
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
afiestasapachelogger: have you seen pink unicorn in Freenode ? :p09:04
afiestasfluffy freenode!09:04
afiestasRiddell: This is the plan (tell me if it is compatible with Kubuntu)09:41
afiestas1-Release today 1.1 RC09:41
afiestas2-Have a week for last minute fixing (though we are going to test like crazies)09:41
afiestas3-Release final 1.1 April 609:42
afiestas4-Make small releases 1.1.X with small improvements here and there (more than bugfixing)09:42
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kunalRiddell: hello10:43
kunalRiddell:avogadro is still not building, any idea how to do that10:43
kunalRiddell: dependency on both libOpenGL and libQtOpenGL10:44
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c2tarunis there any application available that can convert po files from one language to another?13:32
steveirec2tarun: A Hooman13:39
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txwikingerAlready tried out gmail motion?14:53
* ScottK doesn't even know what it is.15:07
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shadeslayertxwikinger: yeah :P15:15
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ScottKRiddell: Are you around for the release team meeting?16:07
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ScottKI really wish there was a "No April Fools" posts options for the various planets.16:16
QuintasanScottK: I do my best not to get trolled.16:18
* ScottK too. I'd just rather not have to bother.16:18
Quintasanshadeslayer: HTC Vision can be overclocked to 2,5GHz, problem?16:21
QuintasanWhy aren't we running Kubuntu on mobile phones already?16:22
ScottKn900 is out only ~supporteed platform.16:25
afiestasRiddell: ping?16:40
ScottKI think he's not around.16:41
ScottKSolid is in kdebase-runtime, right?17:26
bambeeScottK: libsolid4 is in kdelibs and libsolid4control* are kdebase-workspace17:42
bambeeI use "aptitude changelog" when I doubt :)17:43
ScottKIt turns out I still had hal installed, so let's see if removing it helps...17:45
bambeeScottK: does it work ?17:58
ScottKIt works with hal.17:58
ScottKWhich when I upgraded to Natty caused me some trouble.17:58
ScottKRemoving hal and usb-imagewriter sorted it.17:59
apacheloggerScottK, Quintasan: I think we are in need of a big picture strategy WRT mobile18:12
apacheloggerI do not see it going anywhere but tech preview unless we find a way to get new kernels for new devices more easily18:13
ScottKWhich depends on arm getting to be more sane as a platform.18:13
ScottKThat's sort of what Linaro is meant to fix.18:13
apacheloggerin a way, problem is that one kernel will not cut it18:14
apacheloggerlike I am resonable confident our omap3 kernel would work pretty good on my tablet18:14
apacheloggerjust that it is too fat18:14
* apachelogger needs to get a uds session on that stuff18:15
steveire_Hey, trying out natty18:16
steveire_nepomukservicestub crashes on login18:16
steveire_https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=267666 https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kdebase/kde-runtime/repository/revisions/c1e733f5f715fe058c48fcc94bb5f67f4ae9cfc618:16
ubottuKDE bug 267666 in general "Nepomuk crashes on startup/login [Nepomuk::Repository::close, Nepomuk::Repository::~Repository, Soprano::Server::ServerCore::~ServerCore]" [Crash,Resolved: fixed]18:16
steveire_Fix is trivial and is in kde 4.6.2. Will natty have 4.6.2 or .1?18:17
apacheloggersteveire_: .218:17
steveire_Ok, so no need to file a bug to backport18:17
apacheloggeror maybe I remember the schedule wrong18:17
steveire_.2 is out April 5 I think18:18
apacheloggerthen .2 it is18:18
steveire_Well, that's if kde is running on schedule18:18
shadeslayerQuintasan: O_O18:18
apacheloggersuper freeze hits april 14 I believe18:18
shadeslayerQuintasan: but why would one want that? :P18:18
steveire_The nepomuk issue causes the akonadi dialog everyone hates :)18:19
apacheloggershadeslayer: so you can watch pr0n in HD18:19
apacheloggersteveire_: makes you wonder what is more broken the fact that there is a dialog at all or that it reports stuff no user would possibly care about :P18:20
shadeslayerapachelogger: you can do that with the 1GHz processor as well18:21
steveire_Also, as of today X crashes when I touch my mouse pad18:21
steveire_And as of yesterday, wireless doesn't work18:21
apacheloggershadeslayer: not on android you can't 18:21
shadeslayeryes you can18:21
steveire_I noticed x updates today and dhcpclient+freinds update yesterday.18:21
shadeslayerapachelogger: stream stuff over with GMote + VMediaPlayer18:21
apacheloggerI don't now what you are talking about :P18:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: and all the streaming stuff is done via Java18:22
* apachelogger does not compute18:23
apacheloggersteveire_: I think those are worth bug reports, though surely there are already some18:23
steveire_Right. How do I get kdepim4.6 on natty?18:24
ScottKI think you ask shadeslayer why he's been slacking off even though he has no exams.18:25
ScottK(he will probably claim exams he failed to mention or his laptop was too heavy to lift)18:25
bambeeOMG... I just turned on my car ... I went backwards... and my exhaust pipe fell on the ground o_O18:25
ScottKbambee: Get off IRC and drive the car.18:25
apacheloggershadeslayer: make a gsoc project18:25
bambeethis is seriously a ***** day o_O18:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: done18:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: want me to mail the proposal to you?18:26
apacheloggershadeslayer: no no,... http://info.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/Z.Kalal/18:26
steveire_There is a repo I need to add though, right18:27
* shadeslayer notes his connection is complete shit today18:27
apacheloggeryou are a poor shadeslayer18:27
shadeslayerapachelogger: that page is not opening18:27
ScottKIIRC shadeslayer is the one knowing about pim 4.6.18:27
shadeslayerwhat about PIM 4.6?18:28
apacheloggershadeslayer: get new intarwebs18:28
ScottKshadeslayer: steveire_ wants to install it.18:28
ScottKapachelogger: laptop too heavy for wifi to work.18:28
shadeslayersteveire_: \o18:28
apacheloggershadeslayer: basically self-improving graphics pattern detection/tracking18:28
shadeslayerScottK:  apachelogger: will need to replace the entire ISP to get a better intrawebs18:29
ScottKYes.  And?18:29
apacheloggermakes apachelogger go like .... oh wellz, we could do accessibility applications, games, make nu browsers....18:29
ScottKAlways full of excuses.18:29
shadeslayersteveire_: so we have a alpha/beta release of it in our PPA18:29
steveire_kubuntu-members ppa or?18:29
shadeslayerlol ... the page is not even opening on a 3G Connection18:30
shadeslayersteveire_: one sec18:30
bambeeScottK: you did not understand, I was driving my car while my exhaust pipe fell on the ground ...18:30
apacheloggershadeslayer: maybe someone does not want you to see18:30
shadeslayersteveire_: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental18:31
ScottKbambee: I did understand.  I was just playing with you a bit.18:31
apacheloggershadeslayer: should you meet a guy called bond ... run18:31
bambeeScottK: ohh :D18:31
shadeslayerhahah 18:31
bambeeunfortunately it's not an april fool :(18:32
yofelsteveire_: ppa for what?18:32
yofelah, kdepim18:33
steveire_kwallet keeps telling me "There have been repeated failed attempts to gain access to a wallet. An application may be misbehaving."18:33
steveire_kmail seems to be asking me for my password too...18:34
ScottKsteveire_: I've seen the kwallet thing too.  I think it's worth a bug.18:37
* ScottK didnt' get around to filing it yet.18:37
steveire_Cannot load part for Mail. Cannot load library /usr/lib/kde4/kmailpart.so: (/usr/lib/libincidenceeditorsng.so.4: undefined symbol: _ZN4KPIM22MultiplyingLineFactory16staticMetaObjectE)18:37
steveire_Possibly binary incompatibility becuase kontact 4.4 is trying to start itself for some reason while 4.6 is installing.18:38
steveire_mail migration seems to be working fine.18:40
steveire_Which is strange because I thought I was using disconnected imap...18:41
steveire_Can we somehow get kde 4.6.2 packages into experimental?18:43
steveire_Or is that a lot of work?18:43
* steveire_ knows zip about packaging18:43
yofelsteveire_: there is nothing to package yet, and they're going into natty anyway18:45
steveire_So I need to self build to test the fixes...18:46
steveire_Kinda defeats my plan of testing the packages for a few days18:46
yofelwell, release is on the 5th as I see, so not that far away18:47
ScottKafiestas: Is Bug #747572 something you could look into?18:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 747572 in kde4libs (Ubuntu) "solid gets incorrect battery settings with both hal and upower installed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74757218:47
steveire_"An application has crashed on your system (now or in the past)"18:49
steveire_In a plasma notification18:49
steveire_Not much info there...18:49
yofelsteveire_: that's apport being happily uniformative, the crashes are in /var/crash/18:50
ScottKsteveire_: Right click and ask show details.18:50
apacheloggeryofel: actually that is kubuntu nofitication helper18:51
apacheloggerthere is something broken there18:51
apacheloggerI have seen it not go away18:51
ScottKOh, yes.  I have seen that too.18:51
apacheloggerthough there were no reports or apport didnt want to show me them reports18:51
apacheloggervery odd18:51
apacheloggerafiestas: did you actually get to work on the display config stuff ScottK talked about some months ago?18:52
ScottKapachelogger: He didn't.18:52
apacheloggerit is a sadness18:52
apacheloggershadeslayer: make a gsoc project18:52
shadeslayerapachelogger: check your mail18:53
apacheloggerdo you not want to compute or are you drunk? :P18:53
* yofel wonders why apachelogger is talking about himself..18:55
steveire_hmm, akonadi doesn't work because nepomuk isn't starting a storage service, possibly because of the bug I linked earlier18:55
apacheloggeryofel: self-obsession18:55
steveire_I guess I'll resume tesing after the 5th18:55
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shadeslayerapachelogger: i emailed you the proposal i've submitted to melange, go check18:56
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apacheloggershadeslayer: sweetie, when will you learn that I do not read18:57
apacheloggermake it a movie and I'll watch it18:57
apacheloggermake it a song and I'll listen to it18:57
apacheloggerbut... no way in test driven development will I read18:57
apacheloggerjovie to the rescue18:57
apacheloggerwhy read when the computer can read it to you18:58
shadeslayerapachelogger: jovie is reading my text?18:58
ScottKshadeslayer: It's not you who does the princess yawn.18:58
steveire_wow, the akonadiconsole debugger is enabled by default?18:58
apacheloggershadeslayer: why wouldn it?18:58
ScottKapachelogger: You appear to have damaged your mentee.18:58
shadeslayerScottK: i derive from apachelogger's class18:58
ScottKSome things are underivable.18:59
steveire_Or maybe I had an old config file around somewhere for that18:59
afiestasapachelogger: nope18:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: LOL ... jovie is fun18:59
apacheloggerScottK: there are worse things than princess yawns18:59
apacheloggershadeslayer: you realize I am a singleton?18:59
ScottKapachelogger: That's true.18:59
afiestasI'm working on XRandR, I plan to return to that work when bluedevil 1.1 is released18:59
apacheloggershadeslayer: so ScottK is very right when he says that some things are underivable18:59
steveire_akonadiconsole is much slower than it should be. Wonder what's causing that.19:00
* apachelogger never noticed it being slow19:01
shadeslayerapachelogger: uh ... i quite jovie, it did not stop talking19:03
apacheloggerit is like me on booze19:03
ScottKor anytime ...19:04
* apachelogger blinks19:05
shadeslayerapachelogger: heh ... i'm reading a book called Blinnk19:10
shadeslayerquite awesome ..19:10
apacheloggershadeslayer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_89gI2F6zUA19:13
shadeslayerapachelogger: no bandwidth19:13
apacheloggeryou are no fun anymore19:13
shadeslayerapachelogger: dude i'm tethered to my phone .. only 200 megs of free data left :P19:14
dantti_someone knows why the notification are does not show "moving" "coping"  (ie the title of the transaction) in 4.6.1 or is just me?19:46
blueyedIs kdebase-bin meant to ship /etc/X11/Xsession.d/80ubuntu-xmodmap ? "dpkg -S" says it's coming from it, but cannot find it in the source package?!20:16
ScottKblueyed: Did you mean http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?mode=exactfilename&suite=lucid&section=all&arch=any&searchon=contents&keywords=80kubuntu-xmodmap20:19
blueyedScottK: no, without the k. Found this bug about it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/251247 - apparently another case of a non-cleaned up config file.20:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 251247 in kdebase (Ubuntu) "xmodmap fails in Xsession.d" [Undecided,Fix released]20:51
blueyedI am trying to figure out why gdm fails to start gnome-session, when not in safe mode.20:51
debfxblueyed: indeed, kdebase-bin should delete 80ubuntu-xmodmap21:05
=== skaet_afk is now known as skaet
blueyeddebfx: can you take care of it, otherwise I will file a bug for it.21:22
blueyedIt was not the reason of Gnome failing, but an old ~/.gnomerc file.21:22
debfxblueyed: so there is no harm in having it around?21:25
blueyedno, just an entry in .xsession-errors.21:27
blueyedany idea why the system-settings style does not stick/apply to Qt apps running in Gnome? Preview looks good, but the actual windows do not: http://i.imgur.com/RPvhs.png21:35
littlegirlHey there, are there any Kate developers in this channel right now?21:58
macoi think they have their own channel21:58
littlegirlYeah, no developers are active in there right now so I was hoping to find one in here. (:21:58
maco#kde-devel possibly?21:58
littlegirlI'll check, thanks. (:21:59
macoafaik, none of us are kate people. we have a phononian, an aroran, a gwenviewer...21:59
littlegirlI could try waving my magic wand and turning you into Kate developers. (:21:59
sabdfli need a wand like that :-)22:02
littlegirlIt's not working. (:22:02
sabdflmine neither ;-)22:03
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blueyedjfi: qtconfig fixed it for me.23:45

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