
=== Blank___ is now known as Blank__
esox1hello what is the difference between jackd1 and jackd2 ?14:45
holsteinesox1: most of the changes are subtle14:45
holsteini would say14:45
holsteinunless something you have is not compaitble with JACK214:45
holsteinyou want it14:45
holsteinesox1: i would suggest finding a live distro14:50
holsteinwith JACK214:50
holsteintest it with your gear14:50
holsteinthen go from there14:50
holsteinAVlinux im pretty sure14:50
holsteinKXstudio has JACK214:50
holsteini use the KXstudio PPA to have JACK2 and other goodies in my ubuntustudio 10.04 install14:51
esox1holstein: in fact I want to compile Ingen and I have this error message, I think it is because it needs to be compiled against jackd1 http://pastebin.com/Tbpx2px014:54
esox1holstein: you have th exact wording of this ppa ?14:55
holsteinesox1: sorry15:10
holsteini have a session here ina bit15:10
holsteinand im running late :/15:11
holsteinesox1: ask in #opensourcemusicians :)15:11
holsteinfalktx is the maintainer of the PPA's i mentioned15:11
esox1hello, I try to install jackd1 0.120 debs but I have a nightmare with dependencies16:11
esox1could someone help16:11
azmwhat means 0.12016:19
azmare you using synaptic16:19
azmesox1, why this particular version ?16:23
esox1azm: to build ingen16:23
esox1azm: I need to instal those deb https://launchpad.net/~blablack/+archive/music-prod/+buildjob/233298516:24
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 2332985 not found16:24
azmingen does not work with lastest jack one or two ?16:26
cl3tUsHello everyone!  I needed some advice.  I just purchased a Line 6 HD500.  I can use this to record on my computer, but hte main problem is that I don't know what to hook it into.  Do I need to buy a hardware card that will interface with my unit or some firewire device?16:33
cl3tUsHello everyone!  I needed some advice.  I just purchased a Line 6 HD500.  I can use this to record on my computer, but hte main problem is that I don't know what to hook it into.  Do I need to buy a hardware card that will interface with my unit or some firewire device?16:44
azmcl3tUs, that is multieffect16:45
cl3tUsazm - yes.16:45
cl3tUsIf I understand correctly, it's designed to plug right into a computer and record using hte effects and such on the pedal.16:45
cl3tUsso no plugins (effects) needed from a program, which is what I wanted.16:46
cl3tUsThe prob is, I don't know exactly what I need to hook it into.  Someone said if I got a firewire device, I can run the pedal into the device, then into the computer and be g2g.16:46
azmcl3tUs, please feel free to join #opensourcemusicians they will hep you. I need to to go now.16:46
azmthis channel is quite silent most of the time16:46
cl3tUshy crysaz16:49
cl3tUswould you have some way of helping me out?16:49
esox1azm: ingen needs 0.120 and doesn't like jackd2. It needs jack sessions as fara as I kno18:46
azmesox1, that sounds kinda strange. What is so special on this version of jack ?18:47
esox1azm: don't know... for qure it doesn't like jackd2, can't compile it on jackd218:49
esox1azm: here is what happens when compiling ingen http://pastebin.com/atFFeJzP18:53
azmesox1, maybe you could try asking in #jack18:53
esox1azm: I'l try that thanks18:53
azmalso there are no stable modular synthesizers in wild ?18:56
esox1azm: not as good as this one, I'm used to reaktor18:57
azmesox1, do you have some samples with using ingen ?18:57
azmyou created18:57
esox1azm: what do you mean ?18:58
azmwhat I said19:01
azmsome music created with help of using ingen software19:01
azmhow is it different from audio processing in ardour eg. ?19:02
azmIm just watching this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unM7bd0GZ0Y19:02
azmand i thing it could be done without it as well19:02
holsteinesox1: relavant?19:03
esox1holstein: maybe you could tell me how to add this ppa on synaptics... https://launchpad.net/~blablack/+archive/music-prod/+buildjob/233298519:07
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 2332985 not found19:07
holsteinesox1: let me look19:09
holsteini wouldnt add that PPA19:09
holsteinyou dont want to change/depricate a large piece of your system19:09
holsteinfor one package19:09
holsteinthen, you'll run into problems with other packages soon19:10
esox1holstein: how can I install those 0.120 debs...19:10
holsteinesox1: severaly ways19:11
holsteinyou can just DL19:11
holsteinand click on them19:11
holsteinadd the ppa19:11
holsteinsudo apt-add-repository ppa:blablack/music-prod19:12
holsteinsudo apt-get update19:12
esox1holstein: but ?19:13
holsteinits in there ^^19:14
holsteinread https://launchpad.net/~kxstudio-team/+archive/ppa/19:14
holsteini would suggest going with this PPA19:14
holsteinfalk is around a lot19:14
holsteini dont know the other guy19:14
esox1holstein: cool but the libasoud on synaptics is too old...:(19:20

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