
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
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jsjgruber_testing new lernid ubuntu version from here13:10
leoquantnew version would be great13:11
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* jcastro taps the mic17:25
jcastro5 minutes until the next Q+A17:25
jcastroQ and A with David Mandala, ARM Engineering Manager17:26
jcastroAlright welcome everyone17:30
jcastrowelcome to our series of Q+A sessions with managers at Canonical17:31
jcastroup today we have David Mandala, ARM Engineering manager for Ubuntu17:31
jcastrohe's going to introduce himself17:31
jcastroso start thinking about your questions17:31
davidmHi Everyone, I'm David Mandala, I'm the manager of the Ubuntu ARM team and have been working on ARM for the last couple of years within Ubuntu17:31
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/8rtIi || Questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat || Current Session: Q and A with David Mandala, ARM Engineering Manager - Instructors: davidm
jcastroand ask them with QUESTION: in the #ubuntu-classroom-chat channel17:31
jcastroand then we'll get started17:32
ClassBotLogs for this session will be available at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/04/01/%23ubuntu-classroom.html following the conclusion of the session.17:32
jcastroso without further delay, take it away davidm!17:32
davidmI am happy to try and answer your questions about Ubuntu ARM17:32
jcastrowhile people start to queue up questions why don't you tell us about yourself17:33
jcastroand your team17:33
=== Adrian is now known as Guest87711
jcastroand what it is your team does17:33
=== Guest87711 is now known as Adrian_Lamo
davidmThe ARM team is fairly small, we enable different ARM system on chip designed to run Ubuntu Netbook17:34
davidmTo date we enabled the Freescale iMX51, the Marvell Dove, the TI OMAP 3 and TI OMAP 4 SoC's17:34
davidmThe Ubuntu 10.10 contains images for Marvell and TI OMAP 3 and 417:35
ClassBotdavidcalle asked: What's your feeling about Unity 2D?17:35
davidmI think Unity 2D is really nice on ARM.  One of our challenges with ARM is the accelerated graphics stack is usually proprietary17:36
davidmI think Unity 2D is lightweight and runs really really well with out acceleration17:37
ClassBotbjf asked: when will ubuntu start producing arm images targeted specifically at arm server ?17:38
davidmWe are producing a headless image this cycle and I think specific ARM server images will follow on very soon17:38
davidmpossibly as soon as the next cycle but its not completely clear today17:39
ClassBotbjf asked: What is the currently recommended HW platform for someone wanting to get started, playing with ubuntu on ARM ?17:39
davidmI personally like the TI Panda board, we have images and drivers for that board in the upcoming release.  You can also use a Beagle or BeagleXM all of the boards are sub $200 USD17:40
davidmThe beagle is a little low on RAM for the netbook image, The Beagle XM and Panda have more RAM17:41
ClassBotsebsebseb asked: Some people go on about ARM, but what's so special about it really, not just for Ubuntu, but in general?17:41
davidmARM is a very very low power architecture, using milli watts or 1-2 watts vs other chip families that use 50+ watts or even hundreds of watts17:43
davidmmost folks today that have a cell phone are carrying an ARM device, nearly all cell phones use ARM SoC's17:43
davidmSo think in terms of many many hours of battery life and no fans in designs17:44
ClassBotdavidcalle asked: Can you tell us what companies/vendors will ship 11.04 on arm?17:44
davidm11.04 will ship with Netbook images for Texas Instruments (TI) OMAP 3 and OMAP 4.  There will also be headless serial port images for both TI SoC's17:45
ClassBotdavidcalle asked: What is your team going to focus on during the next cycle?17:46
davidmWell we never quite know for sure what new SoC's might be in the pipeline but we expect to continue with the TI SoC's and perhaps some others as low cost boards become available to the community17:47
ClassBotsebsebseb asked: Do you think Ubuntu might eventually have a version for mobilephones/smartphones?17:47
davidmThat is a good question, but I don't know the answer really.  We might, certainly Unity and Unity 2D are targeted to making better use of small screens.  But cell phones have a really small screen so if it happens it will need applications that work on that size screen17:49
davidmWe don't have many of those today for sure.  The ARM team is working hard with upstreams to fix application window sizes just to properly fit netbooks today17:50
ClassBotpopey asked: Why is it that the latest ARM laptop on the market (Hercules http://www.hercules.com/uk/ecafe/bdd/p/156/ecafe-trade-ex-hd-black-/ ) looks like it uses Ubuntu and should be applauded, but doesn't even mention Ubuntu on the site? No OEM license?17:51
davidmWell I can't talk to the specifics in this case, it's the first I've seen this netbook.  I am really happy to see Ubuntu ARM being used.  From my quick look at it just now it does indeed look like it's using Ubuntu ARM images.  All I can say is yea! Folks are using what we make :-)17:52
ClassBotpopey asked: How much longer do we have to wait for ARM to deliver credible alternative laptops to x86? (I can name only two ARM laptops that actually ship off the top of my head)17:52
davidmSorry my Crystal ball is broken today ;-P17:53
davidmThat said I hope to see more and more netbooks shipping over the next year, I was able to buy a Toshiba AC100 over the counter in the UK 4 months ago.  Granted is was not running Ubuntu but it is really really nice.  And the community was nice enough to get Ubuntu running on it :-)17:54
davidmSo the stream has started, I hope it turns into a flood over the next 12 - 18 months17:55
ClassBotsebsebseb asked: Will Ubuntu Light be available for download?17:55
davidmSorry I don't know much about Ubuntu Light, it was designed to provide a super fast boot to check email and web.  I have no idea where it's at today, there does seem to be less demand for such technology as boot speeds on Ubuntu are much faster then they were even a year ago.17:57
davidmMy team did not work on that project sorry I can't tell you more, I just don't know more.17:57
davidmWow no questions in the queue17:58
davidmEither I've done a great job at answering your questions or such a bad job you have all run away screaming17:59
ClassBotsebsebseb asked: If Canonical gets much more invovled with ARM Linux, will it maybe help other distros sometimes with this as well?18:00
davidmsebsebseb I'm not sure I understand the question, but here goes:  We work hard to make sure the entire archive works with ARMv7 hardware and we push fixes upstream when we find issues with code that works with x86 and not on ARM.  For example we found that mono on ARM was very broken and folks on my team have been working hard with upstream to fix that18:01
davidmSo from the point of view of over all increasing the quality of applications running on ARM we do that18:02
davidmin terms of helping other distro's build ARM version of their distro's no that we don't do.  As I said at the beginning we are a very small team.18:03
ClassBotdavidcalle asked: How do you feel about Linaro?18:03
davidmI think that Linaro is very important18:03
davidmIf you want to develop applications on X86 it's trivial to do the same on ARM is harder.  Linaro is helping to make developing both applications and products on ARM as easy as it is today on X8618:04
davidmToday its nearly impossible to boot the same ARM kernel on more then a single board, you actually need to change settings and  recompile for each platform and board supported.18:06
davidmLinaro is working to change that.18:06
davidmOn x86 Ubuntu effectively has two kernels a 32 bit and a 64 bit kernel.  On ARM we have had lots more then that just to support a hand full of SoC's18:07
davidmThere is a lot more that Linaro is doing but they can tell you more I'm sure18:07
ClassBotsebsebseb asked: Yeah, but I meant if the ARM team at Canonical was much bigger, would it then maybe help other distro's make ARM versions of their distros sometimes?18:08
davidmNot really, our job is to work on Ubuntu ARM not on brand x ARM.  As I said we are concerned about making ARM applications better, but each distro has different goals different desires.  We will stay focused on Ubuntu not other distro's18:10
davidmMore questions?18:11
ClassBotdavidcalle asked: could you or your team make a video of an arm device booting and running Unity 2D?18:13
davidmWow, nice question, and oddly enough something I had never thought of.  I don't see why we could not.18:14
davidmI'll get it done, perhaps not until after release we are really tight jammed up testing and closing as many bugs as we can, but perhaps right after release18:15
* davidm slaps his head, what a great idea!18:16
davidmFolks we have about 145 minutes left more questions?18:16
davidmFolks we have about 13 minutes left more questions? (fix typo) ;-D18:17
davidmIt is harder to do this then I thought.  If you get your fingers moving too fast you spend a lot of time looking for typo's18:18
davidmAnyway, grap a board (they are pretty cheap) jump in we have some nice images to work with and help close bugs and fix screen size issues. :-)18:19
ClassBotGrueMaster asked: What is the best way for the community to add input to the devlopment process of arm images?18:20
davidmGreat question18:20
davidmWell there are several things you can do: 1) Attend UDS, come with ideas and be ready to help. 2) Jump into #ubuntu-arm and make suggestions and also be willing to help18:21
davidmhmm several???? That was two18:21
ClassBotThere are 10 minutes remaining in the current session.18:21
davidmcome into #ubuntu-devel and make suggestions and again be willing to help18:21
davidmThe nice part is for the last couple if years it's been nearly impossible to get hardware.  That has changed, you can get a Panda board, you can get Beagle boards18:22
davidmThat means you can test, develop and share your ideas far more easily then ever before.18:23
davidmI really look forward to all of you showing up in #ubuntu-arm and jumping into the pool.  It's fun.18:24
davidmI think that Linaro might be doing more with Android not sure you may want to ask in the Linaro mailing lists or irc channels18:25
davidmSorry I don't know more for sure18:25
davidm thanks for coming today, this was fun18:25
* davidm has clearly lost his marbles and needs help finding them18:26
ClassBotThere are 5 minutes remaining in the current session.18:26
davidmAnyone finding davidm's marbles please bring them to #ubuntu-arm so he can gather them up and put them back in place18:27
davidmOK just about out of time, if you have more questions at any time come one over and ask them in #ubuntu-arm18:29
davidmthanks again for your time and questions18:30
jcastrothanks everyone for stopping by!18:31
ClassBotLogs for this session will be available at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/04/01/%23ubuntu-classroom.html18:31
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=== TheDaniel0108 is now known as Daniel0108
=== skaet is now known as skaet_afk
=== SpockVulcan is now known as AndrewMC
bebeHi everybody! Iḿ looking for a moderator for facebooks "ubuntu" group. Iǘe got the tipp to search for one here... Thank you!20:49
serfusbebe, this is actually not the right place20:51
serfusbebe, if i am correct jono bacon is the facebook group owner20:52
bebeOh thank you!20:52
serfusbebe, why don't you just send him a message through facebook?20:52
bebeI came here via this site: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WeeklyQandA?action=AttachFile...20:53
bebeAfter knowing his name (thank you again) iĺl try to contact him on facebook.20:54
bebeAh- i have found him on facebook. Great!20:55
bebe@serfus: I wrote to Jono- i think, you helped very much! Thank you, have a good time! Cheers!21:07
meetingologybebe: Error: "serfus:" is not a valid command.21:07
=== skaet_afk is now known as skaet
=== jimmah is now known as pak33m
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