[08:33] good morning all [08:34] good morning dpm [08:35] just writing a blog post about slovenian translation marathon. It should appear on ubuntu planet soon ;) [08:38] hey andrejz, cool, :-) [08:41] Question, if you're translating on launchpad itself, you have multiple people working on the same package or does that confuse launchpad? I want to attack a package (firefox) that has a large number of strings to be translated wiht a few people all at once but don't want to kill it [08:42] head_victim, no, that doesn't confuse LP, but it might confuse humans :-) You might want to coordinate with the few people who are doing it [08:42] head_victim [08:43] just be sure you are not working on the same strings, that's it [08:43] someone can work on strings 0-100, other on 100-200 and so on [08:44] andrejz: so that's not automatically taken care of by launchpad when you pick "untranslated"? [08:44] dpm: part of a translation jam ;) [08:45] yes, but if too people work on the same strings at the same time they might overwrite other person's work [08:45] andrejz: ah ok I might just spread them out then to be safe [08:46] for example if i choose untrasnlated firefox strings [08:46] This one will be more about just showing people how easy it is to do so they can go off and do it themselves. [08:46] launchpad will show me fist 10 untranslated strings in firefox [08:46] if anyone else click's on the same link, they will see the same 10 strings [08:47] Ah I was hoping that those 10 strings would somehow have been "allocated" so that the next person would automatically get a new set of strings [08:48] no it doesn't work like that automatically AFAIK [08:48] No worries, glad I checked now :) [08:48] only after you click save and continue button strings will be marked as translated [08:48] That makes sense === aronxu is now known as happyaron === skaet is now known as skaet_zzz [09:00] there it is - http://ubuntu-slovenija.blogspot.com/2011/03/schedule-for-slovenian-translation.html [09:05] andrejz, http://www.facebook.com/ubuntu.translators :-) [09:06] andrejz, head_victim, you can work concurrently in Launchpad, the only thing is that you'll have to refresh the browser to see the other people's translations if they've done them after you've loaded a page [12:22] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-control-panel/+bug/746374 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-control-panel/+bug/746370 can you find more? :-) [12:22] Launchpad bug 746374 in ubuntuone-control-panel "Translation difficulties with %(service_name)s variable (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] [13:06] shoudn't rosetta refrain from overwriting translations done in launchpad when doing upstream importing? [13:06] dpm: [13:07] artnay, in general yes. If that's not the case, I'd suggest filing a bug or talking to henninge on the #launchpad channel [13:14] dpm: are some tags used for natty translation(s) in bug reports? [13:15] ie. natty-i18n [13:15] not just natty but a release [13:16] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-sso-client/+bug/746397 [13:16] Launchpad bug 746397 in ubuntu-sso-client "Missing translation when unknown user tries to do a review in software-center (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] [13:16] 3rd translation bug report from today... [13:16] artnay, you don't need to add tags. Just add a bug task for the ubuntu-translations project (btw, good work testing translations and filing reports! :) [13:16] I mean, if there was some tag which would be recommended for translators to use, it would be easier to track translation bugs [13:18] artnay, yeah, that's what we do in the ubuntu-translations project in LP. If you add a bug task for it (use the "Also affects project" link on a bug report), we can keep track of them in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations/ [13:18] dpm: yeah, done it before [13:18] my gripe is the UI [13:19] what UI? [13:19] try to add ubuntu-translations without knowing the exact wording [13:19] eg. click the also affects... winnnnnnnno [13:19] damn logitech... [13:19] artnay, yeah, but you do know the exact wording now ;-) [13:20] if I write "translation", "translators" or something, I'll get more than 11 pages of results and none of them is ubuntu-translations [13:20] even though I search for "ubuntu-translations" :-) [13:22] http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1011999/err-where-is-it.png that's what I mean [13:23] those are the actual results for "ubuntu-translations" [13:25] "is there a bug for that?" :-) [13:26] could +1 for it [13:26] artnay, there might be, probably at https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad [13:28] here you go https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/471328 [13:28] Launchpad bug 471328 in launchpad "Also affects search error - too many matches (affects: 8) (dups: 3) (heat: 7)" [High,Triaged] [13:29] well, it's not 1:1 but related [13:31] seems like all fixes in libwnck have been overwritten by upstream importing - fixes done in rosetta aren't even suggested [13:34] artnay, please file a bug on https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+filebug and add a task for ubuntu-translations, that's the only way we cant track this [13:35] dpm: sure, I actually was just looking for henninge first [13:36] and crying out loud here just to inform other translators and maybe to receive "+1" :-) [13:36] hi henninge, I was looking for you at #launchpad [13:37] artnay: Hi! [13:38] henninge: so, umh, many translations which were fixed in rosetta have been overwritten by upstream imports. the overwritten fixes aren't even suggested anymore. [13:39] upstream is kind of picky when it comes to Launchpad translations... hence not all fixes have been taken into upstream [13:39] artnay: which project is that? [13:39] henninge: for example https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/libwnck/+pots/libwnck/fi/+translate?batch=10&show=all&search=ty%C3%B6tila [13:40] Current workspace: "%s" [13:40] it was just a few minutes ago wrongly translated (by upstream, Suggested by Pauli Virtanen on 2007-08-20) [13:40] then I fixed it 8 minutes ago [13:40] and it shows as Translated by Jiri Grönroos on 2010-03-23 [13:40] and that wasn't even suggested 8 minutes ago [13:41] so Launchpad somehow remembers I've fixed it, forgots it (and overwrites) during upstream importing [13:41] now as I fixed it (once again) after upstream importing, I've "reviewed" the non-existent suggestion [13:42] hopefully you understood a bit :-) [13:42] artnay: yes, old strings are remembered and re-activated when they are entered again. [13:42] henninge: shouldn't Launchpad refrain from overwriting? [13:42] artnay: I am checking right now why it does that. [13:43] henninge: great, thanks. I'm able to give you more examples as I find them [13:47] https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/gnome-panel/+pots/gnome-panel-2.0/fi/+translate?batch=10&show=all&search=napsauttamalla+t%C3%A4t%C3%A4 that's another example. #176 was changed during maverick cycle but it has been overwritten by upstream import. no suggestion(s) visible. [13:49] artnay: can you re-enter your translation on that one, please? I just cleared the translation to try something. [13:49] https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/gnome-panel/+pots/gnome-panel-2.0/fi/176/+translate [13:51] henninge: maybe I can't remember the exact wording since LP tells me "translated/reviewed 1 min ago" [13:51] exact wording from maverick cycle, I mean [13:54] henninge: so it has been changed now. can you somehow force/schedule upstream importing for Finnish gnome-panel-2.0 / libwnck so we'll see what happens [13:55] I could file a bug about it and get back in touch after the next import (if the problem still persists) [13:56] artnay: Are you sure taht the translation was overwritten *today* or did you only notice it today? [13:57] henninge: never said anything about today. I guess it has been overwritten earlier, not today [13:57] it was just a few minutes ago wrongly translated (by upstream, Suggested by Pauli Virtanen on 2007-08-20) [13:58] I'm on ati and need fglrx (powersaving), that's why I'm late testing natty. [13:58] henninge: yes, I meant it was translated that way (from 2007) and only changed a few minutes ago by me [13:59] ah, I see [13:59] artnay: https://translations.qastaging.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/libwnck/+pots/libwnck/fi/+translate?batch=10&show=all&search=ty%C3%B6tila [13:59] artnay: Looks like it was overwritten in January. [14:00] (qastaging has a slightly older database) [14:00] artnay: we had a but that caused that in January. [14:00] See dpm's mails to the translators list. [14:01] henninge: ok, good catch. I guess the problem has been solved (for now). thank you for co-operation. [14:01] didn't know about qastaging === skaet_zzz is now known as skaet