
kevin1394939libncap-dev thewrath?00:02
kevin1394939!find libpcap-dev00:32
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thewrathanyone here?03:52
* UndiFineD looks around03:58
CensoredBiscuitI am04:01
CensoredBiscuitnever fear04:01
aStewartS90Hi, can someone walk me through removing past kernel versioning from the Grub 1.98 boot menu?05:44
DanI am looking for help finding a driver to support my video card?06:30
bioterrorand your card is06:31
DanATI Radeon 9200 Pro06:32
Danaka old06:32
bioterroryou wont play much with that card06:32
DanI am just looking to try out Ubuntu so I threw it on an old box I had06:33
bioterroryou dont get graphical interface?06:33
Danyeah I do06:34
iggy19what is the best way to view used an free space on different mount points, graphically?06:46
bioterroropen terminal and say "df -h"06:47
bioterrorthe best thing in df is that it even works in console too!06:47
iggy19properties under nautilus was telling me it couldn't tell me free space (even running it as root), gparted doesn't read cryptlvm, and that ringcharts thing makes no sense at all to me.06:50
holsteini have a 9200 pro Dan06:55
holsteini swapped it ot recently for some nvidia card06:56
Daneverything on mine is working, but I went to change the settings under system>preferences>appearance and it told me it wouldnt support any visual effects06:57
Danso I was thinking maybe there is a driver with better support06:57
holsteinit kinda worked for me too06:58
holsteinout of the box06:58
holsteinDan: but i couldnt make it happen for me06:58
holsteinsmooth video playback06:59
holsteini mean, go for it06:59
holsteini didnt try maverick06:59
Danyeah I cant even play DVDs06:59
holsteinor natty with it06:59
holsteinBUT, on the same machine06:59
holsteini switched to an nvidia card06:59
holsteininstalled the proprietary driver06:59
holsteinand all is well06:59
holstein*not that im saying nvidia is better07:00
Danhey whatever works07:00
holsteinits just better supported07:00
DanWhat nvidia card are you using?07:01
holsteinDan: id have to look07:01
holsteinand i cant right now07:01
Danno worries07:01
holsteinnothing special though07:01
holsteinnot PCI express07:02
holsteinthis is a little box i built with a barebones kit07:02
holsteinhas not AGP slot07:02
Danmine is AGP I think07:03
holsteinsame chip though AFAIK07:03
=== TheDaniel0108 is now known as Daniel0108
xardas008hi s-fox11:09
s-foxHello xardas008 , how are you?11:10
xardas008s-fox, fine and you?11:10
s-foxNot that bad thank you.11:10
xardas008having a lecture with 3 people + prof xD11:11
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johnny77Do I need a CD in the CD-ROM drive to mount the drive?14:38
xardas008johnny77, what do you want to do with that drive without a cd in it?14:40
johnny77xardas008: My thought process was, could I mount the CD Drive during boot so that whenever I inserted a CD it would be ready.14:41
xardas008johnny77, that's normally the job of automount and udev, but if it doesn't work (like with my notebook) it would be a problem with your hardware, i've found no solution yet for that problem14:42
johnny77xardas008: How do I manually mount the CD drive?14:45
=== [N] is now known as PinkUnicorns
xardas008johnny77, normally with sudo mount -v /dev/cdrom /media/folder_of_your_choice_cdrom_by_default14:46
xardas008but when you have the same problem as me, then it won't work14:46
=== AndrewMC is now known as SpockVulcan
johnny77I'm trying to get sound working, but alsamixer is giving me and error: cannot open mixer: No such file or directory15:07
holsteinjohnny77: thats not cool15:08
holsteinjohnny77: in a terminal15:08
holsteinaplay -l15:08
holsteinarecord -l15:08
holsteinjohnny77: what did you do to break it?15:08
johnny77holstein: <.<  >.>  Me! I'm innocent. :p15:09
holsteinyou think it was an update?15:10
holsteinor has sound never worked?15:10
johnny77holstein: It may not have been setup yet. It's my spare computer.15:11
holsteinjohnny77: if you installed ubuntu on it15:11
holsteinthat should be enough to setup the sound15:11
holstein*in theory15:11
johnny77holstein: aplay: device_list: 235: no soundcards found...15:11
holsteinif the device can be supported be alsa and the kernel15:11
holsteinit will be15:11
holsteinjohnny77: thats not good15:12
holsteinrun the command15:12
johnny77holstein: Yes, Ubuntu is installed, but used alternative CD to install a CLI15:12
holsteindo you see it there?15:12
johnny77holstein: yes, lspci lists an audio device15:13
holsteinIF you have never heard sound from that box in linux15:13
holsteinyou might want to try a normal live CD15:13
holsteinjust to make sure that it *can* work15:13
holsteinso you're not banging your head against a wall15:13
MrChrisDruifDoes anybody know if it's possible to reverse the orientation of the scroll? With a mouse-pad? Or at all?15:14
holsteinMrChrisDruif: maybe http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=118266015:15
holsteina custom xorg.conf would be my vote15:15
holsteinis it possible?15:16
holsteinits linux15:16
MrChrisDruifSo a custom xorg.conf? How would I go about doing that holstein?15:16
holsteinjohnny77: maybe http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-817996.html would help you get started15:19
holsteinMrChrisDruif: id probably just google around15:19
holsteinsometimes i let something like knoppix make an xorg.conf file15:19
holsteinand i steal it :)15:19
holstein*ok, borrow15:19
johnny77holstein: you still there?15:49
* rcconf hello all16:12
Abhijithi rcconf16:16
rcconf do you know how can I access  partitions using ubuntu server livecd?16:17
rcconfjust to test it16:17
charlie-tcaUbuntu server does not use the live cd16:20
charlie-tcait only has the text installer16:20
rcconfyes i just want to use a cli16:26
charlie-tcaThen use the menu option to recover the system, it will get you to a root prompt, where you can mount the partitions.16:29
charlie-tcaIt doesn't let you test the new release, though.16:30
charlie-tcaRecover does not modi\16:30
charlie-tcamodify anything unless you tell it to.16:30
rcconfcharlie-tca: i just selected recovery mode16:31
rcconfthen changed to tty216:31
rcconfand mount the /home..16:32
johnny77need some help with sound. alsamixer will only come up if I run it as super user. Nothing is muted, but there is no sound.16:55
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cprofittCensoredBiscuit: ping17:14
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=== TheDaniel0108 is now known as Daniel0108
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suprengrAny know of a way out of this in 10.04?  I had KVM installed (didn't like) so went for Virtualbox... but I get "VirtualBox can't operate in VMX root mode. Please disable the KVM kernel extension, recompile your kernel and reboot (VERR_VMX_IN_VMX_ROOT_MODE)."  Running 10.04 [mainly] &: pooter BIOS set for VM ok... Virtualbox & KVM (TestDrive) both working ok in 10.1020:14
pleia2suprengr: you need to unload the kvm modules20:15
pleia2suprengr: intel or amd?20:15
suprengrpleia2: intel20:15
pleia2ok, so: sudo rmmod kvm_intel20:15
pleia2then: sudo rmmod kvm20:15
suprengris that ok with KVM now removed?20:16
pleia2it's fine even if you don't have kvm uninstalled20:16
pleia2you can reload htem later if you need20:16
pleia2it will warn you if they're being used20:16
suprengrpleia2: cheers20:16
kristian-aalborggood evening20:18
suprengrpleia2:  ran both cmds with no probs... ran both again & both gave error:does not exist - so I assumed it worked... it did... you are a hero!20:20
* suprengr is now running VB ok & thanks pleia2 20:21
pleia2suprengr: you're welcome :)20:22
kristian-aalborgI'm trying to wipe a hdd from a DSL cd20:28
* suprengr is now playing with VB ok & thanks pleia2 a thousand times over20:29
johnny77If i log into ubuntu from the command line, is there a way to specify which session to run?20:41
charlie-tcanot without extra work. You can change the session in ~/.dmrc20:58
charlie-tcaUse either Session=gnome-classic or Session=gnome-desktop20:58
charlie-tcaAlthough, if you are using a CLI, you shouldn't need a session, since it uses the GUI21:00
johnny77charlie-tca: Here is my full situation: I first installed a CLI then added fluxbox. I logged in from the command line and ran startx to load fluxbox. Now I've added Openbox and Blackbox and want to choose which one is loaded with startx. I know a login manager can do this, but thought I could do it from the terminal.21:01
juzzy__hi, i've got a raedon xpress 200 - will it be okay with my ubuntu install?21:06
kristian-aalborgwhich is the best FS for a media partition?21:07
charlie-tcajohnny77: it could be done, but first you have to figure out what they use to determine that session.21:11
charlie-tcaI don't know how to do that from the terminal. You may have to write a short application to allow those choices, then use something like startx fluxbox or startx openbox to make it work.21:13
kristian-aalborghi holstein21:22
kristian-aalborggot the box, making the music thingie ;)21:22
holsteinkristian-aalborg: o/21:22
holsteini just used ext2 for a tracking drive21:22
kristian-aalborgCompaq Armada 1700 ftw ;)21:22
holsteinbut i would use whatever now-a-days21:23
kristian-aalborgI settled for ext321:23
Gamegoofs2Hey everyone!22:44
kristian-aalborgcan anyone recommend some good screensavers for gnu screen?22:54
zkriesseGPL Matrix22:54
zkriesseOr whatever it is22:54
kristian-aalborgyeah, I got that one23:04
kristian-aalborgand a bunch of clocks, and some figlet scripts... I'm looking for something colourful23:05
KinkyPinkiejust out of curiousity: what makes a good screensaver?23:05
kristian-aalborgdunno... something colorful in this instance as the figlet stuff is b/w23:06
kristian-aalborgI guess I could find an ascii viewer, then point it to some random files23:07
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