=== phisko_ is now known as kyofel_ === kyofel_ is now known as kyofel [01:32] can someone set prio on 743324 - it's my bug so I won't recommend one; but its pretty important for netbooks [01:32] bug 743324 [01:32] Launchpad bug 743324 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Allocate drive space window too large for netbook - can't get to buttons (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/743324 [01:44] penguin42: I think there's a workaround. Regardless, set. [01:44] penguin42: thanks! :) [02:00] thanks === ravitejavad is now known as rav [09:08] has any progress been made on this bug: [09:08] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/705988 [09:08] Launchpad bug 705988 in software-center (Ubuntu) "[master] Untrusted packages can not be installed (affects: 81) (dups: 28) (heat: 286)" [Medium,Confirmed] [09:08] I was just affected by it, it's not nice :/ [09:13] ikt: I am also affected by it :-/ [09:13] although installing from command line using apt allows to confirm the source [09:20] I unticked the 'Canonical Partners' in the other sources tab of software sources and it seemed to fix it [09:21] I've seen 5 different work arounds [09:21] but this shouldn't be a bug at all in a program that has such a simple job to do [09:25] ikt : if apt asks the user about confirming the authenticity of the source, then this could also be done in software center ? although I never noticed this problem until recently [09:30] I'm not sure tbh [09:30] I've never had apt ask me about the source === ogra_ac is now known as ogra_ [11:13] o/ [14:44] hi [14:44] need to submit bug for ubuntu notificatioons. plese tell me the package name. [14:49] Abhijit: what do you mean by 'Ubuntu notifications'? Indicator? [14:49] yes [14:49] hggdh, like sound bar [14:49] gwibber notificatioon [14:49] etc [14:49] that [14:50] Abhijit: then it is (probably) indicator-applet [14:50] okay thanks hggdh [14:58] hi guys [14:59] should i go to #kubuntu-bugs for kde bugs or here is okay? hggdh ? [15:00] ah okay i head to there [15:09] Abhijit: #hubuntu-bugs will know more about KDE bugs; if no response, you can try here [15:09] O.o [15:09] hggdh, if you mean #kubuntu-bugs then yes i gone there already. :-p [15:10] hggdh, and they said to submit it upstream. so will do it later. [15:10] hggdh, just to confirm should i submit gourment recipe manager bug here only or go upstream? [15:13] hggdh, ?? [15:21] Abhijit: please be patient, we may be busy elsewhere (as I was) [15:21] yeah okay [15:21] i am patient [15:21] gourment recipe manager? [15:21] * hggdh goes digging data about it [15:22] yes [15:23] hggdh, yes [15:23] gourmet, you mean, correct? [15:24] yes [15:24] its in software center [15:24] in software center in search type the word 'recipe' [15:24] and gourment will be first result [15:25] Abhijit: gourmet -- no 'n' before the 't' [15:25] :-) [15:25] yeah! [15:26] Abhijit: you can open the bug here for record, but (a) it is an Universe package, so it is a target of opportunity for contributors; (b) it would help to _also_ open the upstream bug, and link both to each other [15:26] hggdh, ok so first i submit here. and now i also go upstream too. thank you for yout time! :-) [15:27] Abhijit: correct [15:27] and thank you [15:27] hggdh, this is the launchpad one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gourmet/+bug/744302 [15:27] :-) [15:27] Launchpad bug 744302 in gourmet (Ubuntu) "gourment automatically selects the section (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] [15:30] Abhijit: ok, I have some points I would like to raise re. 744302 [15:30] hggdh, sure! :-) [15:31] (1) you show a bug in gourmet in English -- not always auto-selecting the right section; [15:31] wait wait [15:31] (2) you show another bug -- perhaps the same, perhaps not -- on *not* English: always selecting the wrong section [15:31] hggdh, i dont understand that above whole sentence 1st one [15:32] no problem [15:32] hggdh, hey wait you doont get my point. why i mentioned that english and non english thing becuase === bcurtiswx_ is now known as bcurtiswx [15:32] in english 'very few times' some times it does select it correctly. but thats very few. [15:32] OK [15:32] but in my native language it never does that. i just wanted to point out the difference [15:33] in short bug exist for both languages [15:33] Abhijit: so far a *similar* bug exists for both languages; perhaps it can be extended to others [15:34] hggdh, do you mean i should to submit two different bugs? [15:34] (other languages) [15:34] no [15:34] then? [15:35] I am just pointing out to you that there is a risk on assuming [15:35] but moving on [15:35] oh i see okay [15:36] you then propose to *change* the way gourmet works: add an option to either always preselect the sections, or to never preselect the sections [15:36] wait [15:36] it will be radio button selection [15:37] 1. autoselect sectioons for all webpages [15:37] 2. ask on each time [15:37] hggdh, ^^ [15:37] Abhijit: this is implementation detail [15:37] yes [15:37] but still it will either preselect or *not* preselect [15:38] the issue I have with it is there is nothing in the above proposal that fixes the bug you raised [15:38] so I can still click the radio button and get the wrong section preselected [15:39] yes [15:39] so? [15:39] what fixes the bug? [15:39] but who those aware of this setting will change it to ask on each so they will be like me benefitint [15:39] but those who only using enlish website dont need this [15:39] Abhijit: I am afraid this will not resolve the bug [15:39] hggdh, then what to do? [15:40] Abhijit: *fix* the wrong section selection [15:40] :-) [15:40] hggdh, currently this is really annoying to me becaue there are lots of recipe i download from web and each time i manually neeed to first unselect all sectioosn becuase they all are wrong? what should i do? [15:40] hggdh, how to fix it? its not in english? [15:41] Abhijit: you pointed an error in the application -- it is selecting the wrong sections. Instead of adding code to BYPASS the bug, we should *correct* it [15:42] oh yes [15:42] hggdh, but now another questions come how? since its for non english webpages? who will do it? [15:42] hggdh, if you want i will change the description of the bug accourdingly. should i ? [15:43] Abhijit: first of all, you have to find out how the application selects sections [15:43] ok [15:44] Abhijit: I am _not* involved with gourmet. I can still state that if I were to be involved, I would refuse your bug [15:44] Abhijit: your suggesting does not solve the issue [15:45] Abhijit: it may well be a good thing to be implemented, but IT DOES NOT SOLVE THE BUG [15:45] and this is an important thing [15:45] you point out a bug, and then you propose a way that will allow you to select to bypass the bug, but does NOT correct it [15:46] hggdh, ok. but now what should i do? [15:46] it is sort of a non sequitur [15:46] hggdh, as of now i am not in situation to fix the bug? because fixing will reauire coding? [15:46] Abhijit: point out the issue -- you already did that. Now, either submit it upstream, and wait for someone to look at it or [15:47] hggdh, yes i am going to submit it upstream. [15:47] Abhijit: find out what would need to be done (grab the source code, chat with the upstream developers, read) [15:47] hggdh, and thanks for clearing me. [15:47] yeah [15:47] perhaps it needs coding, perhaps it does not [15:47] ok [15:47] but if you do not try to find out you will not really know [15:48] yeah ......but dont have that much time. really! i have time to submit bug that i can do for now! [15:48] :-) [15:48] and that is i am doing. so far 3 bugs submited! [15:48] Abhijit: good enough, and very good indeed [15:48] for goourmet that is. [15:49] it is not that we have to do it all -- we do not, 99% of us are volunteers [15:49] but we shoudl try to do the right thing ;-) [15:50] at least the right step [15:50] yeah [15:50] sure [15:50] Abhijit: by the way thank you for your interest and willingness to help [15:50] hggdh, :-) sure! [15:50] opening a bug DOES help [15:51] yes! :-) [15:51] :-) [18:54] * drkenobi_work drkenobi-w === drkenobi_work is now known as drkenobi-w === em is now known as emma === BUGabundo is now known as BUGa_fewd === bdrung_ is now known as bdrung === BUGa_fewd is now known as BUGabundo