'd say it was a hardware (not software) problem21:43
jon___well, this just restarts the computer, with no prior warnings21:43
intraderjon___, I think there is a time element involved, because on mine it sometimes takes a long time before I get the terminal21:43
Polahlao: Set the boot flag on your ubuntu partition/drive with something like Gparted?21:44
K1ngcan anyone teach me about freelancer.com?21:44
jon___no, because it only started to happen AFTER i installed update via update manager this morning21:44
PolahIf it's loading into command line then Xorg isn't functioning, the same happens if it fails; it reverts to cli21:44
jon___so i know it isn't hardware21:44
LaoPolah: I haven't tried that.  Is that a command line program?21:44
bazhangK1ng, does that have something to do with ubuntu?21:44
LoRezK1ng: stop spamming channels21:44
Polahlao: No, GUI21:45
drcjon___: "it kinda sucks considering that's the reason i switched from windows to ubuntu, because windows did the same" ????21:45
jon___yes, windows started to restart on me randomly21:45
jon___at the worst times21:45
dtcrshrLao, if your deployng a server, go for debian21:45
bazhangjon___, its hardware then21:46
RoastedI've never had Windows, or Ubuntu reboot at random times.21:46
dtcrshrmy personal oppinion21:46
Roastedjon___, I agree. It's hardware.21:46
PolahWindows has the unfortunate problem of forcing a restart when you update it21:46
drcjon___: Then I re-state the obvious...if windows AND ubuntu exhibit the same behavior on the same hardware, I'd suspect the hardware, not the software21:46
bazhangpicasse, dont paste here21:46
PolahI run a dedicated box with Windows Server 2008 R2 and I can't update it unless it actually crashes and then I can use the windows when it reboots to update and reboot it again21:46
dtcrshrubuntu server has some "magical" issues, if you update it you must pray on next reboot :D21:47
Laodtcrshr: Dutily noted.  If all else fails, I'll do that. Polah: I don't have a GUI installed on my server box, and would rather keep it that way.21:47
Roasteddtcrshr, hardly. if you have issues, boot to the last kernel.21:47
jon___no, difference: on windows it just did it randomly, i dindn't anything for it to start, and i also loaded a bunch of crap on it. on ubuntu it started doing it after i ran update manager this morning21:47
LaoDoes anyone know how to verify / reinstall GRUB?  The problem HAS to be that it's installed on the flash drive.21:47
dtcrshrRoasted, on this very netbook im trying to fix, i got no last kernel to choose. the recovery mod is heere "booting" for almost 5 min21:48
bazhangLao, /msg ubottu grub2 for links on how to do that21:48
jon___and on windows ir got progressively worse, and stoped after i installed ubuntuy21:48
dtcrshrimagine this on a production server21:48
Roasteddtcrshr, gotta say. that's a first :P21:48
Roasteddtcrshr, we run it in production.21:48
Laobazhang: Thanks!21:48
Roasteddtcrshr, far less issues than I've seen in windows. so much that I was worried about tech dept cutbacks at one point.21:48
dtcrshrIm a huge ubuntu spreader, but it surely have some issues that takes me very far from deploying servers on it21:49
dtcrshrRoasted, cant compare to windows thought, too much issues to count21:49
drcRoasted: What obscure and vexing problem have you for us today, bro...or are you here just to chat? :)21:49
PolahLao: sudo apt-get install grub2?21:49
bazhangjon___, please pastebin the error logs from said problems21:49
jon___where r they stored?21:50
Roasteddrc, the only problem I'm trying tos olve I don't believe is an ubuntu problem. I think it's likewise-open, sicne it's a domain related issue.21:50
Roasteddrc, what previous issue were your eferring to?21:50
drcRoasted: Darn!  I look forward to the discussion you engender :)21:50
bazhangjon___, simply stating :in windows and ubuntu it randomly restarts leads to one conclusion, its hardware, minus the aforementioned error logs21:50
dtcrshrwhat mostly bothers me is that an student bought this netbook, and the TI people in the university told her to run after someone who would install windows on it, i tooked it to put up ubuntu instead of the embedded linux it came for free21:50
dtcrshrand netbok remix dont work at all, very sad21:51
Roastednetbook remix is a joke21:51
dtcrshrtryed 10.10 and 10.0421:51
Roastedand a very bad joke at that21:51
dtcrshrVERY BAD21:51
dtcrshri think ill go for regular ubuntu then21:51
Roastedreg ubuntu runs great on my netbook21:51
bazhangRoasted, dtcrshr please continue in #ubuntu-offtopic21:51
Polahdtrcrshr: When 11.04 comes out you get the joy of "Ubuntu" or "Ubuntu" or "Ubuntu".21:51
dtcrshrwth did they made this netbook remix?21:51
jon___well, the restarting only started on ubuntu after i upgraded to 10,1021:51
drcdtcrshr: Remix and ubuntu will merge in 11.04 anyway21:51
Roastedbazhang, pretty sure we're talking about ubuntu?21:51
bazhangRoasted, its not support. please take it there21:52
abstraktdtcrshr, yeah really I'm not sure why anyone runs anything other than "regular" ubuntu in the first place, but whatever trips your trigger I guess21:52
Roastedbazhang, lol. k.21:52
abstraktpoint is, just download the "real thing" and then modify it to taste, that's what I recommend21:52
dtcrshrpersonally iv never messed arround netbook remix, but sure think i would give a shot on this one.. bad timing21:52
dtcrshrwell, I have issues on both 10.04 and 10.10 at first boot regarding the university connection. its wpa2-enterprise, with no certificate21:52
dtcrshron 10.10 it didnt connected at all21:53
Roasteddtcrshr, we tried to deploy wpa2 enterprise lately21:53
dtcrshron 10.04 it goes, but after a minute or so it hangs21:53
Roasteddtcrshr, we ran into issues with using it on a windows server, that bombed. then we tried an ubuntu radius server, that bombed too.21:53
bazhangjon___, please pastebin your error logs, otherwise it certainly is a hardware issue21:53
dtcrshrwhat do you suggest then? go for 10.04 or 10.10? im completly dropping this joke netbook remix21:53
jon___where r the error logs stored?21:53
dtcrshrRoasted, well, we got freebsd running radius21:53
Roastedjon___, if you have two operating systems rebooting randomly on the same computer, you definitely have a hardware issue.21:54
dtcrshrabout 1200 users, windows, mac, all working21:54
jon___i only have one os21:54
dtcrshrsure thing its something with ubuntu21:54
Roastedjon___, but you said you ran windows on it21:54
Roasteddtcrshr, nope21:54
Roasteddtcrshr, centos, fedora, etc, all bombed on it21:54
Roastedradius just sucks :/21:54
* perlmonkey is using dd_rescue to try and save some data from an injured HDD21:54
FloodBot3Roasted: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:54
jon___srry, i missread the question21:54
dtcrshrim connected to the network in this very pc im talking now21:54
dtcrshron debian 621:54
bazhang!ot | Roasted dtcrshr I asked nicely once already21:55
ubottuRoasted dtcrshr I asked nicely once already: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:55
Roastedaw snap21:55
jon___i did have the same isue with windows when i ran that, and if i have the same problem, it doesn't mean it's a hardware problem, rebooting can be cause by a lot of isues21:55
jon___not just hardware21:56
red2kic!ru | ultramarin21:56
ubottuultramarin: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:56
Roastedjon___, I'll say it again. If you have random rebooting issues on TWO operating systems on the SAME computer. You. Have. A. Hardware. Problem.21:56
bazhangultramarin, #ubuntu-ru21:56
dtcrshrbazhang, ok. the last question iv posted is this. Since netbook remixes sux, and i need a nice wpa2-enterprise support, wich regular ubuntu should I go? 10.04 or 10.10?21:56
drcjon___: Walk>Talk>Quack == Duck21:56
bazhangdtcrshr, 10.10 and wpa2 is fine here21:56
dtcrshrok thanks21:56
jon___ok, the restarting cam ----->AFTER!!!!!<------ i installed 10.1021:57
frodefI'm setting up a secondary X screen (a projector) but the display looks like it's 8-bit depth rather thant the 24 bit it's supposed (and reported) to be... any clues?21:57
jon___it did not do it yestarday when i had 10.0421:57
Roastedjon___, but you said you ran windows on that box before and you had restarting issues.21:58
Polahfrodef: Are there only 8 colours? Or do you mean it's pixelated?21:58
perlmonkeyI had something strange happen21:58
intraderDaPenguin, I have gotten nowhere with the grub.cnf update. It is autogenerated from other entries in /etc/grub.d21:58
jon___i also loaded windows with a buch of crap, and screwd around with video game hacking software on windows21:58
drcRoasted: Let it go (I have)...he will not see the obvious because he doesn't want to21:58
frodefPolah: it looks like there's about 256 colours.21:58
kc9srvjon__ revert to 10.04 to see if it still reboots. You probably have a hardware issue that only exhibits under certain conditions - windows and 10.10 both bring that out. No easy way to figure out what is going on21:58
frodefugly as hell.21:58
Roastedjon___, I'm still not buying it. I work in a district with 2,000 systems. I've seen issues like this. You have a hardware problem. Period.21:58
perlmonkeyI just bought a Samsung CLP-300 colour laser printer, and Ubuntu DETECTED it INSTANTLY. I didn't have to do anything, just plugged that printer into system, and viola, it showed up on printers21:59
perlmonkeynow that is progress21:59
bazhangRoasted, lets move on please21:59
Polahperlmonkey: plugnplay21:59
Roastedbazhang, I'm not the one hanging onto the software issue, mr bazhang.21:59
kc9srvjon__ could be 10.10 includes video drivers that actually use the GPU and raise the temperature causing a reset21:59
Roastedplease revert that suggestion to the user in question21:59
bazhangjon___, please paste.ubuntu.com your errors21:59
Roastedthank you21:59
jon___i just want to go threw all posible solution b4 i spend 1000 dollars i do not have on a new computer21:59
jon___have to spend*22:00
Roastedjon___, you don't need a new computer. Just gotta do some troubleshooting on which part it is. It might be very cheap to fix.22:00
perlmonkeyhardware failures can be expensive :(22:00
bazhangjon___, understood; in order to troubleshoot we need some error logs22:00
perlmonkeyI just damaged my lovely server by a silly stupid lazy mistake22:00
jon___i've replaced every part except for chipset22:00
frodefThe projector looks good when in "twinview" mode, but horrible in "separate X screen" mode.22:00
jon___and i have asked where the trouble logs are stored22:01
perlmonkeyyou can try syslog for general errors.. tail -100 syslog22:02
lisandrosguys, can someone help me? i have downloaded the new catalyst 11.2 driver but i don't know how to install it, it is a .run file22:02
perlmonkeyfor hardware specific probs, try dmesg which should show on start up22:02
RehanIf my laptop has an Intel i7 chip in it, do I need to download the 64bit Ubuntu or should I still get the 32bit one since the Ubuntu site says its recommended?22:02
RoastedDoes anybody have Ubuntu on a Windows domain? I set up two Ubuntu boxes on the domain with Likewise Open, but on one when I click on a windows file server location, it auto-authenticates since I'm logged in as a domain user. On the other, it asks me for credentials. Uhh. Any ideas?22:02
RoastedRehan, 32b is just recommended because it's the most compatible. You sound like you have a 64 bit proc, I'd get the 64.22:03
joeoshawais ubuntu unrelated messed up?22:03
bazhangRehan, 64bit is fine. its a badly worded website22:03
bazhangjoeoshawa, pardon?22:03
RehanRoasted: bazhang: thank you to you both.22:03
* perlmonkey is running 64bit no probs22:03
RoastedRehan, and let me rephrase - It's the most compatible in regard to working with older hardware.22:03
* smaug42 is running 64 bit too22:03
joeoshawai logged into it automatically and floodbot went nuts and asked me to identify myself22:03
bazhangjoeoshawa, you mean -unregged?22:04
RehanRoasted: I see. As long as I have someone helping me, I may as well also ask, if I will be dual booting with Win7 and Ubuntu, would that make any difference into which version I should get? Thank you.22:04
bazhangRehan, no, its the same 64 is fine22:04
intraderAnyone, how do I revert my boot to the last kernel image?22:04
joeoshawawasn't intending to go in there so i didn't really look22:04
bazhangintrader, hold shift at boot and select22:05
Polahintrader: I believe it shows the previous kernel in GRUB?22:05
skullboyhow do i get a cat to var22:05
bazhangskullboy, pardon?22:05
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intraderPolah, bazhang, yes, I just want it always boot from the last working image22:05
bazhangintrader, then do as I just suggested22:06
Polahintrader: You'd need to configure that in GRUB22:06
jon___ok, i found the syslog for today, but it is a lot of words, and i do not want to post it in here, is there anywhere i can post it?22:06
Polahpastebin, jon__:22:06
bastidrazorintrader: uninstall the newer kernel22:06
bazhangjon___, yes paste.ubuntu.com as I have said several times now22:06
skullboy<bazhang> i need a variable to = the first line of a plain text document22:06
PolahOr if it's huge, just upload the entire file somewhere22:06
intraderbazhang, that is manual22:06
IdleOnejon___: paste.ubuntu.com22:06
jon___ok, ty22:07
intraderbastidrazor, how?22:07
bazhangintrader, and what was it you wanted to do, then? please be absolutely clear, thanks.22:07
bastidrazorintrader: in synaptic search for linux-image  you will find it there22:07
IdleOnejon___: after pasting copy the URL and paste that URL in here to whoever is helping you.22:07
kroimpahey guys22:08
kroimpajust a wuick guestion22:08
jon___that's the log22:08
kc9srvskullboy `head -n 1 filename` will give you the first line of a file22:08
kroimpais it possible to host 2 nameservers on the came machine an ip?22:08
RehanRoasted: if i'm starting with a clean hard drive, should i use the win7 installer to make two partitions and then install win7 on one and then use the WUBI installer or should I just use a Linux CD and install independent of windows in the 2nd partition?22:08
kroimpa2 diffrent nameservers22:08
kc9srvso $VAR="`head -n 1 filename`" should do it22:08
RoastedRehan, I would install 7 on a limited partition. let the remainder "unallocated" then when you install ubuntu you can handle the unallocated part for your linux setup.22:09
RoastedRehan, the idea isn't to let windows handle both tasks. Just don't give Windows the FULL drive. Leave space after, let it alone, and let Ubuntu handle it when you mvoe on to step 222:09
RehanRoasted: thank you, much appreciated!22:09
RoastedRehan, no problem. good luck!22:09
intraderbazhang, bastidrazor , and auto-update went wrong this morning leaving me with a kernel image 2.6.35-28 that boots into a login in a text terminal. The previous 2.6.35-27 boots Ok to the GUI22:09
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jon___srry, i posted the wrong syslog22:11
LaoAll right guys, I got it figured out.  Thanks for the help!  For those curious, I just ran "sudo grub-install /dev/sda".  Later all!22:12
jon___this is the syslog for today: http://paste.ubuntu.com/585630/22:13
mrwesdoes anyone know if wodim supports disk spanning22:15
intraderbazhang, bastidrazor ,  auto-update went wrong this morning leaving me with a kernel image 2.6.35-28 that boots into a login in a text terminal. The previous 2.6.35-27 boots Ok to the GUI22:16
GothCChow does one determine what, if any, restricted drivers are installed?22:16
mrwesGothCC: system | hardward drivers22:16
bastidrazorintrader: uninstall it. use synaptic22:16
mrweser hardware22:16
GothCCmrwes: thanks22:16
intraderbastidrazor, boot into the good one then use synaptic?22:16
bastidrazorintrader: yes22:16
intraderbastidrazor, any caveats and where do I find the image to uninstal?22:17
bastidrazorintrader: search for linux-image22:17
intraderbastidrazor, simple enough22:18
Laurencebis there a way to connect to bluetooth serial modules without sudo?22:18
GothCCperfect, upgrading 10.04 to 10.10 fixed the driver issue with FGLRX22:18
Laurencebsudo rfcomm --raw connect 4  <--better than that?22:18
intraderbastidrazor, would I left with 2.6.35-27? I would be booting to that one since ...-28 is bad.22:19
jon___did, anyone read the log and get anything from it???22:20
bastidrazorintrader: if it is currently installed then yes.22:20
intraderbastidrazor, on another laptop I search in synaptic for linux-image and get nothing22:21
bastidrazorintrader: click the S.. it'll list packages installed22:22
guntbertintrader: in synaptic I usually write linux-  into the quick search box and select "installed" from the categories on the left side22:23
AufwindI want to rename a bunch of file that have this pattern   123.zip  to newname_123.zip. Is this possible?22:24
intraderbastidrazor, when I type linux in search I get
AufwindI mean by terminal.22:24
stbainAufwind: Yes.22:24
intraderbastidrazor, when I type linux in search I get
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Aufwindstbain: How?22:25
bastidrazorintrader: that is the kernel you want to uninstall.22:25
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jospamsI need some help22:25
Aufwindstbain: I thought of mv, but it has not the possibility (or I didn't figured it out yet) to store the old name.22:25
stbainAufwind, for i in *.zip ; do mv $i newname_$i ; done22:25
Aufwindstbain: Oh,... Didn't think of a for loop.22:26
Aufwindstbain: Thank you!!22:26
stbain[standard disclaimer and "backup your data" warning goes here]22:26
perlmonkeyi second that22:26
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Aufwindstbain: Thanks! Will do. :D22:26
intraderbastidrazor, what would I be left with - previous kernel?22:26
perlmonkeyI lost all my data for the 3rd time, and still never learned22:26
joeoshawai want to take a generic touchscreen mp4 player and install linux on it so i can figure out a way for it to work like a personal organiser and have it sync with ubuntu anyone know where i can find an interested party?22:26
jospamsi mistakenly set ubuntu as default OS and unchecked the box that gives me 10 secs to select correct OS, now I keep on going to grub and when I select windows boot manager from grub, i come back to grub22:27
bastidrazorintrader: if you booted into the kernel then obviously .... that is the kernel you will have22:27
joeoshawadamnit meant that for the ubuntu room22:27
joeoshawaoh well22:27
jospamsI tried windows boot cd, still no luck22:27
joeoshawaoh ok22:27
guntbertjoeoshawa: you are in #ubuntu - but #ubuntu-offtopic will be better suited22:27
Jordan_Ujospams: You probably accidentily installed grub to your Windows PBR. *never* install grub's boot sector to a partition.22:27
intraderbastidrazor, thanks for your patience - I will do that on the laptop with problems22:28
jospamswell i used wubi to install ubuntu22:28
Jordan_Ujospams: To confirm, please run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the RESULTS.txt.22:28
jon___well, since my problem has been droped from the face of the Earth, i am going to go screw around in the ubuntu software center22:30
jospamsaah shouldn't have given the uuid away22:31
red2kicHeh. UNIX was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, because that would also stop you from doing clever things. -- Doug Gwyn22:31
jospamsso anyone here to help me?22:33
bastidrazorintrader: best of luck.22:34
red2kicjospams: Try hilighting the person that told you to run the script.22:34
jospamsJordan_U ? http://pastebin.com/HuTUYgA022:34
cannonballred2kic: http://motd.ambians.com/quotes.php/name/freebsd_fortunes_6/toc_id/1-0-7/s/2020   Read the first one.22:35
intraderbastidrazor, synaptic tells me there is 1 broken package, that I should filter 'Broken', yet "No Packages Selected"22:36
jospamsJordan_U, please reply if you are still helping me22:36
jospamsi guess not22:37
Jordan_Ujospams: Ok, I was wrong about the problem (I should have read your initial description more carefully). I don't know how to restore the timeout for Windows 7's bootloader, try asking in ##Windows.22:37
jospamsis everything ok?22:37
user246intrader: (wild guess) is there some text in your search box?  Try clearing that?22:38
rocketsjospams, you need a windows 7 disk to restore the windows 7 bootloader22:38
jospamsi have the disk22:38
jospamsi can open up command promt22:38
Jordan_Urockets: He has the Windows 7 bootloader, it's just configured to use the Wubi entry by default with no timeout.22:38
intraderbastidrazor, nothing in the search box22:39
rocketsJordan_U, oooh that's rough.22:39
rocketsjospams, if you download Hiren's boot disk, it has options like "boot from HD 1, partition 3" etc.22:39
intraderbastidrazor, I will restart synaptic22:39
jospamsrockets, do you know what to type, I have tried bootrec.exe /FixMbr22:39
Jordan_Urockets: That won't help either, it will just load the windows bootloader with the same problem.22:40
jospamsrockets, I have ubcd22:40
jospamscan that do that too22:40
rocketsJordan_U, no it wont.22:40
rocketsjospams, I don't know if UBCD will do it. I recommend getting hirens.22:41
rocketsalso jospams http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/ee851681.aspx22:41
jospamsrockets,  I am poor man22:41
jospamsi can't afford hirens22:41
esculapiohello people22:41
rocketsjospams, what are you talking about hirens is free22:41
intraderbastidrazor, restarted synaptic, same "No packages selected" after using the "Broken" filter22:42
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jospamsrockets, I will try to link22:43
jospamsI think I might need to reinstall wubi22:43
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Jordan_Ujospams: You'll need to boot Windows to reinstall wubi...22:45
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red2kicWubi = Linux on Windows Filesystem = Sluggish = Give Linux Bad Name.22:49
edbianred2kic, What's your point?  Do you have a question?22:50
red2kicedbian: Nice.22:51
edbianred2kic, I'm not necessarily agreeing with you. I'm curious why your stating your opinion.22:51
intraderbastidrazor, restarted synaptic, same "No packages selected" after using the "Broken" filter22:52
Apollonovichis there a way to blacklist certain updates on my machine?  I want to stop it from updating the kernel automatically.22:52
vgambit`my broadcom STA wireless drivers stopped working after an update a few days ago22:53
bastidrazorintrader: did you uninstall the kernl you did not want and kept the kernel you wanted?22:53
raymonHi, I'm trying to install drivers to make my new Wacom Bamboo Pen&Touch tablet work on ubuntu 10.10. Unpacked the tarball, ran ./configure, then ran 'make" and got: "make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'." Is this right?22:53
vgambit`Apollonovich: was there a recent kernel update?22:53
Apollonovichvgambit`: the system seems to push kernel updates out every couple weeks, which is an annoyance since I tend to prefer not to reboot if I can help it.  But I'm running a custom kernel, as I finally fixed a longstanding issue with my machine by doing so, and I don't want it getting clobbered.22:54
guntbertApollonovich: you can "lock" the current kernel, so you will keep it anyway, then just tell grub to use it22:54
intraderbastidrazor, did not get the chance. Synaptic tells me there the a Broken package and in filtering I am left with "No Packages Selected"22:54
Apollonovichyes, but I don't even want it to download and install the new ones, because a) it takes up disk space on my tiny /boot partition, and b) it makes the system think I need to reboot.22:55
vgambit`Apollonovich: ah. I think a kernel update might've caused my issue. I was asked to reboot after installing some updates, and my wireless hasn't been working at all since22:55
guntbertApollonovich: GUI or CLI?22:55
bastidrazorintrader: what package is broken?22:55
lrussellHi, I have a few questions about the os knoppix. I know this is probablly the wrong place to ask but any help would be apperactied.22:55
vgambit`so I guess my real question for you all is, would the fix for my wireless issue be to roll back to a previous kernel? if so, how could I do this?22:56
Apollonovichvgambit`: haven't had wireless issues, but my dvd drives have been broken since I updated to lucid.  they were still bootable, but not mountable.  rebuilt with ATA support added back and SATA cdrom support stripped out, and all is well.22:56
guntbertlrussell: this channel is for ubuntu support only22:56
intraderbastidrazor, tells me there is Broken package that I should filter for - yet finds nothing22:56
Apollonovichguntbert: I suppose I'd prefer a CLI method.  I'm running kde, but like CLI ways of doing things when I can....22:56
bastidrazorintrader: odd.22:57
hotelhey room22:58
Loshkilrussell: try #knoppix...22:58
guntbertApollonovich: sorry, I only know the GUI way (for a short time at least): in the update manager you can check which updates you want to download (I used that to keep my old kernel for several weeks)22:59
Apollonovichhrm...that's in gnome/synaptic I assume?22:59
panel_pixelI am trying to hide panels but they still show a pixel23:00
Odaymhow do i add the wireless connections' icon to my panel?23:00
panel_pixeleven with option in metacity set to 023:00
panel_pixelOdaym: network manager applet?23:01
Odaymah yes23:01
kroimpait works23:01
FloodBot3kroimpa: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:01
intraderbastidrazor, I am running out of steam with this. All I want is to have my system like it was this morning before the update.23:01
famthegeekThinking of installing ubuntu on my 6gb ram laptop, but i dont know i i can find the correct drivers for my wifi card?23:01
Odaymyes panel_pixel, the network manager applet23:02
guntbertfamthegeek: try it with the live CD23:02
panel_pixelOdaym: alt+f2 and type nm-applet23:02
panel_pixelOdaym: alt+f2 and type nm-applet23:02
DaPenguinfamthegeek, ubuntu is pretty good for wireless drivers. installed my broadcom drivers np23:02
panel_pixelOdaym: and check system preferences startup applications see if network manager is enabled there23:02
famthegeekOk, tnx for the advice didnt think of it23:02
hotelI can't play video or control audio in ubuntu, Any one know what config file to edit for the audio?  And how to make video work at all?23:03
panel_pixelI am trying to hide panels but they still show a pixel... is there a fix for this?23:03
panel_pixelcan I use -1 value in metacity?23:03
famthegeekAsked the same question in the forum some days ago, still no answer. thank god for irc23:03
raymonI'm trying to install drivers to make my new Wacom Bamboo Pen&Touch tablet work on ubuntu 10.10. Unpacked the tarball, ran ./configure, then ran 'make" and got: "make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'." Is this right?23:03
famthegeekShould i use LST or 10.1023:04
edbianfamthegeek, That's a choice you should make for yourself.  There is no right answer.23:04
famthegeekthink i will go for 10.10 as will have no proplem ceaping it up to date, tnx by the way23:05
edbianfamthegeek, Sure.  Good luck23:05
hotelI can't play video or control audio in ubuntu, Any one know what config file to edit for the audio?  And how to make video work at all?23:06
raymonfamthegeek: Only issue I've had with 10.10 is that recording sound directly from the soundcard with audacity no longer works..23:06
lemonchickenftli just updated my eee-pc from 10.04 to 10.1023:06
lemonchickenftlnow windows are bigger than my screen and stuff23:07
Apollonovichguntbert: I hear aptitude hold [packagename] works...can't find any proof that it actually did, but I'm thinking since I tagged my custom kernel, the system no longer sees me as on the "linux-image-generic" upgradepath.23:07
lemonchickenftlim using netbook edition, wtf?23:07
panel_pixel!wtf | lemonchickenftl23:07
ubottulemonchickenftl: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.23:07
lemonchickenftlsince when did netbook editition become not so much netbook edition23:07
famthegeekraymon, tnx for the advice ill stick with LST23:08
lemonchickenftlthx for the help thar panel_pixel23:08
famthegeekraymond, you from norway?23:08
guntbertApollonovich: I still think it will eventually pull in a new kernel (that doesn't "replace" the old one) but please do try it23:08
lemonchickenftlalso: fuck you.23:09
IdleOne!language | lemonchickenftl23:09
ubottulemonchickenftl: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.23:09
lemonchickenftleat dicks23:09
DaPenguinthat was interesting...23:09
guntbertsaid the chicken before it left23:09
Odaymwhat a lost little boy23:10
intraderDaPenguin, bastidrazor, I am running out of steam with this. All I want is to have my system like it was this morning before the update.23:10
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dejan_how to set writing permisions for a file I need to edit it23:12
raymondejan: chmod 75523:12
raymonchmod 755 <filename>23:13
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danielhello i just installed ubuntu does anyone want to pm me and give me a crash course on what i need to do to get the most out of this23:17
Jadeis there any way to enable the framebuffer and have /dev/fb0 with the generic kernel?23:18
bastidrazor!manual > daniel23:18
ubottudaniel, please see my private message23:18
dejan_raymon: what is that23:18
Jadei tried to google it and add options to grub.. all it did was make grub scale to my lcd resolution23:18
Jadebut it didnt create any framebugger for tty's23:18
Danielcg25Ok, I've just bought a 1TB harddrive :) :) :)23:18
Jadei really cant find any information anywhere about this, or the one i find is outdated23:19
Danielcg25I need to transfer all my data from my old one, can I boot into Ubuntu (installed on a third drive) and copy everything? Windows and all?23:19
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dejan_i have some problem23:22
bruceleeIs there a program similar to windows 'ghost' disk imaging - using maverick23:22
dejan_somehow i am using different user for apache23:22
Jadebrucelee, dd?23:22
dejan_and i don't have permisions for writing files23:22
Jadedd if=/dev/sda3 of=somefile23:22
dejan_how to solve this23:22
mohadibpulseaudio cause loud white noise from my right channel, any way to fix this?23:22
dejan_im using apache23:22
Jadethen you restore it with dd if=file of=/dev/sda323:22
Jadereplace sda3 with your partition23:22
Jadeyou might want to read up a bit on dd first though23:23
Jadeso you dont screw up23:23
bruceleeI mean to a dvd/s23:23
Jadetar it up23:23
Jadetar -cvvf something.tar /home, then burn it23:23
bruceleewill this be auto loading from the drive?23:23
Jadewhat do you mea23:24
raymondejan: open the file you need to edit with the command: "sudo <favourite editor> <filename>23:25
mohadibwhy do we even use pulseaudio23:25
bruceleeimagine a major error, no more ubuntu yet I want to keep all my programs etc and desktop as it was, could I pop a DVD in the drive and load the image just like norton's ghost?23:25
mohadibit seems to be nothing but problems23:25
Jade i dont know23:25
Apollonovichso...is there a reason why the IDE modules aren't included with the -generic kernel anymore?23:25
Jadewhy isnt the framebuffer enabled by default?23:25
mohadibis their a payoff for all the costs?23:25
dejan_how can I give apache user access to edit file?23:25
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dejan_my pache server is set to use apache user23:25
guntbertmohadib: if you have a support question ask it, ranting here won't help23:26
dejan_and it don't have permision to write files23:26
Danielcg25There's a reason why IDE isn't the standard anymore =P23:26
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mohadibi was ranting23:26
mohadibgenerally curios23:26
DaPenguindejan_, giving an apache user perms to write files is probably a bad idea...23:26
ApollonovichDanielcg25: that's cute, but there are lots of people who still own hardware with IDE23:26
mohadibif i remove pulseaudio, do i lose anything?23:26
mohadibwasnt ranting*23:26
Danielcg25lol I know23:27
Apollonovichsupport dropped in lucid, and killed my dvd drives, and now I have to run a custom kernel?  I don't *mind* per se, but that strikes me as retarded.23:27
hihihi100i cannot access my external hard drive, gparted recognizes it, help please23:27
dejan_DaPenguin: any suggestion what should I do?23:27
dejan_I need to write into few files that are in www folder23:27
DaPenguindejan_, sudo up to edit the files you need to.23:28
dejan_can I make the files open for writing?23:28
dejan_no no23:28
arandhihihi100: It does not show up in the file manager?23:28
dejan_you don't understood me, I have php script that edit some files in www folder23:28
hihihi100arand, no23:28
hihihi100arand, i plug the cable, and nothing happens23:29
hihihi100plug in i mean23:29
dejan_when I open the php file (execute the script) it should write into few files23:29
dejan_5 files only23:29
arandhihihi100: And it does show up as a valid partition in gparted you say?23:29
dejan_can I make these files open for writing ?23:29
arandhihihi100: With a valid filesystem23:29
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dejan_i think i can do this with chmod command23:30
digivWhat is the best file system format for 5TB?23:30
dejan_im new to linux sry23:30
DaPenguindejan_, you can change the owner of those files to the apache user23:30
hihihi100arand, yes, it shows the partitions, filesystem, label, size, used, unused, flags...23:30
dejan_is that better or should I lower the access of the files?23:30
hihihi100arand, ext4 mostly, of my external HD23:31
DaPenguindejan_, well, think about it this way. who do you want to have write access to those files?23:31
arandhihihi100: If you try to mount it: "sudo mount /dev/sdXY /mnt" does it produce errors?23:31
dtcrshrbazhang, installing 10.10 now, on the bootup live system the problem with wpa2-enterprise continues. I can connect to wired, 3g and in a wpa router iv brought to test if the wireless device was corrupted23:31
raymondejan probably better to control who can change the files... depends on what they are.23:32
arandhihihi100: Replace X & Y23:32
dejan_DaPenguin: for these files only me now, but later I will also need permsion for visitors of my website to upload files23:32
hihihi100arand, where do I specify the filesystem?= at the end of the command?23:33
arandhihihi100: It should ick it up automatically.23:33
dejan_so I have 2 problems for these files which only I should edit and 2) visitors should be able to upload images23:33
hihihi100arand, my mistake, I have mounted it via your command, I dont see it in my filesystem...23:34
arandhihihi100: You can specify it using "-t ext4" I think, but if it doesn't detect it automatically there's normally something wrong23:34
hihihi100arand, drop that23:34
dejan_problem 1) I need to edit some files with php script - only I should edit the files   problem 2) Visitors of my website should be able to upload images in onne folder23:34
hihihi100arand: hihihi100@hihihi100-laptop:~$ sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt23:34
dejan_pls any suggestions23:35
arandhihihi100: and if you "ls /mnt"23:35
Odaymi downloaded Firefox 4 and untarred it in a directory23:35
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Odaymhow do i go about installing it now?23:35
Odaymi tried to "./firefox-bin"23:35
Odaymbut it says "libxul.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"23:35
arand!firefox4 | Odaym23:36
ubottuOdaym: Firefox 4 is the current stable version of Firefox. Current versions of Ubuntu do not have it (see !latest), but there is an unofficial and unsupported PPA that you can use by running the following command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox23:36
hihihi100arand, ls /mnt23:36
hihihi100Documents  lost+found  Music  Videos23:36
hihihi100, its the internal tree structure of my external HD, but, how do I get to see, add, delete, copy files?23:36
Odaymwhat is a PPA, arand?23:36
arand!ppa | Odaym23:37
ubottuOdaym: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.23:37
Odaymah thank you23:37
arandhihihi100: Let's see, if you do "sudo chown $USER /mnt" can you then acceess  it as a normal user?23:39
dtcrshrtook a look on syslog, i got this error uppon some others wlan0 supplicant connection state associated -> disconnected23:39
dtcrshrdeauthenticating from local choice reason=323:39
dtcrshrwpa_supplicant CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED event remove keys23:39
hihihi100arand, nothing23:40
arandhihihi100: I don't understand why it wouldn't show up in the file manager though, if it is healthy, since that is the default behaviour...23:40
arandhihihi100: So the command was succesful then?23:41
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arandhihihi100: If you open the file browser and go to file system /mnt do you see the files, and can you edit them?23:41
hihihi100arand, i tried hihihi100@hihihi100-laptop:~$ sudo chown $USER /mnt23:42
hihihi100, I have tried with sudo chown $hihihi100 /mnt too, just to get "missing operand after `/mnt'"23:42
hihihi100arand, YOU made my day...23:42
hihihi100thx, i can see them23:42
Guest85483hi. i removed fedora and installed ubuntu 10.10. there's also windows on my hdd, encrypted using truecrypt. after installing ubuntu, grub was in the mbr (although i chose a seperate boot partition). i restored the truecrypt bootloader and now i am not able to boot linux as truecrypt bl says "no bootable partitions found". what can i do?23:42
arandhihihi100: Note that if the commands are succeful, the generally don't produce any output.23:43
hihihi100arand, thatsd why I tried your original instead of my substitution of USER for hihihi10023:43
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arandhihihi100: Yea, $USER picks up the environment variable And replaces, so the command actually being passed to the chown program is "chwon ihihi100 /mnt"23:45
billy_hello, i am trying to open a folder in ubuntu, but it wont let me because i am not "the owner"23:47
arandhihihi100: But it still remains a mystery why the file bowser doesn't do the equivalent automatically, since it normally should... I have no idea..23:47
danielis there a transparent theme that makes pretty much everything transparentish?23:47
arandbilly_: Which folder? And likely it is indeed so, and so by design.23:49
shesekHey. When I set alt-shift to change keyboard layout, alt-shift-tab to switch to the previous window stops working. I'm on Ubuntu 10.10 with Compiz enabled. Does anyone know of a way to fix that?23:50
hihihi100arand, I may be having this bug, Im pretty sure my machine has it https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/70209323:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 702093 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Root Nautilus does not access Trash" [Wishlist,Confirmed]23:50
billy_hello, i am trying to open a folder in ubuntu, but it wont let me because i am not "the owner" how can i get into it23:50
_antantwhere do I find makeinfo? Apparently it can't find the package23:51
terryshesek: You may need to use another keyboard combination for changing keyboard layout.23:51
arbirhow can i run flash on my powerpc. i am unable to run any youtube video with gnash23:51
terrybilly_: sudo23:52
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shesekterry, well, obviously, this is what I'm doing now, but its a bit annoying. Its used to work fine on older versions of Ubuntu23:52
arandhihihi100: Hmm, as far as I can tell I don't think that is your problem no.23:52
snake_I'm trying to find an alternative to Apple Shake that is free. Can anyone help me because I googled this forever..23:52
terryshesek: Well, I just ventured a gues.  Not sure.23:53
hihihi100arand, I didnt tell you that my machine starts automatically with nautilus activated23:53
_antantterry: any idea on my makeinfo problem?23:53
hihihi100arand, and it all started after an update, but I cannot recall which one, and this is the second time it has happened, last time with 9.04 or 9.10, not sure23:53
billy_terry: is there a way to do it without the terminal, im setting up this computer for my sister, who is less than computer savy, i want to let her get into her document folder in windows with the "root" folder in the base of the filesyetem, im using wubi23:53
arandhihihi100: Hmm, confusing23:54
Polaharbir: sudo apt-get purge gnash && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer23:54
hihihi100arand, trash icon is gone, i cannot acces trash either, message that appears: Sorry, could not display all the contents of "trash": Operation not supported23:54
_antantanyone know why I can't find makeinfo or build-essentials ?23:55
_antantam I missing a repo?23:56
terrybilly_: You're going to have to tell us the exact directory location.23:56
terry_antant: What was your question?  I didn't see it.23:56
_antantTrying to install makeinfo, but it can't find it23:57
_antantThen I tried build-essentials and same problem23:57
terrybilly_: Tell us more explicitly what you're trying to do.23:57
_antantsudo apt-get install makeinfo build-essentials23:58
arbirPolah: there is no flashplugin-installer for powerpc23:58
Polaharbir: Oh, I assumed you were using Ubuntu since you asked in here, I didn't see powerpc23:58
_antantoh, and msgfmt23:58
arbirPolah: in a manner of saying… i am using ubuntu. i am using squeeze update 6.0123:59
terryarbir: You can not install adobe-flashplugin via the package manager?23:59
bazhangarbir, debian ppc?23:59
arbirterry: tht package is no there for power pc23:59

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