
humphreybcjcastro: Traumatized much?00:32
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didrocksgood morning07:10
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oSoMoNgood morning08:02
MacSlowgood morning08:04
coz_  good day all10:19
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elleucahi, may I draw attention in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/yelp/+bug/74714911:40
ubot5Ubuntu bug 747149 in yelp (Ubuntu) "Yelp no longer uses /desktop/gnome/interface/document_font_name" [Undecided,New]11:40
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zniavregood afternoon14:05
zniavrejust updated unity today i got question: how to disable shadow on the top panel please ?14:06
zniavreit looks like it's not supported by ccsm14:08
kenvandinenjpatel, latest gwibber lens lp:gwibber/unity-lens-gwibber14:34
kenvandinelots of improvements since my +junk branch14:35
* njpatel installs14:35
kenvandinenjpatel, on thing that is bugging me... when i don't select a section from the quicklist it doesn't actually refresh the data14:35
kenvandinei have to either change the section or add a search14:35
kenvandineis there another signal i can use to refresh when opened?14:36
njpatelkenvandine, SetActive (true) is called before you open14:36
njpateland SetActive (false) when your closed14:36
davidcallekenvandine, looking good!14:36
kenvandinenjpatel, is there a signal associated?14:37
njpatelkenvandine, should be, it's probably a property14:37
njpatelthat will tell you when the section changes, yes14:37
* kenvandine looks for the docs :)14:38
njpatelbut there is probably a "active" property that you and do notify with too14:38
kenvandinethat was simplea14:38
kenvandineyeah, found it on d.u.c :)14:38
njpatelkenvandine, amazing14:40
njpatelkenvandine, seriously14:40
njpatelbeing able to search everything like that is awesome14:40
kenvandineand look at the images section14:40
kenvandineinstead of displaying the avatars, it is a thumb of the image14:40
njpatelah, I need to make the renderer work in global search!14:40
kenvandinebut... notice the selection there... it is off a bit14:40
kenvandinemouse over a image in the images section14:41
kenvandineyou'll see what i mean14:41
njpateli'm still getting the avatars14:42
kenvandineunder images?14:42
kenvandinechange sections :)14:42
kenvandineit'll force a refresh14:42
njpatelstill getting only avatars14:43
kenvandinenjpatel, i was thinking about using the fileinfo renderer for the images, but then i can't include any text14:43
kenvandineare you sure?14:43
kenvandinethey may look like avatars :)14:43
njpatelthey are avatars! :)14:44
njpatelrecent ones too14:44
njpateli.e. for this https://twitter.com/#!/d0od/statuses/5379395469247283214:44
kenvandinemaybe restart unity :)14:44
njpatelI see his avatar and the text14:44
njpateli just did, but I can try again in a bit (just making a fix14:44
kenvandineone sec14:44
njpateldid you push?14:45
kenvandinenjpatel, yup14:46
kenvandinei just pushed the change that does a update on active14:46
kenvandinepull again14:46
kenvandineyou should have revision 414:46
* spikeb upgraded his main desktop to the beta yesterday14:47
* njpatel pulls14:47
kenvandinespikeb, cool14:47
spikebbout time i got to use unity full time :)14:47
kenvandinenjpatel, any better?14:49
njpatelkenvandine, so "images" shows me normal renderer but with avatars :)14:50
kenvandinerev 4?14:50
njpatelyep, it works fine, but i don't get images at all, just the authors avatar14:51
kenvandineand does the images section use the default renderer in the code you have?14:51
njpatelwhich makes sense14:51
kenvandinemakes no sense...14:51
kenvandinemy code doesn't use that renderer!14:51
njpateloh, fuck sticks14:51
njpatelguess who was pulling from the wrong branch?14:51
kenvandinewrong branch?14:52
njpatelsorry dude14:52
kenvandinelots of big improvements in the real branch :)14:52
njpatelkenvandine, awesome, I see the images now and the bug :)14:54
kenvandinenice :)14:54
kenvandinei think it is just you expect the image to be square14:54
njpatelyeah, that's one of the bugs, the other is that the title shouldn't be allowed to go to two lines14:55
njpatelthat messes up the  vertical size14:55
ubot5Ubuntu bug 747337 in unity "Horizontal renderer rendering issues" [Medium,Triaged]14:56
kenvandinenjpatel, now i am itching to make gwibber be able to load those when  activated15:01
kenvandinebut i'll resist until we get the new client :)15:01
kenvandinethe unity api is very nice... we just need to get the docs complete :)15:02
davidcallenjpatel, is it possible to define the ordering of places in global search?15:04
njpateldavidcalle, not as yet, there is some ordering that I need to add to make apps the first place15:04
njpatelbut after that it's a bit of a free-for-all15:04
davidcallenjpatel, ok15:04
njpatelwhich sucks :(15:04
njpateldavidcalle, what did you have in mind?15:04
davidcallenjpatel, the books place is appearing above applications, it's bugging me.15:05
kenvandinenjpatel, is any plans to give lenses keyboard shortcuts?15:05
kenvandinelike regular launchers get15:05
davidcallekenvandine, already here15:05
didrockskenvandine: and even documented :)15:06
davidcalleLook at my books.place lp:unity-books-lens15:06
didrockskenvandine: you don't have that with the default lenses?15:06
kenvandinei do15:07
kenvandinei just assumed they are special15:07
didrocksok, works then ;)15:07
didrockskenvandine: no, it's all loaded by the .place file15:07
* njpatel downloads unity-books-lens15:07
kenvandineso what if multiple lenses request the same shortcut?15:07
didrockskenvandine: first one wins :)15:08
davidcallekenvandine, first one15:08
didrocks(the first in the launcher)15:08
didrocksnjpatel: how many launchers will you have by the end of the day?15:08
om26ergood evening lamalex15:09
didrockskenvandine: lense dev should be smart enough to avoid that :)15:09
davidcalledidrocks, can you have a lens not displaying in the launcher and still coming up with its shortcut?15:09
didrocksdavidcalle: yes15:10
davidcalledidrocks, great :)15:10
didrocksnot tested but from the code, I don't see what prevents that15:10
lamalexhey om26er15:11
didrocksso, if you want to confirm, it would be nice!15:11
davidcalledidrocks *testing*15:11
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lamalexdidrocks, that's a dangerous opinion15:12
lamalexnot thinking that way was what made do plugins so easy to write15:12
lamalexthe assumption that plugin authors would be retarded15:12
lamalexand write retarded code15:12
lamalexand turns out they were15:12
lamalexand they did15:12
didrockslamalex: well, we just taking into account the first one to prevent that15:12
davidcalledidrocks: ShowEntry=True doesn't show the launcher entry.  :/15:17
davidcalleThe bright side of it is that ShowEntry=False hides it successfully :D15:18
didrocks"ShowEntry=True doesn't show the launcher entry" how comes? that's how u-p-a and u-p-f are shown15:21
davidcalledidrocks, adding ShowEntry to my [Entry:something] hides it, no matter what. BUT... It's probably a noob mistake. I'm rewriting the .place.15:30
davidcalledidrocks: "that's how u-p-a and u-p-f are shown" That's not what I see in the defaults .place files. That's only how the Runner entry is hidden, am I wrong?15:36
didrocksdavidcalle: one sec, let me check15:37
kenvandinedidrocks, i guess there is no way to hide it conditionally?15:38
didrockskenvandine: no15:38
kenvandinelike if there are no gwibber accounts configured, i could hide it from the launcher15:38
didrocksnice idea, but not right now ;)15:39
kenvandineor perhaps it would be better for me to just display a "Add accounts" entry15:39
didrocksdavidcalle: ok, you're right15:39
kenvandinedidrocks, indeed15:39
didrocksdavidcalle: let me check15:39
davidcalleThis is evil: when searching for "origin of species", my place just decided to display a picture of Lamarck, titled "Charles Darwin" in the Author group.15:43
lamalexom26er, when you ask a reporter a question, set the status to incomplete so we can get it out of the new queue15:45
lamalexmakes triaging a lot faster if i don't keep running across bugs you've already started handling15:45
didrocksdavidcalle: what do you set in ShowEntry?15:45
davidcalledidrocks, True or False, I've tried both.15:46
om26erlamalex, I do that most of the times, but where I am not certain about my comment's weight I don't play with the status though will change that from now on.15:46
didrocksdavidcalle: try "true"15:47
didrocks(without the "")15:47
didrocksdavidcalle: so ShowEntry=true15:47
davidcalledidrocks: it's working, thank you :)15:49
didrocksdavidcalle: yw ;)15:49
didrocksI think some doc needs to be updated ;)15:49
davidcalledidrocks, so to answer the first question : setting false and using the shortcut does not work.15:49
didrocksdavidcalle: it's the traditional desktop entry file spec, btw15:49
* spikeb turns off intellihide15:49
didrocksdavidcalle: ok, sadly, I'll have a look to that, the launcher should still be there, but invisible15:50
didrocksdavidcalle: not a high prio for now :)15:50
davidcalledidrocks, indeed :)15:51
didrocksdavidcalle: updated the spec thanks to you ;)15:52
didrocksI should update the u-p-a runner .place as well15:53
didrocksas when it doesn't recognize the key, it's set to false ;)15:53
lamalexom26er, yeah, basically the way i do it is as soon as i handle a bug i move it to incomplete so that i can keep moving down the list15:54
lamalexthen i check my bugmail periodically for people who have answered my questions15:55
davidcalledidrocks, that's great to know that someone who can barely code can help devs ;)15:55
lamalexom26er, i have my filters set up to filter based on project/bugstatus15:55
lamalexso all my incompletes come in together15:55
didrocksdavidcalle: well, you did an awesome place, you can code! ;)15:56
om26erlamalex, that's convenient sometimes I miss a few emails and don't know if the reporter commented back, should try your trick15:56
didrockslamalex: on that point, there is a huge backlog from when you didn't triage your emails :)15:57
om26erlamalex, should I look into unity package bugs as you are on upstream at the moment?15:57
davidcalledidrocks, I'm not coding, I'm blindly iterating stuff on existing code  ;)15:57
didrocksdavidcalle: well, that's how we all learn!15:57
lamalexdidrocks,  yeeeahhh15:58
lamalexbeen meaning to get to those...15:58
lamalexi guess now is a good time15:58
didrockslamalex: easy way to get them15:58
didrocksrather than this link :)15:58
didrocksAdvanced search15:58
lamalexdidrocks, well thunderbird is a giant piece of crap15:58
didrocksjust keep  Incomplete (without response)15:58
om26erhey didrocks what's this bug report about? bug 74701415:58
ubot5Launchpad bug 747014 in unity (Ubuntu Natty) "Major Natty regression: No fish!" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74701415:58
lamalexand doesn't actually CHECK my subscribed folders unless i click on them15:58
didrocks Incomplete (with response)15:58
lamalexso i dont see the counts going up and get a reminder15:59
didrocksom26er: pitti going mad, mainly!15:59
* lamalex hates email to death15:59
didrocksom26er: he'll close it tomorrow :)15:59
didrockslamalex: you have this link15:59
lamalexmaybe i can go on rotation to the lp team and we can work on a bug dashboard..15:59
didrockslamalex: om26er: do you want me to launch my script now?15:59
didrocksI can get you the list as well for "should be set as incomplete" bugs16:00
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om26erdidrocks, it will open downstream bug for upstream and upstream bug for downstream and sync their status?16:03
didrocksom26er: as usual, also open needed tasks16:04
lamalexdidrocks, does (with response) mean, "with a comment since the status was set to incomplete"?16:08
lamalexdidrocks, does (with response) mean, "with a comment since the status was set to incomplete"?16:12
didrockslamalex: exactly16:12
lamalexalthough it doesn't seem to actually work well.. https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/66910916:12
ubot5Ubuntu bug 669109 in unity (Ubuntu) "getting out of some OpenGL games under Unity makes the computer unusable" [High,Incomplete]16:13
lamalexuh, a ton of these do not have comments since the status was set to incomplete wtf16:13
lamalexdidrocks, sorry if i'm pinging you a ton :P how can i target a bug to just a specific distribution?16:14
lamalexi want to wontfix this for unity, but as confirmed for 10.04 https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/73717116:15
ubot5Ubuntu bug 737171 in unity "Compiz expo plugin Super+S keybinding conflicts with indicator-applet Super+S keybinding to access session menu." [Medium,Incomplete]16:15
lamalextarget to series!16:15
didrockslamalex: "i want to wontfix this for unity, but as confirmed for 10.04" ?16:17
didrockssorry, not sure what do you mean16:17
lamalexdidrocks, you know how some bugs have tasks for natty, or maverick, etc?16:18
lamalexi dont know one off hand to show an example16:18
didrockslamalex: so you want to target a bug for maverick or natty in particular?16:18
didrocksor for o?16:19
lamalexmeh nevermind it's out of the unity domain anyway16:19
lamalexill just update the unity task16:19
didrocksyou have the target to release option, but only for supported ones16:20
lamalexlike there are no more super+|?| bindings to get to indicators, but if we broke 10.04, then the 10.04 package should be fixed16:20
lamalexso it's a wontfix for unity, but should be fixed for that release16:20
lamalexbut that's out of my unity domain anyway so i just wont worry about it16:20
didrockslamalex: just reassign the bug16:20
didrocksto the right component16:20
lamalexand didrocks final question as this is new territory for me16:22
lamalexwith bugs that have ffe tag, or break ui freeze, can i mark them confirmed? or will that cause them to be lost for the ffe reviewers16:22
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didrockslamalex: no, let them new please16:26
lamalexwell this one is currently marked incomplete by dbart16:27
lamalexshould i set it back to new?16:27
lamalexdidrocks, unify should probably take ffe bugs into account and not sync downstream with upstream16:29
didrockslamalex: unify doesn't sync incomplete itself if there is no design task16:30
om26erI have a unity question, was unitydialog postponed for natty?16:30
lamalexdidrocks, well this has a design task16:30
ubot5Ubuntu bug 745555 in unity-2d "Launcher - The Workspace, File Lens, App Lens and Trash Launcher icons need to be rendered correctly" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:31
didrockslamalex: what the design task status?16:31
didrocksit shouldn't be incomplete then16:31
didrocksand unify will put them triaged16:31
lamalexyeah i dont know why dbarth marked it incomplete16:31
didrocksthe release team isn't subribed anyway16:31
lamalexom26er, https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/681509 says it was fixed16:33
ubot5Ubuntu bug 681509 in unity (Ubuntu) "unitydialog needs better modal dialog detection" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:33
om26eryeah but the feature is not in16:33
didrocksit won't16:34
om26erthere were two other unitydialog bugs marked as fixed too but I don't see it16:34
om26eroh :/16:34
jcastro_didrocks: theoretically, this should work right? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/588302/16:55
didrocksjcastro_: no16:56
didrocksjcastro_: look at the example:16:56
didrocks X-Ayatana-Desktop-Shortcuts=Screen;Window16:56
didrocks[Screen Shortcut Group]16:56
didrocksyou have to add Shortcut Group16:56
didrocks[entry Shortcut Group]16:57
didrocksas https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/LauncherAPI#Static Quicklist entries16:57
jcastro_oh ok16:58
jcastro_so it has to have Shortcut Group in it16:58
jcastro_I thought I could just call it what I want16:58
didrocksjcastro_: update the doc if I wasn't clear enough ;)17:01
jcastro_it was clear, I'm just a moron17:01
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ftahow do i edit a launcher I have in the side bar?17:11
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coz_hey all18:50
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nhainesErr, so now that I've upgraded to the newest Unity and rebooted, I find the Unity launcher neither raises windows nor assigns them focus anymore.19:36
nhainesActually, it's not doing anything right now.  Hmm, maybe I need another reboot.19:37
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nhainesOkay, it works... crisis averted.20:28
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macca new version of compiz is going to release tomorrow?21:01
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LLStarksi wish the bfb would use it's newfound blueness to tell what needs attention22:39
LLStarks*tell me22:39
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DaekdroomIs there any magic key combination that will hide the launcher when it refuses to hide?23:21

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