[16:39] g'morning === deryck is now known as deryck[lunch] [19:09] <_mup_> ensemble/new-hook-semantics-departed r181 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com [19:09] <_mup_> Add -departed hook [19:23] bcsaller, jimbaker standup? [19:23] is there something we need to cover today? I'm finishing up stuff I didn't get to this weekend [19:25] bcsaller, nothing in particular.. i was just wanted to touch base and where we are on our tasks from last week, and what we're working on this week [19:26] almost done with this darn spec, but we can do a quick call to cover it [19:28] bcsaller, great [19:28] jimbaker, skype? [19:32] kapil, sounds good re skype === deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck [19:33] jimbaker, just see your cell phone on skype [19:34] kapil, that's probably because i'm not logged in :) [19:34] hold on, super noisy here - i'm at coffee shop while car is being worked on [19:36] kapil, i see bcsaller on skype but not yet you. split brain? [19:37] jimbaker, cloud :-) [19:42] jimbaker, not seeing you on skype [19:42] jimbaker, or it fails constantly [19:43] jimbaker, you should just be able to just modify unit relation lifecycle _execute change hook [19:43] and switch the hook path based on change [19:53] kapil, back now [19:53] jimbaker, did you see my comments above about _execute_change_hook? [19:53] kapil, yes [19:54] cool, afaics that should be all that needs modification to support additional separate hooks for change, depart, join [19:54] that's actually where i made the change [19:55] so maybe i'm overanlyzing here then... i just want to ensure that niemeyer's plan of having the existing semantics co-exist with the new semantics can work [19:55] a change there should do that [19:56] and ditching the removal of the CHANGE env var [19:56] also within that method could be done the expansion of join to include modify [19:56] kapil, agreed on that [19:57] so basically we can simply execute an arbitrary number of hook executions (seen with yield self._executor(...)) [19:57] although in this case, arbitrary means up to two [19:57] jimbaker, generically.. yes. specifically we want two [19:57] jimbaker, sounds good [19:58] kapil, sounds good. i was getting worried this was getting too complicated. and i didn't want to change more unit tests than necessary for all the obvious reasons [19:58] thanks [19:58] jimbaker, np [19:58] i'm going to meander and see i can find some lunch [19:59] bbiab [20:10] hmm.. looks like nova is almost done adding lxc support [20:23] <_mup_> ensemble/new-hook-semantics-departed r182 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com [20:23] <_mup_> Keep existing semantics for departed; make it possible to invoke multiple hooks for one change [23:52] <_mup_> ensemble/new-hook-semantics-remove-ensemble-change-env-var r186 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com [23:52] <_mup_> Modified examples for new hook semantics