
gmbOh, bugger. Better grab some food.12:46
* gmb -> lunch12:46
gary_postergmb, changes look good, thank you12:59
gary_posterand incidentally, bzr diff -r5 has a significantly different output than bzr diff -r-512:59
* bac relieved. the first two times i tried doing QA with our overlay, qastaging died. i was beginning to wonder if it was causal.13:20
gary_posterweird anyway, though :-/13:22
gary_posterdanilos, your mic working today?13:23
danilosgary_poster, surprisingly, yes (and I first got a cheap headset for 6 euros, spent 20 minutes getting that one to partially work, and then just tried my regulard logitech USB headset and the mic worked); so, now I've got an extra headset just-in-case13:24
gary_posterand also weird :-)13:24
gary_posterbac benji danilos gmb call in 213:28
gary_posterdanilos pyoo hoo13:31
gary_posterthant's a combination of ping and yoohoo13:31
danilosmumble won't take my "unmute" clicks13:31
gary_posterI can hear you13:32
gary_poster1 sec13:32
danilos:((( it's up at 100% cpu13:34
gary_posterdanilos: how goes the "revert lousy xss fix"?13:39
danilosgary_poster, it's landing, not sure why it didn't land yesterday13:40
gary_posterand how about add button on structural subscriptrion page13:40
danilosgary_poster, didn't get any emails from ec2 or pqm, so I resubmitted13:40
danilosgary_poster, should be up for review in an hour or two13:40
danilosgary_poster, however, it seems mumble is the cause of all my sound troubles, because I tested with skype earlier today and it all worked fine13:42
gary_posterdanilos can you get on Skype then?13:45
danilosgary_poster, well, not with my regular USB headset, but yes with the new one13:45
gary_posterdanilos please do it then :-)13:45
danilosor well, a combination13:45
benjigrr, that's a stupid place to put that button13:54
gmbdanilos: Are you sat inside a washing machine?14:02
bacgmb: :)14:02
danilosgmb, hahaha, something like that14:02
danilosgmb, my setup is a bit weird atm, I am using one headset to listen in, and another for the microphone14:03
gmbHeh, lovely.14:03
danilosgary_poster, when do we have our call? I'd like to get some food and get my old headset working14:08
bacfwiw, i'm +1 on using skype as it frees me from being tethered to my laptop.  (i always get the urge for tea when these calls start.)14:08
gary_posterdanilos, propose a time :-)14:09
danilosgary_poster, 1h50mins?14:10
gary_posterwfm danilos14:10
danilosgary_poster, excellent, then it's a deal :)14:10
gary_poster:-) cool14:10
bachi benji, could you have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/person-in-team/+merge/5592814:17
bacit's quite short14:17
benjibac: approved14:20
bacbenji: thanks14:20
bacgary_poster: i have the outstanding task of blogging about bug 164196 -- any reason not to do that now?14:41
_mup_Bug #164196: Quickly-undone actions shouldn't send mail notifications <email> <lp-bugs> <qa-ok> <story-better-bug-notification> <Launchpad itself:Fix Released by yellow> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/164196 >14:41
gary_posterbac, sure.14:41
bacany subtleties to the way it works?14:42
bacgary_poster: btw, i never heard back from sarah.  perhaps you should ping her today.14:43
gary_posterbac, subtleties: ...thinking.  to start with the obvious: if there's a non-undone action, all bets are off.  In particular,14:44
gary_posterIf I do something14:44
gary_postermake a comment14:44
gary_posterand then undo it14:44
gary_posterthen you'll get it all14:44
gary_posterit is within our collection window for events14:44
gary_posterI'm not sure if that is one minute or five14:45
gary_posterin the above example "make a comment" could be replaced with "do anything that is not itself undone"14:45
gary_poster(since you can't undo making a comment that always fits)14:45
gary_poster(and because comments define our batches to some degree)14:46
bacso 'assign to alice; make comment; assign to bob' results in alice and bob bothing getting notified about three events?14:46
bacbut assign alice; reassign to bob only results in bob getting notified?14:46
gary_posterit works for a whole bunch of different kinds of changes14:47
baci think that deserves to be explained!14:47
gary_posterit's possible we missed some reasonable ones14:47
gary_posterbut I don't know of any14:47
gary_posterbac, actually14:47
gary_poster"but assign alice; reassign to bob only results in bob getting notified" : no, no one gets notified14:48
* danilos reboots14:48
gary_posterbac, re sarah: ack. I have an email started to her and Francis to send out my text review, which will be a practical ping on the subject, I think.14:48
gary_posterback to alice and bob: if something is undone, and nothing hiccups the evaluation, no-one is notified, whatever the change.14:49
gary_posterhere's another example14:50
gary_posterassign alice; change the status; reassign bob.14:50
gary_posterpeople will get notifications, but only of the status change14:50
gary_poster(assuming this all happens within the collected time frame)14:51
bac"but assign alice; reassign to bob only results in bob getting notified" -- why would bob not get notified?  assuming he wasn't the original assignee.14:52
bacnobody-alice-bob is what i meant14:52
bacperhaps you were referring to bob-alice-bob14:52
gary_posterI interpreted "reassign to bob" as bob was initially assigned.14:52
gary_posterwhat you describe is not regareded as "undone" in the current code14:53
gary_posternobody -> Alice -> Bob are "real" changes according to the code14:53
gary_posternobody -> Alice -> nobody is a mistake and not reported, according to the code14:53
bacok, even thought the temporary assignment to alice was a "mistake" it didn't return to the initial state14:54
gary_poster(as is Bob -> Alice -> Bob)14:54
gary_posterso we don't get rid of intermediate states; we get rid of undone states14:54
gary_posterhere's yet another example14:54
gary_posternobody -> Alice -> Bob -> nobody would also squelch the notifications14:55
gary_poster(or should)14:55
gary_posterbecause the changes were undone14:55
gary_posterthis is also true of status, importance, description, and so on14:56
gary_posterbac, review when you have a moment: https://code.launchpad.net/~gary/launchpad/bug741684-3/+merge/55935 .  danilos, this is the optimization I mentioned to you yesterday, fwiw.15:09
benjiNow I know what I should get Gary Jr. http://www.thinkgeek.com/interests/looflirpa/e8bb/15:20
gary_posterthat's awesome15:21
gary_posterI guess it makes sense that think geek would go all out for April 1, but that's still pretty imporessive15:23
gary_posterthe video is great15:24
gary_posterthe connection between devel and db-deve appears to be becoming very tenuous15:26
gary_posterby which I mean merges and such take a long time15:26
benjiyeah, the video is a very nice parody15:32
gary_postergmb, for my tests I think I'm just going to instantiate BugSubscriptionFilterMutes directly.  You probably are adding an API to do that, but that doesn't exist in the db branch, right?15:43
gmbgary_poster: Right; I'm doing it in a separate branch so that the DB patch can land.15:44
gmbBut instantiating directly shouldn't cause problems.15:44
gary_postergreat, thanks15:44
gary_postergmb, I have a call with danilos in 12 min, then I'll ping you for discussion on UI. I'm hoping you have good ideas on what to call this thing. :-)15:48
gmbgary_poster: Far be it from me to want to shatter your hopes.15:48
bachey is that jelmer in the apple video?15:51
gary_posterheh, the first playmobil guy after the apple people?  good call15:52
gary_posterdanilos, you ready?16:00
danilosgary_poster, yeah, skype-ready16:00
bacgary_poster: your branch looks good.  very dense but i don't see anything glaringly wrong.16:21
baci am curious why you have a bare assert in your test:  assert(len(sources)==2)16:21
bacinstead of using assertEqual?16:21
gary_posterbac, yeah.  I did that because it was sort of an internal test sanity thing, rather than a test.  Happy to change.16:22
bacgary_poster: i'd say comment or change since it does stand out.16:23
gary_posterack will do thanks16:23
gmbI should get a "lazr.restful Wrangler" branch.16:25
gmbAnd a brain.16:26
gary_postergmb, call?16:38
gmbgary_poster: Sure. Skype or Mumble?16:39
gary_posterSkype alright?16:39
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
* gary_poster lunching, back soon17:18
benjiwhat happened to the review lanes; it's like they're zero-width17:52
gary_posterthat's exciting17:54
gary_posteri suspect leankitkanban is having some sort of problem17:54
gary_poster...which affects evert browser I have, fwiw17:56
gary_posterwell...I made it mildly better18:00
gary_posterstill broken18:00
gary_posterand quick jobs is unusable18:00
gmbSyntax schmyntax. Damn you, Python18:03
gary_posterbenji, leankitkanban fixed it.18:14
benjiyep, I just saw that; I like the resulting ginormus review lanes18:15
gmbgary_poster: In the spirit of idempotence should BugSubscriptionFilter.mute() raise an error if called on a non-team subscription (or by someone who's not a member of the team that owns a team subscription) or should it just fail quietly?18:15
gary_poster:-) I fixed them too18:15
gmbI'm leaning towards raising an error, because otherwise people calling the API might find themselves wondering what's going wrong.18:16
gary_postergmb, I think that's not so much idempotence as value error.  I say, make it puke at us all.18:16
gmbgary_poster: So, I'm going to EoW shortly. Here's my more-or-less-complete-but-not-reviewed API branch: lp:~gmb/launchpad/team-subscription-opt-out-apis18:26
gmbgary_poster: The methods you're interested in are:18:26
gmbBugSubscriptionFilter.isMuteAllowed() ; .mute() and .unmute()18:26
* gary_poster listens18:26
gary_postergot it18:26
gary_postereasy enough18:26
gmbAll of them take a person parameter, but that's all handled by call_with(), so you should just be able to call them directly as named_posts.18:27
gary_postergmb, should I review, too?18:27
gmbgary_poster: Urm... Actually, if you just give me ten minutes to do a quick refactor, yes, that would be cool.18:27
gary_posterok, cool gmb, no rush here, still writing tests for my script changes18:28
gmbgary_poster: https://code.launchpad.net/~gmb/launchpad/team-subscription-opt-out-apis/+merge/55982 when you've got a moment.18:36
gmbI'm going AFK now but will check back later and set EC2 going if it's good to land.18:37
gary_posterawesome gmb!  I'll do it this afternoon.  Have a great weekend!18:37
gmbThanks, you too.18:37
benjigary_poster: I'm trying to figure out what I need ot do for 740640; do I need to merge Danilo's branch into mine before landing?18:55
gary_posterno benji, they can be separate18:56
benjiwell, I already merged part of it to help avoid conflicts18:56
gary_postershould be alright then18:56
gary_posterhe's already trying to land it18:57
benjioh, so I don't need to do anything?18:57
gary_posterbenji, by "Danilo's branch" which one do you mean?18:57
danilosgary_poster, I was going to ask you the same :)18:57
gary_posterI thought you meant "revert lousy xss fix"18:57
benjiI don't know.  He pointed me at a patch and I applied part of it.18:57
danilosthat one is already landed, but benji is probably inquiring about the other one I have in progress18:57
danilosbenji, so, don't worry about that one, I'll merge with your changes once your branch lands18:58
gary_posterthat makes sense to me.  thanks danilos18:58
benjidanilos: ok, I'll assign you the "xss vulnerability in new bug subscription overlay" card18:58
gary_posterI think there's some branch confusion going on18:58
benjibecause that's the one about bug 74064018:58
gary_posterbut what Danilo is working on now does not affect that18:59
gary_posterit only touches the same part of code18:59
gary_posterSo, Danilo had two branches18:59
gary_posterone was "Revert lousy xss fix"18:59
gary_posterthat has landed already18:59
gary_posterthat's kinda sorta related to 74064019:00
danilosbenji, right, the part that you "patched" was minor refactoring that I needed in the heavy-on-manual-node-construction code19:00
gary_posterbut really only as a clean up19:00
danilosbenji, just to reduce the chances of conflicts in there, at least that was my impression of what gary wanted :)19:00
gary_posternow he is working on "Structural subscription edit/delete page should also allow..."19:00
danilos(I am not sure I am helping :))19:00
gary_posterwhich happens to touch on the same part of the code that you were touching on your xss branch, benji19:01
benjiok, reboot:  I need to work on the "xss vulnerability in new bug subscription overlay" card, which is in "Landing"; what do I need to do?19:01
gary_posterAFAIK, land your branch19:01
gary_posterthen that card is done19:01
gary_posterdo you have reason to believe otherwise19:01
benjiwell, I don't have any idea what's going on, but that's not neccesarily evidence to the contrary19:02
gary_posterok, let's have a quick call19:02
benjiI don't /have/ to understand :)19:02
gary_postersince you are doing the work I think that would be comforting :-)19:03
benjiok; mumble or skype?19:03
gary_posterskype please19:03
benji<skype sad noise>19:04
gary_poster:-) 1 sec19:04
benjiI can here you.19:07
benjitry unplugging your headset19:08
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha
benjigary_poster: *poof!* I appear over here.19:53
gary_posterbenji hi :-)19:53
benjiyep, that's it; I kept thinking that one had the downward-blue-triangle-of-lowness on it so didn't read it19:55
gary_posteryeah, the overlapping is a bit hard to read at times19:55
benjidid you want to do a pre-imp call on that?19:55
gary_posterSo, I suspect you will want to clarify what the card means first, if you are not already sure...yeah.  We'll have a quick one, and then I suspect you'll want one with Brad19:56
benjiI like happening upon the ever-changing ~yellow logos.20:26
benjibac: I'm having trouble finding the branch that has your additions of the edit links to all the bug targets (I'm going to use it as a guide to adding "My Subscriptions" links)20:27
benjigary_poster: you'll like this; I don't even think it's an April fool's joke: http://zodb.ws/20:27
bacbenji: https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/accordion-client-2/+merge/5536120:28
benjibac: thanks20:28
gary_posterheh, I had not seen the yellow submarine.  I suspect danilos :-)20:36
gary_posterbenji, that's insane. :-)20:40
benjiinsane and awesome20:41
gary_posteryes that too20:41
bacdid y'all see web2pyramid?20:42
benjiI can't tell if that's an April Fools joke or not.20:44
gary_poster:-P I'm saying yes20:44
bac"Blaze LaFlame"20:48
bacgary_poster: so for "quickly" undone actions, does "quickly" mean "do it before the next run of the cronjob"?20:50
gary_posterbac, no, there's a configured amount of time to wait, so it is at least as long as that amount of time, rounded up to the next cronjob20:51
bacdo you know that number?20:52
gary_posterI'm guessing you should probably know what that amount of time is...trying to find out...20:52
gary_poster        interval = timedelta(20:53
gary_poster            minutes=int(config.malone.bugnotification_interval))20:53
gary_posterlib/canonical/config/schema-lazr.conf:bugnotification_interval: 520:53
bacthanks, i was looking around in there but didn't see that part20:55
bacso 5 minutes plus whenever the next cronjob runs20:55
gary_posterbac, from the above, and the fact that that string is not redefined in lp-production-configd, I am pretty sure the answer is 5 min20:55
bacgary_poster: this is not much but is something:  http://blog.launchpad.net/?p=2043&preview=true21:21
gary_posterbac, looks good to me.  Thank you!21:23
bacok, if it is accurate i'll publish21:23
gary_posterI believe it is accurate, bac.  Thanks.21:24
* bac is no longer haunted by that task21:25

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