
bearis there a FAQ for package maintainers to get their package updated in universe?00:33
micahgbear: I don't see a good all inclusive document for this, do you have a specific question?00:41
beari'm the maintainer of two python packages and just wanted to make sure that the most recent version gets into the system - right now older versions are being used00:42
micahgbear: ok, so if there's no ubuntu diff, you can use requestsync from ubuntu-dev-tools to request an updated version from Debian00:42
bearhrmm, so I will have to go muck with debian side then - they also have the older versions00:43
micahgbear: you can propose an update in Ubuntu ahead of Debian if it's critical to be released with it, we're about a month out from release at this point00:43
bearwell, one of the packages is python-twitter and right now the version 0.6 doesn't even work now that twitter is using oauth00:44
bearI don't mind doing the legwork on the debian side if that is what is required00:45
micahgbear: yeah, that should be easy enough to get updated, still will need a feature freeze exception (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeatureFreeze)00:46
bearok, let me go read that and start any paperwork required00:47
micahgbear: ah, just found this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete#Updating%20an%20Ubuntu%20Package00:48
* bear bookmarks00:49
bearbah - the debian side knows of the update but they are stalled due to lack of oauth2 package00:52
micahgbear: nope, it's in sid00:55
bearah - then the bug comments i'm reading are behind - just trying to catchup on debian side discussion (which I should do in another place than here ;)00:55
micahgbear: yeah, that's why it was removed from stable and is not in squeeze00:57
bearis the only way to file a bug via apport and not via the web?01:01
bearah - found it01:02
bearthanks micahg for the bug-edit/triage work02:02
micahgbear: you're welcome02:03
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dholbachgood morning08:56
micahgslangasek: for igstk, istr that same error on amd64, but apparently that sorted itself out with one of its dependent libs getting fixed09:01
slangasekmicahg: possibly libgdcm2-dev+libvtk5-dev, which are not buildable on armel because of a segfault09:13
slangasekmicahg: so the remaining problem can probably be marked a duplicate of bug #74584309:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 745843 in vtk (Ubuntu) "vtk version 5.4.2-8ubuntu4 failed to build on armel" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74584309:13
iulianMorning dholbach.10:36
dholbachhey iulian10:37
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ari-tczewpaultag: ping13:36
ari-tczewdoes anybody know how to figure out fix for dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: dependency on libusb-0.1.so.4 could be avoided if "debian/clementine/usr/bin/clementine" were not uselessly linked against it (they use none of its symbols). ?13:39
ari-tczewdoes it mean there are unused build-dependencies?13:39
Bachstelzeari-tczew: it means that the executable is linked against libusb but doesn't actually use it13:46
ScottKari-tczew: Such problems are usually more trouble than it's worth to fix them.13:46
ari-tczewScottK: so it's nothing important?13:50
ScottKIn practice, no.13:50
ScottKAll it means is that the package may have an extra dependency.13:50
ScottKIt's a bug, but a low priority one that's not easy to fix.13:51
Bachstelzeplus libusb is generally installed in the first place anyway13:51
ari-tczewScottK: ok thanks. next question, I'm going to upgrade package to debhelper8, what about backporting package which uses dh8?13:52
ScottKBachstelze: Yes.  Exactly why it's really not worth fixing.13:52
ScottKari-tczew: If you're worried about backporting, leave it dh 7.13:53
ari-tczewScottK: does not it work with dh8?13:53
ari-tczewmaverick and natty has got 8, earlier not13:54
ScottKRight, so dh 8 is fine if you just backport to Maverick.13:54
ari-tczewclementine is in lucid-backports, lucid has got dh713:54
ScottKWe could backport dh 8.13:54
ScottK(we backported dh 7 to hardy)13:55
ari-tczewScottK: hmmm, sounds good, does it needs much testing?13:55
ScottKIt needs someone to backport it manually and then do test builds with it.13:56
ScottKShouldn't be too hard.13:56
ScottKari-tczew: If you're interested, please test backporting the Maverick dh.13:56
ari-tczewScottK: I'm wondering how it works - do builders get packages from *-backport as well?13:57
ScottKari-tczew: If it's an upload to -backports they do.13:57
ScottKUploads to -updates/-security wouldn't.13:58
ScottKThat's why this is a reasonably safe backport.13:58
ari-tczewScottK: I'm wondering about pack clementine bases on dh7 and propose it as *0ubuntu0.1 lucid-proposed through SRU. Wdyt?13:59
ScottKari-tczew: No.14:00
ScottKNew packages are not introduced in -updates.14:00
ari-tczewScottK: It's already in -backports.14:00
ari-tczewIf it could go through -updates, user will got notify about able to update package.14:01
ScottKari-tczew: Doesn't matter.  That's where it should be. Only changes that meet SRU criteria can go in -updates.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates14:01
ari-tczew(if he has got installed clementine from backports already)14:01
ScottKIf they've already got it from backports, they'd get an update too.14:02
ScottKThis is controlled by the tech board, so you'd have to ask them for an exception.14:02
ari-tczewScottK: No need, I'll use backport.14:11
ari-tczewhrw: what about dpkg-cross 2.0.3? any news?14:29
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hrwari-tczew: still waiting for upstream15:47
c2taruncan anyone please help me with this error http://paste.kde.org/8692/ I got this error while running upgrade on chroot15:56
ari-tczewc2tarun: #ubuntu+1 might be better if it's on natty16:03
c2tarunari-tczew: I am on maverick and chroot is of natty. do you think I should ask this on #ubuntu+1?16:04
ari-tczewc2tarun: chroot? $ sudo apt-get upgrade16:05
ari-tczewif maverick, #ubuntu16:05
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hrwc2tarun: mount /proc;dpkg --configure -a16:16
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