
jcastroAlanBell: around?02:14
nigelbgood morning03:45
vishgah! i hate you, jono !!! i was like wtf was he on, what was he thinking!07:08
jonovish, LOL!07:09
pleia2jono: grantbow and I were on caltrain reading it, then OH DOH :P07:09
jonopleia2, hehe07:09
jonoglad you folks liked it :-)07:10
jonoI am surprised how many people believed some of it07:10
pleia2apparently we all believe you're ready to crack ;)07:10
AlanBellhave a look on Google maps along the thames near millbank :)07:23
jussiAnd dammit, I keep missing Jono. If someone sees him before I do, please ask him to contact me07:36
AlanBelljust ping jefspaletta in #fedora instead07:36
vishjussi: maybe a memoserv?07:38
jussivish: nah, Ill get him at some point.07:39
czajkowskijussi: not really his timezone stay on later on this evening and you'll nab him08:39
dpmmorning all08:41
dholbachgood morning08:56
dpmhey dholbach!08:56
dholbachhola dpm08:57
* dholbach pets popey09:09
czajkowski▌ ▌▌ ▌▞▀▖▞▀▖09:10
czajkowski▙▄▌▌ ▌▌▄▖▚▄09:10
czajkowski▌ ▌▌ ▌▌ ▌▖ ▌09:10
czajkowski▘ ▘▝▀ ▝▀ ▝▀09:10
* dholbach hugs czajkowski09:10
AlanBellApril hugs day09:10
kim0morning everyone09:32
nigelbdid everyone see the new google opneing?09:36
kim0nigelb: :) autocompleter hehe09:40
* kim0 remembers not to take the Internet seriously today09:40
czajkowskihmm interesting http://www.debian.org/10:03
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dakergood morning10:47
kim0daker: Morning man10:55
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duanedesign'lo all11:41
kim0ok this is cool :) http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/bash/13:01
daker32 °C here it's very HOT!!!14:02
dholbachwoah, not bad - just 15°C here14:15
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czajkowskihmm did latest updates of natty, rebooted and not coming back to life... either my laptop is messed up, or latest updates breaks things, jcastro any idea?14:49
czajkowskihmm every time I put my mouse over the text box to click on the user nick to log in the screen goes BLACK14:54
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senseASCIIIIIII-AAAAART, ASCIIII-AAART in the server welcome message!15:39
sensejussi: do something!15:39
czajkowskisense: freenode welcome :) not Ubuntu15:40
czajkowskisense: jussi isn't a staffer15:40
dholbachsense, you're right - I'm sure we can ban them somehow15:41
senseczajkowski: He still should do something against it!15:41
czajkowskisense: eh no .15:41
czajkowskithere are a lot more of us staffers who like it :)15:41
sensedholbach: yeah, we'll find a way15:41
senseczajkowski: It's quite pink.15:41
czajkowskiI prefer orange15:42
czajkowskibut that's me15:42
senseczajkowski: Orange marches?15:42
senseOr just normal ubuntero preferences?15:42
czajkowskihave you ever seen my blog them15:43
czajkowskiORANGE and YELLOW madness :)15:43
senseThey're cheerful colours.15:44
senseremind me of the world cup15:44
jonohey all15:52
dpmhey jono :)15:53
jonohey dpm :-)15:54
czajkowskidear natty you're breaking my heart today :(15:59
JFojono, somehow deep inside, I knew ;-)16:03
Technovikingmorning all16:18
dholbachduanedesign, I finished a 30m "intro to ubuntu development" screencast - it's not perfect yet, but it could be a good start - let's chat about more and other screencasts on monday :)16:49
dholbachalright my friends16:50
dholbachI call it a day16:50
dholbachhave a great weekend16:50
dholbachbig hugs to you all16:50
dholbachand the burn-down chart looks ready for the weekend too :-D16:54
czajkowskitoodles dholbach16:54
dholbachbye czajkowski16:55
jcastro_pleia2: around?17:01
jcastro_nigelb: you too17:01
pleia2jcastro_: am now17:06
jcastro_classroom session in 25?17:07
pleia2jcastro_: with davidm?17:07
jcastro_I've got him idling in all three channels17:07
jcastro_just need to doublecheck the bot I guess?17:07
pleia2k, sorted the calendar17:07
doctormoDoes anyone know how to boot an ubuntu server iso from a usb stick?17:08
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pleia2jcastro: will he want -classroom moderated?17:08
jcastrolet's ask17:09
doctormoI tried out the usb-creator, but the boot fails with a mystic gfxboot unknown command error.17:31
dakerOh check that http://www.googlefriendship.com/17:55
nigelbjcastro: yes17:59
nigelbjcastro: oh, ok, all sorted.17:59
nigelbjcastro: (sorry, was at a local event)17:59
jcastromhall119: Daviey: fyi rooms are now in summit18:03
jcastrowe will lose one smaller room to linaro which is TBD still18:03
Davieyjcastro, cool... how did you add them btw?  through admin ui?18:03
jcastrothe one trick is you need to do the tracks first18:03
Davieyjcastro, is the room size, and plenary room declared?18:03
Davieyjcastro, rock star!18:03
jcastroeach room needs tracks assigned to it18:03
jcastroI just need the SQL18:04
Davieymhall119, i just sent you a backtrace :/18:04
Davieyjcastro, I thought i wrote a management tool for adding the times18:04
Davieymaybe i didn't18:04
jcastrosorry, let me rephrase, I need the slots made, I don't need like raw sql. :)18:04
nigelbI thought there was.18:04
* nigelb remembers using it.18:04
jcastroDaviey: I thought Ng just ran some script iirc18:04
DavieyIf not.. that is something that should be added... using raw sql makes baby cries18:04
nigelbjcastro: that is setting that slot 1 is 10 am to 11 am, etc?18:05
Davieyjcastro, do you want to make babies cry?18:05
nigelbDaviey: Hold your tears, I'm fairly sure its there :)18:05
jcastronigelb: yeah18:05
nigelbjcastro: Its there, do you want me to walk you through it?18:05
jcastrosure, URL me18:06
Davieynigelb, i don't think jcastro can run it18:06
Davieyit's a console tool18:06
nigelbDaviey: permissions?18:06
nigelbDaviey: there is a /admin url, does jcastro have access?18:06
jcastrowe never ever change the slot times, can't we just make it automatic18:06
jcastrolike "clone the same thing from last time"18:06
Davieyjcastro, raise a bug :)18:06
jcastroI added it to that sprint page18:06
nigelbjcastro: try ^^18:06
jcastroI know that admin page18:07
nigelbYou'll have to manually add them for now.18:07
jcastrowhat I am talking about is a bit of sql we have that does that automatically18:07
Davieynigelb, yeah... but that means adding 300 entries manually18:07
jcastrobecause now, there's no way I'm going to spend 2 days adding that18:07
DavieyWhat i was saying, is that i thought i had a management tool for just doing it18:07
Davieyin one go18:07
* nigelb looks18:07
jcastrowe do, we've used it twice now18:07
jcastroit's just some script Ng runs somewhere18:08
Davieypgsql < somefoo.sql is not what i was thinking of18:08
jcastroand then we run it, realize our UTC offset was wrong, delete it and then rerun it18:08
jcastrowas what happened last time iirc18:08
nigelbthat's fail, we should have a click thingy.18:08
nigelbor a django thingy.18:08
Davieyahhhh... jcastro - the tool was to fix the offset.. yes, you are correct18:09
jcastroor, when I create a new summit it should just create them18:09
nigelbDaviey: which means we don'18:10
nigelbdon't have a proper tool?18:10
Davieynigelb, please create it... kkthnxbye18:10
nigelbDaviey: can I haz db dump for that table?18:11
Davieynigelb, http://pb.daviey.com/Pwpe/raw/18:12
* nigelb hugs Daviey 18:12
Davieydate obv. needs to be autogenerated18:12
nigelbDaviey: We save the time with tz? I just died a little.18:12
jcastroczajkowski: there is a unity 3.8.2 update now18:12
jcastroczajkowski: mine was crash city until just now when I upgraded18:12
jonojcastro, is it safe to upgrade natty, I see ubuntu-desktop is held back18:25
jcastroit has been for me18:26
jcastrowhen you do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade what does it say it wants to remove?18:26
jcastro(but don't hit enter)18:26
jonoThe following packages have been kept back:18:31
jono  ubuntu-desktop xserver-xorg-video-all18:31
jonojcastro, ^18:32
jonoit is the ubuntu-desktop bit that worries me18:32
jcastrosudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop18:33
jcastroand what does it say it wants to remove?18:33
jonojcastro, nothing18:34
jonojust upgrade the package18:34
jcastrothat should be fine then18:34
jcastroif it was like "removing X!" then I'd say no18:34
jonojcastro, so you got new scrollbars now?18:35
jcastroI have the PPA installed18:35
jcastroiirc scrollbars didn't make it18:36
jcastroI think didrocks or seb is the one to talk about that18:36
jonooh I thought it hit this update18:36
jonojcastro, where is the Unity changelog?18:36
jcastrojono: I am PPAing it because I have multihead and have been helping cimi with some bugs18:36
jcastrothere's the upstream milestone18:37
vishjono: jcastro:  <dbarth_> scrollbar is in, thanks to the release team understanding18:59
vishfrom release meeting18:59
vishha! that was about the ACK; needs to be released i guess : Bug #73074019:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 730740 in gtk+2.0 "FFE: Provide support for dynamically loading the new overlay scrollbar feature" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73074019:04
vishjono: btw: <jussi> And dammit, I keep missing Jono. If someone sees him before I do, please ask him to contact me19:13
vishjussi: ^ hez here ;)19:13
mhall119jcastro: auto-creating slots is on our list of features to add19:26
mhall119it's not too hard, really19:26
mhall119when do you need slots?19:27
jcastrofridayish or so19:27
jcastroi just need enough time to test that things are scheduling, etc.19:27
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Pendulumrandom note, I was reading one of the books in Diana Wynne Jones' Chrestomanci series and there's a character named Oneir :)19:38
Pendulumwhich, knowing her writing, is definitely intentional usage of the root of oneiric :)19:39
jcastroczajkowski: holla at me when you get the unity update20:11
jcastrothis basically fixed all the crashing20:11
jcastrojono: it's friday20:22
AlanBelllets play "guess which one AlanBell has seen in concert"20:30
IdleOneif you have any taste it would be Pantera20:31
IdleOneI saw GnR at the Montreal show which got them banned for life20:31
IdleOne"show" 4.5 songs and a finger from axl20:31
jcastroand then there was a riot?20:32
jcastrohah I remember the news when that happened20:32
jcastrowas that the second time  he had done that?20:32
IdleOneI am proud to say I did not participate20:32
jcastroiirc he did that when James from metallica caught on fire20:32
jcastroand axel didn't play20:32
IdleOneThey did 4-5 songs but all he did the whole time was complain about not being able to hear himself20:33
AlanBellI would certainly have been up for G&R, but it wasn't them20:34
IdleOnehad he showed up for sound check maybe he would have been able to hear himself20:34
jcastroI don't know why he would care, he's never on key anyway20:34
IdleOneafter that I lost interest in them20:35
AlanBellhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Donington_Park_Festivals#Metallica_Escape_from_the_Studio_.2795 I went to that20:35
jcastrooh I saw that tour20:36
AlanBellone of my friends was into metal, made me get all dressed up in black and put a bandanna on me to hide my lack of long hair20:37
PendulumAlanBell: please tell me there is photo proof20:38
PendulumI want to see if the photos are as good as the mental image I got20:38
AlanBellI fear you will be stuck with the mental image20:38
Pendulumyou disappoint me :(20:40
AlanBellI will get all dressed up again in my metal outfit next time I see you Pendulum20:42
AlanBellalthough it would have to be a new one as there is *no way* I fit into stuff I wore in 199520:43
AlanBellI wonder if I still have the Tshirt somewhere20:44
AlanBellnope, think that was made into dusters with skulls on20:52
jcastrobest way to finish a Friday21:09
jcastrotroll Aq21:09

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