
patrickwobino1:  grepping for ERROR, it seems I am now getting 3 x ( 2 x [EUCAERROR ] vnetAttachTunnels(): bad input params && 1 x [EUCAERROR ] shawn(): network state maintainance failed) every 6 seconds...  Heading home.01:43
patrickwobino1:  I can start/stop instances though01:44
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kim0smoser: hey o/14:38
kim0smoser: I'm recording a screencast on the rebundling image thing14:38
kim0you did in cloud days14:38
kim0I'm facing trouble uec-publishing the image14:39
kim0failed to check for existing manifest14:39
kim0any idea what's wrong14:39
smoseryou dont have euca2ools setup up14:40
smoseror ec2 tools14:40
smoserit assumes environment is set up14:40
kim0hmm .. I have ec2 tools14:40
kim0work for instance14:40
smoserok. what command is failing ?14:40
kim0smoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/588249/14:41
kim0smoser: if there's some "s3" specific aws env vars .. I probably don't have them though14:41
kim0never really used s3 before14:42
smoserthat shows config for euca2ools14:42
kim0smoser: hmm .. I'd rather finish the thing with ec2-api tools if that's possible ?14:45
kim0if you want .. ssh ubuntu@ec2-184-73-69-132.compute-1.amazonaws.com14:45
smoseri'm sorry . i thought you *were* using euca2ools14:45
kim0I have a byobu session there14:46
hallynkim0: (just fyi) in your proposed lxc fix for netbase, you were editing original source file, but you didn't do the needed quilt steps14:53
hallynI only just noticed it now and have two other bugfixes on top of yours right now (merged into mine)  :)  will clean it up before proposing to zul for sponsoring14:54
smoserkim0, oops. did 'screen -d -r' and kicked you14:54
smosermy fingers just do that by default14:54
kim0back in14:54
hallynzul: i'm going to do some extensive testing first, so probably will get it to you on monday14:55
zulhallyn: sounds good i can slack off til then ;)14:56
hallynzul: or if you want i can hand you a bzr tree to test with yourself, make sure i don't break openstack somehow14:57
hallynzul: actually the quilt stuff is not quite right anyway.  THe top patch needed a refresh.  Should I go ahead and roll that refrsh into the commit for kim0's bug?  (i'll do that by default unless you say that's wrong)15:00
smoserkim0, bug 665667 is what stops you from using euca2ools on ec215:01
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 665667 in euca2ools "couldn't launch an AMI bundled and uploaded using euca2ools" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66566715:01
zuldo it15:01
smoserkim0, you just want things to break, man15:09
smoserwe package things for a reason15:09
kim0smoser: using packages now ..15:16
hallyndum dee dum.  bzr decided it should repack on my latest, small, debcommit -r -R.  Boy is this slow.15:17
hallynI suppose it is repacking for all of the bzr trees I keep under that directory15:18
hallynstill going15:23
hallynwish it would have asked me.  I'd have told it to wait until after my push, which was my next, and last, step.15:24
hallynzul: lp:~serge-hallyn/ubuntu/natty/lxc/lxc-fix-3bugs15:31
zulcool beans!15:32
hallynzul: i suppose it's way too late to sneak in a new feature (lxc-clone) :)15:34
zulhallyn: probably :(15:34
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jmgallowaycan anyone tell me where to find handlers.c?16:17
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RoAkSoAxsmoser: howdy! should I rsync this "uec-images.ubuntu.com::uec-images/natty/current" for the images to be used in publish-bud?16:58
smoserRoAkSoAx, you want something for testing ?17:02
RoAkSoAxsmoser: yeah... I'm testing the scripts and get and error of no manifests17:04
RoAkSoAxso i need the images17:04
RoAkSoAxand manifest17:04
smoserRoAkSoAx, hold on17:09
smoserno manifests ?17:09
smoserwhat error do you get?17:09
kim0jmgalloway: hi, what's you talking about17:10
kim0s/'s/'re/ :)17:10
* RoAkSoAx is lagged17:11
smoserRoAkSoAx, on nectarine, get /home/smoser/out.tar.gz17:13
smoserthat was created from generate-fake-publish-base17:13
RoAkSoAxsmoser: could not find prefix based on *.manifest for test -> Do I need to rsync "uec-images.ubuntu.com::uec-images/natty/current" to start the publishing17:14
RoAkSoAxsmoser: ok cool, but unfortunately I don't have my ssh keys here :S as I'm using another laptop that the one I usually use17:15
RoAkSoAxsmoser: so cant access nectarine17:15
smoserok. i can put it somewhere.17:17
RoAkSoAxok cool17:18
kim0SpamapS: Hi Clint .. on the server boot email, you had mentioned counting "main" packages that have sysv scripts18:27
kim0i.e. restricting   apt-file search /etc/init.d| wc -l18:27
kim0to only "main" ... can you please let me know how you did that18:27
smoserRoAkSoAx, http://smoser.brickies.net/publish-root.tar.gz18:32
RoAkSoAxsmoser: thanks ;)18:32
SpamapSkim0: I just dug through the Contents file myself18:40
SpamapSkim0: it has universe/main in it..18:40
kim0SpamapS: if you could locate your code snippet .. it'd be awesome :)18:40
kim0otherwise .. I'll try to do it18:41
SpamapSzgrep '^etc/init.d/' /var/cache/apt/apt-file/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_Contents-amd64.gz| egrep -v '\suniverse/'18:43
SpamapSoh I think I did multiverse too18:44
kim0SpamapS: kewl .. that should get me started .. thanks man :)18:45
SpamapSnumber is probably closer to 20818:45
hallynzul: new package works fine for me, so when you feel all right with it, please do push18:56
zulk will do18:56
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hallynkirkland: hey, so have you noticed how, on x86-64, when you do 'kvm' you get 64-bit, but when you do just 'qemu' you get 32-bit?20:59
hallynkirkland: does that bother you at all?21:00
hallynkirkland: normally i'd say "that's fine", but that means that <emulator>/usr/bin/qemu</emulator> on a kvm-capable machine does 64-bit, but on kvm-incapable (or just kvm not loaded) you get 32-bit, and sometimes silent mysterious boot hangs21:00
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SpamapSsmoser: interesting, I just got the 'udevd[63]: worker [68] did not accept message -1 (Connection refused), kill it' message on a VM22:18
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