[06:23] morning all [06:52] duanedesign: morning. :) [06:54] hello nhaines [07:15] morning all [08:11] morning! [08:13] o/ [08:14] good morning #ubuntuone! [08:15] morning mandel duanedesign and karni [08:16] mandel: I know what im doing for the day so its cool no need for input [08:16] hi fagan ! hello duanedesign [08:16] :) [08:16] fagan, karni, duanedesign: morning [08:16] morning mandel :) [08:23] * fagan checks out something on #ayatana [08:26] multi monitors suck [08:31] is it wrong that I am working really well to physical from olivia newton john :) [08:31] not at all [08:34] I woke up and said im going to listen to only 80s songs today so got the "top 100" out and is having fun [08:37] fagan: can I get some of your time to do a couple of reviews on windows? [08:37] mandel: sure [08:37] link and ill go looking [08:38] mandel: actually just about finished on the first screen anyway [08:40] fagan: give me a sec, I'm going to fix a typo that nessita found and will pate the link here [08:40] mandel: I do still have that issue with it spreading out the checkboxes [08:43] mandel: screw it ill leave the little weird issues with that screen for you since its blocking me a little [08:44] fagan: sure, I'll take a look, I'll branch now your code and will fix it so that you can continue [08:44] mandel: kk [08:46] fagan: in the mean time, can you review the following: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-sso-client/implement_windows_main_4 [08:47] fagan: all tests should pass except those related with oauth and 200 is not equal to None, which are the ones you had yesterday [08:48] mandel: So ill just give it a run over to see if there is anything else wrong [08:50] fagan: yes, check that the tests do not give any problems and that the code is ok, more or less like yesterday [08:54] mandel: passed the test other than that 1 failure and the changes that were proposed are done now [08:54] fagan: have you pushed the changes you have done so far to the ui to the branch? [08:54] so I can give that one the +1 [08:55] nope [08:55] 10 secs and ill do it [08:55] fagan: cool, thx for both (review and pushing) [08:55] fagan: can I give you two very small reviews more? [08:55] mandel: oh do I need to recomment the merge? [08:55] mandel: sure [08:56] fagan: after doing a bzr merge, yes you have to commit it, since is an extra revision [08:56] I meant comment it [08:57] yes, you have to [08:57] fagan: this is one of the other two reviews: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-sso-client/fix_732057/+merge/54722 [08:57] ok cool [08:57] it should fix one of the broken tests [08:57] oh you linked me to that one last week when I was setting up I think [09:00] mandel: ok pushed and commented [09:00] looking at the merge now [09:01] fagan: ok, cool, I'll grab your code, the issue you have is making the services screen look like the proposed wireframe, right? [09:01] mandel: its the bandwidith screen still its just the checkboxes are spreading out a little and it looks ugly [09:01] the rest of the screen should be just about ok [09:02] apart from moving the pixels around a little more which should be done after the text is added [09:02] fagan: ok, so it is the badwidth one, on it [09:02] yep [09:03] mandel: I already approved that one you linked? [09:03] have you changed it since? [09:04] oh that was the one I just did [09:04] whats the other one mandel [09:04] fagan: this is the one I meant, sorry https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-sso-client/fix_732057/+merge/54722 [09:04] hehe [09:04] its cool [09:05] mandel: still the same one [09:05] :) [09:06] fagan: hs, stupid me, here you go https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-sso-client/fix_732112/+merge/52741 [09:07] mandel: so I understand what this is doing already and it is fairly straightforward can I just approve it or is there a special review type i should use for that? [09:08] nessita tagged it as trivial so should I just copy that I mean [09:09] * fagan is just wondering [09:09] +1 anyway [09:09] yes, but in this case, run the tests since she could no do so on linux [09:09] mandel: so I should run it on linux too? [09:09] that extra / will mean that tests should pass on windows in that branch [09:09] fagan: no, windows [09:09] oh lol [09:10] my bad early in the morning sometimes lose my brain for spells of time [09:10] I was just about to run the test anyway was just grabbing the branch just in case [09:13] mandel: pass [09:14] cool, so we have all green lights on windows? [09:14] mandel: yep [09:15] everything says gogogo [09:16] cool, we oficially have the sso backend ported to windows :) [09:16] well you not me :) [09:16] next step, start proposing the merges for the ui which is already done, by today we should have a buggy ui added :) [09:16] but go team go :P [09:16] hehe [09:17] mandel: thats fine by me I got right back to fiddling with qt desinger already [09:18] fagan: I'm done with the screen you had problems with, let me push it [09:18] cool [09:18] ill merge it in [09:20] fagan: I just pushed it, merge it and let me know if that is ok with you? [09:20] that ? is extra :P [09:20] mandel: sure ill tell you if it fixes my problem [09:22] fagan: I've just noticed a small isssue with the spinbox aligments, let me fix it [09:22] will be a min [09:22] ok cool [09:25] morning clarita I saw the changes already shouldnt be too hard to change the screens [09:26] oh and you didnt add the progress thingy [09:26] morning! great - yes progress thingy still to do as well as some amends to the folder selection...watch that space! [09:26] kk cool [09:29] fagan: you can merge with the new version, I added a long label to test that the stretching works correctly, feel free to remove it [09:30] mandel: oh and we could do the done installing screen and the installing screen together right with just disabling the next button or something? [09:30] mandel: Cool will do [09:31] fagan: yes, we can, anything that has an extra button can be the same, just create it with the button, and we can programatically disable it when needed [09:32] mandel: the push button should be more right and where did the other two buttons go? [09:32] the cancel and the back buttons were needed right? [09:33] fagan: in the doc, there are not two buttons, and the apply this settings is centered [09:33] oh that must have changed since I looked at it [09:34] it looks kinda out of place centered [09:34] fagan: there is an issue with the alignment of the button and the checkboxes, you have to add spaces around the checkboxes group that expand so that the button and the checkboxes are aligned [09:35] clarita: ping [09:35] mandel: so grouping them fixes the issue with them being out of place [09:35] mandel: oh and the cancel button is there its just moved to the right hand corner [09:35] * fagan re-adds it [09:35] fagan: dont re-add it [09:36] mandel: oh ok [09:36] fagan: hat is part of the QWizard and not the QWizardPage, the wizard page should not take care of back, cancel, help buttons [09:36] oh ok [09:36] those buttons follow the logic of the QWizard, pages dont care, they are just displayed [09:37] the QWizard will render the buttons according to the nextId result of the page, in you case since we have just a cancel and a back button, we will be chaning the buttons logic in the QWizard, not the pages [09:38] mandel: ah ok so you can style it to go to the other side then [09:38] I didnt know that [09:40] yes, take a look at the Qt documentation of QWizard and QWizardPage, it explains the usage of the two diff widgets, the logic is the following, all navigation is done by QWizard, all input and display by the page [09:40] the back button logic, cancel, finishe etc.. is a QWizard things to take care of, so we dont have to worry much [09:41] * fagan checks it out [09:42] hello mandel [09:42] clarita: good mrning! como estas? [09:42] muy bien gracias, y tu? [09:43] clarita: bueno es viernes, asi que muy bien :) [09:43] claro ;-) [09:43] aunque amo mi trabajo :-) [09:43] clarita: your english you should say something more like "mandel make me some tea" [09:43] * clarita chuckles [09:44] mandel fagan if I can help with your layout discussions above it might help to see where you've got :-) - I'm in a meeting in 15 mins for a couple of hours fyi [09:45] clarita: small remark in the installer doc, 4th page starting from the end has some extra buttons that are not needed (I suppose they were forgotten there) [09:45] clarita: layout is not something that worries me, when done I'll package what we have for you (I'm a little behind on that) and will do a doc similar to the one I sent of sso, that way you now how the widgets flow [09:46] okey dokey [09:47] clarita: other remark is the use of borders in the frames, 1 to 2c use a border, the rest done, is that on purpose? [09:48] same with 5b, has a box, rest do not, we need to know tat so that we can use a widget that can be styled to have the border or not [09:48] is not much of a change, but the sooner we use the correct one the better [09:49] mandel: sure - this really depends on the work lisette is doing - borders were originally used for grouping text and image on the same page - so please don't make efforts to include until the visual design has progressed [09:50] clarita: ok, so 'til other news, all screen should be 'border less' [09:50] fagan: got that ^ [09:50] mandel: kk [09:50] * fagan did that originally [09:50] mandel: correctamundo [09:51] clarita: what language is that? [09:51] :P [09:51] Oh, hi everyone! :D [09:51] fagan just keeping you on your toes! [09:51] aloha [09:51] hey JamesTait [09:51] nice day [09:52] clarita: I have to teach you how to use sms spanish ;) [09:52] mandel: I have to teach you some Irish too [09:52] mandel: por favor [09:52] :D [09:52] we can all speak Spanglish or Spirish [09:52] yeah I cant [09:53] * fagan needs to learn a bit [09:53] (well the curses are always fun to learn) [09:55] Lovely day again, yes. Apparently the temperature is set to dip for the weekend though, and be warm again on Monday. [09:56] JamesTait: well heres hoping it stays nice enough for the weekend [09:56] hi JamesTait :) [09:56] fagan: Indeed. I gots plans. :) [09:56] Morning karni. :) [09:57] JamesTait: I can just picture with a map behind you saying that, and a short skirt hehe [09:57] mandel: hehe I worry about your mind when I hear lines like that :P [09:57] mandel: What kind of girl^Wguy do you think I am?!? :D [09:57] JamesTait: a very well weather informed one :P [09:58] fagan: I'm strange, you'll get used to it :) [09:58] mandel: ha im kinda strange too in a charming way [10:01] mandel: Ok I fixed the start screen [10:01] ish [10:01] mandel: so should I remove the install button that I placed before? [10:02] since qwizard already has a next we can custom [10:05] fagan: which screen? [10:05] Start.ui [10:05] I had a button there for cancel and one for starting the install [10:06] fagan: is that 2a in the current design? [10:06] mandel: yep [10:08] mandel: so what im wondering about is the big button that I put on my window for the install to start can we style the qwizard page next to look like that [10:10] fagan: no, that would be way too much work for what we get, we use the on you added, and call the next action from the page.wizard() that returns the parent wizard [10:11] mandel: need a review on that merge proposal you just did? [10:11] mandel: cool [10:11] so, in code words QObject.connect(big_button, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.wizard.next()) [10:11] mandel: cool [10:11] fagan: sure, let me first add some instructions on how to test the setup.py [10:13] mandel: does it add any big lot of code I can open the ui files in qt designer otherwise [10:13] ah it adds a little [10:13] * fagan grabs it [10:16] fagan: it adds code to the setup.py soothat you have to read, all the crazy xml you can open with the qt designer, but that is the initial version, so no need to worry about the ui just yet [10:16] I added the .ui so that I could test that the setup.py worked. [10:17] mandel: passes on linux anyway [10:17] after looking at the code ill go into windows and check there [10:18] ok, cool [10:18] fagan: later I'll change the setup.py so that the code can be used on kubuntu, but there are a number of changes to do there that I do not have yet [10:19] * mandel is happy he will added Qt code on sso for kubuntu [10:19] mandel: ah cool [10:20] mandel: line 1248 in the diff there is a type ugle->ugly [10:21] oh and w->we [10:23] he [10:23] ok [10:23] mandel: line 1308 in the diff case->cases [10:23] on it [10:23] fagan: can you type all the remarks in a needs fixing comment? [10:24] mandel: kk [10:24] almost finished anyway [10:30] mandel: ok other than checking out the .ui files the code review is done [10:31] cool, dd the needs fixing with the spelling issues [10:31] and running the tests too on windows [10:33] mandel: the qt is fine [10:33] so onto the test [10:38] mandel: passed [10:39] cool, I'll fix the issues asap [10:39] mandel: cool [10:47] CardinalFang: ping [11:16] mandel: maybe we should leave the subscribe screen till clarita finalizes the design or should I give it a try [11:17] at the moment it looks like the mockup but has no frames and all that [11:18] fagan: lets wait, no need to do work that will be thrown away [11:18] do you want me to review it? [11:18] mandel: well i only did 1 different screen [11:18] the start one [11:18] if you want to have a look you can give it a go [11:19] and could you do the last screen for me its an easy one but I think im missing something and its not sizing [11:20] I set the minimum size and all but they arent getting any bigger [11:25] fagan: so you want me to take a look at the last one, which is the name of the file? have you pushed the changes you did? [11:26] fagan: I've fised the windows_ui_1 typos, can you take a look when possible? [11:27] mandel: the file is Done.ui [11:27] and I just pushed again so pull before you do that [11:27] and look at start [11:28] Start.ui [11:28] I think I have it almost right [11:28] mandel: oh and ill look at that merge now [11:30] fagan: Start.ui which screen is it on the google doc? [11:31] mandel: 2a I think [11:31] the second one [11:31] * fagan hopes it hasnt been changed [11:32] it has [11:32] ill fix it [11:32] fagan: he, I was going to say :) [11:33] fagan: now that you are chaging it, add an horizontal spacer under the button, in the version I've seen you are trusting on the way the vertical spaces span, which is ugly [11:34] mandel: ok [11:34] sorry I switched vertical for horizontal [11:34] oh so vertical you mean ok [11:35] fagan: so, you are trusting the horizontal spacers around the button for the vertical streching, if you run the paged and make it aller you will see what i mean in the button [11:35] is aligns in a funny way [11:35] mandel: ok fixed on my machine ill push it [11:39] fagan: why are there 2 lables? Titles and subtitles are already present in the QWizardPage (setTitle and setSubTitle are the methods) we do not need to add labels for that [11:40] fagan: also, the button, still has a funny streching when we make the windows taller, since it has no spacer that pushes it to the label, you just have to add one under the button horizontal layout [11:42] do I make sense? [11:42] mandel: I was getting coffee sec just reading [11:42] oh and ill +1 that merge [11:43] fagan: sure, I'm made those changes locally, if you want I can push them [11:43] * mandel gets coffee and some other drugs too [11:43] mandel: cool ill look down though them [11:43] * fagan is happy with the coffee and some crisps [11:54] fagan: I'm back, so do you want me to push my changes? [11:54] yep [11:54] * mandel does it [11:55] * fagan really needs some more practice with qtdesigner [11:58] fagan: I've pushed the changes to my branch merge accordingly [11:59] mandel: kk so ill have a look and keep trying to get better at qtdesigner [11:59] ok, let me know if you need more help [11:59] sure [11:59] fagan: in the changes I added a big ass label to show how it stretches when moved around [12:00] mandel: ok ill have a look to see how you did it [12:02] mandel: the bottom part of the form doesnt scale any more [12:02] it scales horizontally but not vertically [12:04] ein? [12:04] what do you mean? [12:05] mandel: drag the bottom part and the button and text box stay at the top of the screen [12:05] and the bottom part scales without it [12:06] fagan: oh, you mean that the label is at the top, and the extr space goes to the bottom, that is the way you want it, the QWizrd frame will add some space for the title and before the label appears [12:07] mandel: no I mean if you make the window bigger the bottom button doesnt stay at the bottom of the window [12:07] it stays just under the label [12:08] fagan: the install button? yes that is how I understand the wireframe, that the extra xpace goes at the bottom [12:09] * fagan doesnt think he is getting his point across [12:09] sc [12:09] sec [12:12] mandel: http://ubuntuone.com/p/jOx/ [12:13] fagan: o the problem is that the button stays under the label and adds the space to the bottom, right? [12:14] mandel: yep [12:14] looks a little weird [12:16] fagan: I would add a small space between the label and the button, then we talk with clarita about the best way, if the button has to be as close as possible to the label, we set spacer at the bottom to expand and set the top as fixed, if not the other way around [12:16] so we have both options easily [12:17] yeah thats cool [12:17] hust add a spacer on top of the layout used by the button and set it to be fixed, take a look, or a screeshot, swap the streching, and send to clarita both images, let her choose [12:18] fagan mandel: what is the score with pop up info during Windows install....e.g. to avoid excessive text where explanations are necessary can we have a pop up on click? [12:19] clarita: is that a dialog, or a ballow kind of thing? [12:19] we could do a label thats hidden and show it when they click? [12:19] fagan: tool tip is a nicer thing to use [12:20] clarita: ballow (my own word) == tool tip [12:20] :P [12:21] mandel he he - tool tip [12:21] clarita: we can add click events to widget [12:21] mandel: muy bien [12:21] * fagan just suggested the label so we could do something fancy but tooltips are fine and easy [12:21] ouch, my english is shit today, I speak like and indian in a western movie [12:22] lol mandel [12:22] hello everyone! [12:22] hey nessita [12:22] karni, hi hi [12:22] mandel: did you see the trivial needs fixing in main_4? [12:23] hi fagan [12:23] nessita: yes, they are done [12:23] nessita: I reviewed and approved [12:23] awesome [12:24] CardinalFang: hi there! I came up with an answer, invalid ping ^^ [12:25] karni, ACK RST [12:26] nessita: so, I've been thinking about the current situation with the code having to be tested and wanting a cont integration thing going, the idea would be to have a builbot slave for each platform, add connect the admin to an irc channel #u1-windows-builds or something so that we get the reports [12:27] nessita: maybe have a xp and 7 slaves at least, and have none for ubuntu since tarmac will make sure that the linux version is ok [12:27] mandel: makes sense, I would generate emails instead of IRC messages [12:27] mandel: since IRC messages may not be seen [12:27] mandel: also, if we can set that up, we should add cont int for u1client [12:28] nessita: sure, that is logical, I'm sending and rt with what we need, so we have all multiplatform projects running [12:28] nessita: I will ask for t to be setup, but offer my help to do it on windows, although I try to dodge the bullet :) [12:29] mandel: that sound perfect. Thanks! [12:37] mandel: I added a spacer top and bottom and it looks a little better I think [12:38] fagan: bottom? we already had one at the bottom, didn't we? [12:38] I mean top and just above the button and they all scale now [12:39] may I see a pict? [12:41] http://ubuntuone.com/p/jPD/ [12:41] I dont know I like that the button moves a little bit with the size [12:42] I dont mind either way [12:42] clarita should look at both and see which one is better [12:42] (the button isnt the right size though) [12:43] I think it would look better with the bigger button [12:43] fagan: looks good to me, anyway don't get block by this, finish the rest of the screen and then I can do a bigger review, ok? [12:44] mandel: sure [12:44] going for a break soon but will do it after standup [12:46] ok, np [12:46] I need to walk the dog [12:46] * mandel walking beast [12:47] * fagan lunch [12:49] CardinalFang: I'm introducing some major changes to the FilesDatabase 1) cleanup and naming conventions refactor 2) more fields 3) the file_data column will be a URI (either file:// or content:// ), so it'll be my job to refactor your work once you're done. I don't want to bother you with those details. [13:08] mandel: apporoved [13:08] approved* [13:10] could someone please update bug 387308 - there is a comment (#42) from August that says proxy support for files is in 10.10 and desktop-couch should be in 11.04 [13:10] Launchpad bug 387308 in ubuntu (and 1 other project) "HTTPS Proxy Support for file sync (affects: 301) (dups: 29) (heat: 1182)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/387308 [13:13] popey: the merge is marked as needing a field test, too bad my college moved their proxy to hide it or id test it [13:13] they put a server between the proxy and the students so its unseen [13:14] can you browse through the proxy? [13:15] popey: yeah its like a direct connection they just put the proxy on the outgoing server [13:15] can I test it? [13:16] popey: check here https://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/ubuntuone-client/very-basic-proxy-support-for-stable-1-4/+merge/39910 [13:16] and id suggest talking to the guys about it [13:16] * fagan is just going from whats there [13:17] Chipaca_: ^ [13:17] Ok, I would like to test that, but don't know what's necessary to do that. [13:18] ideally I'd like a deb that I can install and test on my laptop (at work I am behind a proxy so this would be ideal) [13:18] popey: could you grab the bzr branch? [13:19] karni: ping [13:19] duanedesign: pong [13:19] karni: have a quick minute for a PM? [13:19] sure [13:19] * fagan should probably actually take his break :) [13:21] fagan: that would mean going backwards it seems [13:21] that patch is against 1.4, my natty machine has ubuntuone 1.5.8 [13:21] popey: yeah I dont think that branch is upto date [13:21] if chipaca was around he could probably fix it [13:21] :( [13:22] and its sat there for 4 months [13:22] looks like yet another ubuntu release goes by with no proxy support. [13:22] popey: I can chase it up for you if you'd like [13:22] I'd appreciate knowing what can be done to make proxy support work. [13:23] popey: well hopefully the patch can be adapted to the current release so you can test [13:24] its only a few lines [13:24] I could nearly look into it then if someone signs off on it [13:25] * fagan is supposed to be doing ui files for the windows client but this seems important and looks like it wouldnt take too much time [13:26] the patch applies to 1.5.8 in natty [13:26] proxy support doesn't work for everything [13:27] dobey: file sync would be a good start [13:28] popey: if that patch does work, it would be very basic, as the branch name suggests [13:28] define basic? [13:29] right now I dont mind if it doesn't work with authenticating proxies, or other oddness, just observing the http_proxy env var would be a good start :) [13:30] * popey is building it now [13:30] well it only supports HTTPS_PROXY env var, and to get that from the gnome settings, you'd have to run ubuntuone-syncdaemon manually [13:30] ugh [13:30] because dbus daemon is started before gnome-settings-daemon [13:31] so you cant get it from gconf? [13:31] well if someone wrote the code, it could i guess. but that branch doesn't do it [13:32] ok, so that would be a slightly-less-basic patch, if it could get https_proxy from gconf? [13:32] and would be reliable enough to get that on autostart? [13:33] if it talked to gconf/dconf directly, then yes, autostart would work ok. and it would probably not be basic at all [13:34] i guess then there is the issue that if someone changes the proxy settins you have to restart syncdaemon or logout/in to effect the change? [13:35] with that current branch, yes [13:36] would it make sense to check (in syncdaemon) if the proxy changes and trigger a restart itself > [13:36] ? [13:36] * karni @lunch [13:36] (assuming the necessary magic was there to get the proxy from gconf and use it) [13:37] popey: yes [13:38] or indeed would it make sense to do a callback whenever that key changes in gconf? [13:38] (I am not a programmer so if this sounds dumb, sorry) [13:41] * fagan plays call of duty while waiting for standup [13:43] popey: gconf is doable. os.env isn't going to change inside a running program, unless the program itself changes it, or something starts doing evil stuff that one isn't supposed to do [13:43] makes sense [13:44] if we were using gconf though, a restart wouldn't be necessary [13:44] i suppose we should use GSettings/dconf though, instead [13:45] as gconf is deprecated now and all [13:45] oh, didnt know that [13:45] dconf it is then :P [13:46] but i don't know what the state of all that is right now, and the gsettings migration tool was crashing every time i logged in on my laptop until yesterday or something [13:46] it's a touchy area since we are sticking to 2.32 in ubuntu 11.04 [13:49] * mandel back [13:50] dobey: so in theory if I made a patch which used gconf to discover proxy settings and used those, would it get thrown out? [13:50] (subject to usual quality control standards for patch submissions) [13:51] mandel, dobey, thisfred, fagan: stand up in 10' [13:51] 9, actually :-) [13:51] kk [13:52] yep [13:52] ok [13:53] dobey: im pretty sure gconf is still on the disk [13:53] popey: i don't know. [13:53] it just wont be for 11.10 id say [13:53] * fagan checks [13:53] fagan: yes, in 11.04 it is, because we ship 2.32 [13:53] ah ok [13:53] fagan: but writing code that we're going to throw out in 2 months seems like a waste of time to me :) [13:53] yeah thats right [13:54] and anyway we are on a normal release warts are expected :/ [13:55] eh, we haven't ever had proper proxy support in ubuntuone-syncdaemon :) [13:56] popey: also of note, is that even with that previously linked branch, there are a few operations which will not work, because they do not go through the twisted reactor connection, but instead use oauth signed HTTP requests via urllib, which really sucks at proxies [13:57] :( [14:00] me [14:01] ? [14:01] me [14:01] me [14:02] mandel, dobey? [14:02] me [14:02] me [14:02] fagan: go! [14:02] DONE [14:02] * More iterations of the screens [14:02] * Tested and did code review for 2 of the merges mandel proposed (took a while but was good for the learning) [14:02] TODO [14:02] * Finish the screens [14:02] BLOCKED [14:02] * nope [14:02] thisfred gogogo [14:03] * DONE review https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu-sso-client/displayname-stable/+merge/54705 [14:03] * DONE attended TDD screencast [14:03] * DONE peer review James T. [14:03] * DONE performance self review [14:03] * INPROGRESS get ubuntuone-couch into natty [2/3] [14:03] - [X] 0.2.0 https://code.launchpad.net/~thisfred/ubuntuone-couch/release-0.2.0/+merge/53317 [14:03] - [X] ubuntuone-couch FFE http://pad.lv/729117 [14:03] - [ ] wait for the package to get through the upload queue [14:03] * INPROGRESS notifications/alerts of quota events http://pad.lv/702172 https://code.launchpad.net/~thisfred/ubuntuone-client/quota-notifications [14:03] * TODO revoked shares stay in messaging menu http://pad.lv/741770 [14:03] NEXT: nessita [14:03] DONE: started self-evaluation, tons of reviews for mandel, SRU + freeze exception research for bug #709494 [14:03] TODO: finish self-evaluation, keep digging into London sprint (tickets and all), start working on the final countdown for U1CP bugs [14:03] BLOCKED: nopes [14:03] NEXT: mandel [14:03] Launchpad bug 709494 in ubuntu-sso-client (Ubuntu Natty) (and 5 other projects) "Missing user's name field (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/709494 [14:03] DONE: Added a way for the sso service to announce which tcp is using on windows. Added a startup script that will allow to run sso on windows. Done all windows ui, little is left to be done. Though about how to use BuildBot for continuos windows integration of the multiplatform projects. Allhands peer reviews. Helped faga with some small QtDesigner things. [14:03] TODO: send rt with BuildBot request. Add missing class so that qt gui can be request in dbus (only windows atm, later kubuntu too) [14:03] BLOCKED: no [14:03] dobey, please [14:03] λ DONE: nightlies updates, perf reviews [14:03] λ TODO: finish perf reviews, UIFE request, finish bug #733327, libu1 release [14:03] λ BLCK: None. [14:03] Launchpad bug 733327 in libubuntuone (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Notify user of missing MP3 support (affects: 1) (heat: 354)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/733327 === m_conley_away is now known as m_conley [14:04] any comments crowd? [14:04] Bonus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD2LRROpph0 :) [14:04] i hate administrata [14:04] all, peer evaluations can be completed until April, 8 [14:04] I dont have to do them right? [14:04] what you need to have done for today is self evaluation and request of peer reviews [14:05] fagan: I don't think so [14:05] cool [14:05] fagan: no, you just started. your only goal would be "sign the contract" :) [14:05] dobey: done that [14:05] :P [14:05] yay \o/ [14:05] more comments? [14:06] nope [14:06] ok, eom then! === ralsina is now known as ralsina_not_real [14:07] good morning people [14:07] ralsina_not_real: hey [14:07] or are you not real? [14:08] I am not really_working but irc has a nick length limit, it seems [14:08] can you do ralsina_!@work? [14:08] * fagan suggests ralsina_no_work [14:08] or what mandel just said [14:08] :P [14:08] ralsina_not_real: please give us back the real ralsina! === ralsina_not_real is now known as ralsina_not_work [14:09] fagan: can you review this: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-sso-client/implement_windows_main_4/+merge/53410 [14:09] sure [14:09] mandel: apparently not :-) [14:10] * mandel imagines ralsina dressed as supermans evil twin brother [14:10] ralsina_not_work: because long irc nicks are a pain in the ass and annoy people. and changing your nick to signal /away is lame :) [14:10] * ralsina_not_work is lame anyway [14:10] mandel: I pushed that screen I did the change to. mandel would you prefer that I label the ui files to the wireframe numbers? [14:11] Anyway, ping me if you need anything urgent [14:11] fagan: no, just name them os that they make sense to someone without the doc, we can update the doc later to do the map [14:11] ralsina_not_work: ping, I need a coke [14:11] kk [14:11] mandel: sorry, coke-over-irc RFC is not official [14:13] ralsina_not_work: how is pycamp going? having fun? [14:13] making everyone to use qt? [14:13] :P [14:13] mandel: I missed all the 1st day because my wife got sick [14:14] mandel: and then my kid got hysterical [14:14] mandel: so I am now starting :-( [14:15] oh man, that is unlucky [14:15] Anyway, my quota of qt conversions for the semester is covered by making a guy whose contract says "GNOME developer" work with PyQt on windows. You are worth 25 points! [14:15] mandel: what is ipc? [14:16] * fagan still doesnt have all of the shortened forms of everything [14:16] fagan: Inter Process Communication [14:16] ah ok [14:17] * fagan should have known that one [14:17] :D [14:17] mandel fagan: quick q - when user is asked for payment is the address associated with the card requested? we haven't included that but I think that is incorrect [14:17] clarita: uh, no idea, I can ask jdo about that, one sec [14:17] clarita: I think its needed [14:18] fagan: me too [14:18] I have never seen it not being asked for [14:18] nessita: do you know who we can ask that ^ question? [14:18] jdo seems to be away [14:19] he, I'm stupid, he is, I was looking at the wrong channel [14:19] * fagan googles [14:19] mandel: the credit card question? [14:19] nessita: got it, jdo should now [14:19] mandel: I guess so, yes :-) [14:21] clarita: jdo just confirmed that the card address is indeed a required field [14:21] mandel: thanking you [14:22] * mandel hopes there is a wave to the screen included in clarita thanks [14:22] hah mandel I waved first [14:22] clarita was just being polite :P [14:22] * clarita waving, cheering, streamers flying, victory music [14:24] clarita: if you are in an office that would be a very funny picture [14:24] * fagan doesnt know where clarita is based so kinda thinks millbank [14:24] fagan: you've got to keep the place energised on a Friday afternoon...I feel it's my duty - yes Millbank [14:24] i suspect it would not be especially out of the ordinary for a canonical office [14:25] the Royal Wedding will have nothing on Millbank on a Friday afternoon ;-) [14:25] clarita: I did link to the greatest song at the moment at the meeting [14:26] clarita: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD2LRROpph0 such inspirational lyrics [14:26] * fagan goes back to doing mandel's merge [14:27] it certainly inspires suicidal tendencies [14:27] dobey: I dont know why but I cant stop listening to it [14:27] I think I should go to an excorist [14:28] fagan: thank you for sharing that with me - a truly complex message [14:28] clarita: yep it is friday [14:32] mandel: +1 on that merge [14:33] * fagan ran the test and couldnt find any goblins out in the open [14:33] sweet! [14:33] and that fail is fixed in that other merge [14:33] so its all dandy [14:33] fagan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OTRxR6PUow [14:34] dobey: im more of a friday man :P [14:35] Na seriously dobey im a rock man like my new fav band is alter bridge they are awesome [14:36] clarita: are you changing the sync screens any more? [14:37] fagan: yes [14:37] just stuck on payment right now [14:37] ah ok [14:37] almost at sync [14:37] Im just wondering what is safe to start fiddling with [14:37] unless mandel has more merges [14:38] or I could try and get payroll sorted either if nothing is open at the moment [14:39] mandel: do you have anything for me to be looking at im hanging about since I dont want to waste time on screens that are going to change in a while [14:41] get payroll sorted, you should not work if we don't pay you ;-) [14:41] fagan: why dont you write a script that loads the pages in a wiard so that it can be shown to the UX team, once you have that you can move to writing the setup.py similar to the one in windows_ui_1 to compile the .ui files [14:41] fagan: the setup.py should be easy once you read the one from the sso one [14:42] the script to load the pages in a wizard is pretty much the one I sent you [14:42] ralsina_not_work: yeah I remember [14:43] mandel: I think I could do that but would I just be loading in everything form a folder in the code or would I manually add them in [14:44] fagan: I would do it one by one, since the order matters and we will be added some code to it later [14:44] Ok cool [14:45] oh it would help if you showed me how to turn the .ui files into code [14:45] * fagan didnt see that yet [14:47] fagan: you approved a branch where it does it, lp:~mandel/ubuntu-sso-client/windows_ui_1 [14:47] fagan: look at the buil commands for windows [14:47] mandel: ah ok [14:47] I just thought there was some trick to it [14:57] mandel: just sorting out something with payroll will be a few minutes [15:00] fagan: there is no trick, just look at the setup.py and preaty much copy it and change the required stuff so that it works [15:03] * mandel very late lunch bbl [15:03] mandel: kk [15:03] mandel: that describes every project I have ever been involved in. "Just copy another project and change the required stuff until it works" :-) [15:04] ill try get what you asked done but im kinda bouncing between payroll and this so it more than likely wont get done today [15:09] ok, no t a big deal [15:11] mandel: cool [15:15] im a little sore im going to take 15 and limber up [15:21] lunch time, bbiab [15:44] ralsina: I wonder since I did an hour extra on wendsday for that merge can I swap that and get off the extra time? [15:44] * fagan wants to go out while its warm === Brot1 is now known as BerndSch [15:47] I dont mind either way just was wondering [15:51] ah im almost finished anyway so no point I suppose [15:51] and everyone seems to be on break :) [15:56] wow unity just crashed when I was in the middle of the code :/ [15:57] * fagan relearns why you should always save everything just in case [16:04] fagan: unity crashing shouldn't lose you work; here it just restarts (which is a pain, but no loss of work) [16:05] Chipaca_: it froze and didnt restart had to turn off the computer [16:05] everything just went unresponsive [16:05] fagan: doesn't sound like unity crashing, that [16:05] sounds like something further down the stack [16:05] it was probably compiz [16:06] fagan: mouse also unresponsive? [16:06] Chipaca_: nope so it wasnt x itself [16:07] fagan: did you try ctr-alt-f1, log in, 'unity'? [16:07] compiz seems to be the only thing it could have been since befor the crash the window manager went out the window [16:07] Chipaca_: tried it [16:07] didnt work [16:07] ah well [16:07] * Chipaca_ goes back to the review fun [16:07] Chipaca_: didnt lose much [16:07] just a few lines [16:08] (that werent tested) [16:08] * fagan reviewed a good few today [16:09] clarita: ill try to get the thing so you all can have a look at the screens before I log off [16:09] fagan: thank you [16:09] mandel will probably have to finish it though [16:10] * fagan is just ordering the screens at the moment [16:11] clarita: I'll take over fagans work whenever he leaves to get it ready for you [16:11] clarita: you need the screens of the current work, right? [16:11] clarita: there is only 1 or 2 screens that are actually done though so it wont be too great [16:12] the changes to the design blocked a few from getting done so ill have to finish them on money [16:12] mandel fagan: ok thanks - I'm a bit stuck on rewireframing payments as I have learnt a couple of things this afternoon that require a re-jig - yes it would be good to see the screens of the current work if poss but not urgent as I'm still otherwise engaged [16:12] monday [16:12] non urgent [16:13] thats good then [16:16] mandel: ill make it so you just have to make the .ui files .py files and add in the names of the screens that you did for sso [16:16] I put in a comment for you too [16:17] ok [16:22] mandel: pushed and im off [16:23] mandel: its terrible code I just changed ralsina's code a little with the file names and crap [16:23] so expect terrible code :P [16:23] later all [16:24] fagan: on, I'll work a little on it to see how far I get during the rest of the day (1hour) [16:24] fagan: have a great weekend [16:24] mandel: yeah see you monday bright and early [16:24] :) [16:24] * fagan -> away === teknico is now known as teknico_away === clarita_ is now known as clarita === clarita_ is now known as clarita === teknico_away is now known as teknico [17:04] lunchtime!!! [17:04] * nessita starvs [17:07] nessita: what time is it there? [17:07] as a matter of interest [17:08] fagan: nessita's on GMT-3 [17:08] ah ok [17:08] fagan: so, *way* past lunchtime [17:08] well I make sure to get lunch at 1 every day [17:09] I think the regularity of it is good [17:09] Have a great weekend everyone and see you around on-line [17:09] karni: you too [17:09] fagan: 1 PM ? lucky you ;D that's healthy! [17:09] fagan: my lunch routine is quite messed up. not to mention supper at 2AM [17:09] although I seem to sleep more regularly now that I start at 8 AM [17:10] regularly as in: normally [17:11] I have practiced coding till 4-5AM not so long ago, but it's not that bad if one likes to code late :) [17:30] karni: Im trying to get into a routine for working from 8-4 and having a short break at 1 and I think that is pretty good [17:30] * fagan prefers to get a system set up [17:30] fagan: I think that is perfect. I had lunch at 2:30 today [17:30] but I'm working on it ;) [17:31] I'm thinking of throwing in 30 min jogging in the morning [17:32] I've got gym every second day, but I've been skipping lately :x [17:33] fagan: what's your monitor setup? /how many screens?/ [17:56] Having major issues with UbuntuONe [17:56] I tried syncing a directory, it's been 2 days and no files are synced [17:56] I paid for a whole year too, so I'm extra frustrated [17:57] Tried restarting the daemon, deleting the directory and retrying... NOTHING [18:01] Doughy: hi [18:01] hmm [18:01] Doughy: what ubuntu version are you on? [18:02] 10.10 [18:02] Doughy: ok. could you open a terminal and run some stuff for me? [18:02] Doughy: by the way, what size is the directory? [18:03] It's about 9 GB [18:03] Yeah I can run term stuff [18:03] is that a lot of small files, or few large ones, or what? [18:03] From what I understand, u1 is terrible at initial sync of large dirs [18:03] It's got a lot of small files [18:04] 9GB of small files [18:04] Yes [18:04] Well [18:04] yes, with the 10.10 client, that would suck a lot [18:04] just regular files [18:04] docs... [18:04] Some files are large [18:04] but there are a lot of small files [18:04] Doughy: ok, in a terminal, first: u1sdtool -s [18:04] with a few big ones [18:04] ok [18:05] Got a DBUS error [18:05] Oops, an error ocurred: Traceback (most recent call last): Failure: dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken. [18:05] grumble [18:05] hmm [18:05] ps -C ubuntuone-client [18:05] ok [18:05] sorry, my bad [18:05] ps -C ubuntuone-syncdaemon [18:05] Doughy: what version of ubuntuone-client do you have exactly? [18:06] I just updated it like 10 mins ago [18:06] lemme see [18:06] PID TTY TIME CMD 3804 ? 00:00:08 ubuntuone-syncd [18:06] that was the ps return [18:06] how do I get version? [18:06] dpkg -l ubuntuone-client [18:06] apt-cache policy ubuntuone-client [18:06] or what dobey said [18:07] ii ubuntuone-clie 1.4.6-0ubuntu2 Ubuntu One client [18:07] karni: I have 2 tvs as my monitors, 1 on hdmi and one of dvi [18:07] hrmm [18:07] Since I updated the client, the u1sdtool -s doesn't work due to DBUS issues [18:08] that is the latest update for maverick, indeed. should be working pretty good [18:08] karni: unity doesnt work right on it yet though, i cant drag between my monitors [18:08] Doughy: tail ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log [18:08] what happens is everytime I run u1sdtool, it fires up the daemon and starts crunching, then it interferes with the sdtool [18:09] Doughy: the dbus timeout is just a timeout, not an error per se [18:09] Doughy: not too userfriendly, i know [18:09] ok [18:09] Doughy: how many files were in the directory you asked to sync? [18:09] hmmm, lemme see [18:09] Doughy: how brave a soul are you? You'd be an excellent test for some recently added code [18:09] 37,000 [18:10] yep, "tens of thousands" [18:10] ouch [18:10] dropbox handles it fine [18:10] Which is why I'm frustrated [18:10] fagan: Aha :) [18:10] I am a huge Ubuntu fan [18:10] Doughy: if you're ok with it, I'd like you to try our nightlies [18:10] Want to get this working, want to support cannonical with my $ for UbuntuOne [18:10] fagan: I've been running to long on a single screen. So just asking around. [18:10] karni: it was cheaper to buy tvs than monitors [18:10] ok [18:10] Bring it [18:11] fagan: what's tvs. As in TVs ? [18:11] karni: yep [18:11] oh [18:11] Doughy: you won't be able to go back to non-nightlies, mind you [18:11] Doughy: not easily, at least [18:11] hmm, so I'll always have unstable U1? [18:11] karni: its nice to have 2 monitors since you can have code on 1 screen and apis on the other [18:11] Doughy: but, nightlies right now is what's going to be in natty [18:11] Doughy: no, I'd say, add nightlies, update/install the bits from nightlies, then remove them [18:11] ok [18:11] Doughy: or disable them [18:12] you said I can't easily go back [18:12] karni: I watch different programs on 1 and work on the other so its pretty relaxing [18:12] Doughy: when you upgrade to natty, you'll move on to the natty version, and you'll be ok again [18:12] fagan: right. code/irc/manuals [18:12] fagan: how the fsck can you chat, code, and watch tv at the same time ;) [18:12] Doughy: you can't move back in version, but if you remove the pacakge source, the package don't downgrade on their own [18:12] Hmmm... not sure I'm going to upgrade this computer to Natty right away [18:13] OK [18:13] let's just do it [18:13] not working now anyway === IAmNotThatGuy is now known as M0hi [18:13] and I want to help Ubuntu [18:13] Chipaca: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntuone/nightlies [18:13] what's the Nightly PPA? [18:13] Doughy: ^ [18:13] karni: I have ADD so I have an insane action per minute for what I do [18:13] ok hang on [18:13] Doughy: what nessita said [18:13] nessita: thank you :) [18:13] prego [18:14] * nessita provides [18:14] fagan: you said that as if ppl without ADD where slower ;) [18:14] you can disable the ppa source, remove all the installed packages from it, apt-get update, and then reinstall the packages, and it will put you back to what's in the distro/updates [18:14] but there may be other problems as a result, like metadata incompatibility and such [18:14] ok [18:14] added PPA [18:14] karni: well I had to work around my issues with concentration by being really fast on my feet for when I actually forget something [18:14] ok, I've got to run [18:14] Doughy: now, sudo apt-get update [18:15] nessita: please, take over [18:15] running [18:15] fagan: ack [18:15] Chipaca: bien sûr [18:15] karni: I got tested before and they said I can work out stuff a lot faster than other people because of it [18:15] Doughy: when is done, sudo apt-get install ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk (that will everything you need for Ubuntu One) [18:15] ok [18:15] fagan: Interesting I must say. [18:15] almost there [18:16] fagan, karni: you just need to train :) [18:16] Doughy: before installing, please quit current syncdaemon with u1sdtool -q [18:16] karni: I can say without a doubt I wouldnt be a good programmer if I didnt have ADD [18:16] Doughy: or killing the process ubuntuone-syncdaemon [18:16] dobey: yeah [18:16] fagan: hhahah :) [18:16] dobey: I will, every day [18:16] ok checking [18:17] dobey: or, *I do [18:17] karni: mental training for concentration? [18:17] ubuntuone-launch and sso are running? [18:17] shoudl I kill? [18:17] no syncdaemon [18:17] fagan: But, how do you know? If you have ADD, you don't know how's without ADD, no? [18:18] Doughy: you should log out, wait a minute, then log back in, after updating [18:18] ok [18:18] dobey: plain and simple, trying to keep up with both code and IRC ;) [18:18] be back in a min [18:18] karni: well I read the books and they discribe the problems that you have with ADD and some of those problems are what made me good at what I do [18:18] karni: eh, that's the easy part :) [18:18] (if that makes sense) [18:18] fsck, I bit my tongue while eating [18:18] haha [18:18] karni: see what i mean :) [18:19] dobey: hahahah! [18:19] fagan: anyhow, I'm happy for you in that case ;) [18:19] dobey: should I meditate daily ;)? [18:19] karni: :) [18:19] fagan: it's possible to not have ADD *and* also be very good at switching context a lot, and quickly :) [18:20] dobey: undoubtly [18:20] karni: i don't know, i'm not a doctor. but there are some very good martial arts practices on the matter :) [18:20] otherwise, everyone would love to have ADD [18:20] dobey: I've been doing krav-maga for 1.5 year. But that's far from meditating ;D [18:21] dobey: I am good at that [18:21] karni: heh [18:21] OK back [18:21] nessita [18:21] dobey: I can switch tasks on a dime and work better when doing a few things at once the only issue I have is sticking to one particular task [18:22] Doughy: did you install ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk? [18:22] yeah [18:22] Doughy: ok, so please go to System -> Preferences -> Ubuntu One [18:23] Doughy: that will start syncdameon if is not running [18:23] syncdaemon is running [18:23] so is the GTK app [18:23] loading.... [18:23] wheel spinning [18:23] Doughy: you didn't kill syncdaemon like I mentioned? [18:23] I did [18:23] it restarted when I logged back in [18:24] GUI says "FILE SYNC ERROR" [18:24] wait [18:24] now that went away [18:24] File sync starting... [18:25] "seems" to be working [18:25] can't tell [18:25] Syncdaemon using a lot of CPU [18:25] Doughy: yes, is migrating your metadata to the new natty format [18:26] OK good [18:26] Doughy: so we need you to be patient (migration will happen only once) [18:26] yeah, understood [18:26] I'm leaving, take care guys. [18:26] enjoy the weekend karni! [18:28] karni: later [18:28] :) [18:30] Nessita, looks like CPU slowed down to normal [18:31] Doughy: what does the control panel reads, next to the quota info? [18:31] File sync in progress [18:31] nessita, fagan: thanks, bye! [18:31] you too! [18:31] Not seeing much upload traffic though [18:33] Doughy: great, os working! [18:33] is* [18:34] Doughy: thing is that syncdaemon will first create all the folder hierarchy in your cloud [18:34] and once that's done, it will upload content [18:34] It seems to be uploading content [18:34] but very slow [18:34] Doughy: can you run in a terminal: u1sdtool --waiting | wc -l? [18:34] yeah hang on [18:34] that will show how many thing are queued up for upload [18:35] 5866 [18:36] So why wouldn't it upload super fast if all the files are ready? [18:36] I have a fast internet connection [18:36] it's uploading at like 2KBps [18:38] Doughy: there is a lock-by-path mechanism that prevents files inside the same directory to be uploaded until that directory is created. But other than that, syncdaemon performs multiple uploads [18:39] Seems like all my dirs are already created though, when I look on the web client [18:41] Doughy: good [18:41] Shouldn't it just upload at full network capacity? Why 2KBps? [18:43] Doughy: not really, most of the command require the acknowledge from the server [18:43] commands* [18:44] OK, well either way this is much better than before. Do you work for Cannoncial? === M0hi is now known as SleepingDevil [18:50] Doughy: what is your maximum upload banwdith? [18:50] Should be like 6 Mbps [18:50] or more [18:50] my download is 20 Mbps [18:51] Doughy: is it cable internet? [18:51] yes [18:52] dobey: I just ran an upload test from speedtest.net and got 4.5Mbps [18:54] Doughy: ok [18:55] Doughy: yes, sorry for the delay, I missed your question [18:55] Doughy: I work for canonical, yes [18:56] Doughy: it will probably speed up when it starts actually uploading file contents then. it creates the file meatadata entries on the server first, so with 35,000 of those, it will take a bit and might seem slow as far as network utilization goes. but it's a known problem and we are working on ways to improve that too [18:57] dobey, nessita: when I run u1sdtool --waiting | wc -l it is very slowly decreasing, does that mean these files are actually being uploaded, or that metadata is being processed? [18:57] Doughy: --waiting will count all the pending commands, both metadata upload and content [18:58] hmm, ok [18:58] Doughy: you can try u1sdtool --current-transfers to have more detail [19:01] it says it's uploading 3 files, but they are not changing. [19:01] nessita [19:01] Doughy: what do you mean with 'they are not changing'? [19:01] where are you looking? [19:02] same files are there every time I run --current-transfers [19:02] Doughy: isn't the transfer amount changing? [19:03] when I run a linecount on --waiting, it is very slowly decreasing [19:03] but when I run --current-transfers, same thing every time [19:03] hum [19:03] Doughy: can you please paste the content of your log file into pastebin.ubuntu.com? log file is located at ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log [19:04] ok hang on [19:06] nessita, done [19:06] Doughy: please share with me the link :-) [19:46] how much is space on ubuntuone for desktop ? [19:46] i'll see the FAQ [19:47] as much as you pay for :) [19:47] mungo-: we offer 2GB of free storage, and then you have plans that you can stack to have as much as you need [19:47] so i'd get 60GB for $6 ? [19:48] oops [19:48] $9.00 [19:48] there [19:48] you'd have 62GB total for ($2.99*3)/month [19:49] does i sync things other than items which i place i its folder ? i realize thats probably in the FAQ too [19:50] yes, you can select any folder under your home folder to be synchronized. but not your home folder itself, and not things outside home. and some things you shouldn't do (like mount something under home directory and then choose to sync that) [19:54] got it [19:54] will a web url never reference the file ? [19:54] or is a translation possible ? [19:57] mungo-: you mean, will the filename be part of the url? [19:57] oui [19:57] yes [19:57] is that possible ? [20:00] not currently, no [20:01] i'm not sure if there is a plan to put filenames in the URLs for published files or not in the future. i don't work on that part [20:03] np ty [20:03] i'l use it on android too [20:03] thank you all === herb__ is now known as herb === m_conley is now known as m_conley_away [21:43] have a good weekend all [21:52] ok, I'm off as well [21:52] bye all!