[01:13] :( [01:22] mhall119: I'm still open to setting one up, but I've not heard of intrest, and I was late to get informed, I can bring it up at the next meeting on the 7th [01:22] you're the first person to bring it up, in I think 20 days [01:23] ~23 days [01:40] cyberanger: the 7th will be after UGJ [01:55] mhall119: hence the problem [03:22] * wrst notes that linuxman410 never hangs around for long [03:23] 30 minutes of quiet wrst, and you didn't say hello [03:24] usually he gets a quick hello from you, or asks if your around [03:24] yes i'm a popular guy cyberanger :) [03:26] can anyone help me get my webpage running?? [03:31] brandon1: what are you trying to do? [03:31] im trying to get some php to send me email updates from a form [03:32] oh goodness over my head brandon1 :) [03:32] hrmm [03:32] haha well thanks anyway [03:32] xD [03:36] hmm brandon1 non of our bigtime php guys are in here right now unless thats a talent that cyberanger has [03:36] yea, im just starting to write web pages and im not sure if i have the code right.. [03:54] <-- bigtime phper [03:55] :D [03:55] email is pretty darn simple [03:55] www.php.net/mail [03:55] so can u help me to fix my web page? all i want to do is get the php code to send me an email... i know its simple but for some reason mozilla ff want to download the file [03:55] ??? [03:56] ah [03:56] so thats not php at all [03:56] whats the file name? [04:45] o/ [04:55] hi vychune [04:55] how ya doing [04:55] ok [04:56] looking for a new place to live [04:57] why? [04:58] the lease is up at the end of this month [05:02] oh [05:02] and cant renew? [05:03] yeah but we dont want to .. its to much and not a good part of town [05:13] oh ok [05:16] its no longer fun [05:19] what are you up to vychune ? [05:19] yu yu hakusho [05:20] ahh [05:20] you should watch tokyo magnitude 8 [05:20] ill do that [05:23] whats it about"? [05:24] a earth quake in tokyo [05:27] oh ok will do === Juzzy- is now known as Juzzy === electricus_ is now known as electricus [20:30] hey [20:30] has bob been on today? [22:16] cyberanger this has been the quietest day here in a very long time [22:19] peep [22:38] hey orias