[04:56] irssi is alright! [06:14] yes, yes it is. [06:15] -!- Irssi: Uptime: 58d 17h 13m 44s [06:24] What program will make the ipod database? [06:25] ipod database? [06:25] yes [06:25] the database that runs on the ipod [06:27] I was unaware ipods ran databases on them [06:27] they do [06:27] im guessing you dont know of a program to do this then [06:27] what type of database is it? [06:28] the...apple kind [06:31] http://shuffle-db.sourceforge.net/ [06:35] ugh the shuffle :/ [06:51] yes [07:01] i never understood anything beyond anger at the product [07:01] every other mp3 player has a screen [07:01] they are essentially selling a defect [07:02] The Apple Car "shuffle" edition, now without steering wheel! [07:07] yeah anyway [09:03] o_O [19:55] head_victim: Are you the planet.ubuntu.org.au admin now, or is that still elky? [22:57] blahdeblah: Canonical admin it, the team contact requests changes, so basically I now submit requests for updates