
* jelmer waves00:01
jelmermaxb: I wonder if it would make sense to add these to a separate PPA00:01
jelmersurely we're not the only ones facing these backport issues?00:01
jelmerat least, I wouldn't mind using your backports in the subvertpy and dulwich PPA's00:02
maxbConceivably. Though especially where debhelper is concerned, I'm aware I'm not caring about things like changes concerning udev rules and kernel modules, because I know the backport only needs to work for bzr stuff00:25
pooliehi spiv00:26
spivHi poolie.00:31
spivThe patch to make Twisted's error handling is inching closer to approval.00:32
poolieoh good00:32
mgzdid maxb's issue with my pyrex change not updating his C files get resolved the other evening?00:33
spivmgz: doesn't look like it: https://code.launchpad.net/~bzr/+recipe/bzr-daily00:40
mgzokay, I understand that page now, confusing.00:44
mgz'successful' is a lie, cog-and-stop-sign is truth.00:44
mgzso, setup.py needs fixing somehow...00:47
mgzor that script is bypassing our setup.py somehow? the log makes no sense to me, the only pyrex mentions are from apt, but is something went wrong with recreating the C files there should be a note printed00:54
mgzwhat does `dh_auto_build --buildsystem=python_distutils` do?00:54
pooliei'm going to flush out some underway patches and then go back to colo/ui300:55
pooliemgz, good point about testtools matchers00:55
pooliethat exists in the testtools we use on pqm so i'll rework my patch to do that00:56
spivmgz: IIRC, it appears it is getting the .c files from the debian packaging branch, and not regenerating them01:05
spivmgz: I don't know why it doesn't run pyrex though, it even build-depends: python-pyrex, and it would seem like a sensible thing to do01:05
mgzspiv: I'm trying to work out how that's happening, our setup.py should print a log message if it's not running pyrex01:07
mgzI may just file a bug and leave it for someone who knows debian better.01:07
pooliethanks for the review mgz01:46
pooliere bug 74685901:46
ubot5Launchpad bug 746859 in Bazaar "Daily builds not updating Pyrex generated C source" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74685901:46
pooliethis is very strange01:46
pooliei don't think we commit the c files01:46
pooliehow can they be out of date?01:46
mgzpoolie: re review, I think your code was actually a bit cleverer than the testtools way, I'll file a bug against them for the UDIFF thing.01:47
mgzas that also helps my complaint about unreadable output.01:48
mgzre bug, the thing is there's a pyrex file, and a c file, that need to be in sync after the commit.01:48
spivpoolie: the recipe merges in lp:~debian-bazaar/bzr/unstable-2.4, and that contains the C files01:48
mgzI think the daily builds start from a tarball.01:48
mgzor... what spiv said.01:49
mgzso, there's another bug about the start point being wrong perhaps, but I don't see why the build doesn't update the pyrex generated files01:49
spivI'm pretty sure this is some sort of hangover from 'debs start with a source tarball and then add packaging goo', although I'm unclear on the precise route between that fact and this problem :)01:49
spivIt may be something like the timestamps of the .c files on disk in the checkout/build area aren't older than the .pyx files, so the build stuff thinks they are up to date.01:51
pooliei agree it seems to make sense to have udiff and ellipsis on by default01:51
poolieyou can file for that01:51
pooliethe matcher thing seems a bit too java-ish01:51
pooliesomething more concise is probably possible01:51
* mgz agrees with the java-ish-ness01:54
mgzoh, I take it back the not working, testtools does do the right thing, I just mistyped my example01:55
poolieREPORT_UDIFF gives you a diff when it fails01:56
pooliei think it's normally on in doctest01:56
pooliebut not throug this api01:56
mgzprovided you remembered to put newlines in the example, apparently.01:56
mgzit's certainly easier to read, it's probably a good default.01:58
pooliemgz i don't think testtools defaults to the right thing02:07
poolieor not in the version i have02:07
mgzno, it defaults to nothing, but I thought it ignored the report flag entirely (because I'd not supplied a multiline example)02:09
mgzin other words, ignore me!02:10
pooliespiv, what's the easiest or most python way to just make a random object that has an attribute04:21
pooliei see you can no longer assign to instances of object()04:21
spivEasiest: random_obj = type('Random', () {})04:23
spivMost pythonic probably involves actually using the class statement :)04:23
spivEr, a missing comma, but you get the idea04:23
poolieis () {} a typo?04:23
poolieoh, i thought that was real magic :)04:24
spivFor values of “easiest” equalling “can be done inside an expression”, anyway…04:25
poolienice, thanks04:26
bob2collections.namedtuple yo04:36
pooliemm true04:37
pooliebut i think there you need to separately create the class and then the instance?04:37
pooliealso it's probabyl not in 2.404:37
PengYou can create a namedtuple class and instance in one statement, though.04:44
Pengerr, expression04:45
poolielike that?04:46
spivRight.  Actually, that's sort-of true for my suggestion as well.04:46
bob2ah, 2.4 support, forgot about that :)04:46
poolieyours is nice04:47
spivExcept that classes are also random objects that can have attributes.04:47
poolietype('FakeFoo', (), dict(thing=1))04:47
spivWhether you then instantiate the class is a separate question…04:47
pooliespiv you should do https://code.launchpad.net/~jelmer/bzr/move-interbranch-fetch2/+merge/54958 for jelmer sometime05:04
poolienot necessarily right now05:04
pooliei wonder if we could get a clean lint05:07
poolieit would catch some things05:07
spivI regularly use pyflakes (the branch of it that understands lazy_import) on stuff I'm working on05:12
vilahi all !07:48
pooliehi there vila07:49
poolievila did we ever get a fix for the bad rendering of options like '--1.14' in ReST?07:49
vilapoolie: not that I know of07:49
pooliehi jam?07:50
vilapoolie: regarding config, I realize I haven't been clear about what I meant when saying 'implement all this design'07:50
pooliejam i just wondered why you answered https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr/+question/15121807:50
vilapoolie: the option registry is not needed yet (its main point is displaying help) and registring there is optional otherwise and anyway07:51
vilapoolie: also, reaching the point where a Store guarantees minimal IOs is not needed yet either since we don't do that today and anyway I'd like some measurements in place before starting to implement it07:51
pooliei think the next steps are deciding on the api07:53
vilapoolie: so what I meant was: I'd implement Section (read-only and write), Store and Stack and minimal implementations for the existing global, location and branch config files07:53
poolieand the closely related thing of working out where they'll be held to avoid repeatedly reading them07:53
vilaeven that can wait since it's an optimization vs what we have today07:53
vilaso yeah, deciding on the api07:54
vilapoolie: so, which part of the api poses problem ?07:55
vilapoolie: hehe, just read bug #746993 :)07:58
ubot5Launchpad bug 746993 in Bazaar ""bzr help configuration" looks awful" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74699307:58
vilapoolie: also, you can do self.skip(reason) instead of raise TestSkipped(reason)08:06
vilapoolie: ping ?08:14
vilapoolie: so, which part of the api poses problem ?08:17
* poolie looks08:17
poolievila, i think getting it from a registry is a bit strange08:19
pooliewe need to know who will hold, and gc, the objects08:19
vila'it' ? config ? option ?08:20
pooliei guess the branch or whatever is supposed to get one when it's first created08:20
poolieshoudl we talk here or mail?08:20
vilaas you see fit, here may be more effective though08:20
vilaerr, efficient ?08:20
vilaboth ? :D08:20
pooliei'll answer mail first08:22
vilaping me then ;)08:22
pooliewhy did you want "config.regsitry.get('bazaar', location)." ?08:23
vilaI think I said "didn't" in the mail but there are two cases:08:25
vilaif you have an already known bzrdir (branch, wt, etc), this should be used as it will already grab the relevant sections in bazaar08:25
vilabut there could be cases where you don't have a bzrdir, so selection the relevant sections from bazaar should still be possible08:26
vilahow stacks are built are still a bit unclear but some rules should already be pretty clear: command-line options, os.environ and bzrlib-defined default values should appear in the stack around the sections from the config file08:28
maxbjelmer: Hi. Do you think it is worth updating ~bzr/ppa with bzr-git snapshots that you put into sid, or should the PPA be left on the latest release?08:29
vilamaxb: did you mean ~/bzr/beta ?08:29
poolieok, so it seems like moving things that currently construct configs to instead get a .config_stack from their object would be good08:30
maxbvila: That would be the *other* thing we could do08:31
vilamaxb: putting snapshots in ~bzr/ppa sounds... weird. I thought we agree about using only official releases in stable, now I realize that ppa *always* define a release but you get my point (I hope)08:33
vilapoolie: right, that's part of the deployment in my mind08:35
vilapoolie: but *that* could be done with a minimal implementation08:36
poolievila, i think it could be done by just lifting out some common code today08:37
poolieimbw, it may be more complicated08:37
pooliein particular i guess we'd have to make sure it did not cause more io08:37
pooliemaxb, vila, fwiw i think shipping snapshots there is fairly ok08:38
poolieubuntu ships snapshots of some projects08:38
vilapoolie: well more IO than one IO by read and by write will be hard :)08:38
vilapoolie: in LTS ? And they get updated ?08:38
maxbIn this specific case, I'm operating on the basis that "If Jelmer thinks the snapshot is good enough for unstable/testing, I'm happy with it being in the PPA" :-)08:41
poolieyes, in LTS08:41
pooliepresumably they get updated by patches, rather than by updating to new snapshots08:41
maxbor not updated at all :-)08:42
poolievila, specifically, i want to make sure that if there is a case where at the moment we don't read a remote branch.conf, this change should not cause us to start doing so (and thereby doing one more rt)08:42
poolieit's not a blocker just something to watch08:42
vilapoolie: +208:42
pooliein other news i would love if you, or someone, would fix bug 34401308:43
ubot5Launchpad bug 344013 in Bazaar "bzr resolve should automatically resolve conflicted directory deletion" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34401308:43
poolieseems like it ought to be really easy!08:43
vilapoolie: as a workaround: bzr.transform.orphan_policy=move08:44
vilapoolie: I don't think it's easy :)08:44
vilaor I wouldn't have proposed orphans ;)08:44
poolienb this is (i think) the specific case where i've just rm -r'd the directory08:45
poolieis it really hard to notice that?08:45
vilano, what is hard is to extend the automatic resolution properly08:46
vila(from memory)08:46
vilaand that may also be related to a single object being involved in several conflicts08:47
poolieyes, i can imagine it might need some infrastructural work to the resolution machinery to make it possible to express this08:50
vilapoolie: you should try bzr.transform.orphan_policy too, since it's off by default and it triggers rarely when on, I got almost no feedback there08:51
vilapoolie: it's active here and on babune08:51
pooliewhat do i set it to?08:52
vila<vila> poolie: as a workaround: bzr.transform.orphan_policy=move08:52
poolieok, set08:52
vilabzr help bzr.transform.orphan_policy08:52
vilaNIY :D08:52
pooliei was just going to say that :)08:52
vilajoke aside, I'm not sure about how this should work from the command line08:53
vilajust DWIM ?08:53
pooliei'll file a thing for it08:53
ubot5Ubuntu bug 747050 in Bazaar "want per-configuration-variable help" [Medium,Confirmed]08:57
vilapoolie: thanks !08:59
vilapoolie: http://paste.ubuntu.com/588152/ 'their configuration' ?09:08
vilapoolie: is that: a Store needs to know where its lockdir is or some other config option specific to the lock dir ?09:09
poolieper-lockdir configuration09:09
poolieeg, whether to automatically steal apparently dead locks09:09
pooliepeople probably don't want to actually set this per lockdir, but they might well want it per location09:10
vilaright, there is a chicken and egg issue there as config files needs a lock to access the file09:10
vilaso, yeah, probably something global but per-location09:10
vilawhich can't be specified in the config file obviously09:11
vilaunless we special case bazaar.conf09:12
jam poolie: I responded before I finished reading the rest of my email09:21
poolieah i thought that was probably it - you were reading it in non-threaded mode or something09:22
pooliei wondered a bit if there was a mail delay as has happened in the past09:22
pooliejam, vila, is there a technical distinction between a checkout and a bound branch in bzr?09:35
vilahehe, I'd say: you can't unbind a lightweight checkout ?09:36
vilaI never use checkouts, I only use branches, sometimes bound.09:37
poolieok, so the difference is that a lightweight branch has a 'reference' type branch inside it, rather than a bound branch09:38
vilaI'd love to replace looms/pipelines with colocated branches and integrate switch/up-thread/pump into core.09:38
poolieme too09:38
vilame too on branches or replacing ?09:39
pooliei also would love to do that09:39
pooliei mostly use colo branches, with some regular branches (in a repository), and occasionally checkouts09:40
vilaand adding colocated support via branch.conf should also be doable without a format bump by duplicating last-revision (or even last-loom (hmm, tricky one ;)) from some 'current' definition in branch.conf09:41
vilathat was a shameless plug ;)09:42
pooliewhat is this to accomplish?09:42
vilawhat ? branch.conf ? Replacing .bzr/branches09:43
poolieoh, to put them all into that file rather than in the .bzr/branches sub directory?09:43
* vila nods09:43
vilaThis will probably requires versioning branch.conf09:43
pooliei don't know if that particular file is the right place09:44
pooliewe can have others09:44
vilawhich raises the issue of conflicts there and how to resolve them09:44
vilawhich can be somehow addressed by having a Store that revert to the last valid committed version (up to the empty file) if a parse error is encountered09:45
vilathat won't cover all cases but should ~work09:45
vilabut enough blue-skying ;)09:45
pooliei'm wondering how we reconcile having a repository directory (containing branches etc) vs bzr-colo putting the repository just into the single bzrdir09:47
vilaforget about it and just use whatever repo is used by the branch ?09:48
poolieso, don't create a repository when the colo is set up?09:49
pooliethat could work09:49
vilaIf we trust our fallback repos implementation to be robust, I'm also wondering whether we shouldn't start thinking about repos as a stack of read-only repos and one mutable one09:51
vilaooooh, come on vila, stop with the shameless plugs will you ?09:51
pooliehm, where?09:51
vilawell, in most cases we want one repo where we commit but we'd still like to find revisions wherever they are (think having lp as a repo fallback)09:52
poolieright, that could be useful09:53
vilaor a local mirror or a ~/.bzr repo as a last resort before requiring a network connection09:53
pooliei think some searches will be slower if there are many of them09:53
vilawe need a better graph support including optimized queries across the network09:54
vilabut each repo should be able to maintain a cache of which revisions are known in each pack file, we can get rid of python bloating such caches by having a C implementation restricted to just a hash with revision-IDs as keys which should still be small enough09:56
vilaso that shouldn't be an obstacle to start thinking about such repos at the conceptual level09:57
vilaI'm not really introducing new concepts as far as the data model is concerned here, only new ways to use the existing ones09:59
poolieit could be good10:07
pooliei don't think it's very high up the stack10:07
pooliei mean, i don't think adding multiple fallbacks is very urgent compared to other things10:09
vilahmm, I think we already handle multiple fallbacks (but only for stacking), what we don't provide is a way to configure them10:21
vilabut yeah, not a top priority so far10:21
pooliei'm wondering if we can deprecated bound branches10:26
pooliejust have checkouts with branch references10:27
pooliethere's a lot of old mail about this of cours-e10:27
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pooliegood night all10:43
vilapoolie: g'night ! (but gimme my bound branches back ;)11:01
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spivjelmer: it's nice to see a patch that adds to test_import_tariffs :)13:52
jelmerspiv: Thanks :)14:10
jmlI'd like to switch to using colo for launchpad hacking14:10
jmlplease help me14:11
jelmerjml: I don't have any experience using bzr-colo myself, but "bzr help colo-tutorial" should help14:14
jmljelmer: ok, thanks.14:19
jamvila: another "Welcome to Europe" for you. We did manage to get our furniture today. Everything made it in, except we couldn't get our Queen-size (150cm) box springs upstairs. (Neither through a window, nor through the stairway)14:20
jamSo now we have to go out and buy split box springs14:20
* vila bangs head on desk14:20
vilajam: wecome back here :-}14:21
vilawelcome ggrr14:21
vilajam: try futon ?14:23
jelmermaxb: wrt your question this morning; I don't think it necessarily makes sense to upload snapshots to the beta PPA, it seems that if we're ok with doing that we might as well use the nightly builds14:29
jelmereuhrm, daily builds14:29
vilajelmer: I've got a test_tariff failure locally, probably a plugin, how to you debug that ?14:35
vilafound: builddeb14:36
vilajelmer: fixed in trunk, thanks ;)14:36
vilajelmer: don't bother answer my out-dated questions for bugs you already fixed :D14:37
vilajelmer: I still have failures with bzr-hg tip though ;)14:42
jelmervila: you mean test import tariff fails if you load bzr-hg ?14:42
vilano no, different failures (re-running)14:43
vilaAttributeError: 'HgRemoteRepository' object has no attribute 'lookup_foreign_revision_id'14:44
vilaAttributeError: 'HgLocalBranch' object has no attribute 'generate_revision_history'14:44
vilajelmer: urgh, 103 failures 654 errors14:50
vila./bzr tss -s bt.test_import with hg: ran 3 tests, 1 failure (bzrlib.foreign)14:50
vilameh, not hg 8-/14:50
jelmervila: Oh, there's bound to be plenty of those. The per_branch, per_repository and per_workringtree tests don't work against the foreign formats yet, that's still a WIP14:53
vilabah, typo in the env var name, *no* tariff test failure when hd is disabled14:56
jelmervila: when *hg* is disabled ? :)14:59
vilajelmer: yes, the test fails for hg, pass when hg is disabled, well bzr-hg of course ;)15:00
jelmervila: I suspect we may have to remove bzrlib.foreign from the blacklist, all foreign plugins import from it15:05
vilaI thought you put it there to ensure proper lazy loading ?15:06
jelmerno, it was added when the test was initially written (presumably without any foreign plugins loaded)15:06
vilaha ok, then I won't object if you remove it15:07
vilawell, if this can't be used to check for lazy loading that is ;)15:07
jelmervila: bzrlib.foreign is imported to access the foreign vcs registry15:09
vila... which reminds me that when I looked at the tests I was thinking: "Gee, we certainly need to explain why we blacklist these modules..."15:09
vilajelmer: hehe, back to putting all registries in their own separate file are we ? :D15:09
jelmervila: None of these has ever changed either way afaik15:10
vilajelmer: .. which doesn't mean that more comments will hurt ;)15:10
jelmervila: Shouldn't we rather explain why things are not blacklisted though?15:10
vilajelmer: that was a general remark, don't take for you ;)15:11
vilayeah, both will help people encountering failures for this tests15:11
vilabut may be just adding more tariff tests will render that useless15:11
jelmervila: MP proposed :)15:30
vilajelmer: approved15:33
jelmervila: fwiw I have two more MPs up that add more entries to the blacklist :)15:34
jelmervila: thanks for the review15:34
vilajelmer: I think *adding* doesn't need review, pqm will block and babune will double-check15:35
vanguardhow can I "checkout" a previous commit without uncomming the previous history?15:35
vila.. if a problem arise15:36
jelmervila: Well, add a lazy import and then add to the blacklist15:36
jelmervanguard: "bzr branch -r<revno> thebranch newcopy-at-revno"15:36
vanguardjelmer: okay, that sounds expensive ...15:37
jelmervanguard: You're asking about checking out a new copy - do you just want to reset the current tree?15:37
vanguardjelmer: I just want to take a look at the work I did back then, basically for bisecting and stuff15:37
jelmervanguard: bzr revert -r<old-revno>15:38
vanguardjelmer: I do not want to base new work on it15:38
vanguardjelmer: but that will kill everything I did since that revision!?15:38
jelmervanguard: it will only reset the working tree - you can go back by running "bzr revert" after that again15:38
vanguardjelmer: ah, okay, I see. Thanks!15:38
vilavanguard: if your working tree is clean (no uncommitted changes) revert is fine15:39
jelmeralternatively, you could export just that revision to a directory "bzr export -r<revno> /tmp/wt-at-revno"15:39
vanguardokay, that sounds good.15:39
vilavanguard: alternatively, if you can read diffs, bzr qlog/bzr qblame can also be used15:39
vanguardvila: that might work for some cases, but if I need to build a previous version again, that will not help me15:40
jmlI think running 'bzr colo-ify ../devel' inside a Launchpad working tree might have been a bad idea.15:48
jml*after* a very lengthy process I am told: bzr: ERROR: '/home/jml/src/launchpad/stable/' is already a lightweight checkout.15:50
james_wjelmer, hey, was there a decision on https://code.launchpad.net/~jelmer/bzr-builddeb/fix-bz2-repack/+merge/54991 ?15:56
james_wdoes someone want to take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/natty/libxklavier/natty-201103311620/+merge/55787 and https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/natty/glib-networking/natty-201103311614/+merge/55785 see if they are legitimate, and if not avoid doing it for similar situations in future15:59
james_wplus https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/natty/gst-plugins-bad0.10/natty-201103311110/+merge/5573016:03
jelmerjames_w: hey16:14
jelmerjames_w: Not yet, I'm planning to have another look at it today.16:15
james_wjelmer, great, thanks16:15
maxbjames_w: Hi, since you're around, did you see the thread on bazaar@ on whether bzr-builddeb should aim to be able to function and/or run tests on an old distroseries that predates source format 3.0 support in dpkg?16:22
james_wmaxb, I did16:22
james_wmaxb, and I agree with both of you :-)16:22
james_whardy shouldn't have a lot of effort put in to it16:23
james_wbut the majority of the code and tests should be fine to work without the new features16:23
james_wor is there something fundamental that requires the new version?16:23
maxbonly that 'bzr selftest' currently won't pass on hardy16:23
maxb(for builddeb)16:23
maxbSo, perhaps have the tests in question require dpkg >= whatever?16:24
jelmermaxb: that seems reasonable16:27
james_wmaxb, add a dpkgv3 feature and require it in those tests?16:29
james_wI think that would be fine16:29
james_wbut I agree that hardy isn't a particularly important platform for a developer tool16:29
jelmer"Ran 35295 tests in 21.551s"16:30
jelmerIs it me, or does 21 seconds seem longer than it actually is?16:31
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vilajelmer: can I have some of your hardware ? I'd *love* run 35.000 tests in 20 secs16:45
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jelmerhave a good weekend everyone :)17:02
james_wyou too jelmer17:03
vilajelmer: enjoy your week-end !17:09
jamvila: you to17:11
vilajam: and you too ;)17:11
vilajam: hope you find a suitable bed ;)17:12
jamvila: well, we still have the matress (which fit), just not the box springs17:12
jamand we have our couches if necessary17:12
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eriduI keep getting a "KeyError: No such TDB Entry" after trying to check out an SVN repo, even after deleting ~/.cache/bazaar/svn -- how could I figure out what's going on? ~/.bzr.log doesn't seem to be helpful.19:21
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maxberidu: Hi, do you have a traceback from ~/.bzr.log? That would usually help debug the issue?20:20
maxberm, lose that last ?-mark20:21
eridumaxb: yeah, it's on launchpad, lemme grab the link20:21
eridumaxb: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bzr/+bug/74763320:21
ubot5Ubuntu bug 747633 in bzr (Ubuntu) "bzr crashed with KeyError in get_revision_paths()" [Undecided,New]20:21
eridumaxb: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/67919275/BzrLogTail.txt -- I can upload the rest of it if you want20:22
maxbIs the source repository public or private?20:22
maxboh, I see in the bug20:23
maxbOK, well, this is kind of cheating, but you could try uninstalling the python-tdb package, and seeing if the SQLite-backed cache provides better diagnostics :-)20:23
maxbThe other thing that could be interesting would be to modify /home/tedks/.bazaar/plugins/svn/cache/tdbcache.py to catch the KeyError and report what the revnum it is looking for is20:24
eriduwell, it seems to be working without python-tdb20:27
eriduoh, no, it gives me this error: bzr: ERROR: A Subversion remote access command failed: Server sent unexpected return value (403 Forbidden) in response to PROPFIND request for20:27
eriduthat's odd, I thought that bug was fixed in bzr-svn 1.0.420:28
maxbfor ..... ?20:28
eridufor the path to the repo root20:28
maxbYou could consider trying bzr 2.3.1 and bzr-svn 1.0.4+bzr3475 from the ~bzr ppa if you think it may have been fixed after 1.0.420:29
eriduupgrading now, though apt is holding back bzr and bzrtools --should I expect that?20:34
eriduwith tdb, I get the same error, with bzr-svn 1.0.5dev (reported by bzr plugin)20:39
eridu...and I get the same error with sqlite20:41
maxbhmm, ok20:43
eriduupgrading bzr to 2.3.1 doesn't help either20:43
eriduit looks like this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-svn/+bug/40966820:44
ubot5Ubuntu bug 409668 in Bazaar Subversion Plugin "accesses repository root" [Low,Fix released]20:44
ianm_I have a local bzr repo (made with 'bzr init') that I'd like to move into a launchpad.net hosted project, can I bring it in with the commit history?23:41

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