
hajourso it will happen they say to a heart patient he is able to work 100 %00:00
hajourwhit sometimes causes even dead 00:00
hajourbecause that person will get work by example harbour00:01
hajourwhit heavy lifting00:01
hajourthen i understand the thoughts do i want take that risk .answer yes because nothing is more worse to stand your whole life at side from the road and never can join00:03
hajourso its the same where you live charlie-tca 00:04
charlie-tcaYes, it seems much the same00:05
charlie-tcaDoctor says "you can not work". then government doctors have to do all the testing again, to say "you can not work". Then another set of government doctors do all the testing again.00:05
charlie-tcaThen you get enough money to be broke, and it takes at least two years of not working, and if you have money in the bank, you can not get money from the government.00:06
hajourbtw i meant i was write earlier in chat here.i go hold petition to give the government a push in right direction to make internet at least from goverment sides accessible for all people.and even if i must walk a week.i go give the list from signs to lenie smit kroes minister from ict department from europe00:06
charlie-tcaand the government always disapproves the disability application the first time it goes in.00:07
charlie-tcaGood luck with the petition. 00:07
hajoursame here charlie-tca 00:07
hajouri now how to do it00:07
hajouri go pull all organisations from people whit health issues00:08
hajourfrom out so many country s i can reach00:08
hajourfrrom whole europe00:08
charlie-tcathat's a lot of work00:08
hajourto reach very much people00:08
hajouronly need to make a mail then only need that mail translated in all europian languages00:09
hajourthe last part i go look for help here on irc00:09
hajourthen i go mail all instances00:10
hajourit have no use to cry in  the corner.and also not complain by the person under the line00:10
hajouri go complain whit thousends voices by the top00:11
hajourand if i succeed whit miljon voices00:11
charlie-tcaI have done some of that, it just gets me too tired to keep pushing it now.00:12
hajouri go pull press and television to00:12
hajouryes millions00:12
hajourundifined knows people in the press world00:12
hajourhe have worked there00:13
charlie-tcaI hope you succeed with that. 00:13
hajourjust need some help whit translating00:13
hajournothing more00:13
hajouro and a video what is usefull for deaf people00:14
Pendulumhajour: I don't know where to find it, but I think there are some EU accessibility guidelines somewhere00:14
charlie-tcaI am tired now and have to go rest00:14
hajouryou never have to use by example do you task  for government 00:14
charlie-tcaHello, Pendulum 00:14
hajourok charlie-tca  good night sleep well00:15
charlie-tcaThank you. Get some rest, too.00:15
hajourit is not possible to enlarge fonts by that Pendulum 00:15
hajourthey say do it on paper00:15
hajouryou get paper whit very long lines and even smaller fonts then on that program from internet by them00:16
hajourand so difficult words more then half of netherland not knopw what it means00:16
hajourthat not only is by that00:17
Pendulumhajour: I just mean that I think there are guidelines that the EU has passed. It might be worth researching that as another thing to bring to the government00:17
hajouralso by forms for asking welfair by job centre  ect00:17
hajourUK i go use for good example.why only UK caan do it and not the others?00:18
hajourthank you for the info Pendulum 00:18
hajourif UK can do it then the rest must be able to do that to00:19
hajourand some maybe not.but its europe00:19
hajourhelp each other to reach it is accessible00:20
hajourwhat know only happen here is pointing fingers to each other00:20
hajourthey need to care for it no they00:20
hajourwe cant do something about it ect00:21
hajourwhats the use on that00:21
hajouronly waist of time00:21
hajouruse time for to improve instead of pointing fingers to each other00:22
hajourand that i go say there00:22
hajourif you not know how 00:23
hajourask the one who know 00:23
hajourtrown away that stupid proud00:23
hajourand listen00:23
hajourits not about who is smarter or better then the other00:24
hajourits about to reach a gaol00:24
hajourworking together00:24
hajourdo not look at a fancy label00:24
hajourlook at what someone can do00:24
hajourwhat can you learn from that person or what can you do to help the other so that person can learn it to00:25
hajourthats how i see it00:26
hajourwell thats anyway my thoughts about it00:27
hajourdo i see it wrong then?00:27
hajourlooks to me most important to reach together the end goal00:29
Pendulumno, I think you have it right00:29
hajourbtw at the end they will go be better from it.less people in well fair .less help needed because people are able to do so much more them self00:30
hajourmore growing business more make use of knowledge/skills from people00:31
hajourand more pople more happy00:32
hajourgrowing economics what really use much more knowledge from all kind of people00:33
hajourso it seams i go again stirring in the mud to get the mud out so much as possible and get more clear water again00:35
hajourmmm maybe that is why they not really like me in meetings by instances.because i listen to others but then i really want to hear a good build understatement and not crap.that i wave away whit a couple of words00:37
hajourbtw i won on school by my daughter.they not can say nothing anymore.and now finally after 1 and half year she got a dislectis pass and right help00:39
hajourthey wanted to go rid of here whitout any diploma00:39
hajouri not have agreed00:40
hajouri have pull inspector of education to look at it so they not good refuse anymore00:40
hajouri not easy give up00:40
hajouri maybe sometimes fall down but i climb up again to go further00:41
hajoureven with 3 persons they could not win.because i know very much they not can go rid of me whit lies and false promises00:42
hajourbtw even if i not would like a person. and i see that person is victim of unjustified i will go say something about it00:44
hajouri cant stand unjust-mend00:44
hajouruch  i flood whole channel00:45
hajourvery much00:45
Pendulumyou're fine, I"m just kinda out of it so not saying much00:45
hajourwell official flooding is not allowed00:45
hajourso i broke the rules00:46
hajourbut Pendulum  why then not go rest then?00:46
hajouryou need to care for yourself good Pendulum 00:47
hajourif you are more better feeling.i mean less tired00:47
Pendulumhajour: flooding is usually when someone pastes in a lot of information. You're just chatting :)00:47
hajournop i talking more alone.it feels a bit like talking to myself a little:)00:48
hajourbut if you feeling some better againi really would like to talk about that bracelet thing.maybe its also or something like that a solution for me00:49
hajouri am now at stadium i cant even not anymore cut my own nails00:51
hajourkinda desperate.i want my little independent back i had00:52
Pendulumyeah, I have no idea how it would work for you. My problem is that my joints move too much00:53
Pendulumso it hold them in place correctly00:53
hajourpower was going less in my left hand half of it00:53
hajourand feeling00:53
hajourbut it going progressing00:54
hajournow sometimes my finger by the bindings between bones.my finger go stand in weird position00:54
hajourthen i push it back again to get it good agin.but that hurts very much00:55
hajourits like dislocated fingers00:56
hajoursorry needed to translate it first00:56
Pendulumokay, then it might help you00:56
PendulumI don't know if the company I bought them from works with anyone outside the US, though00:57
hajourok so it hold your bones on the right place00:57
Pendulumhttp://www.silverringsplint.com/ is where mine are from00:57
hajourthat sound good00:57
hajourhow is the typing going whit that?00:58
Pendulumit's slower than it was, but it's good00:58
Pendulumthings hurt less00:58
mhall119hurting less is always good00:59
hajourwell i am at stage i am willing to try everything00:59
hajouri have cried i discovered i could not any more my own nails you know00:59
hajourcut my own nails00:59
hajournot 1 doctor know where is is caused trough01:00
hajourit is01:00
hajouri not know where i am fighting against01:00
hajouri not know what is coming01:00
hajourwith cold my fingers go pulling double.then it takes in warm room 3  hours for i get it normal again and can use them01:02
hajourwhat that message is?01:03
hajourwhatmeans global notice?01:03
mhall119hajour: it's just freenode staff being funny01:04
hajournot know what it means honest say01:05
hajourmm link do not work btw01:06
mhall119don't worry, it's not really funny anyway01:07
hajourwell just curious01:08
hajourwell i just looking for a solution to keep my little independent-mend i have to keep01:10
hajourbecause 1 day i will get work01:11
hajouri not have fight to  come to here to let pull me down again by this01:12
hajourye i know i am rebellious. that is said to my thousands of times01:13
hajourmhall119,  correct me if i remember wrong.but was you from edubuntu to or whas that someone else?01:16
hajourjust remember something 01:17
hajouri need to do01:17
hajourand it was from edubuntu01:17
mhall119hajour: I've been involved with edubuntu, yes01:18
hajourbtw Pendulum you maybe take better some rest?01:18
hajourok then i am right01:18
hajourok i wanted to ask you something.can you keep contact with jacky fot to care speechcontrol also works on edubuntu?01:19
Pendulumhajour: yeah, I'm heading off now.01:19
Pendulumhajour: g'night01:20
hajourok Pendulum  take care for yourself ok ?:)01:20
PendulumI"m trying :)01:20
hajourgoodnight Pendulum  and thanks for the link01:20
hajouroeps fogot toput inname again mhall119 ^01:21
hajoursee lines above01:21
hajourif we got good accessibility programs i can get 18 schools convince to use edubuntu primary schools01:22
hajourall depends on that 01:22
hajourbut first i need to resolve laptop problem from jacky01:23
hajourand best would be.i have speechcontrol working for begin july01:23
hajourelse i need to wait a whole year01:24
hajourthey sign contracts whit company for programs for a year you see01:24
hajourif all go good .whit that schools i can work on the other schools here in province friesland from netherland01:25
hajouryepi not have forget it i use tomboy very usable01:26
hajourmhall119, ^01:26
mhall119hajour: sadly I haven't been able to do much with edubuntu this cycle01:26
mhall119you'd be better off asking stgraber or highvoltage over in #edubuntu01:26
hajourwho i can contact the best from edubuntu mhall119 01:27
mhall119either stgraber or highvoltage01:27
mhall119but this close to the release of 11.04, any new packages like speechcontrol will probably have to wait until 11.1001:28
hajourpfew will they kick me out.because it looks like flooding my way of chatting here01:28
hajouryes i know mmm01:28
mhall119it's not like them to kick anybody out01:28
hajouralso it need to go work on electronic schoolboards to.01:28
hajourso i would like close working together you see01:29
mhall119the smartboards?  I don't know how well they are supported on Linux01:29
hajourheads together is knowing more01:29
hajourmhall119,  primary schools use edubuntu it will can cause a chain reaction.to high schools ect01:30
hajourfrom schools to company s01:31
hajourchildren from today are the grown up from tomorrow01:31
hajouro o its already 2:32 night. oops i had promise go try sleep early01:33
hajourfirst time i am glad undifined have forgot tolog back in again on IRC XD01:33
hajourso i just not go tell01:34
hajourwelli gotry anyway01:34
hajourvery hard01:34
hajouri just everytime flapout right away01:36
hajouri am a terrible liar.i simply almost not can lie01:36
hajourand sometimes that is not very handy01:37
hajouri sometimes forget things.but not on purpose.well i better not go even try btw.because i not will succeed anyway01:39
hajourwell i go try to come half way my promise01:39
hajouri go to sleep01:39
hajourgood night all or have fun for who it is day01:40
hajouro last thing01:42
hajourmhall119, if it is good i will come  to edubuntu channel tomorrow01:42
hajourbut was wondering which time would be the best to come also01:43
mhall119I think both those guys are on US/Eastern time01:43
hajournot have a cleu that means01:44
* hajour yawns01:45
hajourwell i willfigure that out later i am tired now01:45
hajourgood night aand thanks for the help mhall119 01:46
hajourah just could read the link after put in odt and enlarge it.found it funny XD01:49
hajourgood night all01:50
hajour-RichiH-   01:51
hajoursee above01:51
Pendulumjust discovered that a whole bunch of people on a disability-related forum I'm on use Ubuntu. Maybe I'll pick up some recruits from there :)12:00
=== erkan^2 is now known as erkan^
NafaiPendulum: Yay!17:30
cprofitthey Pendulum 17:31
AlanBell16:41 < pitti>   * unity a11y: Now defaults to the classic GNOME session for the a11y profiles which need screen reading; this means the remaining Unity a11y issues are  now out of the critical path.18:13
AlanBellfrom the release meeting today18:13
PendulumYeah, I knew that was happening except no one seems to have said anything about non screen reading profiles!18:15
PendulumTheMuso: are we really only defaulting back to classic GNOME only for screen reading profiles or will we for onscreen keyboard profiles as well?18:16
AlanBellI am a bit surprised at the lack of onscreen keyboard fixing in this cycle18:17
AlanBellgiven all the utouch excitement and iPad type devices18:18
* Pendulum adds that comment to the dash bug18:22
Pendulumwell, just highlighted it, hopefully18:22
pleia2Pendulum: sorry for never blogging about it, I still have a half finished blog post which ened up taking a political turn so I went to hide18:42
Pendulumpleia2: it's okay :)18:43
pleia2it's hard for me to talk about unity18:43
pleia2also, reading "That's OK, because we have the Classic desktop fallback in Natty, but will not in Oneiric." came as a surprise to me (maybe I just haven't been paying attention?)18:45
pleia2I assume it's due to gnome3?18:45
AlanBellit came as a surprise to a number of people last night18:45
Pendulumalso surprised me18:46
PendulumI assume it's due to Unity 2D18:46
Pendulumwhich could really break accessibility18:46
charlie-tcaHave to wonder what the nvidia cards are going to use, if they don't need the fallback18:46
pleia2easy to keep gnome2 on the cd for now, but gnome3 is probably bigger and not so happily-living-togeter with unity18:46
Pendulumsince I don't think the announcement that Gnome 3 is being delayed by 6 months was an April Fools18:46
* pleia2 hugs charlie-tca and xubuntu18:47
* charlie-tca thinks xubuntu is so much easier now18:48
pleia211.04 is very nice18:49
charlie-tcaOf course, it will change too, when Xfce 4.10 comes along with accessibility built in18:49
pleia2(and yes, I understand how important accessiblity is on the flagship ubuntu is, you guys rock for fighting this battle :))18:49
pleia2charlie-tca: nice!18:50
UndiFineDpleia2, last UDS was already about what to remove from the install cd, I thing for 11.10 we will have to move to DVD18:52
PendulumUndiFineD: they talk about what to remove from the install cd every UDS18:53
Pendulumor at least, it's been discussed at the last 318:53
AlanBellthat is what the app review board does18:56
AlanBellcuts stuff and includes stuff18:56
AlanBellgimp got cut :(18:56
AlanBellbut other stuff gets in :)18:56
charlie-tcaYes, specifically so that it fits the cd18:56
charlie-tcaThere is also a dvd available, but for many countries, cd is big enough to have to download. Many people don't have the bandwidth for the dvd18:57
pleia2I'm probably 100 years old, but I still have computers w/o dvd roms18:58
charlie-tcaI upgraded mine in the last year; just replaced the cd drive with a dvd drive18:58
UndiFineDpleia2, mine hasnt either ... blueray19:00
* charlie-tca did that as the drives burned out, though19:00
charlie-tcahm, if screen-reader installation is now using classic-gnome, my whole test case is invalid. 19:02
charlie-tcaPendulum: I ran both screen-reader and high-contrast tests this last week19:02
charlie-tcaand keep trying to get dasher and onboard fixed, too19:03
charlie-tcaGot to keep trying, right?19:03
UndiFineDwell, your work is not for nothing, you build the test case and it would be reusable for next release19:07
charlie-tcayeah, true19:07
Pendulumless work for next cycle :P19:07
charlie-tcathe problem is I built a test case to not use unity, converted it to unity, and now have to build a new one without unity19:08
Pendulumcan some of it be used for Classic Gnome testing as well?19:08
charlie-tcaWell, maybe19:08
Pendulumand you don't have a copy of your original non-unity one?19:08
charlie-tcadidn't need that one no more19:09
charlie-tcaWait, maybe I do. I sent it to skaet, maybe I have the message.19:10
AlanBellI was just getting Unity running to test with Orca and other stuff19:14
AlanBellbut that is a bit pointless I guess19:14
AlanBellalthough maybe not19:15
charlie-tcafor now19:15
AlanBellthe orca *installer* puts you in classic gnome19:15
charlie-tcaThat was just changed yesterday19:16
charlie-tcaIt has been using unity if it is supported by the system19:16
AlanBellbut if ubuntu is installed by a sighted person someone could just start orca with unity running19:16
charlie-tcaHowever, the whole point of Unity is the prettyness, which is not there if you can not see it19:17
charlie-tcaand orca does work with unity running. I have been using it for a while 19:17
charlie-tcabut we also need to test the rest of the options under F5 on the desktop cd19:18
charlie-tcaWe need all the options working19:18
Pendulumgod I wish I had a spare machine to test on :-/19:20
charlie-tcaI will keep testing them, and passing the test cases down to here. Getting more people trying it really helps, though19:22
charlie-tcaIt never occurred to me to try orca in VBox, for example. I knew the install wouldn't go to unity, so I didn't use it.19:22
AlanBellah, I think the onscreen keyboards are a consequence of Unity sitting outside of compiz19:33
AlanBellthey need a new onscreen keyboard I think19:33
AlanBellthat runs in the unity layer19:33
Pendulumoh dear19:33
AlanBellwell that isn't neccessarily a bad thing19:34
Pendulumit's another project19:35
AlanBella new really awesome keyboard, like a phone or tablet keyboard, maybe like swype would be a good thing19:35
Pendulumand it means 2 actually because Unity 2D and Unity 3D19:35
AlanBellcompiz powered keyboard of awesome19:35
Pendulumwhich are under the hood completely different19:36
AlanBellprobably, yes19:36
Pendulumand getting someone to do it in the next 6 months19:36
Pendulum(since we apparently lose classic Gnome with Oneiric19:36
JanCeh, Unity is sitting inside Compiz, not outside?19:39
AlanBellJanC: well kinda19:39
AlanBellall the compiz effects don't affect unity19:39
AlanBellyay, effect and affect used correctly in one sentence \o/19:40
JanCAlanBell: which is exactly because it is not a window managed by compiz  ☺19:40
AlanBellso zoom, colour filters, workspace zoom etc all don't touch unity19:40
AlanBellyes, that is what I meant19:41
AlanBelland I expect that is why keyboard input events don't go to unity19:41
AlanBellwaah, alt+click anywhere on a window and drag doesn't work19:43
JanCI suppose compiz "windows" are by default handled differently because otherwise effects would be applied recursively   ;)19:44
AlanBellwell it is so that the workspace switcher doesn't zoom out the sidebar along with the workspaces19:46
JanCmaybe it would be better if they would turn the UI panels etc. into "normal" windows/applications again, and only use compiz to handle effects...19:46
JanCand workspace handling in unity is broken anyway  :-(19:51
PendulumAlanBell: charlie-tca, was I just mocked on that bug?20:20
pleia2I don't think so, he asked jono to look at it20:21
pleia211:56:58 < grantbow> jono: thanks for looking at that bug. I agree with pleia2 there's an issue there.20:21
pleia211:59:15 < jono> grantbow, pleia2 I suspect this will be bumped to Ocelot - I agree with Mark that this does not inhibit the Ubuntu experience for a11y reasons, the classic mode still exists, but it will make Unity suck20:21
Pendulumpleia2: thanks :)20:21
PendulumI got thrown off by the april fools reference20:21
pleia2yeah, I had to read it a couple times20:22
pleia2I think he was calling Unity itself a joke on tablets20:22
Pendulumyeah, I couldn't tell which way he meant it20:22
charlie-tcaThat isn't in the bug report, though20:22
charlie-tcaI couldn't tell either, and took it as a negative comment to the bug itself20:22
AlanBellPendulum: I was going to ask him what he meant by that20:23
AlanBellI didn't think he was mocking you, I just didn't understand his point20:23
Pendulumit's rather disappointing that Unity is crap on tablets since visually it reminds me much more of a tablet interfact than a regular computer one20:23
pleia2yeah :\20:23
charlie-tcaWell, at least accessibility is not taking the back seat all the time, right?20:24
AlanBellI *think* he was saying unity doesn't work well on touchscreens anyway, which surprises me20:24
charlie-tcaWe got real good visibility now, let's keep that going, at least.20:24
PendulumAlanBell: there've been a couple things I've heard about the launcher hiding without mouseover?20:24
AlanBellooh, yes it will do that20:25
AlanBellI only just figured out that to get it back you put the mouse on the top left pixel of the screen20:25
AlanBellwhich is a bit hard in virtualbox as the mouse isn't constrained20:25
Pendulumin much better news for today, baseball season started last night! (and the first red sox game of the season is in 30 minutes \o/ )20:28
pleia2baseball \o/20:28
Pendulumsorry, I know unrelated, but I love baseball!20:29
Pendulumand the sox should be very happy that they're playing in Texas20:30
Pendulumit's cold and snowy in NE20:30
TheMusoPendulum: Only for blindness related profiles, but we can also for on-screen keyboard profiles if people so wish.22:04
PendulumTheMuso: well, right not it looks like the onscreen keyboard doesn't work for Unity...22:05
TheMusoThats interesting, I thought onboard worked at the X layer. If thats the case, I'll switch that profile too.22:05
PendulumTheMuso: it works on some, but not on everything. can't search for apps, for example22:06
Pendulumcharlie-tca: ^^22:06
TheMusoAh ok.22:06
charlie-tcayes, might be best to switch it22:06
charlie-tcaNo Onbaord or dasher can use the search in the dash22:07
charlie-tcadash closes on any keypress not directly on it22:08
TheMusoRight, just read backscroll.22:09
TheMusoWe really need unity and compiz playing nice for things like eZoom.22:09
TheMusoAnd if even onboard can't enter into search fields, then we are starting to really get screwed with the architecture.22:10
charlie-tcabug 73981222:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 739812 in unity "Must use hardware keyboard to perform search for applications in Unity" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73981222:12
TheMusoyeah have seen that bug.22:13
TheMusoDamn it. My monitor has developed an intermitant blue line down the middle. THis is a desktop monitor, and I've had it for almost 5 years...22:14
TheMusoA connectino is starting to go heywire I think.22:14
macoa big line or one small enough to ignore?22:14
TheMusoOne in such a position that I notice it and it distracts me.22:15
TheMusoIts all the way from the top to the bottom.22:15
TheMusoAnd probably 1-20 pixels wide, give or take.22:15
TheMusoActually, probably 5-10 but still.22:16
NafaiTheMuso: Hey man, get my email a few weeks ago?22:20
TheMusoNafai: Yeah I did, but have been rather busy, so it slipped my mind sorry.22:21
TheMusoNafai: Heh I can't even remember what speech synth I was talking about last year, there have been a few that have popped up over the years.22:22
Nafaino problem, completely understand given the release and such22:22
TheMusobbiab getting breakfast.22:24
NafaiI really need to understand how to use and configure magnification, as my vision has been getting worse lately, but I'm completely useless at using the stuff with Orca22:24
macoi might be able to help with kmag22:24
Nafaiwill that work on top of Gnome?  (I assume kmag is a KDE tool)22:25
NafaiI don't need an extreme amount of magnification, just be able to toggle it off and on in certain cases22:25
macoyes it should22:26
macoi think itd work best with tiling window managers, but most people don't use them. 22:27
macoi set it to "follow mouse mode" and make its window smaller (like 1/4 of the screen) and then that window holds a zoomed view of what's around your mouse22:27
TheMusoNafai: compiz has an ezoom plugin which you can configure with keybindings to zoom in/out22:27
maco(the reason i think tiling is great for magnifiers is that the magnifier covers part of a maximised window, otherwise)22:28
NafaiTheMuso: oh yeah, I had forgot that22:30
charlie-tcaPendulum: I thought the blog was due this week, but it is not due until next week. I will try to get one out to you this weekend22:42
Pendulumcharlie-tca: no worries22:43
AlanBellI want to include a half decent video of the screen reader install in the Daniela blog post22:45
PendulumAlanBell: do that tomorrow?22:45
AlanBellyou saw my last attempt22:45
AlanBellI did fully install Natty today22:46
charlie-tcaWon't that install you wrote for the help wiki work with classic-gnome?22:47
TheMusoAlanBell: I suspect the only inaccessible part of the installer is the bits that use webkit.22:49
charlie-tcaI thought the installer worked fine, it is unity that takes work :-)22:51
TheMusoOh and for oneiric, I have some ideas as to how we can make selecting an accessibility profile much easier.22:51
charlie-tcaAs long as you start with unity, it works, anyway. It is when it switches to the other session, on the blind user, that it causes issues.22:52
charlie-tcaTheMuso: that would be nice, too22:52
TheMusocharlie-tca: What do you mean exactly?22:52
TheMusore switching22:52
charlie-tcaIf your video card is not supported, you start trying to hit shortcut keys that only work for unity.22:53
TheMusoThats why I patched orca to tell the user what environment they are in.22:53
charlie-tcaOn the other hand, if you expect it to start classic-gnome and it starts unity, you hit the wrong keys again. 22:53
TheMusoIt should tell you on startup, if it gets cut off, use orca key + e to state it again.22:53
charlie-tcaYeah, I didn't realize that when I did the test case for QA22:54
AlanBellTheMuso: there are a number of bits in the installer that suck22:56
AlanBelllike orca trying to pronounce language names like francais22:56
macohow does that come out?22:57
TheMusoWell thats a bit hard to solve.22:57
AlanBelland it gets really nasty for non-latin characters22:57
TheMusoOrca doesn't exactly do dynamic language changing or anything like that.22:57
AlanBellyeah I know22:57
AlanBellthere are some dubious radio button names as well22:57
AlanBellwhen choosing whether to nuke the partitions or upgrade or whatever22:57
TheMusohrm ok, will have to have another look at those.22:58
TheMusoWhen I had a run through a few weeks back, I don't remember having a problem with the partitioning stuff.22:58
AlanBellwe are going to do a session on it tomorrow in the global jam to file bugs22:58
AlanBellthat does include me being stupid several times22:59

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