[00:00] maco: not Jewish. don't live with Mom. have a significant other that *actually exists*. so prolly not. [00:01] but i could go for the hairdo. [00:01] scrawny, geeky, brightly coloured tight pants, frequently off-colour... [00:03] maco: o snap [00:03] er [00:03] that o snap was directed at mneptok [00:03] :) [00:03] if i got the hairdo, maybe i could join The Chesterfield Kings - http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2228/2518869713_a56dfbb5b2_b.jpg [00:04] they seem to cool for you to be part of [00:04] * IdleOne runs off [00:04] maco: keep going and you'll get to see the top hat/ camisole / oversized tighty whities / clown shoes pic. [00:05] oh, and fake fur coat to complete the look. [00:05] mneptok: you've shown me [00:05] maco: oh dear. still heterosexual? ;) [00:05] mneptok: mostly [00:06] maco: impressive. [00:10] oooo! 75F here. exmohlent. [00:10] * mneptok airs out the house [00:39] * h00k reads backlog === LjL_chunky is now known as LjL [00:47] oh bother [00:49] done reading the failblog? [00:58] h00k: now summarize it for me! [00:59] summary: complain, complain, whine and a little cheese, falsehoods and more whine. [00:59] thx [01:00] sure thing [01:00] It is now April 1st in UTC. Beware. [01:00] I heard Mark is selling Canonical to Oracle. [01:00] * h00k fires up his infinite improbability drive, cats it to ~/summary, and runs a speech to text engine on it [01:00] No, Jono is actually Jef Spaleta [01:01] http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/04/01/i-am-jef-spaleta/ [01:01] "I felt like one lone voice in a chorus singing a different tune….a tune filled with tears, regret and compunction." [01:01] jono is also mc44. [01:02] yeah Jono put that out to take some of the eyes of Mark's announcement of the sale [01:02] this ought to be interesting [01:02] oh, cool. makes sense. [01:02] RichiH :D [01:02] GURER VF N CEVMR. VG’F JBEGU VG. UVAG: ZBGQ. [01:03] I should figure that out. [01:52] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from bonny) [02:42] 19:42 [GIMPnet] [msg(regurg)] rot13 GURER VF N CEVMR. VG’F JBEGU VG. UVAG: ZBGQ. [02:42] 19:42 [GIMPnet] [regurg(regurg@burner.com)] THERE IS A PRIZE. IT’S WORTH IT. HINT: MOTD. [02:43] mneptok: VmlldyBwYWdlIHNvdXJjZSwgeW91bmcgZ3Jhc3Nob3BwZXIu [02:43] Your IRC client doesn't have a ROT13 script? What kind of person are you :( [02:43] decode that for me now :) [02:43] * rww decrypts [02:43] IdleOne: naughty :# [02:43] what's the answer? [02:44] cause I have no idea [02:44] IdleOne: yes, of course I will! [02:44] --- ..-. -.-. --- ..- .-. ... . -- -.-- .. .-. -.-. -.-. .-.. .. . -. - -.. --- . ... .-. --- - .---- ...-- --..-- .- ... .-- . .-.. .-.. .- ... --- - .... . .-. - .-. .. -.-. -.- ... [02:44] but this is so unexpected! [02:44] rww: I hate you [02:44] curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal! [02:45] no fair, tell me what it says! [02:46] wow, /motd is fun [02:46] VmlldyBwYWdlIHNvdXJjZSwgeW91bmcgZ3Jhc3Nob3BwZXIu + Quebec, now and always a part of the Anglophone Commonwealth of nations. [02:46] 01:46:44 [freenode] -!- MOTD This command could not be completed because it has been used recently, and is rate-limited. [02:47] oh wow. [02:51] it's even funnerer in irssi [03:53] IdleOne / mneptok: did you get the second part, whatever you said and mentioned Quebek? [03:54] I haven't but to be honest I gave up trying [03:54] never was good at cyphers and decryption [04:40] I regret spending any time on that === Amaranth is now known as Itsh00k === Itsh00k is now known as Amaranth [06:35] good morning all [06:35] morning [07:13] so can we find a game robot for #ubuntu-offtopic and completely railroad silliness in there with it? seems to be working well at killing #defocus :3 [07:18] rww: sounds like a plan === Amaranth is now known as its_gnarf === its_gnarf is now known as Amaranth === Amaranth is now known as its_gnarf === its_gnarf is now known as Amaranth === Amaranth is now known as oops_my_bad === oops_my_bad is now known as Amaranth === Amaranth is now known as not_gandalf === not_gandalf is now known as Amaranth === Amaranth is now known as slept_with_ganda === slept_with_ganda is now known as Amaranth [07:41] Amaranth: you nickspammer [07:42] Tm_T: Heh, playing wolfgame in #defocus and cheating [07:42] ...you cannot use separate irc client for that? (; [07:44] ... [07:44] *headdesk* [08:30] morning qwebirc44173 [08:30] someone quiet ayecee in #ubuntu pls [08:31] morning [08:31] let me have a quick look [08:31] qwebirc44173: I'll keep an eye on the issue and make sure it doesn't happen again [08:31] thanks for the heads up, [08:32] ok thank you [08:32] cya [10:15] what about april fools' bans then [10:15] not going to "ban" someone [10:16] I've put it in the topic, if they come in with that rubbish, I'll remove them, the channel doesn't need it [10:16] ikonia: Why do you hate humour? [10:16] in response to eoss' time-waster [10:16] it some person comes in giving false info on any other day [10:16] jpds: I don't hate humour [10:16] quite the opposite [10:16] it just doesn't belong to the support channels [10:17] more so when it's miss-leading [10:17] a back door has appeared ? [10:17] he did the same in other channels, [10:17] ? [10:17] all for it in the non-support channels [10:18] bug #747014 [10:18] Launchpad bug 747014 in unity (Ubuntu Natty) "Major Natty regression: No fish!" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/747014 [10:18] no fish ? [10:19] wanda the fish of course... [10:20] ??? [10:20] read the bug ;) [10:20] I did, [10:20] and april fools jokers should probably be ban forwaded to -offtopic [10:21] theres a gnome applet that has a fish called wanda, that each time you click it it gives you a funny quote [10:22] I assume it doesnt work in unity [10:22] ah, I didn't know that [10:23] i remember something like: "sudo apt-get free the fish" or so did something funny [10:23] ooh yes, I too remember that [10:23] mind, I havent used gnome for ages... [10:24] the old fish tank bug too [10:52] woohoo, down to just 36 channels :D [11:55] LjL: it was just me that wasn't allowing it, not "ubuntu" [11:55] guilty [11:56] uptight :( [11:56] guilty [11:56] just couldn't be bothered with foolish people coming in with april fools gags about backdoors when I was in the middle of helping someone [11:56] half the channel ooh, a security risk, tell me more [11:57] heh [11:57] my fault totally [12:03] ikonia: you at work? [12:04] sort of [12:04] I'm on a remote site vpn'd into a client [12:04] but I'm not "AT" that clients [12:04] ie. do you have skype access? ability to talk? :D [12:05] not while I'm vpn'd in, I'm vpn'd into a box which cuts me off the internet, I'm then sshing out of their public internet to my machine to use IRC, however I can't do anything like audio or video as it won't work [12:05] I'm bouncing around the world just to him my own machine :) [12:05] close to home though as I have to keep dealing with this gass leak [12:06] heh [12:06] very scrappy last 2 days [12:06] Got a party here tonight :D (work do) [12:06] local ? [12:08] itll be down at some sauna place (work do = sauna evening) [12:09] very nice [12:15] Chr|s called the ops in #ubuntu (siska) [12:16] looking at it [12:16] Well, that wasn't interesting. [12:16] clever ljl looking for on join [12:16] jpds: april fool ! [12:17] but no luck [12:52] LjL called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (Dementis) [12:53] gord is QUICK [12:54] ka-pow! === nhandler is now known as [N] [14:33] wow, [N]'s new "cool" nick name [14:34] <[N]> ikonia: It isn't new [14:35] never seen it before [14:38] <[N]> ikonia: I normally stick with nhandler, but I have a few other nicks grouped for special occassions [14:38] it's quite cool [14:39] <[N]> :) I tried getting n, but another staffer beat me to it [14:39] ha ha [14:39] flex your muscle [14:40] * LjL has tried base64 and uuencode then got bored :P [14:45] <[N]> Alright, I can't resist. It is AprilFools and I need to take advantage of this day to use my new nick ;) === [N] is now known as PinkUnicorns [14:48] * genii-around sips his tea === mrmist is now known as evilmist === Pici is now known as ZarroBoogs [15:16] nice one bazhang [15:16] thats one way to get rid of them/him [15:16] the supybot@ ikonia [15:16] yup [15:18] Do you have that on hilight? [15:18] nope, just watch all the idents as they come in [15:35] this has to be an april fool: http://mail.google.com/mail/help/motion.html [16:37] http://www.pclinuxos.com/ [16:37] nicely done. [16:39] mneptok: some nice department badges on that. [16:39] aye [16:41] tsimpson: My favourite one is till the Google TiSP kit [17:39] I forgot about 4.10 :) [18:06] Bonjour Monsieur mneptok, bonne fete des poisons [18:15] IdleOne: et a tu, mon ami. [18:16] s/tu/toi/ [18:40] gnomefreak: What was wrong with the pad.lv link? [18:41] ZarroBoogs: it was to a closed bug due to being a duplicate [18:41] ah [18:41] now it points to the master bug :) === evilmist is now known as mrmist [23:38] /50 [23:48] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1530 users, 1 overflows, 1531 limit)) [23:48] FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1532 users, 1 overflows, 1533 limit))