
broderslangasek: understand is a pretty strong word. i don't think i ever reached a point of understanding00:00
broderjust possibly a point of being able to apply grep and sed thoroughly enough00:00
TheMuso@pilot in00:03
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Natty Beta-1 released! | Archive: Feature/UI freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots: TheMuso
slangasekbroder: so, I have a partial patch that gets root-system part of the way through a build w/ multiarch, but for some reason I can't discern, it fails to build the kerberos module00:05
AmpelbeinTheMuso: hi, could you have a look at bug 725044 and if it looks good sponsor the upload?00:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 725044 in libsdl1.2 (Ubuntu Natty) "SDL rendering issue: graphic corruption while scrolling right" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72504400:08
TheMusoAmpelbein: I am actually looking at that merge proposal now. :)00:11
AmpelbeinTheMuso: ah, cool ;-)00:12
slangasekbroder: bug #745850 if you care to save it; if not I think removal is the right thing to do00:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 745850 in root-system (Ubuntu) "Please remove root-system from natty" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74585000:15
broderslangasek: i have no interest in saving it, i just didn't want to see kerberos maligned for someone else's issues00:18
GunnarHjScottK: ping?00:44
Ampelbeinhmm, when installing gcj-4.4-jre-headless (4.4.5-15ubuntu2) it segfaults on the configure stage in a clean pbuilder environment, but not on my worksystem.00:51
Ampelbeinit is the same error in pbuilder as appears on the official builders. https://launchpadlibrarian.net/67807729/buildlog_ubuntu-natty-i386.checkstyle_4.4%2Bdfsg-5_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz00:52
lifelesskees: FYI cve pages are fixed01:15
keeslifeless: cool, thanks01:35
lifelessproperly even :) - that huge one is down to 2 seconds render time01:36
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ScottKGunnarHj: Pong02:48
GunnarHjScottK: Hi Scott! It's about a gdm security update in lucid and maverick leading to the backports binaries no longer being the latest versions. I wanted to ask if there is some shortcut available for dealing with the issue. What I'm about to do is making new backports branches that include the update.02:54
GunnarHjScottK: After having thought about it, I assume that this is a general problem with backports. Is it so?02:54
ScottKGunnarHj: That's the right thing to do.  Normally backports have enough higher version this doesn't come up.02:55
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micahgthis is actually good in this case02:57
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GunnarHjScottK, micahg: But would it have been appropriate to set a higher version? I mean, in that case the backports users would not have been notified about the security update, right?02:59
ScottKGunnarHj: Backports are unsupported, so that's not unusual.  It's like using a Universe package.02:59
micahgGunnarHj: well, the version was appropriate for what was backported02:59
micahgGunnarHj: in this case, the users are better off secure, than with the backport, the solution is to rebase the backport, sometimes packages are backported and not updated for security fixes which can be problematic for backports users03:00
GunnarHjScottK, micahg: Think I got it. As regards typical backports, even if they are official, they are unsupported, and users install them on their own risk with respect to possible updates afterwards.03:05
ScottKGenerally though it's easy enough to backport an update that has the relevant security fix.03:06
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GunnarHjScottK: But not quite as easy in this case... Guess I have myself to blame. ;-)03:08
micahgGunnarHj: nah, gdm's just not the normal fare for backports, usually with leaf packages, you just backport the latest version assuming it'll build/run03:09
ScottKFortunately you can diff the security update from the base package and it should be ~easy to figure out how to update your backport.03:09
ScottKmicahg: No, we test that it builds/runs.  Not much more though.03:09
* micahg wonders what he said wrong03:10
ScottKIn fact builds/installs/runs is the exact test criteria.03:10
sbeattieGunnarHj: FYI, bug 746796 is about the gdm backports issue.03:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 746796 in gdm (Ubuntu) "locale switched from fr_FR.UTF-8 to fr_FR after upgrade to 2.30.5-0ubuntu4.1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74679603:12
GunnarHjScottK: Yeah, not saying it's _that_ difficult. Btw, considering it's gdm, can you upload the new branches, or should I ask someone in ubuntu-desktop?03:13
sbeattieGunnarHj: also, the patch fixed in USN-1099-1 is self-contained; I would be highly surprised if it didn't apply cleanly.03:13
ScottKPlease find someone else as I've got a $WORK project that's due today.03:13
ScottKGunnarHj: ^^^03:13
GunnarHjsbeattie: I know. Bug 746694 too. Yes, I don't anticipate any problems. Thanks!03:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 746694 in gdm (Ubuntu) "GDM_LANG overrides my locales" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74669403:17
GunnarHjScottK, micahg, sbeattie: Going off keyboard. Thanks all for helping.03:20
sbeattieGunnarHj: okay. I'm stepping away for a while, too. If you have any questions about the update patch, feel free to poke me about it.03:22
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TheMuso@pilot out04:03
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Natty Beta-1 released! | Archive: Feature/UI freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots:
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micahgStevenK: would you be available to add some binary overrides?06:41
StevenKmicahg: It depends -- are we still frozen?06:41
micahgStevenK: I don't think so06:41
micahgStevenK: this is for stable releases06:42
StevenKmicahg: Er?06:42
micahgStevenK: security update for qt4-x1106:42
StevenKmicahg: Okay, what do you need?06:43
* micahg is getting the list06:43
Dreadlatest updates screwed up my internet on my main machine06:49
StevenKmicahg: It doesn't bode well that it's taken over 7 minutes to get the list.06:49
micahgStevenK: sorry, the script is inherently slow06:50
* micahg has only needed to do this once before and forgot how slow it is06:50
StevenKmicahg: Oh, you want a bunch of stuff copied from security to updates?06:50
micahgStevenK: no, there's a script that does that, I just need the overrides applied in -security06:50
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micahgStevenK: http://paste.ubuntu.com/588128/, I'm still working on hardy, thanks06:56
StevenKmicahg: All done.07:03
micahgStevenK: thanks, I'm fighting with the script at the moment for hardy, I might just make it manually if I can't get this to spit it out07:03
micahgStevenK: can you demote qt4-dev-tools and qt4-qtconfig in hardy-security?07:08
StevenKmicahg: And not libqt4-core? That's been in every other.07:09
micahgStevenK: nope, that's in main in hardy07:09
didrocksgood morning07:10
StevenKmicahg: DOne.07:10
micahgStevenK: thanks!07:10
StevenKmicahg: Welcome.07:12
DreadKnightwas there some alternative network manager for natty? called conman or something?07:14
DreadKnightbecause latest updates broke my network manager, which makes my main machine kinda useless now07:15
holsteinhow about wicd ?07:15
DreadKnightholstein: does it have indicator support by any chance?07:17
RAOFConnman is in the archives, yes.07:18
ohsixwhat broke?07:18
DreadKnightRAOF: so that's how you spell it xD geez07:18
holsteinDreadKnight: well, it did07:19
ohsixnm has its own logging, you should probably look & report the breakage, chances are it isn't nm07:19
holsteinnot sure about how things are now though07:19
holsteini havent had a chance to look at wicd+natty07:19
RAOFLast time I tried it it was not particularly functional; it'd do brain-dead things like update hostname to a string based on the connection and wouldn't update routes when a wired connection got plugged in.07:19
ohsixbig fail07:20
RAOFDreadKnight: In short, I'd suggest working out why network manager isn't working and fix it :)07:20
DreadKnightI can fix other stuff, but when it comes to internet and not being able to at least have a wired connection...07:21
DreadKnightmight as well reinstall or look for another distro :07:21
holsteintheres other distros ?07:22
holsteinDreadKnight: try updating a different way07:22
holsteinaptitude or apt07:22
ohsixDreadKnight: what do you mean by not working, is the applet there?07:23
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DreadKnightohsix: it's there, but it's saying something like "device not administrated" (it's in my native language, sry for bad translation)07:24
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pittiGood morning07:24
ohsixDreadKnight: ok, so that's working, you just need to find out why its ignoring the device07:24
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DreadKnightohsix: even got my restricted driver I didn't really needed and installed it..07:25
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holsteinDreadKnight: if you had a kernel update07:25
holsteintry booting into the older one07:25
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DreadKnightholstein: good idea; trying it07:26
micahgGunnarHj: did you test build, install, run the new version?07:27
ohsixhm /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf references /etc/default/NetworkManager but it's not there07:27
DreadKnightohsix: bad prank for 1 april i guess07:28
ohsixDreadKnight: i know it says that when i blacklist a device as unmanaged, but i do that in NetworkManager.conf, there are other places that can probably do it, i'd rule those out07:28
ohsixlike /etc/network/interfaces07:28
GunnarHjmicahg: I have test builds in my ppa. Haven't actually tested them.07:28
DreadKnightholstein: same crap on older kernel07:28
ohsixthe nm logging in /var/log probably says when its ignoring a device and why, too07:28
micahgGunnarHj: that's a requirement for backports07:28
holsteinDreadKnight: hmmm07:29
holsteinnot sure, it is still beta07:30
DreadKnighttoo much crap in /var/log/07:30
holsteinupdates break sometimes :/07:30
GunnarHjmicahg: I know. Just felt it was a little urgent, and since it's effectively just a combination...07:30
DreadKnightholstein: I know; but this breakage is ultra lame07:30
ohsixDreadKnight: just how lame is it07:30
ohsixand that message indicates user configuration ...07:31
micahgGunnarHj: still needs testing though07:31
GunnarHjmicahg: Stupid arguments, btw. Will test. Logging out for now. See you.07:31
holsteinDreadKnight: im suspicious of the proprietary driver install you were talking about07:31
holsteinyou might want to look at that a bit more07:31
DreadKnightholstein: did that for the modem software; but was just a try out at fixing the issue07:32
DreadKnightprobably I don't have anything to do with modems anyway07:33
holsteinDreadKnight: i would probably sleep on it07:34
holsteinand see if an update comes along that sorts you out07:34
ohsixthat is, if you don't want to figure out what it is07:35
DreadKnightholstein: I won't be able to update anyway, would have to get packages on another machine in the best case scenario and move them via an usb hdd... but that makes things kinda complicates as I won't know when or what...07:35
DreadKnightand not even if*07:35
holsteini usually find that with things like that07:36
holsteinits my own fault07:36
ohsixDreadKnight: hook it up to ethernet, dhclient eth007:36
holsteinim not saying thats the case with you07:36
DreadKnightohsix: oh didn't know about that; getting another cable around :D07:37
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micahgthis conversation should probably move to #ubuntu+1 unless it's discovered there's a bug07:37
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ohsixyou're right, i'm over there too07:37
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DreadKnightdhclient eth0 gives me some "Permission denied" errors07:49
DreadKnightSIOCSIFADDR: Permission denied07:49
DreadKnightand twitce for FLAGS07:50
DreadKnightSIOCSIFFLAGS: Permission denied that is07:50
DreadKnightohsix: poke :D07:50
GunnarHjmicahg: Still there? They both install and run fine.07:51
micahgGunnarHj: ok, I can't ACK it, as I'm not officially a backporter, but change the statuses to new, give a link to your built packages if they're not there already, and add an install/run comment to the bug07:52
micahgGunnarHj: actually, you can mark "confirmed" as you said it "runs well"07:56
micahgGunnarHj: BTW, what did you mean by:  Stupid arguments, btw.07:56
GunnarHjmicahg: Done. I was talking about my own attempt to justify that I hadn't tested.07:58
micahgGunnarHj: ah :)07:59
micahgbroder: do you have time to review a backport?08:00
GunnarHjmicahg: If I understand it correctly, that's as long as you can help with it.08:00
micahgGunnarHj: yep, aside from trying to ping someone to review it :)08:00
GunnarHjmicahg: You are too fast to me! :)08:01
GunnarHjmicahg: Think I'll ask Martin. People tend to be nervous about everything gdm, and he is well updated on the backported changes.08:03
micahgGunnarHj: he's not a backporter AFAIK08:03
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GunnarHjmicahg: No... I know that a backporter is supposed to confirm that it's appropriate for -backports, but since Scott did that a few weeks ago, and I haven't changed anything, it should still be appropriate for -backports...08:09
micahgGunnarHj: right, but every upload requires the review again, should be a fast one if nothing changed :)08:10
GunnarHjpitti: Hi martin, any chance that you can upload the gdm branches linked to bug 746694? micahg has helped me as far as he can. No backporters review yet, but nothing in the backported code has been changed, Scott is off making money, and it's a little urgent. ;-)08:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 746694 in maverick-backports "GDM_LANG overrides my locales" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74669408:18
* micahg doesn't claim to have reviewed the actual package, just that pieces are ready for a backporter to review08:19
pittiGunnarHj: will do; as this is a bug fix to an existing backport, it should be okay08:27
GunnarHjpitti: Great, thanks!08:27
GunnarHjmicahg: ^^^08:28
GunnarHjmicahg: Btw, thanks for helping out with this urgent issue. As usual I learned a thing or two. ;-)08:29
micahgbroder: nevermind :)08:29
micahgpitti: do you think bug 747025 is critical?08:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 747025 in module-init-tools (Ubuntu) "Modprobe passes 11n_disable=1 option to iwl3945 which doesn't support the option" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74702508:47
mvodpm: do we have someone from the cjk community who could look at #206018 ? there is some config change in there for language-selector fontconfig magic, but I have no clue if it helps or not08:52
pittimicahg: ugh, indeed; targetted to natty08:55
pittimicahg: assigned to tim for checking/uploading08:55
micahgpitti: cool, thanks08:55
dpmmorning mvo, let me ping the Chinese translation team, but I'm not sure they'll be able to do much, as I see some of them on the bug comments already08:56
dholbachgood morning08:56
mvodpm: well, if there is consens what to do I'm happy to do it :) but I can't judge whether or not its a improvement so I need someone with that knowledge to help08:58
mvodpm: if we shouldn't do anything about it, it would be good to close it as "opinion"08:59
dpmmvo, ack. I can't find anyone around right now, but I'll try later on09:01
mvodpm: thanks a bunch, not urgent, I just don't want to let it drop on the floor without some opinion09:02
dpmno worries :)09:02
tkamppeterpitti, hi09:58
pittihey tkamppeter09:59
tkamppeterpitti, can you upload CUPS? It has 2 fixes queued on the BZR.09:59
pittitkamppeter: sure10:03
doko_janimo: do you get emails about the arm-rebuild build failures?10:11
janimodoko_, I don't think I do10:11
janimodoko_, I got various FTBFS emails these days but they were PPA related and not all armels10:12
janimosome for Canonical-ARM ppa10:12
doko_hmm, so it didn;t help to create the test rebuild https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/test-rebuild-20110329-arm10:15
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pittiGunnarHj: just looking at your gdm branches -- did you re-do them from scratch?11:05
pittiGunnarHj: I had expected that you'd just merge lp:ubuntu/maverick-security/gdm into your original one, and then just have a changelog which says "update to latest security update (LP: #746694)11:06
pittiGunnarHj: want me to reorganize the changelog accordingly?11:06
pittiGunnarHj: otherwise it looks fine11:07
pittiboth uploaded11:13
GunnarHjpitti: Doing so was my first thought, but I became in doubt. I simply used Bazaar Explorer and uncommitted my revision, pulled the news from -update and committed my revision again.11:16
pittiGunnarHj: ok, all sponsored and approved11:17
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cdbspitti: As for bug #722521 I tested the maverick fix on a newly-started EC2 instance. Since the proposed upload I have installed it on my instanced whenever I start a new one (this has happened 5-6 times). No regression. Would this be a verification of the SRU?11:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 722521 in debian-archive-keyring (Ubuntu Maverick) "Lucid/Maverick package doesn't contain new Sid/Squeeze keys" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72252111:57
pitticdbs: sounds good, thanks for testing!12:01
pitticdbs: can you please followup on the bug saying so?12:01
cdbspitti: okay12:01
cdbspitti: if I had known I would have done that quite a long time ago. I often keep building stuff on newly-started instances12:01
cdbspitti: But I verified only on maverick, so should I tag it verification-done?12:06
pitticdbs: I'll deal with this12:06
cdbspitti: commented, thanks!12:07
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doko_Daviey: could the server team have looks at the postfix and openldap build failures?12:14
Davieydoko_, yes, thanks for raising them.12:31
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Davieydoko, hah, postfix builds fine... on checking, it seems slangasek multiarched it this morning. \o/12:39
mdzdidrocks, silbs' crash is https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/74720513:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 747205 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[arrandale] GPU lockup (ESR: 0x00000001 IPEHR: 0x7a005502)" [Undecided,New]13:03
mdzdidrocks, I filed that by manually running apport-gpu-intel-error.py13:04
mdzso it's not exactly at the point where the problem occurred, but should have all of the debug13:04
didrocksmdz: thanks, I wasn't able to find a dup in launchpad, I'll ping your Xorg guys on that, still googling if something can be of help13:05
mdzdidrocks, the dupe check found bug 72108613:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 721086 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[arrandale] GPU lockup 9861d3ce (ESR: 0x00000001 IPEHR: 0x7a005502)" [Undecided,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72108613:05
cdbspitti: Sorry for the late response but bug #747025 has an attached debdiff by me - still it was assigned to tgardner13:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 747025 in module-init-tools (Ubuntu Natty) "Modprobe passes 11n_disable=1 option to iwl3945 which doesn't support the option" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74702513:06
didrocksmdz: ok, that's nice to know, bryceh already look at something similar13:08
didrocksmdz: info sent FYI13:11
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pitticdbs: I assigned it to him for review/upload, as he uploaded the original change13:33
cdbspitti: okay, thanks!13:33
tjaaltonmdz, didrocks: sent it upstream, and I'll ask ickle to have a look13:42
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mdzdidrocks, info sent where?13:49
tjaaltonhmm, do we not mount debugfs by default anymore?13:49
pittitjaalton: we do, /sys/kernel/debug/13:49
tjaaltonpitti: ok, thanks13:49
tjaaltonmdz: can you get /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/i915_error_state from the hung state and attach it to the bug?13:51
mdztjaalton, no, sorry, Jane has rebooted13:51
mdztjaalton, does the apport hook not collect that?13:52
didrocksmdz: pang the xorg guys directly as it's more in their field of competence ;)13:52
mdzi915_error_state: no error state collected13:52
mdzdidrocks, ah, ok13:52
tjaaltonmdz: it did for the other bug you linked to, don't know why not this time13:52
tjaaltonmaybe it doesn't include it if it contains just that13:53
mdztjaalton, it's there: "no error state collected"13:53
mdztjaalton, that's the actual contents13:53
mdzI think13:53
tjaaltonmdz: ok, thanks for confirming13:55
mdztjaalton, it just does this:     attach_file_if_exists(report, '/sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/i915_error_state', 'i915_error_state')13:55
mdztjaalton, i915_debugfs.c:396:seq_printf(m, "no error state collected\n");13:58
tjaaltonmdz: yep, figured as much13:59
tjaaltonickle said it wasn't a hung gpu, but related to the drm error, and will follow up on the upstream bug later13:59
dokotkamppeter, pitti: could we re-add the dependency of ghostscript in gs-common for the release? just too many build failures left14:00
pittino problem from my side; I still see about 20 reverse build deps, do they all fail because they mean "ghostscript" when they say "gs-common"?14:02
dokoyes, /bin/sh: ps2pdf: not found14:04
tgardnerpitti, I'm coming to the conclusion that conf files are a bad idea. if you screw them up then the carnage lasts forever. wrt module-init-tools, should I perpetuate the carnage, or just delete the conf files from the package and leave it at that? this version missed B1 so it won't be on a CD.14:10
pittitgardner: I think in this case we can just have a preinst snippet which bluntly rm -f's it14:10
pittitgardner: it's only been in natty for a day or two as you say, so we don't need to be concerned about keeping user changes14:11
pittitgardner: please do check the dpkg --compare-version "$2" ..., though :)14:11
tgardnerpitti, why bother? there is no version where intel-3945-iwlagn-disable11n.conf is valid.14:12
pittitgardner: it might come back at some point, though14:13
pittitgardner: it doesn't cost much and is safer14:13
pittitgardner: but I guess we can drop the preinst code after beta-2 anyway?14:13
tgardnerpitti, yes14:14
tgardnerpitti, can you give this a quick look? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/module-init-tools/+bug/747025/comments/514:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 747025 in module-init-tools (Ubuntu Natty) "Modprobe passes 11n_disable=1 option to iwl3945 which doesn't support the option" [High,In progress]14:27
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hallyninteresting.  xdg-open does not fare well when executed 3 times in a row very fast (i.e. 'for x in 1 2 3; do xdg-open http://bugs.launchpad.net/$x; done').  Wonder if this is an actual bug in firefox14:39
pittitgardner: re (sorry, door bell)14:43
tgardnerpitti, np. I'm actually testing it first.14:44
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tgardnerpitti, ok, it appears to work as expected.14:46
pittitgardner: with le -> le-nl it looks perfect14:47
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pittile won't do much harm, though14:47
tgardnerpitti, how can the version be empty?14:48
pittitgardner: on fresh installation14:49
tgardnerpitti, hmm, ok14:49
dpmhi cjwatson, the e-mail announcement I sent yesterday about Ubuntu AppDeveloperWeek didn't seem to make it to ubuntu-devel. Could you approve it when you've got a minute? thanks!14:59
pittidpm: ah, I only approved it to u-devel-announce@, I thought that was what you meant15:01
dpmpitti, yeah, I got confused because I thought only Colin was admin on ubuntu-devel, I've just noticed that it didn't make it there - thanks for approving it on -announce, though :)15:03
cjwatsondpm: done15:09
dpmawesome, thanks cjwatson :)15:10
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ScottKmvo: Thanks for 745396.  Awesome responsiveness, much appreciated.16:24
ScottKmvo: BTW, LP changes for backports-not-automatic will land next week.  So we can (if the FFe is approved) actually turn that on this cycle.16:24
mvoScottK: nice!16:29
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dokopitti, seb128: what's the recipy for /bin/sed: can't read /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.la: No such file or directory17:58
dokolibtool: link: `/usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.la' is not a valid libtool archive17:58
dokomake[2]: *** [bsepcmdevice-alsa.la] Error 117:58
seb128doko, grep libgobject-2.0.la /usr/lib/*.la on the system where you build to figure what .la is buggy and get that one rebuilt17:59
seb128or clean_la-ed17:59
pittibecause it's /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgobject-2.0.la now?17:59
dokopitti: maybe, packages in universe are a mess now :-/18:01
micahgslangasek posted a list the other day18:02
slangasekyes, sources needing no-change rebuilds for .la moves: http://people.canonical.com/~vorlon/broken-srcs-universe.txt18:03
slangasek(some of these may have already been rebuilt since the list was generated, I'll refresh it a bit later today)18:03
dokomaybe we should give these packages in the test rebuild18:04
penguin42anyone fix a link typo on http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/natty/beta; the link to 'Download the Ubuntu 11.04 beta' goes to #Download%20Beta  where I think it should be #Download%20Beta%20118:04
broderslangasek, kklimonda_: did either of you start on the universe rebuilds? if not i'll just start working my way down from the top18:21
slangasekbroder: I haven't started yet; let me regen the list right now and we can see what's been fixed already18:22
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kklimonda_broder: I didn't have time yet, I hope to get some work done tomorrow.18:27
slangasektwo fell off the list on their own, it seems18:27
brodercool. i'll start working from the top, then18:27
* micahg was going to try to get a few on sunday at the global jam if time permits18:29
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udevbotError: "pilot_in" is not a valid command.18:34
broderbdmurray: 2 words18:35
bdmurraybroder: thanks18:35
bdmurray@pilot in18:35
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Natty Beta-1 released! | Archive: Feature/UI freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots: bdmurray
YokoZarmvo: poke18:39
YokoZarmvo: I put in a bzr branch of app-install-data for you that cleans up an old wine workaround, but never actually told you :p18:40
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broderslangasek: and you wanted me to start cleaning the .la files when i rebuild as well?18:55
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hrwkklimonda_: will you attend UDS-O?18:55
slangasekbroder: use your best judgement - the highest priority is to get them all rebuilt, but if we have time to also fix some along the way to proof them against future changes, that's better in the long run18:56
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micahgwell, now that we have the list, we can always "fix" them later18:57
slangasekyeah, though that's kinda double work18:58
broderi don't think it's too much trouble to take care of them now - there are fairly standard snippets for most of the standard build systems18:59
kklimonda_hrw: well, that depends. :)19:06
kklimonda_(on whether I'll get a sponsorship, or not)19:07
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slangasekjani_: hmmm, why is removing the symbol from the .symbols file the right fix for bug #747047?  Symbols files exist to guard against accidental ABI changes that can break reverse-dependencies, is this symbol not needed here?19:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 747047 in clutter-1.0 (Ubuntu) "clutter-1.0 version 1.6.10-3ubuntu1 failed to build on armel" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74704719:10
jani_slangasek, from what I understood, the diff suggested by dh_shlibdeps is what is needed to fix such errors19:15
slangasekjani_: it's what's needed to *avoid* the error, but it takes someone looking at why the symbol is gone away to decide if this is a "fix" :)19:16
jani_slangasek, I admit I do not fully understend symbol files :)19:17
jani_so such fixes based on what dh_shlibdeps say are not actually fixes?19:17
slangasekjani_: so a previous version of the library in the libclutter-1.0-0 package exported a 'clutter_clone_get_paint_volume' symbol.  The package is configured with dpkg-gensymbols -c4 specifically to treat it as a fatal error when a symbol goes missing, because other packages in the archive may be relying on that symbol being available at runtime19:18
jani_so the bug is why the library no longer exports that?19:18
slangasekthe questions then are: is the symbol's disappearance deliberate, or is it an accident?  And if it is deliberate, is it safe wrt the reverse-dependencies?19:19
jani_slangasek, just checked upstream19:20
jani_commit fd89dee1b01c01619110cd77968062aaf2a98b7919:20
jani_Author: Neil Roberts <neil@linux.intel.com>19:20
jani_Date:   Fri Mar 18 14:09:57 2011 +000019:20
jani_    clutter-clone: Make clutter_clone_get_paint_volume static19:20
jani_    19:20
jani_    clutter_clone_get_paint_volume was being exported from the shared19:20
jani_    library because the function wasn't declared static. This function19:20
jani_    shouldn't be exposed because it should be accessed through19:20
jani_    clutter_actor_get_paint_volume.19:20
jani_so it is deliberate, as for reverse deps I don't know19:20
jani_from the description it seems it was not part of a publicised API19:21
slangasekso in fact the symbol disappeared on all architectures, and it's just the armel symbols file that didn't get updated19:22
slangasekso your change is fine :)19:22
jani_not sure why the armel file did not get updated as the others19:22
slangasekjani_: probably because "all the others" shared a single .symbols file which is the one that got updated :)19:32
slangasekand if it builds on x86, it's good to upload ;)19:32
broderok, maybe knowing the topo sort for these rebuilds would be helpful. the first two on the list depend on other rebuilds. oh well19:49
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broderslangasek: hmm...are libraries that link multiarch'd libs supposed to have rpaths?20:14
bdmurray@pilot out20:18
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Natty Beta-1 released! | Archive: Feature/UI freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots:
slangasekbroder: not *supposed* to, but that seems to be a common side-effect... will work on sorting that out in the next iteration20:25
broderslangasek: i actually have two packages that both use libtool, and it's only happening on one, which seems weird20:25
broderslangasek: but i won't worry about it too much20:26
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slangasekyes, the principal problem with rpath is that it makes directory transitions hard later; temporarily introducing them as /part/ of a transition is no big deal as long as we eventually fix it up20:27
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hallynzul: is there anything you want from me for the lxc dput?  (i.e. if you don't want to 'bzr bd -S' it for some reason)  if not, i'll mark it as 'done' in my list.20:54
bdmurray@pilot in21:00
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Natty Beta-1 released! | Archive: Feature/UI freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots: bdmurray
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broderdoko: did the ftbfs page for your most recent rebuild stop getting updated? the list of universe failures looks way too short21:51
broderoh, i guess the package i was curious about just hasn't built yet21:52
slangasekI don't know how frequent the job is that updates the page, but I think it's "not frequent"21:53
* micahg thought it was once an hour21:55
micahgThe status pages are updated hourly21:56
broderi'm starting on the lib* packages in an attempt to wriggle out of the dependency hell, which the rebuild hasn't gotten to yet21:58
* slangasek nods21:58
slangasekI started from the tail end; currently stabbing xmlrpc-epi, which has some sick and wrong hard-coding of libexpat.la21:58
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Keybukjono: jef!22:42
slangasekKeybuk: is that your safe word?22:45
Keybukslangasek: "the safe word for tonight is 'Spatula'"22:45
* slangasek nods22:45
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chrisccoulsonit's been quite an entertaining april 1st today ;)22:46
jonoKeybuk, LOL!22:46
chrisccoulsonhi jono!22:46
jonohey chrisccoulson :-)22:47
jdongsigh, I love you, eclipse22:49
jdong"The word 'strex' is not correctly spelled". Quick fix #1 is to correct to "straw"22:49
bdmurray@pilot out22:51
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Natty Beta-1 released! | Archive: Feature/UI freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots:
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=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates

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