[00:09] how do I make it so that the grub shows the menu on startup instead of the command line? [00:40] a === groo_ is now known as groo__ [01:28] Is Unity the default window manager for Ubuntu 11.04? Will Gnome2 continue to be well supported, and how easily is it to use GNOME instead, of Unity is the default? [01:29] Jon--: unity is the default, but you can select classic gnome on the login screen [01:30] trism, And this is GNOME2? Does it include all the packages that, say, 10.04 include? [01:31] Jon--: I haven't used it much, but it doesn't seem any different from previous ubuntu desktops [01:40] Jon--, it does use GNOME 2.32 [01:40] libgtk3 is available, but not used by default. [01:41] do you think someone will package gnome 3 for 11.04? [01:49] johnjohn101, it's currently available through a PPA, but not very stable. [01:49] https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 [01:49] thanks [01:50] i'm going to probably wait a few iterations before moving to different uis [03:23] will gnome be available with the next ubuntu, or am I stuck with unity? [03:29] Blue1, you can have xfce, xubuntu, openbox, fluxbox, ubuntu classic, kde, and other desktops [03:30] gnome and gnome 3 as well [03:34] gnome-desktop? [03:38] You can choose classic-desktop at login which is the gnome desktop that you are used to [04:54] it's got to be march 31st somewhere right? I need muh beta... [04:55] my ubuntu 11.04 is getting stuck at cheking battery state [05:52] what is the default FS in Natty ?? btrfs or EXt3 [05:53] what is the default FS in Natty ?? btrfs or EXt4 [05:54] what is the default FS in Natty ?? btrfs or EXt4 [05:55] 4 [05:56] linux-noob: btrfs hasn't even been released as stable yet === _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero [06:18] aberhow: I thought it had, but reading up shows you're right, but the btrfs authors said that there won't be any more on-disk design changes anymore... but I am very conservative about filesystems, I usually wait at least 2 years after stable before starting to use it :P [06:19] SwedeMike: yea I wouldn't trust any "new" filesystems for a while, and i'm pretty sure Ubuntu wouldn't trust it as a default either. [06:20] I sure hope so. [07:53] hi all. does anyone know when the next ubuntu is out?? i know its april but is there a release date? [07:54] !schedule [07:54] A schedule of Natty Narwhal (11.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule [07:54] many thanks === doodoo is now known as Trron [08:06] will there be overlay scrollbars by default in natty? === |Seth| is now known as SethP === SethP is now known as |Seth| [08:59] hi :) I'm with kubuntu with intel graphics driver, and it seems compositing has got a problem. When I activate desktop effects, I get a message saying they cant be activated, and that I should check my X config. Any clue what could be the problem ? [09:00] Is it even supposed to work? [09:01] works with maverick [09:05] dont know, you would need to debug what is going wrong, or search for open bug .. [09:05] my guess is that I'm missing a little bit of conf or something, but what could it be ? [09:06] Well that might be the case but it really should work 'out-of-box' [09:07] while waiting for someone more skilled to help you, you might want to read: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-workspace/+bug/628930 [09:07] Ubuntu bug 628930 in mesa (Ubuntu) "[i945GME] KDE Desktop effects not active by default" [High,Incomplete] [09:12] dont think thats relevant, quite old [10:58] Hi all, will there be a notification in this channel when the beta is released today, or is there some other place I should watch? [11:06] you can always download daily image [11:24] good day all [11:29] hello [11:35] <|Seth|> 'lo susundberg [11:35] <|Seth|> oh wait [11:35] * |Seth| facepalms [11:36] how come the fglrx driver doesn't show up in jockey yet? === |Seth| is now known as Guest16690 [11:59] Hello, libraries won't be in /usr/lib/ anymore ? [12:00] I some parts will be there as it used to be.. [12:00] at least i haven't heard anything else.. [12:00] what makes you suspect that? [12:01] susundberg: debian bug #620122 [12:01] Debian bug 620122 in libjna-java "libjna-java: JNA does not support multi-arch system library paths" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/620122 [12:01] see the post of James Page [12:03] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultiarchSpec [12:04] Ok, so i learned something new .. seems like they are really going to move the lib path [12:05] But as James writes "has started to make the transition" .. that might take a while i guess .. [12:07] its taken 5 years === |Seth| is now known as Guest84871 [12:48] has beta1 released now ? [12:53] How can I say "aptitude why ntp" in a default Natty installation? (i.e. the equivalent apt-get line)? [12:58] same way you could in maveric i guess .. [12:58] what do you want to do? [12:58] install, remove query package ntp? [13:12] susundberg: in Lucid aptitude is preinstalled, so I supposed that in Natty something else would do the same function as `aptitude why` [13:12] E.g. `aptitude changelog` has been implemented as `apt-get changelog` [13:13] Yes, I want to see why some package was installed (manually, as a dependency etc) [13:17] oh, you might want to read the apt-get manpage? Or install aptitude? [13:18] don't know sorry. === irvay is now known as irv [13:44] Beta1 not available yet? [13:45] !topic [13:45] Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic [13:46] jacco: join the announce mailinglist [13:46] and you will get an email when its out [13:47] BUGabundo: thanks, I'll do that, link on testing page is frustrating me... [13:47] lol [13:47] get a daily [13:48] BUGabundo: any idea if Canonical is shipping 10.04.2 CDs, or are those still 10.04? [13:49] or anyone? [13:49] no idea [13:49] Wanted to read release notes, but if I can't wait I'll get a daily anyway [13:49] email them [13:49] it's pretty OT for the channel, but then I'm not sure where to ask about it ;) [13:49] at shipit@ [13:49] good idea [13:49] usually you get a fast reply [13:57] Joined the announce list, save canonical some refresh bandwidth, thank BUGabundo [14:07] hiyas [14:07] hey [14:10] hi BUGabundo supposedly the beta 3 is coming down the pipe today ..haven't seen anything yet. [14:11] err Alpha 3 [14:11] beta1 [14:11] Beta1 [14:12] oops scuse my mistake , the greek letter and number :) [14:12] next [14:12] I haven't heard of any problems, so it should be released today as planned. [14:13] odd , suddenly I have 2 dropbox icons in the taskbar [14:15] mine is gray [14:15] no idea why [14:17] I'm on kde so using kfilebox , which shows as such , but the other icon is plain dropbox ..weird [14:18] got a code for 25% off on a Fonera 2.0. get it's the fastest one to reply :D [14:19] /var/cache/apt/archives/ ..gonna look [14:21] wow, lotsa old gnome apps from previous installsin that file [14:22] Hi, Anyone know if the ia32 vs Flash problem from yesterday has been fixed through updates? I am running an older ia32 until I know it's been fixed. [14:23] I'm half fine here cee [14:23] I had probs with audio [14:23] and some videos in fullscreen [14:23] pretty sure it is fixed [14:23] with ia32-libs_20090808ubuntu11_amd64.deb [14:23] according to: http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/gepwu/for_those_of_you_running_1104_who_had_flash_stop/ anyway [14:24] Well, I'll give it a try! :) [14:24] Oh, that's the fix using an older ia32, right? [14:25] I see it now, it seems to have been fixed. thanks! [14:25] no worries [14:25] hey guys [14:26] i was testing out the daily build on march 30 and everything was working perfect. it was awesome. except i accidently made my boot partition 'btrfs' and grub didnt like that. i got the march 31 daily build and installed that but with ext2 boot this time.. now things went haywire! [14:27] first up, it just boots to black screen so i have to manually run 'startx'. then -- there's no unity anymore? it's running gnome? [14:28] vgaswitcheroo has disappeared so im guessing this has something to do with the new 11.4 catalyst build right? [14:28] sacha: I've run btrfs on a couple of laptops. it's fast, but it's buggy. and a buggy file system is a certain way to disaster. [14:28] what sort of bugs ceed^? [14:29] the great unknown [14:29] bad to use it for /home? [14:29] there are real bugs, but no real assurances that its fir for purpose, yet [14:29] sacha: sudden data read errors. i suddenly had an unreadable partition. just disk spinning and numbers on the screen. [14:29] if /home is where you store important files, no :D [14:30] oh :( what's good for my intel ssd then? back to ext4? [14:30] sacha: Very bad for home. I ran it as / [14:30] im running it as / right now :\ [14:30] I have my all disk on ssd with btrfs [14:30] without any stress [14:30] only have /boot on extfs [14:32] It's been working fine for me, untill I started messing about with ma snapshots to do a rollback, but that was mainly due to misunderstandings and missing feauter which I expected to exist, I reckon [14:32] yeah same here. that's no good? [14:32] It worked flawlessly for me for almost two months. then I had one partition die. on the other laptop files began to dissapper. never had problems like that with any file system. there's no real way to repair btrfs yet either [14:32] oh yeah, reminds me.. ubuntu complains that it can't find a btrfs.fsck every time it boots up -- that's normal? [14:32] yea [14:33] Well, from what I've heard, btrfs isn't meant to fail in the first place with it's cow magic ;) [14:33] *meant* [14:33] the cow magic might interfere with ubuntu's cow magic [14:34] so im just wondering.. did unity disappear today? or is it because i used 'startx'? [14:35] Drivers not working? Does it work better if you instead start gdm? [14:36] yeah but dont know why drivers worked in mar 30 build and not mar 31 build [14:36] it gets confusing because i have switchable graphics (an intel core i5 and an amd 5650) [14:36] Well, it's definitely material for a bug report. [14:36] but this march 31 build doesn't seem to have vga_switcheroo (mar 30 one did) [14:37] coincidentally, fglrx (proprietary graphics) came out with a special 11.4 version for ubuntu 11.04 yesterday. it includes powerxpress or something that does the same thing as vga_switcheroo [14:37] and im guessing it's broken because they are swapping them [14:38] cause i chose option to install proprietary drivers when i installed [14:39] glxinfo is giving me segfault today :( [14:45] is the beta still being released today? [14:47] should so [14:47] what about this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/banshee/+bug/604699 [14:47] Ubuntu bug 604699 in banshee (Ubuntu) "Music purchased from the Ubuntu One Music Store does not appear in music library" [Medium,Confirmed] === irvay is now known as irv [14:49] amorphous1: o/ [14:50] pmatulis, hello [14:50] amorphous1: good to be here while running pre-release, check topic before upgrades... === irvay is now known as irv [14:54] My major natty gripe is that Google Calendar currently won't work with Evolution. [14:54] anyone notice that, in the daily build today, the search button doesn't seem to work on the home page? [14:55] on about:startpage [14:57] Yea, I saw that as well on 30th I tihnk [14:57] i wonder how something like that happens :P they really change search button? [15:11] is there an official way to get compress=lzo in 11.04 from the live cd? [15:11] that is, before it installs itself [15:17] is the beta out yet? [15:18] LOL [15:18] wolter: /topic [15:18] join the announce mailinglist, and you will get an email when its out [15:19] BUGabundo, yes I am aware of the topic LOL [15:19] it says march 31 is the date for the beta in the release schedulel, am i wrong? [15:20] !date [15:20] Thu Mar 31 15:20:09 WEST 2011 [15:20] you still have ~9h left :P [15:21] expect beta1 to land around 8pm UCT [15:22] *UTC [15:23] oh :S [15:24] will there be another truck load of package updates beyond the rolling updates so far? many things look good (apart from a naggy suspend/resume kernel issue here. similar to something a few releases ago which was a "mistaken" warning it turned out.) [15:24] that could be as much as 4 hours off though - as early as 16:00UTC or late as 23:59 UTC [15:26] there are a bunch of bugs with unity that hopefully will get fixed in this release - ideally the final month (beta1->rc in old terms) would be polish.. but I suspect a lot of it (beta1->beta2->release) will be full-on bugfixing [15:27] fg [15:31] if i haven't seen a package push in the last 24hours am i already using beta? it's a rolling upgrade install [15:31] or is there going to be one big dump at 8pm UTC === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan [15:39] I'm looking for a NAS device that runs on linux ..any suggestions === badmin is now known as Guest21089 === Guest21089 is now known as admiralf [15:45] BluesKaj: ##hardware would be a good place [15:46] ok this is getting old now. my connection has been slow as crrap since monday. last night at 7pm it worked as it should, fast but now its back to a crawl. i guess i call att today [15:47] 18% [35 Sources 885 kB/4390 kB 20%] for example [15:48] and i cant get speedtest page to open at all for the last 3days [15:49] Been fighting trying to get flash to actually install on this upgraded system. :) [15:50] keep getting some coredump during the install process of some related packages. [15:50] !flash [15:50] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [15:51] Dr_Willis: flash has been having issues. i had it installed but it stopped working i ended up reinstalling it after running clean and purge and it fixed it [15:52] on 32bit === yofel_ is now known as yofel [15:52] Upgraded 64bit box here. nspluginwrapper keeps coredumopng so it cant even try ti install the flash [15:52] Looking for plugins in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins [15:52] Segmentation fault (core dumped) [15:52] I've read/heard that the proprietary Nvidia drives are/were hit and miss with the Alpha releases. Will they/it be functional and stable for the beta releases? [15:53] there we go.. cleaned out the /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins dir.. and it isntalled.. now to see if it worked. === om26er_ is now known as om26er [15:54] Dr_Willis: yes before release they will be. atm it is the upgraded versions we are waiting for. IIRC its due to the new/revised API of X [15:54] opps [15:55] drc: see my comment to Dr_Willis i meant it for you. also read the link in the topic related to the new Xorg stack [15:55] gnomefreak: thanks [15:56] * drc really should read the topics...if he didn't turn them off by default :) [15:57] i look for the ubuntu 11.04 beta 1 [15:58] gnomefreak: Tha X.org url is 2 months old...I assume that the information there is still relevant? [15:58] linux_: join the announce mailinglist, and you will get an email when its out [16:00] where can join [16:01] drc: the freeze is a good time for them to act, but that doesn't mean it'll be there [16:01] Would you like to receive list mail batched in a daily digest? [16:01] !mailinglist [16:01] drc: to be sure you may need to read the follow up comments but i havent heard of it changing yet [16:02] ok it seems i need to call ISP and see WFT is going on [16:02] ohsix gnomefreak: I read the one followup I cound find (same date), thanks...Note to self: Patience is a virtue! [16:03] Dr_Willis: nspluginwrapper is vile D: it's never worked properly for me regardless of the distro, and for flash in particular it breaks wmode; if you can stomach checking for updates installing the native 64bit plugin is great [16:03] !mailinglist [16:04] bbl [16:05] ohsix: its working fine for me now. [16:05] Watching 'Ramen Fighter Miki' on Crackle.com :) [16:06] you should try the native one, it's a treat [16:06] i wish adobe would hurry up and do a release that ubuntu could actually package [16:06] im waiting for HTML5 to kill off flash befor that happens. [16:06] you will be waiting for a very long time [16:07] I can recall when 'realplayer' was the big thing.. and other things that used to be must have/big thangs.. that are now just 'old usta-bees' :) [16:07] how we do to make ubuntu natty to be beatifull ?? [16:07] sorry my english no so good [16:08] sud0su: change your wallpaper.. :) and clarify what you want to change exactly. [16:08] select a theme you like,. [16:08] either that or there will be another poorly supported browser plugin that will be become nearly a "must have". I have faith in humanity's ability to screw things up :) [16:08] can we change the unity in left to right [16:08] Im still trying to get recordmydesktop to record system sounds.. so i can capture some of these vids to watch n my cellphone. [16:08] i don't remember realplayer ever being a big thing; it's was a "big thing" back then like it's a "big thing" right now, insofar that cspan has some streams that are still in rm [16:08] sud0su: i dont think thats changeable at this time [16:09] Dr_Willis: thanks [16:09] ohsix: it used to be the way most videos were played on the net [16:09] ohsix: and some Baseball stuff.. but i definatly recall when realplayer as a big name to watch.. bach when Iomega was big. :) [16:09] good day all [16:09] ah, the good ol days [16:09] meganerdca: the videos i was watching were all with that vivo codec ;] [16:09] back when Quicktime was also a requirement. [16:10] i installed quicktime once to play myst [16:10] what was Intel's codec, back in the 486 days? Indeo or somethign [16:10] indeo yea [16:10] 35 is far too young to feel this old [16:10] heh wow, real bought vivo in 98 [16:10] i didn't realize i was on the interwebs watching stuff that early [16:12] i had a bunch of south park episodes in .rm but that was all i pretty much ever used it for [16:12] they were in a vacuum though [16:13] I got 100's of dragon ballz videos in .rm [16:13] For the size of the file. the quality is decent. :) [16:13] for cartoons yea [16:13] the southpark episodes were like 30 megs [16:13] thats all i ever watch basically. :) [16:13] :D [16:18] I saw my first south park episode as a .rm [16:18] back when I used photoshop 4 at the University newspaper [16:24] good afternoon [16:24] how do i change the ont rendering settings, as i cant find the appearence app, where they usd to be. [16:24] please. [16:29] i still see them here [16:30] what is the apps name, so i canstart it from terminal? [16:31] gnome-control-center [16:32] perhaps. [16:32] ok, let me look. [16:33] i dont see it. anywhere in there. [16:35] hi [16:35] waiting for the ubuntu 11.04 beta [16:36] ditto [16:37] * gnomefreak gets the feeling this is going to be a while and most likely disconnect me a few times at the very least [16:41] meganerdca do you install it on your main pc [16:43] hi folks [16:43] a funny thing happened to me on natty today. I had a really bad screen freeze when using VLC on fullscreen and had to do a hard shutdown (im on a macbook5,1). When I logged back in gnome had lost all its setting and the files in ~/{Desktop,Documents,Downloads} have all vanished but files in ~/ are all still there. So I log in using xcfe and I have 2 Desktop folders, 2 Documents folders and 2 Download folders but all are empty. Its probably related to usin [16:43] g home folder encryption? [16:45] i manually mounted my home folder from another account and the files really are gone [16:45] so i looked in my system log and theres nothing, weird, eh? [16:46] unsub: That's bad :(. Have you tried a fschk? [16:46] i havent yet, im on dmcrypt/LUKS [16:47] linux: I have not been able to get natty installed on my machine [16:47] should i run fschk from a live cd? [16:47] I was looking at the blueprint https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/ and sorted by delivery [16:47] it seems only about 10 out of 170 things are implemented by now [16:47] is the blueprint not updated? [16:47] linux: I have 10.10 on my laptop and 10.04 at home, this is a new machine I am putting it on, stupid Sandy Bridge [16:47] ok [16:48] unsub: A try could not hurt I suppose. === Logan_ is now known as steve_web_mobile [16:50] beniwtv can you think of a reason why only certain directories were wiped? [16:50] im thinking encryptfs over wrote them [16:51] ~/movie.avi survived but ~/Downloads/movie2.avi was lost [16:51] then i get 2 ~/Download folders which i thought wasnt possible because of duplicate path-names [16:53] bbiab [16:53] is beta 1 dropped yet [16:54] unsub: one of the duplicated directories might have a space at the end, which would make it unique === steve_web_mobile is now known as Logan_ [16:55] unsub: I do not think so, ecryptfs works on a file AFAIK, not on the disc [16:55] crossover linux doesn't show up in applications in unity. I can see all the entries in the Gnome menu. [16:59] at wat tome utc beta will be released? [17:00] they usually say it will be released by 23.59 UTC [17:00] so anytime today [17:00] i keep refreshing this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule [17:01] It will be announced and the topic will change when it releases [17:01] do they usually wait till 23.59? [17:01] We usually get the topic changed to re\ [17:02] show what milestone we are at. Note it says Alpha3 now. [17:02] needhelp1: no, but there is no actual time scheduled to release it [17:02] thats fair, i mean if they did say a specific time, i would then ask for the exact second [17:03] hehe [17:03] we all r greedy [17:03] needhelp1: Probably you would be hitting Ctrl+R so many times the server would crash :P [17:04] wat happens wen we press ctrl+r? [17:04] refreshed the page [17:04] firefox [17:04] it works :D [17:05] You should just subscribe to the Ubuntu announcements mailing list, it will come out in an email there [17:05] got a link? [17:07] I have a problem where ubuntu turns on the mini-jack-in slot on my computer, so the red optic-light is on even though nothing is plugged in. Which package would i report that against :D [17:07] woaw, that should have been "?", not ":D"* [17:08] http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-announce [17:08] needhelp1: ^ ^ [17:08] yay its out...beta is out http://goo.gl/q2Pk [17:10] nope [17:11] What makes you think the announcement would be youtube? [17:12] narwhals ;D [17:12] You will see it announced here officially [17:14] As far as #ubuntu+1 is concerned, it's released when ubuntu-devel-announce@lists.ubuntu.com says it is :) [17:17] charlie-tca, rww on the mailing lists, it has an option to receive daily digests, what is this [17:17] That means you get a pack of all messages once a day, instead of each message as it comes out [17:18] if im subscribing to ubuntu-announce, i should only get like one or two messages right [17:18] right [17:18] alph, beta, and offical release [17:19] and if you take a digest, you won't get them as they come out, you get them once a day only6 [17:19] I wouldn't recommend using it, personally, unless it's a high-traffic list that you /never/ reply to. [17:19] replying if you only get digests is a mess. [17:19] or rather, replying properly :) [17:20] what is mime [17:20] im using gmail [17:22] needhelp1: either way works on that option, you can just leave it set to the default [17:23] how can i tell what version of applications are used on alpha3/beta 1 .. i perticually want to see what version of banshee is used. 1.9.6 im assuming [17:24] what version gnome2 is natty btw [17:24] needhelp1: Help » About [17:24] !version [17:24] To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy » [17:24] rww: he was app versions not Ubuntu [17:24] well, im not on alpha or beta [17:24] wants* [17:25] vish: There are two sentences in that factoid :) [17:25] is there a page that lists the current package versions [17:25] needhelp1: apt-cache policy banchee as per above [17:25] ah! [17:25] is the beta out yet? [17:25] * vish <- short attention span [17:25] needhelp1: apt-cache policy packagename for one, dpkg -l for all [17:25] s/banchee/banshee/ [17:25] gnome itself...not apps. [17:25] arand, im not on the alpha or beta version [17:26] so doing so would show me what version i have, right [17:26] zefyr: no [17:26] thx rww [17:26] needhelp1: if you are not using natty then #ubuntu is the place for such questions [17:26] zefyr: the channel /topic will be updated when it is :) [17:26] ok [17:26] !packages | needhelp1 [17:26] needhelp1: You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !KPackageKit, !Adept, "apt-cache search ", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways! [17:27] mass confusion, im on 10.04, i want to know what version of packages are used on 11.04 alpha 3 or beta [17:27] will gnome3 make it into natty by release? [17:27] needhelp1: ^ Online link there can browse versions in natty, or launchpad. [17:27] mongy: assuming the last email I read about it is still true, no. [17:27] arand, thanks [17:28] yeah, from what i understand, no gnome 3 [17:28] I do not really care about gnome-shell, but I had hoped we would get at least new versions of the popular programs? :( [17:29] Many parts of it is in, yes [17:30] Since gnome3 isn't all one huge blob... [17:31] beniwtv: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2011-January/002740.html [17:31] vish: Hadn't seen that, thanks [17:32] is it that unity and gnome shell is causing issues between the desktop enviroment ? [17:32] needhelp1: no [17:40] I have a problem where ubuntu turns on the mini-jack-in slot on my computer, so the red optic-light is on even though nothing is plugged in. Which package would i report that against ? Must be alsa right? But which package? [17:41] ChrisBuchholz: I would first check if it is PulseAudio that enables it, else it would be ALSA (probably you could even disable it with alsamixer). === BluesKaj is now known as help === help is now known as Guest20614 [17:59] how often do kernel updates come out? [18:01] incorrect, good question ... I have no idea, usually with alpha or beta releases afaik [18:02] I have no idea about the schedule that is since there are some between as well [18:02] i have a bug with the wifi ath9 driver, its been identified and fixed a few weeks ago, so i wondered when i would see it [18:05] will ubuntu 11.04 make april? there seem to be a fair number of issues still? [18:06] incorrect: there will always be issues [18:06] this is true [18:07] they always seem to manage to pull it off at the end. [18:08] i must admit unity2d is pretty sweet on my netbook [18:09] the only spare hardware I have right now is sandy bridge based, so I am currently screwed. [18:10] ah so tomorrow is the first beta release, am i likely to see a ton of updates? [18:14] how do you run unity2d? [18:15] anyone else having synaptics touchpad issues? [18:18] mongy: sudo apt-get install unity-2d and then select it from the Sessions menu when you log in [18:25] IS there an ETA for beta 1? [18:27] stianhj, when its ready [18:31] Does anyone know of a way to get the nvidia-96 drivers working in Natty (amd64)? [18:37] I mean, it's theoretically possible if I downgrade the X server, right? [18:38] beerios: i imagine you'd be stuck with broken dependencies in that case [18:40] hmmm [18:41] anyone use new 11.04 [18:41] Well I think I'm going to have to reinstall Maverick and stick with it until I get word of confirmed working nvidia-96 drivers. [18:43] before I leave, I'll track down the most useful thing I've read about the problem so far, just in case any of you are interested in working on it :) [18:46] beniwtv: how would i check if its pulseaudio? also, i can easily disable it with alsamixer, but it always comes back at some point (even though i save the setting with alsactl) [18:46] beerios: I am installing 10.10 right for that very reason. I have a sandy bridge machine so the onboard intel also does not work. 10.10 with an nVidia for the short term seems like the least painful option [18:47] ChrisBuchholz: Try the volume control in Gnome, or temporarily remove pulseausio [18:48] meganerdca, it's a usual problem with new distros :) 10.10 didn't have working nvidia-96 drivers at first after changes to the X server [18:49] I have the newest version of firefox installed(4.0.whatever), but when i run it, it is still the old version (3.6.something-or-other), does anyone have any ideas? [18:52] beerios: not really that common of a problem, at least in my experience. [18:53] gyger: type "which firefox" at a command prompt [18:56] Ok, finally found that page again... [18:56] This should be helpful to someone with more understanding than I have [18:56] http://us.generation-nt.com/answer/bug-612956-nvidia-glx-requires-xorg-video-abi-8-0-but-new-xserver-xorg-core-provides-xorg-video-abi-8-help-202235392.html [18:57] meganerdca: /usr/bin/firefox [18:58] gyger: ls -la /usr/bin/firefox [18:59] gyger: how exactly did you install ff4? [19:00] http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/ looks like its out to me [19:01] 404... [19:01] meganerdca: i updated using the software updater that said the package "firefox" was being updated to version 4 point something as mozilla made it available [19:01] meganerdca: /usr/bin/firefox -> /opt/firefox/firefox [19:06] can i upgrade to natty from maverick by running update manager -d [19:06] you can definitely try [19:07] * needhelp1 waits for beta 1 [19:07] * needhelp1 is ready to bug hunt [19:07] beta 1 is out [19:07] * gyger upgraded a LOOONG time ago... enjoying the new stuff [19:07] i didnt get an email from ubuntu-release [19:07] Beta 1: http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/ [19:10] can i upgrade to natty from maverick by running update manager -d [19:11] sure [19:11] beerios: the isos are up, but the announcement isn't out yet [19:12] meganerdca: any ideas? [19:12] just a matter of time before the announcements go out [19:13] someone probably stopped to have a nice cold beer before hitting "send" ;) [19:13] gyger: how did you install the firefox in /opt ? [19:13] yofel: i didn't install it manually [19:14] gyger: well, you got it somehow, so... ? [19:14] yofel: doesn't it come installed by default in ubuntu? [19:14] firefox yes, but not in /opt [19:15] so if you say that you have '/usr/bin/firefox -> /opt/firefox/firefox' then you did something there [19:15] gyger: what does 'dpkg -S /opt/firefox/firefox' say? [19:16] dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /opt/firefox/firefox. [19:17] then you installed that manually it seems, try to purge firefox and reinstall it [19:17] yofel: sudo apt-get remove firefox ???? [19:17] or am i missing something? [19:17] sudo apt-get purge firefox [19:18] thank you [19:19] ok... THAT'S creepy... [19:19] ran it... firefox still runs [19:19] run it again [19:19] lol [19:20] beerios: package firefox is not installed, so not removed. [19:20] * gyger slowly backs away from the possessed laptop [19:20] it probably now uses the one in /opt, no idea how though [19:20] is there a way to tell? [19:20] * yofel doesn't know how to properly remove that either [19:21] hm, you could try 'ps auxw | grep firefox' - that should tell the path [19:21] gyger 17916 0.0 0.0 4156 856 pts/3 S+ 13:21 0:00 grep --color=auto firefox [19:22] hm... then it's not running [19:23] i can go to a command prompt and type "firefox" and a nice, shiny new firefox window opens [19:23] what does 'which firefox' say? [19:24] /usr/bin/firefox [19:24] and that still points to opt? [19:25] yup [19:25] derp [19:25] ... [19:25] rmdir? [19:26] well, you can try to remove it, but I'm not sure why the link was still there [19:26] I have absolutely no experience will manually installed firefox [19:27] me either [19:27] Is it possible to disable Unity? I'm not too pleased with the new UI design. [19:28] sure, select ubuntu classic on login [19:28] hey all [19:28] Wow, how did I miss that one? Thanks! [19:28] hi coz_ [19:28] yofel, hey guy :) [19:35] yofel: i uninstalled the old one [19:35] or rather deleted the directory [19:35] tried to reinstall from synaptic... [19:35] E: firefox: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2 [19:35] E: firefox-globalmenu: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured [19:35] E: firefox-launchpad-plugin: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured [19:36] When 10.10 users upgrade to 11.04 what happens to Gnome? Does it get replaced by Unity automatically or is Unity installed alongside Gnome? I am talking about those of us who do upgrades and not fresh installs. [19:44] gyger: what's the error before the 'exit status 2' ? [19:54] ***Your system has been left in a broken state by a third party package*** [19:54] This is usually caused by installing packages from Ubuntuzilla. Fixing this now [19:54] dpkg-divert: error: mismatch on package [19:54] when removing `diversion of /usr/bin/firefox by firefox' [19:54] found `local diversion of /usr/bin/firefox to /usr/bin/firefox.ubuntu' [19:54] dpkg: error processing firefox (--configure): [19:54] subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2 [19:57] is it out yet? [19:58] xapel: no [20:05] yofel: i just realized what it is... i had used ubuntuzilla at one point [20:06] but i had since removed it [20:18] anyone, anyone? [20:19] nop [20:19] hello i have made usb live usb from 29.03.2011 11.04 and live makes all black. when i turn off lights in night in dark i can see in monitor something that its loaded and live is working but it made all screen black.. [20:20] LULLING_HARD: you can select the classic gnome desktop on the login screen, I'm not sure what an upgrade will select by default [20:20] so i cant see anything. its on emachines laptop. on dell laptop its working [20:20] emachine is widescreen [20:21] trism: OK, so Gnome will be there, it's just a matter of selecting it at login? I want to try Unity, so I would prefer both be selectable. [20:22] LULLING_HARD: yes they will both be there [20:22] thanks [20:22] trism: Also, is Wayland going to be in 11.04? [20:22] LULLING_HARD: no [20:23] is it planned for 11.10 or is it just sort of a "whenever it gets ready" type of thing? [20:24] whats the command to show the full path in nautilis [20:24] ALT something or CTRL [20:24] LULLING_HARD: well, actually I see it in universe, for people to play with I imagine...from what I've heard, it is still along way off though (so I imagine unlikely for 11.10) [20:26] needhelp1: ctrl+L [20:26] ok thanks. that's all my questions. As you were. [20:26] is the 11.04 beta out yet? [20:27] thiebaude: the /topic will tell you: not yet [20:27] guntbert, thanks :) [20:28] :) [20:28] i just finished downloading it [20:28] Can someone help me get flash working? [20:28] flashplugin-nonfree is installed [20:28] prob time for me to upgrade from 10.10 [20:29] or is flash broken for everyone? [20:30] IdleOne: it works here (32 bit though) [20:30] yeah 64bit here, forgot to mention that [20:30] ok cya guys later going to do an upgrade, i never had beta problems since 6.06 [20:32] IdleOne: there were 64bit nspluginwrapper issues yesterday, but that was failing to install [20:33] yofel: so there is no fix at this time is what you are telling me :/ [20:33] well, I'm not sure, I'm on my EeePC currently (32bit) [20:33] as long as you have ia32-libs ...ubuntu11 you shouldn't have yesterdays bug [20:34] how does it fail anyway? [20:34] let me check version on ia32libs [20:34] just tells me I am missing a plugin when trying to watch video on youtube [20:35] 35 packages to upgrade...maybe just maybe it will fix itself [20:37] ia32-libs: [20:37] Installed: 20090808ubuntu11 [20:39] well the update didn't help me [20:45] IdleOne: is it listed in about:plugins? [20:45] Hello, is the beta1 released yet ? [20:46] yofel: any ideas on my problem? [20:46] gyger: without the actual error message instead of 'exit status 2' - no [20:47] i pasted it... [20:47] i thought [20:47] gyger: there should be a message before the errors you pasted [20:48] AnAnt: the /topic will tell you: not yet :) [20:48] heres the entire thing... [20:48] Setting up firefox (4.0~rc2+build3+nobinonly-0ubuntu1) ... [20:48] ***Your system has been left in a broken state by a third party package*** [20:48] This is usually caused by installing packages from Ubuntuzilla. Fixing this now [20:48] dpkg-divert: error: mismatch on package [20:48] when removing `diversion of /usr/bin/firefox by firefox' [20:48] found `local diversion of /usr/bin/firefox to /usr/bin/firefox.ubuntu' [20:48] dpkg: error processing firefox (--configure): [20:48] subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2 [20:48] dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of firefox-globalmenu: [20:48] firefox-globalmenu depends on firefox (= 4.0~rc2+build3+nobinonly-0ubuntu1); however: [20:48] Package firefox is not configured yet. [20:48] dpkg: error processing firefox-globalmenu (--configure): [20:48] dependency problems - leaving unconfigured [20:48] No apport report written because the error message indicates its a followup error from a previous failure. [20:48] !paste | gyger [20:48] Errors were encountered while processing: [20:48] I see some DVD images on cdimage.ubuntu.com, but no CD images [20:48] gyger: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [20:48] !pastebin | gyger (next time please...) [20:48] firefox [20:48] gyger (next time please...): For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [20:48] firefox-globalmenu [20:48] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) [20:49] trism: npwrapper.libflashplayer is in about:plugins [20:49] gyger: Please use a pastebin. Don't paste into this channel. [20:49] urgh, why the hell does a manual package use dpkg-divert... [20:49] *manual install [20:50] i don't know [20:50] n [20:50] hey charlie-tca [20:50] gyger: can you pastebin the output of 'dpkg-divert --list firefox' ? [20:50] !pastebin [20:50] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [20:51] hello, yofel [20:51] yofel: theres nothing [20:52] gyger: hm... and dpkg-divert --list /usr/bin/firefox ? [20:53] local diversion of /usr/bin/firefox to /usr/bin/firefox.ubuntu [20:54] is upgrading via apt from 10.10 to 11.04 likely to work atm? [20:54] tasslehoff: worked for me the other day [20:55] skyjumper: cool. guess I'll take the chance :) [20:56] keep in mind i wasn't using proprietary drivers tho [20:56] OMG ubuntu is reporting that beta 1 is out [20:56] still no official updates from ubuntu [20:56] They always try to beat the official announcements [20:56] Sometimes as much as two days early, but that doesn't make them right, either. [20:57] gyger: hm, you can try 'dpkg-divert --remove /usr/bin/firefox' [20:57] if that doesn't work read the manpage and see if you can figure something out.. [20:58] Anyone use 1&1? [20:58] "INSTANT DOMAIN ACTIVATION" adverts. [20:59] When you purchase, "you'll get an email within 24 hours to confirm activation" [20:59] * gyger does the happy dance [20:59] 4 hours down the road :/ [20:59] yofel: THANK YOU! [20:59] oh cool ^^ [21:00] nperry: mine activate within 24 hours using Hostgator. sometimes much quicker than that, too [21:00] Humm random tweet from ubuntdevs "er" [21:00] 1&1 seemed to be the cheapest for .co.uk [21:01] Becuase they did the first year 40p cheaper [21:04] !ot | nperry [21:04] nperry: #ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu. Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support. Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic. [21:05] Oh my bad, wrong window :) [21:05] Only just noticed. [21:05] nperry: I *could* have asked :-) [22:54] Anyone having any success installing the Natty beta in a VM? [23:03] VirtualBox, yes === meganerdca is now known as mbineganerdca [23:14] * penguin42 had the alpha install in kvm with a couple of hickups [23:15] magn3ts, natty works fine in virtualbox (with a maverick host) [23:17] hi [23:17] I tried to test natty and I can no longer boot [23:17] into x [23:17] bunch of verticle lines... I try to > startx < and it says fatal error: no screens [23:17] any suggestions? [23:17] sagredo: What hardware ? [23:18] 2.4c, nvidia geforce 5200fx [23:18] 128MB graphical memory [23:18] and its out.... one hour close to mid night :P [23:18] hmm I don't know Nvidia stuff myself [23:19] is there a new command to start the graphical login [23:20] startx? [23:20] _new_ [23:20] service gdm start [23:20] gdm start [23:20] cool [23:20] something like that [23:20] command not found [23:20] sounds more like driver trouble though [23:20] service not recognized [23:20] assuming you have GDM :P [23:21] hrmmm [23:21] sux for me === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Natty Narwhal 11.04 | Milestones: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule | Maverick/10.10 support in #ubuntu | Natty Beta Released: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/natty/beta [23:22] BUGabundo: The life clock for this instantiation of this channel is starting to flash red again [23:23] ? [23:23] what is the header package for 2-6.35.25-generic kernel? [23:23] BUGabundo: Reference to 1) The fact that +1 will disappear again in a few weeks and 2) The film Logan's Run [23:23] I am gettign a fail when trying to update that [23:23] what isl ogan's run about [23:25] There's not really a short answer to that one [23:25] penguin42: believe it or not, its that part of the year that costs me the most... even if I'm not present as much as I used to , I love you guys, and we are all a big and special family ! [23:25] life changes, jobs change, interests changes. [23:25] bur real friends are always there [23:25] It's here! Natty Narwhal Beta1 [23:26] sagredo: OT, see IMDB; classic 60/70's post-apocolyptic sci-fi film - watch it (not the remake) === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Natty Narwhal 11.04 | Milestones: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule | Maverick/10.10 support in #ubuntu | Natty Beta Released: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/natty/beta | Caution: Wubi is broken on the beta images, see http://pad.lv/746257 [23:27] charlie-tca: I got the email 30 min ago LOL [23:29] yo [23:29] how can I update to the beta [23:29] sagredo: What are you running now? [23:30] no idea [23:30] sagredo: You don't know what release of Ubuntu you are using? [23:30] well [23:31] I tried to update to alpha3 [23:31] BUGabundo: are you no longer interested in Ubuntu? Are you all for android these days? :) [23:31] but right after GRUB I get a bunch of verticle lines [23:31] and have to hard restart :/ [23:31] !final [23:31] If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Natty Narwhal and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Natty. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console. [23:31] BUGabundo: I been busy! [23:32] sagredo: lsb_release -a [23:32] kklimonda: I have, as always had, many interessted [23:32] for a time my main hobby was Ubuntu [23:32] till recently Android was it [23:32] no more either [23:33] oh [23:33] plus I'm tired [23:33] looks like [23:33] I made the last minutes of alpha :D [23:33] I've just been on a roll of bad stuff with some good bits in it [23:33] natty 10.04 dev [23:34] sagredo: natty 11.04 [23:34] lol [23:34] ya [23:34] kklimonda: http://p.bugabundo.net/why-why-wont-you-leave-me-alone-murphy-what-h [23:35] I saw that. Is that the new car? [23:36] okay dudes [23:37] I was going to try to install some xorg experimental drivers but it says dpkg is locked [23:37] charlie-tca: its 3yo... still, my car [23:37] BUGabundo: ah, aren't we all tired? All I can think of recently is how to make some money, and how much I suck :) [23:38] that was a car in really good shape for 3 years! [23:38] * penguin42 went for a nice walk by the sea today; takes the mind off sucky stuff [23:38] thanks. I try my best [23:38] yeah, it does look really nice on those photos, especially on the second one. On the other hand it's dark, and the photo was probably taken with the phone :) [23:38] kklimonda: when you come up with the money maker, I would like to know, too. [23:39] kklimonda: meh... even tuffer for me... no client to work for.. .going on a few interviews but nothing secured! [23:39] penguin42: yeah, at least the weather is getting better [23:43] BUGabundo: bah, at least you have balls to go for interviews. I'm currently at the "holy shit, I'm so screwed, I should probably end it right now" part of getting out of the pretty severe case of depression.. :) [23:45] ah good way to silence a channel [23:45] just FYI banshee doesn't display my ipod in the menu. works in rhythmbox and shows up in nautilus [23:45] yeah :) [23:45] i believe it's a 4th gen 30gb [23:46] kklimonda: I'll be celebrating that by watching 127 hours movie [23:46] BUGabundo: I still can't decide whether the movie is positive or not. I'm not up to for watching some sad stories lately :) [23:47] most of the month home... I've watched *everything* else I had [23:48] what could cause my notification area icons to go missing after an upgrade? [23:48] elias: switching to unity [23:48] forgot to mention, i'm in gnome (i think) [23:49] i.e. it looks like it always did, so i'm fairly certain :) [23:49] just there's four black icons with a red circle where the notification icons were [23:50] try adding the notification area.. oh, so you have some icons? black icons with a red circle.. try changing the theme [23:51] any specific theme? [23:52] some non-ubuntu one with different icon set [23:53] black icon with a red circle sounds like an icon that shows when you are missing the real icon [23:54] hello all. Will virtualbox guest additions work in the 11.04 beta1? [23:54] elias: it also sometimes happens if the name of the icon changed - e.g. I think I had it in a change of firefox versions once or more [23:54] i had issues with them in the alpha === mbineganerdca is now known as meganerdca [23:58] hm, changing themes made keyboard and mouse input freeze, had to ssh back into irc [23:58] that is the mouse cursor moves, just no clicks are registered