[00:32] hi guys i have a web server apache then i have alias set where i can browse the directory and download the file on a browser by typing the local IP http:localip/recordings --->its working on local but in remote or using its publci ip it wont open at all, the webserve have local ip and publci ip set. any idea guys..? [00:47] Hey all. I'm new to ubuntu server. Have had intermittent linux experience for sometime now though but not much server experience. I'm planning on running ubuntu server for my home webserver / vpn server. Would you guys suggest I just install ubuntu server and go? or install ubuntu desktop and virtualize ubuntu server? [00:49] Desktop until you get more familiar with linux [00:50] The server build has no gui [00:50] figured that was the best idea, I've been running the server on an old windows box through VMware and have the webserver running, only took like 30 minutes to get running just don't want to screw things up and have no way to fix it d/t lack of experience [00:52] have an atom setup en route and just trying to plan what i'm going to do before it gets here on tuesday. any suggestion what to use for virtualization? I've looked at KVM [00:59] Virtualbox is a little easier to use than kvm [01:00] i'll take a look into that, appreciate it speedster. later [01:14] What can i put thats easy to install on my server? [01:14] Something that i might find usefule [01:14] useful* === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk [01:44] moin [01:46] has anyone deployed grails in ubuntu server? [01:47] not sure I trust grails just yet ;) [02:02] Whats grails [02:09] Grails was acquired by vmware? === michael is now known as Guest15518 [02:54] hey I was wondering if there was a way I could simply revert ubuntu 10.10 back to the way it was after install without completely formatting and reinstalling, [03:01] what's up ubuntu server users [03:01] :) [03:04] $ uptime [03:04] 22:03:50 up 52 days, 23:59, 1 user, load average: 0.38, 0.13, 0.04 [03:04] :-) [03:04] * patdk-lap wonders who doesn't patch their kernel :) [03:05] lost power for over 3 hours a few weeks back, so my numbers aren't that impressive right now [03:05] but I've got a couple LPG generators on the way, so never again [03:06] patdk-wk: you can update the kernel with rebooting thanks to ksplice [03:06] ya, I had some 800day uptimes day 2 months ago :( [03:06] patdk-lap: [03:06] :) [03:06] damn storm knocked out power for 3 days [03:07] lp tanks didn't last 3 days [03:07] ah [03:08] well, one thing we sell is propane, got a 5000 gallon tank just for that [03:08] * rcconf loves Ubuntu [03:08] only 1000 here [03:08] ubuntu doesn't use rcconf, go back to bsd :) [03:08] heh [03:12] o,O [03:12] I use rcconf in UBuntu :D [03:35] http://www.techiehq.net/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=82730 [03:35] is this true? i really need to know [03:41] rcconf, that forum requires registration === windkids is now known as windGone [04:46] New bug: #744006 in backuppc (main) "package backuppc 3.2.0-3ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/744006 [05:37] New bug: #744019 in cloud-init (main) "mountall errors on boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/744019 [07:04] how can i upgrade 7.10 to 8.04? [08:53] aliverius: good morning [09:36] raphink: :) [09:48] Pinpon, ? [09:57] Why is collectd using between 200MB and 600MB of VSZ? === rpinson_ is now known as raphink === ogra_ac is now known as ogra_ [10:31] hello, can any explain to what i can do in this situation, http://pastebin.com/wbD69aEW [10:31] when i try to start my server, i get this things [10:32] alami: are you using vmware? [10:32] alami: or some other third-party software? [10:32] nope, i'm using a real HP server [10:32] That message is because something is calling "/etc/init.d/hostname start" instead of letting upstart do it [10:33] Rather, because something has symlinked /etc/init.d/hostname into rcS.d or rc2.d [10:33] This is not normal, but something third-party packages try to do it to be clever [10:33] and how can i fix it?, i can only trough repaire console to the server [10:34] Try update-rc.d -f hostname remove [10:34] Or look in /etc/rc2.d and /etc/rcS.d for symlinks to hostname and manually delete them. [10:35] ok i will try to do that [10:35] thanks a lot [10:36] i thing that a conflict between ssh and apache in libssl, but i have stop sshd and apache and acpi-support on the boot, but i steal can't start up this system [10:40] Sounds like you've fucked it up badly [10:40] Maybe it is best to reinstall from scratch [10:41] i have on this server firewall and proxy, and i don't want to reinstall it [11:09] Hello, I would like to do an active directory effect, where users logs in through ubuntu server [11:10] is there something like that available between windows and linux [11:18] cylex: do you want to integrate linux systems to active directory [11:19] cylex: or just have something similar for your ubuntu systems? [11:19] have something similar [11:19] like have windows users login, using linux server [11:20] goodmorning people [11:20] goodmorning ikonia [11:20] cylex: so this is Windows clients authenticating against an Ubuntu Server? [11:20] yes [11:20] and then it logs on to windows [11:24] basically, I wanna know if its possible [11:24] jamespage: what do you thing, if my ubuntu-server 10.04 get weird at the boot, if i upgrade to 10.10, is that a good idea [11:25] cylex: hmm not tried that before; I've backed Samba share authentication off to AD but never tried making linux act as the primary domain controller [11:25] wat's AD? [11:25] cylex: I think you used to be able todo this for NT 4 domains but I'm not sure about Full Active Directory (AD) [11:26] hmm [11:26] also, I heard of universities use Ubuntu as desktop OS [11:27] do they use some sort of networking [11:27] alami: that depends - what sort of issue are you having at boot? [11:28] alami: also be aware that 10.10 is not a long term support release whereas 10.04 is (so fixing might be a better option in this case) [11:29] ok plz try to stay with me [11:29] cylex, what do you mean by "some sort of networking"? [11:29] i have on this server firewall with iptables, and i have only run sudo apt-get update, and upgrade [11:29] after that, i can start my server [11:29] something like Active Directory login [11:29] cylex: if you are just working with Ubuntu there are a few options for login/authentication - see https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/network-authentication.html [11:30] cylex, probably, that or another kind of LDAP auth [11:30] it stay weird [11:30] alami: when you say weird what sort of behaviour are you seeing [11:31] ok thanks [11:31] :) [11:31] cylex: np - have a nice day! [11:31] you two! :) [11:32] I have tons of questions [11:32] i'll be back, when I install ubuntu [11:33] jamespage: i see that apache2 can't start, clamAV is out of date, checking for running unattended update [11:33] and also libssl and libcrypt and phyton [11:33] after unattended update [11:35] alami: did you see any issues during the upgrade? [11:35] alami: /var/log/apt/term.log might have more information if anything went wrong. [11:35] sorry i don't remamber that was two week a goo [11:35] i have search every when i have get any other informations [11:36] i will passt you /var/log/apt/term.log [11:36] alami: OK [11:36] btw: i have try to apt-get install --reinstall libssl0.9.8 in rescu mode, but without any change [11:38] jamespages: http://pastebin.com/SN5dfzxb [11:43] alami: can you pastebin /var/log/boot.log as well so I can see the error messages. [11:43] ok [11:45] jamespage: that's http://pastebin.com/VkHwJV38 [11:48] alami: hey - I have to duck out for 30 mins or so - I'll take a deeper look when I get back... [11:48] ok, i will stay here === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk [12:24] alami: back now [12:25] cool [12:25] :) [12:26] i'm happy [12:26] so i hope you can help me [12:27] alami: so there are quite a few error messages relating to /opt/hp/hpsmh/lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.8 [12:27] yes and libssl [12:28] alami: it would appear that this library is conflicting/interferring with the operation of the normal system installed one - issue with libssl is the same. [12:28] alami: is that the HP systems management agent? (hpsmh) [12:29] yes [12:31] but when i'm also on recovery mode, i can't use ssh, because libssl and libcrypto [12:33] I'm guessing that hpsmh has installed something to /etc/ld.so.conf.d so that the system picks up the libraries that it provides. [12:33] can you do a ls of this directory so we can take a look? [12:34] yes of cource [12:34] but i want only to tell another ting [12:34] i thing that libssl version that i have is not compatible with the system [12:35] ehat do you thing [12:36] agree - the versions provided by the HP agent look to be breaking other things like SSH, python and maybe apache [12:36] output of ldconfig -p might be useful as well [12:42] jamespage: http://pastebin.com/BRWBbzgN [12:42] what do you thing about this other link http://www.go2linux.org/linux/2010/05/pacman-error-while-loading-shared-libraries-libssl-so-0-9-8-cannot-open-shared-object- [12:48] alami: if you look at lines 51->53 it confirms that the hp provided library is overriding the system provided one. [12:48] for libssl [12:48] ok [12:49] and what's the solution to fix that? [12:49] libapr is being impacted by the same issue. [12:49] Which is probably the cause of the apache startup failure [12:50] i don't know rearly, apache ist not the problem, i want only to start the system another time [12:50] Well; you could un-install the HP systems management stuff - or it might need an upgrade if there is a later version (but that might cause the same issues). [12:51] http://www.go2linux.org/linux/2010/05/pacman-error-while-loading-shared-libraries-libssl-so-0-9-8-cannot-open-shared-object-, what do you thing about this solution [12:51] alami: I don't think that is the issue you have; or a good solution [12:52] i have disable all hp stuff at the boot [12:52] alami: fixing up system libraries like that is normally very fragile and future upgrades might break stuff [12:52] aha ok [12:53] jamespage: i thing reinstall the system is the best thing here [12:53] alami: disabling is probably not sufficient; take a look in /etc/ld.so.conf.d and see if there is a file related to the HP stuff and move it out. [12:53] because i can't reinstall un-install the HP systems management stuff [12:53] alami: I think that may be a bit extreme (re-install the system) [12:53] alami: you should be able to uninstall the HP stuff [12:54] which should resolve the issue. [12:54] http://pastebin.com/Ky577dED [12:54] alami: hpsmh.conf [12:55] I'd be willing to bet that if you move that file (or purge the HP systems management stuff) and reboot your errors should go away :-) [12:55] /opt/hp/hpsmh/lib [12:55] lol [12:55] So this directory tells the system where to load libraries from [12:56] i will move this file to /var/tmp [12:56] and reboot, ok? [12:56] Suggest that root home directory may be best. [12:56] things like /var/tmp /tmp etc... get purged out on reboots [12:56] but other than that try it out. [12:57] do you mean that i have to move /etc/ld.so.conf.d/hpsmh.conf to my /home? [12:58] lol or i will just change th name from mv /etc/ld.so.conf.d/hpsmh.conf /etc/ld.so.conf.d/hpsmh [12:58] are you ok jamespage? [13:02] so i have try it, but don't work [13:13] jamespage? === uvirtbot` is now known as uvirtbot [13:22] alami: hey [13:23] same issues? [13:28] I just did a re-install of one of my ubuntu 10.04 machines. Now i can't ssh into it. I get the error WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED! It gives me the fingerprint and the file, but the file is encrypted, so i can't delete it [13:29] jamespage: nothing, i have do that, but i still geting the same Problem [13:32] alami: so what does ldconfig -p say now? [13:40] dshuett: ssh-keygen -R -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts should help you out - because the host keys have changed you need to purge any existing entries. [13:41] dschuett: sorry - missed the c ^^ === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates === kentb is now known as kentb[bos] [14:15] jamespage: do you still here? :) [14:17] alami: yes [14:18] how can i understandt that :D via recovery mode, i can start the system normaly [14:18] i don't understadt that [14:18] but look, every thing work fein, but ssh not, i thing the Problem is only libssl [14:18] when i will get that, everything will work [14:22] alami: so did the change you made have any effect? i.e. is SSH the only thing now not working? [14:22] no the change doesn't have any effect [14:25] http://pastebin.com/uJXg5x1A [14:26] alami: well it looks like the system is still picking up the HP software. [14:27] i will try to remove it === DrDetroit is now known as DrD_away [14:34] alami I don't understand why hpsmh is coming into play when restarting sshd [14:35] hpsmh is System Management Homepage, the webpage that you access when you reach https://{yoursystem}:2381 === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk [14:41] Caribou: it would appear that the various libraries installed with hpsmh have conflicted with system installed versions which is causing this issue [14:41] jamespage: i have delete /etc/ld.so.conf.d/hpsmh.conf and i still get the samethings [14:42] hold on, lemme check a few things [14:42] alami: have you confirmed that this has removed these libraries from the ld configuration by running ldconfig -p [14:42] ? [14:42] yes [14:42] wait i will passt you ldconfig -p [14:46] Only on ref on ITRC, but seems like it has some good suggestions : http://tinyurl.com/4dcv7vq [14:49] jamespage: http://pastebin.com/zd24uLbp [14:49] Caribou: thanks for your help [14:49] funny, this url http://communitylinux.org/node/271 talks about a known bug and that the original author is Dann Frazier [14:50] he's dannf & he usually hangs around in this room [14:50] jamespages: do you see 50-52 [14:51] alami: hmm - that's weird - it might be worth checking the content of the other files in /etc/ld.so.conf.d [14:52] ok [14:52] the ld cache is only updated after sudo ldconfig is run so make sure todo that as well. [14:52] you must rerun ldconfig after modifying the file [14:52] jamespage beat me to it ;) [14:53] :-) [14:53] i have do after that [14:53] http://pastebin.com/HhgGJRxE [14:59] another question, why this? http://pastebin.com/C21L4Mit [15:01] why when i run sshd, hp anwser me [15:01] :D [15:05] jamespage:Caribou: thanks a lot, i will give it up, i have try all what you said but without any results === cmagina-afk is now known as cmagina [15:08] if i want to backup squid and dansguardiain configuration, i need only to backup squid.conf and dansguardian.conf? [15:17] Caribou: this bug is rearly hard [15:18] yeah & apparently not very well known. I would suggest to remove hpsmh if you don't plan to use it right away [15:19] Caribou: do you mean apt-get -remove hpsmh? [15:20] did you install the Proliant Support Pack yourself (hpsmh comes from the PSP) [15:21] sorry i don't know another person has install this server 6 mouth ago [15:21] I'm just not sure if hpmsh has other dependancies. [15:22] have see what Mike Watt say here http://tinyurl.com/5raezoq [15:22] sure it has another dependancies [15:24] yeah, you might want to try that [15:25] Caribou: i will try apt-get remove hpsmh, what do you thing? are you with [15:25] me [15:26] don't you want to try Mike Watt's trick first. [15:27] ok, i will try that first then i will remove if mike's trick doesn't work [15:27] thanks a lot [15:27] otherwise, you can remove it. It's publicly available anyway so you can always d/l & reinstall [15:28] yes that it [15:28] and i don't need it [15:29] you know, why i should need hpsmh [15:29] it's in there somewhere : http://downloads.linux.hp.com/SDR/ [15:29] it's a management webpage to help manage your proliant [15:32] You access it by the following URL : https://{your server hostname}:2381 [15:32] lol have you forget :) don't work [15:33] * Caribou didn't catch the beginning of the discussion [15:34] cp -i -s /opt/hp/hpsmh/lib.hp/* ./ [15:34] no problem ;) === med_out is now known as medberry [15:44] New bug: #744293 in drbd8 (main) "Infinite loop in helper LVM script for DRBD 8 in Lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/744293 [15:49] Caribou, jamespage : look at my new boot.log :) [16:04] only to let you know i have remove hpsmh and i don't get any positiv thing [16:04] but thanks a lot [16:04] for you help :) [16:08] SpamapS: ping? [16:21] Daviey: why did you say we don't have a comprehensive test suite for bind9? [16:22] hello there [16:22] using sed [16:22] is it possible to just only delete a line ? [16:24] anyone there ? [16:25] using sed is it possible to change a value ? [16:29] mdeslaur, We don't.... upstreams you mean? [16:29] hello [16:29] anyone there ? [16:29] mdeslaur, Perhaps i missunderstood the question, but i thought we were talking about comprehensive test *cases*.. which we lack. [16:29] WHAT'S up here ? [16:29] what about the ubuntu-qa testsuites? [16:30] tyreza, Please have patience... your question didn't include enough detail... You need to state what you need removed. [16:30] zul, Unless things have changed, i thought that testsuite was less than comprehensive. [16:30] Daviey: ah...pitti mentioned not having a test suite in the bug (651875)...yeah, upstream test suite is pretty good [16:31] mdeslaur, perhaps i should clarify... first - zul, is the ubuntu-qa testcases more comprehensive than i gave them credit for? === claude_ is now known as claude2 [16:37] i got 3 pc [16:37] i have ssh access on 3 pc [16:37] i need to remove a line called networkcom wich is present on 3 pc [16:38] so i want to use sed -i for that what should i have to do ? [16:38] zul, what do you think? Are they comprehensive? [16:39] tyreza, I'm sorry - but i'm really struggling to understand what you are trying to do.. you want to remove a line which starts with networkcom, from a text file? [16:40] well let me explain you in an other way [16:41] on this file : /etc/network/interface [16:41] i got a line : iface lo inet loopback [16:41] i need to delete this line [16:41] how to do ? [16:41] with sed -i ? [16:44] sed '/iface lo inet loopback/d' /etc/network/interface [16:46] or in a more complete fashion : mv /etc/network/interface /etc/network/interface.sav; sed '/iface lo inet loopback/d' /etc/network/interface.sav > /etc/network/interface [16:53] i m sorry not working [16:53] sed '/iface lo inet loopback/d' /etc/network/interface [16:54] is it : sed '/iface lo inet loopback/d' /etc/network/interface or sed - i '/iface lo inet loopback/d' /etc/network/interface ? [16:54] s/interface/interfaces ? [16:55] sed '/iface lo inet loopback/d' /etc/network/interfaces [16:56] not removing the line iface lo inet loopback [16:56] i think there is missing /s [16:58] is it the correct syntaxe ? sed -i 's/iface lo inet loopback/d' /etc/network/interfaces [16:59] tyreza: you need to read a little on how sed works [16:59] SpamapS, ping [17:00] tyreza: basically you need to output the changes to a separate file. something like Caribou said [17:03] New bug: #744371 in php5 (main) "PHP5-FPM doesn't always restart on 10.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/744371 [17:07] oh dear you earase my file [17:07] gone [17:07] i have to reinstall my macchine [17:14] tyreza: no, *you* erased your file === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates [17:22] may be [17:22] thanks a lot [17:22] bye [17:32] Daviey, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eucalyptus/+bug/717166 do you know when a fix will be landing for this? [17:32] Launchpad bug 717166 in eucalyptus "Broken with v4 isc-dhcp-server in Natty" [Critical,Triaged] [17:32] its marked as a release blocker, is that accurate? [17:33] hello [17:33] is there anyone ther e ? [17:34] on my terminal i got a scrip when i run the script i got a blue script where it asks me to enter the entry [17:34] to be able to have that screen i have to do ./myscript [17:35] so my question : how to that script to an new window [17:35] Daviey, all: also, any update on: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/open-vm-tools/+bug/727342 [17:35] Launchpad bug 727342 in open-vm-tools "FFE: open-vm-tools kernel module failed to build" [Critical,New] [17:35] i don't like that script run on the same window [17:35] i would like to run the script to a new window [17:35] how to do ? [17:38] yes i know i is an very tuff question, may be there is no answer for that [17:40] tyreza, try: gnome-terminal --command "sh -c 'echo hi world; sleep 10'" [17:40] that opens a new terminal, runs 'echo hi world; sleep 10' as if you'd typed it at the terminal [17:41] do you understand my questioN ? [17:42] so for my case i have to use myscript instead of hi world ? [17:43] gnome-terminal --command "myscript'" [17:43] gnome-terminal --command "sh -c 'echo myscript'" === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk [17:43] am i right ? [17:44] ok let me check [17:45] hallyn: hey...so what's the situation with bug 727342 [17:45] Launchpad bug 727342 in open-vm-tools "FFE: open-vm-tools kernel module failed to build" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/727342 [17:46] robbiew: no change since my last response to skaet. [17:46] so are we waiting for others to test it? [17:46] -bash: gnome-terminal: command not found === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates [17:46] robbiew: some already have, but yes [17:47] robbiew: i'm gonna try to look for another vmware-player version, one that actually works, to test with myself. [17:48] hallyn: ok. From a "regression" standpoint, aren't we regressing the user experience if we DON'T put this version in? [17:49] it's busted right now, right? [17:49] hmm, I'm pretty sure it built fine for me in vmware [17:49] yes it is [17:49] patdk-lap: open-vm-tools did? [17:49] hallyn: given this bug is targeted to Beta 1...which is thurs...we need to decide now or punt to beta 2 [17:49] booting it now, will see :) [17:49] I know awhile ago it wouldn't [17:50] but thought that was only in alpha [17:50] patdk-lap: open-vm-dkms will not build in natty [17:50] kernel incompatibility [17:50] robbiew: punting to beta 2 feels cozy, except then i consider that if there are bugs to be shaken out, putting it in at beta1 would mean we have beta2 to try and find/fix those [17:51] hggdh: any updates on our favorite euca bug 717166 ? [17:51] Launchpad bug 717166 in eucalyptus "Broken with v4 isc-dhcp-server in Natty" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/717166 [17:51] skaet: what do you need from hallyn in bug 727342 ? [17:51] Launchpad bug 727342 in open-vm-tools "FFE: open-vm-tools kernel module failed to build" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/727342 [17:51] robbiew: not yet. It is like a firefly, right now... [17:51] hggdh: so we should retarget that to beta 2 then? [17:52] oh ya, those two modules fail [17:52] robbiew, I was looking for someone to have tested it, and be willing to sign off in the bug that they had. [17:52] actually i need to target bug 742770 to beta1 or beta2 [17:52] Launchpad bug 742770 in lxc "Erorr in syntax in ubuntu templates" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/742770 [17:52] robbiew: yes, even though I will try again today [17:52] hallyn: beta 1 is this week...so beta 2 most likely [17:53] skaet: ack, so we've tested it...but there's sure to be bugs [17:53] robbiew, it was touching a lot of stuff. I checked with the kernel folks, and they were ok. However at this point, unless it really is release critical, I'd rather it wait until Friday. [17:53] skaet: no worries [17:53] it can wait [17:53] skaet: comment #14 and #9 are confirmations, fwiw [17:54] smoser: pong [17:54] hallyn: let's target to beta 2, but push the change out next week [17:54] robbiew: ok [17:54] then we can get it to folks via apt-get dist-upgrades [17:55] hallyn, ack, but my comments about regression risk, and extent of testing weren't really answered. (comment #21). [17:55] robbiew, have gone in and marked it for release, not against beta-1 then. [17:56] SpamapS, does this look sane: http://paste.ubuntu.com/586535/ [17:59] smoser: the white space is a quite lacking, but it should work fine. [17:59] why do you think white space is lacking? [17:59] where would you enter white space? [18:01] zul: ivoks: regarding bug 727342, I actually wonder if it's also the cause of bug 727342 [18:01] Launchpad bug 727342 in open-vm-tools "FFE: open-vm-tools kernel module failed to build" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/727342 [18:02] hello [18:03] smoser: I would indent the entire script section, and I'd put a blank line between every unrelated stanza [18:04] i dont know what "unreleated stanzas" are [18:04] http://paste.ubuntu.com/586538/ [18:04] It was a formatting nit [18:05] smoser, hggdh: I've setup the ec2 jobs on the Jenkins QA instance - http://jenkins.qa.ubuntu-uk.org/view/natty-ec2/ [18:06] jamespage: K; give me one hours, giving a presentation on -classroom [18:06] hggdh - np [18:06] would be good to run them against the beta-1 candidates when published === DrD_away is now known as DrDetroit [18:08] SpamapS, so, yeah, this is very much nit. from a non-upstart developer perspective, mine looks prettier to me (outside of the indentation of the script sections). [18:09] hrm.. there should be a universal syntax highlighting definition language so that when vim gets syntax highlighting for something, all others get it relatively soon thereafter [18:09] What is the downside of disabling SysRq? [18:09] ie, i would consider task, env, console, start on, and description to be "related" rather than "unrelated" [18:09] smoser: sure. I stare at upstart jobs constantly and having no separation is a pet peeve. ;) [18:09] * SpamapS should add some formatting guidelines to the cookbook === hallyn is now known as hallyn-afk === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk [18:13] very much personal taste. separating one line "stanzas" of anything is a waste of screen in my opinion [18:13] :) [18:13] smoser: maybe get a bigger screen ? [18:14] ah, then you have one with more than 1080 verticle lines, eh? [18:15] it must have came from before the "wide screen takeover" [18:15] oh its smoser :) [18:16] I'm happy to say I have almost no idea what my screen resolution is on either monitor. A testament to "it just works" [18:20] SpamapS, does 'start on starting X' block 'X' ? [18:21] definitely [18:24] wait, why? [18:24] if X is starting, start Y [18:25] why would Y's start|stop preferences compromise X? [18:52] jamespage: roger, I do want to [18:54] ivoks: the whole point of the 'starting' condition is to be able to block the start of another service with your own [18:59] hggdh, ok, got the open-vm-dkms and stuff from that bug report [18:59] the amd64 package almost works [18:59] autologin to ubuntu-desktop is missing gnome-panel (running but not displayed, probably unrelated bug) [19:00] but shared desktop folders won't mount at all [19:01] oh, got it to mount [19:01] it just doesn't automount, like I was used to, but they do manually mount [19:04] I'm downloading a php app that is encoded in Zend or ionCube. [19:04] is there a preference among Ubuntu server users? [19:07] oneseventeen: err.. open source apps that don't get "encoded" is my personal preference. ;) [19:10] and even for non-open source apps the ability to see the code for debugging etc. is very useful... [19:18] hallyn-afk, skaet, do you need me for open-vm-tools update ? [19:18] ah, we are pushing it back to beta-2. [19:18] ok [19:22] - Hellow, it's IT, have you tried turning it off and on again? === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates [19:24] RoyK: s/it's// [19:24] sorry :) [19:25] * RoyK is named Roy and has used that in his job a couple of times [19:25] s/that/that phrase/ [19:28] Ha. [19:28] ello do you remember a name of application what can installed on ubuntu server what permitted of configure a ldap by web if in style of active directory? [19:29] r4ffy: for client access? [19:30] no idea - have only done that from the commandline [19:31] Hmm, I've got a binary that's compiled again libstdc++-libc6.2-2 [19:31] but lucid comes with a newer version [19:31] is there a possibility i could get it to work, with a compatibility library somewhere? [19:31] r4ffy: are you talking about phpldapadmin? [19:31] I don't see any in apt-cache search [19:32] * RoyK wonders if sparc is on SPARC [19:32] hehe, i'm on amd64 [19:32] saldy i don't have any sparcs anymore [19:32] Hey, has anyone seen an issue on 10.10 where mdadm won't grow a RAID1 after increasing the partition sizes? [19:32] I'm trying "mdadm --grow /dev/md1 -z max", and it just stays the same size, even after pulling the partitions and re-adding one at a time. [19:36] * RoyK is 1mm away from ditching an old T1000 [19:36] unit3: are these partitions on the same drive as the partition where / is located? [19:37] RoyK: Tandy 1000? [19:37] sun t1000 [19:37] :) [19:37] *** Did everyone get the notification of the ISO's being posted on the QA tracker? *** [19:38] Get rich quick, Get the respect of your peers, friends, and trolls alike - ask me how! [19:38] SpamapS: yeah, /dev/md1 is /. It's XFS, so I should be able to live grow it if I can get md1 to expand to the full partition sizes. [19:38] The partitions were enlarged via booting from live USB. [19:38] so they've been bigger since the system booted. [19:39] how do I create a device that is on vlan14 of br0? [19:39] when I boot up from livecd I can have access as root without a password. why do I need to put root password manually? [19:41] Oh, I think this explains the problem I'm having: http://www.spinics.net/lists/raid/msg19956.html [19:42] Time to reboot to live USB and see if I can do it from there. [19:47] Hey there. Are there any compatibility libraries, for old versions of libstdc++? [19:47] I don't see any in the repos [19:48] Trying to get an older version of Netbackup to run on Lucid [19:48] how do you mount an encrypted device in ubuntu server? [19:48] http://pastebin.com/GJKXkrEP [19:48] <- if I bring up br0.14, nada, but if I dhclient br0 it will get a dhcp lease from the untagged dhcp server [19:49] sparc: I don't think so. While dapper/hardy is in use, you can dig around for libraries there and do your own manual install maybe. [19:49] maswan: thanks, i'll give that a whirl === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk === cmagina is now known as cmagina-afk [20:02] kirkland: ping ? [20:08] RoAkSoAx: pong [20:08] kirkland: are you seeing the issue with the dual monitors with Classic Desktop (no effects)? [20:10] RoAkSoAx: i'll need to check [20:11] kirkland: ok :), when you have the time please provide it at bug #737891 so that we cna get this issue fixed soon :) [20:11] Launchpad bug 737891 in gnome-desktop "[Arrandale] gnome-display-properties unable to correctly enable monitors connected to VGA" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/737891 === hallyn-afk is now known as hallyn [20:14] anyone use sysklogd? [20:19] NoqturnalX: whats the advantage of using it over rsyslogd ? [20:20] preference [20:21] I thought all I had to do was change SYSLOGD="" to SYSLOGD="-r" in the sysklogd file to listen for logs [20:21] it's what I used on the Ubuntu Server 7.10 box [20:22] too much of a n00b to get rsyslogd or syslog-ng to work apparently LoL [20:22] NoqturnalX: that's all, just restart syslogd [20:22] that's what I thought [20:23] erm - sorry - rsyslogd is a bit different [20:23] But it doesn't seem to be working (I think) lol [20:23] NoqturnalX: did you have trouble with the tips i gave you last week? it really shouldn't be hard to enable the UDP syslog listener in rsyslog [20:23] NoqturnalX: check /etc/rsyslog.conf [20:24] I tried a few different things browsed through some mans n tutorials and I'm starting to think i'm just a idiot and narfed something. The old ubuntu server was using sysklogd with the same -r option so I figured i'd try that today and see if I can get anything [20:24] rsyslogd is uninstalled atm [20:25] NoqturnalX: another way besides adding -r in /etc/default/rsyslog is to add the module to the rsyslog.conf, I believe the two lines you need are "$ModLoad imudp" and "$InputUDPServerRun 514" [20:25] i'm bout ready to hook up the old server and comb through the config files to see what I did differently on that one lol [20:25] ah, nvm then [20:26] i'll reinstall rsyslog and try it again before throwing the old server back into a station n lookin at what makes that station work [20:27] rsyslog reinstalled [20:27] NoqturnalX: I have rsyslog running as a remote syslog host [20:27] works for me [20:27] gives me hope [20:27] so add -r to RSYSLOGD_OPTIONS right [20:27] right now it says RSYSLOGD_OPTIONS="-c4" [20:28] thats one way, the other is to load & config the imudp module in /etc/rsyslog.conf [20:28] NoqturnalX: just edit /etc/rsyslog.conf and set it to listen to udp:514 [20:28] * RoyK points to semiosis's answer [20:29] alright i'm going to give the -r a try first then i'll try the imudp module, so should the RSYSLOGD_OPTIONS be "-rc4" or "-r-c4"?? [20:29] try the module first [20:30] k you talked me into it [20:30] "-r -c4" (a space between the two options) [20:30] lol, yeah, module is new school, the -r is old-school [20:30] syslog 646 1 0 Mar25 ? 00:01:05 rsyslogd -c4 [20:30] that's mine [20:30] works for me (tm) [20:32] lol `locate rsyslog.conf` first result is /etc/rsyslog.conf but it's not there [20:32] find / -name "rsyslog.conf" results /etc/init/rsyslog.conf [20:32] should i just copy the init/rsyslog.conf to /etc [20:33] no that is something different [20:34] how could you have just installed rsyslog and not have the default config file?! [20:34] thats weird [20:34] i'm wondering the same thing [20:34] apt-get install rsyslog [20:35] i just did a apt-get install rsyslog-doc too just in case [20:35] i guess you could 'apt-get purge rsyslog' and then 'apt-get install rsyslog' [20:35] apt-get install win7 [20:36] k trying that semiosis :P [20:37] "A new version of configuration file /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf is available, but the version installed currently has been locally modified" lol [20:37] i just went with the maintainers version [20:37] k i got the .conf file now [20:38] so uncomment $ModLoad imudp then? [20:38] and maybe uncomment $UDPServerRun 514 too? [20:38] yeah that [20:39] i was looking at the man page from a diff version, sorry for the confusion. [20:39] I <3 you guys now [20:39] it seems to be working [20:40] so it looks like my logging fun is out of the way [20:40] now to figure out how to use Squid LOL [20:41] good luck [20:41] I dunno if I wanna persue tackling squid first as a http accellerator or figuring out how to use RADIUS with my AP's [20:42] * NoqturnalX is questioning his spelling today [20:43] anyone round here run a RADIUS or squid? [21:00] hggdh, around? [21:21] SpamapS: Congratulations. [21:21] Daviey: always [21:21] but slow... [21:21] is there a way to select in terminal using keyboard only? [21:21] select text [21:22] rcconf: sure [21:22] rcconf: i use screen [21:22] Hi all. I've got a 10.04 headless server running on subnet A Everyone on subnet A can access any service on my server. Subnet B can ping my server, but cannot access any of its services (ie connections time out when trying to access web pages or SSL logins, etc) any ideas ? [21:23] SpamapS: ah, thanks [21:23] Whitor: iptables or similar packet filtering on the server could be blocking the TCP and UDP but allowing the pings through. Or simialr rules on the router between the two subnets could be blocking TCP and UDP traffic. [21:23] pmatulis: that doesnt help [21:24] jmarsden, I know the routers between the networks are ok, similar services on other servers work ok [21:25] jmarsden, I've narrowed it down to the ubuntu server, but I'm not sure what to look at [21:25] ScottK: ty :) [21:25] Whitor: Then it sounds like firewall rules. iptables or ufw or similar. [21:26] jmarsden, where do I configure iptables? [21:27] Whitor: With the iptables command :) Where you store a set of rules... depends on which firewall setup you want to use... [21:27] Whitor: check whether sudo iptables -L -n shows you anything unusual. [21:27] jmarsden, I guess I have to do some digging. I was just curious if there was some known default behavior to not talk to other subnets on a high level... would seem reasonable [21:29] Whitor: You manage multiple servers, but have no knowledge of packet filtering? Seems odd. No, there is no default-to-own-subnet-only behaviour that I know of. [21:29] Whitor: Check that your default gateway on the server is set correctly, although since ping is working, it should be... [21:29] jmarsden, heh, I have knowledge of this magic. I was just looking for a quick answer from some knowledgeable folk. [21:30] and yes the gw is correct [21:31] Whitor: OK. By default a Ubuntu server should not have any firewall-y packet filtering enabled, so it "should" just work. [21:31] a turnkey firewall I used once back in the day, had this behavior by default. I would only talk to machines on its own subnet [21:31] astaro I think it was [21:31] zul: so do you mind sponsoring my fix for bug 742770 after beta1 freeze? [21:31] Launchpad bug 742770 in lxc "Erorr in syntax in ubuntu templates" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/742770 [21:31] thanks, I appreciate the info [21:32] Whitor: you're welcome. [21:32] Whitor: don't guess, look into the firewall rules yourself [21:32] hallyn: sure or clint can do it :) [21:32] jmarsden, I'm working with ufw right now [21:32] jmarsden, of course I wouldn't guess ... thats why I'm asking here [21:33] clint can do it? [21:33] this particular machine was setup by an intern last summer [21:33] actually, hm. can i do it? [21:33] Whitor: Just disable it (sudo ufw disable) and see if things start working. And it wasn't me who thought you were guessing :) [21:34] jmarsden, a great idea. exactly what I was hoping for [21:35] dang, that wasn't it [21:35] so it must be something other than the firewall [21:35] hm, nope, lxc is not one i got rights to. drat. [21:35] what would make icmp work, but tcp fail ? [21:35] local to the server [21:36] Is there a reason for rc.local to not work? [21:37] Whitor: ... all the TCP services are bound to localhost only?? Does sudo netstat -ntlp show the relevant services listening on ? [21:37] Hmm, but if others on that subnet can see them, that shoudn't be the issue... [21:38] says its listening [21:38] on 80, 22, and 3306 [21:39] If it isn't packet filtering, is it routing? Does this server have multiple NICs on different subnets, or anything like that? [21:40] nope, one nic. and the routers between me and it are the same routers between me and a different server which is communicating with me fine [21:41] perplexing [21:41] Yes... can you do the reverse -- use a service on subnet B from the server machine? [21:42] I can open a web page from an HP printer ... so yeah [21:42] what is the keys for ^A in screen? [21:44] rcconf: man screen, but I think it is ctrl-a and then a by default [21:45] jmarsden: too long manual cant find that [21:45] Whitor: I don't know, I think at this point I'd pull out the big guns and run tcpdump or similar to see whether the packets from clienst on B are reaching the server at all. [21:45] rcconf: If you can't be bothered to read, why should others be bothered to help you :) [21:45] man man [21:46] jmarsden: im bothered to read a lot and not finding it :) [21:46] man man [21:46] howdy [21:46] man -k [21:46] I have a 32-bit 10.04.02 LTS server that's locking up on me regularly. I get a whole bunch of stack traces in the logs like these: http://pastebin.com/jjQsWb0t ...always seems to be rsync, which makes me think it's related to a backup operation (to a local BackupPC server) ...any idea what might be wrong? [21:46] howdy [21:46] yaaar: stop rsync service [21:47] I need to install Zend Optimizer or ionCube Loader for a web application. Which one would you recommend if you had to load one of the two? [21:47] jmarsden, yeah :( I hate digging through packet dumps. ... but thanks for your time! === jjohansen is now known as jj-afk [21:47] Whitor: you're welcome [21:48] (yes, an open product would be more ideal, but unfortunately none of the open systems I've looked at fit our needs) [21:48] Can you use vconfig to make for instance vlan1 on eth0:0 vlan2 on eth0:1 etc? [21:49] rcconf: its always A and the the additional key - so A get you into copy mode (search for copy in man screen) [21:50] guntbert: im trying to copy [21:50] got it [21:50] i just need to use space [21:51] rcconf: yes, I know, I just read it up in man screen - you press A -- ahh [21:52] guntbert: it says it copied to buffer [21:52] but than it pastes nothing [22:00] rcconf: 1)rsync isn't running as a service (that is, rsyncd is not running...the backup server does something like "ssh root@client /usr/bin/rsync --server ..." and 2)I need the backup to work, so just not using rsync isn't exactly an opion [22:01] use scp to backup? [22:01] i want to fix the problem, not act like it's not there [22:02] (also scp would be very inferior to the current backup scheme) [22:02] k [22:03] Daviey: where are you? [22:03] /whereis Daviey [22:04] is at gibson.freenode.net [Oslo, Norway] [22:04] :D [22:06] hggdh, lo o/ [22:06] hggdh, Great! I wondered if you had touched the test rig since last week [22:14] Daviey: not really, no [22:16] hggdh, okay... great... Just to check, you didn't try the apparmour changes? === iqbala is now known as axisys [22:17] Daviey: well, I did. But originally, when we ran it, apparmour was disabled (for whatever reason!) [22:17] Daviey: I then, while testing, set the dhcpd profile to complain mode [22:18] hggdh, did that make any difference? [22:18] Daviey: and it is still in complain mode (but apparmour is now active for the rest [22:19] Daviey: no difference that I could see. It works sometimes, most times it does not [22:19] Copied 11 characters into buffer [22:19] now what? [22:19] it's not in clipboard [22:19] Daviey: BUT -- and this is the piece I do not yet understand -- the DHCPD *always fail to start [22:19] oh ok [22:20] it is i just cant press enter or something [22:20] hggdh, I'm having a call with upstream tomorrow, are there any other things you want raised - other than that? [22:21] not really, nothing else is critical [22:21] hggdh, Now you've said it.... [22:21] Daviey: :-) [22:24] Daviey: interesting: right now we have 3 instances running, two got public IPs, one did not. None got metadata [22:24] and we have one instance I just submitted in pending... [22:25] hggdh, is zul still using one of the machines? [22:25] no [22:25] zul: soncoya is free, then? [22:25] yep [22:25] ah, wondered if there was a rogue dhcpd on the network [22:26] zul: thanks. Daviey: I am going to reinstall with today's ISO, fully-distributed [22:26] Daviey: this will also check if this is a problem only with the all-in-one [22:26] hggdh, is fully distributed needed atm? [22:26] dave [22:27] Daviey: not really, just to verify if there is a collision if CLC/CC/Walrus/SC are together [22:28] hggdh, ok... can you send me an email with your findings, and suggestions for what i could test/try on it in my tomorrow AM? [22:28] Daviey: roger wilco [22:28] super! [22:28] why the hell screen says it copyed to bugger but than paste doesnt work? [22:29] buffer [22:29] wtf [22:30] it's frustrating [22:44] kirkland: still around? [22:44] RoAkSoAx: yup [22:45] kirkland: could you check the latest branch of powernap and see if you could sponsor that as it includes a few important bugfixes and the logic to handle the upgrade of the config file, please :) [22:45] when you have the time of course :) [22:46] I have a 32-bit 10.04.02 LTS server that's locking up on me regularly. I get a whole bunch of stack traces in the logs like these: http://pastebin.com/jjQsWb0t ...always seems to be rsync, which makes me think it's related to a backup operation (to a local BackupPC server) ...any idea what might be wrong? === jj-afk is now known as jjohansen [23:05] Daviey: still using your PPA, correct? [23:08] kirkland never mind... juat remembered we are in beta freeze so ill ask for FFe first [23:11] or not really? [23:18] RoAkSoAx: is powernap in universe? [23:18] hallyn: nope, it's in main [23:19] ok [23:19] otherwise I'd have uploaded it myself :) === hallyn is now known as hallyn-afk === cmagina-afk is now known as cmagina