
mohamed_yosrysayco, hi16:15
saycoi'm new here and i want some help plz16:16
mohamed_yosryfeel free to ask16:17
saycomy real name is Mohamed Sayed16:17
saycoi'm in the Final year communication enginering16:18
saycoi just joined to the team yesterday16:18
saycoi love ubuntu and i use it for 3 years16:19
mohamed_yosrywe're gonna meet today16:19
mohamed_yosryubuntu hour @ aswan cafe16:20
mohamed_yosrywhere u r from ?16:20
saycoi know but unfortunately I'm from ismailia so it soting hard to arrive nw16:20
saycoi wanna help but i don't know how :(16:23
mohamed_yosry5aleek mtab3 , w n7awl ngm3 group fe ismalia16:23
saycoana a3raf nas keter fe ismailia used ubuntu16:24
saycobs mafesh team fe ismailia16:24
saycoana fe el shorouk academy bs 5alas a5er sana16:25
mohamed_yosrykol mara btbd2a mn individuals16:25
mohamed_yosrywana fe shorouk bardo :)16:25
mohamed_yosryMenopia, ahmed_ also in shrouk16:26
ahmed_sayco, w fe install feast 2orib16:26
ahmed_w 3ayzn naf fe hanasa ma3ana sayco16:26
saycotb da tamam awy16:27
saycotb howa el install feast emta ta2reban16:27
ahmed_27tmal el 5amis ba3d el gy16:28
ahmed_27na isa el naharda hantf2 3ala el tafasil w hanzbt ma3a el gam3a w 2wl mayb2y el kalam 2ked han2olk16:28
ahmed_join el group 3ala el facebook w hat3rf men 3alah16:29
saycotamam bs matensash en da hayeb2a a5er youm fel midtermat16:29
sayco3amalt embare7 :)16:29
mohamed_yosryour midterms @ 30/416:30
ahmed_t2dr 5ls 2mt7ank w tigy16:30
mohamed_yosryinstallfest seems to be some fun after exams ;)16:30
ahmed_w tab3n 2y 7ad t3rfw men bara el gam3a 7aty 2olw ygy16:31
saycotab3an :)16:31
saycoaked w men gowa el gam3a kaman isa16:31
ahmed_BTW 27na 7asabat16:31
saycowana fe handasa communication16:32
saycosana kam a7med16:32
saycow Mohamed ?16:34
mohamed_yosry3rd too16:34
saycotamam :)16:34
saycohowa matlob meny a3mel eh tany ba3d ma3aalt join l egy loco team16:35
sayco3ashan ana toht showaya :(16:35
ahmed_2stny bs l7d man3ln 3an el event ...16:36
mohamed_yosryjoin mailing list16:36
saycodone 2day el sob716:36
saycofe 7aga tanya16:36
ahmed_2b2y 2kd 3alana bs 3alashn nt2bl w shof han3ml 2h16:38
ahmed_2ol yarab bs 7ad ygy :)16:39
saycol2 isa fe nas keter hategy16:40
saycohageb ma3aya nas men handasa isa16:40
ahmed_2sl el nas fi 7asabt be 3afia showay :D16:40
saycoisa 5er16:41
saycothx for ur help ,and pleased to meet u all16:44
mohamed_yosryu r welcome16:44
saycow tafa2al isa 5er w fe nas keter hategy16:44
saycobye nw16:44
thelinuxerMenopia: mohamed_yosry hey guys ...16:49
mohamed_yosrythelinuxer, hi16:54
mohamed_yosrywe r gonna come a bit late16:55
thelinuxerjust called islam16:55
thelinuxerhe told me that16:55
Menopiathelinuxer, i am sorry for that :)16:55
* Menopia Heading to Aswan cafe17:31
=== ahmed__ is now known as refa3t
seiflotfyhey guys18:16
mgamalkim0, where are you?18:24
kim0mgamal: sigh .. still stuck at work18:24
mgamalthe jam is missing you18:25
mgamalwe haven't started anythign serious yet18:25
kim0I miss ya guys too :)18:25
mgamalare you going to come over or are you going to pass?18:26
kim0lemme see18:28
kim0mgamal: okie dokie .. coming in ~ 30mins18:31
kim0mgamal: how many already there18:31
mgamalabout 10-1518:31
mgamalmostly n00bs18:31
kim0k00l :)18:31
kim0about the 10-15 part hehe18:32
* kim0 jumps around .. shaves, gets dressed, ... duh real life18:32
mgamallol @ kim018:39
thelinuxerloooool @ kim019:15

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