[00:03] the 3d unity apparantly works in a modern virtualbox (4.x) [00:03] was running virtualbox, but dropped it for kvm [00:04] why was that? [00:05] easier to deal with getting machines to start up on boot, it's what we use on the servers [00:06] right [00:07] I only use it for casual desktop use [00:07] "Sorry Unity 2D Launcher closed unexpectedly" [00:08] I currently have 4 machines up most of the time and another 2 or 3 that do yo-yo impressions as I'm testing a linux desktop proof of concept [00:08] err two machines up most of the time [00:10] I mostly just have windows running for awhile, virtualbox is simple enough to use, I don't really log out on the host [00:11] ok [00:11] I generally logout at the end of each day [00:13] having an ipv6 tunnel is useful for being able to access my work desktop from home as well :) [00:15] is open.org.nz down for anyone else? [00:15] http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/open.org.nz says it's dead [00:16] * ajmitch can't reach it from work either [00:48] * thumper wonders when to upgrade locally to natty [00:51] did my home PC a couple of weekends back [00:52] * ajmitch might upgrade in a month or so [00:53] I don't know what it is about my PCs and upgrades .. both my home PC and work PC have had to have the window manager started 'manually' [00:53] thumper: when's the next scnz-dunedin meeting likely to be? [00:53] when is the next dunlug? [00:53] I'm wanting to move the day to a tuesday [00:54] and I don't want to clash [00:55] next dunlug meeting is this wednesday, the next tuesday meeting for it is on the 12th [00:56] the distiller have something on thurs 7 about mobile development [00:56] yeah, saw that [00:56] I may even go [04:35] it was good talking to you guys. hope to talk again. may the source be with you [19:49] morning [19:51] morning [19:57] does anyone use the full circle notifier? [19:58] nope, what is it? [20:05] supposed to notify when the Full Circle Magazine has been released [20:05] and optionally download it [20:06] ah, I don't read that, probably why I don't use the notifier :) [20:21] morena [20:32] morena atamira, kei te pehea koe? [20:32] kei te pai e hoa. kei te pai :) [20:33] sorry, was doing the email thing [20:35] question, why use the full circle notifier or are you actually talking about the subscription thing that notifies you when the next one comes out? [20:41] the application that notifies and can download the magzine and podcasts ec [20:50] mmm..i downloaded calibre...i think its kinda clunky..will get the magazine this week, i might learn something [20:51] Morning [20:52] Atamira: what are you doing with calibre, we do a lot of ebook stuff here [20:52] i was given a bunch of books. turned out to be 6000 epub books [20:53] needed something to read them on and someone told me about calibre [20:53] took nearly 10 hours to load them all into the program [20:53] actually...i know it took longer than 5 hours. after that i went to bed. it finished sometime in the morning [20:56] Atamira: calibre is a conversion program mainly, I don't know of anyone who uses it much for reading except to make sure things are working. [20:56] Atamira: do you have a physical device to read from or are you reading from your computer screen? [20:59] computer screen [20:59] ive been tossing up which reader device to use [20:59] i think i might just go with a netbook [20:59] i dont want to use a variety of things that will do just one thing [21:00] ie..ipod for music...kodo/kindle for bookreading [21:00] from what i could see, the iphone isnt a drag and drop kinda thing [21:00] I think a netbook has some of the same issues that a computer screen has as a reading device [21:01] that keyboard just gets in the way [21:01] netbook is small enough to take to bed if i want, and listen to music and read ebooks on [21:01] makes it awkward to hold .. unless you want to be sitting up in bed with the netbook on the lap [21:02] shrug no different to reading an actual book in bed [21:02] but at least i can take it to bed if i want [21:02] I like to lie on my side and read [21:02] that is true [21:02] on my pc i cant [21:03] I think the age of the tablet is going to come through [21:03] if you want to read 6000 ebooks, your eyes want you to buy a kindle / kobo / eReader [21:03] more power. With a bluetooth keyboard they are likely to start being able to replace the netbook [21:04] what else can you do on kindle/kobo/eReader tho? [21:04] just read a book? [21:05] Atamira: most of them have audio and text-to-speech functionality [21:05] id rather read a book [21:05] i most often nod off if i listen to someone read to me [21:06] they tend to drone on [21:06] some books neway [21:06] Morning [21:06] Atamira: how much does 6000 pulp-of-murdered-tree books weigh? [21:06] tonnes !! [21:06] heh [21:07] and carting them from country to country sucks ! [21:07] hence why im opting for digital books [21:07] i hate having to leave books behind cause they wont fit in the luggage [21:08] but i do need something thats more portable than my pc to read them on [21:09] The Kindle does look nice to read on. [21:09] I don't really mind reading off a screen though, like most of you I do it all day. [21:10] hads: my wife has a kindle and loves it. the reading light works really well [21:10] hads: the text-to-voice is the only functionality that causes noticable battery drain [21:10] I read off the screen all day, but the 'workstation' is optimised for keyboard rather than reading [21:11] Yeah, I was flicking through Dad's Kindle at Christmas, seems nice. [21:11] hads: often reading novel-length works you're much more static than you are programming, replying to emails, etc. and staticness can be a serious OOS issue [21:12] I can imagine. I'm not much of a reader to be honest. [21:13] agreed the kindle does look nice [21:14] does it allow for drag and drop or must you import the books via the proprietry software on it? [21:15] I think it's proprietry? [21:15] which rules that out for me then [21:15] i dont want to waste the books i do have already [21:34] bedtime [21:34] nite all [21:47] morning [21:51] morning [21:53] good morning [23:02] Atamira: i believe kindle uses .mobi, which calibre exports too very nicely [23:04] yay .. found a way to chance the background of the login screen [23:05] s/chance/change/