=== skaet is now known as skaet_zzz [09:23] oh wow, thanks for fixing that! That's quite the long-standing bug. [09:24] I can't remember what blocked us previously. I think I tried to fix it in python-debconf and got stuck, but this was years ago. [09:25] I suspect there were older instances of the bug - feel free to dup [09:33] will do [09:33] so what's going on with wubi? [09:33] skaet contacted me last night, but when I replied she said you had a handle on it, then rick said you basically haven't slept yet in trying to fix it [09:35] I'm still debugging through grub [09:35] it's crashing just after 'set root=(loop0)', which makes me very suspicious since that's been a problem location in the past [09:36] single-stepping at the moment to try to figure out where it dies - in the past attempts to insert debug code have made the problem go away, so I think I have to use non-invasive techniques [09:37] I wish management would quit comparing notes on how much I sleep. :-) [09:37] heh [09:37] it got a wag of the finger by claire in the kitchen [09:37] directed at rick [09:38] apparently someone should've held you down and made you sleep ;) [09:41] I was awake *anyway* [09:43] :) if it comes back up, I'll be sure to mention that [09:52] not that I don't appreciate the concern [09:54] of course [12:44] ev: I thought the 4 px high ubiquty task bar was something that got fixed? [12:51] not yet; in a meeting though [12:58] ah nps [13:32] single-stepping shows, I think, grub_file_getline returning GRUB_ERR_BAD_FS on the next read after 'set root=(loop0); if loadfont /usr/share/grub/unicode.pf2 ; then set gfxmode=auto; load_video; insmod gfxterm; fi' [13:32] which is progress of a sort [13:35] hm, I wonder if I can find the error message in memory [13:37] I'm making copious use of gdb's 'find' command to find functions in memory [13:38] and 'disas /r' and 'disas /rm' in another window [13:41] "read out of range", by the looks of things [13:41] out for a bit [13:41] (which message is only emitted by the ntfs implementation, usefully) [14:04] incidentally, have you played around with the python support in gdb? [14:05] there's a great presentation from pycon by an engineer at redhat who was using it to dig at memory leaks in yum bubbling up to their installer, amongst other things [14:07] http://pycon.blip.tv/file/4877544/ [14:28] not as yet no ... [14:28] * cjwatson saves that for later :) [14:35] ev: do you have time to poke at my d-i apt-setup/local0/repository bug 728710 ? [14:35] Launchpad bug 728710 in debian-installer "d-i apt-setup/local0/repository not working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/728710 === skaet_zzz is now known as skaet [17:11] cjwatson: i saw that cdebconf was accepted; thanks; could you ping me as soon as d-i gets rebuilt, so that I can check the new iso's? [17:13] I'm not planning to do it right away, maybe tomorrow [17:13] sure, I'll let you know [17:13] nobody manually accepted cdebconf - the entire queue was flushed (FWIW) [17:50] fgrep -al "$(printf '\x39\xcf\x73\xd3\x85\xff')" build/grub-pc/grub-core/*.mod [17:50] you know you're doomed when this is part of your debugging process [17:59] (probably wants LC_ALL=C) [18:09] lol [18:15] interestingly, the first point where I'm seeing an error in the NTFS driver is inside loadfont [18:15] I'm wondering if bufio is 64-bit-unclean [18:17] though not *entirely* sure whether that would account for it yet === shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer [20:35] I am trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 on my HP 110 netbook [20:35] The installation freezes at the 'Preparing to install' page === CarlFK1 is now known as CarlFK