
icalle_13anyone here?00:31
cato37my user account lost the ability to sudo apt-get packages. is this a temporary thing or do i need to change the account so it has general sudo powers?00:51
cato37sorry, i lost connection00:58
Ratchetmancato37 does it prompt you for a password or just say you don't have permission?01:12
cato37it prompts for a password and then refuses.01:14
cato37it says i have the wrong password01:14
RatchetmanAnd yet this same password works for all other permissions. Correct?01:17
cato37that is with kpackage kit. with konsole it reads that i am not in the sudousers file and the incident will be reported. is there a way to grant sudo powers to only getting packages, or is it better to just give the account sudo powers. there are kids on this account that play games, and they know the password to get into this accountl01:18
cato37same password.01:18
cato37i am a little nervous with younger ones having sudo powers and playing with the settings.01:19
RatchetmanIs there another account that has the permissions already or is this the only account?01:20
cato37the first account has the admin powers, this is the second account, but everyone uses it.01:21
cato37nobody uses the primary account.01:21
RatchetmanThen try it with the primary account. If that's the origional user it will have the permissions. Just log into that one when you need to install or for anything sudo related.01:22
cato37i feel kind of silly.01:23
RatchetmanDon't. No gain in feeling silly. Also I'm pretty new too.01:24
cato37someone said that if i change the password of the primary account so that it is different, then i can grant sudo powers to the 2nd account, and that will solve the problem we have. sometimes when we switch accounts the computer freezes and we have to cut the power.01:25
RatchetmanI just asked earlier what the compatibility was between Kubuntu and Ubuntu.01:25
cato37thanx ratchet. i really like kubuntu.01:25
cato37it beats vista hands down.01:25
cato37and the program selection for music, and art is excellent.01:26
RatchetmanWow you were using Vista before? That's like modern day Windows Millenium!(worst OS ever)01:26
cato37uac wants to know if you want to talk about vista on this channel  < yes> or < no>01:27
RatchetmanThat's what came on the hard drive that is in my desktop. I got rid of that faster than I could read the title.01:27
cato37i hated vista. besides crashing like clockwork, the only thing that worked was onenote. when ms switched to the ribbon on the programs, i gave up on it.01:28
Ratchetmanum. I don't know much about it I just know that it took forever to do anything and was nothing short of cumbersome.01:28
RatchetmanI went from Vista to XP home which was a little faster but still nothing compared to Maverick Meerkat!01:28
icalle_13i have a question01:30
cato37i am a slow learner, but Kubuntu has been great so far, and i am learning it. vista just didnt make sense. kubuntu is easier to understand the design.01:30
e_t_!ask | icalle_1301:30
ubottuicalle_13: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:30
icalle_13what do i do so i could run lenux and windows same?01:30
rats__cato37: which Kubutu are you running01:31
cato37rats__: 10.10.01:31
rats__Im using 10.04 and dont see changing for a while-just too good01:32
rats__and have LTS01:32
Ratchetmancato31: I've felt like a slow learner on this just because I've been raised on Windows. Fortunately the KDE system is easy to understand at a glance.01:32
Ratchetmanrats_: What's LTS?01:33
rats__Long Term Support - about 2 more years01:33
cato37icalle_13: do you mean having both on the same disk to run both when you need to run one of them, or do you mean have both microsoft and kubuntu running at the same time?01:33
RatchetmanOh yeah duh/01:33
e_t_icalle_13: This is a multi-step process. First, install Windows. When you do, only use part of your hard drive, not the whole thing (i.e. If you have a 160GB drive, only give Windows 80GB). Once Windows is installed, put the Ubuntu disk in the drive and restart the computer. Go through the install routine and install Ubuntu to the empty space left on your hard drive. The Ubuntu install will detect Windows and give you a boot option for it. When you'01:34
e_t_re done, you'll have a choice of Windows or Linux whenever you turn on your computer.01:34
RatchetmanThis is my first non Windows OS so I can't help but love 10.1001:34
rats__Ratchetman: Ya the more you use it the better it gets01:36
rats__I left Windows a while back and never looked back01:37
Ratchetmanrats_: I'm noticing that. I'm still trying to get used to commands and stuff but everyday tasks were never an issue which I liked.01:37
cato37kde 4.6 is out. has anyone tried it?01:37
RatchetmanI've still got Windows but only because it's easier to play big release games.01:38
rats__Ratchetman: true from what I hear, but I'm not a gamer01:38
quizno50Is anyone else having problems getting on to the Kubuntu forums?01:38
RatchetmanI saw that it was released but I can't even fathom how I'd be able to. I definitely don't want to have to do a big instal.01:39
Ratchetmanquizno50: Kubuntu forums have been down all day.01:39
quizno50okay... I thought it might just be my University network01:40
icalle_13anyone know how to set up the computer so your harddrive only uses half of it? one for windows and one for lenux?01:41
e_t_icalle_13: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot01:42
Axlin`cato37: yep. it's the first kde 4 release i've used that's actually made me like kde01:42
=== Axlin` is now known as Axlin
e_t_cato37: I'm using 4.6.1. It's great. KDE moves from strength to strength with each release.01:43
icalle_13so basically i got to manufacture my computer?01:44
icalle_13and tell it to have space for ubuntu?01:44
cato37so i set the kpagage to recieve the backports, and dl it like a regular program?01:44
Axlincato37: yeah, with ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports01:45
cato37k. thanx. i have to go to the primary account. bb after its dled.01:46
RatchetmanHave fun Cato3701:46
cato37thanx all.01:47
Ratchetmane_t_: Is it possible to just update my KDE to the new version?01:47
AxlinRatchetman: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade01:48
e_t_You have to enable the repository as Axlin indicates.01:48
RatchetmanWhat is a repository?01:48
Axlinafter that you'll be running 4.6.101:48
e_t_Ubuntu is not a "rolling release" so packages aren't updated except to fix bugs. If you want software that was released after your version of Ubuntu, you have to look for things like PPAs. A repository is a place on the Internet that stores downloadable software packages. When you apt-get update, you are refreshing your local information about what software is available from the Internet repositories.01:50
RatchetmanOk so add-apt is the function for selecting a program or system to update?01:53
e_t_No. the command "add-apt-repository" tells your computer to look in a new place for software. The command "apt-get" is what you use to install, update, or remove software.01:54
RatchetmanGot it! Gotta note that somewhere.01:55
Axlin"and apt-get update" refreshes your repositories, and "apt-get upgrade" applies any available updates01:56
e_t_You can look at the file /etc/apt/sources.list to see all the places apt-get normally checks for software updates. Any files in the /etc/apt/sources.list.d directory will also be checked. Sources.list.d is where add-apt-repository things go.01:56
RatchetmanIs that the konsole equivalent to "Get and Remove Software" then?01:58
icalle_13one question02:02
icalle_13is there a way i could put the lenux on a cd and install it on the computer?02:02
RatchetmanYes you can download the OS from Kubuntu.org02:06
icalle_13onto cd?02:06
RatchetmanThen just burn the ISO to a cd02:07
icalle_13ohh ok02:07
icalle_13how big is it?02:07
Axlinroughly 680MB i believe02:08
Ratchetman700 MB roughly. Just small enough to fit on your average cd02:08
RatchetmanMake sure you back up any of your important files before you go off formatting your hard drive.02:09
icalle_13if my old computer wifi was messed up since i did a recovery on it owuld it fix it?02:09
icalle_13or i would still need to find the harddrive for the wifi?02:10
arrrghhhhey all, i installed 4.6.x like an idiot.  this PC originally had gnome/ubuntu-desktop to start with, can i revert everything back to that and reinstall kubuntu-desktop stable?02:11
Axlinarrrghhh: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome02:12
arrrghhhi've tried that one before, didn't work flawlessly...02:13
arrrghhhi'll try it again02:13
Ratchetmanicalle_13: There's a good chance that the wireless card is supported by Kubuntu so connectivity shouldn't be a problem.  As to fixing a wireless network I wouldn't know.02:14
arrrghhhAxlin, gives me a broken packages error :/02:14
icalle_13ubuntu is lenux right?02:15
arrrghhhubuntu uses the linux kernel icalle_1302:16
Mase_wklenux ? It is uses a Linux kernel yes.02:16
arrrghhhAxlin, http://pastebin.com/GmSM20ah02:17
arrrghhhthe unmet dependencies i think are tripping it up...02:17
arrrghhhi don't think the list of not installed packages would... would it?02:17
arrrghhhgah i feel like such a noob.  i never learn my lesson, always playing with unstable stuff :P02:18
icalle_13what it means the installation size?02:20
arrrghhhicalle_13, the size of the installation...?02:20
arrrghhhhow much disk space you need?02:21
icalle_13does it matter which one i put?02:21
arrrghhhuhm... yes02:21
=== besmart is now known as [C]`
arrrghhhit determines how much space it takes on the disk02:22
arrrghhhi assume you're partitioning the drive?02:22
icalle_13i got about 400gb of mem02:22
arrrghhhdo you want ubuntu to use the full drive?02:22
arrrghhhAxlin, ping... can you help me with that broken packages error?02:22
arrrghhhicalle_13, then have the installer do that02:23
icalle_13put it all the way to 30gb?02:23
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arrrghhhicalle_13, it's up to you02:23
jvasquezHello all02:23
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arrrghhhhow much space do you want ubuntu to take up on the hard drive?  do you want another OS installed at all?02:24
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Axlinarrrghhh: sorry, i'm off doing other things as well. you can try: $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -f02:24
icalle_13i want to while i have windows also02:24
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Axlinarrrghhh: -f = --fix. attempts to fix broken packages02:24
=== Guest48377 is now known as jay83
Axlinand then re-try02:24
icalle_13just double checking i could bounce from ubuntu to windows right?02:25
jay83If I have dual monitor from PCI Express x16, can I use a PCI video card for a 3rd monitor?02:25
arrrghhhicalle_13, you have to reboot to do that, unless you have a powerful enough machine to run a virtual machine02:25
arrrghhhAxlin, apt-get update -f?02:26
arrrghhhapt-get -f doesn't work...02:26
Axlinapt-get install -f02:27
arrrghhhd'oh, thx02:27
arrrghhhhrm... didn't find anything wrong.  just told me some things can be removed with autoremove, which i just did.02:28
Axlinit didn't spit out any errors that time then?02:28
arrrghhhnope.  gonna update and try to remove after the update.02:29
arrrghhhupdate && upgrade02:29
arrrghhhdamn... still broken packages.02:30
Axlinarrrghhh: have you disabled the kubuntu backports repository?02:32
arrrghhhah... i bet not.02:32
Axlinyou can remove it in synaptic from settings → repositories → other software. or it will be listed in /etc/apt/sources.list.d02:34
Axlinif you still have it, you can remove it either way. and then run an apt-get update02:34
jay83Does anyone here have 2 video cards on a desktop without SLI support?02:35
cato37i upgraded to kde 4.6. where did they put the search function on dolphin?02:39
arrrghhhstill failing Axlin... same error.  i removed some java repo i had in there as well02:41
arrrghhhcato37, you don't have a search button?02:42
arrrghhhsorry "find"02:42
cato37arrrghhh: no. it used to be in <tools>. i thought maybe the moved it for 4.602:42
Ratchetmancato37: Which user are you on?02:42
Axlinarrrghhh: try cleaning any partial packages and the apt cache. sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt-get clean02:42
cato37Ratchetman: i am on the 2nd user.02:43
arrrghhhcato37, i have a find button, and a find option under the edit menu...02:44
Ratchetmancato37: I think you can temporarily change to superuser in terminal. " sudo -i -u <username>" I think that's how you can log into your main for a task or something.02:45
cato37arrrghhh: right. not find, but the dolphin > tools > search function that lets me search the files.02:45
arrrghhhoh... that's all i have too.02:46
Ratchetmancato37: Find File is in the tools tab02:46
Ratchetmanhit ctrl+F02:46
cato37Ratchetman: not find. the search command that was in the tools tab.02:48
arrrghhhAxlin, it seemed to do something on the first run, removed a bunch of stuff... but same error when i try to do that beast remove command02:48
Ratchetmancato37: Ok so they're not the same I gather.02:49
cato37search was a a box that allows you to configure search parameters for different files, types, etc.02:49
Axlinarrrghhh: does it show anything if you go into synaptic → custom filters → broken?02:49
Axlinmay have to reload synaptic02:49
arrrghhhlet me see...02:49
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arrrghhh0 broken :/02:50
Ratchetmankubuntu (~kubuntu@ has joined #kubuntu Kubuntu himself is now here!02:50
e_t_Ratchetman: you scared him away.02:52
RatchetmanAww it would appear as though I have.02:52
arrrghhhAxlin, so 0 broken.  what next?02:53
RatchetmanShoulda logged on as invisible if he didn't want to be bothered.02:53
Axlinarrrghhh: apart from going through each package that it's spitting out errors for and finding the bad apple... i'm about out of ideas here02:53
Axlinit could be a different conflicting repository, if you have any02:53
arrrghhhAxlin, yea that's why i wasn't a fan of that command... there's no other way?02:53
arrrghhhi removed all the 3rd party ones, just ubuntu core stuff now AFAIK02:54
Axlinwell we've tried fixing broken packages, cleaning apt's cache, removing partial apps, and removing kubuntu's backports repository... not sure what else, honestly02:54
cato37ic what they did. they merged the find and the search functions. they got rid of the search box, and made it like xp. :(02:55
cato37i wonder if there is a way to access it?02:56
arrrghhhdoes it work like the old search?  i don't see the problem02:57
arrrghhhif they merged it... and you haven't lost functionality... no?02:57
cato37no, it works like the xp search function. the old search box was more like the old norton commander or the amiga toolbox search panel02:58
cato37not few configuration options. i am going thru an old crashed hd trying to sort 180 gigs of files. the find functions isnt going to do it.02:59
cato37maybe i am missing something. i will go to the kde room, and see if they might have tucked the functions away somewhere i havent found.03:00
shane4ubuntuok, can someone explain this?  locate *.iso turns up 1 file, while find . -size +2G turns up 8 different .iso files with small letters???03:08
RatchetmanWell my day of Kubuntu experimentation has come to a close. See you guys later.03:08
shane4ubuntuahhh, locate .iso turns up a bunch, odd though, I still don't quite understand it.03:10
e_t_shane4ubuntu: the locate command works off a database that has to be updated. If you run the command "sudo updatedb", then "locate *.iso" you will probably see the files.03:11
shane4ubuntue_t_: well, I had already run the updatedb command as root, because I have done that before.03:12
shane4ubuntulocate *.iso turns up one file while locate .iso turns up more than 10 different .iso files?03:12
e_t_I didn't know that's how locate worked until I used it on FreeBSD.03:12
shane4ubuntuI thought perhaps spaces, but most of my files don't contain spaces03:13
shane4ubuntue_t_: I'm fond of the locate command, so I learned real quick to run updatedb often, I usually put it as a root crontab03:13
shane4ubuntuI'm learning to really like the find command too.03:13
e_t_I like locate too, but it's one you can use for a long time without knowing how it works.03:14
shane4ubuntuvery true, I'm quite perplexed by this rare output though, very odd.03:14
e_t_I usually search for things in the GUI, using programs like Recoll or Nepomuk/Strigi.03:16
shane4ubuntue_t_: I love cli, and do most of my heavy lifting there, though I do appreciate a nice gui.03:17
shane4ubuntubesides nepomuk/strigi have been broke for me since switching over to kde. :(,  even with a fresh install, they have issues.03:18
e_t_Really? They've been great for me ever since the switch to the virtuoso database in 4.4.03:19
shane4ubuntuwhen I first installed, it crashed indexing all the time, never did finish, upgrade to 4.x and then it completely hogged the system, until I killed it, now I'm up to 4.6 and haven't messed with it, just expect it not to work03:20
James147shane4ubuntu: its been working for me since 4.5 ^^03:22
melodie_So...ummm... Can anyone help me on how to get minecraft to work03:23
James147and have never had an issue with it since then... dont even notice it anymore03:23
shane4ubuntuJames147: i should try and turn mine back on, just haven't messed with it.03:23
James147melodie_: install openjdk run it ^^03:23
shane4ubuntuJames147: are you on 4.6?03:24
melodie_I did O.O... my broser is firefox and it won't load either one...I get either a lzma data error  or the screen in just black03:24
shane4ubuntuJames147: also did you do anything to the settings to make it run better? more efficient?03:24
James147melodie_: minecraft is a java application so prity much just works ^^ though you will need the java and the Minecraft.jar file from the site03:24
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.03:25
James147melodie_: download the jar ^^ rather then using a browser03:25
melodie_oh... *Facepalm* i didn't do that03:25
lovesthethianoodmy menu bar/desktop dissapeered after a reboot. how can i get it back?03:25
James147lovesthethianood: the panel? right click the desktop > add panel03:26
James147(once widegts are unlocked03:26
lovesthethianood right clicking on nmy desktop dose not show any menu anymore03:26
lovesthethianood/James147 right clicking on nmy desktop dose not show any menu anymore03:26
James147lovesthethianood: does the backgound not load as well?03:27
shane4ubuntuJames147: how much memory do you have nepomuk set to use?  what is a good amount?  I think I changed mine in the System Settings -> Desktop Search thing, under the advanced tab.03:27
James147shane4ubuntu: think i am useing the default (50 if i remember correctly)03:27
shane4ubuntuok, thanks!  Mine was set at 100, perhaps that is the default?  I bumped mine up a little, because I'm off to be, I will drop it back down later if it causes an issue.03:28
James147shane4ubuntu: (and yes, i am on 4.6 now)03:29
shane4ubuntuok, night and thanks.03:29
melodie_James147: How do I download the jar file >.< its so confusing...03:34
bigbrovar2anyone knows when kubuntu 11.04 beta would be released?03:34
James147melodie_: http://www.minecraft.net/download/minecraft.jar?v=130162532968303:35
James147^^ click that03:35
melodie_bigbrovar2: April something i think...no wait... let me look it up03:36
shellthorbigbrovar2: the beta has been out for a while now03:37
James147bigbrovar2: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/NattyReleaseSchedule03:37
bigbrovar2oh ok would have checkout kubuntu.org then for release nit and stuff03:38
melodie_James147: Did that...the problem is actually installing it :(03:38
James147melodie_: you dont install it ^^ jsut run it (in terminal type "java -jar path/to/Minecraft.jar"03:38
James147melodie_: you should also be able to make it executable and just click it ^^03:39
James147as well ^^03:39
melodie_Unable to access jarfile path/to/Minecraft.jar03:39
James147or maby not :p03:40
James147melodie_: ^^ replace path/to with the actual path03:40
James147and make sure you get the case right ^^ i think the newer launcher uses lowercase m03:40
melodie_James147: Fml...ugh nothing is working :(03:44
melodie_melodie@krusty% java -jar path/to/Minecraft.jar                               ~03:45
melodie_Unable to access jarfile path/to/Minecraft.jar03:45
melodie_(1)melodie@krusty% java -jar path/Minecraft.jar                               ~03:45
melodie_zsh: no matches found: path/to/Minecraft(2).jar03:45
melodie_(1)melodie@krusty% java -jar path/to/minecraft.jar                            ~03:45
FloodBotK2melodie_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:45
melodie_Unable to access jarfile path/to/minecraft.jar03:45
James147melodie_: path/to/minecraft.jar is a sudo path ^^ (not real) replace it with the actual location ^^03:45
James147melodie_: try ~/Downloads/minecraft.jar ^^ though i dont actually know where you downloaded it to03:46
arrrghhh!pastebin | melodie_ use pastebin for multi-line pastes03:46
ubottumelodie_ use pastebin for multi-line pastes: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:46
melodie_James147: my home folder...03:47
jay83Does anyone here have 2 video cards on a desktop without SLI support? f I have dual monitor from PCI Express x16, can I use a PCI video card for a 3rd monitor?03:50
cato37i upgraded to kde 4.6. i dont no the name for it, but when you run the cursor up into the menu kicker real fast and the screen changes to show all open windows. when i do that, the computer freezes.03:53
cato37*i dont know the name for it03:53
James147cato37: thats the present windows desktop effect03:54
cato37i like to use it. how do i stop it from seizing up?03:54
cato37James147: should i report it as a bug?03:55
=== darkdelusions is now known as darkdelusions_
micahghow do I revoke certificate permissions in konqueror?04:53
TheBuntumicahg: maybe this might help....    http://products.secureserver.net/products/faq_secureturbo.htm05:10
micahgTheBuntu: no, I meant in the browser itself, not the certificate05:10
TheBuntulet me get konqueror installed and i see if i can figure it out05:13
TheBuntumicahg: i dont see anything about certificates in konqueror05:22
micahgTheBuntu: hey, now you see my problem :)05:25
TheBuntuwhat do you need to revoke certificate for05:27
micahgTheBuntu: I'm testing something05:27
CartoonCatgah, it seams like every other boot my hd is swapping from sda to sdb. Any idea what in the world causes that and to lock it ?06:26
DaskreechApril 106:26
* Daskreech sighs06:27
Kolianever try to discuss serious topic on 1st April. It's exhausting.06:27
CartoonCatlets pretend its the 2nd already, this is annoying06:28
DaskreechLogin here and ... wait A Pink Unicorn?06:28
CartoonCatheh yea the ascii spam was ... phun06:28
DaskreechCartoonCat: BIOS (should) set boot preferenence06:28
CartoonCatDaskreech: boot pref is as it always has been, usb stick, cd, hd (gentoo didnt do this, and kub on any of my other laptops doesnt do this)06:29
CartoonCatand no, nothing is plugged into usb nad no disc is in the drive06:29
DaskreechCartoonCat: No that's Channel it can be more specific like SATA before PATA or so on06:29
CartoonCathmm no such options on this laptop06:30
CartoonCat%$#, i just noticed, fstab says # / was on /dev/sdb5 during installation06:32
CartoonCathow do i figure out what UUID goes to the partiton I want?06:34
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)06:34
CartoonCatok, blkid gives a uuid for my 4rth partition, but wow it look /way/ different then the other partitions06:35
CartoonCatUUID="e0373a99-8cc8-476b-a0ab-7eda185d26da" vs UUID="62D647E6D647B8D5"06:36
CartoonCatand, mount -a isnt mounting, mmm06:37
rulyoneNeed some help here. I previously installed Fedora, with a /home SEPARATE partition. Now I installed Kubuntu 10.10 replacing fedora, but now I'm not the owner of the /home on my current user06:38
CartoonCatfstab /is/ the correct place for perm mounts still, yes06:38
rulyonewhat can I do :( (sorry to interrupt you CartoonCat)06:38
CartoonCatrulyone: your user id/group id is now different, chown -R user location06:38
rulyoneto root? or to my user?06:39
rulyonechown -R user /home?06:39
rulyoneor chown -R root /home06:40
rulyonewell, i'll try both06:40
CartoonCatchown -R username /home/username (or what ever the target home directory is)06:40
rulyoneone should do the job, thx :D06:40
rulyonegot it06:40
rulyonewell, I had to add the sudo part, thanks a LOT!06:41
Daskreechrulyone: chown -R username: <--- note that /home06:44
Daskreechumm /home/username06:44
Daskreechput a colon after the username06:44
rulyonei did this: sudo chown -R rulyone /home/rulyone06:44
rulyoneand it works, is something wrong with that?06:45
CartoonCatDaskreech: what did I miss with the colon?06:45
cato37how do i select a file in kde 4 in dolphin06:45
Daskreechrulyone: no but you can redo it with the colon06:45
rulyoneand whats the difference with the colon? :o06:45
Daskreechcato37: either click on it or hover over it and a + will appear in the corner. click on the +06:45
Daskreechit will change to a - which will deselect when you click on it06:46
CartoonCatDaskreech: and any idea why that UUID is so different? mount doesnt seam to like it06:46
DaskreechCartoonCat: the colon changes the group to match the username as well. It's a shorthand06:46
cato37Daskreech: i upgraded to 4.6 and no plus or minuses appear, clicking it opens it, and hovering does nothing.06:46
CartoonCatDaskreech: ah!06:47
rulyonecato37: another option is to disable single clicks: Go to Kickoff Application launcher -> type "mouse", open Mouse (mouse settings) and choose  double click to open files.06:47
cato37i dont want to open it, i want to select it so it can be archived with ark.06:48
Daskreechcato37: I was about to ask if you have things set to single or double click06:48
Daskreechcato37: if you just want to do something quickly hold ctrl then click on the file06:48
Daskreechthat will select it06:48
Kolia(still it's not normal not to get the "+")06:48
cato37k. shift and hover06:49
rulyonecato37: do what I just told you... if you select the "double click to open files" option, you can select files by SINGLE CLICKS, just like  in gnome (or window$)06:49
DaskreechCartoonCat: Any number of reasons but does the partition mount cleanly?06:49
Daskreechcato37: Found a work around?06:49
Daskreechhi stephdg06:49
CartoonCatDaskreech: if I type it out /dev/sdb instead, ya06:49
DaskreechCartoonCat: /dev/sdb what?06:50
CartoonCatopps, 406:50
cato37sorry, when i move the cursor so that "display windows"appears the screen freezes for about 20 seconds. i moved the cursor to the kickoff button too quickly.06:50
stephdghi Daskreech06:50
Daskreechcato37: ... does that mean you are ok?06:51
DaskreechCartoonCat: Alright does the UUID match what's in fstab?06:51
cato37Daskreech: sorry, my screen keeps freezing.06:52
CartoonCatDaskreech: I got the UUID from the blkid app06:52
Daskreechcato37: also not normal. Is your HDD ok?06:52
CartoonCatso /i/ put the uuid in, there was no entry before at all (i ehco'd the original mount line on, and it some times worked, namely when it coems up as sda not sdb)06:53
CartoonCatand the fstab line now looks like UUID=62D647E6D647B8D5 /mnt/hd         auto            noauto          0 006:53
cato37i turned off the desktop effects.06:53
DaskreechCartoonCat: so the fstab uses the raw device name not the UUID?06:53
CartoonCatDaskreech: it did, i changed it06:53
CartoonCatDaskreech: if i set it back to /dev/sdb4, it mounts up fine06:54
Daskreechok see how that works out then06:54
cato37huh. okay. now the plusses and minuses are there.06:54
CartoonCatwell /thats/ the problem! next boot, it likely will be called /dev/sda4 !!!06:54
CartoonCatthe HD /is changing between a and b with each boot/06:54
cato37Daskreech: the plusses and minuses are now appearing in dolphin. it happened after i turned off the desktop effects. the effect "display windows" was freezing the screen.06:55
Daskreechcato37: ah ok Disable that effect then :)06:56
CartoonCatDaskreech: any ideas whats wrong with the uuid? anyway to get some verbosity out of mount06:58
Daskreechman mount06:58
cato37Daskreech: sorry i am not more skilled at understanding this. i tend to be slow sometimes. thank you for your help.06:59
CartoonCative done that, tried -v  and i do get /some/ info, but it jsut ends with /nothing mounted/06:59
Daskreechcato37: You did fine06:59
Daskreechgood job on trying to disable the desktop effects. How did you do that?06:59
DaskreechCartoonCat: what was the command you tried?07:00
CartoonCatmount -avv07:00
CartoonCati did read it right, -a causes it mount everything in fstab07:01
cato37Daskreech: when i first installed kubuntu it was 10.04 and an earlier kde, and the desktop effects didnt work right. they worked fine in kubuntu 10.10 and kde 4.5 so i turned them on.07:02
DaskreechCartoonCat: try mount -vv /mount/point07:02
CartoonCatthat mounted07:04
CartoonCatshouldnt -a have caused it to mount too?07:04
DaskreechCartoonCat: Not sure can't recall trying that with a UUID07:07
Daskreechin theory I suppose yes it should07:07
CartoonCatah well, it should be good on boot now, ty very much07:07
=== reisi_ is now known as reisi
stephan_Hello?  Anyone here?07:25
Mase_wkthe massive list of people in the channel is just a figment of your imagination07:25
Daskreechwell that worked  :-p07:29
naftilos76Hi everyone, can someone please see this paste: http://paste.ubuntu.com/588136/ ? I get an akonadi dialog everytime my pc starts Kontact - KDE is updated to 4.6.108:09
Daskreechnaftilos76: Do you have two resources?08:27
naftilos76two resources? sorry, i don't get it. Can you pls explain?08:28
Daskreechnaftilos76: press alt+F2 and type akonadi  it will get you the akonadi configuration08:35
Daskreechwhich has the resources or where it gets information from08:35
DaskreechSee if there are duplicates.08:35
Daskreechif not ask in #akonadi what the problem could be08:36
naftilos76ok thanks - let take a closer look08:37
dimi_so praes be gogoooo09:37
gogo_eve ladam si go :)09:37
dimi_ja si go drzam09:38
gogo_abe so stega vaj andon?09:39
inj3ct0ri have a q that is what s diffrent betwin kubuntu and ubuntu10:16
DonFranco83Hello, good morning10:16
ikoniainj3ct0r: main difference is the desktop, one is kde one is gnome10:18
=== FireCrotch is now known as nickmoeck
DonFranco83Any netbook users here?10:20
KoliaDonFranco83: yep?10:21
DonFranco83OK, I got a strange problem10:22
DonFranco83I'm using an Asus EeePC 1000H10:22
DonFranco83Everything works just fine when it's on power supply10:22
DonFranco83But when it's on battery, my WiFi goes crazy and doesn't work anymore10:23
Koliaeach time?10:23
DonFranco83Each and every time10:23
Koliai have an eeepc and didn't notice that behavior10:23
Koliathat's all I can say :/10:23
DonFranco83which wifi chip you got?10:23
Koliano idea10:23
KoliaNetwork controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)10:24
DonFranco83I got a Ralink RT286010:25
nickmoeckDonFranco83: is there any output to any log files (syslog or dmesg)?10:26
DonFranco83nickmoeck: I'll give ou a fresh output of syslog and dmesg in a minute10:28
DonFranco83nickmoeck: well it's always the same if you try to show your error to someone. i just unplugged it and there were no messages logged at that time to syslog or dmesg (checked it with tail -f before i unplugged)10:33
DonFranco83nickmoeck: my wifi kinda kept working but kopete lost connection to msn and icq immediately.10:34
DonFranco83and they won't reconnect until i plug in the cable again. i also use the google translator and ccomics plasmoids and they stop working as well10:34
nickmoeckDonFranco83: Are you using WPA?10:38
DonFranco83nickmoeck: WPA2 Personal10:39
DonFranco83nickmoeck: but it acutally does'n care, it's the same effect even in an unencrypted network10:40
DonFranco83nickmoeck: as i said, everything works fine as long as it's plugged in to the power supply10:40
nickmoeckDonFranco83: Oh, okay. I've seen reports of issues with that card with WPA networks, which is why I asked.10:40
nickmoeckDonFranco83: I did find a similar bug in Launchpad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/73486510:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 734865 in linux (Ubuntu) "[STAGING] RT2860 Wireless will not authenticate and connect when on battery power." [Undecided,New]10:43
DonFranco83nickmoeck: unbelievable. that's exactly the error i am encountering10:45
DonFranco83nickmoeck: and i'm using 11.04 as well. but i guess i had the same problem even with 10.10, that's why i reinstalled with 11.04 because the last few kernel versions all promised better wifi support ;-)10:47
DonFranco83nickmoeck: thanks for the link to the bug. i'll wirte a comment on that10:49
nickmoeckDonFranco83: I suggest clicking that the bug affects you as well in Launchpad, which will subscribe you to the bug, and let them know that it is indeed a bug10:49
DonFranco83nickmoeck: already done :)10:50
nickmoeckDonFranco83: Also, Anthony Hook is always in #ubuntu-wi-us, so maybe pop in there and talk to him about it. Maybe he found a solution and forgot to close the bug report or something10:52
nickmoeckOr maybe you two working together can resolve it :)10:52
DonFranco83nickmoeck: thanks for the info.10:53
nickmoeckDonFranco83: glad I could help (well, sort of help)10:54
inj3ct0rim sorry where can i install some file libsigc-2.0.so.0 in kubuntu?10:54
inj3ct0ror find it10:55
DonFranco83nickmoeck: thanks a lot. i was just about asking on how to file a bug report . so at least, you prevented a duplicate bug report ;) thanks!!10:56
DonFranco83inj3ct0r: look it up in the package management? what do you need it for?10:57
nickmoeckinj3ct0r: looks like that file is part of the package libsigc++-2.0-0c2a, so installing that package will install the file you're looking for11:00
inj3ct0rwhere is pakage management/11:01
inj3ct0ri search it in pakage kit11:02
inj3ct0rbut there is no any pak where can i install and download it11:03
DonFranco83search in kpackagekit for libsigc11:04
DonFranco83it will offer you a couple of install candidates11:04
c2tarunis there any application available that can convert po files from one language to another?11:08
inj3ct0rim sorry hoe can i install skype?11:10
DonFranco83go to skype.com and download the ubuntu version11:11
inj3ct0rim sorry to every body my kubuntu is have very low speed how can i solve it?11:13
nickmoeckinj3ct0r: actually, skype should be available in the Canonical Partner Repository11:15
nickmoeckinj3ct0r: enable the Partner repository, and it should show up in KPackageKit11:16
nickmoeckinj3ct0r: what do you mean by "very low speed"? Low download speed? Slow to open programs? Slows down when you have multiple programs open?11:17
inj3ct0rslow to open files11:17
nickmoeckinj3ct0r: that's generally dependent on the speed of your hard drive.  If you're trying to open a large file that's on a slow hard drive, it can sometimes seem to be slow11:19
c2tarunI got this error while trying to install an application http://paste.kde.org/8675/ how can I fix this?11:22
Peace-hi hi  hi11:22
nickmoeckc2tarun: make sure you use sudo :)11:23
nickmoeckc2tarun: sudo apt-get install packagename11:23
c2tarunnickmoeck: I used sudo, actually I started installing a pacakge and end it by pressing ctrl+z. after that I am getting this error.11:25
nickmoeckc2tarun: Ah. In that case...11:25
nickmoeck!aptfix | c2tarun11:25
ubottuc2tarun: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »11:25
inj3ct0rim sorry i try to use skype but it say  server cannect failed11:25
inj3ct0rwhat i should do now?11:25
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mr0wlHey everyone, so you guys want invites to diaspora?11:39
abraham_hola alguien para hablar?11:52
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:52
inj3ct0rim sorry i try to use skype but it say  server cannect failed11:54
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soSuckHmu!find kde13:30
ubottuFound: apturl-kde, firefox-kde-support, gdebi-kde, kde-config-cddb, kde-config-cron, kde-config-gtk, kde-config-touchpad, kde-icons-mono, kde-l10n-ar, kde-l10n-bg (and 592 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=kde&searchon=names&suite=maverick&section=all13:30
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots13:32
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:42
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inj3ct0ri have a problem with my kubuntu13:57
inj3ct0rthat is when i right click in dekstop chenge dekstop background and ... do not apear insted of that application cat apear what i should do now?13:58
inj3ct0rno body can help me?14:02
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TheBuntulastnight i used bootcdwrite.....is there anything eles...like mklivecd....bootcdwrite...did everything...it put a gig usb stick on it..it put everything on my 2 spare partitions14:35
TheBuntulastnight i used bootcdwrite.....is there anything eles...like mklivecd....bootcdwrite...did everything...it put a gig usb stick on it..it put everything on my 2 spare partitions14:38
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=== AndrewMC is now known as SpockVulcan
renathi guys, can u help me? my wifi adapter has become disabled after the recent update, how to enable it? thx14:56
renatany help is much appretiated14:57
genii-aroundrenat: Do you know what make and model the adapter is, and what interface it uses? (pci/usb/bluetooth etc)15:01
renatwell... i use notebook builtin wifi adapter (HP Compaq 530)15:02
renati suppose it is an Intel brand15:02
genii-aroundrenat: What is the result of: lspci -nn | grep Network15:06
renat10:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection [8086:4222] (rev 02)15:06
genii-aroundrenat: Which edition of Kubuntu are you using?15:07
genii-aroundrenat: Please use #ubuntu+1 for Natty, and not here.15:09
renatok thx15:09
=== Pici is now known as ZarroBoogs
BluesKajHey folks15:21
himhay is there any one15:28
genii-aroundI guess they couldn't wait longer than 20 seconds to find out.15:29
kaddihi, how do i set up gmail accounts in kopete?15:30
ubottugmail is a webmail service. For information on using it with Evolution see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingGmailWithEvolution15:30
ubottuGoogle Talk (GTalk) is an instant messaging program from Google. Currently, Google does not have an official standalone GTalk client for Linux, but supports connections from third-party clients such as !Pidgin and !Kopete | See http://www.google.com/talk/otherclients.html for more information15:30
kujulesa process called "yes" uses nearly 50% of my cpu performance, can i "close" that process?15:36
genii-aroundkujules: Yup, it's like a no-operation kind of command that just keeps spewing some text15:46
kujulesafter upgrading to 11.04 beta my pc often got reset to log in screen or tty-screen15:47
kujulesis the problem solved?15:47
Vardanas I can see in ubuntu's page in the 11.04 version they will be lots of changes. What about kubuntu? What changes will be in 11.04 version?15:48
kaddihow do i invite more than one person inot a jabber chat on kopete?15:49
BluesKajVardan, best to ask in #ubuntu+115:49
Vardanor kubuntu+1?15:49
BluesKajkujules, #ubuntu+115:50
kujulesi am using kubuntu15:50
BluesKajVardan, there's no kubuntu+115:50
ZarroBoogskujules: Its still #ubuntu+115:50
kaddiubuntu+1 is both for ubuntun, kubuntu and any other version of ubuntu15:50
kujulesthank you15:50
Vardanpeople I just installed kubuntu 10.10 and amarok not playing mp3 files. What packages I need for that?16:01
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BluesKajVardan, make sure you install kubuntu-restricted-extras16:03
BluesKaj!pm | rajeevthefreak_16:04
ubotturajeevthefreak_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.16:04
VardanI haven't sent PM, or that is not for me ? :)16:05
BluesKajVardan, not you16:05
VardanBluesKaj: how can I know about ubottu's commands?16:06
BluesKajVardan, the person's nick  that it's meant for is listed16:06
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots16:07
BluesKajJames147, connection probs ?16:24
ChrisGagnonhas anyone else tryed installing the gnome desktop package in kubuntu? It installs debian artwork for grub and the gnome wallpaper16:27
BluesKajChrisGagnon, I did for a while , but if you want the desktop it's ubuntu-desktop that has to be installed16:33
ChrisGagnonBluesKaj: thanks for the info :D16:35
S74rk7Anyone know the command to run Dolpin with root privedges?  its just so I can edit configuration files etc16:40
marxjohnsonS74rk7: kdesu dolphin16:40
S74rk7I have just been using konsole and browsing to the directory and sudo open the files...16:40
S74rk7marxjohnson: Thanks mate :)16:40
marxjohnsonsorry, kdesudo, not kdesu16:40
James147S74rk7: its best to just run kate with kdesudo and open them from there16:41
James147S74rk7: ^^ its better practus to run as few applications as possible without root16:41
_s0phiahi,  can someone tell me why Rosegarden (music production software) doesn't  output any sound? Do i need MIDI packages or some sort of MIDI software as well? >.<16:44
S74rk7James147: Yeah good point mate - thanks :)16:44
S74rk7marxjohnson: Thanks again for the info mate :)16:44
marxjohnsonS74rk7: np16:44
Brad777 I'm trying to repair an NTFS file system and have received errors from fsck and gparted which I've pasted here: http://pastebin.com/cSybipCJ It is a friend's HDD which had Windows XP on the partition. Windows xp was unable to recover the filesystem using chkdsk and I thought that maybe fsck would be able to recover it.16:58
Brad777I apologize apparently fsck doesn't support checking NTFS filesystems like I thought.17:03
=== Muzer is now known as MuzerAway
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pero-pHi everybody18:01
=== Muzer is now known as MuzerAway
pero-pI need some help18:01
James147!help | pero-p18:02
ubottupero-p: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:02
Hamradoesn't seem like he has a problem anymore :P18:04
=== MuzerAway is now known as Muzer
pero-pok, i have slow and limited internet connection and i want to download Kubuntu, for about one year ago, i downloaded Kubuntu CD version and install it, and it was good. but when i was going to install applications, it just tell me a lot of MBs to download and i can't do it because of the limitation of bandwidth. my only problem is which one is better for me, the DVD version or CD version?...18:06
pero-p...does DVD version has most commonly apps?18:06
pero-p* sorry for my english if it has any mistakes ;)18:06
Hamrathe DVD contains all packages of the "main" repository18:08
Hamrabut not those in universe18:08
Hamraso the answer varies wildly depending on what exactly you need18:08
James147pero-p: DVD can be used to install other applcation as far as I know and contains most of whats in the repo ^^ though you will be downloading everything thats on the dvd rather then just what you need... its more useful when you download it from a fast connection to use on a slow connection18:09
James147pero-p: downloading on a slow to use use on a slow connection seems mighty wasteful ^^18:10
Hamrayes, and the DVD itself can be used as a repository on any system18:10
James147^^ or another use is to download it once, then use it on many computers...18:11
Hamrabut... that's a lot of download :S18:11
pero-pso many thanks for your answers,18:11
pero-pmy limitation disables in nights ( 2AM to 7PM )18:11
pero-poh! i mean 7AM18:12
pero-pand i can download DVD on that way, THANK YOU AL18:12
Hamrai happen to share pero's problem... the only thing that makes it bearable is i dont have any download limits (not that i can cross any with such connection), i just bite it, and let updates go all night long18:12
James147pero-p: the dvd also wont give you th most uptodate packages18:12
pero-pand another thing,18:13
pero-pcan Kubuntu(or any other Linux distro) replaces with Windows? i mean games, apps, ... I currently using windows18:14
Hamrawindows programs work only on windows. linux programs work only on linux18:14
Hamrathough everything on windows, can have replacements on linux18:15
Hamraand as for games... you can always use "wine" for18:15
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu18:15
Hamrais there any particular program you're interested in?18:17
pero-pyes, i use Protesu, and OrCAD18:18
pero-pi think VirtualBox will help me in these apps18:20
Hamrayes, it does18:20
pero-pbut most problem was the Games! :D, and wineHQ comes!18:20
Hamrathough i'm googling for you a little :)18:21
pero-pThanks Hamra,18:21
pero-pyou know, in my country you don't pay for apps! so Windows is as FREE as linux18:21
pero-pand so on, for games,18:22
Hamrathese are electronics programs... i never used them personally, or know how advanced they are. KDE has an electronics program, called KTechLab, but i dont know how professional it is18:22
Hamrawell... that's not something you're allowed to say here18:22
Tm_T!piracy | pero-p18:23
ubottupero-p: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o18:23
Tm_Tas a reminder (:18:23
Hamracheck this: http://www.gpleda.org/index.html18:24
pero-phaha! Hamra, Thanks you very very ... much! this KTechLab and gEDA makes me crazy! very good!18:25
Hamrayou're welcome :)18:25
Hamranow you have enough options to choose from :)18:26
pero-pThanks everyone, and specially you, Hamra,18:28
pero-pand Good bye ;)18:28
Hamrabye bye18:28
=== Muzer is now known as MuzerAway
_s0phiais anyone interested in helping me with Rosegarden? D:19:00
James147help how?19:01
genii-aroundJames147: If memory serves, she can't hear any midi files19:02
_s0phiayeah o.O19:29
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inj3ct0rhi to all20:31
inj3ct0ri have a problem with my kubuntu 10.10 that is when i make my dekstop rezoluion then when i restart changes not down20:32
inj3ct0rno body want to answer?20:35
genii-aroundinj3ct0r: Are you using xrandr commands to do this?20:35
inj3ct0rsceen resize and rotate20:36
genii-aroundIf you put the xrandr commands needed into /etc/kde4/kdm/Xsession then it will be permanent20:37
inj3ct0rbut i am a begginer could do you tell me step by step?20:38
Hamragenii-around: or store the info in Xorg.conf20:38
genii-aroundinj3ct0r: What screen settings are you putting that you would like to keep?  eg: 1920x1080 60hz refresh20:38
inj3ct0r1024*768 75hz ref20:39
genii-aroundHamra: xorg.conf gets overwritten fairly often, by setting up nvidia for instance20:40
genii-aroundinj3ct0r: Can you please use pastebin to show the current results of the command: xrandr        from konsole20:41
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:41
genii-aroundwork, back in 3-4 mins20:41
inj3ct0r1024x768       85.0*    75.120:43
genii-aroundinj3ct0r: I need the part which says something like VGA-120:47
inj3ct0rVGA-1 connected 1024x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 310mm x20:48
genii-aroundinj3ct0r: OK, 1 minute20:49
genii-aroundinj3ct0r: Now I need result of:  cvt 1024 768 8520:50
inj3ct0r# 1024x768 84.89 Hz (CVT 0.79M3) hsync: 68.68 kHz; pclk: 94.50 MHz20:51
inj3ct0rModeline "1024x768_85.00"   94.50  1024 1096 1200 1376  768 771 775 809 -hsync +vsync20:51
inj3ct0rcontinue plz20:55
genii-aroundinj3ct0r: I'm at work and just got back to keyboard :) 1 moment20:56
genii-aroundinj3ct0r: http://paste.ubuntu.com/588375/  now contains the lines you need to add to either /etc/kde4/kdm/Xsession20:58
genii-aroundOr to make an /etc/X11/xorg.conf file instead with the cvt output inbetween a line saying: Section "Screen"       and another line saying: EndSection21:00
genii-aroundinj3ct0r: You're welcome. Also, be sure to edit or create those files with admin write priveleges. eg: kdesudo kate /etc/kde4/kdm/Xsession      or so21:08
silviudo you know how can I find a directory in my system?21:16
genii-aroundsilviu: In Dolphin, choose Edit, then Find      and then type in the name of what you are looking for21:21
silviuthank you21:22
BluesKajmy den linuxbox just will not run on the 2.6.35-28 kernel , obviously the kernel source graphics driver recommended won't run or breaks X , dunno which21:22
genii-aroundsilviu: You're welcome.21:22
genii-aroundBluesKaj: Is that the latest maverick kernel?21:22
BluesKajI can run the 2.6.35-22 just fine ...yes the 28 is latest afaik , just did a clean install and updated21:23
BluesKajthe default is the 22 , genii-around , then updating brings the 28 in and installs it as the default21:25
genii-aroundBluesKaj: Did you have nvidia-current installed before update?21:25
BluesKajI've been trying to find a workaround for weeks21:25
BluesKajyes, that was the first HW driver I installed21:26
BluesKajgenii-around, are you suggesting there's an upgraded kernel source version ?21:27
Hamramaybe DKMS didnt build a module for some reason?21:28
genii-aroundBluesKaj: It doesn't rebuild the kernel driver for nvidia when up kernel. If you can get command-line on the 35-28, remove nvidia-current, will default to nouveau. Then you should be able to get into kde and run kockey-kde and select the proprietary driver21:29
genii-aroundHamra: Yes, I had this before a few times21:29
genii-aroundBluesKaj: Also if you have an xorg.conf remove nvidia reference21:30
genii-aroundHamra: Yes, my bad :)21:30
Hamragenii, i havent used nvidia-current for a while, wouldnt removing then reinstalling nvidia-current from TTY1 rebuild the kernel module?21:31
BluesKajwell genii-around , Hamra i didn't run nvidi-xconfig , so doubt ther eis one , but I'll check21:31
BluesKajok, going over to the other box ..I'll have to reinstall the 28 kernel tho21:32
genii-aroundHamra: No. For some reason, don't know why, doesn't work.21:32
BluesKajok , good to know that , cuz i was gonna try that :)21:33
littlegirlHey there, is there a special channel for Kubuntu development?21:48
littlegirlI should be a bit more specific - is there a special channel for Kate development?21:48
silviuisn't it a #kate channel on freenode?21:49
littlegirlChecking, thanks. (:21:49
littlegirlYep, looks good!21:49
littlegirlHeh, are the developers ever active in the #kate channel?21:55
genii-aroundlittlegirl: There is a #kubuntu-devel , but I'm not sure how directly involved they are with Kate. This might be more upstream with KDE21:56
littlegirlgenii-around: Thanks!21:57
genii-aroundlittlegirl: np21:58
rx_is there a frontend to google reader^22:05
gomiboyrx_: i use a so called web-app with chromium (the open source brother of chrome). Basically a browser window with nothing else than the web page inside (no browser buttons, menus etc)22:09
rx_gomiboy: ah ok i was looking for something tighly integrated to the desktop22:10
rx_with notifications etc22:10
gomiboyrx_:  there is akregator for that, but it's not a "google reader frontend", it's just a rss reader :P22:11
rx_gomiboy: yeah i know but using rss without full history is not an option for me ;-)22:13
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox422:19
ubottuFirefox 4 is the current stable version of Firefox. Current versions of Ubuntu do not have it (see !latest), but there is an unofficial and unsupported PPA that you can use by running the following command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox22:28
inj3ct0rhi to all22:35
inj3ct0ri have problem i installed some game22:35
* genii-around makes more coffee22:35
inj3ct0rand now i unistall it there is some game gain in game panel how can i solve it22:36
Hamragame gain in game panel? can you say it in another way?22:37
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genii-aroundHamra: Yes, that was very cryptic22:47
Hamraunfortunately, he's gone... i'm still scratching my head over it :P22:48
juan_hello, i can't view my kubuntu pc in land with windows pc22:48
ChrisGagnonjuan_: what do you mean in land?22:49
genii-aroundjuan_: You mean from Windows' Network Neighbourhood you do not see your Kubuntu computer?22:49
juan_no i don't see22:50
ChrisGagnonjuan_: did you install samba and enable file sharing on kubuntu?22:50
juan_i have samba, how can i enable file sharing?22:51
genii-around!info kdenetwork-filesharing22:51
ubottukdenetwork-filesharing (source: kdenetwork): network filesharing configuration module for KDE 4. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.5.1-0ubuntu2.1 (maverick), package size 316 kB, installed size 1800 kB22:51
genii-aroundjuan_: You have to install the package above called kdenetwork-filesharing and then it lets you configure the samba shares22:52
=== emma is now known as em
juan_ok, it's installed!22:55
Hamrait should appear in system settings now, under sharing i'm not mistaken22:56
genii-aroundjuan_: So now if you go to system settings, you should see under Network and Connectivity a thing called Sharing22:56
genii-aroundHamra: Yes :)22:56
Hamrait's funny, i asked this very same question in the mailing list a year or 2 ago... now i forgot the answer, and i dont even have or use samba anymore :P22:57
juan_windows sharing?22:57
juan_well, i can see now "sharing" in file's properties22:59
Hamradid you try system settings first? it should have an extensive control panel for configuring shares23:00
juan_yes i see "sharing"  and when i open that apear "windows sharing" dialog23:02
juan_need username and password23:02
juan_that is all?23:04
juan_i can't see the windows pc from kubuntu23:08
juan_and windows cant see my kubuntu pc23:09
Hamrawhat is the name of the windows PC?23:09
juan_when i make ping logisitca, work!23:09
Hamratry in dolphin, putting in address bar:23:10
juan_can't connect to server smb:/logistica/23:11
Hamraare you sure windows has active shares, and has proper home network configuration?23:11
juan_101% sure! i'm in my job23:12
juan_i cant see windows to windows23:12
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Hamralet's try something else to troubleshoot... do you know the IP of logisitica? if so, try smb://ip_address23:13
juan_yesterday my laptop was runing with ubuntu the sharing work23:14
juan_sorry my english ins soo bad!23:14
juan_  smb://ip_address say time_out23:15
Hamradid you reaplce your IP in it?23:16
juan_of course23:17
=== MuzerAway is now known as Muzer
Hamrado you have a firewall in ubuntu?23:17
Hamraiptables configured, or something?23:17
juan_the kubuntu's firewall by default23:18
juan_i did't was touch iptables config23:19
Hamralet's think....23:20
juan_i was install the gui to samba23:21
Hamrait's weird... i never needed any configuration to see windows shares... Live CDs were able to see them :S23:21
juan_but then i remove it23:22
juan_can i remove samba complete and then reinstall then?23:22
Hamrayou can try... doubt it'll change much though23:24
juan_how can do that?23:25
Hamrathe samba packages are to let kubuntu have shares... but it doesnt need much to see windows shares... i dont know why this is happening23:25
juan_remove samba an all configuration23:25
juan_ill reboot and try........... ill be back23:29
juan_hello hamra23:48
juan_i fixed the problem23:48
juan_now i can see windows pc from ubuntu, the problem was the firewall, i remove it and samba, now i'll install samba again23:50
juan_but now i can see the windows pcs23:50
juan_is safely remove the firewall ufw?23:50
Hamrareally depends on your situation... i dont have any firewall here, but i'm behind a router23:51
=== Islington is now known as Islington_TROLLA
Axlinwhy not just disable it? sudo ufw disable23:53
juan_me too, in my office are about 10 pcs all with windows, my laptops have kubuntu i have mysql and use it like server to practice23:53
juan_Axlin, i try that but don't works23:54
Axlindoes it say it's inactive when you run sudo ufw status?23:54
juan_i need reboot before that?23:55
juan_well disable = remove i same, just disable is there but dont working!23:56
juan_is same*23:56
pm2Hi - I'm having a problem with a program called gmFSK on Kubuntu Lucid - its an older program that needs to access /dev/dsp directly.  This seems to cause a problem with pulseaudio.  Any advice on how to make it work?  I've tried padsp and pasuspender, but still can't get it to work.\23:58

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