[00:12] hajour> mmm can someone help me whit to look on a odt? or i put it in a pastebin [00:12] i have write it in a odt what i need to write for to ask sponsorship [00:12] for UDS [00:13] i not new what to write exactly but i have tried === jasono is now known as Jasono [01:25] goodnight all. in about 4 and half hour my alarm clock will go off again :S === API is now known as Guest76134 === Guest76134 is now known as apinheiro [14:51] We are testing the Natty Narwhal Beta1 images this week. If anyone has a spare partition or computer to test with, we would like to test both the screen-reader install and the rest of the accessibility options under F5 [14:55] Pendulum: bug 739812 [14:55] Launchpad bug 739812 in unity "Must use hardware keyboard to perform search for applications in Unity" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/739812 [14:56] sabdfl wants to know why it is critical... [16:13] * JackyAlcine will be right back. [16:41] anyone around can verify a high-contrast installation on Ubuntu natty-dektop-i386 ? [21:34] screen-reader install is a required test for beta1 :-)