
hamitronphonex01: if you can't, you can have a virtual network, so then have a virtual adapter on the host, then configure like a basic NAT router00:00
hamitronbut I think I have seen this come up before, and it can be done00:00
phonex01man the virtual machine can not deal with the HSPA service  !00:01
phonex01it is broadband connection00:01
HazRPGshauno: bridging?00:02
hamitronI would personally use the built-in NAT mode00:03
HazRPGI usually use bridging... but I have read the scroll-back00:03
shaunobridging gives it a second IP on the same network as the host.  HSPA isn't going to give you more than one IP on the isp's network.00:03
HazRPGah, good point00:04
hamitronshauno: in vmware you can "bridge" on the same IP, not sure about virtualbox00:04
shaunothe NAT mode will use the host OS as a router for the guest00:04
hamitronbut NAT is cleaner imho00:05
HazRPGbrobostigon-g1: you alright dude?00:05
brobostigon-g1HazRPG: not really, no.00:07
hamitronbrobostigon-g1: wazzzzzup?00:07
HazRPGbrobostigon-g1: yeah dude, what's up?00:08
brobostigon-g1HazRPG: you really want to know?00:09
HazRPGbrobostigon-g1: only if your up for telling I guess.00:11
HazRPGbrb bathroom break00:13
* brobostigon-g1 screams and shouts and curses at the top of his voice,00:14
brobostigon-g1That is all. Endof;00:14
hamitronmy thin client should arrive tomorrow00:18
popeygord: just fyi, Rubbish Bin still says "empty trash"00:19
* popey goes to bed00:19
hamitronlaters pops00:19
HazRPGbrobostigon-g1: sure ok.00:20
HazRPGback btw :)00:20
brobostigon-g1HazRPG: sorry I missed you're meeting hosting.00:20
HazRPGbrobostigon-g1: its fine dude, can always check out the minutes :).00:21
brobostigon-g1HazRPG: nothing like being there live.00:21
brobostigon-g1Can I go cry now please.00:23
phonex01yes you can !00:25
phonex01but why yuo want to do that ?00:25
phonex01is it that urgent ?00:25
brobostigon-g1Thank you00:25
* brobostigon-g1 goes and cries in the corner00:25
phonex01i mean you have to cry or you can delay it00:25
phonex01ok dont cry today00:27
brobostigon-g1Why not?00:27
brobostigon-g1Today like any other day sucks.00:28
brobostigon-g1So I give up.00:28
phonex01ok then cry  !00:28
phonex01you know something00:28
hamitrondon't give up damn it00:28
phonex01if you think you are suffering you are wrong00:28
* brobostigon-g1 goes bang his head on some hard surface.00:29
brobostigon-g1I don't want to sware.00:30
hamitronpops has gone to bed.... but i hear he keeps 1 eye open all night00:30
directhexphonex01, you can't bridge devices you can't shift into the required mode. in the case of wwan connections, you can't just bridge your VM's MAC and expect your HSPDA provider to issue you an IP, since that kinda breaks their business model00:30
directhexphonex01, short version: use NAT00:30
HazRPGWoop! My post IS on the planet ubuntu-uk \o/00:30
HazRPG2nd one down!00:30
HazRPGcheck it!00:31
brobostigon-g1HazRPG: yay00:31
HazRPGalso, sporting my big-hair-couldn't-give-to-cut-it-picture :D00:31
phonex01ok thank you00:31
phonex01hi HazRPG00:31
phonex01nice to meet you00:31
HazRPGphonex01: howdy dude :)00:32
phonex01hi im hit00:32
dutchieHazRPG: ew, truncated articles in feeds00:32
phonex01i was protesting and i got two stones again00:32
* brobostigon-g1 goes to beat up his bedroom and go to sleep.00:33
phonex01man have you ever seen police use stones !!!00:33
shaunohah, have fun making hackergotchi out of that hair00:33
brobostigon-g1No, let me go play quake.00:35
hamitronthe orig?00:35
brobostigon-g1Don't matter,00:35
brobostigon-g1I want to go kill something.00:36
hamitronI've never found killing stuff in games helps00:36
HazRPGkill a stone :)00:37
hamitronI like to drive in some racing game00:37
shaunoit makes the game much easier :o)00:37
* brobostigon-g1 goes and cries somemore00:37
HazRPGthat way, it dies... and well its fine, cos its not really alive00:37
HazRPGas a thing00:37
HazRPGbrobostigon-g1: *hugs* it'll be fine dude00:37
* brobostigon-g1 hugs HazRPG back00:38
* brobostigon-g1 cries00:41
hamitroncan you put a project on launchpad with some closed source stuff?00:42
brobostigon-g1Open stuff, I have.00:42
brobostigon-g1Good night, I eont burdon you chaps andgals with my mind anymore.00:47
shaunonight bob.  tc.00:48
brobostigon-g1Night shauno00:48
hamitronthink I should get a coffee, build another comp, then get to bed I think00:49
* hamitron sighs00:49
shaunodid the new one arrive yet?00:51
hamitronthe thin client?00:52
hamitronno, should be here tomorrow00:52
hamitrongot an email from shit it express earlier00:52
hamitronand excited \o/00:52
shaunowell, let's hope yours doesn't go via kazakhstan :/00:53
shaunowaiting for a new laptop.  it make a stop in kazakhstan this morning.  was rather surprised, myself00:54
hamitronoh dear00:55
hamitronmy cable from china has been 27 days now00:55
hamitronbut the seller has shipped me another now00:55
shaunoit's currently in germany, and telling me it'll take 4 days.  it took 1 day to do asia, the scenic route.  and now it's going to take 4 to do germany to ireland?00:55
hamitronhe claims he sent one before anyway00:55
hamitronI'm always scared of import duties00:56
shaunointl shipping is always weird.00:56
hamitronnever bought anything big00:56
shaunoI bought something off ebay, from the UK, while I was living in the US00:56
shaunoit hadn't shown up by time paypal's dispute window was closing, so I told him I was filing a dispute because it was "now or never".00:57
penguin42international shipping can be awesome if you pay a lot of money and shout 'I need it tomorrow - really, PLEEEEEASE'00:57
shaunoit eventually showed up nearly 2 months later  (this was a jiffy bag sized package, not something daft).  so I paid him again 'n felt like a git00:58
HazRPGshauno: heh, typical00:59
shaunono-one ripped anyone off, but paypal only give you so long (28 days I think?) after a transaction to dispute it.  which is rather counter-productive when shipping goes awry00:59
HazRPGI agree01:00
penguin42shauno: You leave that as the vendors problem01:00
hamitronI'll just leave negative feedback with this, was only £25001:00
HazRPGalso, why is test-ipvt6.com reckon I only got 9/10 for IPv6 stability and readiness...01:00
HazRPGISP DNS = no IPv6...01:00
shaunohe.net have a dns server you can use too01:01
HazRPGooo really?01:01
shaunoit's on the details page for your tunnel, anycast dns server.  it'll have two addresses, one v6 & one v401:01
shaunoI just use the v6 one, and let v4 queries go the normal route01:01
shauno(you should still get AAAA records from your normal dns server, but tests will mark you down for not having a "all-v6" readiness)01:03
shaunoif you don't get AAAA records from your normal server, mail your isp old fish, and use google's :)01:04
shaunoI use google's anyway, because my isp have started serving up "search pages" instead of NXDOMAIN, which I find rather evil01:05
hamitronthe internet is full of evil01:06
shaunoI really wish they'd learn that the more obtrusive their adverts are, the more I'll go out of my way to remove them01:07
shauno(eg, if you give me a fullscreen ad "while this page loads", I hit back. and growl.  and make a mental note that this site isn't viable anymore)01:08
hamitrongrowl, haha01:08
shaunodoesn't everyone growl when they put adverts on top of content?01:10
hamitronyeh, I guess01:10
shaunothose really bug me.  expanding thumbnails into modal floating blobs was bad enough01:11
shaunonow you go onto sites and they pop up a floating layer trying to get you to sign up for their newsleter.  or do a questionaire.  or some other random gaff that I didn't read because I was too busy hitting Back01:11
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] I am Jef Spaleta - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/04/01/i-am-jef-spaleta/01:22
hamitronsleep ;D01:51
hamitronnn o/01:51
shaunoooh .. minecraft 1.4 is out.  \o/ wolves!02:59
Azelphurshauno: my server is up on 1.4 :P03:18
shaunoditto.  already killed my first pet :/03:19
shaunoapparently I need to rethink my use of lava03:19
Azelphurshauno: fun fact, if pvp is off (server side) you can still use wolfs to kill people \o/03:19
shaunoyeah, I read that already03:19
shaunoI'll find it a sec, because it was funny :)03:20
Azelphurshauno: I was "testing" it with one of my other staff :P03:21
Azelphuraka spawn camping him while he screamed "NOOOOOOOO" on mumble03:21
shauno> yes, my ten year old died this morning when her friend accidentally hit her in front of her wolf on a peaceful server this morning.03:21
shauno> I tame my first wolf and loudly proclaim to my server: "I AM THE FIRST TO TAME A WOLF!" Then my "friend" who is a mod teleports to me. Kills my wolf and teleports home.03:22
shaunoin other news, they won't attack trees :(03:23
AzelphurI got a fleet of 10 wolfs and terrorized people :D03:23
shaunothis is interesting03:25
shauno>  I also found out that if you get hit with your own arrow, you get attacked by all your wolves.03:25
shaunoI'm not sure how one goes about shooting themselves, but apparently the wolves are willing to help03:25
shaunoone I found myself is that the difference between left & right click actually matters.  if you hit a wolf with a bone, he'll hit you back03:26
shaunointroduced 2 friends to minecraft this evening03:27
shaunoone, I gave a sword, and he announced he was going for a walk.  came back dead.03:27
shaunothe other apparently hasn't played many first-person games, and spends a lot of time stood in one place staring at the floor03:28
Azelphurshauno: haha03:28
shaunohad to teach her w/asd .. not sure how to teach her mouselook03:28
Azelphurhow old is she? XD03:29
shaunoI've never asked, but I'd have to guess closer 40 than 3003:30
Azelphursurely you can just say "Move the mouse" and it's obvious? XD03:30
shaunoapparently not :)03:31
shaunoit was a good chuckle, but a bit bizarre at times.  "why's my screen flashing?"  "you're on fire."  "oh."03:33
shaunocan't wait for new laptop tho.  this one's struggling running client & server together03:35
Azelphurshauno: I have a public dedi server :)03:48
shaunoyeah, you showed me :)03:50
shaunoI think this one'll be fine once my laptop shows up, I can bump the stack size & leave it to it03:51
shaunoalso, they didn't fix soil halos :)03:51
shaunoif you build a ring of dirt above where a tree is going to grow, it resets what height it thinks it is once it reaches the dirt03:55
shaunosoil on 4 sides = ground level, so it starts again03:55
shaunoso build a few rings in midair, plant tree, feed it bones, and insta-mammoth-tree03:56
shaunokeep meaning to play with the spacing & figure out what the best way to make a multi-tier farm that way is03:58
Azelphurshauno: awesome haha I have to try that04:03
shaunothey're not the prettiest trees if you leave chunks of dirt in them :/  but I've a feeling it'll be great for farms04:07
shaunoI seem to do most my farming underground now.  I have a cute little farmhouse in the middle of nowhere, with tiers of pig & wheat farms underneath it04:11
Azelphurshauno: I'm trying to do that tree thing but not getting anywhere04:12
shaunohm, gimme a minute04:12
shaunoheh, it worked with the last one I tried.  now I'm getting even stranger results04:21
shaunoI've just grown a large chunk of invincible foilage.  it just grows back04:22
Azelphurshauno: care to show me on my server? :P04:23
shaunoseems to work with 3 spaces between the ground & the soil04:25
shaunowith two I just got a boring tree.04:25
shaunohm, I just got the buggy version instead again04:29
shaunoit seems to freak out if I spam-click bones.  if I'm gentle, I get megatree.  if I spamclick, I get trunkless tree04:36
shauno(tree grows, but sapling stays where it is.  then trunk disappears)04:37
shaunothat I just 'built' .. video is uploading (but slower  heh)04:37
shaunovanilla server btw, not bukkit.  no idea how much difference that makes04:38
Azelphurshauno: eww apple :P04:39
shaunobut that's how I build the soil rings.  took 3 attempts to grow the tree before the sapling despawned tho04:39
shaunoheh, yes apple.  gave up using linux on the desktop 5-6 years ago.  guess how long it's been since I last compiled my video driver because a random kernel update left me staring at gdm's freakout screen :p04:40
Azelphurprobably about the same time as me :D04:41
shaunoI keep hitting minor gripes with differences in bsd vs gnu userlands.  that can be fun.  otherwise I'm quite happy with it :)04:43
shaunotrunkless tree is well weird.  it's mostly fire resistant04:49
shaunoand seems to stick around.  it acts like lag, but doesn't get over it04:49
shaunogrew nicely the third time I planted it tho :)04:50
shaunotempted to try a third ring, and put walls between the second & third.  see if you can grow an instant treehouse.04:51
shaunobut not tonight.  just noticed it's dangerously close to being this morning, and I work saturday, so I can't break my sleep pattern again :)04:51
HazRPGanyone know why a User Agent would ever show up as being blank? Because surely all browsers should at least have one (and search engines)06:23
* HazRPG is checking stats of his site06:24
HazRPGapparently ping6 and ip aren't showing up as bash commands on this high-light text thing for <pre> tags07:16
HazRPGhow rather odd :/07:16
HazRPGalso, what sort of highlight scheme would conf files technically be under?07:18
HazRPGor is there no defacto standard on that?07:18
AlanBellhttp://www.beerintheevening.com/pubs/comments.shtml/366/ sound like a nice pub?07:21
AlanBellhave a look on Google maps along the thames near millbank :)07:22
HazRPGT_T this code hi-lite is being a pain... thought I'd test it out on the IPv6 post I've got, but well if its only going to hi-lite half, there's no point07:24
danfishAlanBell: admittedly not universal praise :( but by central London pub standards.....07:24
danfishright, time to take kids to nursery07:32
MartijnVdSHazRPG: is the ipv6 article popular? :)07:47
HazRPGI'm not sure...07:49
HazRPGas a thing... StatPress tells me "Visitors this month (Apr, 2011): 20"07:49
HazRPGnot inc crawlers...07:49
MartijnVdS20 inch visitors?07:50
MartijnVdSare you on planet?07:50
HazRPGI am now \o/07:50
* AlanBell wonders what planet the 20" visitors are from07:50
AlanBellwe come in peace07:50
MartijnVdSAlanBell: maybe it's more an "adult entertainment actor" thing07:51
HazRPGWell, all visitors so far have either been from: WinXP, WinNT 4, a few "blank" O/S's, and 3 Linux users (one ubuntu)07:52
MartijnVdS"The 20" visitor" sounds like a title in that genre07:52
HazRPGso I wouldn't be surprised if most of these hits are just usual spam dudes07:52
MartijnVdSI looked at the page07:52
AlanBellshall we all guess what country MartijnVdS is in :)07:52
MartijnVdSso that would be the Ubuntu one :)07:52
MartijnVdSAlanBell: We use centimeters here ;)07:53
* HazRPG can never understand these stats properly07:53
HazRPGThis is why as a thing I usually make my own stats generator07:54
MartijnVdSHazRPG: have you tried google analytics07:54
HazRPGMartijnVdS: erm... Google Webtools?07:54
HazRPGGot my site on that07:54
AlanBellpopey: do you fully understand the risks you are taking? http://www.bbc.co.uk/comedy/collections/p006rg1707:54
AlanBellis there a sound recording app in the default Ubuntu?08:08
HazRPGAlanBell: yup08:08
HazRPGAlanBell: app->sound & video->sound recorder08:09
HazRPGAlanBell: or gnome-sound-recorder in term08:09
* HazRPG trying to work out where to place this file in wordpress08:10
HazRPGpretty new to the whole wordpress stuff really08:10
AlanBellthanks HazRPG08:10
HazRPGphpBB I've coded WAY too much stuff for that, never really done much for WP08:10
HazRPGAlanBell: no problem :)08:10
AlanBellI always use Audacity, but I have an idea for an interesting project that involves lots of people08:10
HazRPGsee I know things :D08:10
HazRPGSee I use Audacity too, really love it08:11
HazRPGbut sometimes you just want to record some plain files quickly with a simple interface08:11
=== dipl0 is now known as diplo
HazRPGAlanBell: apparently my email to the mailing list was rejected (for the meeting stuff)08:42
HazRPGI'll try and forward that through again, and see what happens08:43
AlanBelljust got it08:45
gordhrm, i have been suspicious about that jono guy for years, confirmed.09:00
MartijnVdSgord: hm?09:01
gordMartijnVdS, go read his blog :P09:10
AlanBellright, I wonder if my car will make it as far as the garage09:13
AlanBellczajkowski: first time I have moved it since the plugfest!09:13
czajkowskiAlanBell: eh?09:14
TheOpenSourcererMorning earthlings09:14
AlanBellczajkowski: my car09:14
AlanBellmorning TheOpenSourcerer09:14
TheOpenSourcererAlanBell 's car is borked09:14
TheOpenSourcererMorning AlanBell - will it start?09:14
* AlanBell grabs phone and puts on best pushing boots09:15
AlanBellI think it will start09:15
Tommeh"The Ubuntu team is pleased to announce the release of Ubuntu 11.04 beta"09:15
TommehUpgrade day!09:15
MooDoomorning all09:15
TheOpenSourcererHmm - release the Beta on April Fool's day... Careful, there be dragons ahead.09:16
czajkowskiAlanBell: context is a wonderful thing :)09:18
* czajkowski was rather lost in farnham last night 09:18
bigcalmMorning kids09:18
* oimon hopes sabdfl's comment on bug 739812 is an april fool :(09:20
lubotu3Launchpad bug 739812 in unity "Must use hardware keyboard to perform search for applications in Unity" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73981209:20
bigcalmToday is stupids day :(09:20
willy_1977take the p*** day...09:23
czajkowskihttp://bit.ly/fR7hIZ  :D09:24
oimoni would prefer if all dumb articles are removed after lunchtime april 1st. then i can continue reading the interenet, but when you read the article a week late...09:24
willy_1977czajkowski: :) I like that.09:25
oimonczajkowski: have you seen it in 3D? http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/267551063.jpg09:27
czajkowskioimon: oh nice I tend not to read omgubuntu09:36
b1ackcr0wHello all!09:36
* b1ackcr0w doing a little light bug hunting in natty beta09:37
b1ackcr0wI think I've found one but would like a bit of help filing the bug09:38
b1ackcr0wspecifically, where to file it09:38
BigRedSwhat is it?09:39
gordoh-hum i guess its april fools day. *looks around for co-workers to prank*09:39
gordi guess i'll pranky my cat09:39
oimonheheh http://xkcd.com/880/09:41
b1ackcr0wBasically - you can't maximise an app window in unity using a desktop touchscreen09:41
b1ackcr0wI've made a screencast09:42
b1ackcr0wto demonstrate the problem09:42
* b1ackcr0w has yet to go to thinkgeek.com to see their Fools day prank09:42
gordb1ackcr0w, you haven't tried pressing the maximise button?09:44
gordor double tapping the window titlebar09:44
b1ackcr0wyou're supposed to be able to do it with a gesture09:44
gordah. new multi-touch gesture stuff is landing next release so maybe wait for that to be built and test with that before filing a bug09:45
b1ackcr0wbut your finger runs into the screen bezel stopping the maximize09:45
b1ackcr0wgord: is that beta 2?09:46
gordb1ackcr0w, should be building today09:46
gordwe just couldn't release it until late yesterday because the archives didn't open until beta 1 was released09:46
b1ackcr0wgord: cool, I have to have version upgrades on to get that from update manager right?09:47
gordb1ackcr0w, eh nope. if your running natty you'll get it regardless09:48
b1ackcr0wgord: top banana - thanks for the heads up09:48
b1ackcr0wFWIW - I'm pleasantly surprised by beta 1 - it's the best linux touchscreen implementation i've seen yet09:50
gordhttp://cgit.freedesktop.org/xdg/xdg-specs/commit/?id=b6381cb31953070ba7b641bb6fbdb16758bd8356 :)09:52
b1ackcr0wbtw - is there another package I have to install to get multitouch gestures to work? My system only seems to like single touch ATM09:52
gordnot sure, backend mt is handled by a different team09:52
b1ackcr0wi think it might be utouch - i'll do some mooching09:54
bigcalmCor, today's XKCD is something special09:58
TheOpenSourcererlol: http://www.debian.org/09:59
kazadeTheOpenSourcerer, that's actually pretty cool, I love that they've linked all those other distros along the top :)10:01
oimonTheOpenSourcerer: the best bit is they excluded fedora :P10:01
TheOpenSourcereroimon: And Ubuntu.10:02
oimoni don't see ubuntu without also thinking debian, and vice versa10:02
b1ackcr0wyou have to love XKCD - that is pretty cool10:04
phonex01how can i recored my desktop ?10:04
phonex01video recored10:04
b1ackcr0wi think i've found thinkgeek's april fool10:04
TheOpenSourcerer!info recordmydesktop10:04
lubotu3recordmydesktop (source: recordmydesktop): Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop session. In component universe, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 54 kB, installed size 148 kB10:04
b1ackcr0wwarming up Banshee with Joe Cocker's cover of "Feelin' Alright" - good times :)10:05
b1ackcr0wno better way to invest 98p10:08
JamesTaitGuten Morgen! :D10:08
kazadeactually, this is a better link: http://mail.google.com/mail/help/motion.html10:12
AlanBellthe car got there10:18
bigcalmSearch for Helvetica on Google10:18
kazadebigcalm, nice :)10:19
bigcalmVia my boss10:19
brobostigongood morning everyone.10:24
brobostigoni get the feeling this is a april fools.10:27
brobostigonMez: have you tried it?10:28
Laneyit's not, i used it10:28
brobostigonok, interesting then.10:28
Mezbrobostigon - yeah - I just can't get used to the gestures though... It's like BSL - but not... it'll take a while to learn.10:29
brobostigonMez: agreed. yes.10:29
MezLucky they're not turning off the keyboard/mouse combinatin to access it for a couple of months.10:29
Mezhttp://www.google.com/intl/en/jobs/uslocations/mountain-view/autocompleter/index.html <-- should I apply?10:30
DJonesMez: Should forward that to the mailing list10:31
MezDJones: nah, it's Mountain View...10:33
Meznot really relevant to the UK10:33
brobostigonsomething doesnt fit with that job description.10:33
Myrttihttp://google.com/romance <310:34
AlanBell"Post multiple profiles with10:34
AlanBella bulk upload file, you sleaze"10:34
* oimon ignores the internet for the reset of the day10:36
oimontrying out elementary Os on my eee ..working quite nippy on the old dog10:37
BigRedSwell, untill midday10:37
BigRedSah, midday UTC+12, which is the rest of the day10:37
oimondoesn't look like i'll be able to use ubuntu on my eee after natty :(10:39
brobostigonoimon: why?10:41
oimonbrobostigon: cos of what MarkS said : ubuntu classic won't be in natty+110:42
BigRedSsomeone's bound to package gnome for it10:42
oimonunity doesn't work on my 800x480 screen10:42
brobostigonoimon: i am using gnome3 here, i dont perticulerly like unity myself, gnome-shell should work fairly well onthat kind of small screen.10:43
Myrttixfce ♥10:44
oimoni tried gnomeshell - seems rather...lacking. will try again when they finish, but i don't think i will like it. is it true or april fool that they are delaying another 6 mo's for gnome3?10:44
brobostigonoimon: it should be release and of this month, ui freeze has already gone, so only bug fixes untill release.10:45
brobostigonend of*10:46
BigRedSMyrtti: I keep thinking about trying xfce out again. I hear it's much better now than it used to be10:46
screen-xgood morning :)10:49
screen-xit seems that google body browser now has a male, and a cow.10:50
oimonnot the most flattering screenshots of xfce though http://www.xfce.org/images/about/screenshots/4.8-1.png10:50
slackthumbzoimon: probably april fools, they've been in code freeze for a couple of weeks now and previously stated there'd be a 3.0.0 stable code release in early april/10:50
MartijnVdSscreen-x: seems like EVERY google project has its own April Fools bit :)10:51
oimonyeah, website says 5 days10:51
Myrttihm. -25% off of Fon2.0n10:51
Laneyhope you have all remembered mothers day!11:02
davmor2morning all11:02
bigcalmCard posted yesterday11:02
bigcalmBloody card company holiday11:03
davmor2sweet Jesus there is a pink unicorn as the freenode message of the day11:03
Laneythat is pretty11:03
bigcalmYes, I thought it cute11:03
bigcalmThere are some very clever people out there who master the art of ascii art11:04
davmor2lads it's pink and a unicorn those are two things you shouldn't admit to being pretty or cute :D11:05
directhex:( @ adsl11:05
* davmor2 blames czajkowski for the horrific unicorn and prods her11:05
* Laney can see the exchange from the kitchen window11:06
* Laney therefore ♥ adsl11:06
* kazade is attempting to build an ISO of Ubuntu + Gnome 3 :)11:07
czajkowskidavmor2: behave!11:10
davmor2czajkowski: it's the kinda evil that you'd do though ;)11:11
bigcalmdavmor2: http://www.comics.chickennation.com/archive/worst-unicorn/ # no safe for sane mindes11:11
davmor2bigcalm: safe for me then my minds never sane11:12
bigcalmMy appologies to everybody else who followed that link11:13
davmor2bigcalm: I'd think you would apologise too11:14
* screen-x now has a slightly altered view of unicorns11:14
bigcalmAh, I was close enough11:14
bigcalmMyrtti: heh11:18
bigcalmI just like the idea of a Finnish Institute of Moomin Medicine11:19
davmor2bigcalm: for a decent depiction of a unicorn you really need to see http://is.gd/uMcZgS11:21
AlanBell /kick davmor211:23
bigcalmdavmor2: 2007 called, they want their 1987 music video back11:23
bigcalmAnd I quite like that track...11:23
davmor2AlanBell: I couldn't resist sorry :D11:23
daubersbigcalm: DID YOU WARN THEM ABOUT JAPAN!?!?!?!?!11:31
bigcalmYes, we all <3 xkcd11:32
screen-xtalking of which, xkcd seems to be in an odd semi 3d world today11:32
daubersurgh... caffeine withdrawl sucks11:33
bigcalmHave a cuppa tea11:33
daubersand todays xkcd doesn't help11:33
dwatkinshehe, I like it, screen-x11:33
BigRedSdaubers: stick with it, then when you have actual caffeinated coffee, it really works11:33
oimonscreen-x: hey i didn't notice that cos i read it via RSS11:34
* daubers orders one of http://www.thinkgeek.com/interests/looflirpa/e8bf/?pfm=Carousel_20110401_Nether_Portal_5 to stick his brain into11:34
dwatkinsyou'd probably have to cut it up first, sadly11:39
screen-xdaubers: does that have some sort of shredder for absorbing paper?11:42
bigcalmscreen-x: watch the video11:56
screen-xbigcalm: I did, but it doesn't actually send reports to the nether ;-)12:00
bigcalmSure it does, the internet doesn't lie!12:02
czajkowskiI seem to have broken the work latop again12:02
screen-xczajkowski: <irish accent>have you tried turning it off and turning it on again?</irish accent>12:03
czajkowskiscreen-x: it wont turn on after I turn it off12:03
daubersczajkowski: So how do you then turn it off again if it's not on?12:04
* daubers files a bug report12:04
daubers"Cannot turn power off if laptop is not no"12:04
phonex01hi guys is there any tool can be used as wifi spy chanalyzer on ubuntu ?12:07
davmor2czajkowski: I'll hold daubers you hit him :D12:09
dwatkinsWhat's that, ph<tab> oh.... left the channel12:16
oimoni think there are better rooms to ask questions that he/she asks12:17
czajkowskiGood god I HATE_DRUPAL!12:19
dwatkinsoimon: or places where the answer won't just be "don't ask for things like that, it smacks of black-hat-ery"12:20
* bigcalm sniggers12:20
s-foxNice error message12:21
oimonis starvin' like marvin12:22
MooDoooimon: +112:22
oimonnot sure whether to get fish+chips even though i'm having curry oinght12:23
bigcalmoimon: what does your tummy say?12:24
oimonbigcalm: i've learned not to trust my tummy12:24
oimonsometimes he lies12:24
oimonand changes his mind12:25
gordhuh, if i put an sd card in my printer, it mounts in ubuntu. i love modern technology12:25
MartijnVdSso your printer is a cardreader.. woo :)12:26
langusnick llewangus12:27
langusnic llewangus12:27
gordi only put an sd card in it because i had an sd card i knew i was going to lose and saw an empty slot ;)12:27
MartijnVdSlangus: forgot a / in front of that12:27
MartijnVdSlangus: /nick foobar12:27
langusHi everyone12:27
screen-x\o langus12:28
=== langus is now known as llewangus
llewangusThere we go who was that wierdo langus huh ;-)12:28
llewangusI was hoping someone could point me in the right direction - I'm not sure what I did but when I try scrol through menues like the application menu it does not always open the next menu and I have to double click - I have tried loads of search terms - but I don't know what I am actually asking.... Any help would be very gratfully recieved.12:31
Mezgord: you see something not in a slot so put it in a slot regularly ? :P12:31
gordMez, it was either that or leave the sd card all alone on my desk for a few days until it magically vanishes never to be found again!12:34
kvarleyAnybody here use glc-capture? I can't get it to work with enemy territory wolfenstein12:35
MartijnVdSwhat is it12:35
Mezgord: never mind, there was a joke in there somewhere :D12:35
gordi'm sure archaeologists in years to come will unearth it12:36
kvarley"ERROR: ld.so: object 'libglc-hook.so.0' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored."12:39
MartijnVdSkvarley: libglc-hook.so.0 doesn't exist, or is of the wrong architecture, I guess12:40
kvarleyMartijnVdS: Hmmm bizarre12:41
=== denny- is now known as denny
Myrtticzajkowski: count your blessings with Drupal tho12:50
Myrtticzajkowski: you ain't seen hell before you've tried something built on Java, such as Liferay.12:51
AlanBellbother, I think I am going to have to scrap my car12:52
MartijnVdSAlanBell: why?12:53
AlanBellgarage doesn't want to MOT it because it will go bang on the emissions test12:53
AlanBellthey are looking up the price of a new engine12:53
gordreally hope this 1911 filter on youtube is going to stay forever. eating my lunch time sammich is much improved12:53
seekerCut some holes in the floor. Flintstonetastic.12:54
kvarleyMartijnVdS: Its something specific to this game because it works for sauerbraten and other games so the library is there12:56
MartijnVdSkvarley: the game could be 32-bit on a 64-bit system12:57
MartijnVdSif the library is 64-bit, it won't work12:57
kvarleyMartijnVdS: Ohhhhhhh, interesting. Yes I imagine sauerbraten is 64 bit and so is the library. However, this game is 32 bit :/ hhhmmm12:57
kvarleyMartijnVdS: Would putting the 32 bit library there instead of the current one work?12:58
DJonesAlanBell: What is so seriously wrong that it needs a new engine12:59
MartijnVdSkvarley: I think so.. as long as all the 32-bit libraries that the library depends on are available12:59
MartijnVdSkvarley: why are you LD_PRELOADing anyway?12:59
kvarleyMartijnVdS: It's a capture program for games so it needs to be loaded first I think. I just realised that I should have symlinked the libraries on install...DOH13:00
AlanBellDJones: it lost some power and is making a bad knocking sound13:00
davmor2did it go tick tick tick boom13:01
DJonesAlanBell: Ouch, sounds like blown piston/valve13:01
MartijnVdScould just be a bad spark plug13:03
njpateldavmor2, ping, is this still an issue for you? https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/72839313:10
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 728393 in unity (Ubuntu) "Missing icons in app launcher" [High,Triaged]13:10
davmor2njpatel: not as such no however I think there maybe a new issue related.  open the apps lens and drag an icon into the launcher (I did solitare) for me I just had a blank space with a a black arrow reading label to the right of it13:34
njpatelDave2, right, could you drop the icon into that space? or do you mean after dropping it was still black?13:35
davmor2njpatel: after dropping the icon into the space I'll reproduce asap and bug it just short of time at the minut13:36
njpatelsweet, thanks. I'll close the other one and please re-open if it comes back13:36
njpatel(DND bug seems different)13:36
davmor2njpatel: no worries13:37
njpateldavmor2, actuall, unity 3.8.2 is just building, could you check if it still happens with that (DND bug) before opening?13:37
njpatelI made some tweaks and hopefully it's fixed13:37
davmor2njpatel: when does it hit the install tomorrow?13:38
njpatelit should be available in a few hours13:38
davmor2njpatel: okay cool give me a ping when it's ready and I'll give it a blast for you13:39
njpatelawesome, thanks!13:39
* brobostigon plays morewith mumble to get it setup right for tmrw.13:43
penguin42brobostigon: My experience with it is that the important thing is to entirely ignore the bar graphs and stuff in the wizard and just try to talk to someone13:44
brobostigonpenguin42: i am trying everything, thank you for the pointers.13:45
brobostigongood afternoon matti13:49
mattiHey brobostigon13:57
brobostigonhey matti13:58
HazRPGdaubers: Just posted on the Cumbrian LUG mailing list about the Sci-Fi exhibit, let me know when you've started a doodle, or any other news and I'll keep them posted :). I might also forward the discussions on the Ubuntu-UK mailing list to... what do you think? Or have you already posted something?13:59
brobostigongood afternoon HazRPG :)13:59
HazRPGbrobostigon: good afternoonings :)14:00
HazRPGbrobostigon: noticed ya logged in a few times onto mumble, I wasn't around at the time14:00
brobostigonHazRPG: sorry about last  night, i was feeling in a really bad way.14:00
oimonwow found an A4 note in my pigeon hole someone had actually written rather than typed. must have taken ages. my hand gets worn out now writing any more than a postit note14:00
brobostigonHazRPG: on your server, yes.14:00
HazRPGbrobostigon: don't be dude, its fine... we all have our moments from time to time :).14:00
HazRPGoimon: I can agree with that one!14:01
brobostigonHazRPG: thank you for understanding.14:01
HazRPGoimon: Ya can always tell how angry someone is, if they've had to write it out by hand!14:01
HazRPGbrobostigon: :)14:01
brobostigonHazRPG: :)14:01
HazRPGRight... I think its food time! I'm STARVING!14:02
HazRPG*belly grumbles at me*14:02
HazRPGcatch ya all in a bit :)14:02
brobostigongood plan, :)14:02
brobostigonbye HazRPG :)14:02
oimonarggh what's the last date for deposit into ISAs?14:03
oimon4 april?14:03
HazRPGbrobostigon: speak later :)14:03
brobostigonnot a clue.14:03
brobostigonHazRPG: speak later, :)14:04
hamitronnew toy is ace14:06
oimonspotted an april fool on launchpad : bug 74701414:13
lubotu3Launchpad bug 747014 in unity (Ubuntu Natty) "Major Natty regression: No fish!" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74701414:13
oimonanyone running natty care to confirm a bug for me?14:21
brobostigonoimon: what is the bug?14:22
oimonsetup 2 users on the machine e.g. local and local2. login to unity session with local2. then ssh to the box as local user. attempt to restart system as local2 user, and the machine fails to boot, only logs you out14:23
brobostigonthat will take some setting up, i dont have two users setup,14:25
* BigRedS stumbles across the caterbury distribution14:28
oimonBigRedS: i like the name - very english feel14:30
gordthats it, for the thousand time someone has posted "In a life without walls and fences, who needs Windows and Gates? !linux" - on identica. i'm unsubscribing from the !linux group14:32
oimongord: isn't that based off a windows slogan?14:33
oimonWindows®. Life without Walls™. Acer recommends Windows 7.14:33
gordi don't know, i don't care, its lame and people need to stop saying it as if its some awesome new profound statement that surely no one else has heard before14:33
gordits especially stupid as we all use walls and fences, they are awesome, keeps my house up14:34
oimonsomebody actually had something like that as their sugnature on a office email at work. i was not impressed14:34
oimoni got that acer quote off the page for their linux aspire revo :)14:34
davmor2gord: I prefer the T-shirt slogan I got at LRL the one year.  Microsoft sells you Windows.  Linux gives you the whole house!14:34
shaunoit can't be any worse than the ones about printing your email :/14:35
directhexhow about we focus on a superior product rather than smug slogans? it'd help14:35
oimonyeah lol, usually that sig makes the email go onto 2 pages isntead of 114:35
hamitronhehe directhex14:37
directhextoo many people talk about their use of linux on the basis of it being not windows. like they're "sticking it to microsoft" or somesuch14:38
directhexit's all very childish14:38
shaunoI don't see that so often anymore.  only the few stragglers that didn't get the memo about apple-bashing being 'in' this year :p14:41
BigRedSgord: Identi.ca is where lame setatements that people need to stop saying are repeated14:41
diploI believe all the systems have there places and uses, I use lot's of different distros and think they all have the place.14:41
hamitronbest way is to just bash and moan about everything imo14:41
diploJust don't agree with pricing/licensing of some that's about it for me14:41
hamitronconstructive to try improve something imo ;)14:42
hamitronregardless of becoming the best14:42
hamitronthe best can get better14:42
AlanBellwell I  have my car back now14:43
AlanBellanyone know how to scrap a car?14:43
BigRedSdiplo: I'm the opposite, I've settled on somethingm, it works everywhere(ish) and so that's what I generaly aim to use14:43
oimonidentica sounds useful - if all the numpties hang out there, then i can avoid it14:43
oimonAlanBell: leave it somewhere in E London - it will be gone by the next day14:43
directhexAlanBell, getting a SORN is a good start14:44
BigRedSAlanBell: also there's new tax/insurance/sorn related rules that I've forgotten14:44
BigRedSI think as soon as there's no insurance now, it needs to be sorned14:44
hamitrondon't they normally give you £20 for scrapping your car?14:44
BigRedSrather than just when the tax runs out as it was before14:44
hamitronBigRedS: you sure?14:45
hamitronI know they were taling about doing that14:45
BigRedShamitron: I don't know if it's happened *yet*14:45
oimondon't know how genuine this is..high result on google http://www.scrap-car-uk.com/14:45
diploBigRedS, I use windows on my work machine for one reason, and that's because I can't get the fans to stop going Full pelt under Linux otherwise I think I could run solely on Ubuntu now14:46
BigRedSbut it is a certainty, though the only dates I've seen are 'early 2011' which is getting more and more useless as a date ...14:46
BigRedSdiplo: just unplug the fans :)14:46
oimondiplo: which model machine is it?14:46
hamitrondo you need insurance to drive something to get an MOT?14:46
BigRedShamitron: yeah14:46
gordonjcphamitron: yes14:47
hamitronthought so14:47
gordonjcphamitron: no insurance is about the only thing you *cannot* get away with14:47
BigRedSgetting tax depends upon both insurance and MOT, but *having* tax doesn't until these new rules14:47
hamitronyou had to show insurence details to get tax....14:47
diploHP Probook 4720s14:48
gordonjcphamitron: long story short, you must have insurance for it to be even look like it's on a road14:49
hamitronwell, I'm not declaring mine sorn if I have to delay buying insurence, if I have paid for the tax disc14:49
gordonjcphamitron: you can drive to the MOT station without an MOT, as long as it's booked in, and you can drive between the MOT station and the place you're going to get the MOT failure fixed14:49
hamitronsell all my bikes if it gets a hassle :/14:50
BigRedSgordonjcp: I'm pretty sure the latter part of that is not so14:50
gordonjcpand if you have no tax disc you technically can get done for that, but if you're on the way to the MOT station then you'll generally get away with it14:50
gordonjcpBigRedS: going by the MOT Tester Manual...14:50
AlanBellif the MOT is booked you can drive there14:50
hamitrongordonjcp: they can't "do you" for no tax disc, when the MOT is a requirement to get one14:51
gordonjcphamitron: well, you are strictly committing an offence14:51
BigRedSgordonjcp: Ah, that's quite canonical on the subject :)14:51
gordonjcpBigRedS: it's also a bit out-of-date14:52
BigRedShamitron: the offence is being on the road without a tax disk. If you've no tax they expect you to trailer it there.14:52
BigRedSbut the whole thing makes absolutely no sense whatsoever14:52
gordonjcpbut I'm MOTing at least a car a month at the moment14:52
gordonjcpso I'll ask next time I'm in14:52
gordonjcpanyway I had an Ubuntu question, but I'm glad to see that this channel is at off-topic as my other favourite IRC channels ;-)14:53
hamitrontime they did something useful, like clamp down on uninsured drivers14:53
hamitronoh, sorry14:53
gordonjcpold people who can't see properly and have no idea what speed they're doing14:53
hamitronshoot them14:53
BigRedSwe're normally pretty good at sticking to the 'uk' bit of the topic...14:54
gordonjcpand thus drive at 37mph *everywhere* regardless of speed limit, until they drive up the back of my tractor14:54
czajkowskiAlanBell: I wont be online tomorrow for UGJ14:54
hamitronI got pulled by police doing 25 mph in a 60mph zone :/14:54
gordonjcpI have 10.04, and I want to get the volume control working14:54
bigcalmdarkwingduck_: I'm fine thank you, how are you? ;)14:54
gordonjcpat the moment it shows a speaker symbol and three dashes14:54
darkwingduck_me so fine14:55
darkwingduck_welcome to the uk14:57
AlanBellgordonjcp: click on it and uncheck the mute checkbox14:58
czajkowskidarkwingduck_: howdy14:58
gordonjcpthere isn't a mute checkbox14:58
darkwingduck_not a yank14:58
gordonjcpthere's a greyed-out option for "Mute All"14:58
dutchieis there a sound prefs thing?14:58
dutchiei have a mute box there on maverick, think it was onther on hardy too14:59
dogmatic69anyone know if/how i could run my own personal 'dynamic dns' server?14:59
hamitrondogmatic69: you could14:59
gordonjcpdutchie: yes, but when I click on sound preferences I get a message "Waiting for sound system to respond" after about a minute15:00
bigcalmdogmatic69: run a DNS such as bind9 and give your records really low TTL15:00
dogmatic69is it much work to setup a dns?15:00
hamitronmy question to dogmatic69 would be "why?" ;)15:00
darkwingduck_its easy15:00
bigcalmdogmatic69: if you need to ask how to set up DNS, I don't think that you're ready to run your own dyndns farm15:00
dutchiegordonjcp: not much good at debugging sound stuff more complex than that, sorry15:01
dogmatic69im just to tight to pay for doing <something>.dogmatic69.com when i can do it for free15:01
darkwingduck_no i dont think he is15:01
darkwingduck_do u know what dns stands for even15:01
bigcalmdogmatic69: I use joker.com. They offer dyndns facilities for free15:01
dogmatic69bigcalm: i know very little about dns, need to learn :)15:01
dogmatic69domain name server..15:01
dogmatic69system... close enough15:02
gordonjcpis it possibly a pulseaudio thing?15:02
hamitronbrb, need to see if ANY comp here has CF slot :/15:02
shaunobind's nowhere near as terrifying as you'd imagine.  just make liberal use of named-checkconf  and named-checkzone every time you push anything15:02
dogmatic696 months ago i knew nothing about linux... now i can get around terminal, mostly ;)15:03
davmor2czajkowski: prod15:03
czajkowskidavmor2: meh15:04
czajkowski14:49 < czajkowski> hmm did latest updates of natty, rebooted and not coming back to life... either my laptop is messed up, or latest updates breaks things, jcastro any idea?15:04
czajkowski14:53 < czajkowski> hmm every time I put my mouse over the text box to click on the user nick to log in the screen goes BLACK15:04
davmor2czajkowski: I've said it before I'll say it again "STOP UPDATING/UPGRADING YOUR MACHINE, YOU BREAK IT EVERYTIME YOU DO" ;)15:06
davmor2czajkowski: this is on gdm right you're trying to login to your computer correct?15:07
dogmatic69czajkowski: you update to the april 1st version by chance?15:08
davmor2czajkowski: I have no idea how you would go about fixing gdm I've never managed to break it that bad.  You can try ALT-CTRL-F1 login sudo service gdm restart and then A-C-F7 see if that fixes it15:11
czajkowskiseem teh mouse pad is ultra sensative...15:13
czajkowskiwont let me click on it15:13
czajkowskibut as soon as I touch on it , it alternatives between gdm and command line15:14
czajkowskiI really do break things15:14
davmor2czajkowski: You should be banned from using computer for their safety :P15:15
czajkowskioh if I plug in a mouse I can login....15:16
davmor2czajkowski: turn down the sensitivity of the pad once your in then15:16
bigcalmSpitting out slabs of lime scale is a sure sine the kettel needs some attention15:18
silnerIt's amazing how much limescale there has to be before you start to taste it15:20
silnerOr it could just be my tastebuds are dead15:20
hamitronwe have a ball of wire mesh to help15:21
hamitronrolls around in the kettle and it turns to a ball of limescale that you take out and smash :)15:21
hamitronfor the most part it works15:22
DJoneshamitron: Isn't a ball of wire mesh better know as a brillowpad15:22
czajkowskidavmor2: odd, changing the sensitivity of the mouse makes no difference.15:24
czajkowskiit's liek the think pad area has a mind of it's own15:24
silnerThey look pretty similar15:24
hamitronDJones: shrugs15:24
davmor2czajkowski: are you changing the sensitivity of the trackpad or the mouse?15:25
davmor2czajkowski: does for me so no idea must be a thinkpad think that or God hates you and this is your penance :D15:26
hamitronDJones: similar I suppose15:26
njpateldavmor2, dude, 3.8.2 is available15:28
davmor2njpatel: cool I'll give it a try asap15:28
czajkowskidavmor2: not feeling the love buddy!15:30
davmor2czajkowski: Sorry sweetness but there no a lot I can do from here for your machine not work there even if I knew how to fix it :(15:32
czajkowskihow on earth do I log a bug against a track pad for flip sake15:33
czajkowskiI shouldnt be allowed near computers you know15:33
=== NawtyMan is now known as apply
davmor2czajkowski: that was my earlier triage for your bug15:35
exobuzz3:35pm. too early for the pub ?15:35
brobostigonexobuzz: never, :)15:36
gordczajkowski, xserver normally i think15:36
exobuzzi think im going to agree and have a pint then15:36
davmor2gord: that's what I thought but xserver is now automatic so nothing will show up there, hence I'd of thought of toning down the speed via the mouse settings15:37
screen-xshade your eyes! http://www.dokuwiki.org15:38
davmor2screen-x: we all thought you were our friend and then you go and do that to us15:39
Mezcan anyone reccomend a spanish company for dedi servers?15:39
czajkowskigord: thanks15:40
directhexel space del rack?15:40
davmor2njpatel: seems to of fixed it partially.  There is a glitch when dnd record my desktop icon in.  The icon changes to an all grey ? however once dropped it changes to the record my desktop icon again15:43
njpateldavmor2, weird....that's definitely a bug15:44
njpatel(thanks for testing too :)15:44
Mezdirecthex: rackspace?15:44
czajkowskigord: when I type xsever it tabs to xserver- ?15:50
czajkowskiany idea what I should put it against15:50
davmor2czajkowski: ubuntu-bug xserver-xorg15:52
bigcalmIf you double click on a word in a web browser, it will sellect that word. I'm using some JS to give a span an action. Is there a way to stop double the hilighting with multiple clicks?15:58
oimonczajkowski: often i update natty halfway during the builds process and it breaks *everything* - have you tried a subsequent pacakge update since your breakage?15:58
screen-xbigcalm: you could attempt to disable selection with css, but that doesn't work in IE :(16:03
bigcalmAh well16:05
bigcalmI could make them <buttons> instead16:05
pwuertzhi! does anybody know about a qt example application for graph-node-editing like this? http://ktown.kde.org/~zrusin/quasar1.png16:10
screen-xpwuertz: that looks like quartz composer16:12
pwuertzscreen-x, exactly16:12
davmor2czajkowski: I get that not 2 on gdm definitely a bug.  You can of course do what I did and click on enter then type in your password :)16:14
czajkowskidavmor2: eh16:14
screen-xpwuertz: have you had a look at http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/base/quasar/ ?16:15
screen-xhi hamin :)16:16
hamitronthat is on my thin client16:16
pwuertzscreen-x, ahh thanks, I didn't know about this site16:17
screen-xwhat sort of thin client hamitron?16:17
davmor2czajkowski: your bug is infectious16:18
hamitronrunning tinycore on it16:18
screen-xits a real live parallel port!16:18
hamitronI seem to ahve lost the terminal on it16:19
davmor2czajkowski: they say there is an update that fixes it so you need to do apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade16:19
czajkowskidavmor2: so not me going mad then!!!!!!!16:20
czajkowskiwhats the bug number so I can go me too!16:20
davmor2czajkowski: I don't know I just asked on the right channel and was told to upgrade again it had been fixed16:21
davmor2czajkowski: you should see a xserver-xorg-synaptics  in the list of packages being updated16:23
davmor2or something similar16:23
davmor2domjohnson: hello16:28
domjohnsonI have a problem while copying to/from an SD card onto my computer. I'm trying o copy a video file from it, both via the internal SD card reader and a USB adapter, and it copies a couple of hundred megabytes before failing with an "Input/Output Error"16:28
dogmatic69disk full?16:28
bigcalmdomjohnson: possibly the SD card is curropt16:28
domjohnsonbigcalm - perhaps, but the camera has no problems with it, and its the same for two different SD cards that have been used in two different cameras.16:29
bigcalmTry copying the files one by one16:30
bigcalmTo see where it fails16:30
oimonalso /var/log/messages may have some useful infgo16:31
czajkowskidavmor2: hmmm16:31
czajkowskistill no change16:31
davmor2czajkowski: you need to reboot16:31
domjohnsonbigcalm - I have tried copying one by one - but its a big file...out of about 700MB, it fails on 20916:32
domjohnsonSeems that the device disconnects itself16:33
pwuertzscreen-x, I'm very sorry, but how do I checkout this directory you posted? Svn refuses to download it because of some relocate error...16:33
screen-xpwuertz: "svn co svn://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/base/quasar" works for me16:51
mgdmpopey: ping?16:52
pwuertzscreen-x, ah ok.. tried http :/16:53
=== imexil1 is now known as imexil
* DJones debates, faster processer/smaller screen or slower processor/larger screen for a laptop17:06
Laneyhow small is smaller?17:06
DJones1366x768 v 1600x90017:06
DJonesIts not as if I do anything that would be processor hungry17:07
DJonesI don't play games, occasionally a bit of video conversion but thats about all17:07
popeymgdm: pong?17:08
bigcalmpopey: he needs a bath17:08
mgdmpopey: in our discussion about web servers the other day - I forgot to ask if you've got APC or Xcache or some other accelerator like that installed17:09
BigRedSsmaller screen!17:09
BigRedSassuming everything else gets smaller also17:09
DJonesBigRedS: I like the larger screen space though17:11
popeymgdm: none of those17:11
LaneyI find my 13" MBP to be a perfect size17:11
mgdmpopey: ! - install php5-apc, I think the package is called - usually improves performance by about 40% on WP installs, in my experience17:12
popeywill try that on my blog, thanks!17:12
popeydoes it need configuring?17:13
mgdmnot for your purposes17:14
mgdmfor the common cases the defaults are fine17:14
* Laney is going to try ikiwiki for le blog soon17:15
popey+1 on the 13" mbp17:15
willy_1977I think I'd go smaller if I had a choice... less weight when I cycle in :p17:17
hamitronI am tempted with this http://www.ebuyer.com/product/21508417:18
willy_1977plus I can always plug in to a monitor with more space (caveats on graphics card of course) when I get to the office / customers17:18
DJonesSize/weight aren't that much of a consideration, 99% of the time it'll be used at one place, current screen size is 1600x1200 which is why I'm more tempted to the larger screen17:20
hamitronwell, I like my dell laptop17:21
hamitronold, heavy and saves on gym fees17:21
DJoneshamitron: Sounds like mine, saves visiting a museum as well, just look at the laptop & see ancient history17:22
hamitronI've even upgraded to a geforce 4 now17:22
hamitronso even better \o/17:22
DJonesIf its been upgraded, it can't be a "classic" though, yours is the 8200 from memory17:23
hamitroncame with a geforce 217:23
DJonesSame as mine then17:23
hamitronmy 2nd one still has a geforce 217:24
hamitrondedicated scalextric pitstop control system \o/17:24
DJonesComparing it to whats out now and comparing the prices makes me think though, I bought it when it was released back in the Windows ME days17:25
hamitron£2300ish? ;)17:25
hamitronmine was anyway :/17:26
hamitronoh, tell a lie17:26
hamitronmy 2nd laptop is the latitude C81017:26
hamitronthe one I wanted at the time that cost £385017:26
hamitronwas out of budget :/17:27
hamitronbought it for £4017:27
hamitronso guess that kinda puts devaluation into perspective17:28
DJonesI wonder how many of todays laptops will still be working and day to day use in 10 years time though17:28
gordlots of people still use windows xp laptops, windows xp was what 10 years ago?17:29
hamitronmy friend got a time laptop at the same time as me getting the dell..... he is on his 5th laptop....17:29
DJonesgord: About that, I got the laptop in the last days of Windows ME, I tried changing the order before it was delivered to XP put on it17:29
DJonesAh well, home time now17:30
hamitronI got XP and always wanted ME :/17:30
hamitronI was 2 weeks late for ME17:30
gordthese days i prefer low power usage/long battery life in my portable machines. my desktop can be my powerhouse, i don't need a laptop to be all that powerful. just enough to get by17:30
hamitrongord: I never actually run off battery still17:31
hamitronit is more of a portable desktop+monitor17:31
shaunoif the battery's 10 years old too, I can't blame you :p17:31
hamitronbut for most uses, I agree with you17:31
hamitronshauno: still get 2 hours17:31
gordi found myself in a similar situation, so i decided to stop using my laptop and get a desktop. nice big monitor - nice powerful machine17:32
gorduse a netbook for my portable stuff. only use the laptop when traveling17:32
hamitronI still use my inspiron for old games17:33
hamitronno drivers for win98 for my last 3 desktop machines :/17:33
hamitrondesktops are better for sure17:34
hamitronand netbooks are more portable17:34
hamitronbut there is some use for that inbetween where you want a bit more power and to move around17:34
hamitronI did a lot of CAD work on my laptop when studying17:35
hamitronnow a netbook......17:35
gordof course we are all stupid, in five years everyone will be using tablets and won't even know what a desktop/laptop *is*.17:36
hamitronI'd replace "everyone" with "most people"17:36
brobostigonor "alot of people"17:37
hamitronfor the average joe pratting about on facebook, a tablet is all they need17:37
hamitronbut I don't think the world has moved on enough, to the point we can all do no work17:37
hamitrontbh, I'd prefer a world where on computer has an OS17:38
hamitronthen we all carry our "comp" around as a usb stick17:39
brobostigonthat wouldbe no fun.17:39
gordi was being sarcastic17:39
hamitronboot our OS of choice17:39
gordi think most people will still use laptops17:39
hamitrongord: I could see your joking actually happening :)17:39
mgdmI rather suspect the computer on a USB stick thing might be a VM somewhere that you connect to, assuming pervasive network access17:40
hamitronmgdm: maybe, yeh17:40
hamitronwhatever happens, can be sure they will leave 5-10% of the population behind, due to technical limitations17:42
penguin42hamitron: Well, you could fit a reasonable machine on a USB stick18:05
penguin42hamitron: Think about a high end mobile but remove pesky things like the battery, lcd, and phone stuff18:05
KrimZonthis time, I was reading mail in gmail, and the thumbnail icon for a youtube video linked in the email but added to the page by gmail, popped up in a new tab - this might be due to optimizegoogle18:06
KrimZonunless gmail always does that without the extension18:08
hamitronpenguin42: my image is more, just a storage device like we have now, but everyone boots off them into their OS/system of choice18:17
penguin42hamitron: Oh you mean just an actual USB key ?18:17
hamitronwhat you suggest would be more fun18:18
penguin42oh, cpu, storage, ram - just plug in a monitor and keyboard18:18
hamitronbut the most important thing to most people is their data18:18
hamitronif each public pc had no storage, it would be easier to administrate, alongside all users having their data and choice of software18:19
penguin42indeed, that's all the thinclient stuff18:20
penguin42or ChromeOS18:20
* davmor2 prods czajkowski as she isn't here to retaliate muhahahahaha18:21
hamitrononly google has this idea of everything being stored on their cloud18:21
hamitronapps run remotely18:22
hamitronif the OS and apps are stored on the local usb key, speed would be much better18:22
penguin42hamitron: Actually given USB sticks normal speed I'm not sure if that's true18:23
hamitronssd usb3.0 drives18:23
MartijnVdSesata \o/18:23
hamitronor esata18:24
mgdmMagic data pixies \o/18:24
hamitronor magic pixies18:24
hamitronerm... ;/18:24
hamitronI think usb is the best, as there is a wide range of devices already with it18:25
hamitronnot many comps with cases that have front facing esata18:25
shaunoI don't have any machines with front-facing usb3 :)18:26
hamitronbut usb2 is enough!18:26
hamitronslower, but functional18:27
hamitronalso, usb is easier to multiply ports18:27
hamitrongeeks could get usb keys with built in devices, like sound cards, etc18:28
MartijnVdSmy 3G modem comes with built-in micro-SD reader18:28
MartijnVdSfor some useless reason18:28
hamitronMartijnVdS: reckon you could boot off it?18:29
MartijnVdSNo, it's in "CD-mode" then18:30
hamitronbut anyway, I think all this boot stuff would be cool in the public place18:30
MartijnVdSyou have to poke it with usb-modeswitch before it shows itself (3G modem + SD reader)18:30
* daubers just had to ring the rozzers after having stuff hurled at him at junction 1218:33
daubersAh well, shall let the authorities deal with them18:34
brobostigonyes. :)18:35
directhexMartijnVdS, you want to know the reason?18:40
daubershamitron: No idea what it was18:40
MartijnVdSdirecthex: for what?18:40
directhexMartijnVdS, the sd slot18:40
MartijnVdSdirecthex: Sure18:41
MartijnVdSBecause the "CD-ROM" part contains the Windows/MacOS drivers..18:41
MartijnVdSit's not for that18:41
directhexMartijnVdS, the chipset inside the dongle is pretty much off-the-shelf for use inside phones18:41
directhexMartijnVdS, so the chipset already has an SD controller18:41
directhexwiring it up is a cheap way to advertise moar features18:42
MartijnVdSintegrated circuit is integrated :)18:42
MartijnVdSmore integrated than I realized :)18:42
directhexwonder what i did wit5h my dongle, since i don't need it18:43
MartijnVdSI don't really use mine either.. my laptop has a built-in Gobi 200018:43
shaunobored of april fools' already.  all my feeds are full of junk :(19:12
brobostigonsame here,19:15
BigRedSyeah, I've avoided twitter today mostly19:16
BigRedSand slashdot19:16
MartijnVdSEveryone in the Netherlands is tweeting from "#FE11"19:18
MartijnVdSdoing outrageous things.. or so they say19:19
directhexMartijnVdS, does your gobi sometimes randomly drop & reappear during use?19:20
MartijnVdSI don't use it that often19:21
MartijnVdShaven't noticed it19:21
directhexi'm on mine right now. thanks, BT!19:21
shaunomy dongle seems to drop if it gets to warm :(19:22
* mgdm quotes that out of context19:22
shaunosomeone had to19:22
shaunobut still, been tempted to take a dremel to it :/  usb sticks shouldn't need heatsinks19:23
* MartijnVdS is seldom tempted to dremel hardware19:35
MartijnVdSbut I might be strange19:35
directhexi can't play any minecraft :(19:38
MartijnVdSbecause of the upgradE?19:38
directhexMartijnVdS, dsl's gone poof19:39
shaunoyou ran out of internets and you're worried about mc?19:39
directhexshauno, i have super slow 3g19:39
* suprengr is on 1st of 3 days off... bokkie o' beer in hand. Feeling sarcastic... warning ;)19:41
brobostigonok, see you chaps nd gals later, i am going out nd having fun.19:41
zleapi found a hdd with breezy on to day :D19:42
MartijnVdSzleap: wow.. stone-age :)19:42
zleapyeah, i took a few old hard disks in to where i am volunteering to try and get a computer working,19:42
zleapso tried to install 9.04 and it showed up on the patition screen 5.10 breezy19:43
zleapwe think there is an issue with the primaryt ide channel as it won't boot,  i can install when it finds the hdd (hence the above)19:43
suprengrzleep checked the cable from ide1 outlet to hdd?  an often missed instant problem solver.19:45
zleapi will do19:46
zleapnext friday need to put ram back in and check everything over again19:46
directhexIDE? that's the interface based on smoke signals, right?19:46
MartijnVdSNah, you can use eclipse to attach disks?! :)19:46
zleapone of the other hdds i tried has windows on it19:46
zleapbut that just blue screened19:47
suprengride... [no it's just an ide[a]  :)19:47
MartijnVdSdon't forget to do "long" SMART tests19:47
* MartijnVdS had a 1.5TB disk die this week :(19:48
* suprengr cries for MartijnVdS 19:48
MartijnVdSGood thing it was in my NAS in RAID119:48
zleapi did a fsck last week and a disk check today no errors19:48
MartijnVdSfsck isn't enough19:48
zleapit would be funny if it could come up with an error if it finds windows19:48
zleapwhat about disk check from the ubuntu install19:48
suprengrzleap: [ckeck that cable19:49
MartijnVdSsuprengr: €60 got me a new disk.. and a nice cup of tea with a good friend :)19:49
MartijnVdSsuprengr: (who lives just around the corner)19:49
zleapwell this comptuer when working should have a whole 512 mb ram19:49
suprengrMartijnVdS: like it ;)19:49
zleapwhich is better than having other computers with 3 64mb sticks of pc100 or 133 in19:50
MartijnVdSspeaking of memory.. I need to check this machine19:50
MartijnVdSI don't remember if I put in 2x2GB or 4x1GB sticks of RAM19:50
zleapthats it rub it in19:51
zleapthe lighthouse IT department welcome donations of such computers :D19:51
hamitronI just built mine, so know I ahve 2x4gb ;)19:51
* DJones rubs a bit harder and is going for 2 laptops tomorrow, both with 4Gb19:51
MartijnVdShamitron: That's why I'm checking :) I want more gigabyteses19:51
daubersI have a dozen 12TB NAS boxes on the bench in the office with 12GB of RAM in each :)19:52
MartijnVdSbut I also want a Sandy Bridge i7, but that'd mean replacing the motherboard19:52
hamitronI need a 256Mb PC133 144 pin SODIMM if anyone has any spare19:52
* MartijnVdS shakes his fist at daubers19:52
zleaphmm if anything i have 64mb19:52
MartijnVdShamitron: I have 64M19:52
zleapor 12819:52
suprengrdaubers: ... boasting!19:52
hamitronmy new box has 64mb already ty19:52
zleap64mb ram19:53
dauberssuprengr: They've all ben sold to clients though :( Just going through load testing19:53
DJoneshamitron: If thats the machine you posted a pic of before, I'm sure I've got some old memory sticks that are bigger than that box19:53
hamitronDJones: hehe19:54
suprengrdaubers: was going to ask for 1 till last comment!19:54
hamitronDJones: I am focused on it, max out the ram and it will be sweet19:54
* suprengr gets wallet out19:54
hamitronlinux kernel doesn't know of SIS cpu, but seems to work fine19:54
DJonesdaubers: What about the one that fell off the workbench19:54
daubersDJones: I have got a smashed up one that was dropped on it's way to the IoM19:55
zleapisle of mann19:55
daubersNeed to write a report for the insurance peoples19:55
MartijnVdSdid it sink? :)19:55
suprengrrebuild, rebuild, superglue,. wallet.... mmmmm19:56
dauberssuprengr: MoBo has a crack in it...19:56
zleapduct tape (or is that duck tape) can never remember19:56
suprengrdaubers: /me withdraws offer as fast as /me can run19:57
dauberssuprengr: I also have no idea what damage has been done to the disks after that kind of wallop19:57
suprengr...& runs faster still!19:57
jacobwHow do you start gnome terminal on Unity :|19:58
suprengrzleap: duct tape is the strong one - duck tape requires a cassette player to listen to... quack!19:59
zleapso use the former, duct tape19:59
suprengrunless you like  "quake"20:00
suprengror "quack"20:00
zleapnot played that much20:00
zleapi played doom a lot though20:00
* mgdm prefers gaffer tape20:00
jacobwHmm, I found terminal now.20:00
* suprengr prefers Doom and gaffer tape20:00
zleapctrl-alt+T brings up terminal20:01
jacobwSome parts of Unity are intuitive, other parts are just like APP FOR THAT! APP FOR THAT!20:01
zleapwell on 10.04 it does20:01
zleapbut its getting more mac like20:01
zleapeven the menus a like how macs work20:01
mgdmI've not tried unity yet20:04
jacobwI gave my netbook running Unity to my Dad to show him the new developments, all he did was open Firefox and went straight to GroupOn20:05
jacobwAll people care about is websites :|20:06
zleapi installed gnomeDO the other day and failed to work out it actually does20:06
jacobwI don't whether we should embrace this or not :s20:06
jacobwIts like Alt-F2 on steroids20:06
directhexjacobw, more or less20:06
suprengrAnyone know the way around this..?  HAD KVM installed (didn't like) so went for Virtualbox... but I get VirtualBox can't operate in VMX root mode. Please disable the KVM kernel extension, recompile your kernel and reboot (VERR_VMX_IN_VMX_ROOT_MODE).20:06
directhexjacobw, try enabling plugins of use to you, then it'll make more sense20:07
directhexjacobw, e.g. you can hit win-space and type the name of an artist you like (or a few letters of their name), to play them in RB or banshee20:07
directhexjacobw, it only works if you use it a lot, and correct it when it picks the wrong thing, via arrows/tab20:07
directhexjacobw, with training, 2 letters is enough for your most common tasks20:07
jacobw-> zleap20:09
zleapwell gnome do puts a huge dialog box on the screen20:10
directhexwin-space "m" = minesweeper!20:10
jacobwIts an omni-launcher20:12
zleapwhats omni then20:13
jacobwHeh, I meant that its supposed to be the way you access everything20:14
jacobwIts like a command line with autocompletion really, press meta+space and type ban<tab> return to start Banshee etc20:15
directhexzleap, here's an example. every Host: line in your ~/.ssh/config is understood by the SSH plugin. so you can hit windows-space, and type some of a hostname, hit enter, and you'll ssh that host. it'll spawn a window and log you in. saves opening a terminal and typing the ssh line20:15
directhexalso uses, say, your firefox history and bookmarks20:16
zleapmaybe it needs demonstrating20:17
zleapit just displayed a box with an icon and very little else20:17
gordi may have only just realised that 7up is not actually green.. its just the bottle that is20:18
MartijnVdSdirecthex: except the window closes as soon as you close the connection20:18
jacobwI don't use it so I can't describe it in detail, but idea is clever :)20:18
MartijnVdSwhich might not be what you want20:18
MartijnVdSAlt+F2 FTW :)20:19
=== gary_ is now known as gforce
AlanBellanyone want to jump onto mumble and check their settings for tomorrow?20:51
PendulumAlanBell: sure :)20:52
DJonesAre there any reasons _not_ to install 64bit ubuntu on a new machine now?20:53
hamitronif you are on a machine with less memory, 32 bit will use less?20:54
DJonesPicking a new machine up tomorrow which is 64-bit with 4gb memory, potentially upgradable to 8gb20:54
DJonesFlash always used to be an issue on 64bit machines, from what I can remember, I thought flash was ok now20:55
hamitronI'd guess so20:56
hamitronplenty of people here post youtube links anyway, and some of them are sure to be on 64 bit20:56
DJonesMight give natty beta a try with it20:58
hamitronmy ubuntu machine can only handle 2gb ram, so not something that has worried me much20:59
DJoneshamitron: Lucky you, mine can only take 512mb ):20:59
hamitron512Mb is starting to feeel like a pinch now, I am finding21:00
hamitronyou can't go crazy on it for sure21:00
DJonesYes, I'm debating whether to reinstall using lubuntu on it or xubuntu21:01
hamitronimo, best to install a cli, then just install what you want21:01
hamitronLXDE is a nice choice21:01
hamitronbut I prefer to not have to download lots of different images21:02
hamitronand just stick to the official alternative cd21:02
andres_kainhum.. hi, how strict is it to do translations (submit sugestions) without going through the registering emailing list and such...21:03
Neotihey people, me again , whats a good MP3 CD ripper for ubuntu i want to rip my CD collection on to my computer @ 192K ish ...21:06
shaunoandres_kain: you might want to try asking in #ubuntu-translators21:08
shaunoI've no idea myself, but they'd surely know where to start :)21:08
andres_kainOK I'll check that channel.  Hope it's not frowned upon... launchpad lets me so I guess it's not that bad.21:09
andres_kaindidn't need to check the channel. silly me. for suggestions there is no need to get into all that stuff.21:16
DJonesOuch, I know its El Reg, but this review doesn't do many favours http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/04/01/ubuntu1004_beta_review/21:17
DJonesNeoti: I use Sound Juicer to rip cd's21:17
Neotithanks DJones21:20
shaunothey're less subtle about it, but seem to echo what I'm hearing from everyone else21:21
hamitronimo ubuntu's high was 8.0421:22
hamitron10.04 ok too, but not like 10.x21:22
hamitronnot like 8.04 I mean21:22
directhex8.04 was the design high-point21:23
directhexevery theme is uglier since21:23
shaunoheh, I don't judge a distro by the theme.  I always go straight back to Industrial anyway :o)21:24
hamitron10.04 seems solid enough, but it just annoys me with some things21:25
hamitron1) hardware support... open source is trying to advance faster than hardware is replaced21:26
hamitron2) they've tried to make it nicer, by adding things in.... and they just sit unused and get me asking "why?"21:26
hamitron3) it just isn't as snappy21:27
hamitronthink that is all, off top of my head21:27
suprengr4) they keep aiming at unity requiring higher hardware requirement & forgetting original intention!21:28
* suprengr runs for cover!21:28
hamitron#1 and #3 are not directly because of ubuntu though21:30
hamitronbut I include them, because I am considering the overall experience21:31
Azelphurshauno: we're trying to do the tree thing on my server21:32
Azelphurcare to join? XD21:32
hamitrontree thing?21:32
Azelphurhamitron: super tall trees :P21:32
hamitronhow is that done?21:33
Azelphurhamitron: he did it with like booster rings21:33
Azelphurbut we can't seem to get it to work :(21:33
hamitronbooster rings?21:33
Azelphurhamitron: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/23042/tree.mov shauno's video :p21:34
Pendulumhiya popey21:54
andres_kainoye.. estoy usando ubuntu 10.04 porque no me actualiza firefox a 4.0_22:03
andres_kainups. wrong channel22:03
andres_kainbut same question22:03
andres_kainIḿ with ubuntu 10.04 why doesnt it update 4?22:04
directhexfirefox 4, you mean?22:05
directhexit breaks a lot of things in the archive, so it's difficult to arrange22:06
directhexthere are many things using firefox's browser engine which need patching or porting or rewriting to use ff4's engine22:06
andres_kainso if I want firefox 4 I need to go to 10.9 or 11.04_22:07
directhextype "apt-cache rdepends xulrunner-1.9.2" in a terminal22:07
DJonesandres_kain: Its also the ubuntu policy to do updates for security reasons, but they don't update to new software versions just because they're released22:08
DJonesandres_kain: You might find that there is a ppa for firefox 4 for 10.0422:08
directhexthere is.22:09
directhexeventually, moving old releases to 4.0 will be needed, because mozilla are crap at security support for anything that isn't their latest22:09
directhexbut that will bring pain and suffering22:09
andres_kainI see... that ppa thing rings a bell. I think I did it for inkscape 0.48.. needed la latex improvement22:10
hamitroncouldn't ff4 be installed inside its own folder in /opt?22:11
directhexhamitron, sure. doesn't help with ff3.6 security woe though22:11
lubotu3Firefox 4 is the current stable version of Firefox. Current versions of Ubuntu do not have it (see !latest), but there is an unofficial and unsupported PPA that you can use by running the following command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox22:11
hamitronno, just lets a user use ff4 alongside22:11
hamitronor that22:12
andres_kainso.. i took an added risk by installing beta firefox in windows xp. like adding a grain of sand on to a mountain...22:12
=== emma is now known as em
penguin42hmm I should go to bed shortly if I'm going to be up for U^323:01
andres_kainU^3 or U$^3$ or $U^3$?23:08
hamitronhow I update tar from lucid-updates when I can't install anything?23:35
penguin42why can't you install anything?23:40
hamitronit is on a vps, with an old kernel23:40
hamitronand there is a bug with tar on kernels older than 2.6.2223:41
hamitronfixed in tar_1.22-2ubuntu1_i386.deb23:42
penguin42does dpkg -i work?23:42
hamitrontar: ./postinst: Cannot utime: Bad file descriptor23:42
directhexextract the package on another machine23:43
penguin42ok, so you need to get yourself a tar, bundle it up with something like cpio and then get it to your machine23:43
directhexscp across23:43
ali1234how did you manage to get into this condition in the first palce?23:43
directhexreplace binary23:43
ali1234an update?23:43
directhexdpkg -x foo.deb /tmp/foobar23:43
directhextar binary should be enough23:43
hamitronon the other machine?23:44
hamitronty, fixed23:50
directhexmy invoice is in the mail.23:50
hamitrondunno what caused it23:55
hamitronI assume they did a kernel update23:55
hamitronbut why didn't I get that error before?23:55

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