
CyberKnetDoes anyone know the button combination on the remote that restarts the frontend? I neglected to write it down when I saw it during setup sorry.02:48
CyberKnet"power followed by clear"02:54
CyberKnetbut myth exited, and I can't seem to get that to work.02:54
zuixroDoes anyone know how to stop mythbuntu from automatically restarting mythfrontend whenever it crashes (Yeah, weird request, I know)03:32
mycosysdont set mcc to start it i would think03:33
mycosyscan use xfce to start it instead if you want it to come up on boot (if ur using xfce)03:34
zuixroCool, I'll try that03:36
zuixroIs anyone else here running the most recent -fixes build? Because my backend is completely screwed up right now.04:18
mycosyszuixro - maybe more help on that in #mythtv-users04:39
tgm4883zuixro, are you on an up to date mythfrontend build?04:57
zuixrotgm4883 I just checked for updates and there was nothing new05:00
CyberKnetany folks familiar with pcregrep in here?05:09
CyberKnettrying to match the output of lm_sensors to capture all data for a particular group05:09
tgm4883zuixro, what is the output of 'dpkg -l mythtv-frontend'05:14
zuixrotgm4883 2:0.24.0+fixes.20110330.805:15
tgm4883hmm, nope that is up to date05:15
tgm4883zuixro, when it crashes, what is the exit code?05:15
zuixroIt's not crashing, my backend was just restarting every 3 minutes or so, now it says it's recording, but the recordings won't play.05:16
mycosyswhat tuners u using, jus out o curiosity?05:30
zuixroBoth Hauppauge, 1 HVR-1600 and 1 PVR-50005:33
mycosysnot related to the dibicom issue then lol05:38
mycosysspeaking of which - cold reboot time :(05:38
zuixroYeah, haven't done that in a while. I've just been "sudo reboot" ing from ssh for a while.05:39
Shadow__Xanything in logs?05:40
mycosyshave to do it cold to reload firmware :(05:41
zuixroShadow__X A few hours ago I had a bunch of these:  "2011-03-31 22:18:13.845 RingBuf(/var/lib/mythtv/recordings/1030_20110331190000.nuv) Warning: Taking too long to be allowed to read.." But that's the only thing that looked out of place to me05:43
zuixromycosys Imma cold reboot right now and see if that solves anything.05:44
mycosysdoubt it - is a pretty specific issue05:45
mycosyscheck dmesg zuixro - you would see it05:45
Shadow__Xi am not sure if your tuners should be making .nuv files05:47
zuixroShadow__X I think that might have been from the transcoder failing on one of the messed up recordings05:48
Shadow__Xif your backend kepts failing i would delete all tuners and just try to get that stable05:49
mycosysit shouldnt be05:49
mycosysit should be making mpg files - they have hardware encoders05:50
mycosyssomething is very messed up there05:50
zuixroThats why I think it was unrelated05:50
zuixroThe backend is stable now, it just wont record :P05:50
mycosys.nuv are only made by frame grabber cards05:50
zuixroI think all my recordings get transcoded into .nuvs05:51
mycosysyour tuner confiuguration is wrong05:51
mycosysno they dont05:51
mycosysdo what shadow_x said05:51
mycosysand read the linuxtv pages for ur tuners05:51
zuixroI set them up according to the Mythtv wiki instructions05:52
mycosysyou have done it wrong05:55
mycosyssee the linuxtv wiki05:55
zuixroThere's no information for my tuners there: http://linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/WinTV-PVR-500 http://linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/Hauppauge_WinTV-HVR-160005:55
zuixroThey're both setup as hardware mpg encoders, IVTV05:56
zuixroExactly how the mythtv wiki says to set them up05:56
Zinn[www.linuxtv.org] Hauppauge - LinuxTVWiki05:56
mycosysplease tell me u didnt follow this page http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Hauppauge_HVR-160005:58
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] Hauppauge HVR-1600 - MythTV05:58
zuixroWhy? It worked fine until today. It's the only information I could find05:59
mycosyscos it says to use mercurial to download the drivers05:59
zuixroI didn't download any drivers05:59
mycosysthank god05:59
zuixroYeah it says not to do that for new kernels06:01
mycosyswhat do you use the analog part of the card for?06:01
zuixroThat's my main tuner06:01
zuixroWhat do you mean?06:02
mycosysthere are no analog broadcasts in the US06:02
zuixroI use it with cable06:02
mycosysno idea there06:02
mycosysjus asking on #mythtv-users - couple o guys there REALLY know the ATSC hauppauges06:05
mycosys(4:03:38 PM) wagnerrp: no nuvs from either of those06:06
mycosys(4:03:44 PM) wagnerrp: they /can/ if you use the correct device node06:06
mycosys(4:03:53 PM) wagnerrp: but that node is not /dev/video006:06
mycosys(4:04:02 PM) wagnerrp: you will get nuvs if you run a lossy transcode on them06:06
zuixroYes, and I have transcoding set up to save disk space06:06
mycosysyou realise it is cheaper to buy hard drives than to transcode?06:08
zuixroold system with just IDE, no SATA06:08
mycosysPCI sata cards go for about $15, not fast but enough for myth06:09
mycosystho - that system is prolly chewing power06:09
zuixroI don't really need to keep every recording ever06:09
mycosyswhat are the system specs?06:10
zuixroP4@2.2GHz I think, 1GB ram, 160GB HDD06:10
zuixroAand backend crashed and restarted 3 times, then finally just died06:11
mycosysdamn dude - that is gonna CHEW the power06:14
Zinnmycosys: Please watch your language.06:14
mycosyswould definitely try to avoid transcoding on it06:14
mycosysis not an efficient cpu06:15
mycosysalso doesnt idle well06:15
zuixroYeah, hoping to build a new system soon06:15
mycosysa cheap atom would perform better and use 5 times less power max06:15
mycosys(4:14:10 PM) wagnerrp: mycosys: the only way you would get nuvs straight from a PVR-150 or HVR-1600 is if you are either running a very old version of mythtv, or you intentionally did something very stupid06:16
zuixroI'm not getting nuvs straight from the card06:16
zuixrompgs are getting transcoded into nuvs06:16
mycosyswagnerrp is amazing - am sure he can sort u out06:26

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