
Krakenholas Hay en ESPAÑA 01:09
ubot4`En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:13
TrickyJHi all :)03:00
TrickyJRonnie: hi03:00
TrickyJq Ronnie hi03:00
TrickyJdrubin: are u there ?03:01
UndiFineDTrickyJ, it is april fools day, they are hiding easter eggs03:04
TrickyJLol... thats funny :P03:04
nigelbmhall119: so tomorrow morning :)03:47
Mazterhey yall04:25
MazterI want to enter from my irc service04:26
YoBoYgood global jam week end :)07:45
drubinTrickyJ: yes07:50
czajkowskiAloha 08:38
dholbachgood morning08:56
TrickyJdrubin: wassup how are u guys doing 09:53
TrickyJI am back on here after long time :)09:53
TrickyJdrubin: I want to know under which server I can join UBUNTU-LOCOTEAMS channel under UBUNTU XIRC client or any IRC Client software.09:54
czajkowskiTrickyJ: on here on freenode #ubuntu-locoteams 09:54
TrickyJGot u buddy czajkowski Thank you :)09:58
TrickyJczajkowski: If freenode is not listed in the server list then ? whats the port number to add ?09:58
TrickyJany idea ?09:59
YoBoYTrickyJ: http://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml10:00
TrickyJYoBoY: Thanks :)10:01
YoBoYstrange that xirc don't already have freenode in its known server list10:01
YoBoYmost of the irc client have it on their lists10:02
YoBoYTrickyJ: to make it simple, you already have an IRC client installed on Ubuntu, it's empathy, just add an IRC account to it10:04
TrickyJYoBoY: yaap i know about empathy but i installed the XIRC chat :P for btter interface ;)10:14
YoBoYI prefer xchat10:16
TrickyJThanks friend I am done with my work will go back home and i will join you guys back :) Take care byeeeeeeee alll10:29
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locodir-userYoBoY: Hi11:45
locodir-userI am back home now I am on UBUNTU.. I am on X chat logged in to Freenode server one channel is on by default UBUNTU but I wann join #ubuntu-locoteams but when I enter the command /j UBUNTU-LOCOTEAMS it says no such channel ???11:46
locodir-userThis is trickyj11:46
YoBoYmissing the #11:47
dholbachlocodir-user, you are currently in #ubuntu-locoteams11:48
YoBoYit's /join #ubuntu-locoteams 11:48
locodir-userOh we cannot use shortcuts ?11:48
locodir-usercurrently I am on web IRC :P11:48
locodir-userhold on let me try11:48
dholbach /j <channel> works too11:48
dholbachbut you need the "#"11:48
YoBoYyou can, but i always avoid them when I explain something ;)11:48
locodir-userdholbach: No man it did not work :(11:49
TrickyJGreat I am in :)11:49
YoBoYgreat :)11:49
TrickyJThanks friends11:49
locodir-userLook I am in :)11:49
locodir-userTrickyJ thats me on X chat Thanks dholbach  Thanks YoBoY  :)11:50
TrickyJGreat this was great :) Thank friends :) /j #PHP11:50
TrickyJlol.. I am sorry11:50
TrickyJI saved it in ma fav now ;)11:51
mhall119Happy Global Jam everybody!13:51
sbcmhall119: Thanks! You too! :D13:53
mhall119nigelb: Daviey: dantalizing: We'll be using #ubuntu-uds for remote participation in the summit jam13:57
mhall119morning Daviey 14:13
dantalizingmhall119: i thought i was going to be able to come down... my go-live was delayed, so i' stuck here :(14:14
mhall119dantalizing: there's always remote14:14
dantalizingi'm there14:14
dantalizingi'll just be in and out14:15
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cjohnstonnigelb: ping14:35
mhall119Daviey: can you make a Summit-hackers team and put it in control of summit?14:38
nigelbcjohnston: pong14:42
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TrickyJRonnie, Hi14:49
Ronniehey TrickyJ14:49
TrickyJYoBoY, Hey buddy I am unable to see the user list under this x chat !!! 14:49
TrickyJRonnie, wassup buddy howzz life ?14:49
YoBoYTrickyJ: have you installed xchat or xchat-gnome ?14:50
Ronnieliffes goooood14:50
YoBoYyou can display the user list by tweaking the preferences14:50
TrickyJYoBoY, Its Xchat-gnome14:50
YoBoYTrickyJ: i said xchat, not xchat gnome ;)14:51
YoBoYwith xchat it's on the view menu14:51
TrickyJYoBoY,  Hmm they are diff ?? ohh i see i will have to check14:51
YoBoYyes they are different14:52
TrickyJYoBoY,  I chcekd all the options but I am unable to see the user list like I dont know how many users are logged in to this channel :P14:53
TrickyJHmm let me check Xchat 14:53
TrickyJYoBoY,  I am downloading and installing X chat :)14:53
YoBoYok TrickyJ 14:54
YoBoYit's not really important the number of connected users, just remember they are all awasome and that's fine ;)14:55
RonnieTrickyJ: are you a fast typer?14:57
TrickyJYaap 14:58
TrickyJYoBoY, I've installed XChat woo thats the one I want :) this Xchat-gnome is just a bisc :P14:59
TrickyJRonnie,  wassup what happen ? 14:59
RonnieTrickyJ, then i found a very awsome job for you: http://www.google.com/intl/en/jobs/uslocations/mountain-view/autocompleter/index.html14:59
Ronniebe sure to check the movie15:00
YoBoYI've already seen it ^^ seems a good job :D15:00
TrickyJRonnie,  Checking...15:00
Ronnieperfectly suitable for TrickyJ :P15:00
YoBoYI've you tried the new gmail motion Ronnie ? :)15:00
TrickyJlol let me check15:01
Ronnienot yet. its a bit like opera face guestures 2 years ago15:01
RonnieYoBoY: already googled for "comic sans" ?15:02
YoBoYyes and helvetica too15:02
TrickyJRonnie, sounds interesting but I cannot go out of country :( and away from ma parents coz they are dependent on me i've to look after them :) and I am enjoying my job @ symantec :)15:02
Ronniehttp://bodybrowser.googlelabs.com/ <== awsome\15:03
YoBoYand also don't miss the Canterbury Distribution15:03
RonnieYoBoY: link?15:04
YoBoYand that's not only a debian announce, http://www.opensuse.org/ 15:05
TrickyJVery funny :P hahahaa hahahaha15:06
TrickyJRonnie, YoBoY I sw the Video lol if this guy wold have been here in india he would goonn hahaha !!! 15:07
paultagthat's awesome!!15:07
TrickyJ_YoBoY, i've switched to xchat :) this is cool ;)15:10
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DavieyMhall119. There is a summit hacjers team15:17
DavieyI think other changes you can do.. Being ISD ?15:18
mhall119Daviey: it's LP permissions, I don't think I can strong-arm them15:29
TrickyJRonnie, Dude.. I've told all my friends.. about that google job lol they are seriously applying to it hahahaha 16:38
TrickyJRonnie, they are asking me what about passport and visa hahaha hahaha :P I told them google will get it done hurry apply fast :P haha they did :P16:38
TrickyJ_Ronnie, and the other he clicked on add to card and he was telling me dude when i click on add  to cart it goes to sum google search site :P hahaha I told him please wait google will get back to you keep checking ur email inbox hahaha hahaha great April fool hahahaha hahahah hahahaha17:01
Ddordahey guys, when we will be told if we are sponsored to UDS or not?17:02
czajkowskiDdorda: it only closed the other day17:02
czajkowskiso it can take some time 17:02
Ddordathe other day?17:03
czajkowskiDdorda: it only closed on the 29th 17:03
czajkowskiapplications for it 17:03
czajkowskihome time 17:03
Ddordaczajkowski: cya :)17:04
Ddordaand thanks17:04
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