
skaethighvoltage,  :)00:12
skaetslangasek,  blog entry done.  Seems I don't have permissions for that final step though.00:13
slangasekwhat's the final step/00:13
skaetPost announcement to Launchpad (ubuntu-drivers members have posting rights)00:13
slangasekseems I don't have access anymore either00:14
slangasekI think you need someone on the TB then00:14
* skaet nods00:15
skaetyeah, we need to change that comment as well then.00:16
skaetcjwatson, pitti ^^00:21
skaetslangasek, cjwatson, pitti - kees helped out,  step 5 done.00:46
skaetAnd with that - I call it a day.00:46
slangasekok, great :)00:46
slangasekcongrats on the beta!00:46
skaetthank you all,  for getting the beta out!   awesome teamwork.  :)00:47
slangasekoh geez01:00
slangasekBuild status01:00
slangasek[NEEDSBUILD] Needs building01:00
slangasek    Start 2011-04-0301:00
slangasekwtf, ppc01:00
kirklandcould I get permission to upload this to natty?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/588060/01:10
kirklandi have a couple of other fixes coming for cobbler, but this one in particular is making iterative development difficult01:11
* kirkland uploads, as I know you'll reject if there's a problem01:11
kirklandOkay, just uploaded cobbler part 2 of obvious fixes01:19
* micahg thought the archive was open again01:19
kirklandi have some more functional ones coming tomorrow01:19
kirklandfor now, I'm worn out01:19
pittiskaet: congratulations!07:25
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cjwatsonskaet: do we have to have the release meeting today?  dunno about you but I'm knackered. :-)12:48
cjwatson(I notice you haven't sent out the agenda yet, so was wondering if you were contemplating cancelling)12:48
Davieyfwiw, our team has nothing new/scary to report.13:11
pitticjwatson, skaet: FYI, cd image cronjobs turned back on13:35
pittinothing major from desktop either13:36
pittiexcept that the latest unity fixed a gazillion crashes, it's actually stable again :)13:36
Davieypitti, seems 2d unity was fixed aswell!13:45
* cjwatson is still deep inside a horrifically complex gdb/qemu session for wubi13:46
cjwatson18 breakpoints with a bunch of custom commands ...13:46
* ogra_ wouldnt have much to report for armel either ... and wouldnt mind skipping this week14:11
ScottKcjwatson or pitti (or any other release team member): Please look at the utouch-grail upload that just went up and the commentary in Bug 742582.  I think it's completely out of line.14:22
ubot4`Launchpad bug 742582 in utouch-grail (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Add touch gesture events (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74258214:22
ScottK"if anyone has any problems with this change, they need to take it up with Mark Shuttleworth" and then uploads.14:23
cjwatsonScottK: I'm not hugely fond of that comment, but pitti had already approved the FFE (comment #8)14:32
ScottKI'd missed that.14:33
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pittinot that I'd massively like it either, but there wasn't a lot to decide about this :/14:44
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ScottKI think it had to be approved, but the take it up with ... comment is really out of line.14:51
ScottKIt was also, as cjwatson thankfully pointed out to  me, completely unneeded since you'd already approved it.14:52
ScottKGiven that the function was specified and Unity depended on it, they could have even reasonably argued it was a bug fix.14:53
skaetcjwatson, pitti, Daviey - yeah, ran out of energy to get the agenda updated with the latest bugs after finishing the release.   I figured a quick round table might be prudent though to make sure we're all set on plans for the next couple of weeks.   I want to make sure everyone is aware of the freeze dates we talked about on u-release maillist,  for instance.15:08
skaetdon't bother preparing reports, just interested if there are any critical issues.15:09
skaetwould also like to see what the results are like from the testing and hardware cert teams.15:11
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skaetScottK,  Riddell,  ^^15:21
matttbe I'm part of the Cairo-Dock team and I want to update Cairo-Dock packages on Ubuntu. I've opened two bug reports (cairo-dock and its plug-ins) one month ago (before the FF) with two linked branches: https://code.launchpad.net/bugs/723994 & https://code.launchpad.net/bugs/723995.16:43
ubot4`Launchpad bug 723994 in cairo-dock (Ubuntu Natty) (and 1 other project) "FFe: Please update Cairo-Dock to 2.3.0~0rc1 version (affects: 2) (heat: 16)" [Wishlist,New]16:43
matttbeI've contacted a few people on IRC and we said to me last time that I'd to do this request today (due to the beta freeze).16:43
matttbeSo... is it possible to help me?16:43
matttbeOk I'll be back later but I hope somebody may help me!16:59
skaetmatttbe,  sorry  we were in release meeting17:12
skaetpitti,  around?17:14
pittiskaet: yes17:14
skaetpitti,  any reservations on accepting the new cairo-dock in?17:15
* pitti looks17:15
pittiskaet: if you looked at it, fine for me; it's an universe leaf package17:16
skaetpitti,   haven't gone through the code yet,  but will do the check then if it has a chance.   it seems to have been overlooked, and a probable good thing to have.17:18
skaetmicahg,  you had some issues on the cairo-dock plug-ins   did they get resolved?17:19
micahgskaet: I wanted to look into the option of merging from Debian, but at this point, I would just take what he has if it's upload worthy and merge next cycle17:23
skaetmicahg,  ok.17:23
Laneyhe disagrees with how Debian has done the packaging17:24
ScottKskaet and micahg: We need to be careful not to fork the package from Debian.17:27
Laneywhy do we have cairo-dock-plugins and cairo-dock-plug-ins?17:27
micahgright, he says it's not in the spirit of upstream, I was going to review that, but he said that we never merged from Debian before17:27
Laneylooks like the former has never even built17:27
ScottKOne is a transitional package.17:27
micahgLaney: that's another problem17:27
ScottKOr our package naming is different.17:27
Laneywe should probably remove & blacklist it until this is sorted out17:29
Laneyand encourage him to speak to Debian17:29
micahgyep, we've never merged with Debian before for cairo-dock, so I'd say we can worry about that next cycle, the -plug-ins -plugins issue is another story, we should probably just drop the Debian one for this cycle and get it sorted out early in oneiric17:29
micahgLaney: he already has, but maybe we can help facilitate better communication17:30
Laneydo we have a clear description of what the problems are?17:30
micahgskaet: ping18:31
skaetmicahg:  yup?18:32
micahgskaet: hi, there's a thunderbird update planned for during final freeze (april 19), but that might slip a couple days, wondering if we should try to get it in or stage it in the security PPA18:33
* skaet checking some dates ... sec18:33
skaetmicahg, april 19 is way too late for Natty,  so it will have to go in after.18:35
skaetis it a security fix?   if not,  should probably go through the SRU side.18:35
cjwatson-security rather than SRU18:35
cjwatson(SRU => -proposed/-updates)18:35
micahgskaet: ok, we can probably upload it once it hits the beta channel upstream (apr 4), I'm just wondering about any potential respins18:35
micahgprobably has security fixes18:36
skaetfair enough then.18:37
skaet4/11 is when we freeze for beta 2 - so best if its in before then.18:37
micahgskaet: well, I or chrisccoulson can get whatever the current build candidate is by then, I'm wondering what to do though if there's a respin after that point18:39
skaetAfter that,  -security option,  if there are true security bug fixes that still need to be applied.    -proposed for other bug fixes.   ok?18:39
skaetmicahg,  don't wait until 4/11 please - earlier is better.18:40
micahgskaet: well, here's the real question, do we risk having a non-final build at release if there's a respin18:41
micahgor do we release the security update potentially 9 days late18:41
skaetbug fixes will be reviewed and accepted for beta 2, and up 4/21.18:41
skaetso,  4/19 could conceivably squeak in if the bug fixes are reasonable.   But would want it as diffs, rather than full image, so we know what's there.18:42
micahgskaet: ok, anything for the respins would be bug fix18:43
skaetIf there wasn't security fixes involved,  I'd be tempted to just wait until oneiric.18:43
skaetthanks micahg18:43
micahgskaet: ok, so to summarize so I'm clear, we should get in the candidate build as soon as possible and bug fixes to the candidate build would most likely be ok up until 4/2118:44
skaetmicahg, since we'll be doing the release images build on 4/21,  best plan on fixes up to 4/20.18:45
* micahg hopes they release on time then18:45
* skaet agrees.18:45
micahgskaet: I'll actually be off 4/19 and 4/20, but hopefully we'll know the week before18:45
cjwatsonI think that may be bug 742967 dead at last18:45
ubot4`Launchpad bug 742967 in grub2 (Ubuntu Natty) (and 2 other projects) "Natty Wubi grub prompt on install (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 18)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74296718:45
cjwatsonev will need to build a new Wubi binary though18:46
cjwatson(after it's built)18:46
skaetotherwise,  its probably going to be get it into the -security queue,  and have it ready as a 0-day fix.18:46
evwill do18:46
skaetcjwatson,  that's great to hear.  :)18:46
micahgskaet: BTW, it's on xubuntu that would be impacted by this if an ISO respin was needed18:46
ScottKskaet: I suspect getting it in between Beta 2 and when we spin the final candidate images would be OK.18:46
cjwatsonev: upgrading to grub-pc 1.99~rc1-8ubuntu1 should be sufficient18:47
ScottKIt = Thunderbird.18:47
evcjwatson: congratulations on hopefully getting to the bottom of it18:48
skaetmicahg,  Thunderbird does tend to get used by alot of Ubuntu users as well, so not sure its just Xubuntu impact.18:48
evand noted18:48
cjwatsonev: I did eventually manage to distil a non-Wubi test environment out of it18:48
micahgskaet: right, but I think that's the only ISO impacted18:48
skaetmicahg - fair 'nuf.  :)18:49
evcjwatson: in that you were able to reproduce the bug outside of a wubi install, or you crafted something reusable for further testing of grub?18:49
cjwatsonif you have a config file on a loopback device that re-loopbacks itself and then calls loadfont on unicode.pf2 (to allocate lots of memory and force the freed memory out), and then a big pile of comments to ensure that you go onto another disk block, then some random echo comments, the echo commands will fail to run correctly18:50
micahgskaet: I'm wrong, the DVD is as well...18:50
cjwatsonit's not a reliable test, but it was good enough to check that I'd got it right18:50
cjwatsonin the Wubi environment, I just forced it to skip over the re-loopback, and confirmed that I got to a GRUB menu that way18:51
cjwatson(forced> using a very carefully-selected breakpoint and 'jump' in gdb)18:52
skaetmicahg,  ack.   4/20 for fixes in, else plan on zero day updates.18:56
dobeyhi all18:56
* skaet --> lunch and some errands, back on later. 18:56
dobeyi was wondering about the progress on the exception request for bug #73332718:56
ubot4`Launchpad bug 733327 in libubuntuone (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[UI FFE] Notify user of missing MP3 support (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73332718:56
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